7a Summer SoftballProgramReportCITY OF MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor DATE: October 21, 1997 SUB J: 1997 Summer Softball Evaluation The number of teams in Chanhassen's adult softball league decreased to 50 teams this year. For the third consecutive year, the league has lost teams. It is time for the City to look into opening up the eligibility for all leagues. This issue needs to be addressed before our Chanhassen leagues dwindle doxvn even more. The softball eligibility issue will be placed on the agenda for an upcoming Park and Recreation Commission meeting. Corporate League For the seco[,d year in a row, the Corporate League had 12 teams. Overall the Corporate League was satisfied with the league. My ultimate goal is to operate the league at full capacity and I will continue to work at achieving this goal. WOlTIelI'S League The Women's League was appreciative that the Park and Recreation Commission allowed the teams to add non-residents to their roster. The Women's League had 6 teams this summer and with the open eligibility for the 1998 season, team totals should increase. The overall impression of the league was good. Over 40 I was made aware by many managers and players that they didn't like playing the late games under the new lights at Lake Ann. I gathered their concerns and decided to switch their schedule midseason. The new schedule allowed them to play on Lake Ann fields #4 and #5 at 6:15 and 7:30 p.m. instead of field #4 at 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. I am recommending for the 1998 season, that this league play on fields #4 and #5 for 2 games per night. The league also is concerned about losing teams since many of the players are older. They would like to consider Todd Hoffman October 3, 1997 Page 2 sanctioning their league "Over 35" again, in the hopes of attracting younger teams to replenish their sagging numbers. I still plan on scheduling a wrap up meeting with the managers to discuss some of the outstanding issues. Men's Open The Men's Open League had 13 teams, which was down 3 teams from last year. The upper division had 4 teams with 9 playing in the lower division. I am concerned again, with the number of teams dropping from our leagues. The open eligibility rule would help the Men's Open League the most. The teams that played this year had fun but would like to see the league increase in size, especially in the upper division. Co-Rec The Co-Rec League declined from 13 teams to 9 teams. The teams that did play didn't like the 9:00 p.m. games. Depending what next year's field schedule looks like, I will try to schedule the games on 2 fields instead of one. The change will also depend on the amount of umpires we have for Friday nights. Most of the teams playing in the league are there to have fun and to socialize. General Comments: · Investigate using a pitching map/carpet for call balls and strikes. · Improve umpires knowledge on rules and policies. · Try not to schedule 9:00 p.m. games. · Try to go to 3-2 count without a courtesy. · Play rain-out make-up games on regular schedule playing night - not on weekends. · Try to eliminate byes from schedule. · Find and train more umpires. · Have umpires get the game balls from the concession shelter at Lake Ann for each game instead of manager's bringing them. · Recommend to open eligibility for all Chanhassen leagues to increase the leagues. PROGRAM NAME: QUARTERS PROGRAM IS OFFERED: SU F W SP Participants in each class Length of class (minutes) Class fee/session Length of class (in weeks) Meetings/Week REVENUE # of participants EXPENSES A. Salaries (Includes Prep Time) staff x weeks x # of classes/yr. fee/class S/hour X # of classes/year = hours/week x weeks x staff x S/hour X # of classes/year = hours/week x weeks x staff x S/hour X # of classes/year = hours/week x I[A. Total Salaries: $ Bo Contractual Services: 1. Bus Rental: buses x cost/bus x # of rentals/year = $ Miscellaneous Services (Account for Whole Year): Rental Equipment: Entertainment: Co Supplies (Account for Whole Year) 1. Craft Supplies: [B. Total Contractural Services: $ 2. Equipment: 3. Tickets: 77 participants x cost/ticket x times/year = II C. Total Supplies: $ ]] TOTAL REVENUE: TOTAL EXPENSE: BALANCE: ('/~-5 c,o O, -7 ? CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900, ext. 126 1997 SOFTBALL EVALUATION In order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, we need as much information as possible from participating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken into consideration. The form can be returned using the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve your program! Thank