The Canada Goose Program
2195 Dudley Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55108
June 6, 1996
Mr. Todd Hoffman
City of Chanhassen
690 Coulter Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
3UN 1 0 REC'D
Dear Todd:
I want to update you on the goose population control program for 1996 and inquire as to
whether you want goose removal this summer.
The Metropolitan Canada goose population control program will continue this year as it has
for the past 15 years with one major change. This year because no states are
willing to take adult geese, the adult geese will be processed for the Twin
Cities food shelves. A pilot evaluation of the food shelf program was done last
summer (a copy of the report is enclosed). We also evaluated whether we could release
adults in outstate Minnesota and still maintain effective Twin Cities population control. Of
200 neckbanded metro area adults relocated to the Talcot Lake Wildlife Management Area
near Worthington in southwestern Minnesota, more than 50% returned to the Twin Cities
within two months, an unacceptable return rate for effective population control.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources estimates the cost of processing adults to
be $15 per goose (see enclosed letter). Because the goose removal costs in the past were
based on adult relocation rather than food shelf processing, there will have to be a
additional billing based on the 1996 cost for goose holding and processing. Based on the
number of adults captured at your site in 1995 (55), I estimate the additional cost to be
$750 for a total of $2,750. Billing for the removal and processing costs will be done after
the goose products are delivered to the food shelves in late fall.
If you wish to continue the goose management program, please retum the enclosed
postcard or call (624-1223) or (644-6206) or email (jac@ me.
Please feel free to contact me at 624-1223 during the day and at 644-6206 in the evenings if
you have questions or concerns.
Enclosed is a bill for the 1995 removal.
Sincerely yours,
DrX. xJa.~es A. Cooper
June 5, 1996
Billing for 1995 Services
City of Chanhassen $2,000
Please make the Check payable to The Canada Goose Program and mail to:
The Canada Goose Program
2195 Dudley Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55108
Thank you
(612) 296'-6157
March 5, 1996
Dr. James A. Cooper
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
University of Minnesota
'1980 Folwell Ay., 200 Hodson Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108
North American Waterfowl
Management Plan
Plan nord-am~ricain de
gestion de la saumgine
Dear Dr. Cooper:
Last year, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) conducted a pilot study to determine the
feasibility of using Canada geese you captured in the Twin Cities for human consumption through
area food shelves. This study was precipitated by diminishing alternatives for translocating adult
geese to other areas, and a lack of other options.
We have concluded our pilot study, and determined that the use of food shelves is practical and
beneficial to the recipient public. Because no other disposal altematives have become available, we
are proposing to process adult geese through this method again this year. As we have no other states
willing to take adult geese, we are, at this time, proposing to process all captured adult Canada geese
for food shelf use. You may wish to share this information with your participating communities.
The costs for holding, feeding and processing the birds for food shelves is approximately $15.00 per
bird~ For the pilot study, DNR absorbed these costs. Now that this program will be ongoing,
however, costs will have to be paid from elsewhere, presumably those municipalities where geese
are removed. Please inform your contracted municipalities of this extra cost and be prepared to
collect it from them. We will work with you further on refining the cost estimate and transferring
Thanks for your continued cooperation on this problematic issue. If you have any questions, please
feel free to contact me.
B~refnicker, Chief
Section of Wildlife
City of
May 9, 1996
City of Chanhassen
ATTN: Todd Hoffman
690 Coulter Dr.
Chanhassen, MN 55317
MAY 1 3 1996
Dear Todd:
I am delighted to inform you that the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association Awards
Committee has selected The Chanhassen Recreation Center/Bluff Creek Elementary School to
receive an MRPA Award of Excellence in the Facilities Category.
This year, the Awards Committee granted the Award of Excellence to sixteen projects which
include the following:
City of Plymouth
City of South St. Paul
City of Shoreview
City of Shakopee
City of Owatonna
City of Roseville
Eden Prairie Arts Commission
City of St. Paul
City of Champlin
City of Chanhassen
~ Ramsey County
City of Hastings
i',~4 DI'CR
City of Thief River Falls
City of Theft River Falls
City of New Ulm
Arbor Day Celebration
Splash Pool
Child Care Program
Shakopee Rotary Rest Stops
Kids First Athletic Program
Roundup for the Environment
Taste on the Prairie
SE Asian Elder Program
Andrews Park
Bluff Creek Elem./Rec. Ctr.
Island Lk. Co. Pk. Transformation
Vermillion Rivcr Trail Bridge
Dam Removal/Big Cottonwood Rv.
Safety Camp
Kid's First Campaign
Beginning in June, a member of the Awards Committee and/or MRPA Board of Directors will
come to your Community to present your Award of Excellence before your City Council or
Park and Recreation Commission. Please let me know (at 612-450-2588), when and where
you would like the award presented. Please call soon so we can arrange for this presentation
by one of our committee members. If possible give us 2-3 possible dates so we can arrange for
a presentation on one of the days suggested.
TELEPHONE (612) 450-2500 * CITY OFFICE FAX (612) 450~2502 * POLICE FAX (612) 450-2543
Page 2 (Cont.)
May 9, 1996
If you feel it is appropriate, you may wish to invite a member of your local press to the
presentation to take photos. The benefits, of course, are that it provides visibility and
recognition to your project and agency, and it also creates an awareness of the lVfinnesota
Recreation and Park Association.
Again, Congratulations, on your wonderful accomplishment!
Marcie Padgett, Chair
1996 MRPA Awards Committee
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
May 22, 1996
Mr. Robert Filippi
1731 Woodduck Circle
Excelsior, MN 55331
Dear Mr. Filippi:
You approached me at Pheasant Hill Park on the evening of May 21 as the city's Park & Recreation
Commission and I enjoyed a picnic supper. I would like to thank you for your concern regarding the
enforcement of park rules at Pheasant Hill Park. We appreciate residents who take an active role in
protecting public properties. The city's Park & Recreation Commission routinely conducts vehicle and
walking tours of park sites. As you may be aware, the commission is an appointed group of your peers
who oversee the management and operation of the city's park, trail and recreation amenities. On the
evening of the 21 st, the commission selected Pheasant Hill Park as one of four tour stops prior to their
monthly business meeting.
Members of the commission would certainly prefer to "walk" every site that we visit. Unfortunately,
constraints on their time as volunteers restrict our ability to do so. To maximize the group's efficiency
and effectiveness, we commonly enter and exit park sites by vehicle, making use of the city's trail
networks. In doing so, the commission is able to visit a number of sites in the short time available to
For your information, the commission visited Pheasant Hill Park at the request of one of your neighbors.
This person was kind enough to make an appointment to discuss issues of concern to her. The
commission will also be initiating the development of their 1997 Park and Trail Acquisition and
Development Capital Improvement Program at their June meeting. These site tours give them a first
hand look at how the parks are coming along.
Again, thank you for your stewardship. We appreciate your concern in protecting the city's resources.
Todd Hoffman, CLP
Park & Recreation Director
Park & Recreation Commission
- Independent School District
110600 Village Road
Chaska, MN 55318
June 12, 1996
Todd Hoffman
Tom Redman
Greg Shank ~
Use of Volunteer Building Monitors
As previously indicated, the Community Education Advisory Council addressed the
recommendation from the Facilities Use Task Force and Facilities Committee at its June 10
meeting. There was significant consideration and input regarding this recommendation. At~er
deliberation, the recommendation was accepted to begin using paid building monitors for evenings
and weekends when other custodial supervision is unavailable, beginning with the school year, fall
We fully understand the concerns with the change of utilizing volunteer building monitors, but
after consideration for nearly a year, it is the feeling that as we grow and change in our
communities, that issues of safety, security, accountability and consistency of procedures and
policy implementation become increasingly significant.
