1 Approval of Minutesi
Park & Recreation Commission Minutes
Tuesday, January 28, 1997
Chairwoman Lash called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Members present: Jan Lash, Jim
Manders, Fred Berg, Mike Howe, Frank Scott, and Ron Roeser. Members absent: Jane Meger.
Staff present: Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisor; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor;
Jason Heath, Facility Supervisor; Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director.
Public Present:
Larry & Amy Tolle
Tom Mancino
John Hennessy
Nancy Mancino
Rick MmTay, RDI
Rick Sathre, Sathre-Berquist
Deb Ludtbrd
Marie Kraus
Jackie Bizek
Vicki Churchill
Lisa Cherland
Cathy Mahady
3440 Leroy Street, Wayzata, MN 55391
1470 Lake Susan Hills Drive, Chanhassen
7305 Galpin Blvd., Chanhassen
6620 Galpin Blvd., Chanhassen
15 Choctaw Circle, Chanhassen
150 South Broadway, Wayzata 55391
8615 Valley View Court, Chanhassen
8037 Cheyenne Ave., Chanhassen
8750 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen
950 Butte Court, Chanhassen
17233 Clear Spring Lane, Minnetonka 55345
1020 Butte Court, Chanhassen
Public Announcements: None
Visitor Presentations: None
Organizational Items:
· The 1996 Commission Attendance Report was distributed.
· The 1996 City Council Meeting Attendance Chart was distributed.
Approval of Minutes: Scott moved, Berg seconded to approve the Park & Recreation
Commission minutes dated December 10, 1996. All voted in favor.
Determine Park, Trail and Recreation Needs for The Highlands, a Mixed Density
Development consisting of 268 Lots and 20utlots for the Construction 32 Single Family Lots;
48 Cottage Homes and 188 Villa Homes; Located at the Northeast Corner of Galpin
Boulevard and Highway 5; Residential Development, Inc: A staff report was presented to the
commission followed by a presentation by the applicant. Public comment was limited to comments
received from Mr. John Hennessy, 7305 Galpin Boulevard relative to future trail plans in the area.
The commission discussed with the applicant the importance of creating a "commons" in the
project. The applicant concurred noting that they were working on plans for a commons area.
Park & Recreation Commission Minutes
January 28, 1997
Page 2
Upon completion of the discussion, Commissioner Manders made the following motion, seconded
by Howe:
That the Park & Recreation Commission recommend the City Council apply the following
conditions of approval regarding parks and trails for The Highlands.
The dedication of a public trail easement through the east/west commons area from
Highlands Boulevard east to the property limit. Construction of an 8 ft. asphalt trail
within this easement. The applicant is to be reimbursed for material costs involved in
construction the trail from the city's trail fund.
2. Payment of tull park and trail fees per city ordinance.
3. The development of a "commons" within the plat.
Commissioners Roeser, Manders, Scott and Howe voted in favor. Lash and Berg voted against.
The motion carried by a 4-2 vote. Commissioners Lash and Berg voted against due to the failure to
specify that a children's playground must be a component of the commons. As the motion stands,
the specific contents of the commons area are at the discretion of the applicant.
Adult Softball Eligibility Rule Appeal; Women's League: A staff report was presented which
was followed by a lively discussion from the audience. The discussion centered around the
perceived need to open the eligibility for the women's softball league if it were to continue. Upon
conclusion of the discussion, Commissioner Roeser moved, Commissioner Lash seconded to
approve the opening of the league for the 1997 season to include 12 teams maximum. These teams
can originate from any community and include players who live or work outside of Chanhassen.
This is a one time exemption to be reviewed in the fall of 1997. All voted in favor and the motion
passed unanimously.
Commission Goal Setting for 1997: Commissioners spent over an hour discussing their short and
long range goals. Upon the conclusion of their discussion, they tabled action until their February
meeting when they will prioritize their goals prior to delivering them to the City Council.
a. Hockey and Skating Rinks
b. February Festival
c. Easter Egg Candy Hunt
Park & Recreation Commission Minutes
January 28, 1997
Page 3
d. Summer Tennis Lessons: Commissioner Berg moved, Scott seconded to approve the contract
for tennis lessons with EIS, Excellence in Sports, Tennis, Inc. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
e. Fourth of July Celebration
f. Senior Center
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: The tbllowing administrative reports were given:
a. Recreation Center
b. Acceptance of commission's bid for Teen Cluster, Earl F. Anderson, Inc.
c. The commission approved the new interview questions.
d. The commission approved the initiation of the Galpin Blvd. North Neighborhood Park Focus
e. Director's Report.
The commission then reported on committee updates, followed by Commission Member
Presentations. Cotnmissioner Roeser requested that staff prepare a report considering the
preparation of cross country ski trails in the 1997/98 ski season at Lake Ann Park. Staff to respond
with a report. Commissioners received the Administrative Packet.
Commissioner Manders moved, Commissioner Roeser seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted
in favor the meeting was adjourned.
Todd Hoffman
Park & Recreation Director