8a Youth Program ReportCITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 Memo To: From: Date: Subject: Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisor-~ June 19, 1996 Summer Youth Program Update June 10 was the official kickoff day for numerous summer youth programs. The weather cooperated with sunny sky's and temps in the 70's and 80's. Unfortunately, week 2 started out with rain so 962-9001 was quickly initiated as the information/weather phone line for the summer playground, tennis program. Summer Attendance as to date: Summer Discovery Playground Tiny Mites - 188 participants Dyna Mites - 207 participants Summer Sensations 10 participants Kids in the Kitchen '36 participants Summer Dance 6 p articip ants Tennis Lessons Session I - Youth - 68 participants Session I - Adult - 9 participants JR, Tennis Team 29 participants Page 2 All programs listed are fee for service programs. Wednesday, June 19 was the first "Wing Dings." AlphaBits a music group entertained over 275 kids and adults to music from A to Z. With clouds overhead and the chance of rain, the event was moved to the Chanhassen Recreation Center. The next "Wing Dings" is scheduled for June 26. All "Wing Dings" are FREE. Busy busy busy is the word, as parents cart their children from one activity to another and as our leaders provide a safe, fun environment for their children.