5d Women's Softball Elig RuleOF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffinan, Park & Recreation Director FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor DATE: August 19, 1997 SUB J: Review Open Eligibility Rule: Women's Adult Softball League The Park & Recreation Commission initially reviewed the Women's League eligibility rule at the January 28th lneeting. At that time, the commission voted to eliminate the rule requiring players to live or work in the City of Chanhassen, even though teams could have 4 non-residents on their rosters. With the new open eligibility, the women's program added two new teams, bringing the total to six for the 1997 summer season. This was a good start and I would like to see it continue. I have already had one phone call fi'om a new team regarding eligibility for next year. The xvom~n's program is starting to build momentum and is on its way to becoming a larger league. If the growth is to continue, the open eligibility must remain tbr the 1998 softball season. Itaving the open eligibility during the 1997 season did not hurt the local youth programs. The adult program only used Lake Ann fields #4, which left the remaining Lake Ann fields for our youth associations. Looking ahead to 1998, the intent is to use Lake Ann fields #4 and #5, with the remaining fields at Lake Ann dedicated to our local youth associations. RECOMMENDATIONS It is staff's recommendation that the Park & Recreation Commission extend the open eligibility for the adult women's softball program through the 1998 summer season. The league will remain with the Park & Recreation Commission's recommendation of only allowing 12 teams. Teams from Chanhassen would definitely receive priority over teams consisting of outside players. I invite the Park & Recreation Commission to review the open eligibility rule after the 1998 season. ATTACHMENTS Staff' Report dated January 22, 1997 Park & Recreation Commission Minutes dated January 28, 1997. G :'q*a rk",sb 98~ omenc lig.c.doc , Park & Recreation Commission Minutes January 28, 1997 Page 2 Upon completion of the discussion, Commissioner Manders made the following motion, seconded by Howe: That the Park & Recreation Commission recommend the City Council apply the following conditions of approval regarding parks and trails for The Highlands. The dedication of a public trail easement through the east/west commons area from Highlands Boulevard east to the property limit. Construction of an 8 ft. asphalt trail within this easement. The applicant is to be reimbursed for material costs involved in construction the trail from the city's trail fund. 2. Payment of full park and trail fees per city ordinance. 3. The development of a "commons" within the plat. Commissioners Roeser, Manders, Scott and Howe voted in favor. Lash and Berg voted against. The motion carded by a 4-2 vote. Commissioners Lash and Berg voted against due to the failure to specify that a children's playground must be a component of the commons. As the motion stands, the specific contents of the commons area are at the discretion of the applicant. Adult Softball Eligibility Rule Appeal; Women's League: A staff report was presented which was followed by a lively discussion from the audience. The discussion centered around the perceived need to open the eligibility for the women's softball league if it were to continue. Upon conclusion of the discussion, Commissioner Roeser moved, Commissioner Lash seconded to approve the opening of the league for the 1997 season to include 12 teams maximum. These teams can originate from any community and include players who live or work outside of Chanhassen. This is a one time exemption to be reviewed in the fall of 1997. All voted in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Commission Goal Setting for 1997: Commissioners spent over an hour discussing their short and long range goals. Upon the conclusion of their discussion, they tabled action until their February meeting when they will prioritize their goals prior to delivering them to the City Council. OLD BUSINESS - None. PROGRAM REPORTS: a. Hockey and Skating Rinks b. February Festival c. Easter Egg CandyHunt CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director/,q k("~ FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor DATE: January 22, 1997 SUB J: Adult Softball Eligibility Rule Appeal; Women's Softball Chanhassen's aduh softball program has declined over the last couple off'ears. The women's program is no exception and is more noticeable because it has ahvays been a smaller league. Illustrated below are the women's league statistics fi-om 1990-1996. 