5c Senior Center UpdateCITY OF -
Todd Hoffman, Parks & Recreation Director
Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator
November 20, 1996
Senior Center Activities Update
Since the last activity report in September, participation at the Chanhassen Senior Center has
been booming!! There is practically an increase in every activity category offered. The most
surprising increase has been in the CHAN-o-laires group and the Bridge Club.
The CHAN-o-laires and Bridge Club have increased their active roster's to 39 and 35 people.
With this increase there has been some concern among the seniors and myself about future
accommodations. Space has not only been a issue for our every day activities, but our special
events as well. In particular, we have seen dramatic increases in our Saturday Night Specials. Our
"German Night" on Saturday, October 12, hit a record high as we packed 45 people in for a
catered meal and entertainment. This situation was some what frustrating due to the immobility
people experienced as they tried to move around. I have found the comfortable maximum for
special events to be right around 35 people. The next Saturday Special is our annual Christmas
Party on Saturday, December 7th. I have scheduled this event to take place at the Chanhassen
Recreation Center with an estimated 100 seniors attending.
Besides scheduling every day activities and trips, the Senior Advisory Board and myself have
been working on a set of 1997 goals and objectives for the Senior Center, as well as establishing
intergenerational projects with the local Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Chanhassen Chiefs 4-H Club,
and the Westwood Community Church. We hope to complete these goals and projects within the
next month and organize ourselves for a hopeful 1997. Listed below are the average attendance
numbers I've recorded for our regular monthly activities and special events/trips. I have also
included the total number of visitors per month for September 18, 1996 - November 20, 1996.
Regular Monthly Activities
Bridge 24 people
Book Club 7 people
Craft Class 10 women
Bingo 25 people
Woodcarving 9 people
Cards 20 people
Bowling 7 people
Chorus 30 people
Men's Club
Women's Club
Movie of the Month
Sandwich Lunch
10 men
11 women
10 people
15 people
Trips & Special Program
Flu Shot Clinic
Saturday Night Special, "German Night"
Little Falls Trip
Bingo Potluck
Disney on Ice Performance (Joint trip with E.P.)
America's Smithsonian Show
Saturday Night Special, "Thanksgiving Night"
4 Hour Defensive Driving Course
187 people
45 people
26 people
26 people
22 people
40 people
36 people
17 people
(As of 11/20/96)
Recorded Number of Visitors at the Center
253 people (9/18-9/30)
718 people
515 people (As of 11/20/96)