I am writing this in advance of official School Board action on July 18 to allow ample time to
address programming impacts for the fall of 1996. Also, I encourage additional input that may
provide a different perspective so we can work cooperatively to address any hardships that this
change in procedure may create.
I will be on vacation for a period of time, but will return to regular office hours beginning July 8.
Please feel free to contact me at 368-3680 with any additional thoughts. Thank you in advance
for your assistance in working with our community user groups as we implement this difficult but
important change in procedure.
Don Ashworth
Don Chmiel
Dave Clough
Dave Pokorney
Bob Roepke
Fred Whitney
JUN 1 7 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
May 3, 1996
Mr. Steve Olinger, President
Chaska/Chanhassen Hockey Association
4940 Viking Drive, Suite 600
Edina, MN 55435
Dear Steve:
This letter is a follow up of our meetings of March 22 and May 2, 1996. The City of Chanhassen Park
and Recreation Department is pleased to facilitate the exploration of Lots 5 and 6, Chanhassen Lakes
Business Park 5th Addition as a possible location for an ice arena. As you know, this property is owned
by the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA). The presence of poor soils in these
two lots diminishes their marketability. These conditions led to the previous owner (Opus) selling the
lots to the HRA.
If you decide you would like to move forward, I will respectfully request the HRA consider a $1 lease for
a term of 50 to 100 years on this property. If approved, this type of arrangement will certainly make
$100,000 to $200,000 in soil corrections more palatable. Obviously, the extent of soil corrections
required is a big wild card in this entire scenario. I continue to actively pursue additional information
regarding the soils in these two lots.
I have scheduled a presentation regarding the potential of constructing an ice arena at this location before
the HRA for Thursday, May 16, 1996. Subsequent meetings would then be required with the Park &
Recreation Commission, Planning Commission and City Council. Please keep in touch and good luck in
your pursuit of a new arena for the Chaska/Chanhassen Hockey Association.
Todd Hoffman
Park & Recreation Director
Mayor and City Council
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Park and Recreation Commission
Planning Commission
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager
Kate Aanenson, Planning Director
Charles Folch, City Engineer
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Park & Recreation Commission
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
Scott Harr, Public Safety Director
May 28, 1996
Enforcement of Park Rules & Ordinances
Regarding your kind memo dated May 22 regarding the support the Park & Recreation
Commission wishes to extend to the officers working in the parks, I want you to know that the
support means a great deal to all of us. While it is not always easy to enforce what many
consider 'petty' rules, it makes life for everyone a great deal easier. Those of us concerned with
safe parks know the importance of keeping animals under control, preventing damage to grass
and other park attributes, as well as keeping the park generally a safe place for all.
Unfortunately, it is the very same things that make parks a wonderful place to "get away from it
all" that make them susceptible to problems. By working together we can ensure our parks to be
a safe and pleasant place to enjoy. Your support means a gmat deal to all of us, and I am pleased
to pass it on to the officers.
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Ms. Sally Pallanson
6320 Summit Circle
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Ms. Pallanson:
Thank you for the offer to donate five "component" pieces of playground equipment to the City of
Chanhassen. I appreciate you taking the time to meet with Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent and I to
view the equipment. As I stated, the City is in a position to accept these items. This acceptance is
contingent upon City Council approval on June 10, 1996. (The Council reviews donations valued in excess
of $500.)
We will pick up the equipment prior to weeks end. The pieces will be added to our inventory of
replacement pans. The following assessment of value is listed for your information.
I "American" aluminum spiral slide $ 400.00
I "Landscape Structures" coated chair ladder 100.00
1 "Landscape Structures" plastic slide 150.00
2 "Landscape Structures" tendertuffdecks 150.00
Total $ 800.00
Again, thank you for your generous offer. I will see to it that the equipment will be put to the best possible
Todd Hoffman, CLP
Park and Recreation Director
~/4?ty Council
ark and Recreation Commission
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
May 15, 1996
Bill Weckman
Carver County
600 East Fourth Street
Chaska, MN 55318
Galpin Boulevard Reconstruction Project from Lyman Boulevard to Timberwood Drive
SAP No. I0-619-04, City File No. PW026E
Dear Bill:
There were a couple of items which were brought up and discussed at a recent department head
staff meeting regarding the Galpin Boulevard Reconstruction Project from Lyman Boulevard
south to Timberwood Drive. The first item involves the elimination of the north access to the
proposed Southern Oaks development (Fisher property) located at Station 61+34. Thus, this
curbcut and the associated southbound right turnlane can be eliminated. This development is
proposed to be served via one access off of Galpin Boulevard which is to be located immediately
across from Stone Creek Drive at approximately Station 10+00.
Item No. 2 involves confirming the C. it~y's desire to see a trail also extended along the west side of
Galpin Boulevard from Timberwood Drive south to Lyman Boulevard (this is shown on the plan).
WriTes trail is in ~'d-'d'i[ibn to the ~rail -to ~ constructed along the east side of Galpin Boulevard to the
Stone Cree~velopment as s-'ti-own on the plans. Again, this'p-01n't is mere-l~ to -c~e
City's intent to have complete trails ~onStmcted on both sides of Galp'Tn-~
Timb~rwood Drive south to Lyman Boulevard.
The final item involves the issue of the Pioneer Cemetery. As we have discussed, it is the City's
intent to have the driveway entrance and main drive aisle into the Pioneer Cemetery paved with a
bituminous surface. City Maintenance staff will conduct the grading and rock base placement
activities prior to the placement of bituminous by the road paving contractor. The Maintenance
staff have asked for approximately a two-week advance notice of when the paving might occur so
that they would have ample time to conduct the necessary preparatory work. As we get closer
the paving operations, please let me know of the schedule so I may forward this information
Mr. Bill Weckrnan
May 15, 1996
Page 2
If you have any questions or further comments on any of these of any other issues related to the
project, please feel free to contact me.
Charles D. Folch, P.E.
Director of Public Works
Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer
Kate Aanenson, Planning Director
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
Karen Engelhardt, Office Manager
g:Xen gXchasle sqett er skgalpin .1~'
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
May 3, 1996
Michael & Cynthia Leeman
8726 Flamingo Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Leeman:
The City Park Superintendent has informed me that you have once again placed a wood pile
wholly within the limits of Power Hill Park. This is the third contact the city has made
concerning your encroachment on city parkland. Please remove your property by Monday,
May 20, 1996. If the encroachment persists or continues in the future, the city will simply
remove the property without notification.
I would be glad to discuss this issue with you in more detail if you desire. You may contact me
at the City of Chanhassen at 937-1900 ext. 121. Thank you for your cooperation.
Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
Park and Recreation Commission
Dale Gregory, Park and Recreation DireCtor
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
April 29, 1996
Mr. Michael Pflaum
Lundgren Brothers Construction
935 East Wayzata Blvd.
Wayzata, MN 55391
Dear Mike:
Thank you for your letter of April 2, 1996, regarding Fawn Hill (Rogers/Dolejsi property)
and its relationship to Bandimere Community Park. I am pleased to respond to your
"I recall discussing the use of the future park with you several months ago
and at that time you indicated that the portion adjacent to our development
would probably be utilized for soccer fields. Has this use now been
replaced with baseball Or softball fields as your letter suggests?"
No. The concept park plan depicts soccer fields adjacent to Fawn Hill.
