7b Prairie Knoll Play CommitteeCITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park & Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hofflnan, Park & Recreation Director DATE: February 20, 1997 SUB J: Prairie Knoll Play Equipment Selection Committee I am recommending that the commission solicit neighbors of Prairie Knoll Park to form a playground selection committee. This committee, like the Stone Creek group, would conduct the equipment review process and forward a purchasing recommendation to the commission. The group could also assist with the installation of the playground. If they elect to do so, the community's purchasing power is increased and a sense of ownership is instilled. If the commission concurs with this assessment, notification of this opportunity will be sent to all neighborhood residents. I would like to have a recommendation back to the commission in May or June. (;:",park ,th\praire knollpark.doc e!J!eJd ueP3 jo ,q!O .~ u'~s,~queqo ;o Xl!o ii pal8 u /qunoO u!deuueH I!eJ.L lesuns I (LL 'l:J'O~' ob1 uoqnpnV e~seqD CITY OF CHANHASSEN 1997 BUDGET Commentary Capital Project Fund Park/Trailways Acquisition & Development General Comment: Park and trail fees (charges established on new construction) are receipted into this fund. Many major park and trail improvements become a budgeted expense of this fund (Note: To insure multi-year accountability for individual projects, a separate fund is typically established to account for the assets/liabilities of that project, i.e. Lake Ann Boat Access. All of the revenues/expenses associated with the project thereby become easier to monitor - with final balances being "transferred" back to this fund). As such, this fund represents the master fund reflecting current and future obligations for major park and trail projects, as well as minor park and trail improvements within our community. An annual and five year park/trailways acquisition and development capital improvement program is maintained by the City's Park and Recreation Commission. All capital improvement projects are approved by the City Council. Expenditures: 4010 Personal Services: Park and Recreation Director 1996 1997 20% 20% 4300 Fees, Service: Professional services associated with the development of city parks and trails. Tree moving Appraisals and consulting services associated with "park" referendum. $28,000 25,000 2,000 15,000 4302 Fees, Legal: Legal services associated with the development of city parks and trails. Legal services associated with "park" referendum. 20,000 3,000 4,O00 434O Printing & Publishing associated with "park" referendum, miscellaneous documents. 8,000 4701 Chanhassen Recreation Center-Transferred to Lake Ann Ballfield Lighting Lake Ann Park ballfield lighting Trees, Meadow Green Park Minnewashta Boulevard Parkland, Phase I Development Contingency, Lake Ann Park Carver Beach Shoreline Restoration and Trail TC & W Railroad Trail Underpass Restoration Recreation Center Parking Lake Ann Park Contingency Round House Park, Phase II Development 30,000 60,000 2,000 70,000 5,O00 167,000 12,000 25,000 50,000 5,000 5O,000 142,000 112 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 1997 BUDGET Commentary Capital Project Fund Park/Trailways Acquisition & Development (cont.) 4705 ADA Requirements and spring animals/Chan Estates Park Paddle boats, Lake Ann Park Play equipment, Stone Creek Parkland Signage Scout Projects Contingency 1996 4,500 5,000 25,000 1,000 5OO 10,000 46,00O 1997 4754 4769 4901 Tables, Signage Scout Projects Recycling Containers Trails/Asphalt Contingency Trailway Improvements: Chan Pond/Butte Court Recording costs Refunds & Reimbursements: Payments to developers for trail work completed per development agreements 16,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 5,O0O 15,000 10,000 58,000 6OOO 2,000 80,000 ll3