3 Chan Rec Center PoliciesMEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director FROM: Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisor DATE: August 21, 1996 SUB J: First Annual Review; Chanhassen Recreation Center Policies A year has passed since some or all of the following policies have been established. I am asking for input and recommendations from the Park & Recreation Commission regarding the following policies: Alcohol Policy: At the August 22, 1995 meeting, the commission recommended that there be no liquor consumed at the Recreation Center and requested that the policy be reviewed in a year. Commission recommendation? Facility Fees Policy: Currently the commission has approved free use of the Recreation Center facilities for School Districts 112 and 276 when rooms are available. I am looking for further clarification on this issue. Does this include free use regardless of room or use? Currently an in-house rental policy (city CAA, school district) requires a minimum of 8 people in attendance to reserve the conference room and a minimum of 15 people to reserve one of the community rooms. This restriction does not apply to paying rentals. I have, on a few occasions, charged the school district to rent our facility for teacher workshops and before school child care. For discussion purposes, if the decision is to allow all free use, should we put a cap on the free hours per month and charge the regular rate thereafter? If they are charged, what constitutes a free rental vs. a charged rental? Upon recommendation, would . this also apply to CAA, scout groups, 4-H groups, etc? For programs that are co-sponsored by the Park & Recreation Department, what rate, if any, should apply? Attached please find a chart depicting rentals from January - July 15, 1996, and a copy of the current rental fees at the Recreation Center. Thank you for your input. G:\park\patty\recctr fees.e I E TAL PRICES Effe~ve 'December. 15, 1995 CATEGORY A: Civic, Church, Non-Profit CATEGORY B: Private CATEGORY C: Business/Commercial WEEKDAYS: Monday 6:00 am ~hru Friday 6:00 pm WEEKENDS: Friday 6:00 pm thru Sunday 8:00 pm All prices.are per hour and per individual room. Categories B and C receive a 20% discount when renting 4 hours or more per day (does not apply to gym). For details and reservations please call the Chanhassen Recreation Center at 474-0641. WEEKDAYS A B C Resident $5.00 $ I 0.00 $ I 0.00 Non-Resident $10.00 $20.00 $20.00 WEEKENDS A B C Resident $10.00 $15.00 $15.00 Non-Resident $15.00 $25,00 $25.00 WEEKDAYS A B C Resident $7.50 $12.50 $12.$0 Non-Resident $12.50 $25.00 $25.00 WEEKENDS A B C Resident $12.50 $17.50 $17.50 Non-Resident $17.50 $30.00 $30.00 WEEKDAYS A B C Resident $5.00 $ I 0.00 $ I 0.00 Non-Resident $ I 0.00 $20.00 $20.00 WEEKENDS A B C Resident $ I 0.00 $15.00 $15.00 Non-Resident $15.00 $25.00 $25.00 WEEKDAYS &WEEKENDS A B C Resident $30.00 $35.00 $40.00.' Non-Resident $35.00 $40.00 $45.00 CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER MEETING ROOM RENTAL ANALYSIS Number of Estimated Number of Revenue from In-house "Value" Paid Paid (Free) of Rentals Rentals Rentals In-house Rentals Jan '96 32 $917.25 49 $1416.00 Feb '96 42 $1771.25 49 $1591.25 Mar '96 24 $548.75 38 $1398.75 Apr '96 42 $1418.75 36 $1530.00 May '96 32 $1147.50 32 $985.00 June '96 16 $578.75 19 $1369.25 July '96 8 $130.00 11 $591.00 Through 3 $202.50 7 $659.75 Aug 15, '96 TOTAL 199 $6714.75 241 $9541