3 Greenwood Shores AccessReportCITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Park & Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director November 12, 1997 Review Recommendation Concerning the Greenwood Shores Park Accessibility Report On November 10, 199'7, the city council received the Park & Recreation Commission's recommendation on the above mentioned issue. This recommendation was forwarded by the commission on September 23, 1997. The commission received public comment on your position at a public hearing held on October 28. This public review process was initiated by the commission upon receiving a citizen complaint over a perceived lack of public access to Greenwood Shores Park. The commission's motion of September 23 was clarified by staff prior to inclusion in your summary milmtes. The motion presented at your October 28 meeting reads: "Commissioner Meger moved, Commissioner Berg seconded to recommend the ciO~ council remove all of the no parking signs currently installed on Utica Lane with the exception of those required at the curve near the entrance of the park for sa/kO, reasons. Furthermore, that the access area around the gate be widened and surfaced with asphalt. All voted in~/bvor and the motion carried." In reviewing audio tapes of the September 23 meeting, the commission's original motion reads: "Commissioner Meger moved to ask the engineering departtnent to look at the area and determine which signs would make the most sense to take down as far as no parking and also look at widening the entrance to the park. Motion seconded by Berg. All voted in favor and the motion carried." Park & Recreation Commission November 12, 1997 Page 2 Acting on this motion, I conducted a site visit with Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer. The purpose of our visit was to identify the areas of Utica Lane which should remain signed "no parking" for safety reasons. The areas identified in my report to the city council indicate, in Mr. Hempel's opinion, the areas where parking can and cannot be safely accommodated. It is Dave's opinion that signing additional areas "no parking" would be an arbitrary decision. Traffic levels, street width, site lines, pedestrian movement and past experiences were all considered prior to arriving at this recommendation. It is clear that the final outcome of the commission's actions does not have the approval of some members of the Greenwood Shores neighborhood. Recognizing this, the city council chose to table action on this item to allow the commission the opportunity to review their decision at your November 25, 1997 meeting. Please be reminded that actions of the commission as a public body may only be discussed and reviewed at a public meeting. 1 look forward to the resolution of this issue. ATTACHMENTS 1. City Council Report dated November 10, 1997 2. City Council Minutes dated November 10, 1997 g:\park\th',grnwdshorespk I 1-25prc.doc 7 C ITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 November 12, 1997 Dear Resident: On November 10, 1997, the Chanhassen City Council received a recommendation regarding accessibility to Greenwood Shores Park as forwarded by the Park & Recreation Commission. Residents of the Greenwood Shores neighborhood voiced concern over this recormnendation and asked the city council to reconsider the motion. In lieu of sorting {)ut the issues presented by the neighbors that evening, the city council elected to table the item. They asked that the item be reviewed again by the Park & Recreation Commission on November 25. The item as presented to the city council on November 10 and the resulting minutes are attached. My report to the commission for their November 25th meeting and the corresponding agenda are also attached. Upon conclusion of their meeting of November 25th, the Park & Recreation Commission may elect to forward a motion to the city council. In the event this action is taken, the city council will consider the item at their December 8th meeting. If you would like to discuss this matter in further detail, please feel free to contact me at 937-1900 ext. 121. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Director TH:k/. / ,g: park 111',grn wdshorcspk.doc VERBATIM EXCERPT OF CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 10, 1997 RECEIVE RECOMMENDATION OF PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION CONCERNING GREENWOOD SHORES ACCESSIBILITY REPORT. Public Present: Name Address Gwen Hennessey 6800 Utica Circle Alice Fowler 7050 Utica Lane Joanne & Bill Lambrecht 6990 Utica Lane Steve Cuodziwki Ann Archer Butcher 7090 Utica Lane Judy Christensen 7100 Utica Lane Dick Lynch 7120 Utica Lane Stephen Schmitz 7101 Shawnee Lane Jason & Jan Adair 7061 Shawnee Lane J. W. P, 7090 Tecumseh Lane Gerry Maher 7101 Utica Lane Rocky Waldin 7100 Utica Lane Barbara Klick 7116 Utica Lane Greg Blaufuss 7116 Utica Lane Todd Hoffman: Acting Mayor Mason, members of the City Council. And members of the neighborhood. Welcome and thank you. During the week of August 5, 1997, this past summer, Ms. Rachel Manteuffel contacted my office concerning the complaint she had about the lack which she perceived of as a lack of reasonable access to Greenwood Shores neighborhood park. I informed her that she should write a letter to the Park and Recreation Commission. Submit that letter and then the Park and Recreation Commission would talk about that report. She did that. The Park and Recreation Commission felt it appropriate to order an accessibility study by an independent group. RSP Architects was consulted to do that study. Ms. Julee Quarve-Peterson, an accessibility expert, who in fact did the 1991 city wide accessibility report for the community, prepared that report. It talked in depth about a lot of issues, not just parking at Greenwood Shores neighborhood park. And really to focus on the issue, what their recommendation regarding parking was, was to build an internal parking area within Greenwood Shores neighborhood park. An issue which was discussed at length back in the late 80's as well and was not approved by the City Council at that time. So in lieu of developing this internal parking lot, the commission thought it was appropriate that at least a portion of the no parking signs along Utica Lane come down with the exception of those that were required for safety purposes around the curb as you enter that area of Utica Lane. So they made a motion which again is a summary motion which was included in your report. That Commissioner Meger moved, Commissioner Berg seconded to recommend the City Council remove all of the no parking signs currently installed on Utica Lane with the exception of those required at the curve near the entrance of the park for safety reasons. Furthermore, that the access area around the gate be widened and surfaced with asphalt for the purpose of allowing easier access by those who are handicapped. It also makes it easier to get through there with a bike and the bike carriers. All commissioners voted in favor of that motion and it carried unanimously. There has been some confusion over whether or not staff acted in accordance with that motion of that evening. Since those are, those are not verbatim Minutes but are summary Minutes, to date Karen Engelhardt, our Office Manager went back to the tapes which are recorded from those meetings and took the verbatim Minutes from that motion. I, in turn then take notes and clarify the motion for the summary Minutes. But for the record the verbatim motion was that Commissioner Meger moved to ask the Engineering Department to look at the area and determine which signs would make the most sense to take down as far as no parking. And also look at widening the entrance to the park. Seconded that and all voted in favor of the motion and the motion carried. In a staff work session we discussed taking this recommendation