CC Packet 2010 02 22A G E NDA C H AN H A SS E N C I T Y C O UNC I L M O NDAY , F E B RUARY 22 , 2010 C H AN H A SS E N M UN I C I P A L B U I L D I N G , 7700 M AR K ET B O U LE VARD 5 :30 P .M . – E C O N O M I C D E V EL O P M E N T AU T HO R I T Y M EET I N G , F O UN T A I N C O N F E R E NC E R OO M E D A -1 . A pp r o v a l o f M i n u t e s d a t e d F e b r u a r y 8 , 2010 . E D A -2 . R e s o l u t i o n A pp r o v i n g I n t e r f u n d L o a n f o r C h a nh a ss e n T r a n s i t S t a t i o n P r o j ec t. 5 :35 P .M . - C I T Y C O UNC I L W O R K S E SS I O N , F O UN T A I N C O N F E R E NC E R OO M N o t e : I f t h e C it y C o un c il do e s n o t c o m p l e t e t h e w o r k s e ss i o n it e m s i n t h e ti m e a ll o tt e d , t h e r e m a i n i n g it e m s w ill b e c o n s i d e r e d a f t e r t h e r e g u l a r ag e n da. A . I n t e r v i e w A pp li ca n t s f o r t h e P l a nn i n g C o mmi ss i o n : - 5 :35 p .m . – D e nn y L a u f e nb u r g e r , P l a nn i n g C o mmi ss i o n - 5 :45 p .m . – C o ll ee n D o c k e n d o r f , P l a nn i n g C o mmi ss i o n /P a r k & R ec r ea t i o n C o mmi ss i o n - 6 :00 p .m . – A n d r e w A ll e r , P l a nn i n g C o mmi ss i o n /P a r k & R ec r ea t i o n C o mmi ss i o n - 6 :15 p .m . – K e v i n E ll s w o r t h , P l a nn i n g C o mmi ss i o n - 6 :30 p .m . – C h r i s F r ee m a n , P l a nn i n g C o mmi ss i o n - 6 :45 p .m . – J e ss i e B e n t , P a r k & R ec r ea t i o n C o mmi ss i o n /P l a nn i n g C o mmi ss i o n B . D i s c u ss P r o p o s e d A ss e ss m e n t P o li c y . C . I TE M D ELETE D (U pd a t e o n P o li ce B e n c h m a r k s f o r 2009 .) 7 :00 P .M . – R E G U L AR M EET I N G , C I T Y C O UNC I L C H A M B E R S CA LL T O O RD E R (P l e d g e o f A ll e g i a n ce) P U B L I C ANN O UNC E M E N TS C O N S E N T A G E NDA A ll i t e m s li s t e d u n d e r t h e C o n s e n t A g e n d a a r e c o n s i d e r e d t o b e r o u t i n e b y t h e c i t y c o u n c il a n d w ill b e c o n s i d e r e d a s o n e m o t i o n . T h e r e w ill b e n o s e p a r a t e d i s c u ss i o n o f t h e s e i t e m s . I f d i s c u ss i o n i s d e s i r e d , t h a t i t e m w ill b e r e m o v e d f r o m t h e C o n s e n t A g e n d a a n d c o n s i d e r e d s e p a r a t e l y . C i t y c o u n c il ac t i o n i s b a s e d o n t h e s t a ff r ec o mm e n d a t i o n f o r eac h i t e m . R e f e r t o t h e c o u n c il p ac k e t f o r eac h s t a ff r e p o r t . 1 . a . A pp r o v a l o f M i n u t e s : - C i t y C o u n c il W o r k S e ss i o n M i n u t e s d a t e d F e b r u a r y 8 , 2010 1 - C i t y C o u n c il S u mm a r y M i n u t e s d a t e d F e b r u a r y 8 , 2010 - C i t y C o u n c il V e r b a t im M i n u t e s d a t e d F e b r u a r y 8 , 2010 R ece i v e C o mmi ss i o n M i n u t e s : - P l a nn i n g C o mmi ss i o n S u mm a r y M i n u t e s d a t e d F e b r u a r y 2 , 2010 - P l a nn i n g C o mmi ss i o n V e r b a t im M i n u t e s d a t e d F e b r u a r y 2 , 2010 - P a r k & R ec r ea t i o n C o mmi ss i o n S u mm a r y M i n u t e s d a t e d J a n u a r y 26 , 2010 - P a r k & R ec r ea t i o n C o mmi ss i o n V e r b a t im M i n u t e s d a t e d J a n u a r y 26 , 2010 b . W e ll N o . 4 P r o j ec t 09 -02 : A pp r o v e Q u o t e s f o r R e h a b ili t a t i o n . c . A pp r o v e R e s o l u t i o n D e s i g n a t i n g P a r k R o a d a s a M S A S t r ee t . d . C r o ss r o a d s o f C h a nh a ss e n : A cce p t S t r ee t s & U t ili t i e s . e . A udu b o n R o a d R ec o n s t r u c t i o n P r o j ec t 10 -02 : A u t h o r i za t i o n t o P r o cee d w i t h T e m p o r a r y E a s e m e n t A c qu i s i t i o n . f . A pp r o v a l o f 2010 K e y F i n a n c i a l S t r a t e g i e s . g . A pp r o v e R e s o l u t i o n o f S upp o r t t o A pp l y f o r E A I D G r a n t M o n e y t o I n s t a ll H a n d i ca pp e d A cce ss i b l e A u t o m a t i c D oo r s o n T w o P o lli n g P l ace s . h . R e s o l u t i o n s A pp r o v i n g I n t e r f u n d L o a n s f o r C h a nh a ss e n T r a n s i t S t a t i o n P r o j ec t . i . P u b li c W o r k s B u il d i n g , P r o j ec t 08 -03 : A pp r o v e C h a n g e O r d e r . V I S I T O R P R E S E N T A T I O NS 2 . B r i a n R ec k e r , R JM C o n s t r u c t i o n , R eca p o f P u b li c W o r k s B u il d i n g C o n s t r u c t i o n P r o j ec t . L A W E N F O RC E M E N T /F I R E D E P AR T M E N T U P DA TE 3 . a . L t . J im O l s o n , C a r v e r C o u n t y S h e r i ff ’s D e p a r t m e nt b . C h i e f R o g e r S m a ll b ec k , C h a nh a ss e n F i r e D e p a r t m e n t P U B L I C H E AR I N GS - N o n e UN F I N I S H E D B U S I N E SS - N o ne N E W B U S I N E SS 4 . L O T U S R ET A I L C E N TE R – R e qu e s t f o r S i t e P l a n A pp r o v a l w i t h v a r i a n ce s f o r a 7 ,992 s qu a r e -f oo t r e t a il b u il d i n g a n d A m e n d m e n t t o t h e C o n d i t i o n a l U s e P e r mi t f o r L o t u s L a w n 2 a n d G a r d e n , l o ca t e d a t 78 W e s t 78 t h S t r ee t a n d 19900 W e s t 78 t h S t r ee t . A pp li ca n t : C e n t e r C o m p a n i e s , LL C , a n d L o t u s L a k e G a r d e n C e n t e r , I n c . C O UNC I L P R E S E N T A T I O NS AD M I N I S T RA T I V E P R E S E N T A T I O NS C O RR E S P O ND E NC E P AC K ET AD J O URN M E NT A c o p y o f t h e s t a ff r e p o r t a n d s upp o r t i n g d o c u m e n t a t i o n b e i n g s e n t t o t h e c i t y c o u n c il w ill b e a v a il a b l e a f t e r 2 :00 p .m . o n T h u r s d a y . P l ea s e c o n t ac t c i t y h a ll a t 952 -227 -1100 t o v e r i f y t h a t y o u r i t e m h a s n o t b ee n d e l e t e d f r o m t h e a g e n d a a n y t im e a f t e r 2 :00 p .m . o n T h u r s d a y . GUID E L IN E S F O R V ISI T O R P R E S E N T A T IONS We l c o m e t o t h e C h a nh a ss e n C it y C o u n c il M ee ti n g . I n t h e i n t e r e s t of o p e n c o mm u n i c ati o n s , t h e C h a nh a ss e n C it y C o u n c il w i s h e s t o p r ov i d e a n o pp o r t u n it y fo r t h e pu b li c t o a dd r e ss t h e C it y C o u n c il . T h at o pp o r t u n it y i s p r ov i d e d at e v e r y r e gu la r C it y C o u n c il m ee ti n g du r i n g V i s it o r P r e s e n t a ti o ns . 1. A n y o n e i n d i c ati n g a d e s i r e t o s p e a k du r i n g V i s it o r P r e s e n tati o n s w ill b e a c k n o w l e dg e d b y t h e M a y o r . W h e n c all e d up o n t o s p e a k , s tat e y o u r n am e , a dd r e ss , a n d t o p i c . A ll r e ma r k s s h all b e a dd r e ss e d t o t h e C it y C o u n c il a s a w h o l e , n o t t o a n y s p ec i f i c m e m b e r (s ) o r t o a n y p e r s o n w h o i s n o t a m e m b e r of t h e C it y C o u n c il . 2. I f t h e r e a r e a n u m b e r of i n d i v i du al s p r e s e n t t o s p e a k o n t h e s am e t o p i c , p l e a s e d e s i g n at e a s p o k e s p e r s o n t h at c a n s u mma r iz e t h e i ss u e . 3. L imit y o u r c o mm e n t s t o f i v e mi n u t e s . A dd iti o n al tim e ma y b e g r a n t e d at t h e d i s c r e ti o n of t h e M a y o r . I f y o u h a v e w r itt e n c o mm e n t s , p r ov i d e a c o p y t o t h e C o u n c il . 4. D u r i n g V i s it o r P r e s e n tati o n s , t h e C o u n c il a n d s ta ff li s t e n t o c o mm e n t s a n d w ill n o t e n g a g e i n d i s c u ss i o n . C o u n c il m e m b e r s o r t h e C it y M a n a g e r ma y a s k qu e s ti o n s of y o u i n o r d e r t o g ai n a t h o r o ug h u n d e r s ta n d i n g of y o u r c o n ce rn , s ugg e s ti o n o r r e qu e s t . 5. P l e a s e b e a w a r e t h at d i s r e s p ec t f u l c o mm e n t s o r c o mm e n t s of a p e r s o n al n at u r e , d i r ec t e d at a n i n d i v i du al e it h e r b y n am e o r i n f e r e n ce , w ill n o t b e all o w e d . P e r s o nn e l c o n ce rn s s h o u l d b e d i r ec t e d t o t h e C it y M a n a g e r . M em b e r s o f t h e C it y C o u n c il a nd s o me s t a ff mem b e r s m a y g a t h e r a t H o u li h a n ’s R e s t a u r a n t & B a r , 530 P ond P r o me n a d e i n C h a nh a ss e n i mme d i a t e l y a f t e r t h e mee ti ng f o r a p u r e l y s o c i a l e v e n t. A ll mem b e r s o f t h e p u b li c a r e w e l c o me . 3 CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 8 2010 Chairman Furlong called the meeting to order at 5 35 p m MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Furlong Bethany Tjornhom and Jerry McDonald MEMBERS ABSENT Vicki Ernst and Bryan Litsey STAFF PRESENT Todd Gerhardt Laurie Hokkanen Kate Aanenson Paul Oehme and Todd Hoffman APPROVAL OF MINUTES Tjornhom moved McDonald seconded to approve the Minutes of the Chanhassen Economic Development Authority meeting dated November 23 2009 as presented All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 3 to 0 RECOMMENDATION THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CALL FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE CHANHASSEN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AND THE PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT 10 Laurie Hokkanen presented the staff report on this item Tom Furlong asked for clarification on the public hearing process and schedule Resolution 2010 01 Tjornhom moved McDonald seconded that the Economic Development Authority requests that the City Council call for a public hearing on the proposed Modification for the Downtown Redevelopment Project Area and the proposed establishment of Tax increment Financing District 10 All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 3 to 0 Tjornhom moved McDonald seconded to adjourn the meeting All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 3 to 0 The Economic Development Authority meeting was adjourned at 5 40 p m Submitted by Todd Gerhardt Executive Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 4 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us EbA l MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt Executive Director FROM Greg Sticha Finance Director 7 o February 22 2010 DATE SUBJ Resolution Approving an Interfund Loan for Legal and Engineering Costs to be Repaid with Tax Increment Chanhassen Transit Station Project BACKGROUND The city has incurred legal and engineering costs associated with the development of the Chanhassen Transit Station By the time the project is complete staff estimates that the city will incur expenses of approximately 368 400 Through adoption of the attached resolution the EDA will authorize interfund loans in an amount not to exceed 418 000 This amount is slightly higher in the event that our estimate is too low The interfund loans will be distributed from the following funds 168 000 Capital Replacement Equipment Fund 400 for the purchase of the Railroad Depot land 77 500 Water Utility Fund 700 52 800 Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund 701 88 100 Storm Sewer Utility Fund 720 If expenses exceed 368 400 the additional expenses up to another 49 600 will be transferred from the Capital Replacement Equipment Fund Staff will inform the City Council if this becomes necessary The city will use future increment to the extent available to repay these loans RECOMMENDA TION The Chanhassen EDA authorizes interfund loans in an amount not to exceed 418 000 as detailed in the resolution to be repaid with future tax increment generated from the Chanhassen Transit Station project ATTACHMENT 1 Resolution Authorizing Interfund Loan Chanhassen is a Community for Life Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow 5 CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF CHANHASSEN COUNTIES OF CARVER AND HENNEPIN STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INTERFUND LOAN FOR ADVANCE OF CERTAIN COSTS IN CONNECTION WITH CHANHASSEN TRANSIT STATION TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT BE IT RESOLVED By the Board Of Commissioners of the Chanhassen Economic Development Authority the Authority as follows Section 1 Background 1 01 The Authority intends to establish the Chanhassen Transit Station Tax Increment Financing District Tax Increment Financing District No 10 the TIP District within the Downtown Chanhassen Redevelopment Project Area the Project all pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 469 174 to 469 1799 the TIP Act and Sections 469 090 to 469 1082 the EDA Act 1 02 The Authority may incur certain costs related to the TIP District which costs may be financed on a temporary basis from available Authority funds 1 03 Under Section 469 178 Subdivision 7 of the TIP Act the Authority is authorized to advance or loan money from any fund from which such advances may be legally made in order to finance expenditures that are eligible to be paid with tax increments under the TIP Act 1 04 The Authority intends to advance funds from various sources to pay administrative and other costs related to the TIP District and now proposes to designate such advances as an interfund loan in accordance with the terms oftms resolution and the TIP Act Section 2 Reoavment of Inter fund Loan 2 01 The Authority may advance from time to time and from any available funds moneys to pay administrative and other costs related to the TIP District in a principal amount up to 418 000 The Authority will reimburse itself for such advances together with interest at the rate of 4 per annum the lnterfund Loan Interest accrues on the principal amount from the date of each advance The interest rate is no more than the greater of the rate specified under Minnesota Statutes Section 270C 40 and Section 549 09 both in effect for calendar year 2010 The interest rate will without further action by the Authority be adjusted on January 1 of each year to reflect the greater of the rate specified under