Correspondence SectionAdministrative
Youth Commission Minutes
September 8, 1996
Chaska High School Conference Room
The meeting was called to order by Kathy Wellens. Those present included Rachel Berg,
Anna Bleck, Steve Floe, Chris Hoff, Sean Holmes, Christina Osborn, Shannon Siegfried,
Mollie Starr, Jeanne Straus and Kathy Wellens.
OLD Business
We decided to hold another New Student Party at the Community Center on Friday, Sept.
27 at 6:00. The committee includes Christina, Shannon, Kathy, Chris, and Rachel. All
Youth Commission Members are encouraged to attend!
Christina - will call the Community Center Done.
Sean & Shannon - invitations Done
Kathy- list of students, music (List - done)
Rachel - welcome table
Chris H - food and pop (soda)
NEW Business
1. We discussed projects for the year and voted on them. We decided on the following
E_V.e, nt Number of Votes
Music event 7
Seasonal clean-up 5
Big Brother/Sister 4
Volunteer at Women's 5
Camp Courage 1
Talk It 2
Recycling 2
Paint-A-Thon 1
Committee Members
Kathy, Steve
Chris, Anna, Molli
Shannon, Christin
Rachel, Chris, Mollie
Christina, Shannon, Kathy
Sean, Steve, Rachel, Shannon
Mollie, Christina
Chris, Rachel
We decided to work on the following for October: Big Brother/Sister program, Seasonal
Clean-up, Loaves & Fishes, Homework Help, and Student Surveys.
2. For Oct. 13 meeting, Kathy will bring treats, Mollie - soda. Don't forget to work on your
projects! Meeting will be held at the Straus house.
Note from Christmas in May meeting: We need two youth each Saturday to work on a
small fall project. October 5 we scrape the house. October 12 we paint, etc. Need only 2
volunteers each time! Leave me a message at 368-3686 or stop in the office at ~Eir~r),
SEP 3 0 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
September 23, 1996
Local Grants Program
Office of Planning, Box 10
Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4010
To Whom It May Concem:
Please ensure that the City of Chanhassen's Departmem of Parks and Recreation remains on your
local grant mailing list.
Thank you.
Sincerely, /, /
Todd Hoffman
Director of Parks and Recreation
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Mayor Don Chmiel
Chanhassen City Council
LCtfanhassen Park and Recreation Commission
Keeping Up September 1996
State Grants Funding Update
By Wayne Sames, Local Grants
Program Supervisor, Department of
Natural Resources
As many ofyou know, Congress
failed to allocate any Land and Water
Conservation Fund (LAWCON) money
to the states last year, and prospects do
not look good for any LAWCON funding
this coming year. The future of this
valuable program is unclear.
The outlook, however, is somewhat
brighter for state grant assistance. While
no bonding funds were provided for
local pa'lc grants as a result of the last
legislative session, an $895,000 supple-
mental appropriation was received. This
helped fund an additional 22 local park
grants, as well as 5 additional Coopera-
tive Trail Grant projects and several more
Conservation Partners projects.
This summer, the Legislative Com-
mission on Minnesota Resources
(LCMR) completed its work on 1997
proposal funding recommendations.
These recommendations include an
additional $2.2 million forgive local
grants programs (local park, natural and
scenic area, conservation palmers,
cooperative trail and environmental
partners grants). The Legislature will
consider these LCMR recommendations
during its next session.
Many excellent local projects were
assisted through the state grant pro-
grams during the past year. Trails,
playgrounds and athletic facilities
continue to be among the most popular
projects funded with local park grants.
Several outstanding open space acquisi-
tions were assisted with natural and
scenic area grants. The new Conserva-
tion Partners Grant program, which
provides small grants of up to $10,000 to
private organizations for fish and wildlife
and native plant habitat improvement
projects, was given a good start with
$500,000 provided to almost 80 projects.
Many of these were cooperative projects
with local governments. Several quality
trail projects were supplemented with
grants from the Cooperative Trail Grant
Most of these grant programs are
available to cities, counties and town-
ships. School districts and private
organizations are eligible for some of the
The announcements for the next
round of grants are tentatively sched-
uled to be mailed by November. The trmal
application deadline will probably be
March 31.
