Correspondence SectionAdministrative Section Creative Solutions for Land Planning and Design Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. June 2, 1997 Todd Lehman Minnesota Playground, Inc. P.O. Box 27328 Golden Valley, MN 55427 Dear Todd: The Prairie Knoll playground selection committee met last week to discuss your and other proposals received for a new play structure in the park. Congratulations, the co~nmittee will recommend to the Park Commission that Gametime equipment be purchased. The committee was impressed with the high level of creative play opportunities provided by your design. We will be in touch regarding equipment ordering, schedule and so on. If you have any questions, give me a call. Sincerely, Bruce L. Chamberlain, RLA Consulting Park Planner cc: Todd Hoffman, Chanhassen Park & Recreation Director 7300 Metro Boulevard, Suite 525, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55439 (612) 835-9960 Fax (612) 835-3160 Creative Solutions for Land Planning and Design Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. June 2,1997 Brace Pudwill Midwest Playscapes 14084 Shore Lane NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Dear Brace: The Prairie Knoll playground selection committee met last week to discuss your and other proposals received for a new play structure in the park. The committee will recommend to the Park Commission that Gametime equipment be purchased. We appreciate the effort you put forth in preparing your bid and look forward to including you in future playground opportunities in the City of Chanhassen. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ./ Bruce L. Chamberlain, RLA Consulting Park Planner cc: Todd Hoffman, Chanhassen Park & Recreation Director 7300 Metro Boulevard, Suite 525, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55439 (612) 835-9960 Fax (612) 835-3160 Creative Solutions for Land Planning and Design June 2, 1997 Dave Owen Earl F. Andersen, Inc. 9808 James Circle Bloomington, MN 55431 Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. Dear Dave: The Prairie Knoll playground selection committee met last week to discuss your and other proposals received for a new play structure in the park. The committee will recommend to the Park Commission that Gametime equipment be purchased. We appreciate the effort you put forth in preparing your bid and look forward to including you in future playground opportunities in the City of Chanhassen. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ,.'.' Bruce L. Chamberlain, RLA Consulting Park Planner cc: Todd Hoffman, Chanhassen Park & Recreation Director 7300 Metro Boulevard, Suite 525, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55439 (612) 835-9960 Fax (612) 835-3160 Creative Solutions for Land Planning and Design June 2, 1997 Bill Johnson Flanagan Sales 2845 Hamline Ave. North, Suite 108 Roseville, MN 55113 Dear Bill: Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. The Prairie Knoll playground selection committee met last week to discuss your and other proposals received for a new play structure in the park. The committee will recommend to the Park Commission that Gametime equipment be purchased. We appreciate the effort you put forth in preparing your bid and look forward to including you in future playground opportunities in the City of Chanhassen. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Brace L. Chamberlain, RLA Consulting Park Planner cc: Todd Hoffman, Chanhassen Park & Recreation Director 7300 Metro Boulevard, Suite 525, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55439 (612) 835-9960 Fax (612) 835-3160 C ITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 May 15, 1997 Ms. Jane Meger 405 Highland Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Jane: Congratulations! The City has elected to re-appoint you to the Park and Recreation Commission. Your second full 3 year term will be in effect from April of 1997 to April of 2000. The Council has valued your past contributions and looks lombard to your continued service. Please feel free to contact me at any time. Sincerely, Nancy K. Mancino Mayor NKM:ns CITY OF May 15, 1997 Mr. Rod Franks 8694 Mary Jane Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Rod: Congratulations on your appointmem to the Park and Recreation Commission! All of our candidates were exceptional. Your genuine interest to serve and excellent communication skills secured your position. I am excited to have the opportunity to work with you. Your appointment is effective through April of the year 2000. Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director will assist you in your orientation. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss issues. Again, congratulations on your appointment. Sincerely, Nancy K. Mancino Mayor NKM:ns CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 May 15, 1997 Mr. Dave Moes 6241 Near Mountain Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Moes: On behalf of the City Council, I would like to thank you for your interest in serving the City of Chanhassen. Unfortunately you were not selected for an appointment to the Park and Recreation Commission. I would like to let you know that our decision is not a reflection on your qualifications. All the candidates were very good. Please consider seeking appointment again in the furore. Sincerely, Mayor NKM:ns CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 May 15, 1997 Ms. Amy O'Shea 7475 Crocus Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Ms. O'Shea: On behalf of the City Council, I would like to thank you for your interest in serving the City of Chanhassen. Unfortunately you were not selected for an appointment to the Park and Recreation Commission. I would like to let you know that our decision is not a reflection on your qualifications. All the candidates were very good. Please consider seeking appointment again in the furore. Sincerely, Nancy K. Mancino Mayor NKM:ns SOUTHWEST LRT TRAIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES June 4, 1997 Present: Bob Larson, City of Deephaven: Jim Nolen, Deephaven Police Department; Les Plath, City of Excelsior; Jeannie Bowers, City of Greenwood: Ray Vogtman, City of Hopkins; Dean Elstad and Craig Sinclair, City of Minnetonka; Jim Hurm and Pat Amst, City of Shorewood; Joanne Kopet, City of Victoria; Dave Williams, Bob Gove, Karen Bowen, and Bob Rowe, Hennepin Parks. Bob Rowe Bob reported that there were many drainage and encroachment challenges this past year. Sheet piling walls have helped to control erosion in many areas, although it has been a very dry season and hasn't been tested to its fullest. A great deal of time has been spent on ditch cleaning, pruning, debris, trash, and tree removal and signage. There is a full-time maintenance employee assigned exclusively to the LRT; the entire trail is inspected at least once a week. Dave Williams - There are repetitive stop signs in Excelsior that need removing. The "adopt-a- trail" program signs should also be taken down along the trail, unless they arc outside of the 16-foot authorized trail area. Damages incurred to trail surface areas may be shared by communities which have been sweeping and plowing. Jeannie Bowers asked Dave whether Hennepin Parks was expanding thc trail width beyond its 16 authorized feet--it is the City of Greenwood's belief that the trail screenings are being drastically pruned and that the trail is much wider than anticipated. She requested that when Hennepin Parks is working on thc trail within the boundaries of Greenwood that a representative of thc City be present while the work is completed. Str/ping needs to be completed at municipal cross walks at intersections in Hopkins and Excelsior. Dean Elstad suggested that Hennepin Parks consider a 1998 budget item for LRT striping and marking, using one contractor who would mark the entire corridor at one time and do it consistently. Ray Vogtman inquired about the timeline for replacing signs and wondered if Hennepin Parks staff had considered using steel to cut down on vandalism and theft. Karen responded that more sophisticated sign installation is being considered, although probably not steel; Dave added that the newer signs had cleating on the bottoms. Extension of the trail to the east will be the key link for the entire trail system; it is approximately 3.5 miles from Hopkins to Minneapolis where the trail will hook up with the Cedar Lake trail and be open by fall of 1998. Hennepin Parks Board has bonded 4.9 million to complete the 40-mile North Hennepin Regional Trail Corridor. Dean Elstad asked Del if he had heard anything about the availability of off road bus service along the south corridor. Del said he hadn't and couldn't