5 Rename Fld 4 Lake Ann Park CITY OF
690 COULTER DRIi~1;)P;O3~B109~:01~7F,~X~I¢~I.~,~7SS5~3N~ MINNESOTA 55317
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation
DATE: June 19, 1996
Proposal to Designate Field No. 4 at Lake Ann Park as Lions Park
At the encouragement of the Commission, local service clubs were contacted to assess their interest in
participating in a ballfield improvement project at Lake Ann Park. I am pleased to report that two
organizations responded positively.
The Chanhassen American Legion has pledged $2,000 towards the overall lighting project. The
Chanhassen Lions Club is considering a $100,000 contribution. Roman Roos, President, and Earl
Erickson, First Vice-President of the club, will be conferring with the general membership on June 25,
which is the same night as the Commission meeting. We are hopeful that the general membership will
confirm this contribution.
The Proposal
· Field # 4 will be designated "Lions Field".
· The field will be lighted.
· Spectator seating will be enhanced.
· An entrance monument and "Lions Field" sign will be installed.
· The Lions Club will contribute $100,000' towards these improvements.
*The contribution would be staged over a defined period of time and would be contingent upon the
contribution of charitable gambling.
Things to Know
The attached concept plan was designed for field #6. (The Commission had previously identified fields
#5 and #6 for the project.) The Lions prefer field ~ due to its proximity to the concession stand. For
their purpose, I concur with this assessment. A new concept plan for field #4 will be prepared for
Tuesday night' s meeting.
The Lions Club and staff would like to know the Commission's position on this proposal.
7-Jun-96 I
Lions Field- Lake Ann Park, Chanhassen, MI~
Cost Estimate t Proposed City Proposed Uons
! Costs Costs
Description ! Qt~. Unit Unit Cosl Totals Totals
6' Bituminous Trail & Bleacher Base I 5000 SF $1.70 $8,500
3 Tler Bleachers i 2 EACH $1,500 $3,000
Mod. BlockRetalnlng Wall ~ 29,~ SF $14.00 $4,130
Field Ughtlng - Poles & Fixtures ! 1 LS $40,000 $40,000
Field Ughtlng - Power Distribution ! 1 LS $35,000 $35,000
Grading (rough estimate at this time) 1 LS $2,500 $2,500
Entry Sign 1 LS $6,800 $6,800
Sign Landscaping I 1 LS $3,000 $3,000
Field Ughtlng - Poles & Fixtures I I LS $40,000 $40,000
Field Ughtlng - Power Distribution i 1 LS $35,000 $35,000
NSP 3 Phase Power Extension I 1 LS no charge to the City or Uons
Design, Engineering & Admln. i 1 LS $18,000 $18,000
Subtotal ! $108,130 $87,800
Contingency I 10% $10, 813 $8,780
Total i $118,943 $96,580
Bleachers ~ ,,
12" Culver~
Existing Vegetati°n--~d.~. [//
M°d' B'°ck Ret' Wai~~
Bleachers ~ ~ 12"C~e~' ~
Mod, Block Ret. Wall
Ballfield Lights
:_ ~ ~2¢~ 6 Bituminous Trail '" ( ' ~
Lions Field "Oate"'.~ %~*~'~--~- Proposed Landscaping
O' 25' 50' 100'
LIONS FIELD - Layout Plan
Lake Ann Park Chanhassen, Minnesota
......... Hoisington Koegler Group Inc.