2 CityCtr&BandimereMasterPlansCITYOF FROM: DATE: SUB J: MEMORANDUM TO: Park & Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director January 22, 1998 Commission Review, City Center Park and Bandimere Park, Proposed Master Plans and Project Budget On January 13, the Park & Recreation Commission reviewed design alternatives for City Center Park and Bandimere Park. Upon hearing public comment, they directed staffand Brauer and Associates to refine the park master plan based on their direction. A preliminary master plan statement for both Bandimere and City Center Parks as prepared by Jeff Schoenbauer of Brauer & Associates, including graphics, are attached. Mr. Schoenbauer will be present on Tuesday cvening to discuss these plans with the commission. Preliminary budget numbers will also be presented. It is our desire to see the commission make a recommendation on both master plans to the city council on Tuesday evening. ATTACItMENTS 1. Public notification letters 2. Preliminary master plan statement and proposed master plan designs c: Mayor and City Council Don Ashworth, City Manager Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager Kate Aanenson, Planning Director Anita Benson, City Engineer Jeff Schoenbauer, Brauer & Associates g:'.park',rc fcrcn'parkmastcqflans 1-27.ktoc.doc CITYOF I~/,o~ ~' 612.93-. I900 (;,we;~d Em 612 9325739 !51,5: 5~?.,, l')x 6!2. ?.~ ~.2 7 q January 22, 1998 Dear Resident: Please find enclosed a preliminary master plan statement including design sketches for both Bandimere and City Center Community Parks. On Tuesday, January 27, Jeff Schoenbauer of Brauer and Associates will present his findings relative to these documents to the Park 8,: Recreation Commission. The meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. This is your opportunity to comment on these plans prior to tile Park & Recreation Commission making a recommendation to tile City Council. Future meetings scheduled tbr this project include: · February 9 City Council will review tile Master Plan and pro. jeer budgel and authorize completion of construction documents package · March 9 City Council will review construction documents and cost estimates and authorize advertising for bids · April 13 City Council will review bids and award the contract If at any time you would like to discuss these projects xvith a stalT representative, please contact Jeff Schoenbauer at Brauer and Associates at 832-9475 or mc at 937- 1900 ext, 121. I look forward to your continued participation in these projects. Sincerely, / o.:'..// // Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Director c~ Mayor and City Council Don Ashworth, City Manager Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager Kate Aancnson, Planning Director Anita Benson, City Engineer Scott Itarr, Public Safety Director Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent Jeff Schoenbauer, Braucr & Associates Preliminar~ Master Plan Statement Pro)eot: 97-42 Bandimere Community Park / City Center Park Date: 1/20/~8 Bandimere and City Center Parks Preliminary Haster Plan Statement To: Chanhassen City Council Chanhassen Parks Commission Chanhassen City Staff Prepared By: Jeff Schoenbauer, Brauer & Associates, Ltd. Project Status The design process for Bandimere and City Center parks is progressing in accordance with the established schedule. To date, two public meetings have been held: The first meeting was held on November 18t~ to discuss and compile a list of program items and ideas and discuss site related design issues. A second public meeting was held on lanuary 13~'~ with the Park and Recreation Commission to review concept plans for- each park. The attached preliminary master plan for each park evolved fi-om the outcome of those two meetings. These plans are scheduled to be publically reviewed on Ianuary 27~' with the Park and Recreation Commission. Revisions to the master plans will be made as appropriate based on public comment and feedback from the Parks and Recreation Commission. A final presentation is currently scheduled for February 9~' with the City Council. Evaluation of the technical aspects and regulatory concerns associated with the development of each park is also underway and will proceed in conce~t with plan refinements. Master Plan Discussion The following tables provide written statements that coincide with the master plans for each park. These statements provide a more in depth overview of some of the design ideas being considered, as well as provide additional background infor marion about specific concerns where warranted. Item City Center Park Preliminary Master Plan Discussion Overall Context of i~laster Plan Plan focuses on creating a civic campus atmosphere by using various architectural features, visual cues, walkway layouts and landscaping to tie City Hall, the school, fire station, and neighborhoods into a cohesive and appealing community park Youth Athletic Facilities : The plan provides four ballfields with infields and backstops. Two 40x80 yard soccer fields are provided, with additional soccer field overlays available as shown on the plan. Note that the local youth baseball association has a strong desire for an additional hal/field at this site, which could be accommodated if the two designated soccer fields were eliminated. However, this approach would eliminate all of the designated soccer-fields from the plan. ~r~,u, er ~ ~%sociates. Ltd. File C:~docs~97~97-42chan~.,~)rema.ltr.w~d r Preliminary Master Plan Statement Proiect: 97-42 Bandimere Community Park / City Center Park Children's Play Area Hockey Rinks and Summer Skate Park Parking lots and realigned roadway The play areas (play equipment) and hardcourt areas have been consolidated near the school to: accommodate school district/community children's outdoor program space; maximize opportunity to monitor all activities; minimize conflict between children's play areas and roadways/parking lots; maximize efficient use of limited space within the park. Note that the final shape and design character of the play areas will be based on more detailed evaluation of existing features and specific types of game surfaces needed - ranging from hopscotch and four-square to basketball - by the school district and community. The hockey rinks and surrounding area will be completely redesigned to accommodate year-round use, including the removal of some of the berming to improve access, site lines, aesthetics, and drainage. Hardsurfacing will also be added to the rink area to accommodate in-line skating and a skate park. Consideration is being given to removable hockey boards to allow for a wider range of summer uses and configurations. Additional parking will be provided on the north side of the school by expanding the existing parking lot to the north. The play areas and equipment that already exist or are planned for this area will be relocated within the park. This allows for additional parking to be provided on the periphery of the park rather than taking up valuable internal space. The plan also shows the realignment of the parking lot and drive on the north side of City Hall as a design option. This serves a couple of purposes: ° It allows for more direct access from Kerber to the parking lots near the school, which is important if parking pressures along