see that happening in the foreseeable future. Ray Vogtman The Hopkins Park Board will be touting the LRT trail on June 16, from 7-9 p.m., using three golf carts for transportation. Bob Gove will issue a special permit. Pat Arnst Southwest Trails would like larger snowmobile signage and Pat inquired about sign standards: Karen will talk to Bill Kullberg and send a copy of the standards to Pat. Bob Gove stated that, technically, regulation-sized speed signs are more widely recognized. Dean EIstad Minnetonka is having problems with dogs off leash, dog feces, and lack of bike etiquette on the LRT trail. Dean would like new signage that says "yield to pedestrians" and "leash dog." He said St. Paul has atla-active signage that could work on the LRT. Karen Bowen - Karen reported that the kiosks arc too large and too few; Hennepin Parks staff is hoping to have something more attractive and useful by next summer. It was suggested that bike etiquette be "pumped up" on the new maps--larger and more prominent position. Ray Vogtman - Intelligent Project bags for dog litter work well for Hopkins: only one bag dispenser has been tipped off in two years: call Ray for source information. oh l/Irt\mtg.97 Corn reunify Education - Independent School District 112; Date: June 5, 1997 110600 Village Road Chaska, MN 55318 612-368-3688 NOTE MEETING LOCATION JU '4 r: 6 1997 To: District 112 Long Range Facility Planning Task Force and Other Interested Individuals From: Lou Wack, Committee Chairperson Greg Shank, Director of Community Education~ Re: F~AL Meeting of the Long Range Facility Planning Task Force The FINAL Meeting of the District 112 Long Range Facility Planning Task Force will be: Date: Time: Location: Agenda: Thursday, June 12, 1997 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Early Childhood Center - Multi Purpose Room Finalize Recommendations that will go to the School Board on June 19, 7:00 p.m. Please find enclosed the following items for your review: · Steps 1, 2, and 3 of the proposed Task Force recommendations, including a "DRAFT" Scenario (Step 2) based on the group work to date · Basic Assumptions of Long Range Planning for the Next 5 Years · The Critical Questions Related to the Components of the Charge · The Action Items for Consideration in the Next 5 Years with Estimated Costs Please review the materials to determine if there are any missing items that should be included in the Step 2: Scenario, or Step 3: Items for further consideration. Our task next week is to critique the proposed recommendations and finalize what will be sent to the School Board. Once again, this is our final and most important meeting. The School Board has been invited to observe this discussion of the Task Force. Also, please note the location of the meeting: Early Childhood Center- Multi Purpose Room 110600 Village Road - Chaska We would also like to express our sincere appreciation to all of you that have participated in this process for your time, interest and thoughtfulness. We look forward to seeing you Thursday, June 12 at 6.~0 p.m. Recommendations Step 1' Step 2: Step 3' Chaska Middle School West must be Re-Opened to Accommodate District 112 Facilities Needs Long Range Facilities Task Force Proposed Scenario (See Attached "DRAFT") Items to Consider That Need Additional Study, with Impact Beyond 5 Year Planning Period 1. Explore options to reduce class size and the related facilities implications. Explore/study alternative delivery systems for partial space solutions such as: ArboretUm School, Ridgeview Medical System, Internet education (Mindquest), etc. o Study and resolve grade configuration issues (e.g., how to utilize CMS East and West). 4. Study additional community-wide needs for fields and other facilities. Consider need and solutions to enhance facility supervision for community use of district facilities. Long Range Facilities Task Force Preferred Scenario Enrollment vs. Building Capacity: Action 1. Build 4th house at CHS to accommodate projected growth needs (NOTE: Consider additional land acquisition adjacent to Chaska High School) $5.3 - 7 Million N/A School Size/Grade Configuration: 2. See "Basic Assumption" #4 "Enrollment and growth will dictate grade configuration over the next five years" N/A Core Facility Needs: Add a multi-purpose field house that would connect CMS East and West (Utilize $1.1 M