you. League: Women's D 40 and Over B Men's Open C & D Co-Rec 11/12 C & D Team Name (Optional) (Circle One) Excellent Overall impression of the program 1 2. Playing nights/game times 1 3. Receiving league information 1 4. \Veather, make-up procedure 1 5. Adopted league softball- Dudley Blue Thunder 1 6. Officiating 1 7. Facilities 1 8. Fees 1 Good Average Fair Poor 2 3 4 2 3 (~ ~ 3 4 2 4 ~) 3 4 2 4 5 Additional comments on number: \Vas the Cbanhassen informational phone line (962-9000) helpful in assisting your team(s) with up to date infornmtion regarding rainouts and changes7 Please comment: Do you have any suggestions or changes concerning league classification, season length, league scheduling, etc. that would improve your league or this program? - over - Are there any suggestions or concerns regarding league rules for the 1997 summer season? What other leisure activity would you like for the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department to provide? Additional comments: We need umpires! and Recreation. If anyone is interested for next year's seasvn, please contact Chan~hassen Park Thank you for your suggestions! CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900, ext. 126 1997 SOFTBALL EVALUATION In order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, we need as much information as possible from participating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken into consideration. The form can be returned using the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve your program! Thank you. League: Corporate C & D ,.. ..... Wo-rn~en%:DZfLL-~ .... 40 and Over B Men's Open C & D Co-Rec 11/12 C & D Team Name (Optional) x / ( .:c,;.'--', c 0-',., ~ ,'.' (Circle One) Excellent Good Average Fair Poor 1. Overall impression of the program ~ 2 3 4 5 2. Playing nights/game times ~' 2 3 4 5 3. Receiving league information ,~k~ 2 3 4 5 4. VVeather, make-up procedure (j~l~) 2 3 4 5 5. Adopted league softball- Dudley Blue Thunder ~.1" 2 3 4 5 6. Officiating ,_2~) 2 3 4 5 7. Facilities %!.) 2 3 4 5 8. Fees l ..~ 2 3 4 5 Additional comments on number: Was the Chanimssen informational phone line (962-9000) helpful in assisting your team(s) with up to date information regarding rainouts and changes? Please comment: Do you have any suggestions or changes concerning league classification, season length, league scheduling, etc. that would improve your lea~e or this progam? ~'/.7:~-- (, ' / · - " ' . ' ~ ".~ ,' ~" d:, ~ - over - Are there any suggestions or concerns regarding league roles for the 1997 summer season? What other leisure activity would you like for the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department to provide? Additional comments: We need umpires! If anyone is interested for next year's season, please contact Chanhassen Park and Recreation. Thank you for your suggestions! CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900, ext. 126 1997 SOFTBALL EVALUATION In order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, we need as much information as possible from participating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken into consideration. The form can be returned using the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve your program! Thank you. League: 4_~_or~a..te C & D men's and O--7~er B Men's Open C & D Co-Rec 11/12 C & D Team Name (Optional) ""~-,~'/~C; '-7-7-::-C {'-{' (Circle One) Excellent Good Average Fair Poor Overall impression of the program Playing nights/game times Receiving league information 1 \Veather, Cake-up procedure 1 Adopted league softball- Dudley Blue Thunder (.~ Officiating 1 Facilities 8. "', Fees 1 4~',' 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 ~ 3 4 5 2 3 4 ~' 2 3 4 5 2 2 3 4 5 f'2 ',', 3 4 5 Was the Chanhassen informational Chone line (962-9000) help~l in assistin~ vour team(s) with up to date information regarding rainouts and changes? Please comment:~ ~~ ~2~ . -¢ j .. .. . .... ~ ( " } , , , '~ , - . , , . - 3 ¢ ¢ , ~ ....... Do you haCe any suggestions or ehanges concerning league classificatiop, season length,3ea.mte scheduling, etc. that would improve your lea~e or this pro.am? ~.~7 ~;:( i'< . ~f ¢. 5~f~¢2- ,,,, · ~ .... . ~ ': .- . - ' . ' ' ~ -over- , ',' ~h I : :stions regarding league rules for the 1997 summer season? Are there any sugge or concerns What mhcr ldserc activity.~oeld ~ou li~e ~or t~ C~a~ass~ ~r~ a~d Recr~tio~ - ,,,, , ,,-~ ...... -..,~,.- .......... ,, .: -. - - , . - d., - r' .