2 NeighborhoodFocus Grp KingsRdCITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 MEMORANDUM TO: Park & Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE: August 21, 1996 SUB J: Receive Recommendations of Neighborhood Focus Group; Minnewashta Parkway/Kings Road Parkland In December of 1995, the City of Chanhassen closed a real estate transaction acquiring land for a park at the northwest intersection of Minnewashta Parkway and Kings Road. This transaction marked the close of over two years of effort by the Park & Recreation Commission and City Council. On February 13, 1996, the Park & Recreation Commission hosted a neighborhood meeting to initiate the process of developing this property. Funding for initial improvements is to be derived from a $70,000 allocation which had been earmarked in the 1996 Park Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program. Following the neighborhood meeting, a "focus group" comprised of residents of the Minnewashta Parkway area was established. The focus group held their initial meeting on April 9, 1996. Subsequent meetings were held on July 2 and August 5, 1996. Major areas of accountability for the focus group included; extent of park development, elements of park development, parking, and pedestrian movement. Of particular concern was the extent of lake front development. The issue of whether or not a beach front with a sand blanket should be maintained remains unsolved. The group also set a goal of naming the park and determining the fate of the round house. Naming the Park: A part of the focus group's work was the design, distribution and analysis of a neighb°rli00~d~survey. One question asked for suggestions for a name for the park. The resulting suggestions are listed on Attachment # 9. The word "round house" was included in 12 suggestions. The word king(s) or kingdom was included in 23 suggestions. When it came down to the final vote, "round house" won by a vast majority. Recommendation: It is recommended that the park be named "Round House Park." Park & Recreation Commission August 21, 1996 Page 2 Parking & Pedestrian Movement: The intersection of Minnewashta Parkway and Kings Road and the pedestrian crosswalk which exists there were topics of considerable discussion. The group considered the safety of park users, residents, and others using this intersection to be paramount. At the direction of the group, Jim Benshoof of Benshoof & Associates was retained to study the dynamics of this intersection. Mr. Benshoof's firm specializes in transportation engineering and planning. The consultant's final report is attached and is organized in three sections: 1) Analysis of Traffic Control; 2) Analysis of Pedestrian Movements Across Minnewashta Parkway; and 3) Conclusions. They conclude that: The existing traffic control at the Kings Road/Minnewashta Parkway intersection, which consists of a stop sign on Kings Road, is appropriate and will continue to be the proper form of traffic control to serve the anticipated residential and park development. Volumes do not come close to justifying all way stop sign control. · A primary recommendation is to have a single pedestrian crosswalk. Retaining the existing crosswalk at Kings Road and enhancing it with new lighting is an effective plan. · Landscaping and park usage should be designed to encourage pedestrians to cross Minnewashta Parkway at the crosswalk located at the Kings Road intersection. These findings were accepted by the focus group. Parking is not permitted on Minnewashta Parkway. Overflow parking can be accommodated on the newly constructed Kings Road. Some members of the focus group do not desire to see this parking allowed. Recommendation: It is recommended that the conclusions of Benshoofand Associates be affirmed and that on-street parking be maintained on Kings Road. (The new road was designed to accommodate on-street parking). If in the future on-street parking presents problems, this issue can be revisited. "Extent of" and "Elements of" Development: The focus group utilized park concept plans prepared by Bruce Chamberlain, Park Planner of Hoisington Koegler Group, to facilitate discussion in these two areas. On July 8, 1996, a neighborhood survey was distributed to 456 households in the Minnewashta neighborhood. Ms. Nancy Wenzel, focus group member, authored the survey and tabulated the results of the 146 that were returned. The initial mailing inadvertently omitted 46 households. A second mailing was performed to reach these members of the neighborhood. A rank was then given to each "element" on the concept plan. The ranking was based upon a point system with a 1 being a first priority and a 5 being assigned when the respondent thought the park does not need an element. The results of the survey led to the highest ranking being assigned to play area phase 2 (2.35 average) and the Park & Recreation Commission August 21, 1996 Page 3 lowest being assigned to volleyball court (3.71 average). These averages closely correspond with a ranking of"very important" for the play area and "low priority" for the volleyball court. The complete results are tabulated on Attachment #9. On August 5, ten members of the neighborhood representing both individuals who had participated in all or a portion of previous meetings and those who had not met to formulate a recommended park plan. Those present included: Nancy Wenzel, 6900 Minnewashta Parkway David Headla, 6870 Minnewashta Parkway Jill Lidstone, 3991 Country Oaks Road Greg Datillo, 7201 Juniper Avenue Susan Morgan, 4031 Kings Road Janet Carlson, 4141 Kings road Michelle Clark, 3841 Red Cedar Point Drive Tom Paradise, 3755 Red Cedar Point Drive Para Prinsen, 4040 Glendale Drive Jim Hofer, 7098 Red Cedar Cove Also present were Bruce Chamberlain of Hoisington Koegler Group and me. Recommendation: This neighborhood group recommends that the following components be included on a proposed "master" park plan: playground phases 1 & 2, landscaping, picnic area, two non-illuminated tennis courts, basketball hoops at the edge of the tennis courts (the courts would serve a dual purpose under this plan, tennis play pre-empts basketball play), open skating area, one illuminated hockey/inline skating rink, fishing pier, an open play field, bike rack, water fountain, parking and trail network. Items excluded from the master plan include a ballfield with aggregate infield and backstop, an "official" soccer field, and sand volleyball. One item, the lake front beach, was tabled for further study. Upon receiving confirmation and/or amendment of the recommendations brought forth in this memorandum, this issue will be scheduled for city council action on September 9, 1996. C: Neighborhood Focus Group Members May6r and City Council Don Ashworth, City Manager Kate Aanenson, Planning Director Charles Folch, City Engineer Scott Harr, Public Safety Director Park & Recreation Commission August 21, 1996 Page 4 Attachments: 1. Park Concept Plan dated October 16, 1995. 2. Park Concept Plan dated May 6, 1996. 3. Tentative Park Project Schedule. 4. Resident Information Letter dated August 19, 1996. 5. Letter from Susan Morgan, 4031 Kings Road. 6. Agenda, august 5, 1996, Focus Group Meeting. 7. Draft Minutes of August 5, 1996, Focus Group Meeting. 8. Memo to Focus Group dated August 1, 1996. 9. Tabulation of Neighborhood Questionnaires dated July 31, 1996. 10. Report from Benshoof & Associates dated July 29, 1996. 11. Memo to Focus Group dated July 25, 1996. 12. Letter to Nancy Wenzel dated July 17, 1996. 13. Letter from Sue Morgan dated July 16, 1996. 14. Neighborhood Mailing dated July 8, 1996. 15. Meeting Notice/Agenda dated July 2, 1996. 16. Memo to Focus Group dated May 21, 1996. 17. Memo from Bruce Chmnberlain, Park Planning Consultant, dated May 2, 1996. 18. Agenda, April 9, 1996, Focus Group Meeting. 19. Issues/Questions generated at Park & Recreation Commission Neighborhood Meeting of February 13, 1996 and Responses. 