If you would like more information
about any of the local grant programs,
please write to:
LocalGrants Program
OfficeofPlanning, Box I0
MN Dept. of Natural
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4010
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
TO: Kara Willems, Senior Coordinator
FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
DATE: October 4, 1996
Historic Street Sign Markers
Members of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission are interested in seeing a
Historic Street Sign Marker Program implemented in Chanhassen. The Senior Men's
Club has expressed some interest in this area. Please assess the level of their interest in
order to determine if they would like to implement the program.
Thank you.
Attachment: Memo to Park and Recreation Commission
and Seniors Men's Club dated August 29, 1996.
c: Park and Recreation Commission
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission
Chanhassen Senior Men's Club
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
August 28, 1996
Historic Street Sign Markers
Park and Recreation Commissioner Fred Berg visited Concorde, Massachusetts, and
observed historic street sign markers. These 10" x 24" oval signs sit atop street signs and
explain historic and/or interesting information about a particular street. Commissioner
Berg was intrigued with the idea of bringing this program to Chanhassen.
Mr. Ted Osgood, former Chair of the Concorde Historical Commission, organized this
project. Mr. Osgood can be reached at 1-(508)-371-0666, in Concorde, or at I-(603)-367-
8469, at his summer home in New Hampshire.
The signs explain the people and places behind street names. The investment in each
marker is $30. City crews install and maintain the signs. Three prototypes were
investigated prior to selecting an oval shape (catches the eye) and brown lettering on a
white background.
Mayor and City Council
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Karen Engelhardt, Office Manager
Kate Aanenson, Planning Director
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Oclober 14, 1996
Mr. Jeff Marsh
Westwood Church
Dear Jeff.'
Thank you for volunteering the time and talent of Westwood Church. I am pleased to assist you in
facilitating a community project for your junior high youth. The attached map depicts the "good" spots
Io find litter deposits in downtown Chanhassen. As agreed, the city will provide the following supplies:
Westwood Community Youth
Downtown Chanhassen Trash Pick Up
Wednesday, October 16, 1996, 5 - 7 p.m.
City to provide:
o Project map
o Trash bags
· Disposal location
· Camera for promotion photos
Follow up with the Chanhassen Villager
Westwood to provide:
· Approximately 15 volunteers and a group leader
Jeff, please compose a good photo with lots of trash bags. Return the camera to city hall with a diagram
indicating the names of your volunteers.
Thank you for initiating a great volunteer project!
Todd Hoffman
Park & Recreation Director
c: Mayor & City Council
Park & Recreation Commission
October 17, i996
Mr. Todd Hoffman
City of Chanhassen
Dear Todd,
Thank you for the opportunity for the community project. Overall, it went very well.. I
think we were a little surprised to see how much there adtually was. I didn't have as big
of a group as I thought--many of them were headed for Washington D.C. with school
' early the next morning.
We only made it as far as the Festival Foods in the time that we 'had (all of our bags were
full, too!) We will have to look into making this happen again--from what we saw, there
is a need.
Thanks again for the oPportunity!
Jeff Marks
Westwood Student Ministry
P.O. BOX 9 8~
553 7
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
October 14, 1996
Ms. Colleen Dramdahl
6451 Pleasant View Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Colleen:
It was my pleasure to meet you at your home last week. I understand the reasons for your
concern over on-street parking on Fox Hollow Road. At present, we are considering signing the
north side of the non-curbed section of Fox Hollow Road "No Parking." Dave Hempel,
Assistant City Engineer is coordinating the inquiry into this signage. Mr. Hempel will copy you
on his correspondence to the city council. Dave can be reached at 937-1900 ext. 123.
Thank you for your insight.
Todd Hoffman, CLP
Park & Recreation Director
Mayor and City Council
c,'l~rk & Recreation Commission
Planning Commission
Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer
g:Y~rk~th k~ramdahl .e
October 16, 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Traffic Control Request - NO PARKING
Fox Hollow Road from Pleasant View Road to Gray Fox Lane - PW056
Dear Resident:
The City is considering establishing a NO PARKING zone along the north side of Fox Hollow
Road between Pleasant View Road and Gray Fox Lane. The City is considering this traffic
control due to the limited street width which makes it difficult for emergency vehicles to access
the neighborhood with parking on both sides of the street. This item will be considered at the
Monday, November 12, 1996 City Council meeting at City Hall at 7:30 p.m. Persons wishing to
express their opinions on this item may be heard before the City Council at that time. If you are
unable to attend the City Council meeting and would like to express your viewpoint regarding this
consideration, please forward your letters to my attention or call me at 937-1900, ext. 123.
