PC Minutes 11-05-2013Chanhassen Planning Commission – November 5, 2013 1. The minimum setback from the eastern perimeter property line shall be 44.3 feet for building, decks, patios, porches and stoops. 2. The applicant must apply for a separate building permit. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: CHANHASSEN GREAT PLAINS CENTER: REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW WITH VARIANCES FOR A 10,443 SQUARE-FOOT SINGLE-LEVEL RETAILCENTER ON 1.13 ACRES OF PROPERTY ZONED HIGHWAY AND BUSINESS SERVICES DISTRICT (BH) AND LOCATED AT 7905 GREAT PLAINS BOULEVARD (BP GAS STATION SITE). APPLICANT: NHH CHANHASSEN PARTNERS, LLC. OWNER: CAMELOT CONV. QUALITY FUEL & FOOD, PLANNING CASE 2013-23. Sharmeen Al-Jaff: Chairman Aller, members of the Planning Commission. The request before you is for a site plan. The site is located northeast, at the northeast corner of Highway 5 and Great Plains Boulevard. Currently there is a convenience store with an area of 1,030 square feet. There’s a gas canopy as well as 6 gas pumps and along the northern portion there is an existing single bay automatic car wash. Access to the site is gained off of Great Plains Boulevard. Currently there is full access to this location off of Great Plains. The current land use on the property, the 2030 Land Use Plan shows the area guided for commercial. The entire surrounding area is also commercial. The zoning is Highway Business. With this request the applicant is proposing to remove the existing structures on the site and replace them with a retail office building which is permitted under the Highway Business district zoning. The site plan request is for the construction of a 10,443 square foot multi-tenant building. It’s a single level building. The maximum permitted site coverage in this district is 65%. The proposed development has a total hard surface coverage of 67.2%. That exceeds the minimum. The maximum permitted in that district. The applicant is fully aware of this and will be able to correct the situation. As part of this application the applicant is also proposing to extend sidewalks along the westerly portion of the site as well as around the building. This will allow the site to connect with surrounding areas. It will also separate pedestrian from vehicular traffic. Parking is located north of the site and it’s mainly screened by the proposed building. However the easterly portion can be viewed from Highway 5. The applicant will need to improve screening of that section to meet ordinance requirements. City Code requires that all parking be screened. Again we had conversations with the applicant and they are fully aware that will need to be done and they are, they will be able to accommodate it. The trash enclosure is located north of the building and again that is completely screened by the building itself. As part of this request the applicant is proposing to add a turn lane, a right in turn lane into this site. Access is still being maintained in the same location off of Great Plains Boulevard but it will be improved. The architecture of the building is, the design of the building is very attractive in the opinion of staff. It is being constructed of very high quality materials. There is a sample of the materials which includes stone, stucco, glass and metal panels. Aanenson: Just set it down. Aller: Because there will be people at home that are interested as well. Dean Dovolis: I have it upside down. I hope no one. Sharmeen Al-Jaff: That’s alright. That still does it. All elevations that can be viewed from the public, even those that are hidden have been given equal attention. The building is, meets ordinance from every single elevation. Entrances into the building are pronounced. They utilize durable exterior materials. 18 Chanhassen Planning Commission – November 5, 2013 There is a lot of articulation on the design of the building. We regard the project as a well designed development. The overall design is sensitive to the surrounding area and we are recommending approval of this application. The one thing I would like to add is that the applicant has been very good to work with and has cooperated throughout the process. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have. Thank you. Aller: Thank you. Sharmeen Al-Jaff: Chairman may I? The one thing that I needed to point out, we received a phone call from one of the neighbors and they are very excited about the development. Their only concern dealt with the snow removal. There is a limited area for the snow and their concern is if it was stored in sight triangles or areas that might cause problems with the passing traffic. We are requesting that we add one condition on page 17. It’s under the planning conditions, number 7 and the condition would read, snow storage shall not create a hazard to the safe, efficient movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Aller: Thank you. Sharmeen Al-Jaff: Thank you. Aller: Questions of staff. Yusuf: Could you please tell us more about this biofiltration pond or area? Fauske: Certainly, I’d be happy to answer that question. In Chanhassen there’s a number of alternative methods versus a traditional stormwater pond so the applicant has proposed filtration area and essentially it’s an engineered system where the water that enters into the ponding area filters down through there. They have some under drains. They have some vegetation that can absorb some of the water, and it slows down the water. It provides some treatment before it’s discharged downstream. Yusuf: Thank you. Fauske: You’re welcome. Aller: Any additional questions? Hokkanen: No, I think it looks great. Aller: Wonderful. Okay. Would the applicant like to step forward and state your name? Dean Dovolis: Yes. Dean Dovolis, DJR Architecture, 333 Washington North, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Aller: Welcome. Why don’t you tell us about your project. Dean Dovolis: Thank you. Pardon me? Aller: Tell us about your project. Dean Dovolis: Oh I will. I will. I was going to introduce Adam Seraphine and Mark Kroll. They’re part of the development team also. This is sort of a critical site in Chanhassen because it’s sort of considered a gateway site, meaning it’s one of the major ways people enter the city and so we looked at the building like how to treat and emphasize the corner and really sort of set up that entrance into Chanhassen. 