3 Park & Trail Needs HighlandsCITY OF PRC DATE: PC DATE: CC DATE: 1-28-97 ItOFFMAN:k STAFF REPORT J PROPOSAL: LOCATION: APPLICANT: Request for a land use plan amendment from Residential - Low Density to Residential - Medium Density for the northern half of the parcel; PUD rezoning for approximately 50 acres of property from A-2, Agricultural Estate to PUD-R, Planned Unit Development Residential conceptual and preliminary request for mixed density residential development; site plan review for 67 cottage homes and 192 villa homes; preli~ninary subdivision request of 295 lots, 2 outlots and associated right-of-way, The Highlands. Northeast comer of Galpin Blvd. and Hwy. 5 Residential Development, Inc 15 Choctaw Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612) 03, d {;2gg PRESENT ZONING' A2, Agricultural Estate District ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - RSF, Windmill Run subdivision S - O[, Bluff Creek Elementary, A2, vacant E - RR, single family home W - A2, single family homes, vacant land, bluff creek COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: This site lies within the park service area of the Chanhassen Recreation Center/Bluff Creek Elementary School and the new 5 acre park site desc'ribed as Outlot A, Forest Meadow. Lake Ann Park lies outside the one-half mile service area applicable to neighborhood parks. However, serving as a community/regional facility, residents of The Highlands will routinely visit Lake Ann Park. Completion of the north access boulevard will in the future provide a route to Lake Ann Park superior to that currently offered by Highway 5. The Highlands January 28, 1997 Page 2 COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: This development is situated at an intersection significant to this city's future trail plan. The future north access boulevard borders the southern edge of this project. The access boulevard will bring with it an east/west trail linking this neighborhood to Lake Ann Park and the downtown. The future upgrading of Trunk Highway 5 will include an underpass which will provide a safe crossing of the highway at this location. Trail users will access the underpass near the intersection of Highlands Boulevard and the new Arboretum Boulevard. The applicant intends to connect The Highlands to the access boulevard with a north/south sidewalk. The applicant is also contemplating internal trail segments to link residents to a "commons" area. 1 am also recommending that we pursue an easterly trail outlet to facilitate a future connection to the Lake Ann regional trail. This outlet is best accomplished in the commons area between the cottage homes and the villa units. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend the city council require the following conditions of approval regarding parks and trails for The Highlands: 1. Require the payment of full park and trail fees per city ordinance. Require a public trail easement commencing at Highlands Boulevard in the commons area between the cottage homes and the villas east to the property line to accommodate a future trail connection to the Lake Ann regional trail. g:~,park\t h ,,highlands.doc z Exhibit A LOCATION MAP LOCATION PO LAKE LUCY .j ANN · ,mA Lake Lake park Bluff Creek,: Coulter ulcer Blvd / ! / ? / / / )lJ~d pooMu~JO ~noO / /u~,n0 P~e,',alno~ · IS qls9 AA ~ ~ PJ~'9 e~e~ poo~ta~oqs Io