~ m " " .. , ''~ Vr'e need dmpircst. If an'~'one~ i~ ~J~*o~stod.._ for next year's season., olease, contact Cha~assen Park and Recreation. Thank you for your suggestions! CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900, ext. 126 1997 SOFTBALL EVALUATION In order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, we need as much information as possible from participating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken into consideration. The form can be returned using the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve your program! Thank you. League: Corporate C & D Women's D 4~~and OveT'-~~'~ Team Name (Optional) '?~ ffk/'~ Men's Open C & D Co-Rec 11 / 12 C & D (Circle One) Excellent Good Average Fair Poor Overall impression of the program 1 ~-5 3 4 5 2. Playing nights/game times 1 2 3 6' 5 3. Receiving league information 1 ~ 3 4 5 4. Weather, make-up procedure 1 ~ 3 4 5 5. Adopted league softball- Blue Thunder (-~ , 3 Dudley Officiating 4' 3 Facilities 3 I 4 5 1 4 5 1 ~" 5 Fees I ~ 3 4 5 Additio~ml comments on number: ,/~.~ XVas the Chanhassen informational phone line (962-9000) help~l in assisting your team(s) with up to date information regarding rainouts and changes? Please comment: Do yon have any suggestions or changes concerning league classification, season le.ngth, le¢,gu¢ · ~ · . ~ : scheduhng, 9tc. that would m~pro,ve your lea~e or tNs pro,am? ~ ~-~ .~'~%c &c { . , ' , ; ~ ~ . ~ .... ~ ~ , Are there any suggestions or concerns regarding league roles for the 1997 summer season? What other Ieisure activity would you like for the Cha~assen Park and Recreation Depa~ment to provide? Additional comments: We need umpires! If anyone is ~nterested for next year's season, please contact Ci~anhasscn Park and Recreation. Thank you for your suggestions! CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900, ext. 126 1997 SOFTBALL EVALUATION In order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, we need as much information as possible from participating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken into consideration. The form can be returned using the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve your program! Thank you. League: Corporate C & D Wo~'s D Men's {Open 1.; a~ L) Co-Rec 11/12 C & D Team Name (Optional) (Circle One) Excellent Good Average Fair Poor Overall impression of the program 1 1~ 3 4 5 2. Playing nights/game times 1 ~ 3 4 5 3. Receiving league information 1 ~ 3 4 5 4. Weather, make-up procedure 1 ~ 3 4 5 5. Adopted league softball- DudleyBlue Thunder 1 (~) , 3 4 5 6. Officiating 1 (2,_~ 3 4 5 7. Facilities 1 (~) 3 4 5 8. Fees 1 2 O 4 5 Additional comments on number: ~6 Officiating: Once during the reo, u]ar season, and once during the playoffs, no umpire was present: at: our game. Was the Chanhassen inf'onnational phone line (962-9000) helpful in assisting your teton(s) with up to date infommtion regarding rainouts and changes? Please comment: y a ~, t h ~ r ~ ~ ~ o,, t number is very helpful. Do you have any suggestions or changes concerning league classification, season length, league scheduling, etc. that would improve your league or this program7 Should bo l:h Fields 4 & 5 scheduled at: 615PH and 730P5I. Also~ for planning purposes, 5. t: would nj. ce for Post:season Playoffs ~o be included in t:he Season Schedule. - over - be Are there any suggestions or concerns regarding league rules for the 1997 summer season? N o What other leisure activity would you like for the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department to provide? Iq n n ~ Additionalcomments: Tt ~c~uld he de=4*'o~-~e 4~-' ,-*,~ ~-~ a~-~ ..... lines to be chalked prio~ to the ~r~ ~F ~v~ning games. field vv ¢ uccu utupi~cM ii' attyu,,c is interested for next year's season, please contact Chanhassen Park and Recreation. Thank you for your suggestions! CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900, ext. 126 1997 SOFTBALL EVALUATION In order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, xve need as much information as possible from participating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken into consideration. The form can be returned using the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve your program! Thank you. League: Corporate C & D Women's D 40 and Over B Tcaln Name (Optional)~_&,~,. Men's Open C & D Co-Rec 11/12 C & D (Circle One) 3. 4. 5. Overall impression of the program Playing nights/game times Receiving league information Weather, make-up procedure Adopted lea[me softball- Dudley Blue Thunder Officiating Facilities Fees Additiouai c~o_~nents on nmBbcr: ~:~ ~L Excellent Good Avera,~e Fair Poor 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 Was the Chanhassen inforn'mtional phone line (962-9000) helpful in assisting your team(s) with up to date infon'nation regarding rainouts and changes? Please comment: ~-~'9_ ~J / Do you have any suggestions or chanffes concerninz lemme classification, season length, leamte _ scheduling, etc. that would improve you~ lea~e or thi~ Dro~am9 [~,~ ~I~.