4 Master Park & Concept PlanCITY OF q 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 93~-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Park & Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director March 17, 1997 Confirmation of Park Master and Concept Plans At your January meeting, staff was directed to update all park master and concept plans. Bruce Chamberlain of Hoisington Koegler Group has been retained to perform this task. Prior to putting pen to paper, Bruce asked that the commission review each existing plan. One-half of the plans are being presented for your review at your March meeting. The other one-half will be tackled in April. Elements of the review include: 1. Does a boundary survey exist? If yes, is it accurate? If no, should one be completed? 2. Does the plan accurately reflect existing conditions? 3. Are there elements of the plan that should be deleted? 4. Are there items that should be added? 5. Confirm whether each plan represents a "master" or "concept" plan. Existing plan sheets for the 14 parks you will be reviewing next Tuesday are attached. Both Bruce Chamberlain and I will be available to help facilitate this process. g:\parkX, th\masterplans.doc BANDIMEFIE PARK Con~.;ept I~an Ohsnhatsen. Mlnnesotm -"f'aiOI]]O BANDIMERE HEIGHTS PARK NO MASTER PARK PLAN ! ! BANDIMFt~ COMMUNITY PAtaK HEIGHTS PARK BLUFF CREEK PARK NO MASTER PARK PLAN l! ? CARVER BEACH PLAYGROUND NO MASTER PARK PLAN SHENEND( CIRCLE CHANHASSEN ESTATES PARK NO MASTER PARK PLAN W ST ESTATES MINI P~I~g 8100 J CHANHASSEN HILLS pARK MASTER PLAN o~ 1 I xx CIRCLE x.., [I x.,.. _ _-'" I / I' ,I / /i,t / _,' ! j [ ~iii CURRY FARMS PARK --~ ~ .~ ·! ~ [ CONCEPT PLAN GREENWOOD SHORES PARK NO MASTER PARK PLAN K£ K£ A .NAt MEAD OW GREEN -.4 Ill 'D I-- Z rn II Minnewashta Woods Drive T~A POND PURPOSE: Estabhsh · GENERAL RECOMMEND, CATEGORY Conifers Grasses & Legumes Deciduous Fruit & Berry Plantl Key: [~picnic A .... ~ Salting A .... PLANT SPECIES WILDLIFE CATEGORY PLANT SPECIES WILDLIFE Eastern White Pine Bird SDecies Fruit & Berry Plentl lind Cherry Pheasant Belsm Fir Red Cedar Amedclrl Plum Buttlrt'liol Spruce Fill Fruitl Red Olitr Dogwood Robin $ideoels Grlmml Woodchuckl Winter Fruitl Black Chokecherry Bird Special Birch Butterfliel Red Splendor CrlPapDll Aspen Bees Euonymul Oak Nuts & Acorns Oak Wood Duck bituminous pedestrian/bicycle ~a,i proposed bo,u fenlaJ Ii~hm~, duck Lake Ann proposed p(,de~trian trail picnic area Natural .'1 with Shelter Vi/ws Access - Sd/Sba, held Softball- - [XISTINC SANIIARY SEW[RI 5 EXTEND New \ Berm TOTAL PARKING SPACES 382 (SERVE PLAYING FIELDS) APPROVED CONCEPT Buffer I I \ /Jr erhead Electric Distribution Line TH 5 Schelen ~layeron & Associates, Inc. LAKE ANN PARK Chanhassen, MN