20. Copy of letter distributed to those who signed up at the February 13, 1996 Neighborhood Meeting to be on the Focus Group. 21. Agenda, February 13, 1996, Park & Recreation Commission Neighborhood Meeting, West Lake Minnewashta Parkland. G:\park\th\focusrec..doc Minnewashta Parkway/Kings Road Tentative Park Project Schedule August 5, 1996 Finalize Park Concept Plan. August 27, 1996 Present Park Concept Plan and Project Specifications to Park & Recreation Commission September 9, 1996 Present Park Concept Plan to City Council. Authorize Plans and Specifications for contractual Work. September 20, 1996 Complete seeding. (week of) October 1, 1996 Award Contract for Parking Lots and Trails. November 29, 1996 Close of Construction Season. G:\park\th\mwstakingsschedule CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 August 20, 1996 Dear Resident: On Tuesday, August 27, the Minnewashta Parkway/Kings Road Parkland Neighborhood Focus Group will be presenting their findings to the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission. A copy of the agenda for the evening is enclosed. The basic components of the group's recommendation are: 1. The park shall be named "Roundhouse" Park. The round house will be renovated, most likely serving as a skating warming house and summer park shelter. Based on the prepared "concept" plans, the following components shall be included on a proposed "master" park plan: playground phases 1 & 2, landscaping, picnic area, two non- illuminated tennis courts, basketball hoops at the edge of the tennis courts (the courts would serve a dual purpose under this plan, tennis play pre-empts basketball play), open skating area, one illuminated hockey/inline skating rink, fishing pier, an open play field, bike rack, water fountain, parking, and trail network. Items excluded from the master plan include a ballfield with aggregate infield and backstop, an "official" soccer field, and sand volleyball. One item, the lake front beach, was tabled for further study. Additionally, it was the finding of Benshoof and Associates, Inc., Transportation Engineers and Planners, that the pedestrian crosswalk currently existing at the Kings Road intersection should be maintained (in lieu of moving it to the north). They also report that this crosswalk will facilitate pedestrian movement between the two areas of the park which are bisected by Minnewasht4 Parkway. Furthermore, it is their finding through actual traffic counts and study that a three way stop at the intersection of Kings Road and Minnewashta Parkway is not merited. These findings were reviewed and accepted by the Neighborhood Focus Group. Upon review of this information by the Park & Recreation Commission, it is the hope of the focus group that the commission will order the publishing of a "master" park plan. In mm, this master plan would be presented to the city council on September 9, 1996. August 20, 1996 Page 2 If this schedule is met, it is the intention of the Park & Recreation Department to finish grade and seed the park this fall. Additionally, assuming this schedule is met, it is our hope that the city council will award a contract for initial improvements (parking lots and trails) by October 1, 1996. If the bidding climate for this fall work is found to be unfavorable, this work will be postponed until 1997. The full report on this item which will be presented to the Park & Recreation Commission will be available on Thursday, August 22, 1996. If you are interested in receiving a copy prior to the commission meeting on the 27th, please contact Karen Engelhardt at 937-1900 ext. 104. If you have questions regarding the development of this park, or if you would like to volunteer as a "Round House" renovator, please contact me at 937-1900 ext. 121. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman, CLP Park & Recreation Director TH:k Mayor and City Council Don Ashworth, City Manager Kate Aanenson, Planning Director Charles Folch, City Engineer Scott Harr, Public Safety Director Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent Bruce Chamberlain, HKGI g:\park\thLmwsta focus.e Susan E. Horgan 4031 Kings Road Excelsior, Mn 55331 8/6/96 Dear Chanhassen Park and Rec Commissioners, The Round House Park Concept Plan will be presented to you on August 27. Round House Park is the neighborhood park at the corner of Kings Road and Minnewashta Parkway. There is one main area of concern, that I would like to address with the Commission and the City Council. The main issue is the aura or atmosphere of the park. The initial concept by the park commission and the developer promoted the park as a neighborhood park, befitting the environment in which it would be constructed. Within the last 2-3 years, the residents have been presented with a sketch of the park which contains almost every park amenity available. The sketch has been mailed to most residents in the area. The limited community feedback has indicated that those who responded, believe that most amenities illustrated are appropriate and the want "the biggest bang for the buck." Unfortunately, the "biggest bang for the buck", changes the status of the park from neighborhood park to the appearance of a recreational center. The proposed layout shows the park consisting of wall-to-wall asphalt extending almost 3/4 of the length of the southern half of the park. The proposal includes a 210' x 100' asphalt hockey rink with tall lights on the corner of Kings Road and Minnewashta Parkway. This commercial high-impact facility is not appr~riate for an almost rural, pastoral neighborhood--across from a natural environment lake. There are currently 2 o~ theses.rinks 3-4 miles from Minnewashta at the Chanhassen Rec ce~~-In addition, the Cathcart Park rink has been renovated. A hockey rink of this "grandeur" is not appropriate. Skating is a wonderful activity shared by all ages, and should be incorporated into our park plans, however, the commercial / nature of a huge asohal.t rink with 15' lights is inappropriate, RECEIVEI_ AUG 0 8 1996 CiTY OF GflANHASSEN (2) The other amenities shown are acceptable and can be presented in manner that is in keeping with the neighborhood atmosphere. I am confident you will give this matter very serious consideration, and I hope you will agree that the hockey rink structure is inappropriate and inconsistent with a neighborhood park. Sincerely, Susan E. ~organ AGENDA MINNEWASHTA PARKLAND NEIGHBORHOOD FOCUS GROUP AUGUST 5, 1996 7:00 P.M. COURTYARD CONFERENCE ROOM CHANHASSEN CITY HALL 7:00 p.m. Call to Order 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Review Final Traffic and Pedestrian Concept Plan for the Minnewashta Parkway/Kings Road Park 3. Review Survey Results 4. Finalize Park Concept Plan 5. Other Business DRAFT Minnewashta F'ark' Focus Team; Minutes 8/5/96 a~fm~'~ing__,,u the rapturing___ [,avid Meadla, Nancy bJenzel, JimMw+=r"-'- ,. Sup._ Moroan~, F'am jane{ Carlson, Bruce Chamberlain, dreo Datilio, Jill ~idstone~ Tom Paradise, Michelie Clark, ToOd Moffman. To0d Hoffman opened the meeting with a statement that the concept plan is a blank :h~ Some members made initial statements ..... t and it was up to us to fill it in. _ · _ ~r~:. +~.~.,,~.~ im~iedp~ we ~ere t~ying to inc~ud~ t~o many activities in the .... fo~ the ..... ~--~=- +he ities that were n~ted on the available =p~. ~e then starte~ ui ....... ~ng ~ amen survey: Play Area Phase.-- ~ RecommendeO ~it,h nc, o_~.~u._-..=icn~ ...... Play Area Phase 1 RetorT, mended ~Ith .qo ~iS. CLiSS!On Landscaping Recommen?.eO ;~it~ no discussion Picnic Faci lilies ........ ~-~ ' _ r.~=o.,,~nu~ w!~h no diSELiSS!On Swimming Beach ~ Re]ec~e0 after much discussion. Thp small area ~.v=ii~ui~ =h~ pu==.i _ __, Of many _ _ u~:~ .... ~ ~ ~ - - ~ .... ia~ ~ ~" ' O~ sim!Jar~_~P~rh~'=._~ ~,Je?e some n4 ~k~t~_ n.= .~ ~=.=-_~=. ]~= i~e~T~ ~!~.r, ~PF~er-.atm~ ..... ~ ~=- Ceci-E. IO~ was ~o ~-b~a Tennis Courts/Basketball Rp,-r".T~m=ndpd after some discussic, n. Bali Field ~.