5e Inline Skating ClinicCITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM To: From: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervlsor"~ Date: May 16, 1996 Subj: Inline Skating Cooperation from Mother Nature came shining through on the particpants of the Inline Skating Clinic program on May 11, from 10an - 3pm. This program was arranged through our department and Easy Stride Skate School. A turn out of 59 safety concious inline skaters participated. Group lessons were provided by Easy Stride Skate School Instructors. Date: Weather: Recommendation: Publicity Used: . fter Action Report In Line Skating Clinic May 10, 1996 Sunny, temps in Iow 60's Continue to offer a similar program. Easy Stride Skate School was great to work with, Consider moving program to the Recreation Center Hockey Rink site, as they are scheduled to be paved mid- June. City Newsletter, flyers distributed through the schools, and news releases. Revenue Session I - Canceled Session II - 14 @ $13.00 = 25 @ $11.00 = Session III 17 @ $11.00 = 3 @ $13.00 = Session IV - Canceled $182.00 $275.00 $ 87.oo $39.00 $683.00 Expenditure 17 rental @ $10.40 = 42 non rental @ $8.80 = Total to Easy Stride Skate School $176.80 $369.60 $546.40 Net Revenue $136.60 (This does not include staff time on the day of)