1 Approval of MinutesPark & Recreation Commission Minutes
July 23, 1996
A regular meeting of the Park & Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by
Chairwoman Lash. Members present: Fred Berg, Ron Roeser, Frank Scott, Jan Lash, Jim
Manders. Commissioners absent: Jane Meger, Mike Howe. Staff present: Todd Hoffman, Park
& Recreation Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor; Patty Dexter, Recreation
Supervisor; Sonja Rippe, Recreation Intern.
Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as presented.
Public Announcements: Todd Hoffman announced that the city council at their meeting of
July 22, 1996, accepted a Minnesota Recreation and Park Association (MPRA) Award of
Excellence for the Chanhassen Recreation Center. The center received the highest votes of any
facility in the State of Minnesota.
Visitor Presentations: None.
Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Manders moved, Commissioner Scott seconded to approve
the summary minutes of June 25, 1996 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Review of Community Open Space and Recreation Needs Meeting: Commissioners and staff
briefly discussed the outcomes of the June 13 Community Open Space and Recreation Needs
meeting held at the Chanhassen Recreation Center.
Request for Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment from Office/Industrial/
Institutional, Residential Medium Density, Residential Low Density to Mixed Use
Commercial, High Density Residential, Institutional and Office; Preliminary Planned Unit
Development for up to 307,000 sq. ft. of Commercial/Office Buildings, 100,000 sq. ft.
Institutional Buildings, and 322 Dwelling Units; Rezoning from lOP and RSF to PUD,
Planned Unit Development; Preliminary Plat for 13 Lots and 30utlots and Public Right-of-
Way; Wetland Alteration Permit to Fill and Excavate Wetlands on Site; Vacation of Right-
of-Way and Easements; Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) Findings; and
Indirect Source Permit Review for the Villages on the Ponds Project on 66.12 Acres Located
South of Highway 5 Between Great Plains Boulevard and Market Boulevard, Villages on
the Ponds, Lotus Realty Services: Director Hoffman presented the staff report relating to this
item. Visitors present regarding the Villages on the Pond included:
Da~e ?qickolay 8500 Tigua Circle, Chanhassen 934-6761
A1 Klingelhutz 8600 Great Plains Blvd., Chanhassen 934-8915
Mika Milo 16332 Millford Drive 975-9893
Jack Lynch 700 3rd St., Minneapolis 373-6360
Austin Ward 226 Summit Ave., St. Paul 291-4492
Dave Bangasser St. Hubert's 937-1167
Susan Hoff 221 Frontier Court, Chanhassen 949-2885
Park & Recreation Commission Minutes
July 23, 1996
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Following the staff report, the applicant presented information regarding the application over a
two hour time period. Upon conclusion of the applicant's presentation, Commissioners presented
their viewpoints on the application. Upon conclusion of the discussion by the commission,
Commissioner Lash moved that the Park & Recreation Commission recommends to the city
council that the application be approved as presented with the following conditions concerning
park and recreation:
I. The south Rice Marsh Lake Trail connection be identified on the plan.
2. If the trail along TH 101 south of Rosemount is disturbed during construction, an agreement
for replacement be coordinated with the applicant.
3. There be a joint agreement for future use of the soccer field between the community and St.
Hubert's Church.
4. Full park and trail fees be collected per city ordinance.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Scott and passed on a 4 to 1 vote, with
Commissioner Berg voting against the motion for the following reasons:
1. St. Hubert's Church will not need the soccer field as much as we are led to believe.
2. The soccer field will be of no significant value to local soccer associations.
3. The soccer field itself does not represent a neighborhood park.
4. The construction of the soccer field will result in significant disruption to one of the few
remaining natural areas on the Villages on the Pond site.
Final Approval, 1997 Park Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program:
Commissioners reviewed the Five Year Capital Improvement Program as it applies to each
individual park within the City of Chanhassen. A variety of changes were noted for the 1997 CIP
and the following recommendation was forwarded:
Commissioner Scott moved to approve the 1997 Park Acquisition and Development Capital
Improvement Program as follows:
Bandimere Community Park
Carver Beach Park
Twin Cities & Western Railroad
Chanhassen Recreation Center
City Center Park
.Lake/knn Park
Lake Susan Park
Meadow Green Park
Minnewashta Blvd. Parkland
North Lotus Lake Park
Prairie Knoll Park
Other Improvements
Scout Projects
Restoration and trail work
Parking lot expansion
Reserve, playfield renovation
Electrical improvements, pavilion outlets
Tennis court refurbishment & basketball lines
Phase II development
Tennis Court Refurbishment
Playground, Phase I
Picnic tables, benches
Park & Recreation Commission Minutes
July 23, 1996
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General Contingency
Recycling Containers
Trails and asphalt work
Total budget
Commissioner Berg seconded the motion and all voted in favor. The motion passed unanimously.
Youth Programs
Adult Programs
Senior Programs
1996 Centennial and Fourth of July Celebration: Recommendations included to increase the
number of activities for teenage participants and improve on the food service.
Director's Report
Commissioner Manders moved, Commissioner Berg seconded to adjourn the meeting at
11:05 p.m.
Todd Hoffman
Park & Recreation Director