==~_..,,~o=~c ......... ~--~ as an c~en,, mo~eo~ fi~i~-'d suitable for a nu~Der of ~c~ ~ %,~ ~ ip= ...... . ]~]dd ~t~p~~ ,k-.*~ ~n~r~- _~._M.~. ~' n,=~_~ ~.~. ur ........ ~ i n_ F~. ~JOt~ iu~ = n~5~__ ~.i ~_, ,-~ ~ n-~, iu~ tn__ Fishing Pier c.=~-_~u...,~.d~d ............. after d!~CLtESiOF~ boat parking ~lli' not Round House Renovation P'prnm~T~ ..... -~' ~ n~:.z:k~ O~ nos=ib:~ ~':P=. ~iSELtSS~d ~'~i~h F~O ~LF~al 5e~iSiL,~':. ,-,the~- ~iS.F~ ?E. 5~ war~iF~ ~,OL~S~ ~Ltrin~ ice Hockey Rink/Asphalt/Lights Recc~m~en,ed,~.~t~-~ _~ ~?.~-'~ensive M~.~n~ ...... .... ion and -~.~-~,r- ced c, ppc, slt!on tO th'= ~=m. it "== f~ntarlvely ~prlJeO ~'-' F~i,~:=. =. VOl .... . ~._. ...... ..._ u,~u i ,_~=. wou=d nc, t be,]:-:~,=:r.~,:,rkle a~tet- 9:~'Pi. Volley Bail Court ~'p~prtmd, ~ .... =~,+~-~-~ mi ___ Other recommendations: Bi ke Racks ....... F ©LI.F~ L a I Fi Other Discussion: · ~L~Ou~reported that twent,/~ two park~nq~, _ spaces are p~n~d._ Tpam_ members recommenOed that parking not be permitted on Kinq= Rnmd or the Parkway Tod~ was asked if the large amount of asphalt would cause drainagep.~,~nb~m~._ _ and he ~-~ _ _ if . answered that he did nc, t ~,~i~v~ _ would ~= ~,~c~ueu ~o l~m~+ access from ~h~ park to tra~] placement. F'e~mstrzan and bske traffzc wou.~d b~ d~rected to Kzngs F:c,a.d and ~_~,~ crosswalk at *~.= int. ersection o~ r...inq~ Road and the P~:wav T~ was ..... ug .... ~u that la. ru.:~L=p~n,~ h~ specifically deslqned to, camou, ti~=/h~n~ the hc:c' cl ~P:: m,~ = ' =~ submiff~d n.~m~= was re'../iewe~ and ',/ote~ c,n. '-' ' ~e ~::.~ .... C:,~ .... "h:C. LtF~d House n~'--""~: .... wa= the Next Steps: Todd will have our recommendations incorporated into a concept plan and mailed to us before they are presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission on August 27. The results of that meeting will go to the City Council about September 9. Assuming that both groups agree, seeding anO parking lot asphalt surfacing will proceed this fall. The Focus Team will need to meet again to resolve open issues and recommend the sequence of construction activities Park & Recreation Director's Notes: Minutes submitted by Jim Hofer, 7098 Red Cedar Cove. This document has not been reviewed and accepted by the Neighborhood Focus Group. It is my recollection that the swimming beach was not rejected, but tabled. After discussion with Bruce Chamberlain, Park Planning Consultant, it was determined that awaiting Park & Recreation Commission direction prior to generating additional park plans would be prudent. CITY OF MEMORANDUM TO: Minnewashta Parkland Neighborhood Focus Group FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: August 1, 1996 SUB J: Next Meeting/Agenda First, I would like to thank Nancy Wenzel for her dedication to this planning process. The work she has done on compiling the surveys and her level of participation in the focus group has been outstanding. We are quickly closing in on our September 15, 1996, "seeding" goal with a good deal of preparatory work left to complete. We may be forced to grade and "dormant" seed the park late this fall. To keep things moving along, please arrive with your thoughts in order and your sleeves rolled-up on Monday night. Note: Peter Moe will be out of town on Monday, but called to give the "green light" to the project. The following agenda and project schedule are proposed. g:\park\thh-nwshtapkfocusgrpagenaug5 July 31, 1996 To the (as yet unnamed) Park Focus Committee Notes from Nancy: While compiling the results of 146 questionnaires (32% response}, I have had considerable amount of time to ponder the varied personalities and viewpoints making up our "neighborhood". Also in this time frame I have been reading the Chanhassen Centennial book and have come to the conclusion that in 100 years, really not much has changed! I do feel strongly, that each of the opinions noted here deserve the same consideration as yours or mine and that we will all have to compromise to make this work. I am wondering if we are so busy filling this park land with amenities that we are missing the need in all of us for space, maybe even some undeveloped space. Are we planning too much? Are we crowding things into this area? Please take time to look at the land and try to visualize the park as outlined before our next meeting. Listed below are the comments regarding the park. I have numbered each response and in the left hand column are the corresponding numbers. The first group consists of miscellaneous comments, including many who said "thank you" to all of us for our work. The rest are organized by item, plus the addition of new suggestions, some of them really good ideas! If a preference was listed for the October Plan or May Plan, I have indicated their choice. And last, but not least, the suggestions for names. If you have any questions, please call me {474-3610). Hope you enjoy these comments and name suggestions as much as I did. See you at our August 5th meeting. The results are as follows: Play Area Phase 2 Play Area Phase 1 Landscaping Picnic Facilities Swimming Beach Tennis Courts/Basketball Ball Field Fishing Pier Round House Renovation Hockey Rink/Asphalt/Lights Volley Ball Court 2.35 2.39 2.50 2.77 2.84 2.86 3.11 3.31 3.50 3.55 3.71 ~I31~T~ REG~DI~3 P~ 3 TH20O{ ¥00 FOR ¥OLUNTEERIN6 TO SERVE {3]{ PARK PLANNING COMMITTEE, GLAD TO SEE FACILITIES FOR TEENS AS THEY ARE SELGOM CONSID~ED IN PARKS ARD ~ BAYE LOTS OF TEERS ON THE PARKYAY, 49 LGOK-q WEll. PLA~ 44 MORE FOCUS ON 'FAIIL¥', NOT A TEEN HANGOUT. APPRECIATE THE LAHE AND AREA. 53 FANTASTIC P~! ! ! 67 '{'{{A){~ }13t{ TOON 87 THIS LAH IS Ii. READY TOO ~ 112 ~ CAR'T AFFO{fl) ~ ~IS'fI~ I~GOVI3iENTS, NEI[]BORHGOD DOES WOT NEED OR WANT TH~. 113 ~Ic;~. ~ ~ ~ C{~]WDi3) AND BEDt TO MISLEAD PEilPLIZ INTO DLUECTING PARK TO ENCOFAES ~YTHING 113 N'H~E ~ ~IlRFA~ WATER {~IN! THERE IS NO NOLI)ING POND {3]{ ~i' JOE ~ THIS 124 THYING TO DO 1330 10CH. CLr~ BACK! 133 lHi!~ lq3i{ DOING WIlPJ{ ON THIS COMMIT'fEE{ 44 BAll. }'It3.I): ~ {{AYE ~OU53{ 7} BALL FIELD: WILL BRING i LOT OF TRAFIC TO OUR OUIET STHE~'TS - PLEASE LEAYE OUT. 1~9 BILL HEll): BAT'flWG CAHE 113 Bill. FIELD: 5 BASI'ETBAI.I. I~[I3PS: ADD TO HOCKEY RINK ASPHALT ~ BASKETBA1.L: 113 NOT COHBI~ WIT]{ TENNIS IL2 ~,,A,qKETId~.L ~: IX) NOT BELONG ON TERNIS COURTS/CONFLICT OF INTERESTS. t~F. ICH: NOT NECESSARY ~: ALPEIDY iiAVE ACROSS LAKE tu.A~: LOCA~ TO NONT{{ BEACH: IX]W'T N133) BECIUIHZ OF ONE AT IINNHASHTA PARK/WITH LIFEC, UARDS BEACH: YACI3{{IA - BIG P~ WITH BEACH/BOAD/PARKIWG 13EACH: BEACH ipEA IS {{OT VERY ~ AND WITH ACCESS ONLY BY FOOT ACBOS$ THE PARKWAY, IT GOES NOT HAKE SER~. THERE IS ALPEADY i PUBLIC BEACH IN MINNEWASHTA PARK (ACBOSS LAKE). BY Piffl'I~ A BEACH I! WIT]{ PARKING AC{~13S THE 5'TH{~']', YOU APE CREATING A DANGD~)US SITUATION. BEACH: A~EAI)Y O{U~ PUBLIC BEACH {3]{ LAKE I~EACH: TO CRF. A~ AROTBER LAKE WACONIA SITUATION IS A~LLr{'ELY LUDICROUS. THE CARV~ COUNTY BOARD {{Aa SAID N~EBOUS TILES THAT SUCH i SITOATION IS i SAFETY {{AZAARD AND THEY WANT TO ABANDON IT. YHY ARE ~ SPERDINS tONET TO CREA~ THE SAIE SITUATION? ]{EACH: ~ING WIT]{ BEACH: H APE Y]3{Y CONCI3~NED ABOOT USING THE NARROW SCRIP ON LAKE FOR BEACH OR FISHING. DANGFROUS FOR CHILI)PEN CROSSING RD BEACH Will. I{{TERFERE WIT]{ BEACH: PIR~I/R{33 ~ID ~ WIS {{O'f ENOLW3B LAKE ~OPE TO ALLOW THIS ACTIVITY BEACH: ~ IS ALREADY ~ ~EAT ~I}illNG BEACH {3]{ THE OTHER SI~ OF THE LAKE. TOO DARGEROUS HAVING KIDS C~ PKYY. BT. ACH: DRill ~ - CORNER {{AS BEER USED FOR THAT - WILL BEACH & PARK RESULT IN {{ORE! I~,ACH: {LEt3~ AS }{UCH NITURAL YE5%'TATION ALONG LAKE AS POSSIB~ 44 BDH2{]~S: WITH ¥IE'W 13 ])0~ ~S~ ~ 3 ~N{3 PI~: ]{AYE ACROSS THE LAKE 44 lNG PIER: ]{EEIIS TO BE LONG E]{{3{133t TO 5'ET ~IDE OF {{II.FOIL!Il ~6 F~IWG PIER: TO BE WORTHWHI~ WOULD HAVE TO EXTERD 1~' OUT IN LAKE TO GET BUOND k'EEDS ~ FISHING PIER: WILl. DRAW FISHERM]3{ FOR}{ OU'rSIDE OF SHANHASSER - DO YOU REALLY WAU THIS~. 82 FISHI{{G PIER: WILl. {{AVE BOA~ DO{KING {{ERE - BE AWARE! 1.2 F!