1996 - 5 teams 1995 - 7teams 1994 - 7 teams 1993 - 8 teams 1992 - 9 teams 1991 6 teams 1990 6 teams The women's league dropped to 5 tealns during the 1996 season - an all time lox,,'. Teams voiced their concerns about declining numbers during the season through a petition and at the end of the season through their evaluations. They would like the city to abolish the current eligibility requirements and have a totally open league in order to bolster the league's numbers. Currently eligibility requires players to live or work within the physical boundaries of Chanhassen. Teams may also have four outside players on their team rosters. There has been talk amongst the women's league that some of the teams may quit Chanhasscn and move to another city because of the decline in the number of teams. The City off Chanhassen does not wish to see the women's league collapse. \Ve believe the women's league is just as important as any other league. It is in eveu'body's best interest to find a solution. It is important to note that the women's league has been advertised in the same mariner as other leagues. Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director 01/22/97 Page 2 The city definitely would like to increase the numbers of the women's league and I am anxious to hear from the teams at the Park and Recreation Commission Meeting. I will write a letter to all the xvomen's.managers inviting them to the January 28 meeting. I am hopeful that they will attend to address the eligibility issue. Recommendation The adult women's league managers and players would like the opportunity to discuss changing the current eligibility requirements established by the Park and Recreation Commission. Information gathered at the January 28th meeting will be used to make the modifications, if any, to the eligibility requirements. Please find the 1996 team evaluations and my June 11th correspondence in regards to their petition. This may assist you with some background information. ,,' ~.park".sb',,womensb CITY OF CHANHASSEN pARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT' 690 COULTER DRIVE ..--._ff_-~;..: · ~ .... 937-1900, ext. 126 ' ' ~U~.:C'-: '~:". '" ..... · ..... 1~ ~ 1~ ~~ ~ · · ~ °id~'~;b~r s~e o~ soaban p~ay~' h Ch~~ w~ n~ ~ much ~o~a~on . ..~ ~m p~c~patmg t~s to ~er ~prove ~s pro~. Each eval~uon ~1 b .... Plebe ~e a few minutes of~o~ t~e to be~er ~rove ~o~ pro~! Men's Open C & D League: Comorate C & D 40 and Over B Thank you. Team Name (Optional)~ (Circle One) Excellent Good Average Fair Poor 1. Overall impression of the program 1 2 ~ ~ 5 2. Playing nights/game times 1 ~ 3 4 5 3. Receiving league information 1 ~ 3 · 4 5 4. Extended Season 1 ~ 3 4 5 5. Weather, make-up procedure 1 ~ 3 4 5 6. Adopted league softball- Dudley Blue ThUnder 1 ~ 3 4 5 7. Officiating 1 2 ~ 4 5 8. Facilities 1 ~ 3 4 5 9. Fees I ~.~' 3 4., Additional comments on mlmber: ~>'~.0~, ,.&z,,C ~,.~/~-~"'~~/ Was the Chanhassen informational phone line (96'2-9000) helpful in assisting your team(s) wi ,t~up " to date information regarc~, g minout~ and changes? Please comment: ~ Do you have any suggestions or changes cor~'ceming league classification, s~'..~on length, ~league schefluling?ietc.~tl~, at wguld improve your league or this pro _tya~,, ? ~/'/.~,-- ./.~;~i_. ~ ....? · ,, ~~.e.. th~ any suggestions or concerns regarding league rules for the 1996 sUmmer '~' i~.t,l.o, tt}~ leim~-'~ activity would you. !'.tke. for the Chanhassen Park 'and'Recre~(i~n -~'ilj~!?.:~:?!':~;:~'~;t,?.~.~'-~ :~"~:~?-~;i'' ::-'. '2. ' ''' - "~ "' ,.