1 Approval of MinutesPark & Recreation Commission Minutes November 26, 1996 Chairman Lash called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Jan Lash, Jim Manders, Jane Meger, Mike Howe, Frank Scott & Ron Roeser Members Absent: Fred Berg Staff Present: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director; Jerry Ruegemer and Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisors; Kong Hwang, Facility Supervisor. Approval of Agenda: Approved as presented. Visitor Presentations: None Approval of Summary Minutes: Commissioner Meger moved, Commissioner Roeser seconded to approve the summary minutes dated October 22, 1996 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Public Hearing, Consider Renaming Chanhassen Pond Park to Kerber Pond Park: Marlin Stene and Fred Kerber spoke in favor of the name change. No opposition was voiced. Upon conclusion of discussion, Roeser moved, Scott seconded to table this issue until December 10. This action was taken to allow a newspaper article covering the commission's issue to be published. Chanhassen Recreation Center; Revenue/Expense Report Completion of 5 Year CIP: The commission completed development of their 5 year Park Acquisition & Development Capital Improvement Program. Manders moved, Meger seconded that the city council approve the program as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Program Reports: Reports were given on the 1996 Halloween Party; 1997 February Festival preview, and Senior Center activities. Administrative Reports: a. Pheasant Hill Park Utilization: The commission elected not to act on a request made by Mr. Jeff Jessen, 1741 Woodduck Lane to sign Pheasant Hill Park "No Team Practice~Neighborhood Use Only." Director's Report. Recreation Center: Kong Hwang reported on evening child care, the new 5 year vending contract with Coca-Cola, new winter programs, and attendance and rental statistics. Park & Recreation Commission November 26, 1996 Page 2 Commission Member Committee Reports: Commissioner Scott and Manders updated the members on the work of the Park Task Force. Commission Member Presentations Administrative Packet Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 p.m. Submitted by: Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Director