4 ConfirmSiteLionsClub PlaygrndCITY OF
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
TO: Park & Recreation Commission
FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
DATE: April 10, 1996
Confirmation of Site for Chanhassen Lions Club Community Playground
Attached please find a memorandum from Bruce Chamberlain of Hoisington Koegler Group.
Mr. Chamberlain's conclusion is not what the commission, or at a minimum, a portion of the
commission, wanted to hear. I am disappointed as well, but all the hope in the world cannot
change the facts. If we install the equipment in our preferred location (at the center of the
ballfields), we will regret our dec ision.
It is recommended that the commission approve the location adjacent to the park shelter and
instruct staff to coordinate requests for equipment proposals with the involvement of the Lions
Creative Solutions for Land Planning and Design
Hoisington Kocgk,:c' Group Inc.
March 27, 1996
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
City of Chanhassen
From: Bruce Chamberlain
Park Planner
Re: New play structure at Bluff Creek Elementary.
I looked at the two location options on the site: close to the backstops of the easterly fields and
next to the east edge of the building. The entire site, as you know, is jammed with park facilities
so there is very little room anywhere. From a users standpoint, the location closest to the
ballfields is preferred because ball players and spectators can watch their kids from the fields. In
looking at this I assumed that a play area at least 45x70 feet will be needed.
It is my opinion that the site close to the ballfields is just too tight to get a play structure in. No
matter how I looked at it, the play area would have to be within I0-15 feet of the backstops and
in the heart of foul ball territory. The south side of the sidewalk is the safest spot because it is
significantly higher than home plate of the closest field but there is not enough high ground even
with a one or two tier wall to take up ten feet of grade. Aesthetics aside, the wall alone would
cost between $12,000 and $18,000.
It seems that the site close to the school is the only viable alternative. It provides a flat area of
sufficient size. It has a strong relationship to the picnic shelter but not quite as strong a
relationship to the play fields. I believe we can put the play structure there and still
accommodate a small wintertime skating area.
The enclosed sketch illustrates my suggestion. Please give me a call after you've had a chance to
MAR 2 8 1996
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7300 Metro Boulevard, Suite 525, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55439
(612) 835-9960 Fax (612) 835-3160