Correspondence SectionADMINISTRATIVE SECTION United Way of Minneapofls Area 404 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, Min~sota 55404-1084 (612) 340-740~ tax 340-7675 1997 BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ~iana E. Chair of ~he Ron Jame~ · ~ C~ Wilt~ H. J~h S, ~r~ ~a~d C. ~ ~ Pa~ ~a~ Susan Ben~ Thomas M Wiflia~ W. Geo~ ~a~ra Pete~ R~ J. ~ S. ~i~ Sha~ L Pr~ James J. Renier, ~en~min F, Candice M. Sha=n ~y~s Maw~ ~ Ja~s R. Ca~i Anne D. ~ H. Yvo~ ~ek, ~9. Edward N. ~fly D~ KTi~ S. Mic~l B. ~or R~eri~ M. ~ Grigs~ Jo~ F. G~hofm Ja~s J. H~ David R. H~m ~ J.Hud~ Cmol R. ~h~ ~a~d R. J~n~ Randy J~ R~ W. Joh~ ~mber ~go~ J~ ~an B. K~ Ri~am H. L~ ~n ~lc~ Th~ R. Rind D. McFa~ Ro~ H. Jacob ~. Mil~ L~ J. M~ ~R.~ L~n C. ~ Ro~ D. P~ S~an~ M. R~ Da~ H. S~ni~e~-J~ Loui~ A. Sundin Mic~l ~. Rayed G. Ray W~ron Ja~s E. Weyr~ Ken~ ~. Wood~ Jam~ C. June 20,1997 Kara Wickenhauser Chanhassen Senior Center 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Ms. Wickenhauser. IBM Corporation has recently informed us that they will be supporting the United Way of Minneapolis Area with a computer equipment grant and the Chanhassen Senior Center has been selected to receive an IBM Pentium PC-340 with a 14" monitor, valued at $1,598.00! We have worked with IBM to determine agencies that serve the community with a special emphasis on providing job training and employment, literacy, community and family services, and support for the disabled/disadvantaged. Additionally, IBM would like to see these computers placed in areas where they directly serve members of the community, rather than for agency administrative purposes. Enclosed you will find a copy of the IBM Corporation 1997 Product Donation Program Agency Grant Application. Please complete all sections and return to my attention by July 7, 1997. Once we have received your application, we will complete the process with IBM and secure a delivery date for your equipment. As a recipient of this equipment grant, your agency is also eligible to have the new FirstCallNetTM software application installed at a special one time, one year price of $400.00 (regularly $500.00 per year.) Please indicate on your application (question #10) if you would like to use this application as a part of your project for equipment grant. Congratulations on being selected to receive this equipment! We look forward to working with you and IBM in the future. Sincerely, Catherine Jirik ~ Director United Way's First Call For Help® (612) 340-7421 s:\fcfh\gikltr, doc First Call For Help Network (612) 340-7638 CITY OF CHASKA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, I~ECREATION AND ARTS Chaska Community Center 1994 NRPA Excellence in Aquatics Award I992 Facility of Merit Award Chaska Par 30 Chaska Community Television 1661 Park Ridge Drive Chaska, MN 55318 Phone: (612) 448-3176 Fax: (612) 448-5426 June 25,1997 Don Ashworth, City Manager City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Ashworth, As you may already be aware the City of Chaska was recently awarded $250,000 "Mighty Ducks" grant dollars through the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission and the State legislature. The Chaska Community Hockey Association, School District #112, and the City of Chaska would like to thank you for your letter of support. It is our hope to start construction in 1997 with ice being available starting October of next year. Your involvement in the grant application process was important to its success and very much appreciated. Sincerely, Tom Redman, Director Chaska Park, Recreation and Art Department OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 June 30, 1997 Dr. Daniel Jett, Superintendent School District 276 261 School Avenue Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Dan: I am pleased to report that on June 9, 1997, the Chanhassen City Council authorized a joint playground project xvith ISD 276. This playground is to be installed at the Minnetonka Middle School West located at 6421 Hazeltine Boulevard in Chanhassen. Per your directive, I have been corresponding with Mr. Eugene George regarding this project. For your information, a copy of the report presented to the city council on June 9 is attached. I have contacted Mr. George to coordinate the transfer of the equipment. On behalf of the Chanhassen City Council and Park & Recreation Commission, I would like to thank you for participating in this joint project. By your actions, the community's youth will benefit. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Director TH:k Enclosure c: Mayor and City Council ./Park & Recreation Commission Don Ashworth, City Manager Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent Eugene George, ISD 276 g:Xpm-k\th\jett.e.doc CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Don Ashworth, Executive Director, Economic Development Authority Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director //! July 1, 1997 SUB J: Recommendations of the Park & Recreation Commission At the June 24, 1997 Park & Recreation Commission meeting, commissioners discussed the future of two properties, under control of the EDA. Upon conclusion of their discussion, the commission made the following recommendations: Pauly/Pony/Przymus Site: Commissioner Roeser moved, Commissioner Berg seconded to recommend that the Economic Development Authority dedicate the Pauly/Pony/Przymus site as a public park; that a park plan be prepared; and the site restored. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Old Red-E-Mix Site: A motion was made by Chair Lash to recommend a trail connection be made from the intersection of Highway 5 and Highway 101 to the pedestrian overpass and that adequate funding be allocated to beautify the old Red-E-Mix site, including the preservation of green space, landscaping, and appropriate signage. Commissioner Howe seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. On behalf of the Park & Recreation Commission, please present these recommendations to the EDA. c:'/Park & Recreation Commission Pla]ming Commission g:\park\th~edarequ est s.e.doc NEW FROM ISLAND PRESS Balan,'. Natureand Connne in Gateway C mm ties J~ H°we; Ed lq~Ma~°n':',~d Lurer Pmp~t Balancing Nature and Commerce in Gateway Communities Ed .\lc.\lahon, and l_uther Props! Iht' Conservation Fund and Son<)ran Instilutt' Increasing numbers of Americans are fleeing cities and suburbs for the small towns and ()pen spaces that surround national and state parks. wildlife refuges, historic sites, and other public !ands. \Vith their scenic beauty and high quality of life, these "gateway communities" have become a magnet for those looking to escape the conges- tion and fast tempo of contemporary Amcrican society: '~t without savx~.' planning, gateway communi- ties could easily meet the same fate as the subur- ban communities that were the promised land of an earlier generation. This volume can help pre- vent that from happening. The authors offer practical and proven lessons on how residents of gateway communities can protect their community's identity while stimulat- ing a healthy economy and safeguarding nearby natural and historic resources. They describe economic development strategies, land-use planning processes. and conservation tools that communities from all over the count%~ have found effective. Each strategy or process is explained with specific examples, and numerous profiles and case studies clearly demonstrate how different commu- nities have coped with the challenges of growth and development. Among the cities profiled are Boulder, Colorado: Townsend and Pittman Center, Tennessee; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; Tvrrell Countx; North Carolina: Jackson Hole, Wyoming; Sanibel Island, Florida: Calvert Countx; *larvland: Tucson. Arizona; and Mount Desert Island, ,\laine. Balancing Nature and Commerce in Gatewa), Communities provides impor- tant lessons in how to preserve the character and integrity of com~nunities and landscapes without sacrificing local economic well-being. It is an important resource for planners, developers, local officials, and concerned citizens work- lng to retain the high quality of life and natural beauty of these cities and towns. Jim Hoxve is director of conservation programs at The Nature Conservancy, Central and Western New ~brk Chapter in Rochester, New York. Ed McMahon is director of the American Greenwavs Program at tile Conservation Fund in Arlington, Virginia. Luther Propst is executive director of the Sonoran Institute in Tucson, Arizona. 6x9 · 165 pages · tables, figures, color photos, june Paper:S21,95 ISBN: 1-55963-545-2 Land Use/Planning 12 Creative Solutions for Land Planning and Design Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. gin June 11, 1997 Mr. Jerome Carlson Instant Web Inc. 7951 Powers Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Carlson: Todd Hoffman asked me to send you a quick note regarding an ISTEA funding application we discussed for an underpass at Galpin Boulevard. i have prepared a number of ISTEA applications over the last several years - some successful and some not. Competition is intense so the projects that score well have a strong basis in all three qualifying categories which are pedestrian and bicycle, historic, and scenic & environmental. After talking with Todd about this particular project, it is my belief that the project would not score well because it is not very strong in at least two of the categories and only average in the third. Reviewers of the applications tend to look for high visibility/high impact projects and I doubt very much that they could be captured by an underpass project even though it allows some connections between recreational destinations and neighborhoods. If you know of an interesting historic or scenic twist to this project that Todd or I don't know, we should discuss it. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Bruce Chamberlain, RLA Consulting Park Planner cc: Todd Hoffman 7300 Metro Boulevard, Suite 525, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55439 (612) 835-9960 Fax (612) 835-3160 E. HUDSON HOLLENBACK 6330 ELM TREE AVENUE EXCELSIOR, MINNESOTA 5 5 3 3 z CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 July 11, 1997 Mr. E. Hudson Hollenback 6330 Elm Tree Avenue Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Hud: Thank you for your note regarding the future construction of the Highway 7 Trail and the impact this activity will have on the "Heights" entrance. Design development meetings for this and other referendum related projects will occur late summer and fall (most likely during the months of September through November). The involvement of your neighborhood in this planning process will be welcomed. By coordinating these efforts, a better end product and economy of scale will be realized. Thank you for your continued contributions to community planning. I will keep in touch. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Director of Park and Recreation TH:gmb pc: ?~hanhassen Park and Recreation Commission Highway 7 Trail File g:\park ~th\Hollenback (DRAFT) PUNCHLIST HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON, INC. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS (Supplemental to Punchlist dated 26 August 1996) Project: Chanhassen Elementary School HGA Commission Number: 1400.003.04 Portion: All. Discipline: Landscaping Report By: Gary M. Date: 23 July 1997 Page: 1 of 3 Fishbeck Greg McGree, ISD 112; John Gockel, JRG Associates, Inc.; Greg Szypulski, Bor-Son Construction; Todd Hoffman, Jill St. Clair; City of Chanhassen; David Leschak, HGA This Punchlist indicates observed items to be completed or corrected in accordance with the Construction Documents. This list is not all-inclusive and does not alleviate the Contractor from correcting or completing items which may have been overlooked and which are required to provide a complete site. Please proceed immediately as specified in the Construction Documents to fully complete the work and correct the items llisted. Please indicate, by placing your initials on a copy of the Punchlist in the "corrected" column after each item, that the item has been completed, and forward a copy of the initialed list to us. We will then arrange for a final review for acceptance of the work. NOTE: On Thursday, 05/29/97, a meeting was held at Bluff Creek Elementary School to inspect the recently planted red oak trees and to approve or reject these plantings as replacements for trees that had died or were otherwise unacceptable. Present at the meeting were Gary Fishbeck (Hammel Green Abrahamson, Inc.), Jill St. Clair (City of Chanhassen), Patty Dexter (City of Chanhassen), Erv Malin (Minnesota Valley Landscape), and A1 Larson (Heikus Farms, Inc.). During a short portion of the time, Carl Mattson (Head Custodian) was also present. It became clear during the inspection that a number of problems, beyond the oak tree plantings, also needed to be addressed (e.g., damaged sodded areas, damaged plantings, unmaintained plantings, etc.). Upon careful inspection, it was apparent that some of the issues that needed to be addressed were not solely the responsibility of the landscape contractor. It was clear that maintenance vehicles operated by the City/ISD 112 (Owner) were responsible for some damage to sodded areas. It was also clear that many areas and plantings had not been properly maintained by the Owner. To bring closure to the landscape construction phase of the project, it was agreed that HGA would draft a list of items to be corrected by the landscape contractor as a supplement to the items comprising the punchlist of 26 August 1996. These are listed below under "Item/Description." As part of this action to bring closure to the landscape construction phase (i.e., to accept responsibility for some of the damage done to landscape areas), the Owner should agree to the following: 1. Release Minnesota Valley Landscape from any responsibility to repair currently' existing damage to turf areas. PUNCHLIST 23 July 1997 Page 2 Chanhassen Elementary School Reimburse Minnesota Valley Landscape for the cost of transplanting burning bush and adding red-twig dogwood to the West Courtyard (as per Item 11 below), or propose alternative means of fair compensation for work done. In the interest of the project, the City of Chanhassen should also consider the following: 1. Arrange to have distributed a memo about the prairie planting throughout Bluff Creek Elementary School (to prevent misunderstanding and possible damage to the prairie planting by students, maintenance personnel, etc.). 2. Repair all disturbed sodded areas (including those areas that may have been damaged by MinnesotaValley). 3. Establish designated routes for maintenance vehicles and perhaps pave these routes with crushed stone. 4. Identify edge of prairie with fencing and/or signage. 5. Sod along main sidewalks adjacent to prairie. 6. Impletnent an improved grounds maintenance program at the school. ITEM DESCRIPTION CORRECTED ACCEPTED Prune most (nearly ail) of the Washington Hawthorn. (with the Architect to be present at time of pruning) Replace 2 missing trees with Sugar Maple.* Replace 13 Zumi (?) Crabapples with Crabapples to match those that are remaining. Replace 9 Zumi (?) Crabapples. Replace 10 White Pine. Replace 6 Spring Snow (?) Crabapples. Replace 13 Northern Red Oaks.* Permanently remove 2 Northern Red Oaks. Replace 7 ornamentals at the Recreation Center. Replace 4 White Pine along the east side of the ice rinks and tennis courts.