4c Lake Ann Concess/Boat Rental CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIiE6~2)P;O3:71~O9~:01~7F~x~6H¢~H9A37s.s5~I~ MINNESOTA 55317 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor DATE: September 19, 1996 SUB J: 1996 Lake Ann Park Concessions/Boat Rental As we wrap up the 1996 summer it is time to reflect. At times it looked like the revenues from the Lake Ann Concession Stand and Boat Rental would be a record breaking year, and other times we were sending staff home early because of slow sales. Since the concession stand was opened, there has been a recurring problem with individuals breaking in. Early April, before the security system was installed, a break-in occurred resulting in nearly $1,000 worth of damage. This problem has been frustrating because the losses from the vandalism is affecting our bottom line. However, after the security system was operating, no break-ins occurre& The security system will continue to be armed throughout the year, even though the operation has concluded for the season. This summer, for the first time, I took a less active role in the day to day administration. The manager, Kelly VanRiesen ordered all of the supplies, scheduled staff, and handled all other day-to-day activities. This allowed me to devote more time to other duties and responsibilities. I would recommend including these same responsibilities in the concession manager's duties again next year. General Comments: · Need more freezer and refrigerator space° · New paddleboat performed wonderfully. · Older paddleboats made it through the summer without repairs. · Close concession/boat rental down the week prior to Labor Day, when lifeguards stop. · Keep selling Evian bottled water. · Keep concession stand work area md boats cleaner. · Purchase kitchen towels, dishcloths, etc. for cleaning. · Hang a towel rack to dry towels. · Replace hot-dogs with a frozen sandwich selection. · Nachos were the top selling item. 1993-1996 LAKE ANN PARK RENTALS 1996 RENTALS 1995 RENTALS 1994 RENTALS 1993 RENTALS 2 Person Paddleboats 291 352 269 153 Canoes 111 112 129 76 4 Person Paddleboats 89 84 236 180 Rowboats 21 39 28 7 Rowboats w/Motors 32 26 70 23 Fishing Poles 1 7 15 6 TOTAL RENTALS 545 620 747 445 Chanhassen Residems Renting Boats Non-Chanhassen Residents Renting Boats Expenditures 1996 Total Concession Wages Supplies Nebco Evans Midwest Coca-Cola Blue Bell (ice cream) Tony's Pizza Festival Foods Floyd Misc. Expenses April 4, 1996 Break-in Wages/Supplies Revenues 1996 Revenue Total Total Total 198 347 545 $5974.51 $2,590.53 $2,172.73 $ 598.23 $ 443.29 $ 133.94 $ 49O.00 $ 72.38 $6,011.10 (941.99) $6,953.09 $12,927.60 $12,048.17 $ -879.43