Minnesota Statutes Section 270C 40 and Section 549 09 in effect for that calendar year 6 2 02 Principal and interest Payments on the Interfund Loan shall be paid semi annually on each August I and February I each a Payment Date commencing on the first Payment Date on which the Authority has Available Tax Increment defined below or on any other dates determined by the Executive Director through the date of last receipt of tax increment from the TIP District 2 03 Payments on the Interfund Loan will be made solely from Available Tax Increment defined as tax increment from the TIP District received by the Authority from Carver County in the six month period before any Payment Date and not otherwise pledged to other bonds notes or obligations Payments shall be applied first to accrued interest and then to unpaid principal 2 04 The principal sum and all accrued interest payable under this resolution is pre payable in whole or in part at any time by the Authority without premium or penalty 2 05 This resolution is evidence of an internal borrowing by the Authority in accordance with Section 469 178 subdivision 7 of the TIP Act and is a limited obligation payable solely from Available Tax Increment pledged to the payment hereof under this resolution The Interfund Loan shall not be deemed to constitute a general obligation of the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof including without limitation the Authority and the City Neither the State of Minnesota nor any political subdivision thereof shall be obligated to pay the principal of or interest on the Interfund Loan or other costs incident hereto except out of Available Tax Increment The Authority shall have no obligation to pay any principal amount of the Interfund Loan or accrued interest thereon which may remain unpaid after the final Payment Date 2 06 The Authority may at any time make a determination to forgive the outstanding principal amount and accrued interest on the Interfund Loan to the extent permissible under law 2 07 The Authority may from time to time amend the terms of this Resolution to the extent permitted by law including without limitation amendment to the payment schedule and the interest rate provided that the interest rate may not be increased above the maximum specified in Section 469 178 subd 7 ofthe TIP Act Section 3 Effective Date This resolution is effective upon approval Adopted this 22nd day of February 2010 Thomas A Furlong Chair ATTEST Todd Gerhardt Executive Director 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us B MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manager Paul Oehme Director of Public Works City Engineer 119 FROM DATE February 22 2010 I A u6 SUBJ Assessment Practice and 2010 Projects Statuses Updates BACKGROUND On February 8 2010 staff discussed the current assessment practice with the Council and effect of differing road construction projects Road Assessment Practices The updated assessment practice sheet reflects the changes that were discussed at the Work Session The two major changes to the document are giving Council more flexibility to set the percentage of the project costs for assessments and pegging the interest rate for the assessments to 2 over the prime rate 2010 PROJECT STATUS Erie Avenue Reconstruction This project is on schedule and staff is currently reviewing the preliminary plans No major issues have been identified since the public hearing in January The schedule for the project is Approve Plans and Specifications Bid Opening Neighborhood Meeting Assessment Hearing Award Contract Project Begins Substantial Completion March 8 2010 April 8 2010 May 5 2010 May 10 2010 End of May 2010 End of August 2010 Red Cedar Neighborhood Reconstruction Staff has reviewed several options for storm water improvements in the area since the public hearing Residents voiced the most concern about the storm water improvements at the public hearing WSB and staff are proposing to eliminate the storm waterpond which was proposed at the time of the feasibility study Essentially the storm water runoff will be as it is today but improve the street Chanhassen is a Community for Life Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow 26 Todd Gerhardt Assessment Practices Road Projects February 22 2010 Page 2 drainage The street drainage improvements include adding concrete curb or valley gutter in some areas to help the streets drain better Some minor storm water treatments are proposed at the west end of Hickory Drive and Red Cedar Point Staff is planning to meet with the property owners on March 9 2010 Staffhas spoken with several residents already and has received positive feedback on the latest design Due to the time it took to meet with the property owners and complete the design revisions staff is considering bidding the project out in late summer having the utility work completed this fall and completing the street improvements in 2011 Staff feels we will receive as competitive bids in the fall as we would this spring The revised schedule is as follows Approve Plans and Specifications Bid Opening Assessment Hearing Award Contract Utility Work Complete Street Work Start Substantial Completion July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 November 2010 May 2011 July 2011 Audubon Road Reconstruction Staff is currently working on final plans and specifications for this project No major changes have been identified at this time since the public hearing Staff is working with SRF Consulting on an exhibit for a roundabout option at the Lake Drive West intersection This drawing with costs and potential right of way impacts should be available for Monday night s meeting Approve Plans Specifications Auth Ad for Bids Bid Opening Neighborhood Meeting Assessment Hearing A ward Contract Start Construction Substantial Construction Complete Final Wear Course Complete March 8 2010 April 2010 April 2010 May 2010 May 2010 August 27 2010 June 2011 Attachments 1 Assessment Practice Information Sheet 2 Pavement Management Powerpoint 3 Red Cedar Point Plan Sheet g eng forms assessments bkgd ws 022210 special assessments doc 27 CITY OF CHANHASSEN ASSESSMENT PRACTICE Updated February 2010 This Assessment Practice is intended to provide direction to City Staff in preparation of assessment rolls to ensure fair and consistent treatment of all properties within the City of Chanhassen All benefiting properties that have driveway access to the street proposed to be Reconstructed or Rehabilitated will be included in the assessment roll Assessments must be equitable to all properties being assessed REHABILITATION 40 assessed to all benefittin properties Assessable Costs Include Edge or full depth mill and overlay cracksealing and full depth repair of problem areas within the street rehabilitation project area installation or repair of curb and gutter Storm sewer repair or installation associated with a street rehabilitation project including draintile These improvements are proposed to be paid for out of the storm water enterprise fund Notes If a residential property benefits from a collector or commercial street rehabilitation project the assessment amount for the residential property shall be based on a 31 foot wide street L The City Council at their discretion may reduce increase the assessment percentage based on various factors in determining the benefit level of the p rop osed imp rovementsr TERMS OF ASSESSMENTS Term for Rehabilitation Projects shall be 8 years Term for Reconstruction Projects shall be 10 years L The interest rate of the assessment projects shall be pegged to the Prime Rate plus 2 0 percent The ercentage added to the Qrime rate is necessaey to cover the cost of the CitY selling bonds REGULAR MAINTENANCE Properties are not assessed Projects Include Pothole filling Patching Cracksealing Sealcoating g eng forms assessments assessment practice 02221O docx 28 t 0 0 N 00 m N 0 N e C 0 D 0 N hi 0 C N C e CI c ii p s en 0 La nJ M L CIO M M N U L M N U 0 0 N U l e O l c 0 to N U N C CI e c 0 O jO 0 N 2u a 0 U Cc C e nJ CI CI Z 0 COC E CIO CIO CIO CIO to Nt U 6 CI Il l ci Il l CI CI N e g U nJC 0 j c a CI I COO E U nJ 0 00 c M CI 0 e 0 a a N CI to U c C C D nJCI M C C C 0 Cl c N N N N N 0 e N c j 0 6 u U 0 c M L L 0 0 nJ N N M N l N N N N N c N M 0 N 0 M 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 D LI N M IJd aSeJaNv 29 flIP fA J Q o s c C t s s cu C I o fA J CO c E 12 m1 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0 i rr1 o 9 Z G I II t 1 r m G m z q co c CD Z c 3 c CD Q 4 Q 0 0 0 z oZ 0 00 bel U U U mm U U o o o 00S6 g2525250 ZZen j enen G G mmmmO enooOOO l ien j OO lO lO T1r OI n OZ r s mO m en S m oO m en lmcG m lZC m m l l 0 m 8m6 rri 000 0 G m mm s C m 0 Z OJ l en o 33 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION FEBRUARY 8 2010 Mayor Furlong called the work session to order at 5 40 p m COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Furlong Councilman Litsey Councilwoman Tjornhom and Councilman McDonald Councilwoman Ernst arrived late in the work session STAFF PRESENT Todd Gerhardt Laurie Hokkanen Kate Aanenson Paul Oehme and Todd Hoffman DISCUSS 2010 KEY FINANCIAL STRATEGIES Todd Gerhardt reviewed the results of the priority rankings submitted by council members noting anything lower than 2 would be considered a priority for the upcoming year Councilman McDonald asked about the discrepancy in ranking for item 3 Discuss the benefits of the City s dog and cat licensing program Councilwoman Tjornhom and Mayor Furlong explained their ranking of 1 Councilman McDonald stated item 28 addresses looking at all ordinances as opposed to only addressing one Councilman Litsey asked if there has been public feedback regarding the need to change number 3 After discussion Councilman McDonald and Councilman Litsey agreed to change their ranking of 4 to 1 if it included a broader review of multiple ordinances Regarding item 4 consider Social Host Ordinance Councilman McDonald asked if this item was being addressed by the State Legislature Councilman Litsey stated they currently have other more crucial issues to address at the state level Regarding item 7 Update Police Work Plan Councilman Litsey stated he felt it was time to recalibrate the work plan based on new and refreshed data Regarding item 14 Review of the City s Long Range Financial Plan Todd Gerhardt explained that Standard and Poors looks very favorably on cities working with their councils regarding long term financial goals Staff stated they will put a schedule together for the Key Financial Strategies that the City Council can adopt at their next meeting DISCUSS ROAD ASSESSMENT PRACTICES AND THE EFFECTS OF DEFERRING ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Paul Oehme reviewed the Assessment Policy Survey Results from other cities noting their practices were all over the board and explained that the City of Chanhassen s policy hasn t been updated since 2002 Councilwoman Tjornhom asked if a study has been done showing market values of homes before and after road construction projects and clarification of how the County addresses this issue Councilman McDonald asked for clarification of how the City Council will address the actual cost to residents Todd Gerhardt explained that the City would need to reduce the 40 amount to residents and asked if the council wants to treat high traffic roads i e MSA roads differently than local roads Councilman Litsey suggested setting interest rates that are flexible to address the current economy Mayor Furlong emphasized that he does not want the City to be the first choice in financing by residents Councilman McDonald stated he would entertain lengthening the time to pay back the assessment with a clause that it must be paid in full when the property sells Paul Oehme explained that the City does have a policy in place to 34 City Council Work Session February 8 2010 deal with senior citizens and people on fixed incomes In reviewing the cost of delaying projects Paul Oehme showed a graph of the pavement network condition if only minor maintenance is funded for the next 20 years the pavement condition improvement cost comparisons and impacts of deferring projects Councilwoman Ernst asked if residents know that the City covers 60 of road projects Todd Gerhardt explained that the public hearing process regarding the Audubon Road reconstruction project Councilwoman Ernst stated she would like to see numbers associated with doing nothing Councilwoman Tjornhom asked for documentation showing Minnetonka s numbers with not assessing residents versus Chanhassen s policy of assessing 40 Mayor Furlong adjourned the work session meeting at 7 00 p m Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 2 35 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES FEBRUARY 8 2010 Mayor Furlong called the meeting to order at 7 05 p m The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Furlong Councilman Litsey Councilwoman Ernst Councilwoman Tjornhom and Councilman McDonald STAFF PRESENT Todd Gerhardt Roger Knutson Laurie Hokkanen Kate Aanenson Paul Oehme and Todd Hoffman PUBLIC PRESENT Tim Litfin Minnetonka Community Education Services Ann Mark Page 10 Hill Street PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS None CONSENT AGENDA Councilwoman Ernst moved Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager s recommendations a Approval of Minutes City Council Work Session Minutes dated January 25 2010 City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated January 25 2010 Receive Commission Minutes Planning Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated January 19 2010 b Hill Street Drainage Project Award Construction Contract c Approval of Temporary On Sale Liquor License Gym Jam Event April 10 St Hubert Catholic Community 8201 Main Street d Approval of Amendment to Chapter 20 of City Code Amending the Chanhassen Retail Center Market Square and