7f Senior CenterCITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Todd Hoffman, Parks and Recreation Director Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator ~t''] DATE: October 20, 1997 SUB J: Intergenerational Programming Report This past June a senior committee was formed to explore ideas and options for intergenerational activities timt could be sponsored by the Chanhassen Senior Center. Contacts were made to all the youth ministry programs in Chanhassen, 4-H Club representatives, Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts groups, and the Youth Commission with ISD #I 12. I have complied a tentative schedule of activities w,here youth will be interacting with seniors in some form or another once a month. Often times seniors can form the same negative attitude children form towards seniors. I hope with the various activities that are planned we can create a positive experience where both the senior and the child learn fi'om each other. lntergenerational Programming Schedule October - Girl Scouts scheduled to assist seniors with leaf raking and yard clean-up. November - A youth keyboard group will be providing entertainment for our Saturday nigh~ Thanksgiving meal. December - Girl Scouts will be assisting seniors with Holiday decorating in the Senior Center. January - No activities planned. February - Youth dance line, "Just For Kix," will be providing entertainment for our monthly Saturday Night Special. March - Westwood Community Church youth group will assist serving food at our "Pizza Party," and then participate in board games with the seniors after the meal is served. April - "Nutrition Program," co-sponsored with Intergenerational Living and Healthcare. This activity will be a month long program. Meetings will be held for three hours every Tuesday morning. The age group targeted for this program will be 3rd and 4th graders. May - No activities planned yet. June - "Art Program," co-sponsored with Intergenerational Living and Healthcare. This will be a five week program with meetings every Monday morning. The age group for this program xvill be 4th and 5th graders. CITY OF MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoflinan, Parks and Recreation Director FROM' Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator ~4'ilMJ DATE: October 22, 1997 SUB J: Monthly and daily activity report averages for 1995 - 1997 Attached to this memo is three reports regarding daily attendance averages, monthly attendance averages, and daily activity averages. I have collected data from January 1995 to the currcm date of October 22, 1997. The numbers for the monthly attendance report were collected from a book where seniors sign in at the greeters desk in the Senior Center. Therefore these numbers could be a slight bit off considering some people forget to sign in when thev arrive. The numbers for the daily activities report were collected by myself. 1 make a point to count the number of people we have daily fbr each activity and then take the weekly numbers and average them quarterly. The last report is the daily attendance report. The data for this report was collected fi'om the daily activities report averages. Each day there are specific activities taking place. For instance, Bridge, Men's Club and Women's Club meet on Mondays. I took the Bridge averages and the Men's and Women's Club combined averages and totaled them together to come tip wifl~ a final total. The days I have included in this report are Monday - Saturday. The only activity taking place on Saturdays is our once a month catered meal and entertainment. I felt it was important to include dais day considering the rate of attendance we receive for this activity. 0 0 Attendees 0 0 0 0 0 January February March April May June July August September 0 o C) October November December Attendees 0 seepue~v