19 Chanhassen Planning Commission – November 5, 2013 Hopefully sort of create a precedent for other development that may follow that starts to define the street and define the edges so you’ll start to evolve a community that you know can also handle cars but also a future pedestrian environment and this being one of the first move. We completed a project in Edina, and th I don’t know if you want to put this on the camera. Thank you. That’s built on 70 and France that did the first thing. That was the same idea of addressing the corner and creating parking behind the building and in front creating pedestrian access coming from both sides to help create that movement. We were sort of fortunate that Byerly’s made the same move and others started to look at this as sort of a precedence so we sort of see these buildings are acting the same way that we define the corner which may start to work and what we’ve discovered in putting these projects together is that the tenants do appreciate it so it’s not that we’ve created a disadvantage for leasing a building. Actually an advantage and we’ve had very good interest in the building and a good variety of tenants that want to come in, even with the idea of the parking behind and so we thought in terms of materials, the looks, the quality, that this sort of sets that good precedent for the corner that as other corners follow suit and really start to fill in what I sort of call the original vision of Chanhassen. Sort of creating this downtown. This being one piece of it so we’re sort of excited to put this project together and we’ve had a great time working with staff so really appreciate your allowing us the opportunity to work here and put this project together. Aller: Alright, thank you. Questions? Withrow: Yeah I have a question. Is there an entrance on the south side of the building as well or is it all on the north side? Dean Dovolis: There can be entrances on both sides. It will vary by tenants. You know like the one in Edina have entrances on both ends. For example this is designed to have entrances on the south and the north depending how the tenants situate so it’s designed to work, basically two sided retail. Meaning it can work both front and back. This is a building in which there is no back side. All facades are considered basically a front to the building. Some being a front via, if you come via pedestrian some being a front if you come via automobile. Withrow: And how many tenants do you anticipate? Dean Dovolis: I’m guessing we’re going to end up with 3 to 5 is what we’re looking at. Between 2,000 and 3,000 square feet apiece. Withrow: Thank you. Aller: Any additional questions or comments? Thank you sir. Dean Dovolis: Thank you. Aller: Okay we’ll open up the public hearing at this time. Anyone wishing to speak for or against the matter before us. Seeing no one come forward I’ll close the public hearing. Comments amongst ourselves. Aller: It’s a beautiful project. Hokkanen: It’s going to be nice. Withrow: I’m surprised we don’t have the people across the street in the other gas station here in favor. It’s got to be a good point for them. 20 Chanhassen Planning Commission – November 5, 2013 Aller: Well the absence of opposition is probably construed as favorable. I’ll entertain a motion. Yusuf: The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve a site plan for the construction of a 10,443 square foot single level retail center on 1.13 acres of property zoned Highway and Business Services District and located at 7905 Great Plains Boulevard. The BP gas station site. And adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Aller: Including item number 7. Yusuf: Including item number 7. Aller: I have a motion. Do I have a second? Undestad: Second. Aller: I have a motion and a second. Any further discussion? Yusuf moved, Undestad seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve a Site Plan for the construction of a 10,443 square foot single level retail center on 1.13 acres of property zoned Highway and Business Services District (BH) located at 7905 Great Plains Boulevard (BP gas station site) as shown in plans dated Received October 4, 2013; and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendations, subject to the following conditions: Environmental Resource Conditions: 1.The applicant shall install a total of two peninsulas in the parking lot. 2.The south side of the parking lot along Highway 5 must be screened. The applicant shall add shrubs with a minimum mature height of three feet along the south parking lot perimeter. 3.The applicant shall install the required bufferyard plantings along the south property line. 4.The applicant shall install two evergreens on the eastern corner of the property. 5.The applicant shall remove the existing ash tree along Great Plains Boulevard and replace it with an overstory tree species from the Approved Tree List. Building Official Conditions: 1.The proposed structure is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system (MN Rule 1306). 2.All plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. A geotechnical (soil evaluation) report required. 3.Detailed building code-related requirements have not been reviewed; this will take place when complete structural/architectural plans are submitted. 21 Chanhassen Planning Commission – November 5, 2013 4.Demolition permit required (contact MPCA regarding underground, fuel storage tanks removal requirements). 5.The owner and/or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. Fire Marshal Conditions: 1.An additional on-site fire hydrant will be required. Location to be on the north/west corner of the building. If necessary contact Fire Marshal for exact location. 2.Yellow painted curbing will be required. Areas include but not limited to are the curbing north of the building. Contact Fire Marshal for exact location. Also “ No Parking Fire Lane” signs will be required where yellow cubing is present. 3.A three-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrant. Engineering Conditions: 1.The sidewalk must be minimum five feet from the edge Great Plains Boulevard and the right turn lane. 2.A sidewalk easement is required over any portion of the sidewalk that does not lie within public right-of-way. 3.The sidewalk easement shall extend five feet beyond the edge of the sidewalk. 