6d Director's ReportCITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Park & Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director May 16, 1996 Director's Report The following is a brief synopsis of ongoing activity which may of interest to the commission: City Council Strategic Planning: The city council held a third session for the purpose of identifying a strategic plan on Monday, May 13 from 4:00-6:30 p.m. Commissioner Scott was in attendance. The council has approved the extension of this process over the next 3-4 months. Staff needs to know if Commissioner Scott would like to continue attending, or in his absence, is there another interested commissioner. The Future Gateway Commercial/Industrial Park (southeast intersection of Highways 5 and 41): Representatives of the group pursuing development of this site met in a work session with the city council on Monday, May 13o The partners are amenable to the desires of the Park & Recreation Commission regarding acquisition of approximately 30 to 40 acres of open space as a part of this development. Refined planning documents will be brought to the attention of the commission in the near futureo o Villages on the Pond: The commission will see more of the Villages on the Pond as time moves forward. It is for this reason that the site visit by the commission was scheduled prior to next Tuesday's meeting. A major area of contention is the applicant's desire to construct a soccer field south of the pedestrian trail and the creek as it lies just east of State Highway 101. It is staff's opinion that this is an unacceptable location for an athletic field. Commissioners will need to form their own opinions as this process moves forward. Park&Recreation Commission May 16,1996 Page 2 o o o o o 10. 1997 Budget Calendar: Planning for the 1997 capital improvement budget will commence at your June meeting. If there are projects of particular interest to commissioners, please let me know. Comprehensive Planning: The city's planning department is sponsoring the update of the city's Comprehensive Plan. Just when you thought you were catching up, this process is sure to consume a great deal of time. Welcome to Sonya Rippe: Sonya was hired as the department's summer intern. Ms. Rippe is a graduate of South Dakota State University at Brookings. During her time in Chanhassen she will work with park administration, park planning, park and recreation programming, senior citizen operations, park maintenance, and Chanhassen Recreation Center issues. Hennepin Parks Light Rail Transit Regional Trail Meeting: On Tuesday, May 14, Hennepin Parks sponsored a meeting to discuss the operation of the north and south LRT regional trails, both of which bisect or touch the city of Chanhassen. Issues of conversation included winter use permits, signage, maintenance, trail use statistics, etc. Karin Bowen, Operations Manager for Hennepin Parks acknowledged Chanhassen as being a very good steward of the portions of the LRT Trail within the City of Chanhassen, noting specifically that the city's management of winter use activities has gone very smoothly. Lake Ann Park Soccer Field: The absence of a sufficient number of soccer fields within the city has led to the overuse of those soccer fields currently in operation. I am considering mothballing the Lake Ann soccer field from September 1, 1996 to June 1, 1997 to allow rejuvenation of the surface. I am afraid that without this measure, we run the risk of ruining the field. West Lake Minnewashta Park Focus Group: This group is preparing to deliver a survey asking for input regarding the development of the future neighborhood park along Minnewashta Parkway. Upon compiling their findings, the neighborhood group will make a presentation to the commission. Sidewalk Construction Along Powers Boulevard: Good news. As you drive along Powers Boulevard, please note the new construction of a 5 ft. concrete sidewalk from West 78th Street north to Saddlebrook Curve.