Any soccer fields on the site, in addition to the baseball and softball fields,
will be considered for illumination.
Question: .~"D° yOu have a layout or plan that we can use to inform prospective
~ ~-;i~:','~ ;. : :~ ,: ,
No. A park Concept plan is analogous to a concept residential plat. Many
changes can occur betWeen the "concept" and "construction" phases of a
project. Neither you nor I will know what the final layout of the park will
be until such time as a final master plan is adopted in preparation for
construction of the park.
Regarding alcoholic beverages in parks, the City of Chanhassen currently enforces the
following ordinance:
Mr. Michael Pflaum
April 29, 1996
Page 2
"Except for malt beverages (non-glass containers), no person shall consume or
have in his or her possession while within any city park any bottle or receptacle
which contains intoxicating liquor which has been opened, or the seal broken, or
the contents which have been partially removed."
Regarding trail fee credit for dedication of trail easements and construction, upon final
plat submittal of the outlots which contain these trail components, the city and Lundgren
Brothers Construction shall agree on a value for these amenities. This amount will then
be deducted from the trail fees due in that addition.
Regarding your inquiry about receiving trail fee credit for the construction of sidewalks,
trail fees are "banked" with the intention of being utilized to advance the city's
comprehensive trail plan. Neighborhood sidewalks along thoroughfares which "connect"
neighborhoods to the trail system are desirable. Some developers automatically install
such sidewalks as an amenity for their site. Others are required by ordinance to install
them. In either scenario, trail fee credit is not considered.
The city looks forward to the future development of Fawn Hill. I appreciate your
continued correspondence. Your thoroughness will help to ensure that the project
progresses smoothly and results in a product which will be valued by the community for
years to come.
Todd Hoffman, CLP
Park & Recreation Director
c: ~Park & Recreation Commission
Kate Aanenson, Planning Director
Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
April 26, 1996
Mr. Tim Jeske
Director of Mechanical & Maintenance
Twin City and Western Railroad
2525 12th Street East
Glencoe, MN 55336
Dear Mr. Jeske:
The City of Chanhassen would like to request utilization of an existing underpass of the Twin
City and Western Railroad for a pedestrian trail. The underpass is located within the City of
Chanhassen between Audubon Road and Galpin Boulevard. The city is prepared to assume the
costs associated with this use.
A map is enclosed to assist you in reviewing our request. Please contact me at your earliest
Todd Hoffman, CLP.
Park and Recreation Director
c: Mayor and City CoUncil
v'Park and Recreation Commission
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Charles Folch, City Engineer
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
April 24, 1996
Mr. Ken Adolf
Schoell & Madson
10580 Wayzata Blvd., Ste. 1
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Re: Creekside; Heritage Development
Dear Ken:
Could you please provide the City a schedule for the trail work specified in the special provisions
section of the development contract for Creekside Addition?
Thank you.
Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director, CLP
Heritage >pment
Dave He~ ~sitant City Engineer
Bill Bement, Engineering Technician II
V Park and Recreation Commission
TO: A ~,_~,,--~,~
PO ,If
Youth Commission Agenda
Tuesday, May 28, 1996
?:00 pm
ECC Board Room
Treats: Everyone please bring 6-12 treats to share, Please arrive by 6:50
so we are ready to start the meeting at 7:00 sharp!
1. Call to order.
2. Take Attendance.
3. Update on Battle of the Bands
4. Update on New Student Mentor Program
5. Historian Position
6. Volunteer Service Directory
7. School Presentations
8. Coca Cola Fund Raiser
9. Super America - Idea to share food
10. Possible YC involvement in promoting "Day in May"
11. Christmas In May - Need help from Youth Commission at River City Days
12. Set date for flower bed clean up. Plant flowers?
13. YC Openings
14. Date for meeting of Executive Committee with Alexis Bengston from LIFT
15. Other business
Next meeting:
MAY 2 4 1996
Youth Commission Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 29, 1996
ECC - Board Room
7:00 8:45 pm
Present: Sherri Mahoney, Rachel Berg, Lisa Silkey, Christina Osborn, Kathy We/lens,
Shannon Siegfried, Pat Brown, Ryan Wardle, Mary Myllyla, Brad Johnson, Anna Bleck,
Molly Starr, Cathryn Campbell, Steve Floe & Jeanne Straus.
Absent: Paula Ashley and Julie Fee
The meeting was brought to order by Cathryn, The meeting agenda was reviewed and
1) Battle of the Bands.
· Shoes/Bags Committee. Sherri, Shannon, and Christina will organize.
· Publicity/Flyers. Rachel will get flyer made up and distributed at CHS.
Steve will get flyers to Minnetonka. Flyers will also go to Eden Prairie
and Bloomington Jefferson.
· Parking. Have talked with City of Chan- Public Health & Safety Dept.
Students can park along the street and in both east and west parking lots.
Chart Community Service Officers will patrol the area.
Should have someone from Youth Commission help with parking.
· Stages from the high school will be used. Pat will get carpet to place under
· Extension cords: Jeanne will bring 4 or 5.
· Pop. Will not purchase pop from Coopers. Velvet Green has it covered.
· Security. Five high school seniors will stand in front of the stage areas.
· Carver County Sheriff Reserve Officers (minimum of 4) will attend.
· Parents of YC members are urged to help. Be there by 6:30 pm.
· Judges. Lisa will ask two friends to help judge.
· Decision was made to give the proceeds toward of the grand piano
at ~' .... ~ -~
~, ,~: new ,II,fl school.
· Decision ,,vas made there would be a first place winner only with 20% of the
gate receipts going to the winner.
· Four "Security" t-shirts were made printed for use by CHS seniors.
· Ryan is in charge of the PA system.
· Ticket sales Chairs: Lisa and Shannon. Lisa will get $100 in change.
· Cash Box/Hand Stamp -Jeanne
· Flyers will read as follows:
Names of Bands, May 10, 7:30 - 11:30, Free Parking, Chan Rec Center,
Hwy 5 and Galpin Blvd, Refreshments courtesy of Velvet Green, Substance Free
Next on the agenda was a discussion on the New Student Mentor Party scheduled for
May 17. Lots of prizes have been obtained. Still need an idea for activity.
A date for Loaves & Fishes was discussed.
to hold a Loaves & Fishes event.
Due to busy. schedules, it was agreed not
There was some discussion on the Youth Service Directory. It will not be available this
spring. Perhaps it could be worked on during the summer and made available at the
beginning of school.
We need to set a date at the next meeting to clean the flower beds at the high school.
There are three student openings on the Youth Commission. We need to fill the
positions of Cathryn (School Board), Pat Brown (School Board) and Ryan (Chaska).
Please encourage students to apply,
Anna, Rachel and Molly made a presentation at Jonathan Elementary School. The
students had a great many ideas for improvements. Some of their ideas include more
computers, longer lunches, doors on bathrooms, more guest speakers, more
supervisionon playground, pen pals with the middle school and the high school, etc. A
list of the various feedbacks from the middle school and elementary will be compiled
and sent to the various agencies such as city councils and the school board. Need
help in compiling and writing the cover letter. Volunteers? Jeanne agreed to get
Jonathan's list to Suzann Peterson, Counselor at JES.
To date, no presentations have been made at Bluff Creek, East Union, and
Chanhassen Elementary. Perhaps next fall. YC needs to remember to provide follow-
through efforts and discussions at each of the elementary schools.
The discussion regarding expansion of YC membership will be postponed until fall.