~IWG PIER WILl, Al'i3~4C'f OOT OF TOWNERS HOCKEY RI~: WHAT ABU~ BLUFF 44 ItORSE SHOE PIT~ 31 ~NI~:,CJo~IN~: ~I~ ~'VE~fl~B~$ TO HIDE PARKING 42 I.ANI)$C~J~I~: ~ BE D[]£ BY ~ P~K t't_~: C[]C~RNINS ~HOLIC 1! PAHIN~: DELETE P~KI~ - NEI~ CAN YA~ OR BIKE ~ PARK, LI~ITINS U~ TO L~AL R~ID~C~ ~US DI$C, OUEAGIHS USE BY ~rH~. ~ ~IS PARK J~ ~ P~C£ ~R LINEAL FAMILI~ 1~ PARKI~: NO PARKINS [] ~IN~ 1234 pi.p.A,: )lO PARKIN~ [] KIN~'$ RD. DON'T CRAM EV~Y~INS IN LIKE Y~ HAVE. B.AY 2~.A: 13)UIP COULD BE INS'TA~ BY VOLUNTEE]~S 13 RESTROOBS 4~ ]fl~'TRfX3~SIBEACH ]]OUSE 69 ~ ROUND HOUSE: 65 ROi~D i~t~E: 69 ]~3UND I~USE: l~7 }~3lH{D HOUS~: BUILD NEW R~I.ACE WIT]{ MORE SPACIUUS/USABLE BUILDING WHY IS ~I$ ~ STILL R[] & I CAW STILL ~IWG A PRE'rTl }~7.AN BAMM~, IF THAT WOU1J) HELP. THIS IS AN EYESORE ~I$ IS AN UESORE. ESTIMA~ ~ RENOVA~ WILL BE LOW CHRIS P~LINSKI 470-4144 ~ ~ V~=L~Ib%LL COUP?: 'I HAVE NE'VE~ SED4 ANYONE USE ~E]3~AH'S, EXCB>T CATS. 413 SOCC~ FIELD: ]fEED]H) dS MiN3R ~ BALL FIELD 2 SKATi~: 3 SIATI~: 49 S~A?IN6: 69 SKATING: l{~nc]) {3PM{ SKATINH RINK ~E AT 5ALPlN & 5 .c~.TX3H !_t~D__. (DRIV~ BY DALLY ~ ~E WAY H[]E - TIHE ~ DAY~) IS fl ~ IS fl ~ Y~ ~ ~ AN I~ RINK BY ~IS WIN~? WARHINS H~I , 7 STOP SI~ ~ H~ ~ KIItHS ~AD - }~3ST IM~RTANT TO DO 46 ~ SI~ ~ ~ HELPFUL 58 'I~WWIS CO0~: C~Ji HARRY I)UNW. I THINK HE WOULD LIKE ~ ADVI~ (SEE ~ TM{lIS: TEEWIS/BASKFrBALL - WITH LIC, H'rS T]ZW]{IS Illll~: LIIiHT IT 11 TRAFFIC: COgtCl~iS R~ARDINH ~AFFIC/P~K OV~ USE BY PEOPLE NOT ~OM ~IS NEI~HBOHNO01) ~ 2~LAJ3clC: IF ~IS IS i 'DRIVE TO' PARK AS PROF~3SED, PARKWAY WILL BECOME TOO ~ - DO YOU REALLY WANT MORE TRAFIC G~ERATED? ~F~IL: FR~B NORTH ~EIGHBORHOODS TO PARKWAY ' 8 U{[DERPIHS ~ CHILI)RF.! DO NOT HIVE TO CRO~"S PAREYAY TO 8EACH t39 VOLUHKER: 'mN & I CAlK STILL 9'/1Nt3 A PRETTY HEAl{ {{i}{M~U~ IF IT WOULD HELP'. B8 WADI{{13 POOL FDR YOU~ CHILDREN ~ ¥ADI¥13 POOL 7i{ WAI.KINI~ ~AI~: ~ HONEY AND HAINTENANCH 27 YATER FOUN'rAIN FOI{ DRINKINS 111 YATER {:IIiINTAIN/LAVATORIES OCT: PRi3rER THIS PLAN WITH NO BEACH 1 PI.AN HAY: RiB PLAN 45 PLAl{ {LiY: {32 PLAN HIY: 65 PLAN ~ PLA{ 12~ PLAN ~AY: 15 Piti HAY: 132 PLAN lilY: 2~ BLUE BIRD PARK liB CRD~ PARK 69 C'H~ ~ PIN liB1 [2.EARYATER 144 COTfoNWO0{) PARK 7 BUNSINi~ER PARK 1~ 30E'$ PARK 39 KINS CARLSO{ PARK 132 KIWH PARK 33 KINH VASHTI 1S KIN[iI)O~ PARK 45 KINH313{{ PARE 6 KINalNN PARK .~ KIN{3S COURTYARD 32 KINHS 1 KINHS 13 KIN~ PARK 1§ KIN~ PAP,]{ 16 KIN~ PARK ~5 KIWH$ PARK 123 KIN6S I~3AD PARK 75 KIN~ ROAD 18 KINHS ROAD PARK ~EFER THIS PLAN. BEACH N~ PI~IC L'LDSHZ~ TO ROAD AND PI.AY HROUNDS FARTHER F~OM ROAD LIKE THIS PLAN WITH NO DRIVEWAY TO CROSS FOOTPATH INSIDE PARK. ALSO ALLOWS EASIER SKAKIN$ ACCESS TO PARK HOUSE. USE PLAN WITH PARKINH AREAS LOCATED ON KINC, S ROAD lib'CH. MUCN BEITER THAN OCT PLAN PREYER ~ HAY CONCEPT - BETTER TO KEEP THE TRAFIC F~OH CROSSINH THE TRAIL (WALK/BIKE PATH) NO HTHY ON PKWY ENTRY ON KINC, S ROAD BOTH PARKINS ~ ERTHY ON KINHS RD }'OR SAFE'fY BEA LISA BRAFF LINDA SANDER HICHEI,E & KEVIN CLARK ROB & CHRIS PEPLINSKI BARB SCOULER 6788 COUNTRY OAKS ROAD - 55331 741iB I~INNEWASHTA PARHAY 3921 LINDEN CIROI.E - ,55331 3841 RED CEDAR Pl' DRIVE - 55331 623{3 FIR THEN 474-iB737 470-4144 474-8587 ADELIIDE ~ PRILLAliAN 7B64 RED CEDAR COVE - 55331 YAKS HAH BLUE DAVID TERPSTHA ¥ILLIAM & KARE]I 5'LEARN ~BERT BLUE DAVID T[3~PS'fRA PAUL LIDS'fORE SUE 6568 COUNTHYSIUE DRIVE - ~ .5,5.346 6581 JOSI{UA CIRCLE - 55331 621iB BARBERRY CIRCLE - ~1 · 677iB COUNTHY OAKS ROAD - 55331 6581 JOSHUA CIRCLE - 5,5,331 3991 COUNTRY OAKS DRIVE - 55331 4831 KINC, S ROAD - 5,5,331 47iB-6346 LIBBY SCHm.~ 3928 LESLEE CURVE - ,55331 470-9352 B2 KIWES ROUNId{OUSE P/d{K 98 KINH¥ASHTA PARK 42 KINU'S VIEW PARK 2 LAKE }{I~{~EWASRTA PARK 49 L4k~'~BOi~ p4~lf 9 LAKEVIEW PARE 12S LAKEYIEW PARK 12~ LEAC~ MEMORI~ ON MINNEWASRTA 12~ LF.A~ PARK 38 LEACh'S PARK 131 LITTLE JOE PARK 82 LITTLE KINH'S PARK 78 HINI P~ 98 MINI-KI]{S PARX 27 MINNEWASHTA ]~U{D-]{DL~ PARK 21 MINNEWASIFFA COMMUNITY PARK 5{ MIWNEWASHTA CO. UNITY P~ 4~ MIW~A F~ILY P~K 47 ~INN~A F~ILY 73 HI~A F~ILY PARK 4B HI~A~A ~ P~ 143 MI~A~TA KIN~H PARK 2 HIN~T~ N~B~ PARK 91 HI~A O~S FAMILY PA~ 9 MI~A~TA PA~ 117 MINN~A~T4 1~ MI~A~TA P~ 1~ MINN~A~T4 PAH 94 BIN~A P~AY PARK 1~ HIWN~A P~AY PA~ 78 BIOTA P~IRIR PARK 67 HI~4 RIVI~IA P~K 27 MINNEWAS~{'rA TOWER PARK 27 MINNEW~.q~TA'S XlWHS PARK 1~ MI}{NE-JOE PARK 58 MINNE-¥AS~-TA-PK ~ MINN-KI~ PAPJ{ 65 HOS~ITO COVE 65 MOS~ITO RID6E 1~5 OAK PARK 8~ PARK {~I) B[N~ 61 Pt~Acud{T ACRES PARK 1~ RI3) CEDAR PARK 2 RESO~q' PAP3{ ~ RES{3~T PARK ~ PLAYI3}~3UNI) 34 ]~ND BOUSE PARK 44 BOLU{D H[X}SE PARK 55 R~rNl) BO~S£ PARK 74 ROUND ]{OUSE PARK PAUL LIDS'TO~ CARNS LISA BRAFF DICK HANSON DAVE ROE1.KE BORHIE LABATT :29gl COURTRY OAKS DRIVE - 55331 478-6346 3911 MAPLE SHORES DRIVE - 55331 7418 HIHNEWASHTA PKWY 3241 DARTHOUTR - 55331 474-76~7 478-~71 3981 STRATFORD RI1)SE - 55331 474-~ RLPSS TON~ (?) LIN FICHUK S BAINBRI~£ T~E ANDE~3~S CARNS 7351MINN~ASHTA PK{Y - 55331 7587 77TR STREET - 55318 3911 MAPLE SHORES DRIVE - 55331 474-5~83 HARRY CAHPBELL TODD & SUSAN SCHILLIN6 3911 ~ CURVE - 55331 BONNIE LABATT 3981 STRATFORD RID~'E - 55331 BART ~ 4788 STRATFORD RII3~'E - 55331 }~3NNIE ~. ANSELO 484~8 HI.134DALE DRIVE - 55331 BONNIE LABATT 3981 STRATFORD RID6E - 55331 BONNIE LABATT 3981 STRATFORD RID6E - 55331 BOBT JOSEPES 6781 MINREWASHTA PKWY - 55331 HARRY MARY J. MOORE 3231 DAR~OUTH DRIVE - 55331-8844 474-8853 474-8853 474-8853 474-9765 LISA BRAFF ANNIE HED GREFE-R~.I.~ JIM & SUSAN GUI.STRAND 7418 MINNEWASHTA PHY 386~ LONE CEDAR 4828 HLEWDALE - 55331 39~ STRATFORD RI~E - 55~31 474-5182 478-8261 478-9289 11~ ~ PAR~AY 144 ~ PARK 141 W~TA ~ ~I~ 1~7 'WASA ~I~ ~ 'W~A PI~ ~HM~I~ PARK 3~ '{A~TA WAY ~ 'W~TA WAY ~ 'W~HTA ~HAP~ LINDA ~ AHY HAUSEN S~AL BORDON F{3SUHCR LINDA SAND~ LINDS~ MARTIN ANN CATHCART ALAN & C}{RI~INE AHO ANN MN Ah'N MN ANN OLSON 4~1KIN~ ROAD ~7~ KIRKW~D CIRCLE - 5~52~31 39~1 MAPLE SNOR~ DRIVE - ~331 6240 ~PR~ DR 39'21 LINDEN CIRCLE - ~5.5.:331 474-7.588 474-3~8,3 ~95 LONE CEDAR CIRCLE - ,5.5318-96,53 474-~99 ~ FOREST RI~ CI~LE - .?).5.318 67~ COUNTRY OAKS RD - ?~5R31-7731 67~ COUNTY OAKS RD - ~331-~31 6720 COUNTRY OAKS RD - 5~5331-7731 BENSHOOF & ASSOCIATES, INC. TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 7301 OHMS LANE, SUITE 500 / EDINA, MN 55439 / (612) 832-9858 / FAX (612) 832-9564 July 29, 1996 REFER TO FILE: 96-40 MEMORANDUM RECEIVED AUG 0 9 1996 TO: Todd Hoffman, Ci~ of Chanhassen FROM: James A. Bensh~ofand Peter A. Hultgren CITY OF U~m~USEN Traffic and Pedestrian Concept Plan for the Minnewashta Parkway/Kings Road Park PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND This memorandum presents a traffic and pedestrian plan intended to be utilized by City of Chanhassen staff and Hoisington Koegler staff in developing an overall plan for a proposed park located at the intersection of Minnewashta Parkway and Kings Road in Chanhassen. The intersection consists of three legs, with Minnewashta Parkway being a through north- south roadway and with a stop sign on the Kings Road approach. Adequate sight distance is available at this intersection. A pedestrian crosswalk is located on the north leg of the intersection. This crosswalk is marked on the pavement with zebra stripes which have faded considerably. Advance warning signs and signs at the crosswalk alert drivers to the crosswalk. Presently there are nine homes along the length of Kings Road. A residential development of 67 single family homes on land adjacent to the park has been proposed. Figure 1 on the next page indicates the location of the proposed park and residential developments. This memorandum is organized in the following three sections: 1) Analysis of Traffic Control 2) Analysis of Pedestrian Movements Across Minnewashta Parkway 3) Conclusions APPROXIMATE SCALE 0 800' PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY PROPOSED PARK DR, Lake Minnewashta CITY OF CHANHASSEN ,~ BENSH00F & ASSOCIATES, lNG. TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS AND PLANNER8 TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN PLAN FOR PROPOSED MINNEWASHTA PARKWAY/ KINGS ROAD PARK FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION Mr. Todd Hoffman -3- July 29, 1996 ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC CONTROL Residents of the neighborhood have expressed an interest in installing all way stop control at the intersection of Minnewashta Parkway and Kings Road. Accordingly, our analysis focused on the question of whether upgrading the stop control from the present one way stop on Kings Road to all way stop control is warranted. For the purpose of this analysis, the forecast year 2000 was chosen for investigation into this matter. It is expected that the park and residential units will be fully developed by 2000. Benshoof& Associates staff collected hourly traffic counts for a 48 hour period on Minnewashta Parkway on both the northbound and southbound approaches of the intersection at Kings Road. These counts yielded an average hourly traffic volume for each hour of the day. The volume on Kings Road was not counted because this roadway was under construction. Instead, the hourly traffic volumes on Kings Road were estimated for the existing nine homes along the road using daily trip rates published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers and typical hourly distributions as observed at other residential neighborhoods. The growth rate in through traffic along Minnewashta Parkway was calculated from historical traffic count data obtained from the City of Chanhassen. This growth rate was applied to determine the forecast baseline volumes for 2000 without development of either the park or the residential units. The table on the next page indicates the total number of vehicles on all approaches entering the intersection of Minnewashta Parkway and Kings Road by hour of day under three scenarios. The three scenarios offered are the present conditions, the 2000 conditions with the residential development fully completed but no park built, and the 2000 conditions with both the residential and park developments fully completed. In the first scenario, the present traffic conditions are a result of the counts collected and an estimation of the Kings Road traffic based on the existing nine homes along Kings Road as described previously. In the second scenario, that portion of the traffic generated by the 67 homes in the residential development using the intersection was added to the baseline 2000 counts. In the third scenario, the traffic generated by the park was added to the traffic of the second scenario. Park traffic was estimated for a condition on a pleasant summer day. Hoisington Koegler staff estimate that the proposed fishing pier will accommodate a maximum of 12 persons and the proposed beach will accommodate a maximum of 50 persons. Using these projections, expectations for use of other facilities in the park,'and a vehicle occupancy rate of three persons per vehicle, we projected the number of vehicles that would arrive at the park and the number that would leave by hour of day. A comparison between the second and third scenarios shown in the table indicates that the number of vehicle trips through the intersection, which are generated by the park, would vary by hour of day, with the maximum being 54 vehicles. Mr. Todd Hoffman -4- July 29, 1996 Total Vehicle Volumes On All Approaches Entering the Intersection of Minnewashta Parkway and Kings Road by Hour of Day 2000 With Residential 2000 With Residential Hour of Day Existin$ Development and Park Development 12 midnisht - 1 a.m. 10 29 29 1 a.m. - 2 a.m. 4 10 10 2 a.m. - 3 a.m. 1 3 3 3 a.m. - 4 a.m. 0 1 1 4 a.m. - 5 a.m. 3 9 9 5 a.m. - 6 a.m. 16 45 45 6 a.m. - 7 a.m. 68 176 186 7 a.m. - 8 a.m. 112 278 292 8 a.m. - 9 a.m. 118 292 302 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. 112 272 280 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. 102 248 266 11 a.m.- 12 noon 79 196 230 12 noon- 1 p.m. 105 257 309 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. 111 270 324 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. 100 249 297 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. 103 262 306 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. 117 286 328 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. 123 335 385 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. 108 293 347 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. 84 228 256 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. 64 180 188 9 p.m. - 10 p.m. 60 162 162 10 p.m. o 11 p.m. 37 100 100 11 p.m. - 12 midnisht 16 45 45 All localagencies in Minnesota should comply with guidelines published in the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MMUTCD) when installing traffic control devices. The MMUTCD has established a minimum vehicular volume warrant that must be satisfied before installing all way stop control at an intersection. This minimum volume is 500 vehicles entering the intersection during any eight hours of a typical day. As readily seen in the table above, the total hourly approach volume does not come close to 500 vehicles per hour at this intersection under any of the three scenarios. Therefore, the current stop control just on Kings Road is adequate under all three scenarios. Mr. Todd Hoffman -5- July 29', 1996 ANALYSIS OF PEDESTRIAN MOVEMENTS ACROSS MINNEWASHTA PARKWAY Two concept plans for the Minnewashta Parkway/Kings Road park have been proposed by the Hoisington Koegler Group, dated May 6, 1996. A brief description of each plan follows. The first plan includes the location of one parking lot on Kings Road and another parking lot on Minnewashta Parkway. In this plan the fishing pier is located near the intersection of Minnewashta Parkway and Kings Road. The beach is located farther north, directly across Minnewashta from the parking lot. A pedestrian trail system connects the parking lots to a trail that crosses Minnewashta Parkway at a mid-block location just south of the parking lot vehicle access. Separate trails lead to the fishing pier and beach on the east side of Minnewashta Parkway. The second plan includes the location of two parking lots on Kings Road. In this plan the beach is located near the intersection of Minnewashta Parkway and Kings Road. The fishing pier is located farther north. A pedestrian trail system connects the parking lots to an existing trail along the west side of Minnewashta Parkway that leads south to the crosswalk at its present location on the north leg of the intersection. A trail along the east side of Minnewashta Parkway is provided between the fishing pier and beach. In selecting a preferred concept plan, our first determination is that a single crosswalk between the park and lake shore is preferable to more than one crosswalk. There are several reasons for this determination. Research indicates that the proliferation of crosswalks reduces the effectiveness of each crosswalk, resulting in a reduction of motorist compliance with traffic laws regarding pedestrian crosswalks, x From a safety standpoint, motorists observing an advance warning sign will likely assume only one crosswalk is ahead; thus, they may not approach other crosswalks in the area with proper vigilance after encountering the first crosswalk. The enforcement of traffic laws is more easily accomplished if only one crosswalk needs monitoring. Generally, crosswalks should only be established where there is sufficient pedestrian volume to justify installation. Using too many crosswalks results in pedestrian volumes that fall below the threshold volumes for installation.2 For each of the two previously referenced concept plans for the park prepared by Hoisington Koegler, we developed suggestions for accommodating pedestrian crossings of Minnewashta Parkway. For the first concept plan, we suggested that a single new croSswalk be established mid-block between the park and the beach and that the existing crosswalk at Kings Road be eliminated. For the second concept plan, we suggested that the existing crosswalk be retained in its present location at Kings Road. ~ Smith and Knoblauch, "Guidelines for the Installation of Crosswalk Markings", Transportation Research Record No. 1141, 15-21. 