West One Planned Unit Developments Resolution 2010 10 f Call for Public Hearing on a Proposed Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for the Chanhassen Redevelopment Project Area and the Proposed Establishment of Tax Increment District 10 h 2010 Pond Cleanout SWMP18D Award Contract 36 City Council Summary February 8 2010 i 2010 Legislative Priorities All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 VISITOR PRESENTATIONS EXPRESS APPRECIATION FOR CITY S HELP WITH TOUR DE TONKA TIM LITFIN MINNETONKA COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERVICES Tim Litfin presented a plaque thanking the City of Chanhassen for allowing the Tour de Tonka to stroll through the city streets every year in August PUBLIC HEARING CONSIDER EASEMENT VACATION LOTS 4 5 BLOCK 1 RD BRENDEN POND 3 ADDITION Public Present Name Address Gina Sauer 2244 Lake Lucy Road Paul Oehme presented the staff report for this item Gina Sauer the neighbor to the east asked for clarification of the reason for the adjusted easement Resolution 2010 11 Councilwoman Ernst moved Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council vacate the drainage and utility easement on Lots 4 and 5 Block 1 rd Brenden Ponds 3 Addition as shown on the survey prepared by Demars Gabriel Land Surveyors Inc dated 12 18 09 Approval is contingent upon combining the lots and recording the Grant of Permanent Drainage and Utility Easement document All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 PUBLIC HEARING AUDUBON ROAD RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT 10 02 PUBLIC HEARING AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS SPECIFICATIONS Public Present Name Address Tana Erickson Tim Boyce 8941 Audubon Road Kristi Strang 1701 Valley Ridge Trail South Steve Mary Pat Monson 8850 Audubon Road Dennis Ruth Chadderdon 8900 Audubon Road Meredith Patrick Walsh 8731 Audubon Road Gary Theis 1696 Valley Ridge Trail North Bruce Feik 1773 Valley Ridge Trail South Pamela Strand 8640 Audubon Road J Phans 1815 Valley Ridge Trail South 2 37 City Council Summary February 8 2010 Elizabeth Kressler 1750 Valley Ridge Trail North Wendy O Connor 1702 Valley Ridge Trail North Tim Brenda Moore 1812 Valley Ridge Trail North M Choiniere Family 8481 Bittern Court Paul Oehme presented the staff report for this item and outlined the scope of the project Todd Hoffman reviewed the City s Comprehensive Trail Plan and the importance of constructing this trail segment along Audubon Road Pat Corkle with SRF discussed traffic concerns and the geometrics of the roadway Councilwoman Ernst asked if there were any restrictions the City could place on the road to lower the speed limit and traffic control options for the intersections Mayor Furlong called the public hearing to order Pamela Strand 8640 Audubon Road voiced objection to moving the trail from the east side of Audubon to the west installation of the left turn lanes because it upgrades the road unnecessarily and concern with when the traffic study was done Steve Monson 8850 Audubon Road expressed concern that there were too many unanswered questions to make a decision He explained his reasons for opposing the trail being placed on the east side asked why the road can t be posted as a 4 or 5 ton road like it used to be the need to slow traffic down and concern with access to his shed Pat Walsh 8731 Audubon Road opposed putting the path on either side of the road and did not see the point of putting in left turn lanes He agreed that the road needs to be repaved but not expanded and that traffic should be encouraged to take different routes to 212 rather than taking Audubon Tana Erickson 8941 Audubon Road stated she was not in favor of having the trail on the east side of the road wanted to reiterate that she and her husband are concerned about traffic going faster asked for clarification of where the funding to construct the trail comes from concern with assessments anxious that things are moving too fast before ironing out all the issues such as how to slow traffic down what changes had been made to the plan after receiving feedback at the neighborhood meetings and a concern that the neighborhood concerns weren t being addressed Ruth and Dennis Chadderdon 8900 Audubon Road stated they agree that the road needs to be updated but questioned why 8 homes are being assessed and the amount and speed of the truck traffic She liked the idea of installing a round about to help slow traffic and was not in favor of the bike path on either side of the road Dennis Chadderdon stated there were other path loops in the area without the need for this section of trail and that traffic speeds will go up when the road becomes smoother Ruth Chadderdon had questions about whether Audubon Road is a county or city road Councilwoman Tjornhom asked residents to explain their fear of constructing the trail Ruth Chadderdon and Steve Monson addressed her question 3 38 City Council Summary February 8 2010 Krista Strang 1701 Valley Ridge Trail South which is the corner lot off Audubon expressed concern over the distance from her fence to the trail and the number and speed of the truck traffic Wendy O Connor 1702 Valley Ridge Trail North explained her concern with the dates of when the speed measurement studies were performed prior to school starting and the location of where the studies were taken She discussed the merits of installing an all way stop sign at Audubon and Valley Ridge Trail North to help with access to the park across Audubon from their neighborhood In speaking with John Rogers Manager of Transportation for Chanhassen High School he stated installing a safe crosswalk at this location would save the school district 42 000 annually Elizabeth Kressler 1750 Valley Ridge Trail North friend and neighbor of Wendy O Connor voiced her surprise that the City had not contacted the school district about the Audubon Road reconstruction project She asked for clarification of the width of the old road versus what is being proposed for the new road if any of the businesses further up on Audubon were contributing to the project cost when Audubon Road was changed from a county road to a city road why the neighborhood just north of the Kwik Trip north of Highway 5 on Galpin has a stop sign how can the City change the designation of Audubon Road from a collector and suggested doing the traffic study sometime when school s in session and the PGA tournament s not in town Bruce Feik 1773 Valley Ridge Trail South thanked city staff for all their work and stated he felt it was a pretty good plan He liked the idea of the round about and stated that the turn lanes are absolutely necessary He was not so much in favor of installing stop signs but agreed there needed to be a way to get pedestrians safely across the road to access the park and that the sidewalks were necessary He asked that something be done at the intersection of Audubon Road and Lyman Boulevard to address safety concerns i e moving the stop sign locations tree removal or road realignment Mike Choiniere 8481 Bittern Court expressed concern that the traffic count numbers are too low because it was conducted before the high school opened and was in favor of having a crosswalk and path system on Audubon Road that connects to the high school Mrs Choiniere had great concern about the speed of the traffic and pedestrian safety Gary Theis 1696 Valley Ridge Trail North expressed concern over the lack of maintenance on Audubon Road over the last few years and asked what could be done to lower the speed limit Councilwoman Tjornhom moved Councilwoman Ernst seconded to close the public hearing All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 The public hearing was closed After comments from council members the following motion was made Resolution 2010 12 Councilman McDonald moved Councilman Litsey seconded that the Chanhassen City Council authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for the 4 39 City Council Summary February 8 2010 Audubon Road Reconstruction Project No 10 02 All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 The City Council took a short recess at this point in the meeting subject to the call of the Chair CONSIDER APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 20 OF CITY CODE REZONING CERTAIN DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES Kate Aanenson presented the staff report on this item Commissioner McDonald asked about feedback from businesses in the Central Business District on the impact of this rezoning proposal Mayor Furlong asked if the stormwater management plan can handle this intensification in the downtown Councilwoman Tjornhom moved Councilwoman Ernst seconded that the City Council approves the rezoning of properties from General Business District BG to Central Business nd District CBD on property located on Lot 4 Block 1 West Village Heights 2 Addition and rd Lots 1 2 and 3 Block 1 West Village Heights 3 Addition rezoning from General Business District BG to Agricultural Estate District A2 on property located on Outlot A Crossroads Plaza Addition and rezoning from Highway and Business Services District BH to Agricultural Estate District A2 on property located on Outlot B Crossroads Plaza Addition and Lot 3 Block 2 Frontier Development Park and adopts the Planning Commission s Findings of Fact All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS Councilwoman Ernst thanked staff for the awesome job they did with the fishing contest and February Festival ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS None CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION None Councilwoman Ernst moved Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded to adjourn the meeting All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 The City Council meeting was adjourned at 10 45 p m Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 5 40 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 8 2010 Mayor Furlong called the meeting to order at 7 05 p m The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Furlong Councilman Litsey Councilwoman Ernst Councilwoman Tjornhom and Councilman McDonald STAFF PRESENT Todd Gerhardt Roger Knutson Laurie Hokkanen Kate Aanenson Paul Oehme and Todd Hoffman PUBLIC PRESENT Tim Litfin Minnetonka Community Education Services Ann Mark Page 10 Hill Street PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Furlong Thank you and welcome to everyone here in the council chambers this evening and those watching at home Especially for those that came to join us we appreciate your trekking through the snow and the weather tonight to be with us Look forward to working with you this evening The first item today would be to ask if there are any issues from members of the council or any changes or amendments to the agenda from members of the council Or others Ms Hokkanen Laurie Hokkanen Legislative priorities Mayor Furlong Yes At our work session under at the last meeting we discussed the legislative priorities What I d like to do is add that We can either add that item number i under the consent agenda 1 i or bring it under new business Whatever the council would prefer Is 1 i acceptable to everybody That would be to adopt the Legislative Priorities Okay so we will bring that in as it was presented at our work session under item 1 i Any other changes or modifications to the agenda Hearing none we ll proceed with the agenda as published What we d like to do tonight is start with our consent agenda CONSENT AGENDA Councilwoman Ernst moved Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager s recommendations a Approval of Minutes City Council Work Session Minutes dated January 25 2010 City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated January 25 2010 Receive Commission Minutes 41 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Planning Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated January 19 2010 b Hill Street Drainage Project Award Construction Contract c Approval of Temporary On Sale Liquor License Gym Jam Event April 10 St Hubert Catholic Community 8201 Main Street d Approval of Amendment to Chapter 20 of City Code Amending the Chanhassen Retail Center Market Square and West One Planned Unit Developments Resolution 2010 10 f Call for Public Hearing on a Proposed Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for the Chanhassen Redevelopment Project Area and the Proposed Establishment of Tax Increment District 10 h 2010 Pond Cleanout SWMP18D Award Contract i 2010 Legislative Priorities All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 VISITOR PRESENTATIONS EXPRESS APPRECIATION FOR CITY S HELP WITH TOUR DE TONKA TIM LITFIN MINNETONKA COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERVICES Mayor Furlong At this time I would ask if any members of the public would like to come forward and address the council this evening Okay very good Tonight we do have a visitor with us Tim Litfin with the Minnetonka Community Education Services is here to talk about the Tour de Tonka Good evening Mr Litfin Good to see you again Tim Litfin Thank you Mr Mayor and council members City Manager I appreciate the you allowing me here tonight and this is a good news presentation I m here to present you with a recognition and a plaque for allowing Tour de Tonka to stroll through your streets every year in th August This year it s going to be August 7 but I ve got just a couple of stats before I come forth with your big award Last year we had 2 137 riders and all of them came through Chanhassen 615 of them rode through southern Chanhassen if you will and the bulk of everyone then rode through the northern streets of Chanhassen So 4 years running and we ve had over 6 000 riders come through Chanhassen and very safely as well Carver County Sheriff s Department Todd Todd and everyone else here in the city has been very helpful and I appreciate