Applications and positions are already being filled. Any decision to change or add to
YC membership will not affect the 1996-1997 Youth Commission. Did discuss need to
represent the needs of various cultures who reside in District 112. Perhaps we should
specifically recruit from members of the Ebenezer Congregation at Crown of Glory
Reminder that YC members will make red ribbons available to students on May 7 when
Jackie Sticha from MADD gives a presentation. There is some confusion as to where
Jackie is scheduled to speak, high school or coop. Ribbons will be delivered to the
appropriate site.
Shannon announced that she did get posters up for Camp Courage who need students
to volunteer this summer.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Battle of the Bands
Financial Report
Admission @ $5 ea
$ 50
$ 50
$ 40
First Place
Second Place
Third Place
Security shirts
Flood lights
Pop for bands
$1415 Income
$ 505 Expense
$ 910 Balance
Propose donation of $900 to grand piano fund~
Youth Commission Minutes
April 16, 1996 7:00 pm
ECC Board Room
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Chair Cathryn Campbell. Those present
included: Christina Osborn, Mary Myllyla, Sherri Maloney, Rachel Berg, Anna Bleck,
Molly Starr, Lisa Silkey, Brad Johnson, Shannon Siegfried, Steve Floe, Pat Brown,
Ryan Wardle, Jeanne Straus.
Special Guests included Carver County Sheriff Reserve Officers:
Lila Melcher, Sherry Black, and Tanya Hunt.
1. New Student Mentor Program. May __ at 6pm (before the Rosemont baseball
game.) Went through the list of donations for the mentor party.
Youth Commission members are asked to arrive by 5:30 pm at the latest. Suggestion
was made to write a "letter" for donations since more than one business has indicated a
desire to have that prior to making a donation. Committee chairs asked for ideas for an
activity. Location suggestions are also needed.
2. Historian Position
Rachel and Ryan are the historians. The photo albums and some clippings are
in a box stored in Jeanne's office. Please pick that up. Does someone have the recent
clipping, letter to the editor, about the new student mentor party? We need one for the
3. Youth Service Directory
Lisa has received a few of the calling sheets back. Please mail the completed
forms to Lisa as soon as possible. Ask if the locations had any responses. Ms. Lila
Melcher offered to distribute copies to kids. She would like 100 - 200 copies once they
are printed.
4. School Presentations informing students about YC
Chaska Elementary: Need more support for Hispanic population.
Need mentors for "at-risk students"
Improve playground area
Chart Elem: will be scheduled
Jonathan: will be scheduled
Bluff Creek: Have no student council yet.
CMS: Need "hang-out place" for teens
Questioned the Community Center's charges of resident vs non-resident.
Middle schoolers who live in Chan have to pay more. Can we ask them to consider
changing that? Request the same fee for all District 112 students. Look into a drive-in movie theatre.
Students were interested and enjoyable to talk with.
APR 2 6 1996
5. Super America Project. Distribute baked goods (scheduled daily to be thrown away)
to food shelves and others who can use it. Rachel and Jeanne will meet at 2:45 pm on
Tuesday, April 23 in Jeanne's office to discuss it and bring an update to the next
meeting. · '
6. YC membership will be discussed at the April 29 meeting.
7. Battle of the Bands:
May 10 at Chan Re¢ Center. May need both gyms, both city and school.
Need stages. Jeanne will check into and get info to Pat.
Have 7 bands scheduled.
Velvet Green will provide the coffee and tea in one of the 4 community rooms.
$30 was allotted for printing of 4 security t-shirts. Shannon will handle.
Need to check into possible parking problems. Shuttle Bus?
Question was raised about what the city and school want done regarding shoes.
Pop will be sold inside the building.
Clean-up schedule will be determined.
Be there at 4:30 pm to help with set-up. Music begins at 7:30 pm
Need judges! Any ideas please call Pat.
8. Loaves and Fishes will be scheduled for May 5th or 7th. Kathy will update us on
April 29.
9. Need more publicity for Youth Commission. Put notices in local and school
newspapers about meetings, upcoming events, and accomplishments. Whose
responsibility in the future?
New Business
1. Shannon informed the group that Camp Courage is in need of volunteers during the
week of June 8 -15 this summer. June 8th is the orientation. Shannon agreed to put
posters up in school and asked YC members to put them up in their workplaces.
2. "Day in May" is sponsored by the League of Women Voters and by the Kiwanis.
Recent turnouts have been Iow. How can the YC help? Promotions? Perhaps there
needs to be more communications. Advertise it in the high school newspaper. Find out
why many sign up and then some don't attend.
3. A community meeting was held 4/15 at the Chan Rec Center to begin the process of
establishing a MADD Chapter in Carver County. MADD supports victims/families of
those hurt in car accidents caused by drivers who have been drinking. They take notes
during trials and help remind judges of the facts. Victims participate on "Impact
Panels". They talk about how car crashes affect their lives. They promote "zero
tolerance". One drop of alcohol and your license is suspended. An informational
phone line will be available in September. They hope to bridge the gap between youth
and the Sheriff's Department. They need volunteers to suggest ideas. MADD is
coming to CHS (or the Coop) for a program called "Arrive Alive"on May 7 at 10 am.
Jackie Sticha from the State Patrol will make a presentation. Perhaps the YC would
like to help distribute red ribbons and welcome the speaker. Shannon and Cathryn will
coordinate. Jeanne will help coordinate getting a letter from C. Finzen's office out
regarding prom and drinking. Lila asked for any prevention ideas regarding possible
drinking after prom and graduation celebrations. Letters to the Editor seem to be very
4. "Learn to Lead" conference planning is scheduled for April 24 between 4-5:30 pm at
the Gaylord Courthouse. Looking for youth and adults to participate. The conference
is generally held in the fall. Call Jeanne if you can attend the 4/24/meeting.
5. Coca-Cola has a fundraiser which schools can access. It will be placed on a future
6. Clean up of the flower beds at the high school - How about a date in May?
Shannon will help get us organized. (Meantime - if each _one of us who attends school
there or happens to be at the high school spent just five minutes picking up pieces of
paper or debris, the area would look much better. Let's see what happens! from JS)
Individuals can make a difference/
The next YC meeting is scheduled for April 29 at 7 pm in the teachers' lounge at Early
Childhood Center. Same building as usual, different room and on first floor.
Motion to adjourn/Ryan, Second/Pat. Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Hennepin County Dept. of Public Work~
Transportation Division
320 Washington Avenue South
Hopkins, Minnesota 55343-8468
Todd Hoffman
Parks Director
City of Chanhassen
690 Coulter Dr., Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
The City of Chanhassen's annual 4th of July Celebration...
11:00 A.M.- 12:00 Noon
AGES 5-15
Every contestant wins a prlzel
Trophies and prizes awarded for the
largest fish, longest fish and small-
est fish in two age categories: 5-9
years and 10-15 years.
Everyone eligible for prize draw-
ings. Prizes include rod and reel
combos; kids' tackle kits; gift
certificates; cane poles; bobbers;
bait buckets; 4th of July t-shirts;
merchandise coupons; fishing lures;
sinkers and more!
For more information, contact
Sonya Rippe at 937-1900 ext. 142.
Sponsored by
area buSillesses.
· ·
· ·
· ·
· . Preregistration required. ·
· ·
· ·
· · Check in at Lake Ann near the ·
· boat landing at 10:45 a.m. ·
· ·
· ·
· . Fishing allowed from the pier ·
· ·
· or _______-qho~*~. ·
· ·
· ·
·. Weigh-in fish as you catch them, ·
· ·
· then release them or take them ·
· ·
· home for cleaning. ·
· ·
· All adults helping must have a ·
·ofishing license. Kids 15 years of ·
· age and younger do not need a ·
· ·
· license. ·
· ·
· ·
· · All largemouth bass must be ·
· ·
· returned to the water ·
·. immediately. ' .