2 Ibid. Mr. Todd Hoffman -6- July 29, 1996 It is our understanding that City staffprefer to retain the existing crosswalk at Kings Road and to complete plans for the park in a manner that would focus on this crosswalk. In light of this, we have the following five recommendations: The orientation of paths in the park should lead pedestrians to the path along the north side of Kings Road. Pedestrians wishing to cross Minnewashta Parkway are then naturally led to the crosswalk at the north leg of the intersection of Kings Road and Minnewashta Parkway. 2. All parking lot access should be along Kings Road. This will orient park users to the crosswalk at Kings Road. o Appropriate landscape treatments should be included in park plans on the west side of Minnewashta Parkway to discourage mid-block pedestrian crossings of Minnewashta Parkway. Park uses on the east side of Minnewashta Parkway should be planned and designed to encourage pedestrians to cross Minnewashta Parkway at the Kings Road crosswalk. 5. Lighting should be installed at the crosswalk to enhance pedestrian safety. Pedestrians currently using the existing path along Minnewashta Parkway will continue to cross at the Kings Road crosswalk they currently use and future park users will cross at this crosswalk. Pedestrian activity will be well focused at this location. CONCLUSIONS Three conclusions previously expressed are: The existing traffic control at the Kings Road/Minnewashta Parkway intersection, which consists of a stop sign on Kings Road, is appropriate and will continue to be the proper form of traffic control to serve the anticipated residential and park development. Volumes do not come close to justifying all way stop sign control. A primary recommendation is to have a single pedestrian crosswalk. Retaining the existing crosswalk at Kings Road and enhancing it with new lighting is an effective plan. LandScaping and park usage should be designed to encourage pedestrians to cross Minnewashta Parkway at the crosswalk located at the Kings Road intersection. In addition to the protection provided by the crosswalk signing and striping used by the City and by the proposed crosswalk lighting, safety for pedestrians crossing Minnewashta Parkway will be further strengthened by recent changes to State law. Under the old law, motorists only had to slow down for pedestrians. Effective September 1, 1996, motorists must come to a complete stop and yield the right-of-way to pedestrians. Stiffer penalties for violations and a program to inform motorists of these changes are also mandated. 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Minnewashta Parkland Neighborhood Focus Group FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: July 25, 1996 SUB J: Next Meeting The next committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 5, 1996 at Chanhassen City Hall in the Courtyard Conference Room. The meeting time will be 7:00 p.m. An agenda including a tabulation of the results of the neighborhood surveys will be mailed on August 1, 1996 If you have questions, please call Nancy Wenzel at 474-3610 or me at 937-1900, extension 121. ktm \Xcfsl \vol2\park\th\focusmem.doc ivls. Jill Lidstone $991 Country Oaks Rd. '"%elsior, MN 55331 -.. 0-6346 Ms. Liz Micek 3900 Stratford Ridge Excelsior, MN 55331 470-5259 Mr. Todd Hoffman, Park & Rec. Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: 937-1900 ext. 121 Fax: 937-5739 Mrs. Nancy Wenzel 6900 Minnewashta Parkway Excelsior, MN 55331 474-3610 Mr. Greg Dattilo 7201 Juniper Avenue Excelsior, MN 55331 474-0190 Ms. Michelle Clark 3841 Red Cedar Point Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 470-0137 Mr. David Headla 6870 Minnewashta Parkway Excelsior, MN 55331 474-7269 Mr. Brace Chamberlain Hoisington-Koegler Group, Inc. 7300 Metro Boulevard, Suite 525 Minneapolis, MN 55439 835-9960 Peter Moe 7161 Minnewashta Parkway Excelsior, MN 55331 474-2236 Tom Paradise 3755 Red Cedar Point Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 470-0492 Pam Prinsen 4040 Glendale Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 474-3630 Jim Hofer 7098 Red Cedar Cove Excelsior, MN 55331 470-0960 Craig Anderson 7507 77th Street West Chaska, MN 55318 Dick Hanson 3241 Dartmouth Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Joe & Paula Epping 7508 77th Street West Chaska, MN 55318 Diane Zamjahn '7506 77th Street West Clmska, MN 55318 Mwsta. Park g:\park\thLmwsta.lbl CITY OF 690 COULTER DRI~; f;(~ B1090Xi :Z~¢~}~7; MINNESOTA 55317 July 17, 1996 Ms. Nancy Wenzel Minnewashta Parkland Neighborhood Focus Group 6900 Minnewashta Parkway Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Nancy: Enclosed is the latest "set" of surveys. I will continue to forward them to you as they are received. I can provide you the following updates/responses at this time. ]o Assembly of Neighborhood Focus Group: I will contact the three people who expressed a desire to serve on the focus group both by phone and in written correspondence. I will forward copies of this correspondence to you. Neighborhood Mailing of Surveys: The mailing list assembled using the city's ArcView data base was both incomplete and inaccurate to some degree. Based on preliminary indications, I feel a 90% accuracy rate has been reached at this time. I am in the process of cross referencing the ArcView data base with the utility billing data base. A second mailing reaching all of those who were omitted the first time will be distributed by Friday, July 19. The submittal date will be extended appropriately. The ArcView system is based on parcel identification which defaults to a current resident label format. This format was maintained to cover those parcels which have "new" owners and to avoid the task of programming the system to print "named" address labels. Postage: The postage rate on this mailing is 32 cents. The city's postage machine was inspected and found to be faulty. Our clerical staff questioned the 55 cent rate (two envelopes and 3 sheets of paper seemed to be light enough for 32 cents) and rechecked the machine three times. At the time of this mailing, the machine maintained the 55 cent rate and the envelopes were mn. Anything else? Just let me know. Thanks for all your work. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman / Park & Recreation Director c: Focus Group Members Susan E. Morgan 4031 Kings Road Excelsior, Mn 55331 RE E VED JUL 1 8 R£g CITY OF CHANH~ss£N 7/16/96 Dear Lake Minnewashta Park Focus Group, Your efforts in helping to coordinate the new park in our area are commendable, however, your group has left out an important segment of the Minnewashta community; the residents who live along Kings Road. We would appreciate being included in your correspondence and activities. We, too, pay assessments on Minnewashta Parkway for the trail, etc. The park will directly affect the amount of traffic on our road~ as well as affect our property values. We would like to have some input in the park's development. Below are our addresses for any future correspondence. hope this will tquly be a "neighborhood" park effort. We Sincerely, The Kings Road residentsx~~-~'/ Susan E Morgan Linda Scott 4031 Kings Road Excelsior, Mn. 55331 Margie and David Borris 4071 Kings Road ' Excelsior, Mn. 553.3! Lowell and Janet Carlson 4141 Kings Road Excelsior, Mn. 55331 cc' Todd Hoffman Chanhassen Park and Rec CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 July 8, 1996 Dear Neighbor: As you may be aware, the City of Chanhassen was successful in acquiring land for a neighborhood park at the northwest comer of Minnewashta Parkway and Kings Road. This eight acre site contains 500 feet of shoreline on Lake Minnewashta, provides ample room for park amenities, and offers