2 Commission InterviewQuestionsCITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park & Recreation Commission .~,,/ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE: December 4, 1996 SUB J: Interview Questions, Commission Candidates The commission has voiced their displeasure with the existing interview questions for commission candidates. A copy of the existing questions and some notes ti'om Commissioner Berg are attached. Also attached are the questions used by the Planning Commission. With the light agenda and interviews upcoming, I thought this would be an item which could be resolved. g:\park\th\interviews.eO INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ® Se Do you feel you have the time to make a commitment? What is your impression of the current park and'recreation system and what do you feel you can add (expertise? knowledge?). What do you feel is the role of the Park and Recreation Co~mission? What are your feelings regarding conservation and environment, and passive parks versus active parks? Please elaborate on why you wish to serve on the Park and Recreation Commission. CRITERIA FOR COMMISSION SELECTION 1. Membership should, represent all areas of the City to the extent possible. 2. Membership should be representative of all areas in propor- tion to the total population. 3. Membership should'consider re-appointment of current outstanding members wishing to be re-appointed 4. Membership should be composed of a variety of careers and interest groups throughout the community, i.e. business com- munity, CAA, school representatives, lawyers, architects, maintenance workers, etc. 5. Membership should, to the extent possible, include a variety of age groups. 6. Candidate selection should be based on the interview. ~~.~Do you feel INTERVIEW QUESTIONS you have the time to make a commitment? What is your impression of the current park and'recreation system and what do you feel you can add (expertise? knowledge?). What do you feel~ :~-th~_~rclc uf the Park and Recreation Commission?' ' ' ' ons.~e~v~ ation _and"envi~onment~ P 'sus active parks. ~% ~lease~labor~ .%~n ~h~ yo~-~'~wish-~t~s-erve-on-J~ .Par-k-and -- ~ · O ~ ~ ~:Z, 0 0 0 Z x:: 0 -,-{ .iX 0 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 J: 0 ,-~ 0 0 ~3 O~ 0 3::O ~ 0 OU E~ O 0 {n ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 = 0 0 ~ :>~ 0 {~