2 Greenwood Shores Park AccessOF
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Todd Hoffinan, Director of Parks and Recreation
DATE: September 16, 1997
Receive Individual Facility Accessibility Report, Greenwood Shores Park
Attached please find the Greenwood Shores Park Accessibility Evaluation prepared by
RSP Architects, Ltd. Ms. Julce Quarve-Peterson, an Accessibility Specialist with the
firm, will be present next Tuesday to review this repo~l with the commission.
1. Individual Facility Accessibility Report, Greenwood Shores Park.
Rachael Manteuffel, P. O. Box 174, Chanhassen
Mayor and City Council
Planning Commission
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Kate Aanenson, Planning Director
Charles Folch, City Engineer
Scott Harr, Public Safety Director
g: park',,th~,(h-ccnx~ ooodShorcsAccess Mere
Individual Facility Accessibility Report
Facility Name:
Greenwood Shores Park
Facility #: GSP
City of Chanhassen
690 Coulter Drive
MN 55317
Todd Hoffman
Tel: 612-937-1900
Report Date:
Audit Date:
Fax: 612-937-5739
Friday, September 12, 1997
Wednesday, September 03, 1997
Prepared by:
RSP Architects, Ltd.
120 First Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Tel: (612) 3394)313
Fax: (612) 33945760
RSP Architects Ltd. (Cops,right 1997)
Greenwood Shores Park
G~e~al Description:
Greenwood Shores Park is a neighborhood park. Amenities provided at the park include:
a beach, dock, two picnic tables, two grills, and a portable toilet facility.
An asphalt path replaced the previous limestone path the runs throughout the park.
The following briefly describes the accessibility modifications recommended at the park.
Please refer to the attached report for more detailed information.
Stripe to provide a ~all that is an appropriate widl.h lbr van parking.
Provide a permammt upright sign idmti~,, lng the acc~ible parking .stall, plus a "Van Accessible" sign.
Provide a sign indicatingthe access aisle.
Picnic Areas
Picnic Tables
Provide a minimum of one accessible pimic table.
Provide an acc~sible path of travel (asphalt or concrete) leading to one of the picnic table.
Provide an accessiblc pimic table with appropraite knee cleamac~.
Provide an accessible clear area around the picnic table.
Provide a levek fu'm (asphalt or concrete) surface at the picnic table.
Picnic Areas
Provide a minimum of one accessible grill
Provide an acc~sible path of travel (asphalt or concrete) leading to the grill.
Provide acc~sible clear ground space surrounding the grill.
Provide a ghll positioned at an appropraite height.
Provide an accessible path of travel to the dock (con~ete, wood. plastic decking, mats. etc.)
Beach Access
Beach Access
Provide an accessible path of travel to the water's edge (concrete. wood. plastic decking, mats, etc.)
Portable Toilet Facility
Portable Toilet Facility
Provide an acc~sible portable toilet facility.
Provide an accessible path of travel leading to the portable toilet facility.
CiD' of Chanhassen - Greenwood Shores Park
Keynote Item Location
Detailed FaciliD, Report
Currently only on-street parking is provided at the park. 7he m~ailable public parking is
located on a steep hill and is a considerable distance (600'.).fi'om the park entrance. Once
inside the park, persons are required to negotiate a steep asphalt road to reach the asphalt
path the runs through the park. The road levels out and makes a "U" turn to a l~ft station. I!
is approximately 300' to the activites areas within the park.fi'om the park entrance.
It is recommended that 1 "van accessible " parking stall be provided at the lower part of the
road to the lift station. This "van accessible "parking stall will provide a means for persons
with disabilities to park their car' in close proximity, to activity areas, instead of negotiating a
steep and potentially dangerous path of trm,el.
NOTE: Currently a gate is pro~qded at the drivewcO, entrance to the park. The natural swrface
path for pedestrians to walk around the gate is not accessible surface.
Stall Size - Van
ADA Rqmt: 1 of every 8 accessible stalls (x~4th a minimum of 1) are to be designated for van use.
"Van accessible" stalls are 8' wide x~4th an adjacent 8' wide access aisle (preferable on
the right side of the stall). (ADAAG
MN Rqmt: (UBC 1107, CABO/ANSI 4.6.4)
Recommendation: Stripe to provide a stall that is an appropriate width for van parking.