to the City Council. At that meeting Mayor Mancino asked that it go back for a public hearing, or chance to comment by the neighbors before the Park and Recreation Commission. On Tuesday, October 28th the Park and Recreation Commission held that public hearing. Four residents spoke. There were more residents there that evening. And talked about their concerns with the commission. The area of greatest concern was knowing exactly what portion of the no parking zone would be retained around the curve and in front of the park. A map depicting that area, as determined by Dave Hempel, our Assistant City Engineer, is attached and I have an overhead which I want to put up for you as well. And what the area is defined as, to give you a little real world perspective here... This is the section of Greenwood Shores which we're discussing this evening. Utica Lane as it enters. Down where it curves with the entrance. And again in Dave's opinion, we talked about, during our site visit, taking this black line, not only on the inside of the curve for no parking, but on the outside curve as well. Essentially covering these two home lots which are adjacent to the park. It was Dave's opinion that if we are indeed attempting to accommodate parking in safe areas, that these portions of the outside curve and again in his opinion were indeed safe for parking and provide some convenient parking to the site. And did not arbitrarily push that parking up farther along each side of Utica Lane. So again the commission, during their conversations talked about the fact that the signs may be taken down in this area and down in this area. And that they thought that the no parking areas would remain on both sides of Utica Lane within that curve, but in their motion they felt that recommendation to the expertise of the engineering department. Councilman Berquist: Where are the current no parking areas? Todd Hoffman: The current no parking areas, it will be easier to show on here. Extend to the north really at the edge of the photo and they extend to the east where you can actually see the signs here. They extend to the east to this point. And down Tecumseh a short ways. The closest, in the current configuration, the closest parking is approximately 600 feet. With that the Park and Recreation Commission made their original recommendation on September 23rd. Again, they did not confirm or change that recommendation at their October meeting so in lieu of other direction from the Council, it would be staff's recommendation that you follow the recommendation of the Park and Recreation Commission made on September 23rd of this year. Acting Mayor Mason: Any questions for staff at this point? Councilman Berquist: The widening of the entrance. The letter from the individual that was lamenting the inaccessibility, was there something in there that said that the entrance wasn't wide enough? Todd Hoffman: So there's no confusion. There's an entry gate and then on the right side of the gate is a little gravel path that goes around that would not easily accommodate a handicap person. That's all we're talking about widening is that little gravel path. It would take moving a boulder out. Cutting down a berm a little bit and then asphalting that area. That was the extent of that. Councilman Berquist: When the thing was built, what was the reason to making, for making it as narrow as it was? Todd Hoffman: Really accessibility at that time was not considered a prime objective. The prime objective at the time the entrance was gated was to prohibit vehicles from going down. The path came as a natural aside from people just having to, both pedestrian and bike travel, having to enter by some fashion, just went around the gate. Acting Mayor Mason: Any other questions for staff at this point? I'm sure there are a number of people that would like to comment on this. We'll certainly get to that. I do see, I'm going put someone on the spot here. I do see a Park Commissioner present. Would you care to comment? Jane Meger: Sure. Acting Mayor Mason: Thanks. And this was not pre-planned. Jane Meger: Jane Meger, Park and Rec Commission. As Todd stated, a lot of our discussion originally was around making the best decision to make it accessible for disabled individuals. We talked a lot about, did it make sense to put some parking down the path at the bottom near the park. And based on the size of the park, we thought that that was not probably the best idea for this park. And as Todd said, when we made our motion we were thinking of no parking signs being removed and I'll be quite honest, I thought that they would go out further around the curve. That the no parking signs would stay out further so I guess I can't speak for all of the commissioners but I would ask maybe to think a little bit further that if we do remove some of the no parking signs as indicated this evening, closer to the entrance of the park, that perhaps we may be consider signing some of that area as disabled parking and leaving up some of the no parking further back. I guess that would be my additional recommendation to what was originally. Acting Mayor Mason: Okay, thanks. Jane Meger: Any questions or? Acting Mayor Mason: Thanks Jane. I do, for the record, there is a letter here from Jan Lash, who is the Park and Rec Chair person who has stated some of the concerns that Mr. Hoffman has already alluded to about, I'm sensing what happened here is engineering has one view of things and Park and Rec has another view of things and perhaps Park and Rec erred in not asking engineering to bring it back to them first. Right now I guess that's neither here nor there. In her letter it is stated that she would like to see the item revisited by Park and Rec Commission or City Council should consider their new position, which I believe is similar to Commissioner Meger's comments. With all of that, I will tell you this, this isn't a public hearing but with this many people here I think if you have some comments you'd like to share, if you could keep their fairly concise, that would be appreciated but I think now would be a good time tbr that. If someone would like to step tbrward. Dick Lynch: Good evening. My name is Dick Lynch and I live at 7120 Utica Lane and I'm speaking in consideration of the time things here, for most of the residents that live adjacent to the park and our concerns and our issues that come into play here. I've got some handouts for you to look at...panoramic photos if you will of the area in question. I think the operative word here is neighborhood park and it's a real concern. On a warm summer day or any type of days during the summer you can find as many as 50 people either bicycling or walking. You see mothers pushing children in strollers. Children in wagons. On their way down to the park. Bicyclists. It's a pedestrian type of situation and it just seems ludicrous to tighten up the street and park all kinds of cars in there or to try to make the park something that it isn't. It's just, the pictures are pretty much self explanatory. The blind curve, the sight lines on Utica Lane are. leave a lot to be desired as far as traffic and pedestrians moving through that area. Cars parked on the side of Utica Lane will cause congestion and obstruction for bike and foot traffic and access to the park that the neighborhood has again depicted in the photos. Also you have a situation with children running out of their yards, through the parked cars and not visible to the traffic and the narrowing down if you will of the street. We feel that an alternative, the recommendation that was put l%rth in the letter to the Mayor and Council members dated November 9th from Jan Lash on behalf of Commissioners Howe, Berg, Meger and Roeser, it seems to be sate and a reasonable recommendations being proposed to put that parking on the east side of Utica Lane as it goes north. There