from previous referendum and look for partnership dollars from city(s)) Acquire/lease warehouse and distribution space ($1.2 - 1.6 Million) $50,000- 100,000 Improvements to Existing Facilities: Complete minimum repair and betterment items district-wide with equity among buildings as a goal (e.g., air conditioning at CMS West and East Union) $16 - 20 Million Technology: Clarify vision and outcomes for staff and students to better determine what additional resources should be allocated -0- Types of Community Use: No specific recommendation at this time based on limited resource availability - with the exception of #3 - the multi-purpose field house that will help meet school and community needs. -0- Action Educational Program Delivery: Continue to explore/study options for alternative delivery systems to meet future space needs -0- New Site Considerations: Acquire land in preparation for a new elementary that will be needed beyond the 5 year planning period $1 - 2 Million TOTAL BOND IMPACT $23,350,000 - 29,100,000 June 4, 1997 Basic Assumptions for Long Range Facility Planning For the Next Five (5) Years Projected student numbers will be based on the Barbara Lukennam~ 'hnerged projection model." o Individual school population will not exceed the design capacity range. (Variations of class size would impact this assumption). · --. 3. We should strive for equity across facilities. 4. Em'olhnent and growth will dictate grade configuration. 5/29/97 "Critical Question" For Each Component of Charge Statement Key Question: What types of facilities do we want for learners (all ages) and community use? Enrollment vs. Current Building Capacity: A. When is additional space needed? What options should be considered? B. Should CMS-West be reopened to accommodate growth? School Size and Grade Configuration (O~anization): A. If additional space is needed should buildings be made larger? Which ones? B. What should be considered regarding East Union? Expand its capacity; continue current use; consider alternative uses. C. Should we continue to implement the MMR and previous planning recommendation grade organizanization of: Pre-K - Kindergarten Center 1 - 5 Elementary Schools 6 - 7 Middle School 8 - 9 Middle School 10 - 12 High School 5/6/97 Core Facility Needs: A. Should CMS -West be modified to enhance the core capacity (including additional gym) and create a house concept? B. Should ECC be modified to expand core; provide for central reception for safety/security reasons? C. Should the previous goal ofdownsizing Chaska Elementary in total capacity in response to small classrooms and core be pursued? D. How should the District address the need for distribution and warehouse space? E. How should the District provide for the increasing need for District Office space? Improvements to Existing Facilities: A. What modifications to existing facility infra-structure should be considered to achieve equity? (CMS West to a house concept, air conditioning, etc.). B. What are the "minimum" maintenance and repair issues not fundable by capital funding? (Is this a critical question or assumption?) o Should the infrastructure in all buildings have the same capacity (wiring, plug-ins, network access)? B. Should there be universal telephone and voicemail access? C. What are other technology considerations? D. What staff.training is needed to properly utilize available technology? 5/6/97 Types of Community Use: A. Beyond K-12 and District 112 Community Education program needs, what types of "facilities" should be developed to accommodate community needs? Educational Program Delivery.: A. Should "community based" learning opportunities be explored as a partial solution to future facility needs? B. Should East Union be evaluated as a potential magnet program site? New Site Considerations: A. Should the District identify and secure a site for future construction to address growth? (Within the next 5 yrs. before options are more limited). 