Kids Fishing Festival
Registration Form
City/Zip: Phone:.
Return completed form to the City of Chanhassen, 690 Coulter Dr., Chanhassen MN 55317
by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, July 1, 1996.
· $10/person entry fee. Prereglstratlon required.
· Maximum of 50 participants
· State of Minnesota fishing regulations shall be followed.
· All contestants shall provide their own boat and be
responsible for launching. Boats subject to search.
Fishing is also permitted from the shoreline or pier.
· The Minnesota DNR has designated Lake Ann as a
Catch and Release lake for Largemouth Bass.
Measure all Largemouth Bass with the ruler provided
and return them to the water immediately.
Largemouth Bass prizes will be awarded to the
longest fish, not by weight.
· Practice good sportsmanship and honesty.
· Lake Ann is a non-motorized lake; however, electric
trolling motors are allowed. Outboard motors may
remain on boats in the upright position.
· All fish must be weighed-in or measured at the weigh-in
station by 10:00 a.m.
· Each contestent eligible for one prize.
· Please inspect your watercraft for Eurasian Water
Largest Northern
2nd Place Northern
Largest Crappie
Largest Sunfish
Berkley Digital Fish Scale
Piano Tackle Box &
Rapala Filet Knife
Shimano Rod & Reed Combo
Cyclone Pan Fish Scaler
Bass Category:
1. Chanhassen Recreation Center 20 punch card
2. Chanhassen Hat
3. Lake Ann Park Seasonal Pass
0 o oo //
For more information,
contact Jerry Ruegemer at
937-1900 ext. 126.
Adult Fishing Contest Registration Form $10
City/Zip: Phone: (day) (eve)
Return completed form with payment by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, July 1
City of Chanhassen, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317
Men's Fireworks
Softball Tournament
11"'- July 4,.1996
Lo~ati~n: Lake Ann Park, Chanhassen, Minnesota
Enfl'y Fee: $85 plus 2 new balls
Deadline: June 28, 1996
Prizes: Awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Places
Tournament Rules
· All games played on 55 minute schedule. 20 mn rule
after 3 innings, 15 after 4 innings, 10 after 5 innings.
· Games scheduled every 70 minutes.
· Games will be 3/2, no courtesy.
· 9 players may staxt/fmish.
· Guaranteed 2 g
· No time limit on championship game:
· Games will be 7 innings.
· All umpires decisions will be binding and final.
· Roster must be turned in 30 minutes before first game.
· USSSA Rules
· USSSA Umpires
Parking permits required for all vehicles enteri~ng
Lake Ann Park:
Daily Pass $ 2
Resident Seasonal Pass $ 5
Non-Resident Seasonal Pass $10
For more information, contact Jerry Ruegemer at 937-1900 ext. 126.
Chanhassen's 4th of July Men's Fireworks Softball Tournament
Registration Form
Team Name: Manager's Name:
Manager's Address:
City, State, Zip:
Area & League:
Return completed form with payment by June 28 to:
Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department
690 Coulter Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
The City of Chanhassen is not liable for injuries
occurring as a result of this tournament. Entry will
serve as acknowledgement of this rule.
Chanhassen Park & Recreation present FREE Children's Entertainment...
Wednesday Wing Dings!
June 19
Lake Susan Park
903 Lake Drive East
1:00-1:45 p.m.
Alpha Bits, Kids Music from A-Z: A children's musical art
that provides a fun-filled show that inspires kids to sing,
dance, laugh and shout.
June 26
The Best Buddies Band, Music with a Message: This musical
duo specializes in songs that are geared to young audiences.
Messages that are conveyed include friendship, cooperation,
conflict resolution, anti-violence, self-esteem, mutual respect,
wellness, and personal safety.
July 10
Animal Adventures: This program will allow for fun, photos,
and "hands-on" learning with members of the Animal Staff.
July 17
Cheryl Sawyer, Storyteller with Magic: Cheryl gets her
stories going by incorporating fairy-tale characters from
international countries that include audience participation,
humor, and happy endings. She also includes magical
illusions and balloon characters.
July 24
Mini-Carnival, City Center Park: Activities for kids include
games, prizes, food and fun.
In case of inclement weather, Wing Dings are held at the Chanhassen
Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Boulevard.
Super Events
Ages 7-11
The Chanhassen Park & Recreation Dept. will once again offer Super Event trips to a variety of
locations on Thursdays. Each trip is fully chaperoned and bus transportation is included in the
price. Prereg!stration is required by noon on the Tuesday before the Super Event, and is taken
on a first come, first served basis until the maximum is reached. MiniMax: 20160,
June 20 Diamond T Ranch, Eagan, Horseback Riding
1028.401 Meet/Return: 12 noon - 3:45 p.m., Chanhassen Recreation Center
Fee: $20/person. Bring a bag lunch
June 27 Cleary Lake Beach, Prior Lake
1028.402 Meet/Return: 12 noon - 3:00 p.m., Chanhassen Recreation Center
Fee: $6/person. Bring a bag lunch
July 11 Playworks Climbing & Fitness Area, Prior Lake
1028.403 Meet/Return: 12 noon - 3:30 p.m., Chanhassen Recreation Center
Fee: $12/person. Pizza and pop provided
July 18 Como Zoo, St. Paul
1028.404 Meet/Return: 12 noon - 4:00 p.m., Chanhassen Recreation Center
Fee: $6/person. Bring a bag lunch
July 25 Kaleidoscope/Picnic, Hands-on Arts Adventure, Minneapolis
1048.405 Meet/Return: 1:00-4:00 p.m., Chanhassen Recreation Center
Fee: $6/person. Bring a bag lunch
August 1 Valleyfair, Shakopee
1048.406 Meet/Return: 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Chanhassen Recreation Center
Fee: $25/person. Bring a bag lunch or money to purchase lunch there.
Parents are welcome to attend Super Events. A $2 processing fee will be charged for all cancellations
and refunds. Call the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Dept. for more information at 937-1900 ext. 144.
Participant Age 1028.401 1028.402 1028.403 1028.404 1028.405 1028.406
Parent/Guardian's Name; Phone:.
Address.'. City. Zip:
Emergency Contact Name/Phone: Amt. Paid:
I, the undersigned parent or guardian, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned activity(ies)
and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any, and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned
individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity. Return this form with payment to Chanhassen Park &
Recreation Department, 690 Coulter Dr., Chanhassen, MN 55317 or the Chanhassen Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Boulevard,
Chanhassen, MN 55317.
Parent or Guardian Signature:. Date:.
Summer Discovery Playground
June 10 - August 2
Eight weeks of fun in Chanhassen's neighborhood parks! Our famous
playground program is back with another summer of great activities. This
program is designed for children ages 4-1 1. Weekly, our enthusiastic staff
will be leading your children in age-appropriate games, arts and crafts,
light sports, nature activities and songs - all centered around a theme at
the sites listed in the schedule below. Staff/child ratio is 1:12.