~X ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~D ~' -over- A~i~]ty suggest~ regarding league roles for the 1997 summer season? What other leisure activity would you like for the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department to provide? Additional comments: We need umpires! If anyone is interested for next year's season, please contact Chard~asscn Park and Recreation. Thank you for your suggestions! CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900, ext. 126 1997 SOFTBALL EVALUATION In order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, we need as much information as possible from participating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken into consideration. The form can be returned using the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve your program! Thank you. League: Corporate C & D W__oments ~D ~0 and OverB- ' Team Name (Optional) "' Men's Open C & D Co-Rec 11/12 C & D (Circle One) 3. 4. 5. Overall impression of the program Playing nights/game times Receiving league information Weather, make-up procedure Adopted league softball- Dudley Blue Thunder Officiating Facilities Fees Excellent Good Average Fair Poor 1 2 3 4 ,"5' 1 2 .~..._ ~. _3.. 4 5 1 2 (..__3_ ". 4 5 1 2 {._3_.-.': 4 5 Additional comments on number: Was the Chanhassen informational phone line (962-9000)helpful in assisting yot}r te~l.n~s) wittp up to,da~e.,.__ ~ ~-inf°rmati°n regarding rainouts~..~, ~./ ~-,. and;-I changers? Please. ~c°m~ent:~' ~ ~vloS~ 1- -,-, .-. Do you have any suggestions or changes concerning league classification, season length, league scheduling, etc. that would improve your lea~e or this pro.am? - over - Are there any s?ggestions or concerns regmiding league roles for the 1997 summer season? What other leisure activity would you tike for the Cha~assen Park and Recreation Depaament to provide? /~ ~ Z ,~ :.~- r ~:2,. <- Additional comments: We need umpires! If anyone is interested for next year's season, please contact Chanhassen Park and Recreation. Thank you for your suggestions! CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900, ext. 126 1997 SOFTBALL EVALUATION order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, we need as much information as possible from pm-ticipating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken into consideration. The form can be returned using the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve your program! Thank you. League: Corporate C & D Women's D 40 and Over B Team Name (Optional) "'~/o rx (<~ -w_ 5 Men's Open C & D~) 7-~)-'R~-il/12 C & D (Circle One) Excellent Overall impression of the program 1 2. Playing nights/game times 1 3. Receiving league information 1 4. Weather, make-up procedure 1 5. Adopted league softball- Dudley Blue Thunder 1 6. OFficiating 1 7. Facilities 1 8. Fees 1 Additional comments on number: "7 Good Average 2 Fait' Poor 4 5 4 5 4 5 f . \Vas the Chanhassen ih£ormational phone line (962-9000) helpful in assisting your team(s) with up to date infornmtion regarding rainouts and changes? Please comment: 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 Do you have any suggestions or changes concerning league classification, season length, league scheduling, etc. that would improve your lea~e or this pro,am? :, d ( ' :-. - over - Are there an suggestions or concerns regarding league rules for the 1997 summer season9 ----~-- What other leisure activity'would you like for the Cha~assen Park and Recreation Depa~ment to provide? ~ ~.e We need umpires~ 1I anyone is interested for next year's season, please contact ChamSassen Park and Recreation. Thank you for your suggestions! CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900, ext. 126 1997 SOFTBALL EVALUATION In order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, we need as much information as possible from participating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken into consideration. The form can be returned using the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve your program! Thank you. League: Corporate C & D Women's D 40 and Over B (' M._e s O..D_D? '--C'~-Rec 11/12 C & D Team Name (Optional) (Circle One) Excellent Good Average Fair Poor Overall impression of the program 1 ~-2 ' 3 4 5 2. Playing nights/game times 1 t2 .. 3 4 5 3. Receiving league information 1 (2.: 3 4 5 4. Weather, make-up procedure I ~,2__~ 3 4 5 5. Adopted league softball- Dudley Blue Thunder 1 ~,2~,' 3 4 5 6. Officiating 1 2 / 3 4 5 7. Facilities 1 ;~" 3 4 5 8. Fees 1 t2 ... 