8. Sr. citizens study CITYOF , CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 Action by P trator MEMORANDUM Endorsee ✓._-��Jfti Modified TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager Rejected Date 1 - 11- 1 a FROM: Paul Krauss, Director of Planning MU.Submitted to Corrm:ssion ' DATE: January 17, 1990 Petg Submitted to Council SUBJ: Senior Citizens Study - Project Initiation ' COMMENT At the last City Council meeting, staff indicated that we had ' entered into a contractual arrangement with J and M Research to conduct the Senior Needs Study for the City of Chanhassen. The project is funded out of Community Development Block Grant funds. ' At this meeting, we will have Judy Marshik, the Project Consultant, present to give you an overview of the outline of the study and solicit your input regarding the procedures and desired products. Staff was also requested by the City Council to provide a list of 6 to 7 members to serve on a Task Force to work with the con- sultant group throughout the study process. At the last meeting, staff indicated that we had put advertisements in the paper to solicit interest and had received three responses as follows: ' 1. Barbara Montgomery - Chanhassen resident, senior citizen, has worked with social service provider in professional career. ' 934-5507 2. Kathy Dorfmer -- Chanhassen resident, social service provider, works for Scott/Dakota/Carver Community Action Agency. 496-2125 work ' 934-4231 home 3 . Joan Lynch Shakopee resident, social service provider, corrdinating home delivery of meals and congregate dining for Scott/Dakota/Carver Community Action Agency. 496-2125 work If it is at all possible, it would be advantageous to have can- didates in mind and if possible present at the City Council meeting. �s ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1