4a Chan Rec Ctr Monthly ReportMEMORANDUM
To: Patty Dexter. Todd Hoffinan. & Park Commission
From: Prisci'lla Weber
Date: November 17. 1997
Subj.: CRC'Monthly Report
Past Programs:
The Annual Halloween Par.ty was once again a huge success with nearly 1000 people m
SPace Camp also went well again. The class filled with the maximuTM of 30 participants
who all had a great time.
Present Programs:
Floor Hockev for 3'd- 5th graders started last week and is near its maximum enrollment of
20 participants.
Pre-school Basketball. Which is cosponsored by the Ridgedale YMCA. also started last
week.. Once again the pre-school programs have proven to be one of our most popular
programs. The first session filled within matter of 2 weeks and tiao second session is well
on its way to reaching its maximum.
Upcoming Programs and Special Events:
We are gearing up for the annual Santa Brunch coming up in December and Daddy
Daughter Date Night which is in February. Registration has begun and will be filling
The following are upcoming programs that we have started taking registration for:
Space Camp- April
Pioneer Camp- Mar.ch NE}~'PROGRAM.f:
Chanhassen Recreation Center. 2310 Coulter Boulevard. Chanhassen Minnesota 55317 · Phone: 612-474-0641 · Fax: 612-474-065 I.
Upcoming Programs Continued:
Babysitting. Clinic- January and February
Sports Spectacular- January
3 on 3 Adult Basketball League- January
Self. Defense- March
Memory Books- February and April
Photo Organization- February and April
Photo A'lbum Workshop- February and April
Ongoing Programs:
The Dance For Fun program'is booming with a significant increase in enrolhnent from
last year. Last year we ended with 96 students enrolled compared to ending .this Fall
session with 144 studehts, which indicates a 48% increase. As a result of this increase 3
new classes have been added as well as a new dance instructor.
Tae Kwon Do is another ongoing program offered by the Chanhassen Recreation Center
that has experienced some growth in enrollment. New after school classes have been
offered for youth to offset some ofth~ growth in the evening classes.
Community room rentals have increased due to our 50% off special Which runs through
December Is~. The fitness room and open gym times have also been in fill[ use now that
wmter.~s here!!!
Chanhassen Recreation Center. 2310 Coulter Boulevard. Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317. Phone: 612:474-0641 · Fax: 612-474-0651