4. City Code Chapter 20-ZoningCITYOF CHANHASSEN 700 t',l~r,<, ! Bc, uiqva ,,~J PO B:;,x 147 Ciu:mha'..,s~ Yl, 155317 Administration Phrr;e fi!2 227 1 I00 P~ 9q'J 22'T 111,3 Building Inspections !) :;,r;¢ 95? 227 1180 F;~, 9!,2 227 119'-) Engineering P: e ',.52' 22? 1160 Finance p~,r, a'Z2227 11~(} 952 2'/7 11 ;0 Park & Recreation P lone: 9522271120 Fax: 952 227 1! !0 R( sre?cn C,? ~ter Ph}ne 952227 140Q Fx 952 227 1404 Planning & Natural Resources Ph(ne 952 227 1130 Fax: 952 2271110 Public Works 1591 Far~ Road PPone 952 227 1300 Fa,< 952 227 1310 Senior Center P:/or (': 952 227 1125 952 227 !110 Web Site www( slanPassen r'qrl us MEMORANDUM FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner ,...,,~' ,k,i~ DATE: March 16, 2004 SUB J: Continuation of Code Amendments, Chapter 20 Staff will continue the presentation and public hearing of the proposed amendments to Chapter 20. As a result of discussion regarding nonconforming lots, staff is recommending that Article II, Division 3. Variances, section 20-73 (b) be amended as follows: (b) No variance shall be required to construct a detached single-family dwelling on a nonconforming lot of record, excluding platted outlets, provided that it fronts on a public street or approved private street and provided that the width, ,--,.-t, ........... ~ .......... r;'"~,,,~ ~,.~;qq~ ~,,~ ...... ..... t of structure meets the minimum requirements of this chapter. * I~ reviewing lot area variances, it appears that we would not be able to deny a lot area variance unless we could show public health, safety or welfare issues that would preclude someone from being able to develop their "lot of record" with a single-family home. The city shall only require variances ifa lot may not be developed without a setback or site coverage variance. In these instances, the city could require that specific housing types or other mitigating measures to minimize, reduce or eliminate the developments impact. Please bring your copies of the Zoning Ordinance and the strike-through and bold format showing changes to each article with an explanation of proposed changes. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (952) 227-1131 or bgenerous @ci.chanhassen.mn. us. RECOMMENDATION Due to the length of the amendments, staff is recommending that the Planning Commission continue the Public Hearing to the April 6, 2004 meeting. g:\plan\bg\city code\pc memo ch 20 continued 3 16 04.doc The City of Chanhassen · A i!r,,'",^,',rng COrT q~UHi[~, with clean lakes (p~ality schools, a charming downlowr~ thriving businesses winding trails, and beautiful parks A g~eat place !)l v? vv", k and play