5/6/97 Action Items for Consideration (5 Year Plan) Enrollment vs. Current Building Capacity Build 4th house at CHS before 5 years to accommodate 500 students. Build new elementary school by 2001 for 650 students. (Approximately 84,500 Sq. fi, without land) Estimated Costs $5.3 - 7 Million $12 - 14 Million Reopen Middle School West ($1.1 mill earmarked) A. As is House concept/equity (1992-93 Plan) 1) Without Gym 2) With Gym $200,000 - 400,000 Capital Repair and Better $10.8 - 12.2 Million $12- 13.5 Million School Size and Grade Configuration (Organization) 4. Alternative use of East Union, if feasible: A. Expand East Union to 500 capacity as magnet with other districts. (Adds 350 more students) B. No change/as is. C. Close and sell. $8 - 9 Million -0- N/A 5/20/97 Core Facility Needs 5. Downsize Chaska Elementary to 500 per 91-92 recommendation. Estimated Costs Under Review Acquire/lease warehouse/distribution center. ($10/Sq. ft.) $50,000- 100,000 Second floor addition to new ECC wing for district office space. (15,000 Sq. $2 - 4 Million Improvements to Existing Facilities Upgrade/add air conditioning: A. Middle School West B. East Union (Old Wing) Maintenance needs according to 5 Year Repair. and Betterment Plan. $2 - 2.5 Million $100,000- 150,000 $16 - 76 Million Technology District 112 desired technology standards include: · One computer:6 student ratio (K-12 average) (current ratios range from 1:4.3 at East Union to 1:16.1 Chanhassen Elementary with an average of 1 computer:8.2 students) · All buildings have a local area network and are part of wide-area network 1 computer per teacher (laptop) Standard software and hardware 10. A. Network infrastructure and internet access (including related software and hardware) $675,000- 730,000 B. Completion of 93-98 Technology Plan (includes computers, software, hardware, AV equipment) $1.5 - 2 Million 5/20/97 System support needs (includes Disaster Recovery Plan, IEP software, Optical Disk Storage system and software, Instructional Management System) D. Technology replacement over 5 years E. Computer purchases for new growth of staff and students F. Universal telephone access and voicemail G. Initialintensive stafftraining 11. Technical and media specialist staff, maintenance and repair of equipment, WAN operating costs including internet services (annual expense) Types of Community Use 12. Multi-purpose facility and fields via partnerships with other governmental units (e.g., field house, soccer fields, etc.). $225,000- 275,000 $2-3Million $.8- 1.2Million $600,000- 675,000 $600,000- 675,000 $450,000- 500,000 Under Review Educational Program Delivery 13. Community-based learning as partial solution to future facility needs. Under Review New Site Considerations 14. Land for future elementary facility. $1 - 2 Million 5/20/97 INSTRUCTOR '~~ How.did.y. bu find odt about this course? Newspaper Is this your first Park & ReC?ation'class? . . CHANHASSEN PARK & RECREATION COURSE EVALUATION ' Word of Mouth . Was the'courSe worth' the cosf? ' Did the brochure description accurately describe the class? ' COURSE INFORMATION 1. The information conveyed 2. The l~ngth and time ofc0urse INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION 3. The overall quality of instruction 4. The instructor's preparation of the information .5. 'The instructor's presentation of information Flyer es '. '- No ' No Neutral Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Neutral Neutral '- 6. Comments Comments Comments The instructbr's punct, uality in starting/ending class Neutral Comments Comments k]~ ~ Dissatisfied 7. What were some of the strengths of the class and/or instru'ctor7 8. What recommendations do you have for improving the course and/or instructor?' 9 What recommendations do'you have for improving the dance room and faciltiy? , t ' .~. 10. ~at new programs or classes woul~ou l~ke t~ ~ee oner~d in the upcoming montns~ '11.'-What other days or times could we offer classes that would fit your schedule? 12. ~dditional comments or testimo~al about the course, instructor or ~ha~assen Recreation Center in general: . Chanh~en Recreation Center, 2] 10 Coulter Boulevard, Chanhassen, ~innesota 55] 17, ~hone: 612-474-0641 · lax: 6122474-0651 CHANHASSEN PARK & RECREATION COURSE EVALUATION · - /. / . / INSTRUCTOR · ~" 'DO~'~o find out about this course? '~~ rd of Mouth How did Flyer you 1: The information conveyed 2.. The length and time of course INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Is this your first Park & Recreation Class? "(~ Was the course worth the cost? Did the brochure description accurately describe the class? (~ COURSE INFORMATION ~ The overall quality of instruction ' ~ The instructor's preparation of the information ~ lhe instructor's presentation of information ~ No No No Neutral Neutral Disshtisfied COmments Dissatisfied Comments Neutral - Neutral Neutral Dissatisfied Comments Dissatisfied Comments Dissatisfied Comments Dissatisfied 6. The instructor's punctuality in starting/ending class ~ 7. What were Some of the strene~hs of the'class and/or instructor? Neutral What recommendations do you have for improving the course and/or instructor9 9.. What recommendations do you have for improving th~ dance room and faciltiy?. 