Kerber are to be reduced. · It creates an edge to the park, which opens up new sight lines and provides more pedestrian access points. Note that the plan provides aboul~ 40 to 50 new parking spaces, which is the maximum feasible unless a parking lot is developed internal to the site. Given the extent of parking available within this area of the city during non-peak business hours, it seems prudent to , minimize the use of park land for parking lots and drives. Park Trails and Paths The layout of the paths and trails coincides with the key points of access into the park from adjacent roads and neighborhoods. The path system also provides interconnection between key building entrances at the school, City Hall, and fire station. The location of the pathways will continue to be refined as the project progresses through the design process. Aesthetics and Landscaping A variety of design techniques will be used to improve the overall aesthetic character of the park area and soften the hard lines of the buildings and structures. This is especially true with respect to the school building, which is utilitarian in appearance from the west side of the building. Landscaping of various types will also be used to enhance the overall appeal of the park. Tennis Courts ! Given the high cost for relocation, the tennis courts are proposed to remain in their current location. As they wear and require reconstruction, consideration should be given to pushing them further north and transferring the open green space into the core of the park site. Warming House Within the context of the budget, it is expected that this building will be limited to a , warming house with perhaps restrooms if budget allows. The detail program for- this strudure has not been completed as this point. Brauer St Associates, Ltd. -- File C:\docs\97~97-4)chan\nremn itt wn~l Preliminar/Master Plan Statement Proiect: 97-42 Bandimere Communit~ Park / City Center Park Bandimere Park Preliminary Master Plan Item Overall Context of Master Plan Youth Athletic Facilities Discussion Plan focuses on creating a community/neighborhood park for residents south of Hwy. 212 and a youth athletic complex for city-wide use. The plan provides three ballfields of varying sizes and two "soccer greens" to accommodate the needs of the local athletic associations. The sizes and design features of each of these facilities is based on user group surveys conducted as part of the design process and discussions with the user groups during the public meetings. It should be noted that the local associations representing youth baseball and softball have been adamant about having a fourth ballfield included in the design. Clearly, program demands underscore the fact that another ballfield is warranted within the city, as is another soccer field or two. Given the importance of the issue to the local youth athletic groups, one of the concept plans publically presented was modified to illustrate the feasibility of adding another ballfield in lieu of soccer green space. Figure... illustrates this concept. Unfortunately, the general shape and character of the site coupled with the impact of the Williams Pipeline traversing it precludes the possibility of accommodating an additional athletic field without significant design compromises and additional construction costs. As noted on the plan the parking lot is at least 70 spaces short of the minimum recommended for the number of facilities being proposed. In addition, earthwork would be significantly more challenging and costly due to inherent site grades coupled with the limitations posed by the pipeline. The parking lot and drive configuration focuses on keeping vehicular movement to the periphery of the site while still providing reasonable access to the facilities. Providing on-site parking as near as possible to the soccer green on the northeast side of the park reduces the likelihood of parking occurring in the surrounding neighborhoods, which was a major concern of nearby residents. The layout of the trails coincides with the key points of access into the park from adjacent neighborhoods. The trail system will also connect to the city-wide system on tt~e northwest and southwest corners of the park. The location of the pathways will continue to be refined as tt% proiect progresses through the design process. The general character and function of the adjacent neighborhood park on the east side of ihe site will continue largely unchanged, with the exception of adding a trail link between the neighborhood and community parks. In addition, with the new soccer greens being developed in Bandimere, it is recommended that the use of the small soccer field in the neighborhood park for programmed activities be reduced or eliminated. This will return the use of this space to the neighborhood as well as reduce the propensity for non-local traffic in the surrounding neighborhood. A variety of design techniques will be used to enhance the overall aesthetic character of the park, soften the lines of the built facilities, and provide a buffer between the park and adjacent p~ operties. It is anticipated that native prairies and wildflowers will be used in certain areas of the park to enhance its overall appearance and ecological diversity, control storm runoff, reduce nutrient migration from fertilizers, and reduce the amount of day-to-day maintenance. Wherever feasible, the existing trees will be preserved and protected during construction. Parking lots and realigned roadway Park Trails and Pattss Neighbo~ hood Park Aesthetics, Landscaping, and Buffering Erauer & Associates, Ltd. File C:\docs\97~97-42chanXx~)rems.ltr.wDd s Prelimina~ Master Plan Statement Proiect: 97-42 Bandimere Community Park / City Center Park Commons Area and Green Space The commons area encompasses the restroom/storage building and picnic shelter, play area, and surrounding open space. The building is situated to overlook Riley Lake and service the athletic facilities and general park users. A children's play area is also proposed in this space. Areas defined as open green space are turfed areas suitable for general park use and open play. Given that Bandimere Park services community park needs in addition to the athletic facilities, the common area and green spaces become important aspects of the overall appeal of the park to the non-sport oriented user and thus should not be overlooked. Hockey Rinks and Winter Uses Tennis Courts Given the limited space and budget, hockey facilities would be located as an overlay on the large parking lot. Temporary boards and a portable warming house would be required should the demand for this facility manifest itself. In the shorter term, the rinks at City Center Park and the Recreation Center will be the primary rinks available to the community. , A sliding hill can be accommodated within the park. The final location will be determined in concert with the final grading plan. Although tennis courts were not considered the highest priority for the park, a location was provided for them in the event that they would be added in the future. It is not anticipated that the development budget will allow for their construction under this phase unless another facility was eliminated. Srauer & Asiociates, Ltd. -- File C:\docs\97~97-42chan~premp.ltr.wl~d ~