that very much so therefore on behalf of the Community Education Department in Minnetonka and Minnetonka Public Schools and the ICA Food Shelf which in part benefits from this event as well I d like to present you the City with a plaque Thank you Tom I appreciate it very much Todd thank you for everything you ve done for us Todd thank you Very good Mayor Furlong Thank you very much We do enjoy Mr Litfin the good relationship that our city has with Minnetonka School District Continuing Education for Minnetonka as well as Eastern Carver County and their continuing education program as well so we re fortunate in this 2 42 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 city to be served by two very high quality school districts and we appreciate our relationship with you PUBLIC HEARING CONSIDER EASEMENT VACATION LOTS 4 5 BLOCK 1 RD BRENDEN POND 3 ADDITION Public Present Name Address Gina Sauer 2244 Lake Lucy Road Paul Oehme Thank you City Council members The property owner here is requesting that the drainage and utility easement on their property be vacated at this time and I ll show you The property is located off of Lake Lucy Road Here are the two properties that are potentially going to be combined and the easement runs down the lot line at this location The easement again is a 10 foot wide easement 5 foot on each of the property lines right here The reason for this is that the property owner wishes to construct auxiliary structure on Lot 5 in conjunction with Lot 4 and then also the additional improvements on Lot 5 potentially in the future Staff does not have an issue with the vacation of this property although I have requested that a drainage utility easement be dedicated along the eastern side of Lot 5 to accommodate and the north side of Lot number 5 to accommodate potential utility improvements in the future so And the property owner we met with them and the contractor that s potentially working on this project a couple times and they seem amenable to that I did hand out the updated drainage and utility dedication for the for this project as well so and again the easement vacation area staff did call Gopher State One There is no private or public utilities out in this area and we are in agreement that this easement can be vacated if the drainage utility on Lot 5 are dedicated so with that I d request or ask if there are any questions by the council and I d request that a public hearing be open at this time Mayor Furlong Okay thank you Any questions for staff at this point And again as part of the proposed motion the approval will be contingent upon adjoining the lots and granting the new easements correct Paul Oehme That s correct Mayor Furlong Okay thank you Any questions for staff at this point Is the applicant here And if so do you wish to address the council on anything Okay At this point then I would open up the public hearing and invite all interested parties to come forward and address the council on this matter No one this evening on this item Okay without objection we ll close the public hearing and bring it back to council for Oh I m sorry Gina Sauer Oh I just had a question to address Mayor Furlong Certainly With regard to this issue 3 43 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Gina Sauer Yes Mayor Furlong Thank you If you could state your name and address at the beginning Gina Sauer Sure My name is Gina Sauer and I live at 2244 Lake Lucy Road which is the property immediate to the east and I just wanted to make sure that I understood the documentation that was on the web site that one of the reasons for the adjusted easement and the replacement easement I guess you d call it on the east side of the property on the east side of the property as opposed to the piece that kind of goes down where they adjoin The two lots Is for purposes of possible future directional boring associated with the watermain correct Paul Oehme Yeah that s correct There s a potential for a future raw watermain A new well potentially up in this area in the future We ve identified it on our comp plan so it s we haven t we don t have a date for that yet or have any plans right now for those improvements but we just wanted to plan for that potential improvement in the future and again it s we re looking at a directional bore process so we re not open cutting it disturbing the surface out in this area Like to try to do it as minimal disruption as we can There s a tree easement to the north of you that we want to protect so we don t want to damage that area if at all possible Gina Sauer Okay and so it s anticipated that the new easement as marked on the documentation would be able to accommodate that watermain Paul Oehme Absolutely Gina Sauer Within that easement space Paul Oehme Absolutely yep Gina Sauer Okay That s my only question Alright thank you Mayor Furlong Thank you Anyone else that would like to address the council on this matter No Seeing none then without objection we ll close the public hearing and bring it back to council for discussion Any thoughts or comments on this from council Or would someone like to make a motion Councilwoman Ernst I ll make a motion Mayor Furlong Please Councilwoman Ernst I make a motion to vacate the drainage and utility easement on Lots 4 and rd 5 Block 1 Brenden Ponds 3 Addition as shown on the survey prepared by Demars Gabriel Land Surveyors Inc dated 12 18 09 Approval is contingent upon combining the lots and recording the Grant of Permanent Drainage and Utility Easement document Mayor Furlong Thank you Is there a second 4 44 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Councilwoman Tjornhom Second Mayor Furlong Made and seconded Any discussion on the motion Resolution 2010 11 Councilwoman Ernst moved Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council vacate the drainage and utility easement on Lots 4 and 5 Block 1 rd Brenden Ponds 3 Addition as shown on the survey prepared by Demars Gabriel Land Surveyors Inc dated 12 18 09 Approval is contingent upon combining the lots and recording the Grant of Permanent Drainage and Utility Easement document All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 PUBLIC HEARING AUDUBON ROAD RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT 10 02 PUBLIC HEARING AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS SPECIFICATIONS Public Present Name Address Tana Erickson Tim Boyce 8941 Audubon Road Kristi Strang 1701 Valley Ridge Trail South Steve Mary Pat Monson 8850 Audubon Road Dennis Ruth Chadderdon 8900 Audubon Road Meredith Patrick Walsh 8731 Audubon Road Gary Theis 1696 Valley Ridge Trail North Bruce Feik 1773 Valley Ridge Trail South Pamela Strand 8640 Audubon Road J Phans 1815 Valley Ridge Trail South Elizabeth Kressler 1750 Valley Ridge Trail North Wendy O Connor 1702 Valley Ridge Trail North Tim Brenda Moore 1812 Valley Ridge Trail North M Choiniere Family 8481 Bittern Court Paul Oehme Thank you Mayor City Council members Before I begin real quickly the staff did receive two additional comments from residents in this project area Didn t have time to include it into the packet so I did hand them out to you if you have any questions about those And also I have here tonight Pat Corkle with SRF Consultants He is helped the City with the preliminary design the layout and the geometrics of the road The traffic issues surrounding this project as well so This project has been planned for several years Staff did hold two neighborhood meetings One at the beginning of December and then also one in January The one in December was more for the property owners most impacted by the project area that have th driveway accesses and such and the January 13 meeting was more for neighborhoods area so we did send out about 100 notices I recall to the property owners in this area for those meetings Audubon Road is scheduled for improvements As you know Audubon Road is just south of Highway 5 and the section of Audubon that we re considering for improvements is south of Lake Drive West and then down to Lyman Boulevard about three quarter of a mile stretch of roadway The existing conditions for Audubon it s a rural section roadway No curb and gutter at this 5 45 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 time Gravel shoulders The street is overall it s in poor condition Lots of rutting Stress cracks and such The gravel shoulders on the hillside specifically are washing out and continue to wash out especially during heavy rain events Staff does try to fix those washed out areas best we can but they still continue and are still a hazard There is no pedestrian access along the corridor at this time Our comp plan does show that there should be some sort of pedestrian movement along this corridor to facilitate pedestrian movements in the south side of Chanhassen here There are substandard turn lanes at some of the intersections We definitely want to improve upon what s out there today for safety reasons and staff did look at the utilities in this area There is no storm sewer right now or very little storm sewer improvements Sewer our sanitary sewer and watermains and we did not find very many problems with the system at this time so overall we think they re in fairly good condition so we re not planning to replace any of that infrastructure at this time Just minor improvements The street condition you know our records go back to 82 This street was sealcoated in 82 It was overlayed in 92 and another sealcoat put on in 95 Since then the staff has been patching the street trying to keep it as good shape as we can We did not stick any major money into the roadway because it does need definitely an improvement The sub grade is sub standard The drawing that I show you here is basically our pavement condition index and what these numbers relate to is what the condition of the roadway is for each of these segments of the road so basically from Lake Drive to Heron Drive the paving condition there is about 40 As we go south from Sunridge Court to Lyman Boulevard that section is 18 which is which tells us that that area of roadway is in worst condition than the section to the north And when you average out the PCI s for this area it s 31 When you look at the average PCI the degradation scale and where we see improvements needed Typically when you are at about 45 PSI condition index you want to see a reconstruction at that time It doesn t do us any good to do an overlay or sealcoat because the sub grade is not to standard and you re more or less throwing your money away by doing some of the minor maintenance improvements So with that the proposed improvements for the project still remaining a two lane roadway We re not proposing to improve it to a Powers Boulevard type of collector roadway Reconstruct the street and urbanize and do approximately the same width and geometrics so we re not raising the roadway up or lowering it very much It s plus or minus a foot basically of the elevation that it s at today And then just adding the curb and gutter Along with that we want to add in the storm sewer system We know that some of this water drainage runs off into people s back yards and want to try and capture that and treat it in the existing ponds that we have along the corridor We want to add some left turn lanes at major intersections for safety Right now the traffic is at a level and where we think it goes from here we re probably going to need some of those left turn lanes just based upon some of the delays and traffic trying to get around this area so we re it s just definitely a safety improvement that we want to consider putting in this project Improving the right turn lanes Right now they re sub standard Not long as the State thinks they should be so we want to lengthen those out a little bit and make them a little bit more friendly Construct a 10 foot wide pedestrian trail on the west side of the roadway Again our city comp plan for trail improvements indicates that there should be a trail Plan for a trail along this corridor somewhere Again we want to add a sand section and drain tile it to the project area I know that there s some high water tables and some ground water issues and adding that sand and that drain tile trying to get the water away from the sub base will only lengthen the pavement life expectancy so There are some hydrants and some minor repairs of sanitary sewer and forcemain that we want to make replace and bolts Move some hydrants back out a little bit just to accommodate some of the turn lanes Some of 6 46 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 the geometrics that we re looking at through the project area The speed limit we re not proposing to change at this time I did put in your packet that you know that is a state Commissioner of Transportation They do set those speed limits so the City really doesn t have any jurisdiction over how those are set or what the speed limit for any corridor would be And then also street lights from the neighborhood There didn t seem to be too much of an interest in putting street lights up and down the whole entire roadway as it is on Audubon North of Lake Drive West so what we re proposing is just some safety improvements Some street lights at Osprey There s already one at on the other side of the roadway at the same intersection We want to put two lights at this intersection Valley Ridge South do one additional street light there and then also at Sunridge Court So basically the main intersections That s where you see the most conflicts So at this time I d just like to take a couple minutes and just talk about some of the intersection improvements that are proposed at this time and how it relates to what is currently out there This drawing just shows you the intersection of Lake Drive West as it s shown today North is up so and then the drawing to the right here kind of shows what the improvements proposed improvements would be So at this