5a Youth Program ReportCITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor April 18, 1996 1996 Easter Egg Candy Hunt Evaluation Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director The City of Chanhassen's 13th Annual Easter Candy Hunt was Saturday, April 6. A total of 500 - 600 kids and parents attended. The performance featured Craig Carlsen who performed magic and juggled. Craig had the audience laughing and enjoying themselves. I would consider Craig again for future performances. The coloring contest had many entries, which were displayed on the cafeteria wall. All participants received a participant ribbon for their efforts, The egg decorating contest had creative entries this year. This was the best year of decorated eggs yet. The egg decorating is enjoyed by the kids and will continue. Recommendations for 1997: Move performance and candy hunt to Chanhassen Recreation Center. Look to eliminate times of candy hunt on flyers. Look for sources to decrease expenditures on candy and prizes. Book entertainment by October of 1996. Ask the Minnetonka National Honor Society and Chanhassen Boy Scouts to assist again. PROGRAM NAME: /d~c'/~:7 ~g~B/'~,ff'~ QUARTERS PROGRAM IS OFFERED: SU F W SP Participants in each class Length of class (minutes) Class fee/session Length of class (in weeks) Meetings/Week REVENUE # of participants EXPENSES A. Salaries (Includes Prep Time) staff x X fee/class 'V, :o # of classes/yr. S/hour x = Z~¢,$-~ --~ hours/week x weeks x # of classes/year = staff x / ~. c.! '-7 S/hour # of classes/year hours/week x weeks x staff x # of classes/year = hours/week x ]l A. Total salaries:$ "'~7, B. Contractual Services: 1. Bus Rental: buses x cost/bus x # of rentals/year = $ Miscellaneous Services (Account for Whole Year): Rental Equipment: t13~ ~ ~j.~. Entertainment: ~<-t ,{~ (~t v-~b',$ r~ Supplies (Account for Whole Year) ~ ~;.o~.1 1. L-~r~t' Supplies: '-~%~-~e-'N 2. ~ipm~t: 3. Tickets: B. Total Contractural Services: $ participants x cost/ticket x times/year = C. Total Supplies: $ TOTAL REVENUE: TOTAL EXPENSE: BALANCE: FROf,1 £'~4. 17. 1996 14:49 2 MEMORANDgM TO: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor FROM: Michelle Braun and Amy Sievers DATE: April 23, 1996 SUB J: Easter Basket Delivery The 1996 Chanhassen Easter Basket Deliveries took place on Wednesday, April 3. There was an AM delivery fi'om 9:00 - 11:30 and a PM delivery from 1:00 - 3:30. The fee was $7.50 per basket. Michelle purchased items for the baskets such as chalk, bubbles, window decals, puzzles and candy. Men and women from the Senior Center stuffed the baskets, then Amy and Michelle delivered the goodsl The deliveries went very well. The majority of the children were very excited to see the Easter Bunnyl There were 45 baskets delivered in the AM and 14 delivered in the PM. The fee of each basket was appropriate at $7.50. Approximately $160 was spent on baskets and basket stuffers. Approximately $120 was spent on staff. This created a revenue of approximately $100. Suggestions for the 1997 Easter Basket Delivery would include expanding the AM delivery time to 8:30-12:00. Extra time was needed in that slot.