5d Spring Dance PerformanceCITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Sub j: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisor ~ May 15, 1996 Spring Recital "Hooray for Hollywood" Dancers from the ages 3 on up, will be performing to an audience of 225 plus, this coming Saturday night, May 18 at 6:30pm. "Hooray for Hollywood" is the Park & Recreation Department 1st Annual Spring Dance Concert. This program is brought to you by a very dedicated employee, Maryann Porter. Her commitment to this program has seen the program start in September 1995, with only herself as the instructor, to now working on an expanded program for this coming fall and the addition of another instructor. Ann Jensen. Spring enrollment includes 74 students ranging from all ages. Attached in a copy of the Spring Dance Concert program. g/park/pdlcommisstnoora¥ Dance Coordinator, Choreographer:. Ma~ann Porter ~st. Chorco~aphcr, Hooray for Holl~ood Opcnc~ Katie Pro,am Design: Valc~c I~rson Sccnc~ Donations: ~e I~si~ Group CiW of Chanhasscn ~an~ to all thc Volunteers ~hind thc Sccncs~ St~c Crew & Sccnc~ ~m Porter, ~fic Sco~ John Sco~ Pam Smith & Shanc Smith. Take a ~ Many Tha~ to ~ thc Facili~ Supc~so~, Pa~ Dexter & ~ ~itcl. Yo~ thc B~I · :.-:.HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD.:. Tribute to Movies of the 40's, 50's & 60's LET ME ENTERTAIN YOU-Kinderdance 3-4 Megan Evangelista, Elizabeth Harrel, Kaitlin McGee, Leah Podergois, Emily Smith I GOT RHYTHM-Age 12 Austin Sponsel GRFAT ~ OF FIRE-Ages 14 Jenny Miller & Emily Hagen Tribute to Shirley Temple I LIKE TO WALK IN THE RAIN-Grades 1-2 Bridget Babcock, Jennifer Haldeman, Melissa Kaufhold, Michelle Murk0wski WHEN I GROW UP-Kinderdanee 3-4 Mandy Bather, Alyssa Fuhrman, Kathryn Fuhrman, Leah Kalgren, Brittany LeBahn, Lauren Werner-Foley - Tribute to Judy Garland SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW-Age 9 London Sponsel BE A CLOWN-Kinderdance 5-6 Emily Aldritt, Jessica Blum, Kelsey Brasch, Rachael Goers, Monica Jacobs, Michelle Janson, Rickilce Sutherland Tribute to Great Westerns & Patriotic Movies WILLIAM TELL OVERA~~dcr~ 3-4 Abby Kreitlow, Nicholas Pittorf, Anna St. Andrew, Sarah Wierzbinski RODEO-Grades 1-2 Bridget Babcock, Jennifer Haldeman, Melissa Kaufhold, Michelle Murkowski YANKEE DOODLE DANDY-Age 9 Lauren Lewis Tribute to Movies of the 80's & 90's EVERYBODY GET TOGETHER-A~es 9 & 12 London & Austin Sponsel BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREF-Grades 1-5 Chelsea Anderson, Danielle Blackowiak, Linnea Borer, Ailee Herrboldt, Kara Herrboldt, Nicole Jackson CARRY ON-Ages 14 Jenny Miller & Emily Hagen HIT THE ROAD JACK-Adults Mimi Downing, Connie Morris, Michelle Moderau-Clark, Thomasine Schoenecker, Kara ¥iram0ntes Tribute to Gene Kelly Entire Cast It's showtimc and we're glad you arc able to join us for our I st Annual Spring Dance Concerti NVhat an exciting year this has been for thc students and myself. It aH started in early September with a brand new facility and 25 students. Here we arc today adding another instructor and working on an expanded program for this fall. Tonight for many of our dancers this will be their first time on thc stage. This can be an exciting yet ncrvcracking cxpcrlcncc. Your generous applause is your way of communicating with them your love and support. It is thc reward for all their hard work and thc catalyst for that special feeling of pride that comes from a job well done. It's timc now to sit back and enjoy thc show. Here is hoping you sing and dance your way home tonight as we present to you...HOORA¥ FOR HOLLYWOOD 1996. LIGHTS! CAMERAI ACTION!