On the back side of this letter is a map indicating the proposed NO PARKING zones. If you have
any questions, please feel free to contact me.
David C. Hempel
Assistam City Engineer
Charles Folch, Director of Public Works
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
\xcfsl'wol2'~cagMavc~lcllcrs~fox hollow rd no parking. Itt.doc
October 13, 1996
Mr. Todd Hoffman, CLP
Director of Parks & Recreation
City of Chanhassen
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Re: Pheasant Hill Neighborhood - Park & Other
Dear Todd:
I want to n~xite and compliment you and the City on the wonderful job of landscaping that was designed
and installed on the Wood Duck Lane outlot entrance to the Pheasant Hill neighborhood park.
The design was excellent and gives a welcoming feeling to the park entrance. The quality of the plantings
was surprising considering you most likely were working off a tight budget. This whole project was well
done and gives a nice gateway to the park and will hopefully enhance property values immediately
adjacent to the park and beyond. I think history will tell you that it ~vas a wise decision to obtain the park
property, and preserve it in a natural way
I've had a couple other thoughts in mind over the past few months that I thought I would lay out:
Park Safety
I ~vas glad to see that you put the final touches on the asphalt pathways around the park to give it a much
more finished look. A concern is that the pea gravel spills out of the contained playground equipment
area sometimes causes a safety hazard to bikers heading north down the steep grade. I don't have an)'
kids this age, but I can see that a bad accident is imminent or has already occurred. Does the Park & Rec
have the ability to keep the asphalt and the cushioned landings within the equipment area somewhat
swept? I've been to Chanhassen Elementary (which has a very nice playground facility) several times
where I have seen several fairly nasty accidents occur due to slips and falls on the excess gravel over
concrete at the bottoms of slides, etc. I realize the cushion material is much more forgiving, but the area
is very full and pea gravel at the bottom of slides, on pathways, etc. is a somewhat hazardous. I don't
want to be an alarmist, but these kids run corners a~fful fast and the bike speeds coming from the south
are sometimes quite high.
Park Utilization
Like a couple of our neighbors, I was concerned during the spring and early summer (primarily)
concerning the use of the Open Playing Field area. My concern is primarily SAFETY and secondarily
utilization. I'll get to Safety shortly, but first a comment on utilization. In my opinion, the utilization of
the Open Pla)' Field during the spring and sun~mer as team practice field violates the purpose of the park
at its' very purpose - to be a neighborhood park. The reference to it being a neighborhood park is
indicated all through the original park planning correspondence that I reviewed from my file. I realize
that there is a shortage of practice areas for soccer teams, etc., but this was acquired for neighborhood
park purposes - to kick a ball, to throw a ball, to pla)' tag, to fly a kite, to throw a Frisbee, etc. etc. etc.
None of these activities can be done when the Excelsior Pizza Hut (or whatever the name) soccer team is
practicing their drills. I don't want to discourage young people from practicing, but that's not the point. I
saw a simple sign in another city that I thought was just perfect: No Team Practice, Neighborhood Use
Only. Sounds about fight to me~ I realize it is hard to monitor park usage, but a sign would clearly set
the policy.
The other piece to this is Safety. About 35 kids (many preschool and below) live in the relatively small
area comprising Pheasant Hill 4th - from Wood Duck/Ringneck east. These kids are all experimenting
with Big Wheels, Traceless and Bicycles and are not fully aware of the dangers of autos. When the
parents come rolling in to catch the last of their kids' practice or pick them up, they don't have our kids
in the front of their minds. Mr. and Mrs. Yuppie seem to be in quite a rush, a few have car phones stuck
to their ears, and seem preoccupied with getting to where the)' are going, rather than watching out for our
kids. Some then pull U-turns on Wood Duck Lane in a rush and head directly into the setting sun as they
go West without any more care than they came into the development. We already have Mr. & Mrs.
Richard Petty and Mr.& Mrs. Al Unser, Jr. living up the street and don't need to invite any other speeders
on to Wood Duck Lane.