3 4 5 Additional comments on number: Was the Chanhassen informational phone line (962-9000) helpful in assisting your team(s) with up to date information regarding rainouts and changes? Please comment: Do you have any suggestions or changes concerning league classification, season length, league scheduling, etc. that xvould improve your league or this program? - over - Are there any suggestions or concerns regarding league rules for the 1997 summer season? What other leisure activity would you like for the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department to provide? Additional comments: We need umpires! and Recreation. If anyone is interested for next year's season, please contact Chanhassen Park Thank you for your suggestions! CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900, ext. 126 1997 SOFTBALL EVALUATION In order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, we need as much information as possible from participating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken 'into consideration. The form can be returned using the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve your program! League: Team Name (Optional) Thank you. Corporate C & D Women's D 40 and Over B ~Men's Open C ~ Co-Rec 11/12 C & D (Circle One) Excellent Good Average Fair Poor Overall impression of the program 1 ~~> 3 4 5 2. Playing nights/game times 1 3 4 5 3. Receiving league information ~1 3 4 5 4. Weather, make-up procedure ~1",) :2 3 4 5 5. Adopted league softball- Dudley Blue Thunder 3 4 5 6. Officiating 3 4 5 7. Facilities ~ 4 5 8. Fees I 2 4 5 Additional comments on number: ,, , O-- -t · - - W~assen info~llone' ' p hne' (962-9000) helpful In' assls'SJ'lngyour teanl s() with' tip to,.,da_te info~tnatioj reg.arding,./ai,pquts and ch. anges? Please comment: V~...., t5 ' Do you have any suggestions or changes concerning league classification, season length, league scheduling, etc. that would improve your league or this program? - over - Are there any suggestions or concerns regarding league roles for the 1997 summer season? _ v ~.~. w v~.. ~.~1'I.,~ ~- 44,,~,'~ ~."~j.-- * ~ ~r ~ .,~ ~1 'r1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~"~ I .; ^ , . c/ ,~ ~./ What/other l~sure activity would you like for the Chanhas en Park al~ l{ggreation Department to provide? Additional comments: We need umpires! If anyone is interested for next year's season, please contact Chanhassen Park and Recreation. Thank you for your suggestions! CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900, ext. 126 ' i '?' 1997 SOFTBALL EVALUATION --,.?.,_; .... In order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, we need as much information as possible from participating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken into consideration. The form can be returned using the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. 3. 4. 5. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve your program! Thank you. League: Corporate C & D Women's D 40 and Over B Men's Open C & D Co-Rec 11/12 C & D Team Name (Optional) t:'O...-4(,., s; cz .-,:, ~ ,:...- (Circle One) Overall impression of the prograrn Playing nights/game times Receiving league information Weather, make-up procedure Adopted league softball- Dudlcy Blue Thunder Officiating Facilities Fees Excellent Good Average Fair Poor 1 ~ 3 4 5 1 (P 3 4 5 1 2 ~-) 4 5 I 2 ~ 4 5 1 ~ 3 4 5 1 2~___~ __ 3 4 5 1 t27P__~ 3 4 5 1 ~) 3 4 5 Additional comments on number: Was the Chanhassen informational phone line (962-9000) helpful in assisting your team(s) with up to date information regarding rainouts and changes? Please comment: ¥('.,5 [ Do you have any suggestions or changes concerning league classification, season length, league scheduling, etc. that wonld improve your leagme or this pro.am? ~: q k v ~ ~ ~ ~G - over - Are there any suggestions or concerns regarding league rules for the 1997 summer season? What other leisure activity would you like for the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department to provide? Additional comments: We need umpires! if anyone is interested for next year's season, plcasc contact Chanl,,assen Park and Recreation. Thank you for your suggestions! CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900, ext. 126 1997 SOFTBALL EVALUATION order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, we need as much information as possible from participating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken into consideration. The form can be returned using the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve your program! , :~) League: 2, 4. Corporate C & D Women's D 40 and Over B Team Name (Optional) Overall impression of the program Playing nights/game times Receiving league information Weather, make-up procedure Adopted league softball- Dudley Blue Thunder Officiating Facilities 8. Fees Thank you. ~en;s Open C &'-~.D Co-Rec 11/12 C & D (Circle One) Excellent Good Average Fair Poor 1 ~ 3 4 5 1 2 (~" 4 5 1 ~4- 3 1 2 3 5 3 4 5 1 2 , 4 5 ,' . ~. . . / I~// ..... Was ~e Chanhassen ~nformaUonal phone hne (962~00'6) Belp~l m assisting your team(s) with up tohtde infommtion regarding rainouts ond changes? ~lease con~ent: ,..