intersection existing roadway width is 44 miles an hour or 44 feet wide This location also is 44 foot wide north of Lake Drive West Audubon and the farther north you go it actually gets a little bit wider to 48 foot But the improvements that we re looking at is nothing major no major improvements north of Lake Drive West Just a stripe in a left turn lane at this time to accommodate the left turn lane that is proposed at Lake Drive West to go westbound So and then two through lanes So the again the roadway width here is 44 foot wide What we would propose to make the roadway width here is 40 feet wide to accommodate the left and the two through lanes There is an existing stormwater pond at the intersection of Audubon and Lake Drive West the southeast corner That treats approximately about a quarter of the drainage in this corridor We re approximately putting back the same amount of drainage area into this pond as before What we want to do though is eliminate the existing outlet structure to the pond right now It s a little bit higher than we like to see it Creates a little bit more erosion and then basically eliminate that structure and then put in a new structure closer to Lake Drive West and around the trees here so The intersection of Heron Drive and Audubon Currently the road is 40 foot wide If you consider the paved section the 8 foot shoulders We re proposing to urbanize that roadway again to a 44 or 40 foot wide road and then add a designated left turn lane in at Heron Drive at the southbound direction There is no right turn lane proposed at this intersection Osprey Lane and Valley Ridge North or Trail North This intersection is a little bit wider than the other intersection There is currently a right turn lane sub standard right turn lane Southbound on Audubon there is again a paved right turn lane northbound on Audubon into Osprey The improvements that are proposed are to add make the right turn lanes more standard to State standards in terms of length and have those through lanes go through this intersection again but designate left turn lanes into each of the developments We feel that again this is an important improvement just based upon the traffic currently and into the future meeting a safe haven for traffic to turn with oncoming traffic so the roadway intersection here is approximately staying the same Maybe about 4 feet wider than it currently is but we feel that we can accommodate this improvement within the current right of way as it exists today The trail will go in in the future There is a planned trail crossing at this intersection on the north side of Osprey and Valley Ridge Trail North There was some discussion about putting it at some of the other intersections Pat Corkle can talk about the pros and the cons of putting or where that cross or that pedestrian crossing should be but based upon SRF s analysis this seems to be the safest location for that crossing at this time based upon the 7 47 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 design And also again the street light here is we re proposing one more street light at this intersection Valley Ridge Trail South intersection Again there is a small little right turn lane there heading southbound on Audubon The Valley Ridge Trail South This plan does not show that right turn lane in but we are looking at trying to accommodate that right turn lane based th upon residential comments that we received at our neighborhood meeting on January 13 So and then there was also a designated left turn lane to this intersection or to this Valley Ridge Trail South from the north so Sunridge Court this intersection will more or less stay the same The existing roadway width here is 40 foot wide 20 foot paved 8 foot shoulders We re proposing to keep it the same width right now but again just paving Paving the shoulder edges Adding that curb and gutter for safety And drainage As we move south the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and County Road 18 This section of roadway here what is proposed at this location is a dual left both for southbound and northbound You see this at some other locations throughout the metro area here It allows residents in this area since there are so many driveways accessing Audubon Road to have a safe haven for turning into their driveway and getting out of that through lane of traffic as much as they can so they have a safe haven to make that turn if when they want to The storm sewer culvert at this location is proposed to be extended out to accommodate the trail We need a little bit more pipe out there to make that trail improvement work and again about 3 4 of the road here Audubon is draining to the south That drainage will be proposed to be treating the existing storm water pond south of Lyman Boulevard That pond was constructed with the improvements The first phase of Lyman Boulevard improvements It has been oversized to accommodate this section of Audubon and the section of Lyman to the east when that improvement is taken place so no storm sewer ponding improvements are needed at this location in terms of over sizing or anything so And again if Audubon Road this section we re leaving the roadway widths approximately the same as they are today but basically paving those shoulders again and putting in the curb and gutter Typical section of the roadway that s being proposed For most of the corridor it s a 14 foot through lane We did look at wider roadway sections when we first got into this but based upon some concerns of the residents and the need and the desire to try to reduce some costs we did narrow the roadway section down about 4 feet from where it was previously proposed This also does add in a little bit of traffic calming when you have those narrower lanes The traffic through traffic feels a little more confined It will feel a little bit more not won t feel as the need to speed as much the more narrow the roadway through lanes down so The intersection of Valley Ridge Trail North that again is proposed to be 52 foot wide Again with 14 foot through lanes A center turn lanes and a trail off to the side which is again it s a 10 foot wide trail In this area it s between 5 and 8 foot boulevard Pavement section that s proposed It is a 10 ton design which is consistent with the section that s north of Lake Drive West North of this project so we re more or less matching the pavement strength what s out there today north of the project We did look at engineering here We did look at it with a soils report had recommended and we did decrease the select granular It was 24 inches they had recommended We think in select areas we can use more geo fabric Save on some costs for that trucking for the select granular and the that would have to come out to accommodate the sand section so we did look at cost savings in that respect I want to spend a little time on the trail improvements We did hear from a lot of the property owners at the neighborhood meeting that this is one of the biggest concerns or comments that we received for the project This drawing shows what the existing trail network is currently The section here in green is what is currently built today and there is a stub of trail segment just south of Osprey too that s built that doesn t go anywhere 8 48 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 The section of roadway or section of trail that s proposed to be built is this section here on the west side of Audubon and it s basically a connection from Lyman all the way up to the section of trail along Audubon to the north here It kind of connects the south end of Chanhassen to the north end right now and it is has been identified in the park and rec comprehensive plan We did look at where this trail should be You know I think on some of the earlier drawings the trail had been shown on the east side of the road of Audubon We did look at initially looking at putting it on the east side but when we looked at what the cost would be and how to construct it we came to a different conclusion Or several reasons had led us to propose it on the west side Just going through what the improvements on the west side would be is the City owns this section of road down here or property down here at Lyman just north of Lyman so there s no easements that would have to be acquired by that It s fairly clean As we move north there is an existing 20 foot trail easement that was platted with this development back in I think 89 so we do have a trail easement an 20 foot existing trail easement that we would like to put the trail in We do need temporary easements to accommodate those improvements That s just basically grading purposes Instead of building a wall we d like to grade back into this area and to accommodate that improvement and as we go north of here based upon the preliminary design we don t feel that we will need additional easements for this section of roadway here We think we can accommodate the trail within the existing right of way When we look at the trail on the east side you know that is a little bit more of a challenge to put that road in For one the right of way that we have out here is is really it s fairly tight considering what we re what has to go back in The geometrics and the alignment more or less has to stay at it s current location and then tie into Lyman at a fixed location where the County wants us to tie into so that we can t really move the road all that much and in order to put the trail on the east side of Audubon we would have to buy permanent easement as opposed to temporary easement on the west side The permanent easement again we would probably need about 20 foot of permanent easement from Lyman all the way up to where the stub of the trail currently exists so that incurs some cost There is significant trees along this corridor as well More mature trees up in this area and several trees down in this location that would have to be removed as well as opposed to the west side where there s less foliage on that side There are some trees that will still have to be removed but not to the size or caliper of the trees on the east side This area is fairly steep so additional walls would have to be constructed to accommodate that That trail improvement And fencing as well As up in this location too there would be walls that would have to need to be constructed Down in the southern half again there are wetlands that would be impacted so those wetlands would either have to be mitigated or we d have to come up with some other plan to stay out of those wetlands So taking all that into consideration putting a dollar value to what it would take to put it on the east side as opposed to the west side staff has come up with a number of 335 000 just to prep the trail surface for paving That doesn t include paving the trail but would just basically puts up the walls Gives you the easements and grades the area out and establishes a corridor for that trail to potentially be constructed so that s the reasoning for us to go on the west side at this time Proposing on the west side At this time I would like to invite Todd Hoffman our Park and Rec Superintendent up and he can give us a update on the comprehensive plan and why this corridor is important for the city to improve at this time Todd Hoffman Thanks Paul and Mr Mayor members of the City Council and members of our audience I d just like to speak briefly I think I have 3 slides on the comprehensive trail plan Why it s a priority for the community and where we ve been in the past and why we think this 9 49 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 portion of Audubon Trail is important as a trail corridor The City s committed to our comprehensive trail system To date we ve invested over 15 million in trail systems in about 90 individual projects in the last 25 years in our community Residents and visitors currently enjoy an 80 mile multi purpose trail system and when we re all said and done we re headed for just over 100 miles in comprehensive trails throughout our community Our trails provide a safe and convenience form of recreation They serve as pedestrian commuter routes to and from places of work and then also to our bus lines within the community Safe routes to school We have our new high school in this location so some kids and parents will utilize this pedestrian route for school access It allows training opportunities to our schools for their track teams Lacrosse football and other teams Our fitness businesses in town utilize our public trail system as a part of their business plan in their different areas and then individuals use them for training for marathons and just a general fitness type training These trails help to reduce vehicle trips in our roadways on a daily basis in our community They preserve and enhance property values and that s proven time and time again in study after study and they provide numerous health related benefits and they re a significant source of pride Community pride for our community People talk about how they enjoy our trail system and how it s maintained all year long and they can use it throughout the year This slide the red trails shows the Audubon Road area trails The progression of how they ve been constructed over the past 20 years So you start in 1991 kind of in the center of the map There were some trails that were built to access Sunset Ridge Park and then it goes from there 1995 The trail down along the weather ball 96 at Powers Boulevard 99 the trail was put in in the Bluff Creek corridor itself 2007 we built the trails in Power Hill Park In fact the north the first section of Audubon was back in 1990 really the first section of trail in this entire area and it stopped at it s current terminus point Then the most recent 2009 big section of trail along Lyman Boulevard The underpass of course under Lyman Boulevard and then the access to the school coming from the creek trail on the