1030.401 City Center M 9:30-11:30 am TM
1030.402 City Center M 9:30-11:30 am DM
1030.403 Chanhassen Hills M 1:00-3:00 pm TM
1030.404 Chanhassen Hills M 1:00-3:00 pm DM
1030.405 Curry Farms T 9:30-11:30 am TM
1030.406 Curry Farms T 9:30-11:30 am DM
1030.407 Lion's Park* T 2:00-4:00 pm TM
1030.408 Lion's Park* T 2:00-4:00 pm DM
1030.409 Sunset Ridge W 9:30-11:30 am TM
1030.410 Sunset Ridge W 9:30-11:30 am DM
1030.411 Pheasant Hill W 9:30-11:30 am TM
1030.412 Pheasant Hill W 9:30-11:30 am DM
1030.413 Rice Marsh Lake W 2:15-4:15 pm TM
1030.414 Rice Marsh Lake W 2:15-4:15 pm DM
1030.415 Meadow Green TH 9:30-11:30 am TM
1030.416 Meadow Green TH 9:30-11:30 am DM
1030.417 Herman Field TH 9:30-11:30 am TM
1030.418 Herman Field TH 9:30-11:30 am DM
1030.419 Carver Beach F 9:30-11:30 am TM
1030.420 Carver Beach F 9:30-11:30 am DM
1030.421 Lake Susan F 1:00-3:00 pm TM
1030.422 Lake Susan F 1:00-3:00 pm DM
*Sponsored by the City of Victoria
**TM = Tiny Mites (ages 4-6), DM = Dyna Mites (ages 7.11)
Fee: $18
1996 Playground Registration Form Fee: $18
Participant's Name Birthdate Code No.
Parent/Guardian Name:
Home Phone:, Work Phone: Name of Person at Work Phone:
I, the undersigned parent or guardian, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned
activity(les) and I further agree to Indemnify and hold harmless from and against a~y, and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the
aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity. Return this form to Chanhassen Park &
Recreation Department, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317 or the Chanhassen Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Blvd., Chanhassen,
MN 55317.
Parent or Guardian Signature: Date:
Chanhassen Park & Recreation offers... ·
Tae Kwon Do
This Korean martial art teaches self-
confidence, self-control, discipline and
respect for others. Tae Kwon Do provides
excellent cardiovascular exercise to improve
endurance, flexibility and coordination. Wear
loose tiffing clothing (no jeans) to class.
Instructed by nationally certified, 3rd degree black
belt Jeff Engel. Classes meet at the
Chanhassen Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Bou-
levard. The Junior Class is for ages 7-14 and the
Adult Class is for ages 15+. $25~4 week session.
MiniMax: 6125
Return form with payment to:
Chanhassen Park & Recreation Dept., 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317; or
Chanhassen Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Blvd., Chanhassen, MN 55317
Session I, June 3-29
Code No. Day Time Age
1022.401 MonNVed 5:30-6:30 pm Junior
2022.401 Wed/Sat 6:45-7:45 pm (Wed) Adult
10:30-11:30 am (Sat)
Session II, July 1-27
Code No, Day Time Age
1022.402 MonNVed 5:30-6:30 pm Junior
2022.402 Wed/Sat 6:45-7:45 pm (Wed) Adult
10:30-11:30 am (Sat)
Session III, August 5-28
1022.403 Mon/Wed
2022.403 Wed/Sat
5:30-6:30 pm Junior
6:45-7:45 pm (Wed) Adult
10:30-11:30 am (Sat)
For more information, call Jerry Ruegemer at
937-1900 ext. 126.
Head of Household Name(s):~
Registration Form
Home Phone: Alternative Phone:
Participant's Name Sex Birthdate Program Name Code No. Fee
Tae Kwon Do
Tae Kwon Do
I, the undersigned parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the
above mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any and all liability for Injury which
may be suffered by the aforementioned Individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her particlpatlon In this activity.
Parent, Guardian or Participant Signature: Date:
Prenatal Exercis
Chanhassen Recreation Center
July 9-August29
This program, for mothers-to-be, will help prepare your body fol
the work of labor and delivery with a speedy recovery. Based on guide-
lines from the American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists, exercises concentrate on the pelvic region and back
Class consists of a stretch and warm-up, cardiovascular
conditioning through Iow impact aerobics (no bouncing), abdominal and
leg toning, and a cool down with relaxation techniques. All this choreo-
graphed to popular music. A doctor's permission slip is required atthe first
class. Classes are held in the Chanhassen Recreation Center gym from
5:15- 6 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays and costs $32 for 8 weeks. Call the
Recreation Center for more information at 474-0641.
Minimum/Maximum: 8~25
2020.302 Registration Form--Prenatal Exercise $3218 weeks
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
I, the undersigned individual, do hereby agree to participate in the above men-
tioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against
any and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned
individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity.
Signature: Date:
Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department offers ....
Fun and skills go together in this instructional
sports program for youth. We limit class sizes so
students receive more individualized attention. The
fundamentals are taught and reinforced through
creative games, drills and play for both new and
returning tennis students. Register for the class
according to the grade completed as of June 1996.
Fridays will be used as rain make-up days. Fee:
$22.50/session (6 classes).
Adult Tennis Lessons
Learn the basics or enhance skills already
developed in these adults only tennis Classes.
Beginners: Forehand, backhand and serve techniques
will be taught to those with little or no tennis experi-
ence. Continuing: Full serve techniques, strategy for
single and double play, and further development of
skills. $14/4 weeks or $17,50/5 weeks at City Center
Park. MiniMax: 4/8
June 13-July 11, Thursdays
2024.401 Beginner 6:00-6:50 pm
2024.402 Beginner 6:50-7:40 pm
2024.403 Beginner 7:40-8:30 pm
June 14-July 12, Fridays
2024.404 Beginner 1:00-1:50 pm
2024,405 Continuing 2:00-2:50 pm
July 18-August 15, Thursdays
2024.406 Beginner 6:00-6:50 pm
2024.407 Continuing 7:00-7:50 pm
Kids Tennis Lessons
Lake Susan Park, June 10-26 (Mon/Wed)
1024.401 8:30-9:30 am Grades 7-9
1024.402 9:30-10:30 am Grades K-1
1024.403 10:30-11:30 am Grades 2-4
1024.404 11:30 am-12:30 pm Grades 5-6
City Center Park, June 10-July 15 (Mon)--NEW!
1024.405 5:30-6:30 pm Grades K-1
1024.406 6:30-7:30 pm Grades 2-4
1024,407 7:30-8:30 pm Grades 5-6
City Center Park, June 11-27 (Tues/Thurs)
1024.408 8:30-9:30 am Grades 7-9
1024.409 9:30-10:20 am Grades K-1
1024.410 10:30-11:30 am Grades 2-4
1024.411 11:30 am-12:30 pm Grades 5-6
Meadow Green Park, July 8-24 (Mon/Wed)
1024.412 8:30-9:30 am Grades 7-9
1024.413 9:30-10:20 am Grades K-1
1024.414 10:30-11:30 am Grades 2-4
1024.415 11:30 am-12:30 pm Grades 5-6
City Center Park, July 9-25 (Tues/Thurs)
1024.416 8:30-9:30 am Grades K-1
1024.417 9:30-10:30 am Grades 2-4
1024.418 10:30-11:30 am Grades 5-6'
1024.419 11:30 am-12:30 pm Grades 7-9*
* Intermediate/Advanced
City Center Park, Jul 29-Aug 14 (Mon/Wed)
1024.420 8:30-9:30 am Grades K-1
1024.421 9:30-10:30 am Grades 5-6
1024.422 10:30-11:30 am Grades 7-9
1024.423 11:30 am-12:30 pm Grades 2-4
North Lotus Lake, July 30-Aug 15 (Tues/'l'hurs)
1024.424 8:30-9:30 am Grades 7-9
1024.425 9:30-10:30 am Grades 5-6
1024.426 10:30-11:30 am Grades 2-4
1024.427 11:30 am-12:30 pm Grades K-1
1996 Tennis Registration Form
Participant's Name Fee Birthdate Code No.
