3 1998 Trail Projectq
Park & Recreation Commission
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
January 22, 1998
1998 Trail ProJect; Continuation of Review and Discussion, Galpin
Boulevard Trail and Powers Boulevard Trail
On January 20, the Park & Recreation Commission tabled action on the review
and recommendation for the Galpin Boulevard trail and Powers Boulevard trail.
That evening, upon conclusion of staff presentations and extensive public
comment, the commission took the following action:
Galpin Boulevard: Tabled until January 27 to allow additional infomaation
to be gathered and presented to tiao commission and public. Tile specific
request of the commission included analysis of the fbllowing:
a. In lieu of starting the trail near Highway 5 and progressing north to Lake
Lucy Road, xvhat are the implications of starting the trail fi'om the north near
the city limits and proceeding on a southerly construction route, perhaps to
Longacres Drive? Note: This request is in response to a staff
recommendation to delete the section of trail north of Lake Lucy Road to
reduce tile overall project budget and the resulting public testimony in favor of
this section of the trail.
b. Regarding the project budget for the Galpin Boulevard trail, what cost
savings xvould be realized by deleting either the north end (nol'th of Lake Lucy
Road) or the south end (south of Longacres Drive)?
c. What are the cun'ent and future implications of both these options?
d. What are the variables ila both the east and west side trail alignments north
of Lake Lucy Road?
e. The commission also requested an analysis of the trade-offs that would be
encountered under these scen:u'Jos and a presentation of funding alternatives.
Park & Recreation Commission
January 22, 1998
Page 2
Powers Boulevard: Tabled until January 27 to allow additional information to
be gathered and presented to the commission and public. The specific request of
the commission included analysis of the following items:
a. Can a guardrail be installed in selected areas south of Kerber Boulevard and
north of Butte Court allowing the trail to be constructed closer to the road?
b. To reduce the encroachment on dwellings in this same area, can the trail be
less than eight feet wide? If this was the case, could the trail still be cleared for
winter use or would it have to be closed during the winter?
Staff and project managers from Howard R. Green are currently preparing
responses to these inquiries for presentation on Tuesday evening. A preliminary
project budget will also be presented that evening. Budget limitations and
potential auxiliary sources of funding will also be discussed.
1. Public Notification Letters
Mayor and City Council
Planning Commission
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager
Kate Aanenson, Planning Director
Anita Benson, City Engineer
Dave Nyberg, H. R. Green Company
g:',parkX, th\galpinpowcrsprc 1-27.doc
January 22, 1998
Dear Powers Boulevard Area Resident:
Oil January 20, tile Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission formally reviewed tile city's
1998 trail project. Upon conclusion of staff presentations and extensive public coinment, tile
commission took the folloxving action:
The It ighway 7, Highway 10 l/Connection, Highway 101/Pioneer Trail and Bluff Creek
trails were approved as presented with a recommendation tbr construction being
forwarded to the city council.
Tile Poxvers Boulevard trail discussion was tabled until January 27 to allow additional
information to bc gathered and presented to the commission and public. Thc specific
request of the commission included analysis of tile following items:
a. Can a guardrail be installed in selected areas south of Kerber Boulevard and north of
Butte Court allowing tile trail to be constructed closer to the road?
b. To reduce tile encroachment ell dwellings in this same area, can tile trail bc less than
eight feet wide? If this was tile case, could tile trail still be cleared for winter use or
would it have to be closed during tile winter'?
3. The Galpin Boulevard trail discussion was also tabled until January 27.
Tile Jauuary 27 commission meeting is being held in thc City Council Chambers at City ttall.
Tile meeting starts at 7:30 p.m.; however, this ite~n will be heard after 9:00 p.m. This is vour
opportunity to comment on tile ] 998 trail project alignments prior to tile Park & Recreation
Commission making their recommendation to thc city council. If you cannot attend this
lnceting and wish to forward written or verbal comments, please do so to tile attention of tile
City of Chanhasscn. If you desire to speak to a staff representative of this project, please
contact Dave Nybcrg at ttoward R. Green Company at 644-4389 or mc at 937-1900 ext. 121.
Todd Hoffman
Park & Recreation Director
Mayor and City Conncil
Planning Colnmission
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager
Kate Aanenson, Planning Director
Anita Bcnson, City Engineer
Scott }tarr, Public Safety Director
Dave Nybcrg, Howard R. Green
Joel Jamnick, Campbell Knutson Associates
g:' pzlrk' re lk.'rcn' poxx ers 1-27.doc
January 22, 1998
Dear Galpin Boulevard Area Resident:
On January 20, the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Cornmission formally
reviewed the city's 1998 trail project. Upon conclusion of staff presentations and
extensive public comment, the commission took the following action:
The Highway 7, Highway 101/Connection, Highway 101/Pioneer Trail and
BluffCreek trails were approved as presented with a recommendation for
construction being forwarded to the city council.
The Galpin Boulevard trail discussion was tabled until January 27 to allow
additional information to be gathered and presented to the commission and
public. The specific request of the COlnmission included analysis of thc
a. In lieu of starting the trail near Highway 5 and progressing north to Lake
Lucy Road, what are the implications of starting the trail from the north near
the city limits and proceeding on a southerly construction route, perhaps to
Longacres Drive? Note: This request is in response to a staff
recommendation to delete the section of trail north of Lake Lucy Road to
reduce the overall project budget and the resulting public testimony in favor of
this section of the trail.
b. Regarding the project budget for the Galpin Boulevard trail, what cost
savings would be realized by deleting either the north end (north of Lake Lucy
Road) or the south end (south of Longacres Drive)?
c. What are the current and future implications of both these options?
d. What are the variables in both the east and west side trail alignments north
of Lake Lucy Road?
e. The commission also requested an analysis of the trade-offs that would be
encountered under these scenarios and a presentation of funding alternatives.
3. The Powers Boulevard trail discussion was also tabled until January 27.
Galpin Boulevard Area Residents
January 22, 1998
Page 2
The January 27 commission meeting is being held in the City Council Chambers
at City Hall. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. This item will be heard after
8:30 p.m. This is your opportunity to comment on the 1998 trail project
alignments prior to the Park & Recreation Commission making their
recommendation to the city council. If you cannot attend this meeting and wish to
forward written or verbal comments, please do so to the attention of the City of
Chanhassen. If you desire to speak to a staff representative of this project, please
contact Dave Nyberg at Howard R. Green Company at 644-4389 or me at
937-1900 ext. 121.
Todd Hoffman
Park & Recreation Director
Mayor and City Council
Planning Commission
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager
Kate Aanenson, Planning Director
Anita Benson, City Engineer
Scott Ham Public Safety Director
Dave Nyberg, Howard R. Green
Joel Jamnick, Campbell Knutson Associates
c:'my documcnts'galpin 1-27.doc