6b Parking BluffCreekSchool/CRCCITY OF
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Park & Recreation Commission
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
March 17, 1997
Parking at Bluff Creek Elementary School/Chanhassen Recreation Center
Iarn pushing an agenda to expand the parking capacity at Bluff Creek Elementary and the
Chanhassen Recreation Center. If you believe in this project, please lobby on its behalf. In tight
times, I understand the apprehensions school board members and city council members may have
in funding a parking lot expansion. It is not the most glamorous capital investment endeavor
ever proposed. However, not to complete the expansion is analogous to running 25 miles in a
marathon and then going home. We have invested $10,000,000 to date, let us invest another
$100,000 (1% of the total project) to create sufficient parking.
Memo dated March 6, 1997 including agenda
Memo dated March 17, 1997
gg, park\thXcrcparking.doc
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
March 6, 1997
School District 112
Fred Whitney, School Board Chair
Dave Clough, Superintendent
Dave Peterson, Finance Director
Cathy Gallagher, Principal
Greg McGree, Buildings and Grounds
Carl Mattson, Custodian
City of Chanhassen
Nancy Mancino, Mayor
Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager
Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisor
Scott Harr, Public Safety Director
Charles Folch, City Engineer
Bob Zydowsky, Deputy Public Safety Dir.
Mark Littfin, Fire Marshal
Ladies & Gentlemen:
As you are aware, parking at the Bluff Creek Elementary School/Chanhassen Recreation Center
is severely limited. For the past 18 months, officials from both the district and the city have been
working to improve parking accommodations at the site. Prompted by a recent rash of parking
violations, officials met again on Wednesday, February 19. That meeting resulted in the
following outcome:
Over 50% of the desired, but nonessential fire lanes were eliminated, gaining approximately
36 permanent and 20 part-time spaces. In addition, it was agreed that another meeting would
be scheduled for March 12 to discuss parking lot expansions.
Previous initiatives have also helped manage the parking:
The north side of Coulter Boulevard was opened for parking from 5 p.m. to midnight,
Monday through Friday and all day on weekends. This provides approximately 30 spaces
during those times.
· "Visitor, 15 minute, and 1 hour" spaces have been identified to accommodate quick trips.
These "creative" solutions have lessened the parking crunch, but more work needs to be done.
March 6, 1997
Page 2
At present, approximately 100 spaces are available in the community parking lot with just over
85 available in the school parking lot. The school district lot can be expanded by approximately
30 spaces and the city lot by as many as 70 spaces for an additional 100 spaces. The estimated
investment to accomplish this initiative is $100,000. The Chanhassen City Council and Park &
Recreation Commission have set aside $50,000 to be used for this purpose.
It is our hope that the district will also make a commitment to this proposed project. From my
conversations with district personnel, I am cognizant of the tight times at the school district level.
Through this meeting, we hope to further understand your committed obligations and discuss
whether or not this issue can become one of them.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to seeing you on March 12.
Todd Hoffman
Park & Recreation Director
Chanhassen City Council
Park & Recreation Commission
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Attachments: Agenda
"Parking Meeting"
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1997, 11:00 A.M.
1. Introductions.
Project History: District: Greg McGree
City: Todd Hoffman
Consequences of Insufficient Parking:
District: Fred Whitney and Cathy Gallagher
City: Nancy Mancino and Patty Dexter
Public Safety Concerns:
District: Cathy Gallagher
City: Scott Harr
Brief Overview of Accommodations made to Date:
District: Cathy Gallagher
City: Charles Folch and Mark Littfin
Parking Lot Expansion Proposal:
District: Cathy Gallagher
City: Todd Hoffman
Financial Position Statements:
District: Dave Peterson
City: Todd Gerhardt
8. Other.
9. Adjourn at 12 noon.
690 COULTER DRI~ 1;)P;O3 ~ B1~0X01e47F~x~6H1A~ t-~7S,S5~3N~ MINNESOTA 55317
March 17, 1997
School District 112
Fred Whitney, School Board Chair
Dave Peterson, Business Manager
Cathy Gallagher, Principal
Greg McGree, Buildings & Gounds
Carl Mattson, Custodian
City of Chanhassen
Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager
Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisor
Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer
Bob Zydowsky, Deputy Public Safety Dir.
Mark Lit[fin, Fire Marshal
Ladies & Gentlemen:
Thank you for attending the "parking" meeting this last Wednesday. Your participation in the
ongoing process of solving the parking problems at the Bluff' Creek Elementary School/
Chanhassen Recreation Center is appreciated. This letter is being sent to confirm the outcome
our meeting. If the follo~ving representations are contrary to your notes or recollectiom [)lease
contact me.
It xvas agreed that the accommodations made to date, including on-street parking on Coulter
Blvd., the elimination of some fire lanes, and the identification of"visitor/15 minutes/1 hour"
parking spaces has been very helpful. Those responsible for these improvements were
Greg McGree and ! will administer the preparation of cost estimates including preliminary
design work for the expansion of both on-site parking lots. This work has been authorized by
the district.
3. Dave Peterson and Todd Gerhardt will seek approval for an agreement in which the city will
construct the lots with the district leasing back the west lot.
4. A final agreement must be approved by the District 112 School Board and the Chanhassen
City Council.
March 17, 1997
Page 2
Again, thank you for your valuable input.
Todd Hoffman
Park & Recreation Director
Dave Clough, Superintendent
Nancy Mancino, Mayor
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Scott Harr, Public Safety Director
Charles Folch, City Engineer
I will keep you informed of progress being made.
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March 18, 1997
Mr. Todd Gerhardt
Assistant City Manager
City of Chanhassen P.O. Box 147
690 Coulter Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Mr. Gerhardt
RE: BtuffCreek Parking
Thank you to Todd Hoffman and you for arranging the March 12th meeting to review
the parking lot needs and possible solutions. The meeting was much needed and
provided several new possible ideas.
in summary, the District Administration continues to believe that the east and west
parking lot expansion specifications are to be accomplished as soon as possible by HGA
with the city and school sharing 50% of this cost. The 24% and 76%joint power split is
not aligned to this project as both the city and school need parking lot expansion
Once the HGA specifications are completed, then the City Engineer will either obtain a
cost for each lot's change-order (from a contractor under contract for area roads) or
publish for sealed bids with a bid alternative for the school west parking tot expansion.
The district does not have any FY97 or FY98 capital or construction budget available
for this project. All available assets have already been recommended for other high
priority district needs. The projects to be currently funded have been identified through
various committee processes. Therefore, once the district lot cost is known, you and I
need to meet to review a process by which a FY99 installment purchase from the city
might be accomplished. As we create a plan, said will require school board action and
approval. Hopefully we can coordinate this effort to a successful conclusion.
Standing by to serve you.
Director of Finance and Operations
cc: D, Clough, Superintendent
D. Ashworth, City Administrator
Serviora the communities of eastern Carver County throuclh eoual ocr~ortunity in emctovment and education.