Parent/Guardian Name.'. Address:
Home Phone: Work Phone: Name of Person at Work Phone:
I, the undersigned parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned
activity(les) and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any, and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the
aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity. Return this form with payment to
Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department, 690 Coulter Dr, Chanhassen, MN 55317 or the Chanhassen Recreation Center,
2310 Coulter Blvd., Chanhassen, MN 55317.
Parent or Guardian Signature: Date:
Alan Merrick's Soccer Academies
July 22-26
Ages 8-13 & 14-19
Alan Merrick Soccer Academies will conduct a Soccer Camp
on July 22-26 at City Center Park. Instructors will work on indi-
vidual and team skills. The camp will be offered both
full and half days. ~
All participants receive a t-shirt, certificate, and
a personal evaluation from instructors. For more
information, call Alan Merrick's Soccer Academies at
Co-sponsored by the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Dept.
Application Form
Make checks payable to and mail to: Alan Merrick's Soccer Academies, Suite 161,938 Prairie Center Dr.,
Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Phone: (612) 937-5707
Age:. Date of Birth: Sex:
City:. State: Zip:.
Phone: Emergency Phone:
Check One: Ages 8-13__ Ages 14-19 Position: Field Player Goalkeeper
Camp Location: Full Day Camp ($145)__ Half-Day Camp ($90).__
Family Discount Offer: First child pays regular fee, additional siblings receive a 10% discount good only at same camp locations.
Club.'. Years of Playing Experience: T-Shirt Size:
Waiver of Liability: By signing this form I hereby state that I release all members of the Alan Merrick's Soccer Academies staff and any
other party involved in the organization and administration of the Alan Merrick's Soccer Academies programs from any liability as a result of
any inju~/on or around the camp site. I hereby declare that the enrolled applicant is in good health and in the case of emergency, I grant
permission for my child to be given medical treatment at a local hospital. By signing this form, I accept all responsibility and assume all costs
that may be incurred in the event of an injury or accident. Refund Policy: 10% fee charged for cancellations.
Parent or Guardian's Signature: Date:
Chanhassen Park & Recreation offers...
Tae Kwon Do
This Korean martial art teaches self-
confidence, self-control, discipline and
respect for others. Tae Kwon Do provides
excellent cardiovascular exercise to improve
endurance, flexibility and coordination. Wear
loose tiffing clothing (no jeans) to class.
Instructed by nationally certified, 3rd degree black
belt Jeff Engel. Classes meet at the
Chanhassen Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Bou-
levard. The Junior Class is for ages 7-14 and the
Adult Class is for ages 15+. $2514 week session.
MiniMax: 6~25
Return form with payment to:
Chanhassen Park & Recreation Dept., 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317; or
Chanhassen Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Blvd., Chanhassen, MN 55317
Session I, June 3-29
Code No. Day Time Age
1022.401 MonNVed 5:30-6:30 pm Junior
2022.401 Wed/Sat 6:45-7:45 pm (Wed) Adult
10:30-11:30 am (Sat)
Session II, July 1-27
Code No. Day Time Age
1022.402 Mon/Wed 5:30-6:30 pm Junior
2022.402 Wed/Sat 6:45-7:45 pm (Wed) Adult
10:30-11:30 am (Sat)
Session III, August 5-28
1022.403 Mon/Wed
2022.403 Wed/Sat
5:30-6:30 pm Junior
6:45-7:45 pm (Wed) Adult
10:30-11:30 am (Sat)
For more information, call Jerry Ruegemer at
937-1900 ext. 126.
Head of Household Name(s):.
Registration Form
Home Phone: Alternative Phone:
Participant's Name Sex Birthdate Program Name Code No. Fee
Tae Kwon Do
Tae Kwon Do
I, the undersigned parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the
above mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any and all liability for injury which
may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity.
Parent, Guardian or Participant Signature: Date:
Lake Ann Adventure Camp
August 12 16
-~~._~~ Monday-.Friday, Oa.m. to 3 p.m. - $70
f2A- · ~./ ($65/add~tional child in sa.m.e family)
~'/~~ ~ Camp Out on Thursday (optional)- $5
~ I ~ For kids entering Grades 2-6
One full week of outdoor camp activities including daffy swimming, canoe
instruction, crafts, games, nature and more at Lake Ann
Park. The program is led by our energetic and experienced
Playground staff with the help of the lifeguards at Lake
Ann Beach'
Children need to bring a sack lunch each day. A snack
and juice are provided. Those signed up for extra hours
will also receive a light snack. A list of items needed for
camp, as well as details about the optional camp out on Thursday night,
will be sent out the week prior to start.
Extra hours are available for early and late pick ups: 7:30-9 a.m. -- $3/day
(Preregistration required) 3-5 p.m. -- $4/day
Call the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department
at 937-1900 ext. 144 for more information.
1030.423 Registration Form Min/Max: 15/45
Head of Household Home Phone:
Address: Alternative/Work Phone:
City: Zip; Name of person at Alternative Phone:
Participant's Name Birth Date Age Camp Fee Extra Hours Fee Camp Out Fee Total Fee
I, the undersigned parent or guardian, do hereby agree to allow the individual{s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned
activity{ies) and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any and all 1/ability for/njury which may be
suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity. Return this
form to Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317 or the Chanhassen Recreation
Center, 2310 Coulter Blvd, Chanhassen, MN 55317.
'Parent or Guardian Signature: Date:
Summer Sensations
a mini-camp experience for your child who is not quite old
enough to be involved in Summer Discovery Playground. Each day
will consist of a nature or craft activity, games, singing, and a
snack. FUN is the emphasis in this made-to-order class for your
three year old. Classes are held at the Chanhassen Recreation
Center, 2310 Coulter Boulevard.
Session 1, Code No. 1029.401
June 11 - July 2, Tues. (4 weeks)
9 - 10 a.m.
Session 2, Code No. 1029.402
June 11 - July 2, Tues. (4 weeks)
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Session 3, Code No. 1029.403
July 9 - July 30, Tues. (4 weeks)
9 - 10 a.m.
Session 4, Code No. 1029.404
July 9 - July 30, Tues. (4 weeks)
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Activities in Sessions I & 2 (June 11-July 2) will differ from those
in Sessions 3 & 4 (July 9 - July 30).
For more information, contact the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Dept. at
937-1900 ext. 144. Return completed form with payment to: Chanhassen Park
& Recreation Dept., 690 CoulterDr., Chanhassen, MN 55317 or to the
Chanhassen Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Boulevard,
Chanhassen, MN 55317.
Min/Max: 7/10
Head of Household Name:.
Registration Form
Fee: $10
Home Phone:
Alternative Phone:
Participant's Name Sex Birthdate Program Name Code No. Fee
Summer Sensations $10
Summer Sensations $10
I, the undersigned parent or guardian, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the
above mentioned activity and ! further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any and all liability
for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her
participation in this activity.
Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:
The Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department presents...
Kids in the Kitchen
June 11 July 16, Tuesdays
Kids love cooking so this class has been designed especially for
them. They'll prepare many fun recipes,
discuss kitchen safety, learn how to set the
table, and of course, sample all the creations!
Classes are held at the Chanhassen
Recreation Center, 2310 Coulter Boulevard.
$15/child/6 weeks.
Min/Max: 7/12.
Code No.
1:30-2:$0 p.m.