north side The 3 blue lines that are left remaining in this general vicinity are Audubon The section of roadway we re talking about tonight It s an important connector to make these trails all come together One thing we hear time and time again from residents is they like a loop route so they can go out one way from their residence and then loop back around on another section of trail Then in the future the missing link in Lyman Boulevard will be filled in and then one more section to the south on Bluff Creek Boulevard So that s where we ve been and that s where we hope to go and be happy to answer any questions as we move forward Paul Oehme Maybe Pat Corkle can address the next couple slides that relate to the traffic and the geometrics of the roadway Pat Corkle Mayor members of City Council I m just going to talk a little bit about the roadway function and designation and a few of the issues as we went through some of the public meetings what we ve heard from some of the residents at those meetings Audubon is identified as a collector roadway and what s a collector roadway Basically it s function in a hierarchy of roadway system is connect the local street system to arterial system so in our case what we have here is Audubon is that collector street connecting to the local streets and then serving as a connector up to Trunk Highway 5 or down to Lyman Boulevard so it provides that connection between residential streets and these major roadways One thing that we have on this type of roadway though is we also do have some private driveways along there and I think that s a little bit of some issues that we have But that s something that you experience and see there today 10 50 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 and I think we have a list of 3 streets there that also kind of provide that collector function but also still have some of those private driveways We did collect some data out there The traffic data and as you can see from the bottom table there s a little over 3 200 trips out there in August The volumes really haven t what I consider significantly changed from 1999 til this time You can see there s been some fluctuations where it s went up a little bit and come back down One of the things that we did when we collected the data is we did measure the large trucks and we heard that from a lot of our meetings that there s a lot of truck traffic there There is 3 of those trips so I mean that s about 100 of over a day 1 of them 5 axle That d be semi trucks so the larger semi s 2 would be the 3 to 4 axle so that d be more your delivery style trucks One of the questions we got from a lot of the residents was about can we band the truck traffic from that location We did some more research after that discussion We went and looked at the state statutes and what they said for municipal state aid routes that we can t go through and band trucks on those type of roadways so that was one of the things that we did find after people asked us a lot of questions about doing that And then so there s the functional classification map that shows Audubon and the other roadways along there that s a collector roadway and some of those other roadways that are similar function One of the other things that we heard a lot of discussion about was speed limits I think there s a lot of discussion of are we able to lower the speed limit to something less than the 45 miles an hour that s out there Again going back and spending some more time looking at the state statutes as kind of Paul mentioned earlier and again you ll find in your council packet discussion There s about a 2 page thing that talks about speed limits Once you get beyond some of what I consider statutory speed limits that can be identified you need to go through and have the Commissioner of Transportation determine the speed of the roadway That process usually ends up them going and doing a speed study and some other things that they take into account I ve seen sometimes where people have done that Other communities have done that and actually the speed limit has increased and I would guess that in my opinion would be that it probably wouldn t change too much so we re not really our intent today would not be to have them come out there and do the speed study to determine the new speed limit of the road and stick with 45 miles an hour I think one of the things that I think will be to our benefit here of trying to get uniform speeds out there and maybe bring the speed limit down I think today you kind of look at that roadway and you have a two lane gravel shoulders It feels very rolling in nature It feels wide open I think it feels like you should go faster on that type of roadway I think coming in and putting in the curb and gutter to have that obstruction out on the side to kind of give you that feeling that hey I m more in an urban environment will hopefully maybe bring that speeds down or at least try to get them a little bit more uniform I m here to try to assist with any questions that you have at a later time Mayor Furlong Okay good Paul Oehme So the staff did talk to MnDOT about those two issues too We had several conversations on Pat and I did and I specifically called MnDOT Some of the property owners had requested that we meet with MnDOT on those two specific issues too but we just haven t been able to get a date set or people engaged to come out here and talk about that so still working with them on that But as we move forward you know if this project were to go to move forward we would anticipate phasing in the improvements Basically reconstructing or constructing half the road at a time so not all the road is impacted at one time Or the property owner they re impacted by the constructed at one time So some of the trees like I said again 11 51 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 were would have to be removed especially in those temporary easement areas We would definitely want to relook at re landscaping those areas to a higher standard than they currently are today The City s construction inspection would work with the contractor coordinate the work Notify the residents on upcoming construction activities in this area Definitely want to get out notices and let people know which way they can get in and out of the development as best as they can And then Audubon would be closed through the duration of the construction process This would allow the contractor to get in and get out a lot sooner than having to reconstruct the road under traffic so there would be again local access to the properties in this corridor but we wouldn t open it up to all the traffic that there is today So mailboxes again would be relocated and we d work with the post office on those type of relocating that facility and then the garbage collection we would work with the garbage collector and the residents on making sure that that service is not disrupted So as we move forward the cost estimate that we have for the project is a little over 2 7 million dollars and that includes some assessments associated with the improvements and again those assessments are just based upon the roadway improvements to the benefitting property owners those properties that access directly Audubon Road consistent with our assessment policy and again those assessments are based upon a 31 food wide roadway A rural section or a local road section so basically if you re living on a cul de sac versus this road you d be paying the same amount of the assessments and again it s at a 40 assessment rate There are some properties out here that do not have water service at this time It would be advantageous for us if this project were to go forward to at least stub services to those properties That cost would be 100 associated with those benefitting property owners which they would not pay for those improvements but it s we re leaving it as an option for the property owners at this time if they want that improvement made at that time Just cost them a lot less to do it now versus having to get at that watermain which is underneath the street in the future Again the assessments that are proposed at this time for those property owners that directly benefit or access the road are 6 295 There are 8 property owners out here that fit that criteria and again even for the improvements on Audubon Road the City s picking up that 60 of the local cost for those improvements so again the assessments right now are calculated at about 50 000 The total project cost is estimated at 2 7 million dollars so just a fraction of what the just a fraction of what the overall cost for the improvements are Again they don t include the over sizing of the pavement section We would relay back the assessment back to the what a typical pavement section would be for local residential roadway No turn lanes are included The trail s not included Those type of infrastructure would not be included in the assessment calculation The assessment s consistent with past reconstruction projects would be assessed at a 10 year period and right now it s estimated at 6 interest rate The project will move forward We would anticipate having the plans and specs ready early March sometime If the project moves forward again Bid opening sometime in April We d like to have another neighborhood meeting to talk about the project one more time and then assessment hearing or award of contract sometime in May The project would we would anticipate starting in June sometime Probably right after school and hopefully have most of it reconstruction done before the end of August Final wear course we always leave that til the following year so sometime around the June timeframe So with that if there s any questions regarding the project or what we had talked about tonight I or Todd Hoffman or Pat Corkle would be more than happy to try to answer those questions for you 12 52 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Mayor Furlong Alright thank you Appreciate the comprehensive report Staff questions Or excuse me council members questions for staff at this point Councilwoman Ernst Councilwoman Ernst You know Paul as you re talking about the speed limit and I m trying to think of some ways that we could accommodate lowering the speed limit and I know that the State is coming back and saying we can t do that But are there certain restrictions that we can we as a City can put on that road that might decrease that speed limit And I know this might be a bad example but I m thinking you know can we say a certain put a certain amount of tonnage restriction on that road I don t know Paul Oehme Yep and that s we looked at that issue too and based upon MnDOT s response and I think I put a tech memo in your background that clarifies the state statute regarding weight limits on streets or municipal state aid routes Basically they don t allow us to restrict those type of usages on a MSA route if you know the design criteria meets that standard Councilwoman Ernst But are there other restrictions that we could put on that road that the City could enforce or other than the tonnage Paul Oehme Yeah um Maybe that s a better question for Pat Corkle I just we just looked at what the state statue is We talked to MnDOT about trying to eliminate or eliminate or discourage some of the truck traffic coming down this road but to my knowledge I don t know of any other avenue there Pat Corkle Yeah Mayor members of the City Council Yeah you know we went through and looked tried to look through the state statute trying to find some other way of maybe giving us an opportunity to maybe to try to change something One thing I ll talk about speeds is that you know you can put a number on a sign but a lot of times from the research you read the character of the roadway is what really influences people s driving Now my mom will obey the speed limit no matter what The bad thing is if you get my mom driving 30 and somebody else driving 45 that s probably when we get the most unsafe conditions so I think some ways the best way to try to do that is try to make the character of the area look a little bit different and I m hoping you know and I don t know the hope really by changing this from a rural to an urban section I don t know if there s any streetscaping improvements Maybe the trail along there will make it feel a little bit more that you re in more of a residential area But otherwise going through here I really think there s a lot of you know opportunities for us to go through and say hey we ll do some kind of study and be able to change the speed limit We re a little bit tied with the statutes Councilwoman Ernst Yeah I was just wondering if there were if you could to that point I mean if there was some if there was some restriction that we could put on that road outside of what the State mandates Pat Corkle Yeah The only thing that we ve seen that I can see about the trucks or anything was about weight restrictions and usually that s just during spring and that s the only thing that we can find 13 53 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Councilwoman Ernst Okay In the report I saw that we were putting some street lights at those intersections Are we so how many actual signal lights are we adding to the intersections Paul Oehme There s no signal lights It s just street lights so Councilwoman Ernst Okay I thought so but Paul Oehme Yeah just lighting the intersections at nighttime Just at those intersections just to help you know brighten up the area so you can see potential conflicts coming sooner than later Councilwoman Ernst Right I thought I saw something in here where there was a traffic light but maybe not So if we were to put is there a way to put like a yellow like a flashing yellow light at some of those intersections or one intersection or two Where it would actually slow the traffic down Paul Oehme Our traffic engineer probably could answer that