* 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PUNCHLIST 23 July 1997 Page 3 Chanhassen Elementary School 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. * items Repair shrub planting at west courtyard that had been damaged by the Owner by transplanting 18 Burning Bush and adding 32 Red-twig Dogwood. Minnesota Valley Landscape shall provide the City with an invoice (to be approved by HGA) to cover the cost of these repairs to the shrub planting.* Replace 1 Crabapple in the West Courtyard.* Correct all trees that are not plumb. Hand-weed the prairie planting once (completely) Provide inaintenace instructions to the Owner regarding the prairie planting. subject to discussion/alternative means of resolution. Thanks to ou~ great ~onso~ th~s y~'s July 4th Cel~radon was a succ~Th¢ Gty of Chnhs~n would like to ~aend a special thank ~u to all the sponsors listed bdow. If your organization would like to lyarticipare in the Chanhas~n Special Events Sponsorship Program, please contact ]¢~ at 937-1900 ext 126. ~0LD Colorart: Byerly's; Instant WA Companies; Pillsbup/ Business: Automated Building Componen;s-Millwork Division; Chanhassen ?,.metican Legion Post 580; The Chanha~n Bank; Emerson EMC; Lyman Lumber company; Merlin's Hardware;, Richfield Bank & Trust;, Southwest Metro Transig Travel ~ents International In, vi&aL' American Exprez Financial Advisors, Inc.; Chanhassen Child Development Center; Chanhassen Electrolol~ Clinic; Debra Kind Design; Eichets Chiropractic Clinic; Hair for Guys & Dolls;, Outhouse Creative Threads/' Outhouse Graphics SI~'~ Cor/~oratt: Rosemount, Inc. Busine~r F~val Fo~ Lotus hwn & Garden; McDonald'g Michael J. Leonard, DDS; Roberts Automatic Produm, Inc.; Sign Source, Irc I~'~ud: Beny Embroidery; Gray Fox Intefion;, Jane Quilling-Edina Realty B~E Ca,rate: Empdg Redmond Products Actoloop Motion Control Sysmms, Irc; Americana community Banlg Chanlussm Medical Centre, DayCo conmte company; Rafliamr Corp.; Ridgevie~ B. usin~ H~th Rid~cvicw Sports & Healsh Cent,'v, Scott & Assodam; Westcrmann's Art & Frame AW Dislx~l; Anh Le Odental Cuisine; B~rne Solg B~'s Amoco; Cabin Four ~ Ca,on W~nLig, Century Bank; Omhs~n Legion A~xili~, O~n of Commute; O~n Chnh~en J~; Chnh,s~ Lions; Snowmobile Club; Couany G~on; GolfAmfig Oe~am; Ho~'a~i's Je'~:hy. lac.4 M~'k H~t~ & Coolig; Mile lhm~.yl Gold M~ ~ge & R~t 1~' ~t~ ~o~ & ~m~ny JllLY4thlOO7 JULY4m1997 Businesses made Fourth special What a wonderful Fourth of July cele- bration we enjoyed last week. A largepart of that fun can be attributed to 'all of the local businesses who supported the many events and activities pro~'ided to help cele- brate the occasion. Among other things, both of my chil- dren took part in the Kids Fishing Contest at Lake Ann. Neither of them caught a thing, but both took home a prize. Every child who participated took home some- thing, thanks to all of the donations given by Chanhassen businesses. These prizes ranged from $50 gift certificates to Byerly's (I only wish my kids had won these) to fish- ing gear and ice cream cones. I was amazed by the generosity which enabled every kid to feel like a winner last Friday. Later on that day, we all took in the fire- works disphy at Lake Ann, which is also dependent on contributions from Chanhas- sen companies and individuals. My husband declaridit the best eVer (he says that every year), and it was indeed a fantastic display. What a terrific hometown celebration. Thanks to the many businesses in Chan- hassen who made it all possible. Katie Trent, Chanhassen CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Jim Martin, EIS Tennis Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisor~'~0~ DATE: June 30, 1997 SUB J: Customer Appreciation As Session I of tennis lessons winds down and we prepare for Session II, I would like to take a minute of your time. I have been pleased with the communication and relationship that is being established between EIS Tennis (being yourself and instructor Jason Leopold) and Chanhassen Park & Recreation. In addition, a message was left on my voice mail on June 27, 1997 stating the following: "My son took tennis lessons at City Center Park and I wanted to thank you for providing this service. I am really impressed with the instructor this year as compared to last year. They just weren't near as good as this one. I suspect that you did something different. I read something in the paper about the USTA National Junior League Tennis team and maybe they're the ones putting it on. I just wanted to thank you and have you pass on to the instructors that they did a remarkable job. They really seemed to enjoy the kids and had such variety in teaching them skills. I only regret that we can't sign up for the second session, but we hope that next year you'll be able to provide the same kind of service. Thank you." The person did not leave her name, but please pass this information onto Jason. I look forward to a successful second session. Thank you. Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director Park & Recreation Commission Administrative Packet, July 22, 1997 g:Xi~ark\patty\tennis\martin.e.doc