1 Approval of MinutesPark & Recreation Commission Meeting July 29, 1997 A special meeting of the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission .was held at 7:00 p.m. on July 29, 1997, to conduct a site visit of the Lake Susan Park waterfront and the Twin Cities and Western Railroad bridge underpass on Highway 5, near downtown. These site visits were held to help determine whether or not a formal beach should be maintained at Lake Susan Park and whether or not a pedestrian trail is feasible adjacent to the railroad from downtown Chanhassen to Lake Susan Park. The regular meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The following members were present: Chair Lash, Commissioners Howe, Manders, Roeser, Meger, Frank and Berg. Staff members present: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director; Jerry Ruegemer and Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisors; and Brad Eller, Facility Supervisor. The agenda was approved as presented. There were no public announcements or visitor presentations. Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Berg moved, Commissioner Roeser seconded to approve the minutes of May 20, 1997 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Commissioner Roeser moved, Commissioner Howe seconded to approve the minutes of the June 24, 1997 meeting as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Determine Official Designation of Lake Susan Park Waterfront: The commission discussed a variety of issues surrounding the potential development of a public beach at Lake Susan Park. Issues such as permitting, signage, power boat issues, schedule, and necessary public hearings were discussed. The commission felt that the adjoining neighborhoods would appreciate a public beach at Lake Susan due to its convenient access. The commission acknowledged that the water quality of Lake Susan is not as good as other lakes in the city, but also recognizes that the existing waterfront is already being used for swimming. Commissioners were concerned about the potential relationship between an expanded public beach and increased power boat orjetski usage. However, the majority of commissioners favored the development of an "official" public beach at Lake Susan Park. Upon conclusion of their discussion, Commissioner Berg moved, Commissioner Manders seconded to schedule a public meeting to discuss the potential development of a beach at Lake Susan Park on Lake Susan. Proper notification is to be sent. All voted in favor and the motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Aggressive Skate Park: Commissioners continued their discussion on the potential development of a skate park in Chanhassen. The commissioners discussed resources which may Park & Recreation Commission Minutes July 29, 1997 Page 2 be available to assist in the construction of this skate park. Those include inline skate companies, the Market Square Management Group, technical colleges, and a design contest with rewards. The commission agreed with staff's recommendation to incorporate a skate park into the redesign of City Center Park scheduled for construction in the summer of 1998. As such, Commissioner Manders moved, Commissioner Howe seconded to designate a skate park as a component of City Council Park. Planning for the facility is to be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan development detailing the renovation of City Center Park, with planning to occur in the fall/winter of 1997/98, and construction to occur during the 1998 season. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Program Reports: The following Program Reports were received by the commission: Summer Programs, Recreation Center Monthly Report, and 4th of July Celebration Evaluation. In response to those reports, Commissioners recommended a variety of changes to the 4th of July Celebration that included the selection of a new band for the 1998 celebration, incorporation of additional food vendors, the continuation of the community parade, the reintroduction of the treasure hunt. Administrative Reports: The commission received the following reports: Encroachment of Parkland-West Lake Susan, Letter of Appreciation-Commissioner Volunteers for the 4th of July Celebration. The commission also took time to discuss the responses from the Economic Development Authority regarding the Pauly/Pony/Pryzmus site and the old Red-E-Mix site. The commission concurred with the response of the EDA and is anxiously awaiting their planning efforts. The commission also discussed the inquiry of the Economic Development Authority regarding a trail underpass of the Twin Cities and Western Railroad (TCWRR). Generally commissioners had some significant reservations to this alignment. Nevertheless, in the spirit of maintaining an open mind, they ordered a limited feasibility study. This study is to cost no more than $500. This motion was made by Commissioner Roeser and seconded by Commissioner Berg with all voting in favor. There were no questions on the administrative packet. Commission Presentations: Commissioner Berg requested that lines be painted on the basketball court at Meadow Green Park and that the history street signs program continue to be pursued. Commissioner Manders moved, Commissioner Howe seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Todd Hoffinan Park & Recreation Director