3 Develop Ice Rink PolicyCITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffinan, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor DATE: December 3, 1997 SUB J: Policy Development of Skating/Hockey Rink Service Area AK tl~e City increasts ill populatic, r~. tine Park and Recreation Commission will continue to make difficult decisions. Recently, a request was made by iht neigtnborhood lo re- establish tile skating rink at Minnowashta Heights Park. Although tlnis may not be one of those difficuh decisions, a tlllilCorm skating rink service area policy should be dovoloptd. Attaclned is a map locating all tile parks that will maintain skating rinks for tine 1997/98 skating season. Also attached ix a map of all tilt Chanhassen Parks with a service area of one-half mile to illustrate potential rink locations. You will notice that each park has a halt' milo radius as its service area. When developing tile policy tile Park and Recreation Commission may consider tlnc following: · Will a service area ora half mile radius properly serve the needs of our residents or should it be expanded to three-quarters or one milt. Should tile criteria tbr developing or maintaining new or existing rinks xvithin tint servict area be based on total population or number of houses. The population or neighborhood size could dictate wlnether a warming lnouse or hockey rink would be provided. · Park maintenance crews could monitor tile use of rink and make recommeladations to continue or discontinue. These suggestions, I hope will assist tiao Park and Recreation Comnaission in developing the skating rink policy. I ,,viii be at tile December 9 meeting to answer any questions. park ~jerr3 ,<,katingRink%crx iccArca ¢- r- (D E E