3 ApprovalConditionsWoodridgeHtCITY OF PRC DATE: 2-25-97 PC DATE: 2-19-97 CC DATE: 3-10-97 tlOFFMAN:k -/!! STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: ,> · Determine Park, Trail & Recreation CondiUons of Approx, al for Vv( odr~dge Heights (formerly' known as Shamrock Ridge); A Proposed Single Fmnilv Residential Plat'for 10 Lots and 20utlots. LOCATION: Located at the Intersection of Galpin Boulevard and Proposed Lake Lucy P, oad Extension, 6730 Galpin Boulevard APPLICA, J: Centex Homes 12400 Whitewater Drive, Suite 120 Minnetonka, MN 5, PRESEi' ! ZONING: RR. Rural Residential ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - RR, Rural Residennal S - RR, Rural Residential E - RR. Rural Residential W - RSF. Residential Single Family COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: The recreation section of the city's Comprehensive Plan identifies this site as lying within the park service areas of Pheasant Hill Neighborhood Park, the Minnetonka Intermediate School Campus, and the future park now labeled Forest Meadow Outlot A. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: This site borders the western edge of Galpin Boulevard which is identified as a trail corridor on the city's Comprehensive Trail Plan. The proposed plat requires an extension of Lake Lucy Road which also calls for a pedestrian trail to be developed parallel to this corridor. Woodridge Heights February 25, 1997 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend the city council require the following conditions of approval in regard to park and trails for Woodridge Heights. 1. Full park and trail fees to be collected per city ordinance. The applicant construct an 8 ft. bituminous trail parallel to Lake Lucy Road. This construction to be incorporated into the Lake Lucy Road Extension Project. The developer shall be reimbursed for the cost of said trail from the city's trail fund. 3. Sufficient county road right-of-way/easements be maintained along County Road 117 (Galpin Boulevard) to accommodate future trail construction. ATTACHMENT 1. Site Map, Preliminary Plat g:\park\th\woodridge.doc