2:45-3:45 p.m.
4:00-5:00 p.m.
8-10 years
6- 7 years
4-6 years
For more information, contact the Chanhassen Park ,~ Recreation Depa~men! at 937-1900 ext. 144.
Return this form with payment to: Chanhassen Park ,~ Recreation, GgO Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, A4N
55317 or to the Chanhassen Recreation Center, 3310 Coulter Boulevard, Chanhassen, A4N $5317.
Head of Household Name(s):
Kids in the Kitchen Registration Form
Home Phone:
Alternate Phone:
Participant's Name
Birthdate Program Name Code No.
Kids in the Kitchen
Kids in the Kitchen
Fee I
$15 [
!, the undersigned parent or guardian, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above men-
tioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any and all liability for injury which may be
suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity.
Parent or Guardian Signature: Date:
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Adult Softball Women Manager's
Jerry Ruegemer, League Director
June 11, 1996
May 14 Rainout and Petition Response
Your rainout from Tuesday, May 14, will be rescheduled for Tuesday, June 18th, with the following schedule:
Tolle's Landscaping Bye
6:00 p.m. Lake Ann//6 DJ Construction vs. Klingelhutz - Geis
7:10 p.m. Lake Ann #6 Merlin's vs. Frankie's
I would like to thank you and your players for voicing your concems about the women's softball program
through your petition.
The Chanhassen women's league has diminished over the past few years for unknown reasons. Slow pitch
softball leagues across the Twin City area are also declining. The women's league has suggested opening
eligibility requirements by allowing any interested women to play regardless of their residency. After the
1988 softball season, the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission developed a policy limiting team
rosters to four non-resident players. The policy was established to ensure an adequate number of fields are
available for the growing number of Chanhassen residents. Chanhassen has added a few new fields since
then, but in no way are we able to accommodate the requests for fields. The youth programs of Chanhassen
are growing 15 - 20% per year. Your request to open eligibility to additional non-residents is not my decision
to make. The decision is made by the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission. It is my belief that the
Park and Recreation Commission would not support this request because of the increasing numbers of
children's programs that are in dire need of the fields. We, as the City, are trying to balance time and fields
between the existing and new leagues for both youth and adults. The fields at Lake Ann on Tuesday evenings
have always been reserved for the women's softball league. The fields were never released to the youth
programs until the final numbers for the women's league were determined. The women's league was
advertised and promoted in the City's quarterly newsletter and the Chanhassen Villager. Also, letters were
sent to all previous managers. It certainly isn't the City's position or goal to diminish the women's league.
Slow pitch softball is in a down swing currently.
The City will do everything in our power to help and assist your league. I certainly appreciate you taking the
time to generate the petition. Working together will allow us to come up with a workable solution. Again,
thank you for voicing your concerns. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 937-1900, ext 126.
Enjoy the rest of the season.
May 7th 1996
Park and Recreation Department
City of Chanhassen
690 Coulter Drive
Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317
Mr. Jerry Ruegemer
We the members of Chanhassen Womans Softball would like to bring to your attention the fact
that over the years our league has diminished rapidly to the point where there is now only 5
teams. We are concerned that in a few years there will be no Womans leagues at all. We enjoy the
sport and would like it to continue. Chanhassen has grown so quickly, we feel that changes must
be made immediately. We also feel an effort needs to be made to promote womans sports as a
We suggest the following:
1- Open leagues to all woman interested in play.
2- Make use of all the playing fields and parks.
3- Advertise and promote I.E.: Newspapers, Fliers. etc.
4- Pursuit all companies moving to the area for support and sponsorship.
Please notify Team Mangers with a reply at your earliest convenience.
Thank you,
Chanhassen Womans League
· Please sign this petition if you have interest in the preceding page. It will than be sent to Jerry at
Chan. Park and Rec. Thank you!!!!!!
Please sign this petition if you have interest in the preceding page. It will than be sent to Jerry at
Chart. Park and Rec. Thank you!!!!!!
* it
Please sign this petition if you have interest in the preceding page. It will than be sent to Jerry at
Chan. Park and Rec. Thank you!!!!!!
14- ~
Please sign this petition if you have interest in the preceding page. It will than be sent to Jerry at
Chan. Park and Rec. Thank you! ! ! ! ! !
4- '
Please sign this petition if you have interest in the preceding page. It will than be sent to Jerry at
Chan. Park and Rec. Thank you!!!!!!
Please sign this petition if you have interest in the preceding page. It will than be sent to Jerry at
Chan. Park and Rec. Thank you!!!!!!
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
TO: Adult Corporate C & D Managers
FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, League Director
DATE: June 18, 1996
Rainout Make-up Games
Your rainout games from Monday, June 17, will be made up on Monday, July 1, with the following
Monday, July 1
6:00 p.m. Ball Field LAP #5 Pillsbury Doughboys vs.
6:00 p.m. Ball Field LAP #6 Rosemount West vs.
7:10 p.m. Ball Field LAP #6 Milltronics vs.
Rosemount Rockets
Dataserv Eagles
Monday, July 1
6:00 p.m.
7:10 p.m.
7:10 p.m.
Ball Field LAP #4
Ball Field LAP #4
Ball Field LAP #5
Micro Vision vs.
Rosemount Wrecking Crew vs.
ABC Millwork vs.
Milltronics II
Emerson EMC
Rosemount - Pressure's On
Lake Ann Gate Attendant Sales
Day Daily No, Sales
5/25/96 0
5/26/96 3154-3165 12 $24
3301-3308 8 $16
5/27/96 2067-2068 2 $4
5/28/96 2069- 2085 17 $34
2O98 1 $2
5/29/96 3166-3168 3 $6
5/30/96 3551-3557 7 $14
5/31/96 3102 1 $2
6/1/96 3169-3178 10 $20
6/1/96 3192-3200 9 $18
3309-3312 4 $8
6/2/96 3557-3579 23 $46
6/2/96 3580-3590 11 $22
6/3/96 2086 1 $2
6/4/96 3313-3135 3 $6
6/5/96 3652-3653 2 $4
6/6/96 0
6/7/96 2087-2091 5 $10
6/8/96 3614-3645 31 $62
3655-3675 21 $42
6/9/96 3401-3465 65 $130
3466-3539 74 $148
3673 1 $2
6/10/96 3201-3235 35 $70
3236-3257 22 $44
6/11/96 3901 ~3939 39 $78
3940-3947 8 $16
Totals 415 $830
Resident NO, Sales Non-resident NO, Sales
2515 1 $5 0
2415-2422 8 $40 3101 1 $15
2508-2514 7 $35 0
2405-2411 10 $50 0
2315-2339 25 $125 0
0 0
2504-2506 3 $15 0
2516-2522 7 $35 3201 1 $15
2340-2347 8 $40 0
2425-2430 6 $30 0
2431-2437 7 $35 3102 1 $15
0 0
2523-2535 13 $65 0
0 3202-3203 2 $30
2346-2352 5 $25 0
0 0
2536-2539 4 $20 0
0 0
2403-2404 2 $10 0
2540-2581 41 $205 3205 & 3604 2 $30
2582-2607 26 $130 3206-3207 2 $30
2438-2492 55 $275 3109-3112 4 $60
2493-2500 8 $40 3113-3115 3 $45
2462 1 $5 0
2353-2397 45 $225 3001-3005 5 $75
2398-2400 3 $15 3006-3010 5 $75
2824-2843 20 $100 0
2724-2767 44 $220 3116-3121 6 $90
2767-2791 25 $125 0
374 $1,870 32 $480
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