2 Cond. for Approval SteinerDevCITY OF
PRC DATE: March 25, 1997
PC DATE: March 19, 1997
CC DATE: April 14, 1997
Request fbr conceptual planned unit development--industrial to rezone 151).5
acres of property zoned A2, Agricultural Estate fbr 12 lots and 2 outlots.
Southwest intersection of Highways 5 and 41.
Steiner Development, Inc.
3610 South Highway 101
Wayzata, MN 55391
Conceptual and Narrative Attached
A2, Agricultural Estate
N - State flighway 5
S - City of Chaska--lndustrial
E - City of Chanhassen~Parkland (O'Shaughnessy Donation)
W - State Highway 41
The Comprehensive Park Plan encourages the preservation of lands as a means of mitigating or
complimenting the loss of open space to industrial development. Portions of this site have been
identified by the commission for preservation since first being introduced to it in 1992. The concept
plan submitted by the applicant dated February 26, 1997 depicts two outlots at the eastern edge of the
proposed plat. These outlots encompass approximately 75% of the land identified by the commission as
desirable open space or parkland.
The commission's recommendation for acquisition is depicted on an attached concept plan dated
October 27, 1994 with revisions dated May 13, 1996 and March 4, 1997. The commission's concept
identifies 47.8 acres of desirable open space versus the applicant's 36.1. Continue to be aware that over
half of the open space identified in your concept is wetland and approximately h of the open space
identified bv the ar~r~licant is wetland.
In viewing the concept plan prepared by Hoisington-Koegler, the parcels currently being studied are A
and B. The majority of parcels C and D were acquired through the O'Shaughnessy donation with a
small portion of parcel D being acquired as park dedication from Trotter's Ridge. The vision behind
assembling these properties into a 100+ acre open space preserve has evolved over the past 4-5 years.
The applicant has expressed their willingness to cooperate with the city in fulfilling this vision.
The Comprehensive Trail Plan identifies major corridors at the western and northern boundaries of this
property. The Highway 5 trail to the north is scheduled to be accomplished with the extension of the
north access boulevard. The construction of the western trail adjacent to State Highway 41 will be
accomplished at the time the highway is updated. The internal trail system depicted on the
commission's concept plan should be completed contemporaneously with the development of this site.
To ensure that all trail and sidewalk connections are planned appropriately, both the design and
development of these systems should be a shared responsibility between the city and developer.
The preservation of the large wooded wetland partially located on the Gateway site is an essential
ingredient to the success of the commission's vision. Equally important is the acquisition of a
continuous border of upland adjoining the wetland.
The wetland is classified as ag/urban, and is isolated from other water based resources in the city. There
is a limited amount of open water present, representing just 5% of the total area encompassed. The
dominant plant species include: reed canary grass, cattail, jewel weed, sedge, and duck weed. Box elder
trees are abundant, and some American elms are present. Sources of water feeding the wetland include:
natural, storm water, and surface drainage. Some sedimentation and siltation has occurred. Numerous
dead and dying trees are present, a result of a recent change in water levels. Wildlife is abundant, and
includes deer, muskrat, water fowl, pheasant, mink, fox, frogs and other amphibians, and a multitude of
insect varieties. Hawks and owls also inhabit the area, finding refuge in the dense, wooded wetland and
adjoining forested areas. Under the current proposal to incorporate nearly 100 acres into a park reserve,
much of this wildlife will adapt to the impending surrounding development.
It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission make the following requests of the
1. Upon submittal of a preliminary plat, incorporate the following features:
- Designation of outlots A and B as identified on the commission's concept plan as open space.
- The identification of an internal trail/sidewalk system including the trails within outlots A and B,
sidewalks and/or trails adjacent to thoroughfares, and a north/south trail adjacent to Highway 41.
-A sidewalk should also be planned for the north side of 82nd Street to facilitate east/west pedestrian
The means by which these requests can be accomplished include a combination of application of PUD
standards, park dedication, cash purchase, right-of-way dedication, etc.
02,'26,'97 17:02 F.~ 612 473 7058 STEINER [~0(2,"(]3
$&41 (Gateway) Development Conceptual Plan Narrative
The 145.5 acre Highway $ & 41 Property is propesed to be developed into an industrial business park by
Steiner Developmeot trader a Planned Unit Development process (PUD). The following summary
represents a conmptual outline that is the result of numerous meetings with Cha_nhassen City staff
resulting in a plan !h_~t respon& to environmental and market concerns. This s~.,nmary is based on thc
Conceptual Plan dated February 26,1997 and the numbers are approximate.
