7d Lake Ann Concess & Boat RentCITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O, BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor October 21, 1997 SUB J: 1997 Lake Ann Park Concession/Boat Rental The Lake Ann concession stand has concluded its operation lbr the summer. The concession stand opened May 24 and closed August 24. Overall the summer operations ran relatively smoothly. For the first time, the concession stand was not broken into this summer. The vandalism around the shelter area was also minimal. The security system installed last summer has curtailed a lot of this mischievous behavior. The security system will continue to be armed throughout the year. The City of Chanhassen has operated the Lake Ann concession stand/boat rental the past 5 years. During this time, the City has been lucky to clear a profit fi'om food sales and boat rentals. You and 1 have talked about pursuing a group on a contractual basis to operate the concession stand. The group may be a youth or civic organization. I would like to discuss the pros and cons at our next Park and Recreation meeting. GENERAL COMMENTS: · hnprove accuracy of cash register tape receipts and daily inventory sheets. · hnprove completing boat rental forms. · Better regulate staffing levels, i.e. send people home. · Look for new ways to attract better candidates for employment. · Improve staff manual and outline goals and objectives. · Simplify menu items, prepackaged items as much as possible. · Investigate the possibility of buying supplies at Sam's Club. · Add a slushie machine · 20 oz bottled Coke products very popular. · Sold 119 cases of pop - Coke Classic #1 seller, Sprite #2 seller, Evian water #3 seller, Surge #4 seller, Diet Coke #5 seller, Power Aid #6 seller. · Nacho's top selling item again. Todd Hoffman October 3, 1997 Page 2 1997 RENTALS Paddle boats Canoes Rowboats with motors Rowboats Fishing Poles TOTAL RENTALS Chanhassen Residents Renting Boats Non-residents Renting Boats EXPENDITURES: 1997 Total Concession hours/wages Total Hours 665.5 SUPPLES: AmeriServ Midwest Coca Cola Brown's Ice Cream Festival Foods TOTAL TOTAL WAGES/SUPPLIES REVENUE Food Sales Watercraft Rentals TOTAL TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES g:\park\concess\97Report 388 127 22 12 6 555 1996 RENTALS 380 111 32 21 1 545 -!- 183 372 555 Total Wages $4694.89 $3267.19 2617.11 711.51 390.28 $6986.09 $11,680.98 $9978.71 2097.32 $12,076.03 $12,076.03 11~680.98 $ 395.05