~ ,.L- ~ Add/tional comments: We need umpires! and Recreation. If anyone is interested for next year's season, please contact Chanhass~n Park Thank you for your suggestions! CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900, ext. 126 RECE)VED OCT g 1 1996 1996 SOFTBALL EVALUATION CITY OF CH,qN~ACSLh In order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, we need as much information as possible fi-om participating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken into consideration. The form can be returned using the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve your program! Thank you. Leag-ue: Co¢or__ate C & D 40~'-8n Over B Men's Open C & D Co-Rec 11/12 C & D Team Name (Optional) (Circle One) Excellent Good Average Fair Poor 1 3 ~ 4 5 7. 1 .2~(,~ 4 5 8. 1 ~ ~ 5 9. I 3 ,~ 5 Overall impression of the program 1 2(~) 3 4 5 2. Playing nights/game times 1 (.~ 3 4 5 3. Receiving league information 1 2 (~ 4 5 4. Extended Season 1 (~) 3 4 5 5. Weather, [hake-up procedure (j~ 2 3 4 5 6. Adopted league softball- Dudley Blue Thunder 2~) Officiating 2 Facilities 2 Fe~s 2 Additional comments on number: Was the Chanhassen informational phone line (962-9000) helpful in assisting your team(s) with up to date information regarding rainouts and changes? Please comment: I,/~.g r / Do you have any suggestions or changes concerning league classification, sea~on length, league scheduling, etc. that would improve your league or this program? 5'3 (ra{. 7~(o -T~,5 Are there any suggestions or concerns regarding league roles for the 1996 summer season? What other leisure activity would you like for the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department to provide? C~o% 'L~o~'3 ~5 ~ We need umpires! If anyone is interested for next year's season, please contact Chanhassen Park and Recreation. Thank you for your suggestions! CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900, ext. 126 OCT 1 1996 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 1996 SOFTBALL EVALUATION In order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, we need as much information as possible from participating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken into consideration. The form can be returned using thc cnclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve your program! Thank you. League: Co~morate C & D ~omen~-'~ 40-~nd Over B Team Name (Optional) ~ j fn q q.../~ Men's Open C &: D Co-Rec 11/12 C & D (Circle One) Excellent Good Average Fair Poor Overall impression of the program 1 2 ~ 4 5 2. Playing nights/game times 1 (.~ 3 4 5 3. ReceMng league information 1 : 3 · 4 5 4. Extended Season 1 3 4 5 5. Weather, make-up procedure 1 3 4 5 6. Adopted league softball- Dudley Blue Thunder Officiating ~'I' Facilities Fees 1 Additional comments on number: 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 ~) 3 4 5 Was the Chanhassen informational phone line (962-9000) helpful in assisting your team(s) with up to date information regarding rainouts and changes? Please comment: Do you have any suggestions or changes concerning league classification, season length, league schcduling, ,etc. that would i,,rnprove your league or this program? d / ' , - - t I - , ' - - 1/ -0 ~, - ' / ' · , - . : - -over- Are there any suggestions or concems regarding league roles for the 1996 summer season? ~Vhat other leisure activity would you like for the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department to provide? Additional comments: We need umpires! and Recreation. If anyone is interested for next year's season, please contact Chanhassen Park Thank you for your suggestions! CITY OF MEMORANDUM TO: Adult Softball Women Manager's FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, League Director DATE: June I1, 1996 SUB J: May 14 Rainout and Petition Response Your rainout from Tuesday, May 14, will be rescheduled for Tuesday, June 18th, with the folloxving schedule: Tolle's Landscaping Bye 6:00 p.m. Lake Ann #6 DJ Construction vs. Klingelhutz - Geis 7:10 p.m. Lake Ann #6 Merlin's vs. Frankie's I would like to thank you and your players for voicing your concerns about the women's softball program through your petition. The Chanhassen women's league has diminished over the past fexv years for unknown reasons. Slow pitch softball leagues across the Tvdn City area are also declining. The women's league has suggested opening eligibility requirements by allowing any interested xvomen to play regardless of their residency. After the 1988 softball season, the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission developed a policy limiting team rosters to four non-resident players. The policy was established to ensure an adequate number of fields are available for the growing number of Chanhassen residents. Chanhassen has added a few new fields since then, but in no xvay are we able to accommodate the requests for fields. The youth programs of Chanhassen are growing 15 - 20% per year. Your request to open eligibility to additional non-residents is not my decision to make. The decision is made by the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission. It is my belief that the Park and Recreation Commission would not support this request because of the increasing numbers of children's programs that are in dire need of the fields. We, as the City, are trYing to balance time and fields between the existing and new leagues for both youth and adults. The fields at Lake Ann on Tuesday evenings have always been reserved for the xvomen's softball league. The fields were nbver released to the youth programs until the final numbers for the women's league were determined. The women's league was ,-.advertised and promoted in the City's quarterly newsletter and the Chanhassen Villager. Also, letters were sent to all previous managers. It certainly isn't the City's position or goal to diminish the women's league. Slow pitch softball is in a down swing currently. The City will do everything in our power to help and assist your league. I certainly apl~reciate you taking the time to generate the petition. Working together will allow us to come up with a workable solution. Again, thank you for voicing your concerns. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 937-1900, ext 126. JUN 0 ~ ~EC'D May 7th 1996 Park and Recreation Department City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 RE: CHANHASSEN XVOMAN'S SOFTBALL LEAGUE Mr. Jerry Ruegemer We the members of Chanhassen Womans Softball would like to bring to your attention the fact that over the years our league has diminished rapidly to the point xvhere there is now only 5 teams. We are concerned that in a few years there will be no Womans leagues at all. We enjoy the sport and would like it to continue. Chanhassen has grown so quickly, we feel that changes must be made immediately. We also feel an effort needs to be made to promote womans sports as a whole. We suggest the following: 1- Open leagues to all woman interested in play. 2- Make use of all the playing fields and parks. 3- Advertise and promote I.E.: Newspapers, Fliers. etc. 4- Pursuit all companies moving to the area for support and sponsorship. Please notify Team Mangers with a reply at your earliest convenience. Thank you, Chanhassen Womans League .2¸ CHANHASSEN WOMANS SOFTBALL LEAGUE PETITION · Please sign this petition if you have interest in the preceding page. It xvill than be sent to Jerry at Chan. Park and Rec. Thank you!!!!!! 9- 11- r ~IU 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- 24- 25- CHANHASSEN WOMANS SOFTBALL LEAGUE PETITION Please sign this petition if you have interest in the preceding page. It will than be sent to Jerry at Chan. Park and Rec. Thank you!!!!!! 5- ,. 13- lq_'~, / , 16- .: ..~:5 ..... 18- f,-[ 19- ' "~ 20- 21- 22- 23- 24- 25- [(/>.. '{' : CHANHASSEN WOMANS SOFTBALL LEAGUE PETITION Please sign this petition if you have interest in the preceding page. It will than be sent to Jerry at Chan. Park and Rec. Thank you!!!!!! ~ 6,~,~ ~ - 14-" 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- 24- 25- CHANHASSEN WOMANS SOFTBALL LEAGUE PETITION Please sign this petition if you have interest in the preceding page. It will than be sent to Jerry at Chan. Park and Rec. Thank you!!!!!! 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- 24- 25- CHANHASSEN WOMANS SOFTBALL LEAGUE PETITION Please sign this petition if you have interest in the preceding page. It will than be sent to Jerry at Chan. Park and Rec. Thank you!!!!!! _ -'~ , i /- - ' ~ . 8- 9- lO- ll- 12- 1~- 14- 15- 16- 17- ]8- 19- 20- 21- 22- 2~- 2d- 25- CHANHASSEN WOMA~S SOFTBALL LEAGUE PETITION Please sign this petition if you have interest in the preceding page. It will than be sent to Jerry at Chan. Park and Rec. Thank you!!!!!! 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- 24- 25- (,