1k. Feasibility study for Park Place Phase II CITYOF ) 14. CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM ' TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager FROM: Gary Warren, City Engineer ' DATE: February 7 , 1990 ' SUBJ: Authorize Preparation of Updated Feasibility Study for Park Place - Phase II Improvements (Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 5th Addition) ' Project No. 85-13B In 1986 the City proceeded with improvement project 85-13 which was the construction of a cul-de-sac (Park Place) and the installation of sanitary sewer and storm sewer utilities. Due to the poor soils in this area, a two-phase approach was proposed in ' the feasibility study and adopted by the City Council with the second phase of construction, i .e. concrete curb and gutter, finish bituminous course to occur after the roadway was allowed ' to age and settle (three years +) . A future watermain loop was also considered for this area which needs to be evaluated. This office has delayed completion of the second phase which was ' originally scheduled for 1989 since development pressure had not materialized significantly and time was basically on our side to allow the road to continue to settle. Forecasting of soil con- solidation is a very difficult and guessy endeavor akin to pro- jecting snowfall amounts in the Twin Cities area. The Phase I roadway has actually held up quite well over the past three years, although it can easily be said that we have not had a ' significant amount of traffic loading on the roadway. With the recent development interest for the lots in the Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 5th Addition, i.e. Rome Development (Lot 3) , Wooden Bird (Lot 6) , etc . , and in light of the fact that the road appears to have stabilized, I believe it is time to proceed with the second phase of this project. The 1986 estimate for the Phase II elements including the watermain was $168,100 . It is therefore recommended that the City proceed with authorizing an update of the 1986 feasibility study to review the Phase II elements of this construction and proceed with the completion of this roadway. The original feasibility study is 11 I Don Ashworth February 7 , 1990 Page 2 attached for your reference . The original parcels were owned by Opus Corporation and the following is the current list of ownerships: Bob Worthington, Opus Corporation (Lots 4, 5 , and 6, Block 1) Roman Roos, Rome Development (Lot 3, Block 1) ' Alfred Iversen (Lots 1 , 2, and 4 , Block 1) MIM - G.L. Partners (Lot 1, Block 2) The original feasibility study was prepared by the firm of Rieke, Carroll , Muller & Associates (RCM) and it is recommended that they be commissioned to prepare this update report for the City. ' ktm Attachment: January, 1986 Feasibility Study ' c: Bob Worthington , Opus Corporation Roman Roos, Rome Development Alfred Iversen MIM - G.L. Partners Manager 's Comments: This project, if approved, would become a part of the proposed bond sale in 1990 . 1 I I I I I A 1 I 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR: SANITARY AND STORM SEWER, WATERMAIN AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK FIFTH ADDITION CITY PROJECT 85-13 JANUARY 1986 1 1 1 1 i i 1 Rieke Carroll Muller Associates, Inc. RCM 851035 1 1 1 I I I rJanuary 6, 1986 1 r Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Attn: William Monk, P.E., City Engineer RE: Chanhassen Lakes Business Park Fifth Addition City Project No. 85-13 f RCM Project No. 851035 Dear Mr. Monk: anoll In accordance with our agreement for engineering services, we have g g g mutter completed the study and report phase for the Business Park Fifth Addition. associates,inc. The enclosed report and geotechnical data will provide the City of architects Chanhassen with necessary project engineering and the construction costs engineers Y P j g g land surveyors to implement Phase I of the project for the 1986 construction season. Following your study of this report, we would be happy to discuss the project at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, RIEKE CARROLL MULLER ASSOCIATES, INC. 41414,a4e-- Richard C. Pot -.1(0/0 Robert C. •obertson, P.E. ' RCP:jj Enclosure I 1011 first street south post office box 130 hopkins, minnesota 55343 612-935-6901 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS I i. PAGE 1 COVER TRANSMITTAL LETTER I TABLE OF CONTENTS I REPORT CONTENT I. INTRODUCTION 1 I II. STREET AND STORM SEWER 2 III. SANITARY SEWER 4 1 IV. WATERMAIN 5 I V. PROJECT COST SUMMARY AND ASSESSMENTS 7 TABLE 1 - ESTIMATED COSTS 7 1 TABLE 2 - PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL 8 VI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 9 PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE 10 I APPENDIX OPUS CORPORATION PETITION FOR ROADWAY AND UTILITIES I FIGURE NO. 1 - SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE NO. 2 - STREET AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FIGURE NO. 3 - WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS I FIGURE NO. 4 - SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS BRAUN ENGINEERING TESTING REPORT DATED NOVEMBER 5, 1985 I I I I I I RCM 851035 I I. INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our preliminary engineering study of the Chanhassen I Lakes Business Park Fifth Addition (City Project No. 85-13). The study was authorized by the City of Chanhassen on September 25, 1985 after receiving a petition from the I Opus Corporation, (copy included in Appendix) the majority property owner within the proposed project area. 1 The proposed Fifth Addition represents a replat of lots 1 through 10 of Block 1 of the Chanhassen Lakes Business Park. The site is bordered on the south by Park Road, IAudubon Road on the west, undeveloped platted property to the north and Riley Creek to the east (see Site Location Map, Figure 1). The proposed improvements requested by the Opus Corporation include grading and I street construction of Park Place (northward from Park Road), storm sewer construction to allow expansion by the developer, sanitary sewer and a watermain loop to provide water service and fire protection for the proposed development. I This report will discuss the design features, estimated costs, proposed scheduling and assessment information. I I I I I ' I I I Page 1 I RCM 851035 1 II. STREET AND STORM SEWER 1 The proposed roadway shown on Figure No. 2 consists of grading and construction for Park Place, a cul-de-sac extending northward from Park Road. The roadway was , designed to the City's standards for industrial streets. The final section will consist of a bituminous roadway with curb and gutter and a 100 foot diameter cul-de-sac. The proposed street is to be constructed over soft underlying soils. Soil borings and laboratory work for this project (copy attached in Appendix) and previous borings 1 taken by Braun Engineering Testing, indicate fill of up to 12 feet was placed during the development of the site in the 1979/1980 construction phase overlaying a thin layer of topsoil over peat up to 10 feet in thickness. A phased construction time-table is being proposed to minimize Y ears)(20 long-term- lon 8 settlement of up to 6 inches of the roadway and utilities predicted by Braun. Phase 1 - As soon as authorized by the City, RCM will proceed with preparation of • construction plans and specifications for stripping topsoil in the roadway area, and a portion of the storm sewer, and placement of the surcharge necessary to consolidate the underlying soils to minimize long-term settlement. Placement of the surcharge as soon as possible will permit the material to remain inplace approximately 6 months to allow maximum consolidation. Temporary small diameter PVC culverts will be placed ' to handle surface drainage. Settlement will be monitored throughout the surcharge with settlement plates. Phase I will also include the construction of the sanitary sewer, storm sewer and a "rural section" roadway. The street construction recommended in Phase I will consist of recompaction of the subgrade material after removal of the surcharge, placement of a 12-inch thick aggregate base course and a 2-inch asphalt driving surface with no curb. Because of anticipated long-term settlement, an interim rural section with ditches and entrance culverts is recommended for 3+ years. It can be anticipated that 50+ percent of the total settlement or approximately 3 inches will occur during the first 3 years and the Page 2 ' I RCM 851035 I remaining 3 inches of settlement will occur over the remaining 17 years. By delaying Icurb and gutter construction until 1989-1990, curb replacement cost and maintenance of drainage will be minimized. IThe construction bidding documents for Phase I will be written to be completed during the 1986 construction season. The option for the City to delay removal of the Isurcharge in 1986 and delay installation of the utilities and bituminous paving until 1987 will be provided. The time required to prepare plans, receive approval of Inecessary permits, bidding, etc. could delay the proposed construction schedule because of road restrictions. See page 10 for proposed project schedule Phase II consists of installing a bituminous leveling course to fill areas that have I settled over the previous 3 years, a 1Y2 inch bituminous binder course and a 2" bituminous wear course on the entire roadway along with concrete curb and gutter. The ditches and culverts installed during Phase I will be eliminated, entrances Iregraded and the boulevards landscaped to provide drainage onto the roadway. IThe proposed storm sewer system for the project is shown on Figure No. 2. As previously discussed, the storm sewer construction will occur during Phase I of this Iproject. ' The storm sewer, as shown, is consistent with the drainage plan that was previously approved by the City and Watershed District based upon the proposed development plans on file with the city. The watershed engineers have indicated the storm sewer Iimprovement is consistent with their overall water management plan for Riley Creek. ' The estimated total project cost of the street and storm sewer construction is as follows: Phase I (rural 174=street)type 100$ Phase I (storm sewer) = 91,750 IPhase II (future curb and gutter street) = 58,300 Total Street Construction= $324,150 (1986 costs) 1 It is proposed to assess Phase 1 of this project in 1986 proportionally by area to all lots in Block 1. The costs of Phase II will be shown as a pending assessment that will be Iassessed when construction occurs. i Page 3 I RCM 851035 i r III. SANITARY SEWER I Figure No. 3 shows the existing sanitary sewer system in this area and proposed new 8" diameter pipe to provide service to Lot 4, Block 1. Lots 1 through 3, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2 can be served by the existing sanitary sewer in Park Road. Lots 5 and 6, Block 1 can be served by the inplace sanitary sewer within the existing easement. I The estimated total project cost for the proposed sanitary sewer system is $15,900. It is proposed that the sanitary sewer project cost be assessed proportionally by area to I all lots in Block 1 of the Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 5th Addition. I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 4 I RCM 851035 IV. WATERMAIN The existing and future watermain system for this development is shown on Figure 3. ' The future watermain consists of constructing a 10-inch diameter watermain loop following the alignment as shown. The watermain should be constructed with 8" ' services to provide for fire protection through the use of building sprinkler systems that we assume will be installed in the development. Hydrant spacing will be approximately 350 feet. It is recommended that the City delay installation of the 10" watermain because of: (1) uncertainty of building size and location, ' (2) potential site plan grading revisions, (3) uncertain timing of lots 4, 5 & 6 development. As site development plans are received for lots 4, 5 be 6, the 10" watermain loop can be constructed in its entirety or in phases to provide necessary fire protection and individual building service requirements. ' Although a delayed construction schedule for the watermain appears logical now, it is recommended that this position be reassessed as soon as development plans are ' submitted for lot 4, 5 or 6. ' The future watermain alignment was selected after conferences with the city staff and the developer to: ' (1) provide an internal watermain loop for fire protection of the project sites as well as the future development of the property directly north of this addition; ' (2) eliminate disruption of a steep slope and allow vegetation to remain as a scenic buffer along the southwesterly lot line of lot 5 and northwesterly lot line of lot 1 6; (3) eliminate undue excavation (up to 25 feet deep) necessary to bury the watermain p below proposed grades along the northerly property line of this development; eliminate potential maintenance along the steep slopes on the westerly side of the development. ' Page 5 I RCM 851035 The estimated cost for the recommended watermain portion of the project is $109,800. The cost of the 10-inch watermain alternate route as proposed by the developer was I $103,700. The recommended future watermain route costs reflects an increase of 5% above the route proposed by the developer, but provides a long-term benefit in I potential maintenance cost along the steep slopes, and improves fire protection by looping through the adjacent property to the north of the Business Park 5th Addition. I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I Page 6 I 1 RCM 851035 V. PROJECT COST SUMMARY AND ASSESSMENTS The total estimated project cost for Phase I is $281,750. The total estimated project cost of Phase II street construction is $58,300 (1986 costs). The total estimated ' project cost for the future watermain is $109,800. The following table summarizes the costs for the various components of the project. These costs are based on data ' furnished to us and anticipated 1986 construction costs. The proposed assessable costs are broken down by individual parcels in the Preliminary Assessment Roll (Table 2). None of the project costs will be paid for by the city. TABLE 1 Estimated Costs for Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 5th Addition Street Storm Sanitary Future Grading Sewer Sewer Total Watermain ' Phase I Constuction Costs: $142,700 $75,200 $13,000 $230,900 +22% for Engineering, Contingency, Legal, City Administration and Capitalized Interest: 31,400 16,550 2,900 50,850 ' Phase I Total Project Cost $174,100$91,750 $15,900 $281,750 ' Phase II Construction Costs $47,800 $47,800 +22% for Engineering, Contingency, Legal, City Administration and Capitalized Interest: 10,500 10,500 Phase II Total Project Cost $58,300 $58,300 Future Watermain Construction Costs $ 90,000 +22% for Engineering, Contingencies, Legal, City Administration, Capitalized Interest 19,800 Future Watermain Total Project Costs (1986) $ 109,800 Total Project Costs (1986 Costs) = $449,850 1 Page 7 RCM 851035 TABLE 2 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL CHANHASSEN LAKE BUSINESS PARK 511-1 ADDITION CITY OF CHANHASSEN PROJECT NO. 85-13 RCM PROJECT NO. 851035 JANUARY, 1986 Total Pending Lot Phase I Storm Sewer Sanitary Total Phase II Future Lot & Area Street Street Sewer Phase I Assessment Watermain Owner Block (Acres) (1) (2) (3) Assessment (4) (5) b Opus Corp. Lot 1, blk 1 1.8977 $12,963 $ 6,831 $ 1,184 $ 20,978 $ 4,341 $ 8,175 a m Opus Corp. Lot 2, blk 1 1.6603 11 ,341 5,977 1,036 18,354 3,798 7,152 0 Opus Corp. Lot 3, blk 1 3.95 26,981 14,219 2,464 43,664 9,035 17,016 Opus Corp. Lot 4, blk 1 6.32 43,170 22,750 3,943 69,863 14,456 27,226 Opus Corp. Lot 5, blk 1 4.64 31,694 16,703 2,894 51,291 10,613 19,989 Opus Corp. Lot 6, blk 1 7.02 47,951 25,270 4,379 77,600 16,057 30,242 TOTAL 25.488 $174,100 $91,750 $15,900 $281,750 $ 58,300 $ 109,800 (1) Total project cost of $174,100 • 25.488 = $6,830.66 /Acre (2) Total project cost of $ 91,750 • 25.488 = $3,599.73 /Acre (3) Total project cost of $ 15,900 • 25.488 = $ 623.82 /Acre (4) Total project cost of $ 589300 • 25.488 = $2,287.25 /Acre (5) Total project cost of $109,800 • 25.488 = $4,307.91 /Acre OM NM MN MO OM I RCM 851035 I VI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ' Based upon this study, the project is feasible and will benefit the properties that ' petitioned for the improvement. It is therefore recommended that the Chanhassen City Council proceed with the project on a phased schedule as suggested in this report. iIt is also recommended that: (1) when Phase II is constructed that the cost be assessed proportionately by acreage over Block 1 of the proposed Chanhassen Lake Business 5th Addition, and (2) as development plans are received for lot 4, 5 or 6 that more definitely define building sizes, locations and proposed site grading, the 1 watermain as recommended in this report be installed to provide the necessary water service and fire protection required. 1 I I 1 Page 9 I RCM 851035 PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE Chanhassen Lake Business Park 5th Addition , City Project No. 85-13 January 13, 1986 Present engineering study to City Council, receive authorization for preparation of construction plans and specifications for Phase I and start negotiations for developers agreement February 5, 1986 Watershed District permit approval February 17, 1986 Approve construction plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for Phase I February 20, 27 & Advertise for Bids - Phase I March 6, 1986 March 13, 1986 Open Bids - Phase I March 17, 1986 Award Construction Contract - Phase I May 23, 1986 Earthern surcharge for Phase I complete (assumes road restrictions in effect March 15 to May 1, 1986) November 17, 1986 Surcharge removed November 28, 1986 Storm sewer, sanitary sewer and roadway aggregate base complete May 30, 1987 2" bituminous surface and restoration complete Summer, 1989 Phase II Construction NOTE: The above schedule anticipates a 6 month period to consolidate the soils. The bituminous surfacing may be placed in the fall of 1986 if the consolidation of underlying compressible soils occurs more rapidly than a 6 month period of time. 1 Page 10 , R OPUS CORPORATION �'— DESILNERS•bUI.DlkS•DE VI.t HS • August 8, 1985 I The Honorable Tom Hamilton, Mayor Members, Chanhassen City Council 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Re: Chanhassen Lakes Business Park Fifth Addition Dear Mayor Hamilton: Opus Corporation, as agent for Alscor Investors Joint Venture (ALSCOR), hereby petitions the City of Chanhassen to construct the cul-de-sac (Park Place) and extend those utilities required to service new Lots 1-6, Block 1, and Lot 1, Block 2, of the replat of Chanhassen Lakes Busines Park Fifth Addition. The Council approved the preliminary plat for the property covered by the Fifth II Addition at its June 26 meeting. The final plat is scheduled for approval by the Council at the August 19 meeting. Alscor is the sole owner of all the undeveloped property which will be affected by these proposed public improvements. Therefore, it is understood that all assessments created by the construction of the improvements should be the exclusive cost of Alscor. In this regard, Opus Corporation, in behalf of Alscor, requests waiver of any public hearings related to the engineering, bidding, or ultimate construction of the improvements petitioned for through this letter. Very truly yours, / J '/11�.. J/LIII. )lam. Robert A. Worthington AICP Executive Director-Governmental Affairs RAW/ms CC: Mr. Don Ashworth, City Manager , Mr. Bill Monk, City Engineer Ms. Barbara Dacy, Director of Planning LxrCe1wt. r,CESEY.or..sCIN'ER.