2 Town & Country Homes 1stAdditCITY OF PRC DATE: 5-21-96 PC DATE: ~,,~~.......~. CC DATE: HOFFMAN:k J IL. fl.. x, STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: The applicant is proposing a mixed medium density residential and industrial office development on 45.21 acres. The applicant is requesting a Land Use Plan Amendment for the northerly 22.6+ acres from office/industrial to residential medium density; conceptual and preliminary PUD approval for a mixed townhome and office industrial development; Rezoning from A2, Agricultural Estate to PUD, Planned Unit Development; Site Plan approval for 146 townhome units; a wetland alteration permit to fill and excavate wetlands on site; and Preliminary plat approval creating 24 lots and associated right-of-way; Town & Country Homes First Addition. LOCATION: Northwest comer of Lyman Boulevard and Galpin Boulevard APPLICANT: Town & Country Homes 6800 France Ave. South, Suite 170 Edina, MN 55435 Ld PRESENT ZONING: A2, Agricultural Estate ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - Planned Unit Development, PUD, Trotter's Ridge S - Lyman Boulevard, A2, Agricultural Estate E - Galpin Boulevard, Residential Single Family, RSF, Stone Creek W - City of Chaska COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: The Comprehensive Park Plan identifies this site as lying within the park service area of Stone Creek Park and the new O'Shaughnessy "park preserve." The site lies on the fringe of the park service area of the Chanhassen Recreation Center/Bluff Creek Elementary School campus. A park service area map is attached. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: The Comprehensive Trail Plan identifies trail corridors at the east and south edges of the subject property. The trail to the south, along Lyman Boulevard, will be incorporated into a future reconstruction project of the boulevard. This reconstruction is likely to occur within the next five years. W 82nd St. J i j or l~mbetwood Dr Lyman Tr,,~k PL~N SEN .AIL/SIDEWALK $o~h Lyman Blvd