5b Stone Creek Park UpdateCITY OF
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Stone Creek Neighborhood Playground Committee ~ _ ~
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation' Director' '~/~;l(-'~]"15//'~/
Stone Creek Park Update
Congratulations! You successfully endured the chaos of an association playground installation!
The neighborhood performed extremely well. Dean Schmieg, Park Foreman and his crew will
continue to follow up on the project until its completion.
Here is the "scoop" on the remaining elements of the project:
· Dean is coordinating site analysis regarding the hillside slide with E.F.A. this week.
· E.F.A. will deliver and install the hillside slide by the week of September 23.
· We are waiting on a few remaining parts for the main structure.
· The asphalt "access paths" will be completed within 3-4 weeks.
· The city will fine grade and seed the park in mid-September.
· The timing of the trail connection and pedestrian bridge construction to the north is unknown.
· A park sign, picnic tables, and a bench (for viewing playground) will be delivered and
installed in the spring of 1997.
· The basketball court and hoop will be installed in the spring/summer of 1997.
Again, thank you for all your assistance in coordinating the development of the Stone Creek
Neighborhood Park. Our time together has been a very positive experience for me.
Did I miss anything? Call me anytime at 93.7_.-1900 ext. 121.
Stone Creek Park Playground Committee
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director i
/, -
July 25, 1996
SUB J: Installation Dates
Mark your calendar! Monday through Wednesday, August 5, 6, and 7 are the installation dates
for the Stone Creek Playground. Hans Hagen Homes completed rough grading on July 23. The
City will follow with finish grading and site prep for the playground and basketball court.
(IMPORTANT NOTE: 3 to 4 feet of fill material was placed at the site of the basketball court.
This fill will settle and precludes us from installing the asphalt surface this year. The court,
however, will be sub cut and "rooked". The site will then be allowed to settle prior to asphalting
next year). A Parks crew member will work with the group on August 5 to assist in auguring
post holes.
Monday, August 5
Tuesday, August 6
Wednesday, August 7
12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (approx. 5 volunteers needed)
5:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. (approx. 10 volunteers needed)
5:00 p.m. - Finish (approx. 10 volunteers needed)
If you have questions on neighborhood responsibilities, call Steve or Tami Brielmair, 470-8522.
City responsibilities call Todd Hoffman, 937-1900 ext. 121.
c: Bill Johnson, Flanagan Sales
Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent
Park and Recreation Commission
Mr. John Wood
2260 Stone Creek Lane
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Mr. Stephen Cullum
2292 Boulder Road
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Ms. Lori Juelich
2246 Stone Creek Lane E.
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Ms. Kathy Fisher
2236 Stone Creek Lane E.
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Mr. Gary Feldick
2231 Boulder Road
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Mr. Michael Howe
2169 Stone Creek Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Mr. & Mrs. Steven & Tami
2239 Stone Creek Lane East
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Ms. Monica Held
2230 Stone Creek Lane East
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Mr. Bruce Chamberlain
Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc.
7300 Metro Blvd., Suite 525
Minneapolis, MN 55439
Stone Creek Committee
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The,west Lake Mini~ewasht~ neighborhood is now home to
Roundhouse Park. The 8 acre site is located at the northwest
intersection.of Minnewashta Pkwy. & Kings Rd. The "round
house" on the property will be renovated as a warming house/
park building. A neighborhood focus group is currently working
on _a park master plan for the site.
The land for this park was acquired from Harstad
Companies as a condition of approval for their Oaks at
Minnewashta development. Harstad dedicated 1.8 acres of land
and the city purchased the' ren~aining 6.2 acres at a cost of
$186,0001The money used to finance this purchase was
collected from park dedication fees. These fees are paid on new
residential, commercial, and industrial construction. An
additional allocation of $70,000 in park dedication dollars may
be invested in "initial improvements" this year. The Park &
Recreation Commission has tentatively set aside $50,000 for
continued, improvements in 1997.
If you have questions about.this project or would like to hetp work
on the park, please call a member of the neighborhood park group.
Jill Lidstone 474-6346_.~_~Y.e~-3610 . _
David Hea,cl.~ ~le.Clark
Gre~~ 474-0190 Peter~74-22'36 ~
~.-->"~l'om ParadiSe 470-0492 Todd Hofl'man, 93'7-1900 x 121
Park & Rec Director ' "~: ~,
· Members of the Stone Creek Park Neighborhood took it
upon themselves to coordir~ate the installation of playg~'ound~...
equipment at Stone Creek Park. Ten to' fifteen neighb?b~'.
~ a series of meeting, n!
ve'ndors an--~iect a design. ~ne'group ii'creased their buying
power by volunteering to install the equip.m, en~.The
neighborhood completed their .project oq August 5-7.
Representatives of Flanagan Sales and the Ch-ahhassen Park &
Recreation Dept. assisted with thecoordination of this project.
Roundhouse Park is Chanh_assen's
ne'west park in the Lake
Minnewashta area.
The pl~y equipment at Stone Creek
· Park was installed by volunteers in
the neighborhood.
Community News