The other hazard is cars parked butted up against each other on both sides of Wood Duck Lane to jockey
for the closest spots to the park entrance. Kids are darting in and out of yards, crossing the street and
ninny are just learning to pa)' attention to traffic. I don't think the City wants this kind of liability ~vhere
it is effectively "inviting" the traffic to park on Wood Duck Lane and ~ve the neighborhood parents
certainly don't want the accident potential.
I believe you mentioned at one time that a sign might be possible along the lines of"Caution - Children
Playing" or something along that line. Is that still a possibility? Most neighborhoods have some kind of
regrettable (and most likely avoidable) accident and I just don't want to be a part of any accident if
possible - either with my kids or anybody else's'.
A second level concern is just esthetics and outdoor enjoyment. The good weather season is so short as it
is and it is discouraging to come home from a work da)' that starts early and ends late, only to see a bunch
of cars parked in from of the neighbors houses. The practice then breaks up and then it has been cutting
across yards to get to the car, although the split rail fencing should help "channel" most traffic on to the
Don't get me xwong, I want maximum park utilization, but I am for neighborhood utilization. I think I
am correct that we all paid a big park fee in connection with our original Building Permit Fees, plus
significant property taxes each year. In my opinion, the park should be at our option first. The bottom
line is that if I come over to play catch with my son while a team is practicing, I can't do it.
We've enjoyed the park, it's xvell done, fairly quiet, will get better as it progresses and the latest entrance
work is tremendous. These comments are meant to be constructive and we certainly appreciate your efforts
to nmke Chanhassen a great place to live. My dad was a Park Comnfissioner for many years and I know
how hard it can bo to please the citizenry and I don't want to come across as negative. I am concerned
about safety primarily and I thought it would make sense to take stock of these issues now that the park is
ful~- operational. If you would like to contact me during the da)' may phone is 6364320.
Thank you for the time to read this letter.
1741 Wood Duck Lane
Excelsior, MN 55331
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
October 17, 1996
Mr. JeffJessen
1741 Woodduck Lane
Excelsior, MN 55331
Dear Jeff.'
Thank you for your letter of October 13. I am encouraged by your positive outlook towards the
provision of public services at Pheasant Hill Park. The Park & Recreation Commission will also
be pleased to receive a copy of your letter. Please allow me to respond to your inquiries.
· Park Safety: "Pea gravel spill over onto hard surfaces."
The Park & Recreation Department holds the same concerns that you describe in your letter.
The mandate to provide "hard surfaced" access to playgrounds nation wide has dramatically
increased the number of playground sites exhibiting hard surfaces adjoining resilient pea
gravel or sand. I will advise our Park Superintendent to increase the frequency of sweeping
at this site. I will also investigate the merits of increasing the height of the containment
border in this area. As you recognize, neither of these solutions will totally eliminate spill
over of pea gravel; however, I believe these measures are reasonable and in the best interests
of public safety.
I will also consider the placement of a warning sign, something to the effect of, "Warning:
Loose gravel" in appropriate locations.
· Park Utilization: "Keeping organized practice out of neighborhood parks."
You may be aware that the Park & Recreation Commission is a staunch advocate of reserving
neighborhood parks for neighborhoods. Year in and year out, the commission is approached
by representatives of athletic leagues requesting that neighborhood parks be open to league
play and practice. To date, the commission has refused to reserve neighborhood field space
for organized activities. Carver Beach Playground and Rice Marsh Lake Park are exceptions
Mr. Jeff Jessen
October 17, 1996
Page 22
carrying "grandparent" status. However, the Park & Recreation Commission has yet to
actively police independent coaches who take it upon themselves to schedule practices in
neighborhood parks. I will review this issue with them at their November meeting (the
October agenda has already been published).
Jeff, please be aware that the coaches organizing these practices will also claim their rights to
utilize city and neighborhood facilities. Many of these individuals reason that even though their
collective rights as an organization can be governed, their rights as individuals are immune from
such rules. I will mail you copies of my correspondence to the commission allowing you the
oppommity to provide further input on this issue. The commission's November meeting is
scheduled for Tuesday, November 26 at 7:30 p.m. The commission meets in the city council
chambers. Again, thank you for your encouraging letter.
Todd Hoffman, CLP
Park & Recreation Director
-' Park & Recreation Commission
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent