1a Approval of MinutesPark & Recreation Commission Minutes
June 24, 1997
A special meeting of the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission was called to order at
5:30 p.m. to conduct visits of referendum project sites. Locations visited included: City Center Park,
Powers Boulevard trail alignment, Galpin Boulevard trail alignment, Herman Field Park, Highway 7 trail
alignment, and Roundhouse Park.
The regular meeting of the Park & Recreation Commission was called to order in the City Council
Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Members present: Commissioners Lash, Howe, Manders, Roeser, Berg, and
Frank. Staff present: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director; Jerry Ruegemer and Patty Dexter,
Recreation Supervisors; Jason Heath and Ann Ellwood, Facility Supervisors.
The agenda was approved as presented.
PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Greg Lenz, 7250 Sierra Court, presented a request for the city to
provide planting material to shield his rear yard from the bituminous path abutting his property as it goes
around Kerber Pond Park. Mr. Lenz and the commission discussed his request at length. Upon
conclusion of their discussion, the commission denied Mr. Lenz's request. Similar requests have
traditionally been denied by the commission. The landowner has the option of installing landscaping on
his own initiative.
Mr. Joe Perttu, 1000 Lake Susan Hills Drive, made a request of the commission that overnight
paddleboat storage be accommodated at Lake Susan Park. The commission discussed a variety of
concerns regarding Mr. Perttu's request and tabled any action until their July meeting. The commission
requested background information, including examples of other municipalities with a similar program,
the costs involved, and an analysis of any precedent being set.
Director Hoffrnan discussed with the commission the issue of project time lines for the improvements
associated with the recent successful park, open space, and trail referendum. As these project time lines
are refined, they will be reviewed with the city council and brought back to the Park & Recreation
provided the commission with the first annual Chanhassen Recreation Center report. Commission
members were generally pleased with the activity level at the center. Following discussion on a variety
of points regarding the report, the commission thanked Ms. Dexter for her work.
APPROVE GRADING PLAN, FOREST MEADOW, OUTLOT A: The grading plan was approved
as presented with the inclusion of a small berm on the southern property line of Forest Meadow, Outlot
A. Commissioner Howe moved, Berg seconded to approve the grading plan. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Park & Recreation Commission Minutes
June 24, 1997
Page 2
Fourth of July Celebration: The commission requested that a Park & Recreation Commission
table be reserved at the annual Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce Trade Fair. The commission
requested that a variety of information describing the recent referendum and other activities of
the commission be made available to the public.
b. Youth/Adult Programs
1997 Lake Ann Lifeguard Olympics: Recreation Supervisor Ruegemer presented a request
from Minnetonka Community Education to use Lake Ann Park as the host site for the 1997 Lake
Ann Lifeguard Olympics. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner Roeser moved, Berg
seconded to approve the request. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chanhassen Recreation Center Monthly Report: Facility Supervisor Heath provided the
commission with a monthly report on the activities at the Recreation Center.
During a discussion by commissioners, the commission made a request to forward two recommendations
to the city's Economic Development Authority. The first being that Commissioner Roeser moved,
Commissioner Berg seconded to recommend that the Economic Development Authority dedicate the
Pauly/Pony/Przymus site as a public park; that a park plan be prepared; and the site restored. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
The second motion was made by Chair Lash to recommend a trail connection be made from the
intersection of Highway 5 and Highway 101 to the pedestrian overpass and that adequate funding be
allocated to beautify the old Red-E-Mix site, including the preservation of green space, landscaping, and
appropriate signage. Commissioner Howe seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion
ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Commissioner Berg and seconded by Commissioner Roeser
to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Todd Hoffman
Park & Recreation Director