1. Surface Water Management Plan UpdateCity of Chanhassen
Local Stormwater Management Plan Update
Planning Commission
November 19, 2013
Background Chanhassen has begun updating our Surface Water Management Pan. As we
update this plan we will be coming to this body to discuss necessary changes to
our local controls. These changes will predominately apply to stormwater
management. Changes may also be required for erosion control and wetland
protection. Attached you will find a table comparing the regulatory
requirements of each agency with jurisdiction in Chanhassen. This table will be
updated prior to the November 19, 2013 meeting.
Plan Contents Contains three major sections: an inventory, goals and policies, and an
Implementation Plan.
1) Inventory
• Inventory of physical environment and water resources
• Updated stormwater modeling
• Condition assessment: water quality, stream conditions, pond inventory,
wetland data
• Information from other studies or reports
• TMDLs, Use Attainability Analyses
• Watershed District requirements
• NPDES - stormwater permit requirements
• Wetland inventory
• Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan
• Wellhead protection plan
• Other agency requirements
2) Goals and Policies
• Holistic water management — stormwater, lakes and streams, wetlands,
3) Implementation Plan
• Programs, including education and outreach program
• Capital projects
• Maintenance actions
• Ordinance revisions
• Assessment of adequacy of funding
City of Chanhassen Local Water Management Plan Update "= 44Wenck
November 19, 2013 Engineers • Scientists
Business Professionals
6IZ5 .
Development and Redevelopment Project Review /Permit Requirements of Various Agencies
NPDES MS4 Permit
NPDES Construction Permit
Carver County WMO
Riley- Purgatory —Bluff Cr WD
Lower Minnesota River WD
Minnehaha Creek WD
Plan: January 26, 2011
Plan: December 14, 2011
Plan: July 5, 2007
Rules: In development
Rules: Cities
Rules: May 2011
Threshold: single family
Disturb >1 acre of land, or
Disturb >1 acre of land, or
a. Land - disturbing activities
Disturb >1 acre of land
21 acre where more than 20%
residential new development
part of common development
part of common development
that will disturb 50 cubic yards
of site is or will be impervious
>1 acre
>1 acre
or more of earth;
b. Land - disturbing activities
that will disturb 5,000 square
feet or more of surface area
or vegetation; or
c. Subdivision of a parcel into
three or more residential lots.
Threshold: non - residential
Disturb >1 acre of land, or
Disturb >1 acre of land, or
a. Land - disturbing activities
Disturb >1 acre of land
21 acre where more than 20%
new development
part of common development
part of common development
that will disturb 50 cubic yards
of site is or will be impervious
>1 acre
>1 acre
or more of earth;
b. Land - disturbing activities
that will disturb 5,000 square
feet or more of surface area
or vegetation; or
Threshold: single family
Disturb >1 acre of land, or
Disturb >1 acre of land, or
Same as above, except where
Disturb >1 acre of land
151 acre; requirements vary by
residential redevelopment
part of common development
part of common development
redevelopment of more than
size, change in
>1 acre
>1 acre
50% of site or that increases
imperviousness, and %
impervious by more than 50 %,
applies to entire site; less than
50% of site, applies only to
disturbed area /new
Threshold: non - residential
Disturb >1 acre of land, or
Disturb >1 acre of land, or
Same as above, except where
Disturb >S acre of land
:51 acre; requirements vary by
part of common development
part of common development
redevelopment of more than
size, change in
>1 acre
>1 acre
50% of site or that increases
imperviousness, and %
impervious by more than 50 %,
applies to entire site; less than
50% of site, applies only to
disturbed area /new
Threshold: grading and erosion
Disturb >1 acre of land, or
Disturb >1 acre of land, or
a. Land - disturbing activities
As required by the General
All land disturbing activity
part of common development
part of common development
that will disturb 50 cubic yards
Permit for Construction
except agriculture and
>1 acre
>1 acre
or more of earth,
disturbances of less than
b. Land- disturbing activities
5,000 sq ft moving less than
that will disturb 5,000 square
50 cu yd
feet or more of surface area
or vegetation
Water quality: new
No net increase in TP or TSS
Wet pond with 1,800 cu ft
Provide for at least 75%
Treatment as required by the
No net increase in TP, except
annual load
dead storage per contributing
removal of TP and 90%
General Permit for
where land use was row
acre and live storage of 1" of
removal of TSS from all runoff
Construction; NURP pond
crop /feedlot, must be
runoff from new impervious
from impervious surface
designs apply
modeled as if meadow
Development and Redevelopment Project Review /Permit Requirements of Various Agencies
NPDES MS4 Permit
NPDES Construction Permit
Carver County WMO
Riley- Purgatory —Bluff Cr WD
Lower Minnesota River WD
Minnehaha Creek WD
Plan: January 26, 2011
Plan: December 14, 2011
Plan: July 5, 2007
Rules: in development
Rules: Cities
Rules: May 2011
Water quality: redevelopment
Decrease in TP and TSS annual
Wet pond with 1,800 cu ft
Provide for at least 75%
Treatment as required by the
Varies based on size and
dead storage per contributing
removal of TP and 90%
General Permit for
whether impervious is
acre and live storage of 1" of
removal of TSS from all runoff
Construction; NURP pond
increased or decreased
runoff from new impervious
from impervious surface
designs apply
Rate control
No specific requirement
No more than 5.66 cfs per
No increase over 2-, 10 -, and
No increase over 1 -or 2-, 10-,
No increase over 1 -, 10-, and
acre pond surface area
100 -year rates
or 100 -year rates
100 -year rates, except where
land use was row
crop /feedlot, must be
modeled as if meadow
Infiltration: new development
No net increase in annual
If more than 1 acre of new
1.1" abstraction from all
0.5" runoff from new
1" from impervious surface.
runoff volume
impervious, infiltrate /abstract
impervious surface
impervious surface
Where 1" infeasible, must do
1" from new impervious
at least 0.5" plus additional TP
Infiltration: redevelopment
Decrease in annual runoff
If more than 1 acre of new
1.1" abstraction from all
0.5" runoff from new
1" from impervious surface.
impervious, infiltrate /abstract
impervious surface
impervious surface
Where 1" infeasible, must do
1" from new impervious
at least 0.5" plus additional TP
Wetland buffer
No specific requirement
100 feet from a special water
20 to 100 feet from wetlands,
a. <2 acres, 25' minimum;
16 to 75 feet, depending on
depending on mgmt. class; 50
b..2 acres, 25' minimum,
wetland mgmt class
feet from a water basin; 50
average 50'
feet from the greater of the
centerline of watercourse or
edge of meander belt; 30 feet
from a first -order stream
Linear projects
Disturb >1 acre of land; may
Disturb >1 acre of land
If project creates more than
No specific requirement
Projects creating >10,000 sq ft
be excepted from some or all
5,000 square feet of new or
new impervious surface
infiltration requirement if lack
additional impervious surface.
sufficient right of way
Applies only to all new and
reconstructed impervious
Bluff requirements
No specific requirement
No specific requirement
No removal of vegetation in
No specific requirement
the Bluff Impact Zone and
Bluff Face; new structure
setback 30 ft top of bluff, SSTS
setback 50 ft
TP -40 or Atlas 14
TP -40
No specific requirement
No specific requirement
Atlas 14
Will adopt Atlas 14 as part of
current rule revision