5.5 4th of July Magic MidwayCITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Park and Recreation Commission ~.// -//v Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: June 20, 1996 SUB J: Consider Proposal from Minnesota's Magic Midway Inc. 4th of July Celebration At the request of Mayor Chmiel, the Commission has been asked to consider a proposal from Minnesota's Magic Midway Inc. Skip Reinke of Minnesota Midway will be present on Tuesday night. The attached letter/proposal was sent to the Centennial Committee on April 8, 1996. The Centennial Committee tabled any action. This is a last minute proposal. I honestly do not even know where we would set up the midway. However, the Mayor would like you to consider adding this component to the Centennial 4th of July Celebration. He feels additional attractions are needed for the youth of the community. What is the pleasure of the commission? g:\park\thXmiday FROM : PHOHE NO. : 612 75.z] 3275 PO2 Minnesota's Magic Midway, Inc. 18960 Jasper Str~ct N.W., Suitc A ,, Anoka, MN 55303 Phonc (612) 753 4679 APRIL 8, 1996 Dear Sir; Per our telephone conversation, below is the proposal that we are submitting to the City o5 Chanha~en and the fourth of July committee. Part 1. We ars Minnesota's Magic Midway, Inc. 18960 Jasper Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 We are engaged in the business of providing carnival~ for fairs, festivals, and community fun fairs. Part 1. A. We carry $1,000,000.00 worth of liability insurance. B. We have a list of referonoes from local and surrounding communities. C. We carry workmen's oompensatlon. D. We carry all necessary electricity and facilities to operate. Part 2. We are proposing to you to have a carnival in your city on July 3 and 4, 1996. Whoroa~ we will pay to the committee 25% of all carnival proceeds~ and $30.00 per food vendor and game concession. Part 3. Enclosed please find a flyer with some lnformatlon about our carnival. We will also provide a list o~ ~eference~ upon request. If you would lik= to meet with us, we have pictu~e~ we can show you, and also any questions %hat you may hava regarding our operation. Thank-you for your time and considoratton. Respectfully submitted, E. "Skip" R.inke '~ a~d~p 0968I '~)NI 'AV~ACllIAI ~)IOVIAt $,¥3.O~-~IH q' -"* ~-':.~- ~9 : '[IN BNOHd mit e,,.II '"I:_R,=I S?~£ ES& F~'l;9 : 'ON Sit,.IOH,cl : l..lf-];~.-.I '~S~ ~9 'OI'.l 3NOH,3 G&c-'.'.-" ~_ ~ : PHONE NO. : 612 753 3~r~_~S