Thc proposed plan indicates approximately 102.1 acres to be developed excluding roads, wetlands and
high park land that the City of Ch~nha~sen will own. Based on a floor area ratio of 30%, a pl_anned
1,334,200 square feel of industrial buildings is poszible. Under the Chanhaqsen City Code Planned Unit
Development Dim-let, 25% of the total building ~uare feet can become ancillaxy uses to industrial and.
consequently, 333,500 square feet will be allocated to residential ~d commercial uses.
The eastern paxt of the site which is primarily wetlands is to become City of Chanhassen park land. This
land will be added to the existing City park land to the east. The high ground v_,nnlng through the middle
of the wetlallds and the sloped wooded hillside immediately to the west of the wetlagds is al~o proposed to
become developed park land and park trails. The wetland totals approximately 23.6 acres and the upland
area approximately 12.8 acres, for a total of 36.4 acre~ that will become park land. The final amount of
dedicated park land will be 10% of developable acreage or 10 acres.
Allowing 8 acres for road fight of way plus 1.7 acres for natural environmental reserve ponding (NERP),
approximately 62.7 acres are to be developed into huduslrial buildings primarily aecesseal from a new
north south road from Highway 5 to 82~ Street. Tiffs land is presently treeless and will be graded into 4
to 10 acre parcels. The remaining 37.7 acres will become ~e~idential and commercial. The 14.3 acres of
commercial includes the 3.8 acres at the intersection of 82~r~ Street and Highway 41, the 6.5 acres at the
east side of the proposed north south road and Highway 5, and 4 acres to the west of the north south road-
The commercial arm's include sites for restaurants, banks, professional office, convenient store and other
support commercial uses. The 23.4 acre site in thc south east corner of the property is proposed to be a
residential town house development.
Phaze One: 1997 - 1998
Phase One is to include the land accessible from g2m Street which includes 3.8 acres of commercial, 10
acres of industrial and 23.5 acres of residential. Utilities will have to be extended from the east to the
north south road and south to 82m~ Street. The Industrial Tax Increment Finance District will be
established in Phase One.
Phas~ Two: 1999 - 2000
Phase Two will open with thc construction of the north south road and will provide between 20 and 30
industrial acres and the 6.$ acres of commercial at the intersection of Itighway 5.
Phase Th~: 2001 - 2002
Phase Three will be the final development phase opened up in conjunction with access to Highway 41 at
the center of the property. Approximately 20 to 30 acres will be developed ax industrial as well as the
remaining 4 acres of commercial in Phase Three. In thc event that the Wrase property is developed in
conjunction with th~roposed development a roadway e.,aeusion of Peav~' Road would be considered
running north of 82 Street to the proposed Highway 41 connection. This alternative wohld prm4de
various water tower locations, a east west road reali?ment and smaller platted lots.
02,'26,'97 17:02 FAX 612 473 7058 STEINER ~003,'003
A~chitcctural and landscape standards for thc industrial area will be determined in conjunction with the
City of Chanhassen planning staff. It is anticipated that exterior walls will be painted and/or intcg/al
color precast concrete or masomy. Ovemdl hard surface coverage is anticipated to b, limited to 70% with
the r~mninlng ~0% to allow for topographical tra~ilionq between sit~s along with Ilainlm~lm scq;l~¢k and
landscape requirements.
We anticipate having an industrial project in thc range of 100,000 square fe~t with Heartland America
Co~poration as thc anchor tenant to start Pha~ One. Heartland n~cds to occupy thc building by October
1, 1997 to coincide with their existing lease termination. Consequently, we anticipate a City approval
process to mn concurrently with thc PUD process for pr~liminaqt and final plat application.
Sunset Trail
r ~gHi hway41
690 COULTER DRIV(~12)P;O37B1(~0Xi e47FAx~6H1A~ t~,~7SS5~3N~ MINNESOTX 55317
March 5, 1997
Mr. Fred Richter
Steiner Development
3610 South Highway 101
Wayzata, MN 55391
Dear Mr. Richter:
This letter is in response to our recent meeting at which the proposed Gateway West
Business Park was discussed. At that meeting, it was agreed that I would tbrward to you
three documents to assist in your planning. Please find the following documents enclosed:
1. Copies of a plan depicting the portion of the "Gateway" property which the city
desires for parkland/open space.
2. A plat depicting the O'Shaughnessy open space donation.
3. A plat depicting the Trotters Ridge Parkland dedication.
I trust this information will prove to be helpful. Please contact me if you require additional
Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager
Kate Aanenson, Planning Director
Charles Folch, City Engineer
g:\park\thh-ichter, ltr