Photo #: O1
Signage - Van
ADA Rqmt:
Van accessible parking stalls are to be designated as reserved by a sign showing the
international white-on-blue wheelchair access symbol as well as a sign with the phrase
"Van Accessible". (ADAAG 4.6.4)
MN Rqmt: In Minnesota include the phrase "$200 maximum fine". (N~',! Rules 1/96)
Recommendation: Provide a permanent upright sign identifying the accessible parking stall, plus a
"Van Accessible" sign.
Signage - Van - Access Aisle - MN
MN Rqmt: Van access aisles shall be identified by a sign located at the head of thc aisle. The sign
shall be positioned so there is 48"-60" between the bottom of the sign and the parking
surface. The sign shall indicate "No Parking", "Access Aisle" or similar. (MN Rules 1-
Recommendation: Provide a sign indicating the access aisle.
RSP Ard~itects Ltd - Ae-x:c.~sibility Services (Cop.wight 1997) Page - 3
City of Chanhassen - Greenwood Shores Park Detailed Facility Report
K%~ote Item Location
Picnic Areas
T~'o picnic areas are provided at the park.
and waste receptacles.
picnic areas consist of picnic tables, grills
It is recommended that a minimum of one of the picnic tables be modified so that an
accessible path of rrm,el is provided ]eading to the picnic table. Posilion the table on an
accessible pad. In addition, it is recommended that a path of rrm,el be provided leading from
the picnic table the nearest grill. See following issues for more detailed information.
Picnic Tables
Two picnic tab/es are provided at the park. It is recommended that a minimum ~flone o. f the picnic tables be
mod(fled to be accessible.
5lA Picnic Tables- Accessible Number
ADA Rqmt: Ail new picnic tables, whether being installed in new construction or replaced in
retrofits, must comply with accessibili~' guidelines. (ADAAG 16.2 - Proposed)
Recommendation:Provide a minimum of one accessible picnic table.
Photo #: 02
5lB Picnic Tables - Path of Travel - Ground Materials
ADA Rqmt: When picnic tables are prox4ded in highly developed (urban/rural) or moderately
developed (natural) settings, a majority of thc tables must be located adjacent to an
outdoor recreation accessible route. (ADAAG 16.3 - Proposed)
Recommendation: Provide an accessible path of travel (asphalt or concrete) leading to one of the picnic
51C Picnic Tables - Table Height / Knee Clearance
ADA Rqmt: The top of an accessible picnic table must not be higher than 32" above the ground. To
accommodate a person in a wheelchair, the seating space at the picnic table must have
adequate knee space. The lmee space must measure at leaset 28" high, 30" wide and
19" - 24" deep. (ADAAG 16.5/6 - Proposed)
Recommendation:Provide an accessible picnic table with appropraite knee clearnace.
Photo #: 03
51D Picnic Tables - Clear Area Surrounding the Table
ADA Rqmt: An accessible picnic tablc must have clear ground space of at least 36" around the
perimeter of thc table, although 48" is recommcnded, this space may overlap with thc
clear space required for other elements, but msut never be encroached upon by another
element. (ADAAG 16.7 - Proposed)
Recommendation: Provide an accessible clear area around the picnic tables.
51E Picnic Tables- Surface and Slope
ADA Rqmt: The surface of the clear ground space around thc picnic table must be stable and firm.
and evenly graded, with a maximum slope of 3 percent in all direction. (ADAAG
16.8 - Proposed)
Recommendation: Provide a level, firm (asphalt or concrete) surface at the picnic tables.
RSP Architects Izd - Accessibility Serx4c~.~ (Copyright 1997) Page - 4
CiD' of Chanhassen - Greenwood Shores Park De~ailed Facility Report
KeF~ote Item Location
Picnic Areas
Two grills are provided at the park.
be upgraded to be accessible.
It is recommended that the grill associated with the accessible picnic table
Grills - Number
ADA Rqmt: All new grills, whether being installed in ney construction or replaced in retrofits,
must comply with accessibilit3.' guildelines. (ADA_AG 17.2 - Proposed)
Recommendation: Provide a minimum of one accessible grill
Photo #: 04
Grills - Location
ADA Rqmt: Pedestal grills, if provided, must be located adjacent to an outdoor recreation access
route. (ADAAG 17.3 -Proposed)
Recommendation: Provide an accessible path of travel (asphalt or concrete) leading to the grill.