better We looked at it Pat Corkle Yeah we did look at a lot of options We did hear you know we did hear some people suggest all way stops Now when I when we go about trying to do all way stops for we re supposed to follow the Manual for Traffic Control Devices That s our rule book and they have pretty strict rules on putting all way stops in and you know one of the criteria s is the volume that s there and none of the roads none of the streets or intersections that we have in this segment would meet that criteria to put in all way stops And again there s sometimes putting in all way stops is a very good intention of trying to do some things but if there s not enough usually the reason they don t want you to put in all way stops when it doesn t have enough vehicles what happens is you and I drive by there There s nobody there and I get in a habit of always going through and kind of running it Now again maybe that s against the law but the research does show that people become very just like any sign that we see out there that doesn t really apply we just kind of ignore it after a while and they actually found that it would actually maybe decrease the safety of the intersection by doing something like that I think there s one you know we did talk about and we did talk a little bit about at Lake Drive and potential for a round about One of the things that I think about a round about is that while I m sure it s not in the cost or anything One thing about the round about while I would say again that wouldn t meet an operational threshold or a safety threshold we have talked about potentially sometimes using that for what I ll say is maybe a transition from in our case maybe a commercial area and a residential area and trying to use that device to try to again change that character of the roadway by saying hey slow down through here and let s you know feel like we re going through a different area and try to get that speed down Now that can sometimes be an expensive device to do but is something to at least think about Councilwoman Ernst And I did like that idea I mean I personally get confused on round abouts but I do think that that would really slow the traffic and I think also it might even deter the truck traffic Pat Corkle And that usually ends up being one of the things I think that people find useful for that device and I think the one good thing is from my perspective is it would be a single lane 14 54 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 round about and I think when I ve seen a lot of confusion is when you get to the multi lane ones which there s a couple in Woodbury and Richfield that are a little harder I think for people to really grasp it with a single lane It is a little once you ve done it it feels a little bit easier I think the other good thing is from my perspective it isn t like the volume is so taxing on it that it would be extremely confusing It would be you know you kind of get used to it without having lots of cars trying to get in and out of there Paul Oehme Yep and that s right and it s an idea that we came up with We haven t gone and taken it to the next level and actually costed it out I know that we definitely will have some right of way impacts there in terms of some impacts I think to the northwest parking lot might have to be You d have to acquire some property there to make that accommodation but it s definitely something if the council thinks we should pursue a little farther we can look at that Councilwoman Ernst Okay thank you Mayor Furlong Other questions for staff at this point Okay If nothing at this time then let s go ahead and open up the public hearing I want to make sure we got an opportunity to listen to everybody here What I d like to do when you come up to the podium please remember to state your name and address for the record and also make sure what we want to make the opportunity here so we can get any questions you have answered You have answered but also give us your thoughts give the council your thoughts on whether or not this project is necessary Whether there are improvements needed to this road If the plans or the proposal that s been laid out meets those needs and addresses those needs and then specifically especially for those along Audubon and others as well who may be interested maybe you can tell us whether the proposed funding sources with a combination of the City and property owners being assessed whether that s a reasonable way to accomplish the project So if you could try to address those issues and if I don t hear it in your comments I may ask you on some of those directives because I think it s important that we understand what your thoughts are It s also important to make sure that you have an opportunity to get your questions answered So at this point what I would like to do is start out and make sure invite any property owners along Audubon to come up first They may have some different questions than other property owners so if any of the property owners along Audubon you d like to talk or address the council I would invite you to come forward at this time Pamela Strand Mr Mayor and council members I m Pamela Strand I m at 8640 Audubon Road If we could go to that can we zoom into that Kate Aanenson You can point to it right here Pamela Strand Alright thanks I m right here So first I d like to address the trail issue The trail the existing trail that they plan in that he stated was built in 1990 or there abouts way back goes on the east side of the road and now they re proposing that it comes instead on the west side of the road which now just to point out this property on the east side and down further these properties here this is a side yard with a fence So this property is this property faces out to Osprey so this is along a fence route and then these are along the back of properties here and that s where the existing trail goes Right now what they re proposing then is coming across not 15 55 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 only my neighbor s side yard here but across the front of our yard and across the side yard and through some garden areas of this property here which is their front yard as well even though their address is on Valley Ridge Trail South So that s an objection that I have with moving it to this side of the road Another objection we have is putting in the left turn lanes We feel that that upgrades the road unnecessarily We don t object to this upgrade This road is a mess It s been through some really tough winters but upgrading it to this level what they re proposing is a crossing area here which brings children pedestrians across here 4 lanes of traffic One of our objections of course is that this is an industrial area and this is a residential area and we do have a lot of truck traffic The study that was done was done in August and it was before the high school was opened It s also before or there abouts when the freeway traffic was not quite settled down There was a lot of road construction south of us and so since then I think there s been a big increase so we ve requested that another study be done because I don t think the study reflects the traffic accurately so These are some of the things that we d just like to have considered Mayor Furlong Thank you Other residents along Audubon at this point And we ll make sure everybody has an opportunity so Steve Monson I m Steve Monson I live at 8850 Audubon And I think we re so far away from getting anything figured out here I don t think anybody can make any kind of decision tonight at all about this There s just so many if s and s and but s about it We got I think our house is going to be the biggest impact right there Can you go to my house Mayor Furlong Can you point to it on the map right there Steve Monson Yeah we re the one right here And our house is so close to Audubon Road there that we have all kinds of pine trees You know big 20 foot trees that have been there for 15 years and a huge old oak tree that we ve got to decide here Are they going to cut all that stuff down or And then I ve got there s a little garage that comes right off the right off Audubon It s about a 30 foot driveway that kind of goes right down to it How are we going to get access to that And we ve got can anybody answer that those questions or Mayor Furlong Please Paul Oehme We ve met with the Monson s last week Steve Monson And we didn t have any answers then I don t know if you ve got Paul Oehme Yeah we talked about the access point and the drawing shown today is not exactly what we re proposing to build This drawing shows lowering let s see raising the road by 6 inches or looking at lowering it by about 6 inches to accommodate the grades going back up into his driveway and the grade coming down to his shed We re looking at less impacts by that design We re not removing the big I think it s an elm tree at the corner of his property there There might have to be a little retaining wall that goes around it but we don t feel that that tree would be impacted by the improvements The I think there s two pillars on either side of your 16 56 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 driveway Those would definitely have to be those would be impacted We would definitely want to remove those and replace them in kind outside Steve Monson What about the 4 or 5 big pine trees What are you going to do with those Paul Oehme Those are going to stay Steve Monson I mean how the thing is how close is this path going to get to all this you know that tree You re going to I just don t see the room there for the you know where the curb is going to be on the street Paul Oehme Yep Steve Monson Then 8 feet of green area Paul Oehme Well in this in that particular area it s going to be again it s about 5 feet Steve Monson Okay then that s another problem Then you re going to have the path Paul Oehme Right Steve Monson Okay You know you take just winters in general the plow trucks go up and down that road The snow is so high you know 5 6 feet high They re blowing that show into the where this path would be so what are they going to have plows coming to plow the path out to be able to use it Where are they going to put that snow Back out in the street I mean there s just so many if s and you know problems with this whole deal you can t make any nobody can give me a right or wrong answers on what s going on Before all you know all the other questions we have you know Mayor Furlong Mr Oehme with regard to the location In this particular area since we can see where the current edge of the road is now Paul Oehme Right Mayor Furlong From that point do you know where the trail s going to be or where the road s going to be Is the road going to be is the edge of the road going to be at the same point that the edge of the road is Paul Oehme It s approximately yep exactly It s going to be approximately the same location where the edge of the gravel is so Mayor Furlong Okay And what s the width of the trail and the Paul Oehme At that location s probably going to be about plus or minus 15 feet so Mayor Furlong Okay And is all that within the current right of way 17 57 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Paul Oehme That s all within the current right of way Steve Monson Yeah it s in the right of way but it s going to be closer to the street so I mean it s going to be impacted by the snow I mean that just came up today because I was fighting with the guy in the snowplow because they re plowing us in every day you know all the time like that There s no you re going to have to figure out a different way to get snow get rid of the snow along that side unless the you know like my house you re going to move the path closer to the street but up the road it s going to be farther away so Mayor Furlong Well Mr Monson let me ask a question of Mr Hoffman then with regard to plowing of trails is something that we re dealing with on a literally on a daily basis Today and tomorrow and this week Steve Monson You know trails aren t usable in the winter anyway You can t run or ride your bike or walk on especially going down that hill You re going to be falling down all the time Mayor Furlong Well and that s what I want to ask Mr Hoffman what their Steve Monson I guess to get to my point is I don t want the path at all Mayor Furlong Okay And that s Steve Monson I mean there s plenty of trails in Chanhassen to walk on People keep going around in circles you know where you re you re never going to get home You know and that s what these guys are telling us Got to have a circle We ve got to follow that circle so they can get back home What s wrong with just walking the way we walk all the time We walk down this road and walk back this way and I don t understand that Mayor Furlong Okay and that d certainly be still an option I think Mr Hoffman with regard to plowing What do we do with trails What s our policy Todd Hoffman Be glad to answer that question We plow the vast majority of all our trails throughout the entire year if we go back and look at the winter or the Christmas storm that we had We had to get out on these trails and snow blow every foot of trail within the community Traditionally we plow these trails but with the snow pack that we had at that time we had to get out and get a snowblower so that the snow is coming off the road and be deposited in the boulevard and then onto the trail and then that snow that is on the trail gets deposited on the trail we move it off to outside of the trail and that s either with the plow or with the snowblower depending on the location Steve Monson Now see the plow comes down that road so fast and you re going to have to slow them down because they re blowing that snow I mean you ve got 6 foot piles of snow Where are you going to put the you going to put it back in the street You going to try to pile it up on the east on the outside 18 58 