¢ 44 , .' -' ' Do 5ou have any suggesuons or changes concerning lea~e classification, season length, league scheduling, etc. that would improve your lea~e or this pro,am? /~ q . . " . /// , . / , r , . ":/( . . "~.,,.~. ,~ , : , ' 4. · ., · ,.¢::,.. Are there any suggestions or concerns regarding league roles for the 1997 summer season? What other leisure activity would you like for the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department to provide? Additional comments: We need umpires! If anyone is interested for next year's season, please contact Chanhassen Park and Recreation. Thank you for your suggestions! CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900, ext. 126 1997 SOFTBALL EVALUATION In order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, we need as much information as possible from participating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken into consideration. The form can be returned using the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve your program! Thank you. League: Corporate C & D Women's D 40 and Over B Men's Open C & D C___C_o-Rec 11/12 Team Name (Optional) (Circle One) 3. 4. 5. Excellent Overall impression of the program Playing nights/gan'~e times Receiving league information Weather, make-up procedure Adopted league softball- Dudley Blue Thunder Officiating Facilities Fees Additional comments on number: Good Average Fair Poor ~ 3 4 2 ~3'. 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 2 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 Was the Chanhassen informational phone line (962-9000) helpful in assisting your team(s) with up to date iqfonytation regarding rainouts and changes? Please comment: ~.A5:,.¥ :~- %(~C ~,(L~/ Do you have any suggestions or changes concerning league classification, season length, league scheduling,, ~,, ,etc' that would improve your lea~e or this pro,am?, ('()~K'~(~ ~"x( x~ ? (, - over - Are there any s~g,r~g~ estions or con,,cems regarding league roles for t. he 1997 surngner season? What other leisure activity would you like for the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department to provide? Additional comments: We need umpires! If anyone is interested for next year's season, please contact Chanhassen Park and Recreation. Thank you for your suggestions! CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 937-1900, ext. 126 1997 SOFTBALL EVALUATION In order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, we need as much information as possible from participating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken into consideration. The form can be returned using the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve your program! Thank you. League: Corporate C & D Women's D 40 and Over B Men's Open C & D Co-Rec 11/12 C & D Team Name (Optional) (Circle One) Excellent 1. Overall impression of the program 2. Playing nights/game times 3. Receiving league information 4. \Veathcr, make-up procedure 5. Adopted league softball- Dudley Blue Thunder 6. Officiating 7. Facilities 8. Fees Additional comments on number: Good Average Fair Poor ~'9 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 , 3 4 5 ~ 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 r,~/ 4 5 D d , __3 5 Was the Chanhassen informational phone line (962-9000) helpful in assisting your team(s) with up to date information regarding rainouts and changes? Please comment: , .-.-5~ .-, Do you have any suggestions or changes concerning league classification, season length, league schedulino,= etc. that would improve your league or this program? f~, ?', Ct '~ ' Lb ,", z t~' u( '~ - over - Are there any suggestions or concerns regarding league rules for the 1997 summer season? "D ' ' '" ..__~ ' What other leisure activity would you like for the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department to provide? Additional comments: We need umpires! If anyone is interested for next year's season, please contact Chat~-~assen Park and Recreation. Thank you for your suggestions!