Grills - Clear Ground Space
ADA Rqmt: Pedestal grills must have a clear, level ground space of at least 36" on all sides.
although 48" is reconunended, the space may overlap with the clear ground space
required for other elements, but must never be encroached upon by another clement.
(ADAAG 17.4 - Proposed)
Recommendation: Provide accessible clear ground space surrounding the grill
Grills - Height
ADA Rqmt: Pedestal grills must have cooking surfaces that are 30" to 36" above thc ground and the
grill must be able to rotate 360 degrees to allo~' users to adjust it based on wind
direction. (ADAAG 17.1d- Proposed)
Recommendation: Provide a griil positioned at an appropraite heigh~
A small dock is provided at the park. It is recommended that an accessible path of travel be
provided leading to the dock. This may be in conjunction with the accessible path of trm,eI
leading to the waters edge.
Dock - Path of Travel
ADA Rqmt: Provide an accessible outdoor recreation route leading to the dock. (ADAAG -
Recommendation: Provide an accessible path oft'ravel to the dock (concrete, wood, plastic decMng,
mats, etc.)
Photo #: 05
RSP Architects Ltd - Acc~sibility Services (Copyright 1997) Page - 5
City of Chanhassen - Greemvood Shores Park Det~dled Facility Report
Kexnote Item Loc~tion
Beach Access
,4 beach is provided at the park
provided to the waters edge.
It is recommended that att accessible path of rrm,el be
Beach Access
Beach - Path of Travel
ADA Rqmt: At least one accessible route of travel must connect the public accessible path of travel
to a point 36" beyond the water's edge. To the maximum extent possible, the accessible
route must coincide with the route of travel for the general public. Thc path of travel
should be a minimum 60" wide to allow wheelchair users to transfer from the surface
of the sand while pernfitting others to use the access route. (ADAAG 5.3 - Proposed)
Recommendation: Provide an accessible path of travel to the water's edge (concrete, wood, plastic
decldng, mats, etc'.)
Portable Toilet Facility
One portable toilet faciliO, is provided at the par'lc ]he portable toilet.faciliO' is not located
on an accessible path of travel attd does not incorporate accessibilio'.features.
It is recommended that an accessible portable toilet faciliO, be provided, bt addition, it is
recommended that either att accessible path be provided leading lo the existing location of the
accessible portable toilet faciliO' or that the toilet.facility be relocated to be positioned in
close proximiO' to an accessible path of rrm,el. One potential location is to position the
accessible portable toilet facility new' the proposed location of the "van accessible" parkmg
stall and connect an accessible route fi'om the access aisle.
Portable Toilet Facility
64A Portable Toilet Facility - Accessible Portable Toilet Facility
ADA Rqmt: For single user portable toilet units clustered in a single location, at least 5% but not
less than 1 toilet unit shall be accessible. (ADAAG - Proposed)
Recommemlation: Provide an accessible portable toilet facilit)'.
64B Portable Toilet Facility - Path of Travel
ADA Rqmt: (ADAAG - Proposed)
Recommendation: Provide an accessible path of travel leading to the portable toilet faciliO'.
Recommendation: it is recommended that an accessible portable toilet faciliO; be provided that is located
on an accessible path of travel.
Rpt Individual Facility Report (Chanhassen)
RSPArchite~sl,td-AcccssibilitySc~,ic~ (Copsxight 1997) Page-6
\ \
\ X \\
Accessibility Report
Facility Name:
Greenwood Shores Park
RSP Ardlitects Md (Cop.wight 1997)
~,cct,~sibilJty i~eport
Picnic Tables
;w~l/. ~)I'.77~1'u1
\cct. ssihility ileport
('~ty ,~f~ h:mh:~s~;en - [;rt,t,n~d ~hores P:~rk .\cce~sihility Report ?h~o~o.r~pi~s
,r,~t? of( hanhassen - (;rt, t,m~ood Nhort, s P:~rk k¢ct, nzibilitv Report
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