5d CRC Monthly ReportMEMOI~S, NDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Patty Dexter. Todd Hoffman, & Park Commission Mike Hammond. CRC Facility Supervisor March 12, I997 CRC Monthly Report PROGRAMMING Winter programs are Wrapping up and spring programs will be underway soon at the Recreation'Center. The spring programs'include: Space Camp, Spring Sports- Festival, Baby-sitting Clinic, Preschool Floor Hockey, Sports Spectacular, & the March Madness Shoot-out. Gym Schedule: OPEN WALK/JOG - CRC is offering open gym timei in the morning designed for walkers and joggers. FAMILY OPEN CATCH - CRC is also offering times for youth and their parents to get their baseball/softball arms in shape for the upcoming season MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES Parking - The elimination of a few fire lanes has increased the parking capacity at the Bluff Creek/Chan Rec Center Building by some sixty spots. This, along with increased cooperation with Dist. 1 12, has temporarily relieved some of the strain. Recreation Center Staffing - We are now back to a full staff with the addition of three new t~acility supervisors. Chanhassen Recreation Center. 2310 Coulter' Boulevard. Chanhassen. Minnesota 55317. Ph'one: 612-474-0641, Fax: 612-474-065