are no homes. There are no situations where you would have children running out onto the street. And to the best of my knowledge very little use of people coming to the park as you'd have from Tecumseh or the other streets up there where people come down to the park. If you should decide to consider this matter this evening, we ask that you consider the following. Allowing on street parking to be located directly north of Greenwood Shores park entrance on the east side of the street only. Where the street straightens out and does not obstruct bike and foot traffic. On the east side of the section of Utica Lane there is no houses or driveways, hence safety concerns are minimized. If anyone else from the neighborhood has something they'd like to add or bring forward, fine. ! think this is kind ora summary of a meeting that we held on the subject. Councilman Berquist: I've got a quick question Mr. Lynch. These panoramas that we're looking at. ! mean if this is a no parking sign, I'm assuming that this is a no parking sign. And posted down here is a no parking sign. Dick Lynch: Yes. Councilman Berquist: What's going on that everybody's parking? Dick Lynch: We did that to illustrate. Councilman Berquist: Illustrate the closeness that, the restrictiveness. Dick Lynch: ...what happens... Councilman Berquist: I thought we had a lawless neighborhood. Councilman Senn: They were having a block party, come on. Acting Mayor Mason: Did you have a permit for that? Councilman Engel: I tell you, where was Barney Fife when we needed him. Acting Mayor Mason: Thanks Dick. Alice Fowler: I've just got a, Alice Fowler, 7050 Utica. A couple of things. One is, on the map that you have of the street doesn't really, it doesn't show that Utica Lane does make the curve but it also curves back so that it's not, as you come down along the park, the road curves and then it also continues to curve back to the east somewhat. It doesn't straighten immediately at the bottom of the hill, so that as you're coming down around that curve, you can't see further down Utica until you get really quite a ways onto Utica along the lakeshore. And the other thing is that, if you can note the size of the park itself is small. I mean we're talking about a very small park. And so the amount of traffic that would be really appropriate for the park, we're not, I don't think it needs to be a large amount of parking that we're providing for because the park itself is not very big. There's like one picnic table. There's a little bit ora swimming beach and really the major park facilities are at the other end of the lake at Lake Ann. So I think all of those need to be part of what we consider in terms of what we're providing. The other pieces as well that the park is not easily patrolled because there is not easily accessed to, there's the park butts up to some private land. Prince's private land and apparently that is a party area for kids and...that activity on his land, which has been a problem in the past. Of kids going into the park and then going onto the private land from there. And it's not easily accessible to the police to patrol that area. So those would be things that I. Acting Mayor Mason: Thank you. Joanne Lambrecht: Joanne Lambrecht, 6990 Utica Lane. One thing that we mentioned at the homeowners meeting that wasn't mentioned here is if you take the no parking signs down, we would like it to be parking for daytime only. Because we have no much vandalism because of the draw of the beer parties that are all summer long in that little park. We've had 5 separate incidents in the last 3 years of damage to our property by the kids going by there because of the huge draw at that park. So we'd like the parking to be daytime only. Acting Mayor Mason: Thank you. Bill Lambrecht: Bill Lambrecht, 6990 Utica Lane. I concur with Alice Fowler and her concerns about the parking. There is now, there is parking allowed on the west side of Utica Lane from the fourth house down which that's my property~ So they can park in front of my property all the way down to the curve on the north end of Utica. And there's presently no parking allowed on the east side and I'm just up here saying that if you allow parking on the east side of Utica Lane, which there aren't any houses, then would you then therefore close parking on the west side of Utica Lane, which there are houses and any child or person would, if they're coming through cars, there may be some visibility problems so again, if you open parking on the east side, would you close the parking that's presently now on the west side so that's a concern and consideration. Acting Mayor Mason: Good, thanks. Dick Lynch: I think that the letter addressed from the Park Commission stated the east side and that the no parking would remain on the west side. Barb Klick: Good evening. Barb Klick and I reside at 7116 Utica Lane. l've been there 10 V2 years. I think the issue is really public safety tonight. It really is quite an inconvenience for me to have all the no parking signs. I mean I think people always think oh, we love that. Whenever you have a family event, I'm having a baby shower this Saturday for 20 ladies. We usually have the New Year Eve's party. Everyone has to park far away from us and I'm willing to go through that inconvenience for the public safety. I have young children. You can see one here tonight, and on those pictures I hope you can see on the curves, on one end of the curve where I have a mailbox with my neighbor, that was taken out a few years ago. And this summer, on the other side of the curve there used to be a pine tree down on two houses next to the park, and it's not just the neighborhood but it's the young kids who drive in the neighborhood. And it was a car versus tree and they ended up back boarding that young man and took him away on a back board and his friends and they lose the tree and so the concern really is tbr the children. You can see the cars parking down there. They come down with everything, and after 10 ½ years I never ceased to be amazed. They come down with the Fun Islands. They come down with the fishing poles and the tackle box and a stringer. They do all that. We have no sidewalks there so they come right out onto the street. It's been great that you're putting more and more lights at the great Lake Ann Park at the other end but there is that asphalt path that connects there and so more and more kids are playing soccer. It's all the rage in Chanhassen now. They come back through that park at the end of the night, even in the fall now, and come and dump right back out onto that street. There's no sidewalk and no lights so there really needs to be no parking on both sides of that curve. And that's all I have, thank you. Acting Mayor Mason: Thank you. Well I, oh, oh. I'm sorry. Judy Christensen: ...I'm Judy Christensen at 7100 Utica Lane and I live, it's Barb's house, the park and my house. Tonight I have 17 signed statements from the neighbors and what we've done is we've tried to kind of do a summary of what we have presented thus far on paper and you'll find that there are 30 individual signatures of which 16 were present in the audience tonight of those 30. What's interesting is of these 17 signed statements, it's a neighborhood comprised of 84 homes and this represents 20% of them. There were some people that had some additional comments. I'll just give you these now so you can have a chance to start to look at these. ! don't know that you're going to, this is basically again just a recap of what we've already provided you. And on here there are four families that had desired daytime parking, where it would be in that section of area if they were going to remove no parking signs. That they would be replaced with daytime parking signs and I think that the parameters were 8:00 a.m. till 8:00 p.m. Of those three families again on those signed