• iERE P.FCALEAV•r t) •••.L: ..:srz1.'c1: ..:S:;1 '.:-:a: d':.f.3'44 I 6 LAKE ANN\ ,,i - 0 7m 1J, ( .' 1 N cc . w I a I J 71CREEK cift ARB'RE 1 BOULEVARD ' .N. N0. S) /`- 1 �� W HURT ,,,.., ..,,,ti, SITE erg AO $ -1 all I r LOCATION iipg `�*'r'i RR. t.,,oaltr° ' J I o go‘ - . _,-,----- --- ., Q 1 7 g CREEK PD D �l -,/.1 T I V 4. ( --,, .14.... .c -. , I 46.7 •G�,`� G �LAKE > jSUSAN i I _ _ W _ - - - _ III CHANHASSEN, MN. FIGURE: 1 , SCALE: 11.1000' 111 RCM NO. 851036 CITY PROD. NO. SITE LOCATION MAP JANUARY; 1988 . I CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PAR 5TH ADDITIO .�.�--• �-�. —l�- .� ARBORETUM BOULEVARD (T.H. NO. 5) .--.� r---------NAT,------------_\ 1- ` ' LOT II, BLOCK I l\ �\\ CHANHASSEN LAKES ! \ I BUSINESS PARK BARK COURT 4 \ ` \ i.-.....-——--, la C ( ` BLOCK 2 \ I CHANHASSEN LAKES EE am I BUSINESS W1RK LOT d I I BLOCK t (...4-41.1.1.EY CREEK —— \ 7 OUTLOT A A \ '/�-� .l _ ~—�.CHSIN SSS PA LAKE !PONO / \ , \ LOT !S <IS r.-'�- EXISTBIG POND / \moo.\ BLOCK 1 ,� ' \ \ 1�-y•-.-- -o EG R/W CHANHASSEN\ \ 79 *" ' DITCH TO POND LAKES _ � f•%.::. ' BUSINESS \ OUTLOT A PARK \ 39'11-9 ;!. j C a G ° : �- LOT 4 ` ::'' V "... LOT 1 BLOCK 1 . • .�.?►� / / \\ �CF .'�? BLOCK 2 � IZ 7/ PARKING EXISTING / LOT 3 c / BLOCK 1 rte`%I'//• I '' LOT 2 EXISTING BITUMINOUS LOT 1 BLOCK 1 / WITH CURB B GUTTER IBLOCK I s ` �K*E g / -►-•3' R/W GK g0N ./ a. 'r / G0,g S�S S PKG` P / E SZ f •0 R/W I 1 COOP CHANHASSEN, MN. LEGEND: FIGURE:'2 SCALE: 1%300' "'"''r""PROPOSED STREET STREET AND RCM NO. 851035 0—>--EXIST. STORM SEWER STORM SEWER C{TY PROJ. NO. *--•-PROP. STORM SEWER JANUARY, 1986 �--> FUTURE ST. SEWER IMPROVEMENTS I CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK 5TH ADDITION I r----- ARBORETUM BOULEVARD (T.H. NO. 5) EXISTING 12" MATERMAIN - - - - -�I �.... { I- I LOT II, BLOCK i \ L\ F' CHANHASSEN LAKES \ �� FUTURE IO" WATERMAINI BUSINESS PARK ICt \ - --- 1 g PARK COURT. i \ i cr z O �� BLOCK 2 z I P'�E. �0)/` � CHANHASSEN LAKES 0 I se R/w FlN Q� BUSINESS PARK 3r• / NW" 00M- -1 ; . N -...i. .8" STUB' ) � I I t9 LOT e ( ' z BLOCK 1 1 N j �4 1EY CREEK OUTLOT A — I • ~Lai --� CHANHASSEN LAKE i—�/ 8�� STUB // \ 4� I �� LOT 5 \ ‘\ EXISTING POND / \moo.\ y BLOCK 1 •I JQ -- �o\ eo' R/w LOT I, BLK 1 \ Q3 / 79 LAKES ASSEN�\ STUB OUTLOT A PARK ESS \,/ LOT A KM�'`4 \"• i BLOCK 1 �p'(E. LOT 1 /,t-0„;� I �O / ' BLOCK 2 I I . i / LOT 3 Z . /Or..../ / I I� _ /\ BLOCK 1 pG /._ � � oEO v■�aK ' -. II LOT 2 RF' film \ ON P� /r • LOT 1 \ BLOCK A� ,5 y�.p R ` 1 BLOCK 1 �Eit`tNP�t ,/ 4 F ; .....i.... .:.....,..4% lig OS .-------' I [ as RAM I 0¢, � a e µ S � OA 00 ovin v` C/ G 5�•P�I �o WIN I /I E / ov G/C �I ICHANHASSEN, MN. LEGEND: FIGURE: 3 SCALE: 1"=300 0 EXIST.THYDRANTAIN RCM NO. 851035 WATERMAIN I CRY PROJ. NO. „ • PROP. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS JANUAA�,, 1986 AND HYDRANT WITH GATE VALVE CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARKR 5TH ADDITIO ARBORETUM BOULEVARD (T.11. NO. S) -- - . I ------5--- -----------� ) J \ �\ I LOT !1, BLOCK I �\ I CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK I PARK COURT (� 4\, 1\ ----� W O \ �� ` 0 BLOCK 2 p I CHANHASSEN LAKES 64 R/VY Y 1I BUSINESS PARK l•-•1-- ) Sit I LOT II BLOCK 1 1 . iiEY CREEK --- \ \ j� OUTLOT A \ //� CHANHASSEN LAKE / �v , A Q, �`p \\ EXISTING POND \ d\ LOT BLOCK 1 `� ■ o y P �0 d0' LOT I, BLK 1 ,9 \ LAKESASSEN\ \ _ , . `��\�� OUTLOT A BUSINESS \ PARK �L LOT 4 �\\` �.�`. /r \ // BLOCK 1 / ��` LOT 1 /R I �C'F BLOCK 2 Z LOT 3 2`\�\�� // m /\ BLOCK 1 p'(O7,OGK / 141 n9 P LOT 1 ' BLOCKS �IE,�ags wER Olt /��i . I BLOCK 1 \ � 10.5 .G /� 501.5 �`pPyP* 7 / 5 Is--40-113 R/W `F 'M Vpc.4. SSE4.0,0 R. ...C. SO 5 p�55 / 8 PpC,/ I I I 80' RAY ./..... 5�. // ./. . it I GP / G CHANHASSEN, MN. LEGEND: FIGURE: 4 SCALE: 1%300' RCM NO. 851035 >-SANITARY SEWER SANITARY SEWER CITY PROD. NO. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS JANUARY, 1986 SANITARY SEWER I