10. What new programs or classes would you like to see offered in the upcoming monlhs? 11. What other days or times could we offer classes that would fit your schedule? 12. Addiiionai comments-or testimonial' about the course, instructor or Chanhassen Recreation Center in general: May we use your name and comtr~nts in our publicity? ,~ Yes No Signature. ,~.~('.a~ ,,~~ Thank you for taking the time to fiH out this evaluation form. Chanhassen Recreation Center. 2310 Coulter Boulevard. Ch'anhassen, Minnesota'55317. Phone: 612-474-0641. Fax: 612-474-065 Chanhassen's annual Fourth of July Adult Fishing Contest ..... Friday, July 4, at Lake Ann 7:30 - 10:00 a.m. Sponsored by area businesses & the City of Chanhassen RULES · $10/person entry fee. Preregistration required. · All contestants must check in upon arrival at the boat access. · All contestants must meet at registration area for instructions l 0 minutes prior to the start of the contest, · Maximum of 50 participants · State of Minnesota fishing regulations shall be followed. · All contestants shall provide their own boat and be responsible for launching. Boats subject to search. Fishing is also permitted from the shoreline or pier. · The Minnesota DNR has designated Lake Ann as a Catch and Release lake for Largemouth Bass. Measure all Largemouth Bass with the ruler provided and return them to the water immediately. Largemouth Bass prizes will be awarded to the longest fish, not by weight. · Practice good sportsmanship and honesty. · Lake Ann is a non-motorized lake; however, electric trolling motors are allowed. Outboard motors may remain on boats in the upright position. · All fish must be weighed-in or measured at the weigh-in station by 10:00 a.m. · After the signal ending the fishing contest is sounded, no fish will be accepted at the weigh-in station. · Each contestent eligible for one prize. · Please inspect your watercraft for Eurasian Water Milfoil. Prizes Largest Northern 2nd Place Northern Largest Crappie Largest Sunfish Berkley Digital Fish Scale Piano Tackle Box & Rapala Filet Knife Shimano Rod & Reel Combo Cyclone Pan Fish Scaler Bass Category: 1. Chanhassen Recreation Center 20 punch card 2. Chanhassen Hat 3. Lake Ann Park Seasonal Pass © O For more information, contact Jerry Ruegemer at 937-1900 ext. 126. ~,dult Fishing Contest Registration Form Code No. 2097.488 $10 Name: Address: City/Zip: Phone: (day) (eve) Return completed form with payment by 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 1 City of Chanhassen, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 553~17 The City of Chanhassen's annual 4th of July Celebration... KIDS FISHING FESTIVAL FRIDAY, JULY 4 11:00 A.M.- 12:00 Noon LAKE ANN PIER AGES 5-15 Every contestant wins a prize.I Trophies and prizes awarded for the largest fish, longest fish and small- est fish in two age categories: 5-9 years and 10-15 years. Everyone eligible for prize draw- ings. Prizes include rod and reel combos; kids' tackle kits; gift certificates; cane poles; bobbers; bait buckets; 4th of July t-shirts; merchandise coupons; fishing lures; sinkers and more! For more information, contact Jerry Ruegemer at 937-1900 ext. 126. Sponsored by area businesses. * RULES · ··o Preregistration required. ·o Check in at Lake Ann near the boat landing at 10:45 a.m. Fishing allowed from the pier or shore. Weigh-in fish as you catch them, then release them or take them home for cleaning. · · · All adults helping must have a · · fishing license. Kids 15 years of · · age and younger do not need a · license. All largemouth bass must be returned to the water immediately. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Kids Fishing Festival 1097.488 Nanle: Registration Form Address: City/Zip: Phone: Return completed form to the City of Chanhassen, 690 Coulter Dr., Chanhassen MN 55317 by 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 1, 1997.