statements, there were three families that desired that the no parking signs remain as, exactly as they are. However, at the top of the no parking where they had suggested removing some, there's two bus stops at Utica and Tecumseh intersection as well as Utica and Shawnee Lane. And there were three families hoping that those no parking signs would remain there so that children as they access the bus to and from school, that they would be able to not have parking there and obstruct any kind o£ or cause any kind of...for the children getting on and off the bus. There's one family that also wanted to increase the area of no parking signs by an additional 30 feet that's been proposed in Jan Lash's letter that she put together this weekend on the 9th of November. And one family that wants to omit a second alternative. Now I realize that you have this all on audio tape so that will help you if you need all those specific details but I tried to summarize them as the papers get distributed so that that would facilitate your... Acting Mayor Mason: Thank you very much. Is there anyone else? Well, I'll just say this and then I'll mm it over to the rest of Council. With Chairperson Lash's letter wishing it to go back to Park and Rec, I personally think under the circumstances that's a good idea. That's where I'm headed with this but I'd like to hear what other people have to say to(). Councilman Berquist: I'm curious. The individual that wrote us twice. Councilman Engel: Rachel Manteuffel. Councilman Berquist: The individual that wrote us twice, does she, are there residents of the area? Todd Hoffman: Yes. Councilman Berquist: That neighborhood. Todd Hoffman: No, downtown Chanhassen. Councilman Engel: Where does she live? That's what I wondered somewhat the same thing. Todd Hoffman: Downtown Chanhassen. Councihnan Berquist: Thank you. I'm always amazed. You can go along for 100 years and someone sees, someone perceives an inequity and they raise a little cane and look what happens. The inclination that I have is to do exactly what Mike said but having said that, I don't want to do anything. Councilman Engel: I'm with you. I want to know how many parks possibly Ms. Manteuffel drives by on the way to this one...she does, and I know there's two directly in the area. Acting Mayor Mason: That's not the issue here. Councilman Engel: But I'm just saying. And it may not be the issue here but I think the point I want to make is, there are parks in Chanhassen and that one is a particular burden. Use another one. There's a lot of them. Acting Mayor Mason: Oh, be very careful Councilman Engek Be very careful. Councilman Engel: ...problem when I think in common sense terms and I sit in a seat like this but. Acting Mayor Mason: Well, be very careful. Councihnan Engel: I'd just as soon do nothing. Mr. Berquist, I'll cut myself off there. I'd just as soon do nothing. Now that I've gotten myself in trouble. Councihnan Senn: I don't know. From my perspective I guess, I guess I don't share the notion of sending it back because all it means is we're going to have it back two weeks f?om now again. I think we ought to just make a decision and go forward. I ~nean there's three sides you have to weigh here. I mean one side is, it's a city park and most of our city parks have some parking or accessibility to them. There's an issue, which we need to deal with nowadays and have spent a great deal of money in dealing with it in many areas relating to the ADA legislation. Whether we are in total agreement it or not is immaterial. I mean it's law. It's what we have to deal with. And thirdly, and by no means least important is the concerns of the neighborhood in relationship to you know what has been and also you know the safety concerns, etc. It seems to me that, you know if you don't deal with all those issues, this issue isn't going to go away. I mean if you take one element of it and try to deal with it, I somehow feel that some other element of it's going to be back. It seems to me that it's reasonable to suggest that that parking be allowed on the east side as is being suggested on the north leg, but not on the west side, even extending down further than it is now to balance out where you would allow it on the east side. It would seem to me that it would be reasonable to maybe furnish one handicap stall posted as such close to the park entrance. And it also seems very reasonable to me to maybe put up some additional park signage relating to both governments and hours of park use, that sort of thing if in fact it is a neighborhood park. I mean if it's a neighborhood park, it should fall under our guidelines for noise and I mean all that other stuff which means there really shouldn't be a lot of use there beyond 10 and other things like that so I mean it seems to me that those are rules that should be posted and instituted along with that. But at the same time would provide a somewhat of a solution to each one of the elements that we really need to do, and it sounds to me like that's something the neighborhood, you know isn't. I'm going to say it's probably not the best of all worlds but it's. Acting Mayor Mason: All the more, with all you've stated Councilman Senn, it seems all the more reason to send it back for Park and Rec and get their specific comments on that. I mean I hear what you're saying about dealing with it tonight. When I see five different commissioners expressing a concern about an action, I'm loathe to take any action on it tonight. Councilman Berquist: I don't want to see it back either but. Councilman Senn: Well, they're a recommending body to us. I mean it's that simple. We have most of their recommendations and/or comments at this point. I don't know what's going to change. Councilman Berquist: I don't want to see it back but they have expressed, they have expressed a desire to have it back. I think, have you not? So. Councilman Senn: I don't think that's true Steve. Acting Mayor Mason: Well. Councilman Berquist: Isn't that true? Acting Mayor Mason: The letter. Todd Hoffman: As a body they sent the Council a recommendation. As individuals they may have spoke to you otherwise but not as a recommending body. Councilman Senn: I haven't heard from anybody. Acting Mayor Mason: This letter, written by the Chairperson says, and I quote. Now, you're right Todd. I mean with what you're saying but this letter does also state, received November 9. I have spoken with Commissioners Howe, Berg, Meger and Roeser. I was unable to reach the other commissioners over the weekend. We are all in agreement that this item needs to be revisited by Park and Rec Commission or that City Council should consider our new position based on the actual staff input. And it goes on to say some more stuff and it is signed by Jan Lash, Park and Rec Chairperson. Now, what Todd, what you're saying is absolutely right. What I personally think happened here is that engineering made a recommendation based on needs of engineering, and they did their job. They did what they were asked to do. If anything, I think Park and Rec may have overlooked the fact that they should have asked to have the recommendation go to them instead of go to Council so they could take a look at it. Now that's what I'm reading into this letter. If I'm incorrect, so be it. I would rather yes, commissioners are recommending bodies and I believe that we owe them at least that too. If they feel the need to have the second go at it, so be it. Councilman Berquist: Move to table. Acting Mayor Mason: Second. Any more discussion? Councilman Senn: Before we do, we're not under any time lines? Okay. Just wanted to make sure. Acting Mayor Mason: Motion has been made and seconded to table this until the next Council meeting, with the understanding that it will go back to Park and Rec for their recommendation. Todd Hoffman: Clarification. Just for everyone's notice. It will be the week of Thanksgiving. That Tuesday, November, somebody help me out who's got a calendar. 