6 Review Proposed 1998 CIP Prog CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIV(~ 1;)P~O3 L/B1090X01:7F~x~6H1A~ ~'~7SSsE73N~ MINNESOTA 55317 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: October 21, 1997 SUB J: Review Proposed 1998 Park Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Request The 1998 capital budget was discussed at the commission's September meeting. That conversation led to the attached CIP proposal being developed. In revie;ving this program it became apparent that we were too aggressive with our numbers. For the past 6-8 years, the Connnission has invested $300,000+ in capital projects annually. The revenue driving this investment has been 100% park and trail tee dollars. Estimated 1998 park and trail fee revenues total $400,000. In keeping with our tradition of saving for a rainy day',----~__..---- -- 1,amf ~..~,_-----~i recomlnending we lower our 1998 capital investment recommendation from $470,000 To accomplish this the following projects would be postponed until another year. Lake Ann Park/Concession/Restroom Building $75.000 Miscellaneous 30,000 Trails/Asphah 15,000 $120,000 The Commission recommended the creation of a Lake Ann Park expansion ($50,000) and Arts/Theater reserve (50,000) at your September meeting. The Commission also discussed raising the general reserve from $300,000 to $400,000. With our current $850,000+ cash on hand, this goal cannot be attained. It is recommended that the general reserve remain at $300,000. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council establish a $320,000 1998 Park Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program with $512,000 in reserves. This recommendation is detailed in the attached report. g:",park' th" Proposed Park AcqCl P Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission 1998 Park & Trail Acquisition and Development Park Name Improvement 1998 Bandimere Community Park Development 100,000 Bandimere Heights Park Bluff Creek Park Carver Beach Park Carver Beach Park Carver Beach Park Carver Beach Playground Chanhassen Estates Park Accessibility Improvements 12,000 Chanhassen Hills Park Kerber Pond Park Kerber Pond Park Signage 2,000 Chanhassen Recreation Center Chanhassen Recreation Center Chanhassen Recreation Center Irrigation 80,000 City Center Park Redevelopment 100,000 Curry Farms Park Galpin Boulevard Parkland Greenwood Shore Park Herman Field Park Herman Field Park Lake Ann Park Contingency 5,000 Lake Ann Park Concession/Restroom Building Lake Susan Park Meadow Green Park East Trail Connector 30,000 Minnewashta Heights Park North Lotus Lake Park Pheasant Hill Park Power Hill Park Prairie Knoll Park Rice Marsh Lake Park Round House Park Round House Park South Lotus Lake Park Sunset Ridge Park Stone Creek Parkland Other Improvements Miscellaneous Picnic Tables, Benches 3,000 Signage 2,000 Scout Projects 1,000 Contingency 10,000 Recycling Containers 5,000 Trails/Asphalt Totals $320,000 Reserves City Center Park 12,000 Bluff Creek Watershed 100,000 Lake Ann Park Expansion 50,000 Arts/Theater 50,000 General Reserve 300,000 Total Reserve $512,000 g: ,park'th 98tip.doc