excellent views of Lake Minnewashta and Lake St. Joe. Investments made in the property to date total approximately $350,000. These costs include land, public improvements (road, storm sewer, water, sanitary sewer), legal and consulting costs. The estimated cost to complete the park totals $380,000. Please continue to be aware that this estimate includes $128,000 for an ice/inline skating rink with lights, a double tennis court (not lighted), and a ballfield. These amenities are not typically installed in "neighborhood" parks and there is no guarantee that the Park and Recreation Commission will approve their installation at the Minnewashta site. Additionally, the fishing pier ($20,000) is eligible for a Department of Natural Resources grant. The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission has allocated $70,000 for capital improvements at the site in 1996. These dollars will be applied to site grading, parking lot and trail construction, and seeding. (Phase I Development) The estimated cost to complete this work on a contractual basis is $99,000. By dedicating in-house labor to the grading and seeding work, it is hoped that Phase I Development can be completed within the 70,000 budget. This work will commence this summer, concluding with the seeding of the park in mid to late September. To allow construction to begin, a master park plan must be formalized. Upon meeting with the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission on February 13, 1996, a group of neighbors volunteered to serve on a focus group to guide the initial development of the park. We would like to hear from you and every one of your neighbors during this process. Please complete the enclosed questionnaire and drop it in the mail by July 15, 1996. If you would like to discuss the park planning process witP, one of us, please feel free to call. July 8, 1996 Page 2 This new park is an amenity that we should all be proud of. It will act as a neighborhood focal point, provide needed recreation services, and protect our property values. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, LAKE MINNEWASHTA PARK FOCUS GROUP Jill Lidstone 3991 Country Oaks Road Excelsior, MN 55331 474-6346 Nancy Wenzel 6900 Minnewashta Pkwy Excelsior, MN 55331 474-3610 David Headla 6870 Minnewashta Pkwy Excelsior, MN 55331 474-7269 Michelle Clark 3841 Red Cedar Point Dr. Excelsior, MN 55331 470-0137 Greg Dattilo 7201 Juniper Ave. Excelsior, MN 55331 474-0190 Peter Moe 7161 Minnewashta Pkwy Excelsior, MN 55331 474-2236 Tom Paradise 3755 Red Cedar Point Dr. Excelsior, MN 55331 470-0492 Liz Micek 3900 Stratford Ridge Excelsior, MN 55331 g:~ark\th~mwsta.pk We would like to have you, our neighbors, plan and name the park. Please complete this questionnaire and return it in the enclosed envelope to Nancy Wenzel. Name the Park Contest Your Name for the Park: Prizes are: 40 Punch Card for Chanhassen Recreation Center (S52 value) 2 1996 and 1997 Vehicle Passes to Lake Ann Park (S20 value) Plan the Park Scheduled for Summer 1996: Site Grading (accounts for construction of open skate area) Seeding Parking Lot(s) Asphalt Trail $45,000 $12,000 $28,000 $14,000 Please Rate Your Interest in Each of the Park Improvements Listed Below: 1. First Priority- Must Have. 2. Very Important. 3. Somewhat Important. 4. Low Priority. 5. Forget- Do Not Need. Round House Renovation Fishing Pier Swimming Beach Ball Field Play Area Phase I (ages 6-12) Play Area Phase II (ages 3-5) Picnic Facilities Sand Volleyball Court Hockey Rink w/Asphalt Surface w/Lights Double Tennis Court w/Basketball Hoops Landscaping _.... Other Comments: $40,000 $20,000 $10,OO0 $15,000 $25,000 $25,OO0 $ 5,000 $ 3,aoo $75,000 $38,OOO $25,000 RETURN BY MONDAY, JULY 15, 1996 (IN RETURN ENVELOPE PROVIDED) CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Minnewashta Parkland Neighborhood Focus Group ,,/ Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director June 7, 1996 SUB J: Meeting Notice Thank you to all of you for calling Nancy and me with your comments on the neighborhood survey. Moving forward, I am calling a meeting to be held Tuesday, July 2, 1996, at 7:00 p.m. We will meet at City Hall in the Courtyard Conference Room. The action plan for this meeting is detailed in the following agenda: AGENDA. JULY 2, 1996 7:00 P.M. COURTYARD CONF. ROOM Call to Order 1. Finalize Concept Plan. 2. Receive Report on Pedestrian and Vehicle Traffic; Benshoof & Associates. 3. Finalize Distribution Map. 4. Assign Survey Distribution Routes. 5. Hand Out Questionaires I look forward to seeing all of you on the 2nd. G:\park\th~nnwashta CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Minnewashta Parkland Neighborhood Focus Group Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director '~~ DATE: May 21, 1996 SUB J: Proof Copy of Neighborhood Letter and Questionnaire Please find enclosed a proof copy of the neighborhood letter and questionnaire. Nancy Wenzel and I have prepared these documents for the group. Also, enclosed are two versions of the Park Concept Plan. Please call Nancy Wenzel or me by May 31 with your comments or questions. Which concept plan should we include with the mailing? Please refer to the survey boundary map, does it include everybody? Upon receiving all comments, final copies of the letter packet will be printed and delivered to Nancy. Each focus group member will then be assigned a delivery route. Thanks Nancy Wenzel Todd Hoffman 474-3610 937-1900 ext. 121 g:\park\th\mnwhsta CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 May 13, 1996 Dear Neighbor: As you may be aware, the City of Chanhassen was successful in acquiring land for a neighborhood park at the northwest comer of Minnewashta Parkway and Kings Road. This eight acre site contains 500 feet of shoreline on Lake Minnewashta, provides ample room for park amenities, and offers excellent views of Lake Minnewashta and Lake St. Joe. Investments made in the property to date total approximately $250,000. These costs include land, public improvements (road, storm sewer, water, sanitary sewer), legal and consulting costs. The estimated cost to complete the park totals $380,000. Please continue to be aware that this estimate includes $128,000 for an ice/inline skating rink with lights, a double tennis court (not lighted), and a ballfield. These amenities are not typically installed in "neighborhood" parks and thdre is no guarantee that the Park and Recreation Commission will approve their installation at the Minnewashta site. Additionally, the fishing pier ($20,000) is eligible for a Department of Natural Resources grant. The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission has allocated $70,000 for capital improvements at the site in 1996. These dollars will be applied to site grading, parking lot and trail construction, and seeding. This work will commence this summer, concluding with the seeding of the parl~ in mid to late September. To allow construction to begin, a master park plan must be formalized. Upon meeting with the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission On February 13, 1996, a group of neighbors volunteered to serve on a focus group to guide the initial development of the park. We would like to hear from you and every one of your neighbors (see survey boundary map) during this process. Please complete the el/Closed questionnaire and drop it in the mail by June 21, 1996. If you would like to discuss the park planning process with one of us, please feel free to call. May 13, 1996 Page 2 This new park is an amenity that we should all be proud of. It will act as a neighborhood focal point, provide needed recreation services, and protect our property values. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, LAKE MINNEWASHTA PARK FOCUS GROUP Jill Lidstone 3991 Country Oaks Road Excelsior, MN 55331 474-6346 Michelle Clark 3841 Red Cedar Point Dr. Excelsior, MN 55331 470-0137 Nancy Wenzel 6900Minnewashta Pkwy Excelsior, MN 55331 474-3610 Greg Datit~ 7201 Juniper Ave. Excelsior, MN 55331 474-0190 David Headla 6870 Minnewashta Pkwy Excelsior, MN 55331 474-7269 Peter Moe 7161 Minnewashta Pkwy Excelsior, MN 55331 474-2236 Tom Paradise 3755 Red Cedar Point Dr. Excelsior, MN 55331 470-0492 Liz Micek 3900 Stratford Ridge Excelsior, MN 55331 470-5259 g:\park\thhnwsta.pk 05×13x1996 13:27 FRObl LRRRY WENZEL & RSSOC. TO 9375739 P.02 We would like to have you, our neighbors plan and name the park. Please complete this questionnaire and return it in the enclosed envelope to Nancy Wenzel. NAME TH£ PARK GONTEST Name of Park Prizes are: 40 Punch Card ~or Chanhassen Recreation Center {$52 Value) 2 Vehicle Passes to Lake Ann Park (Valued @ 95 each) PLAN THE PARK Scheduled for Summer 1996: Site Grading Seeding Parking Lot/s Asphalt Trail Please rate your interest in the park improvements ! - First Priority - Must have. 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - Forget - Do not need. Round House Renovation ~ Fishing Pier ~ Swimming Beach ~Ball Field Play Area Phase 1 (Ages 6-12) Play area Phase 2 (Ages 3-5) ~ Picnic Facilities ~ Sand Volleyball Court Hockey Rink w/Asphalt Surface W/Lights Double Tennis Court w/Basketball Hoops ~ Landscaping Other $45, 000 $22, 000 $28,000 914,000 $40,000 ~20,000 $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 825,000 $ 5, 000 $ 3, 000 ~75, 000 938,000 $25,000 A B C City of 5 La,/ce Creative Solutions for Land Planning and Design Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. k-'4H Memo May 2, 1996 To: From: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director City of Chanhassen Bruce Chamberlain ~ ~ Park Planning Consultant Re: Cost estimate for park improvements at the Minnewashta/Kings Road park site. Based on our discussion and further calculation, the following prices can be assigned to the elements anticipated to be in the park. · Site Grading · Seeding · Parking Lofts · Round House Renovation · Fishing Pier · Beach · Hockey Rink w/Asphalt Surface · Play Area: 2 phases, $25,000/phase · Picnic Facilities · Sand Volleyball Court · Double Tennis Court w/Basketball Hoops · Ball Field · Asphalt Trail · Landscaping $45,000 $12,000 $28,000 $4O,OOO $20,000 $10,000 $75,000 $50,000 $5,000 $3,000 $38,000 $15,000 $14,000 $25,000 Total $380,000 Obviously, because it is very early in the planning stages, these numbers are conservative and can be further refined as construction draws near. If you have any questions comments, please give me a call. M.'\CHANHA3X95- 7',KINGCOST. MEM · RECE!VFr MAY 0 3 1996 CITY Or' 7300 Metro Boulevard, Suite 525, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55439 (612) 835-9960 Fax (612) 835-3160 AGENDA MINNEWASHTA PARKWAY PARKLAND NEIGHBORHOOD FOCUS GROUP MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1996, 8:00 - 9:00 P.M. COURTYARD CONFERENCE ROOM CHANHASSEN CITY ItALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introductions. Identification of Potential Park Names. Resolution of Issues Identified in Initial Meeting (see attached ~ Confn'mation of Park Concept Plan. Identify Components of Phase I Development (Summer/Fall of 1996/$70,000L Other Issues. Adjournment. MINNEWASHTA PARKLAND NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 1996 Issues/Questions: · Trail crossing of parkway is safety concern. A pedestrian cross walk will be maintained at Kings Road. · Buffer to north is important. ,4greed. · Beach may be best located toward south side. Further evaluation required. · Dock could cause potential problems with boating. Problems are not insurmountable. Some boat parH'ng may be desirable. · Stop sign at Kings Road is desirable. Whether or not a stop sign is installed at this location will be resolved as we move forward. · How is access controlled onto private property? With vegetation buffers and fending where necessary. · Round house is a nice amenity, but it needs work. Agreed. · Benches along lake. Good idea. Install in 1996. · Larger playground may be desirable. To be resolved as we move forward. CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 April 1, 1996 Ms. Liz Micek 3900 Stratford Ridge Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Ms. Micek: Thank you for volunteering to serve on the focus group which will guide the initial development of the new Minnewashta Parkway parkland. I would like to call a meeting of our group on Tuesday, April 9, 1996 at 8:00 p.m. We will meet in the Courtyard Conference Room located on the upper level of City Hall. Bruce Chamberlain, a landscape architect with Hoisington Koegler Group, and I will host the meeting. An agenda is attached. Please call if you are unable to attend. A roster of group members is attached. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman, CLP Park & Recreation Director c: ~& Recreation CommiSsion Bruce Chamberlain, HoisingtonK°~}le~.Group . . ..~-.~.:, Ms. Jill Lidstone 3991 Country Oaks Rd. ..F..,xcelsior, MN 55331 I)-6346 Ms. Liz Micek 3900 Stratford Ridge Excelsior, MN 55331 470-5259 Mr. Todd Hoffman, Park & Rec. Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: 937-1900 ext. 121 Fax: 937-5739 Mrs. Nancy Wenzel 6900 Minnewashta Parkway Excelsior, MN 55331 474-3610 Mr. Greg Datillo 7201 Juniper Avenue Excelsior, MN 55331 474-0190 Mr. David Headla 6870 Minnewashta Parkway Excelsior, MN 55331 474-7269 Mr. Bruce Chamberlain Hoisington-Koegler Group, Inc. 7300 Metro Boulevard, Suite 525 Minneapolis, MN 55439 835-9960 Mwsta. Park g:\park\thXanwsta.lbl NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING CHANHASSEN PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1996, 7:00 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 8:00 p.m. West Lake Minnewashta Parkland: Welcome - Jan Lash, Commission Vice-Chair Introduction of Commissioners and Staff: Fred Berg; Ron Roeser; Jim Manders; Frank Scott; Jane Meger; Jan Lash,Vice Chair; Jim Andrews, Chair; Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director; Bruce Chamberlain, Consulting Landscape Architect, Hoisington-Koegler Group. 8:05 p.m. Brief history of acquisition - Todd Hoffman. p.m. Brief overview of existing conditions - Bruce Chamberlain. 8:15 p.m. Explanation of existing park rules and policies - Jan Lash. The commission maintains the following park rules: Park hours are 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Motorized vehicles are restricted to roadways and parking areas only. Glass containers are prohibited. Alcoholic beverages are restricted to can beer only. No pets are allowed in any city parks except along designated trailways. Snowmobiling is allowed on designated trails only. The commission does not advocate the construction of tennis courts or hockey finks in every neighborhood park. It is their preference to group these facilities in community locations such as City Center Park or the Bluff Creek Elementary/ Chanhassen Recreation site. Exceptions to this policy have been made in cases where a neighborhood is geographically isolated and sufficient land area is available to accommodate such facilities. 8:20 p.m. Neighborhood input. We would like to hear from you! The Commission's 1996 :~.: ~ park and trail acquisition and development fund includes an allocation of $70,000 .... ;-~ ~-~:: for initial site preparation. This work will include activities such as minimal '. clearing, site preparation and installation of some hard surfaces. The commission has developed a concept park plan for the park. What would you like to see done at this site? What issues or concerns do you have? 8:55 p.m. Is there someone who would like to chair a neighborhood group to review park playground designs and forward a purchasing recommendation to the Park & Recreation Commission? What would you like to name the park? What are your ideas for potential use of the "round house?" do you want to keep it at all? How would you like to see the shoreline utilized? Other questions and comments are welcome. Closing Remarks - Jan Lash.