22nd? Councilman Engel: Last Tuesday in November. Todd Hoffinan: 25th? November 25th. Acting Mayor Mason: Okay. So it will not be on the 24th agenda then for City Council. I'm assuming it would be on the December agenda. Councihnan Senn: December 8th. Acting Mayor Mason: Is that for sure? Councihnan Senn: That's the second Monday~ Acting Mayor Mason: December sometimes you just have one meeting and it's on the 3rd. I'm just not sure of the date but. Audience: Well there would be public notice...of these meetings, right'? Acting Mayor Mason: Yes. Yes, that's correct. So the next Park and Rec meeting is November 25. So this is when this would come up with them. Assuming this motion goes through. Any more discussion? Councilman Berquist moved, Acting Mayor Mason seconded that the City Council table action on the recommendation by the Park and Recreation Commission concerning the Greenwood Shores Park accessibility report. All voted in favor and the motion carried. 0 F 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE: November 3, 1997 SUB J: Greenwood Shores Park Accessibility; Rcceive Recommendation of the Park & Recreation Commission During the week of August 5, 1997, Ms. Rachel Manteuffel contacted me to inquire about the lack of reasonable public access to Greenwood Shores Park. Ms. Manteuffel followed up her telephone inquiry ~vith a written letter dated August 20. This issue was presented to the Park & Recreation Commission on August 26 (see attached report). In response to the commission's directive, an individual facility accessibility report for Greenwood Shores Park xvas prepared by RSP Architects. On September 23, 1997, Ms. Julee Quarve-peterson of RSP Architects presented her findings to the commission. Her hill report is attached. Following her presentation and upon the conclusion of commissioner discussion that evening, the following action was taken: "Com~nissioner Meger moved, Commissioner Berg seconded to recommend the ciO; comwil remove all of the no parking signs currently installed on Utica Lane with the exception of those required at the curve near the entrance of the park for safeO' reasons. Fztrthermore, that the access area around the gate be widened and surfaced with asphalt. All voted in favor and the motion carried." The commission made this recommendation in lieu of developing a parking area within the interior of the park as recommended in the accessibility report. On Tuesday, October 28, 1997, the Park & Recreation Commission held a public hearing on this recommendation. The minutes from that discussion are attached. Four residents presented their views and discussed their concerns with the commission. The area of greatest concern is knowing exactly what portion of the no parking zone would be retained around the curve in front of the park. A map depicting this delineation is attached. Mr. Don Ashworth November 3, 1997 Page 2 During my site visit with Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer, the inside curve and an area 30 feet on either side of the park entrance were identified as necessary no parking zones. The remainder of Utica Lane in this area will safely accommodate on-street parking. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Park & Recreation Commission's motion as stated above. ATTACHMENTS 1. Letter from Ms. Manteuffel dated August 20, 1997. 2. Letter fi'om Ms. Manteuffel dated August 24, 1997. 3. Staff report to Park & Recreation Commission dated August 20, 1997. 4. Staff report to Park & Recreation Commission dated September 16, 1997, including Individual Facility Accessibility Report. 5. Letter dated October 23, 1997, distributed to area residents notifying them of the action of the Park & Recreation Commission with correction notice. 6. Response fi'om Gwen Itennessey, 6800 Utica Circle. 7. Map depicting the "no parking zone" that will remain. g:' pa rk',th' grccnwoodshorcscc.doc - ~. Z Z _< _1 ~= "S ty Z = afe one Proposed "No Parking Greenwood Shores Park City of Chanhassen, Minnesota ~[~ k~H Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. Creah,'e Solutmns for Land ['ianlung alld [)esl~n North 3rd Str~.et. Suite 100 Master PI ~ ~ SHE~r 1 o, 1 August 20, 1997 To: City of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commison From: Rachel Manteuffei Recently my family and t visited the Greenwood Shores city park. We learned that there is no parking for disab!ed individuals, Also, there is no handicapped accessible entrance into the park, nor is there appropriate access to the beach or picnic facilities. This presents a difficult situation for disabled persons. t believe that it is essential for the City of Chanhassen to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and provide accessible parking areas for handicapped individuals. In addition, the City has a responsibility to provide reasonable access to the park's picnic and beach facilities for disabled persons. Thank-you for your attention regarding this matter. Sincerely, i ' "'.':'~L.!:_ '"' ' · Rachel Manteuffel August 24th, 1997 To: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director From: Rachel Manteuffel Thank-you for sending me a copy of the accessibility Inquiry you prepared on August 20, 1997. I would like to correct a couple of items in the inquiry. During the week of August 5, my family and 1 took my grandmother to Greenwood Shores park for a family gathering and picnic. My grandmother is disabled and had difficulty with accessibility at the park, not my mother as indicated in your letter. My mother dropped the family off with our picnic supplies while the rest of the family assisted my grandmother to the picnic area. Thanks for your attention regarding this matter, Mr. Hoffman. For the record, could you please make the corrections as indicated above? Sincerely, ,, Raohel Manteuffel OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Conlmission FROM: Todd t-loffinan, Park and Recreation Director DATE: August 20. 1997 SUB J: Accessibility Inquiry, Greenwood Shores Park During the week of August 5, Rachael Manteufi'el, a Chanhassen resident, contacted me to inquire about the lack of reasonable public access to Greenwood Shores Park. Ms. Mantcuft'el explained that she enjoys visiting the park witll her mother who is uncomfortable walking the extended distance from tile park to the nearest available parking. From the entrance to the park, it is an additional 300 feet to the beach. The streets in tile area of the park are signed "No Parking" for a distance of 600 feet in all ctircctions. To access thc park, Ms. Manteuffel drops her mother and their picnic belongings off'at the park entrance prior to parking her car and re-joining her mother. This situation does not meet the intent of Federal American with Disabilities (ADA) legislation, and again raises the question ofxvhat constitutes reasonable access (for vehicles) to a public Gcility. This issue as it relates to Greenwood Shores Park was debated extensively fi'om1987 to 1989. At that time tile neighborhood successfully lobbied the City Council to reject a plan to install 4 off-street parking stalls by a 3 to 2 vote. This action was taken prior to tlae Americans with Disabilities Act. The City has tile obligation to comply with this legislation. Ms. Mantcuffel has discussed her concerns with officials of the State of Minnesota. It was their position that if the park is cun'ently out of compliance, a plan must be put in place ~o provide accessibility. Recomnlcndation I[ is recommended the Park and Recreation Commission appoint an accessibility consultant to prepare a feasibility report detailing tile necessary steps to bring Grecnv,'ood Shores Park in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Park and Recreation Commission 08/20/97 Page 2 Attachments 