4.The developer must obtain a MnDOT permit for the portions of the sidewalks that will be within MnDOT right-of-way. 5.Prior to construction of the trash enclosure an encroachment agreement must be recorded to allow for the portion of the trash enclosure that will lie within the sanitary sewer easement. 6.A $7,600 security must be submitted to ensure that Great Plains Boulevard is properly restored after the utility work. This escrow will be released if the street patch is in good condition after one freeze-thaw cycle has passed. 7.The sanitary sewer line must be televised before and after construction to ensure that the grading equipment does not damage the sanitary sewer. 8.Before the city signs the site plan agreement a $7,500 security must be submitted in case of damage to the existing sanitary sewer. 9.The existing sanitary sewer manhole in the northeast corner must be reconstructed due to the proposed grade changes in the area. 10.City water and sanitary sewer hook-up fees and the Met Council SAC fee will be due with the building permit and will be based on additional SAC units, if any. 11.Before site grading can commence the grading plan must be revised as follows: 22 Chanhassen Planning Commission – November 5, 2013 a.Label the existing contours. b.Label the Emergency Overflow (EOF) elevation. c.Ensure that the lowest opening of the building is minimum one foot above the EOF elevation. d.Ensure that all proposed contours tie into existing (for example, the proposed 954 contour south of the EOF does not tie in). a.Revise the grading on the northeast corner of the site so that the proposed grades do not exceed 3H:1V. 12.Storm water runoff rates must not increase under the 2-year, 10-year and 100-year return interval storms at any point where water leaves the site. 13.A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment must be performed on this site and made available to the city to determine the likelihood of encountering contaminated soils at the proposed biofiltration location. 14.The hydraulic calculations for the storm sewer shall be provided and approved prior to the city signing the site plan agreement. 15.The SWPPP must include all required elements under the NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit. 16.Rock construction entrance shall be measured from the bituminous saw cut. 17.The biofiltration area shall not be constructed until after the site is substantially completed. At a minimum, the base course shall be installed prior to construction of the biofiltration area. 18.The biofiltration area shall be protected from construction-related activities throughout site development. The SWPPP and Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Plan must indicate how this will be accomplished. 19.Before the City signs the site plan agreement a $5,000 security must be submitted to insure compliance with the erosion prevention and sediment control plan. This will be released once a minimum of 75% of the site has been permanently stabilized and the sediment control BMPs have been removed. 20.The owner shall be responsible for the operations and maintenance of the rain garden facility. The applicant shall develop an operations and maintenance manual and provide a copy to the city prior to the City signing the site plan agreement. 21.The owner shall prepare and submit an annual report indicating that the biofiltration is functioning properly or, in the event it is not, what steps area planned to restore the functionality of the biofiltration feature. Planning Conditions: 23 Chanhassen Planning Commission – November 5, 2013 1.The applicant shall work with staff to improve the screening of the parking lot through the use of berming and landscaping. Parking setbacks will be adjusted based on the screening plan. 2.All rooftop and ground equipment must be screened from views. 3.Sign illumination and design shall comply with ordinance. Signs shall be limited to the north and south elevations. 4.The exterior material for the trash enclosure must be of the same exterior material as the building. Recycling space and other solid waste collection space should be contained within the same enclosure. 5.A photometrics plan shall be prepared for the site. Light levels for site lighting shall be no more than one-half foot candle at the project perimeter property line. This does not apply to street lighting. All fixtures must be shielded. 6.The proposed development has a total hard coverage area of 67.2%. The applicant shall revise the plan to meet hard surface coverage ordinance requirements not to exceed 65%. 7.Snow storage shall not create a hazard to the safe, efficient movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.” All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. Aller: Good luck. Thank you. This matter will be before the City Council on November 25, 2013 so those of you at home who are wishing to take a look at the incoming documents, they’re on the website or come down and be present at the City Council meeting that will be on November 25, 2013. Aanenson: Mr. Chair if I may. I just want to thank Sharmeen for all the good work that she does. This is an example of her putting in extra time and effort into it and she got some comments from the Kraus- Anderson project I just want to share with you. Some of the neighbors that were concerned about it called her and told her that they were so impressed at how that was designed. We actually had another architect call in and said they’d never seen a McDonald’s quite place like that and that’s Sharmeen thinking outside the box and pushing it. You know there’s some other signage issues out there right now that she’s working on but I think the overall design, the effort that she puts into it comes back and we got some really positive feedback for the work that was done so I just want to thank Sharmeen for all the work that she does. Aller: As do we and for the great reports that we get because they reduce the need for questions from us and it develops a greater understanding with the commission and obviously there is a good rapport you’ve created with the different developers that come in. They’re espousing how nice it is to work with you so thank you. Sharmeen Al-Jaff: Thank you. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Hokkanen noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated October 15, 2013 as presented. 24