1. Greenwood Shores Park Inventory 2. List of Accessibility Consultants 3. History of parking plans for Greenwood Shores Park, May 1987-July 1989. C: Rachael Manteuffel, P. O. Box 174, Chanhassen Mayor and City Council Planning Commission Don Ashworth, City Manager Kate Aanenson, Planning Director Charles Folch, City Engineer Scott Ham Public Safety Director TH:ns File RA-132 g:',park'~,thSG reenxvoodShoresParkAccessibility PARK INVENTORY PARK NAME Greenwood Shores Park PARCEL I.D. NUMBER 25-3000850 ADDRESS 7110 Utica Lane ACRES AND DESCRIPTION 3.3 ACQUISITION CLASS Neighborhood FACILITIES AND FEATURES AT PRESENT Archcz3' Range Player Benches, \\rood; __ Metal Ballficld(s) 1 Portable Rcstroom(s) Basketball Court(s) Reservation Picnic Site(s) Bike Rack Sand Volleyball Court(s) Bleacher(s) x Shore Fishing Boat Access Skating Rink, Family Charcoal Grills Sliding }till Dock(s) Soccer Field(s) Fishin,, Pier Soccer Goals (sets) l tockcy Rink(s) x Swimming Beach 1 lorscsboc Pit(s) Swing Unit Open Field Tennis Court(s) Park Sign x Trails. Bituminous: __ Turf Park Benches \Varming t tousc Picnic Area(s) Wetlands Picnic Tables, Wood; ~ Metal x Wooded Ama Picnic Shelter Canoe Rack Play Area(s) 1 Park Rules Sign PARKING On-Street 0 flLStreet No. of Spaces NO.spacesltDCP x Not Present GREENWOOD SHORES PARK Facility. and Equipment Specifications: Beach: 35' x 70' Dock: 4' x 32' Material: Alnminum Notes and Observations: Type: roll in. 12' L-section Manufacturer: Shoremaster (Lake Shore Equipment) Construction of Lake Ann Park utilities resulted in extensive turf disturbance in Winter/Spring 1992. GREENWOOD SHORES PARK NO MASTER PARK PLAN K£ LUCY K£ ANN RESOURCE LIST FOR TH.E AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT AND OTHER DISABILITY RELATED ISSUES October 1995 ACCESSIBILI~'~~~ Access AsSO~iat..es~ 5ie, hle~. ....................... 612-925-5471 Access Design. D~el( .......................... 612-455-7744 Access One, Inc., Blair Fergx~son ....................... 612-462-3444 Accessible Building Consultants, Harold Kiewel ............ 612-653-7469 Accessible Environments, [nc., Paula Mariucci Harter ....... 612-867-7338 Accessibility Design, Jane Trimble ...................... 612-925-0301 Akcess Associates, Rick Cardenas ....................... 612-222-6370 Cindy Blom~cn, Accessibility Specialist ................. 612-934-1777 JQP, Inc., Julee Quarve-Peterson ........................ 612-374-3031 Sue Lasoff, U of M Disability Services ................... 6 ! 2-624-4 037 Deborah Leuchovius, Access Consultant .................. 612-698-3919 Shannon McGurran, Residential Access Specialist .......... 612-449-0150 EMPLOYMENT Access Associates, Curt Wiehle ......................... 612-925-5471 Akcess Associates, Rick Cardenas ....................... 612-222-6370 Carolyn Emerson, Consultant .......................... 612-729-7402 Lighthouse Group, Stephanie Cunnir~gham ................ 612-338-8142 Sister Kenny Vocational Services ....................... 612-332-7036 Van Wagner & Associates, Dick Van Wagner .............. 612-854-1707 GENERAL !NFQRMAT!ON Courage Center ..................................... 612-588-08I 1 612-520-0410 Metropolitan Center for Independent Living ............... 612-646-8342 Minnesota State Council on Disability .................... 612-296-6785 800-945-8913 Minnesota Multiple Sclerosis Society .................... 612-870-1500 Michael Patrick, Consultant ........................... 612-827-4110 80Q-972~9537 Goo&viii/Easter Seal of Minnesota ...................... 612-646-2591 V .TDD - Ext. 162 V TDD V/TDD V/TDD V/TDD V/TDD THIS LIST OF RESOURCES IS PROVIDED FOR YOUR [NFORMATION ONLY. APPE.a~RANCE ON THIS LIST DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ENDORSEMENT BY THE MLN2NESOTA STATE COUNCiL ON DISABILITY. ' CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM' Todd Hofflnan, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE: September l 6, 1997 SUB J: Receive Individt~al Facility Accessibility Report, (}rcel-l\\'ood Shores Park Attached please find the Greenwood Shores Park Accessibility Evaluation prepared by I,tSP Architects, Ltd. Ms. Julee Ouarve-Peterson, an Accessibility Specialist with the firm, will be present next Tuesday to review this report \viflq the commission. ATTACIIXlENT 1. Individual Facility Accessibility Report, Greenwood Shores Park. [)C: Rachael Mantcufl'cl, P. O. Box 174, Chanhassen M',Lvor and City Council Planning Commission Don Ashworth, City Mana,,er Kate Aanenson, Planning Director Charlcs Folch, City Engineer Scott Hart, Public Safety Director Individual Facility Accessibility Report Facility Name: Greenwood Shores Park Facility #: GSP Ci~' of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen MN 55317 Todd Hoffman Tel: 612-937-1900 R¢l:~ort Date: Audit Date: Auditor: Fax: 612-937-5739 Friday. September 12. 1997 Wednesday, September 03. 1997 DEM Prepared by: RSP Architects, Ltd. 120 First Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: (612) 339-0313 Fax: (612) 339-6760 RSP Ard~it~x:ts Ild. (Cop_wi~t 1997) 6326.960.01-0 Greenwood Shores Park General Description: Greenwood Shores Park is a neighborhood park. Amenities provided at the park include: a beach, dock, two picnic tables, two grills, and a portable toilet facility. An asphalt path replaced the previous limestone path the runs throughout the park. The following briefly describes the accessibility modifications recommended at the park, Please refer to the attached report for more detailed information. Parking Parking Stripe to provide a .stall that is an appropriate ~ ickh lbr van parkh~g. Provide a permanent upright sign identilS.'ing the aco-.'s.sible parking .mail. plus a "\'an Acct.'ssible" si~. Provide a si~ indicatingthc ace,s aisle. Picnic Areas Picnic Tables Provide a minimum of one acc'~'ssible picnic table. Provide an acxx~siblc path oftraveI (asT, balt or co~wrdc) leading Io one of the picnic tabl,~_. Provide an accessible picnic table with appropraitc knee cleamacc. Provide an acc,..'ssible dear area around the picnic table. Provide a level finn (a~halt or concrete) surfac-e at the picnic tabl,.~s. Picnic Areas Grills Provide a minimum of one accessible ~ill Provide an accc.~ssible pa'd~ of travel (as?bait or concrete) leading to the _a-ill Provide ac-a.~sible clear ground s2.*acc surroundin,, thc vJqll. Provide a grill positioned at an approprake hei~d~t. Dock Dock Provide an ac',-'~sible path of travel to the dock (concrete. ~t oock pla.',Xic decking, reals, e~c.) Beach Access Beach Access Provide an ac,z~sible path of travel 1o the water's txtgc (con,etc. ~x ood. plaslic d~.-king, mats. etc.) Portable Toilet Facility Portable Toilet Facility Provide an accessible portable toilet facilky. Provide an aco-xsible path of travel leading to thc portable toilet facilit3. Cit.;' of Chanhassen - Greenwood Shores Park Kc.~note Item Location Detailed FaciliD' Report Parkin~ Currently only on-street parking is provided at the park. The m,ailable public parking is located on a steep hill and is a considerable distance (600)from the park entrance. Once inside the park, persons are required to negotiate a steep asphalt road to reach the asphalt path the runs through the park. The road levels out and makes a "U" turn to a lift station. It is approximately 300' to the activites areas within the park.from the park entrance. It is recommended that 1%an accessible " parMng stall be provided at the lan'er part of the road to the lift station. This "van accessible" parking stall will provide a mewTs for persons with disabilities to park their cat' in close proximi(v to activiO, areas, instead of negotiating a steep and potentially dangerous path of rrm'el. NOTE: Cun'entl), a gate is provided at the drivewa), entrance to the park. The natural surface path.for pedestrians to walk around the gate is not accessible sm:face. Parldng 05H 051 0511 Stall Size - Van ADA Rqmt: 1 of cvcrx 8 accessible stalls (;x-ith a minimum of 1) are to be designated for van use. "Van accessible" stalls arc 8' wide with an adjacent 8' wide access aisle (preferable on the right side of the staiD. (ADAAG NfN Rqmt: CUBC 1107. CABO/ANSI 4.6.4) Recommendation: Stripe to provide a stall that is an appropriate width for ,'att parking. Photo #: O] Signage - Van ADA Rqmt: Van accessible parldng stalls are to be designated as reserved by a sign sho~ving thc international white-on-blue wheelchair access s).-mbol as well as a sign with the phrase "Van Accessible". (ADA,kG 4.6.4) MN Rqmt: In Minnesota include thc phrase "$200 maximum fine". (MN Rules 1/96) Recomm en dation: Pro vide a permatt ent upright sign idenrifying th e accessible parking ,~tall, plus a "Van Accessible" sign. Signage - Van - Access Aisle - MN MN Rqmt: Van access aisles shall be idcntilied by a sign located at the head of thc aisle. The sign shall be positioned so them is 48"-60" between the bottom of the sign and the parkdng surface. The sign shall indicate "No Parking", "Access Aisle" or similar. (MN Rules 1- 96) Recommendation: Provide a sign indicating the access aisle. RSP Axddlects Ltd - Ac~x.~sibilit.~ Scrvic~..'$ (Copyright 1997) Page - 3 City of Chanhassen - Greenwood Shores Park Detailed Faciliv,.' Report Kc'mote Item Location -~Picnic Areas 7h'o picnic areas are provided af the par/,'. and waste receptacles. 7he picnic areas consist qf picnic tables, gwlls Il is recommended that a minimum o. f one of the picnic tables be modified so that an accessible path of rrm'el is provided leading to the picnic table. Position the table o~ an accessible pad. b~ addition, it is recommended that a path of trcn,el be provided leading.from the picnic table the nearest grill. See following issues for more detailed information. Picnic Tables Two ?icnic tables are £rovided at the £ark. mod(fled to be accessible. It is recommended that a miniature of one Q£the lpicnic tables be $1A Picnic Tables- Accessible Number ADA Rqmt: All new picnic tables, whether being installed in ncxv construction or replaced in retrofits, must comply with accessibility guidelines. (ADAAG 16.2 - Proposed) Recommendation:Provide a minimum of one accessible picnic table. Photo #: 02 5lB Picnic Tables - Path of Travel - Ground Materials ADA Rqmt: When picnic tables are proxdded in hi,dy developed (urban/rural) or moderately developed (natural) settings, a major/t).' of thc tablcs nmst be located ad. jaccnt to an outdoor recreation accessible route. (ADAAG 16.3 - Proposed) Recommendation: Provide an accessible path of travel (asphalt or concrete) leading to one of the picnic tables. 51C Picnic Tables - Table Height / Knee Clearance /OA Rqmt: The top of an accessible picnic table must not bc tnghcr than 32" above the ground. To accommodate a person in a wheelchair, thc seating space at tim picnic table nmst have adequate kncc space. Thc knee space must measure at lcasct 28" high. 30" wide and 19" - 24" dccp. (ADAAG 16.5/6 - Proposed) Recommendation:Provide tin accessible picnic table **qth at~propraite knee clearnace. Photo #: 03 51D Picnic Tables- Clear Area Surrounding the Table ADA Rqmt: An accessible picnic table must trove clear ground space of at least 36" around thc perimeter of the table, although 48" is recommended, this space ma)' overlap with thc clear space required for other elements, but msut never be encroached upon by another element. (ADAAG 16.7- Proposed) Recommendation: Provide att accessible clear area around the picnic tables. 51E Picnic Tables- Surface and Slope ADA Rqmt: The surface of the clear ground space around the picnic table must be stable and firm. and evenly graded, with a maximum slope of 3 percent in ail direction. (ADAAG 16.8 - Proposed) Rec. ~mmcndation: Provide a level, firm (asphalt or concrete) surface at the picnic tables'. Rsp Ardfitc,&s I~d- Aco~'ssibil~.v S=%-io~.-s (Copyright 1997) Page - 4 CiD' of Chanhassen - Greenwood Shores Park Keynote Item Location Detailer FaciliD- Report Picnic Areas Grills Two grills ore provided at the park. be upgraded to be accessible. It is recommended that file grill associated with thc accessible j,icnic table 51Fl 51F2 51F3 51F4 Grills - Number ADA Rqmt: All new grills, whether being installed in new construction or replaced in retrofits, must comply with accessibility guildelines. (ADAAG 17.2 - Proposed) Recommendation: Provide a minimum of one accessible grill Photo #: 04 Grills - Location ADA Rqmt: Pedestal grills, if provided, must be located adjacent to an outdoor recreation access route. (ADAAG 17.3 -Proposed) Recommendation: Provide att accessible path of travel (asphalt or concrete) leading to the grill Grills - Clear Ground Space ADA Rqmt: Pedestal grills must have a clear, level ground space of at least 36" on all sides. although 48" is recommended, the space may overlap with thc clear ground space required for other clements, but must never bc encroached upon by another clement. (ADAAG 17.4 - Proposed) Recommendation: Provide accessible clear ground space surrounding the grill. Grills - Height ADA Rqmt: Pedestal grills must have cooking surfaces that arc 30" to 36" above thc ground and thc grill must be able to rotate 360 degrees to allow users to adjust it based on wind direction. (ADAAG 17.1 d - Proposed) Recommendation: Provide a grill positioned at an appropraite height. Dock A small dock is provided at the park. l/is recomme~ded that an accessible path of rrm,el be provided leadi.g Ia lhe dock. This mcO, be i. co~junctiot~ with the accessible path o. f trm'el leading to the waters edge. Dock 59A Dock - Path of Travel ADA Rqmt: Provide an accessible outdoor recreation route leading to the dock. (ADAAG - Proposed) Recomrnendation: Provide an accessible path of travel to the dock (concrete, wood, plastic decMng, mats, etc.) Photo #: 05 I~$ P ..krdfitccks lid - Aoa.,'ssibilitv Scrvio,..,$ (Copyright 1997) Page - 5 CiD' of Chanhassen - Greem~ood Shores Park Detailed Facility Report Keynote ltcm Location -~Beach Access .4 beach is pro,'ideal al the park. provided to the wa/ers edge. Il is recomme,ded tha! att accessible Falh o.f rrm'el be Beach Access 63A Beach - Path of Travel ADA Rqmt: At least one accessible route of travel must connect the public accessible path of travel to a point 36" beyond thc water's edge. To the maximum extent possible, the accessible route must coincide ~4th the route of travel for the general public. Thc path of travel should be a minimum 60" wide to allow wheelchair users to transfer from thc surface of the sand while permitting others to use the access route. (ADAAG 5.3 - Proposed) Recommendation: Provide an accessible path of travel to the water's edge (concrete, wood, plastic decMng, mats, etc.) Portable Toilet Facility Otte £orlable ioilel.f~ciliO, is provided al llte park. The £orlab/e loilel faciliO' is .al localed o. att accessible [~alh o.f rrm,el and does no! i.oorporaw accessibility.features. Il is recommended that att accessible £ortable toilet faciliO' be £rovided bt additio., it is recomme.ded I/iai either an accessible palh be provided leading lo Hie existing location qf the accessible portable ~oilet faoiliO' or that the toilet.faciliO' he relocated to be posifio.ed close proximity to a. accessible path ef ,'avel. O.e potential locafio, is to positio, the ~accessib/e portable toilet faciliO' near the proposed locatio, ef the "va. accessible ~al/ and comwct au accessible route fi'om the access aisle. Portable Toilet Facility 64A 64B Portal)lc Toilet Facility - Accessible Portahlc Toilet Facility ADA Rqmt: For single user portable toilet units clustered in a single location, at least 5% but not less than I toilet unit shall be accessible. (ADAAG - Proposed) Recommendation: Provide att accessible portable toilet facilio'. Portable Toilet Facility - Path of Travel ADA Rqmt: (AD.&~.G - Proposed) Recommendation: Provide an accessible path of travd leading to the portable toilet faciliO'. Recommendation: ]t is recommended that an accessible portable toilet facili(v be provided tha! is located on an accessible path of rrm'el. Rpt Individual Faci, ity Report (Chanhassen) RSPArdmcck~lld-..\ccc.~sibilitvg~_rvic~.-s (Cop~Tizd~t 1997) Page - 6 Z~ Zm / / I / / ./ / "d. / / , ~ I II !zd / / -..- i~ / / F~ ~ / / __© /I' \ \ \ \ Accessibility Report Photographs Fadlity Name: Greenwood Shores Park RSP Ard~itects Ltd (Copsright 1997) 6326.960,01-0 (.';tx ,q' (h:mlmssen- Grct. nw.ml ~.horcs P:u'k .~.cr t,sqhilJty Report (;ty ,~l'f .~ln~lJlat~sen - (;r~'t'nv~>ml bh~rvs Park \cc:'s~it~llity ?,ep.rt ?h,~r~)~mU~hs Picnic .'il (,'r/c/i,'.':'//. ('it_¥ .f( hanh:~en - (;r'em~ ~ ) i bhort.s P:~rk \cct'ssibilit.~ Report Ph,tu,!r'.~phs [ 'it) ~)l' (' 'h;mh~s~'n - (;~-,:t. nwo,M ~,hor~'s P:~rk ~.¢c~.~sibilit¥ X~'pol'~ ?Imm._,r:q)hs Deck · I October 23, 1997 C ITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612)937-5739 Dear Resident: On September 16, 1997, the City of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission received au individual fi~cility accessibility report for Greenwood Shores Park. The commission ordered this report on August 26th after reviewing a citizen complaint over the lack of reasonabie public access to Greenwood Shores Park. The findings of the report include: Parking Stripe to provide a stall that is an appropriate width [br van parking. Provide a permanent upright sigm identifying the accessible parking stall, plus a "Van Accessible" sign. Provide a sign indicating thc access aisle. Picnic Areas Picnic Tables Provide a minimum of one accessible picnic table. Provide an accessible path of travel (asphalt or concrete) leading to one of thc picnic tables. Provide an accessible picnic table with appropriate knec clearance. Provide an accessible clear area around the picnic tables. Provide a level, finn (asphalt or concrete) surface at the picnic tables. Picnic Areas Grills Provide a minimum of one accessible grill. Provide an accessible path of travel (asphalt or concrete) leading to thc grill. Provide accessible clear ground space surrounding the grill. Provide a grill positioned at an appropriate height. Dock Provide an accessible path of travel to the dock (concrete, wood, plastic decking, mats, etc.) Beach Access Provide an accessible path of travel to the water's edge (concrete, wood, plastic decking, mats, etc.) Greenwood Shore Neighborhood Letter October 23, 1997 Page 2 Portable Toilet Facility Provide an accessible portable toilet facility. Provide an accessible path of travel leading to the portable toilet facility. Upon reviewing the finding of the accessibility report, the commission took the following action: "Commissioner Meger moved, Commissioner Berg seconded to recommend the city council remove all of the no parking signs currently installed on Utica Lane with the exception of those required at the curve near the entrance of the park for safety reasons. Furthermore, that the access area around the gate be widened and surfaced with asphalt. All voted in favor and the motion carried." The commission made this recommendation in lieu of developing a parking area within the interior of the park as recommended in the accessibility report (see attached diagram) The Park and Recreation Commission will accept public comment regarding their decision at their October 28th meeting. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m., in the City Council Chambers. After this meeting, the Park and Recreation Commission will forward their recommendation to the City Council. If you have any questions in this regard, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Director of Park and Recreation TH:gnnb g:',park\th',GmwoodShrsNeighborLtr OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEETING DATE CORRECTION NOTICE October 23, 1997 Dear Resident: On October 6, 1997, a letter was mailed to you regarding accessibility at Greenwood Shores Park. The letter invited you to attend a Park and Recreation Commission meeting on October 30th. This date is in error. The Commission meets on thc fourth Tuesday of each monflq which is October 28th. The meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers at City Hall starting al 7:,';0 p.m. I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this error has caused. If you have questions in this regard, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:v c: Park and Recreation Commission ,-~ .. - ~,' ""..~'; ~ ~--×"~d.L__~ .'"'" · - .- CITY OF - October 23, 1997 Dear Resident: )%'.'t / ~i" ' 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 ~ (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 " ~' ' '""'~ f.,~' / '1 f On September 16, 1997, the City of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission received an individual facility accessibility report for Greenwood Shores Park. The commission ordered this report on August 26~' aher reviewing a citizen complaint over the lack of reasonable public access to Greenwood Shores Park. The findings of the report include: (-~ ; , , r ~ t(? ) l'a rking ~15 :~. j"~_,.(.,(.'.-~.~.p '" ~''' Stripe to provide a stall that is an appropriate width for van parking. Provide a pem~anent upright sign identifying the accessible parking stall, plus a "Van Accessible" sign. ~. Provide a sim~ indicating. ~ the access aisle. Picnic Areas Picnic Tables Provide a mininmm of one accessible picnic table. Provide an accessible path of travel (asphalt or concrete) leading to one of the picnic tables. Provide an accessible picnic table with appropriate knee clearhnce. Provide an accessible clear area around the picnic tables. Provide a level, finn (asphalt or concrete) surface at the picnic tables. Picnic Areas Grills Provide a mininmm of one accessible grill. Provide an accessible path of travel (asphalt or concrete) leading to the grill. Provide accessible clear ground space sm'rounding the grill. Provide a grill positioned at an appropriate height. Dock Provide ail accessible path of travel to the dock (concrete, wood, plastic decking, mats, etc.) Bench Access Provide an accessible path of travel to the water's edge (concrete, wood, plastic decking, la'tats, etc.) Greenwood Shore Neighborhood Letter Octobe_L2-3, 1997 Page 2 :'~ Pot[able Toilet Faeili~ :-7 Provide an accessible portable toilet facility. % ._ ~rovide an accessible path of travel leading to the portable toilet facility. 'L"- .... ,.~.. 'Ubon reviewing the finding of the accessibility report, the con-unission took the following action: · "-'~'~ ~ -'~' "Commissioner Meger moved, Commissioner Berg seconded to reconm~end the city .,, -.... ~.. :'council.._.. remove all of the no parking signs currently installed on Utica Lane with the .> ~::; ~ ~xcepUon of those required at the curve near the entra ce of the park-f6r safety reasons. ~'-- ' ~ '~Furthem~ore, that the access area around the gate be v, idened and su¥t=aced witi~ asp~a-[fl -, _. -_. ~ ~.~ All voted in favor and the motion can'ied." . <:. The commission made this recommendation in lieu of developing a parkin~area within the interior " of the park as recommended in the accessibility repo~ (see attached diagram) .... The Park and Recreation Commission will accept public comment regarding their decision at their " Octpber 28~' meetin~ The meetino stares at 7:30 pm., in the City Council Chambers After this meeting, the Park and~cr(creation Commission will forward their recommendation to the City ' Council. "-' If you have any questions in this rOgprd, please tbel fi'ce to contact me. ~':5 Sincerely. %,, ' '~ Todd Hoffi~mn Director of Park and Recreation T'0 "' .... ¢'W '/ , ,. ,:. : '" C)"( 1' :, :!4 '.' t . ; ', ~ :" '"'"' ~. ("~' ' ;';" q f' ¥~; ':,L. ~,u,. I , \ · \ 1'- )BO ... 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