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Todd Hoffman It s going to go on the outside It s going to go on the west side Steve Monson So you re going to keep it on the west side Well the hill goes up like this Todd Hoffman Well some years you have to move it down and then it up Steve Monson I just don t think the my beef is the path It doesn t work there We don t need to spend the money on it I guess on the other I don t see where they get 3 what did he say 350 000 to put on the other side of the road more That s exactly the same They ve got on our side on the west side you ve got to move power lines and telephone poles You re going to have to move those On the other side of the road you wouldn t have to move any power lines or telephone poles And on the west side you re still going to have retaining walls and on the east side you re going to have retaining walls too so and what it doesn t impact except one neighbor up the hill it s going to impact them just probably as much as it might impact them a little bit up because their house is closer to the road too but that s up more in the flat area up there There s nothing else in the way going all the way til you get to Lyman and then that s the other point too that you guys had you know your future plan with keep following the path around you know Doing down Lyman to the east You know across Lyman and your future plan there Paul Oehme Yeah Steve Monson Well one thing I think you said was when you re coming down on the east side if you put it on the east side you ve got to get you ve got wetlands right there Well what are you going to do with the wetlands when you run it down Lyman Boulevard There s wetlands there I mean it s the same you ve got the same deal so what the heck Do it there now I mean there s so many you ve got to cross Audubon Road up by you know higher up there The it s just a mess and I think you guys have got to really figure this out before anybody gives any okay to go any farther at all Mayor Furlong Okay Steve Monson I guess you know the letting the you know building this like in a big circle so the school can use it The kids you know if they re running around They re running around all the time They don t need to run up and down that road I mean you see them running on the roads and I mean it just doesn t make any sense to spend all this money for building a path for the school kids to run on this path when they can run right you know they have their track right up by the school You run around that track and extra 50 times instead of running down that path The path connects with the school back and now there are so many spots to run we don t the City doesn t need to spend the money even as a comprehensive plan I don t even understand what that is I didn t look it up in the dictionary but you know it just doesn t make any sense Mayor Furlong Okay Steve Monson And then yeah and then does this guy do you work for the City or are you an independent or 19 59 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Pat Corkle I m an independent consultant for the City Steve Monson You know he doesn t seem like he has any willpower or anything to try to help our road I mean everything he said it just kind of well I can t do this You can t do this You can t do that You can t do that Ms Ernst there she s got good ideas You know I mean she s trying to find out a way to slow the traffic down or with round abouts or you know you know that s what we like is someone that s going to figure it out there Not somebody that s trying to deter the whole Mayor Furlong If you can take individual people out of it Steve Monson Well I Mayor Furlong I want to make sure Steve Monson You know you guys go through everything so fast and my pencil broke so I didn t write any notes down Mayor Furlong Okay Steve Monson But you know you can t I can t get all the points because I forgot half of them anyway And I m not with the tonnage on the road You guys change that tonnage all the time You ve got the there s no sign on there anymore They take the sign down when everybody s building you know houses and the big projects you know all around there they take so there s no tonnage Why can t we just post it as a 4 ton road Yeah like it was That s what it was You know they took the sign down so the construction people could you know work Mayor Furlong Before you go on Mr Monson let s ask that specific question for you Is it legal to post it as a 4 ton road Paul Oehme Ah no It s a 7 ton road by State Minnesota Department of Transportation Steve Monson Why was there a 4 ton road posting sign Paul Oehme It was a 5 ton Steve Monson Okay 5 ton then Paul Oehme I think it was a 5 ton road posting sign and we post those every year in the spring because of the frost the paving condition out there It s a statewide decrease in the amount of tonnage for the roadway Mayor Furlong During the springtime Paul Oehme Those come off 20 60 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Mayor Furlong Oh one moment please Let s let Mr Oehme speak and then you ll have Paul Oehme Sure And then those signs should have been taken down annually April or May timeframe when the State says that those signs should come off Evidently I ve heard from several property owners that those signs had been left up over the years so I don t know how those signs got left up or who took them down or how that all transpired but all I know is that it s a 7 ton design roadway based upon Mayor Furlong Currently Paul Oehme Currently by MnDOT standards We reduce it down to 5 ton in the spring just based upon the poor soil conditions It goes back to 7 ton after those road restrictions are lifted by MnDOT Steve Monson So that s a law that it s a 7 ton road Paul Oehme That s what it s designated today Steve Monson And who okay who designated it The State Paul Oehme The State yep Steve Monson And we can t go to the State to undesignate it to 5 ton Paul Oehme Well again it s built to a 7 ton standard You just can t go back Steve Monson Well who cares what it s built at Can we make it a 5 ton road if we if someone goes and talks to somebody Or are you the guy that wants it to be 7 or what Paul Oehme Well no Mayor Furlong The issue is and maybe this is one of philosophy Should we just be arbitrarily setting restrictions on a road that s built and paid for with gas tax dollars Steve Monson No Mayor Furlong Which everyone all us as individuals as well as all the truckers and everybody else Steve Monson It just gets to where you know those he said there weren t that many trucks driving up and down there I don t know what the percentage you had up there but I mean when you live there there s trucks just howling down that road just all the time you know They get they come over that crest you know right down by where we live and that s when they start you know backing off or shifting down their gears or braking That s why that road breaks up so bad right there They re going I don t know maybe that running curbs and that kind of thing in there is going to slow it down because it looks nicer so but they get to that point going 60 miles 21 61 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 an hour or 50 miles an hour and they just got to slam on the brakes you know because they see you know us pulling out of our driveways or people just around or they see the stop sign so that s what we really got to figure out is how to slow people down Put speed bumps in them or well that round about s probably about the best idea you could probably do but then you re going to have to you know make a huge round about so the semi s can get around it too though But the semi s should go to 5 and then down to 41 They shouldn t be coming down our road anyway I mean it s easier or takes them about a couple seconds longer just to go up to 5 and then down to 41 or you know that way too If you could stop that traffic because the road double the life of the road Mayor Furlong Okay Steve Monson Okay my biggest thing is the path I don t think we need Mayor Furlong Okay Steve Monson And I don t think anybody can give anybody any kind of we can t go any farther til they figure out what to do with my house What are you going to do I mean that stinking path is going to be all the way up in my yard It just can t you know all my trees are going to be gone That big 100 year old tree is going to be gone You know these big pillars I ve got there why even have them if they re going to be up by the front door Mayor Furlong Well and again what I was hearing is that the trail s going to be in the right of way The tree issue Paul Oehme The tree issue and that south oak or elm tree I think that s out there we re looking at putting potentially a retaining wall around it The grades out there are going to change a little bit The pine trees to the north there they re outside the right of way They re in our temporary easement though but it doesn t appear like we would have to remove those trees I mean there s potential for putting a retaining wall Mayor Furlong And that s something that excuse me for interrupting That s something that we could clarify some of these questions Paul Oehme Right and again we re at the preliminary design level We don t take it to that level of detail where our touchdown point for our construction limits is within plus or minus 5 feet of where we think we need that easement But on the plan we show right now it looks like you know those trees could be saved because they re in back They re about 5 feet is back of where the trail s going to sit Mayor Furlong And that would be confirmed as you go to final design Paul Oehme Exactly 22 62 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Steve Monson You ve got to be 15 feet at least from you know the branches you know How they go out so I mean it s just will not work so you re going to have to take those down and move them Paul Oehme Well again the Steve Monson On that 100 year old tree what you you can t You re going to have to order a crane that goes at least from that tree at least 15 feet I mean that thing you probably have to be 30 feet around there or else it s going to die no matter what It s going to be dead You can guarantee it And then the other thing is how to get to my lower driveway That s all I care about Mayor Furlong Okay Steve Monson So I think we should table this thing and do a little more study Mayor Furlong Okay Steve Monson And you know get go with it that way I think we re just jumping the gun here trying to jam this thing in this fast I think that s all I got Mayor Furlong Okay thank you Steve Monson Thanks a lot Mayor Furlong Others from Audubon that would like to address the council at this point Pat Walsh Hi Pat Walsh I live at 8731 Audubon and that s right here We don t want the path on our side either I think the path s a horrible idea I don t think it s conducive to just the layout of the road There are problems with it on either side so why have it on either side Like he said there s plenty of other paths around I think the turn lanes are I mean not to offend anybody who designed them but I think they re ridiculous You re turning into you know farmland What s the point I think you re designing this road for expansion where there s really no expansion to be had here If you want it wider for the people who live in Chaska let the people in Chaska pay for it That s what he s talking about is people going from 5 to the new developments across you know Let them pay the taxes on it then I don t think we need it The road needs to be I think repaved I think we can all agree on that but beyond that the expansion s unnecessary and disruptive to the residents That s all I have to say Thank you Paul Oehme Mr Oehme why don t you address Mr Walsh s question with regard to adding in turn lanes and to his point building for expansion Paul Oehme Absolutely We re right now the ADT is right around Average Daily Trips are right around 3 200 per day You know when the County did their traffic analysis their comp plan and when we looked at their numbers you know this corridor potentially in 20 years could be upwards of 7 000 trips per day Now when we look back at you know what determines when 23 63 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 we want a left turn or right turn lane in there I mean right we re on the threshold of needing those turn lanes now and into the future We ve got several corridors right now within our community that you know residents are requesting us to put left turn lanes in there Well on Lake Lucy Road and Powers Boulevard at that intersection the County is looking at putting that in next year which is a significant dollar amount 101 is another corridor that is in the same category of ADT s as this one potentially in the future That you know Pleasant View Road for example or Kurvers Point where we always get complaints there Why can t there be a left turn lane at my intersection because we have seen accidents at those intersections And we re we ve got to look staff has got to look at the future We look at what the current ADT is and then what we project out in the future and based upon our analysis and what SRF recommendations are we feel justified that some sort of left turn lane should be put in there now and into the future It s only going to cost the City more money down the road to make those accommodations later when they re really really needed Mayor Furlong And how far into the future are we looking from this road design in terms of road Paul Oehme Yeah and again it you know it all depends upon development and how the economy happens I mean we ve still got 30 of our land in the city of Chanhassen to develop just south of Lyman Boulevard so you know a lot of those trips are going to want to come north to downtown or west to Victoria or some other place and this corridor the county and city feels that it s going to take additional trips so Pat Walsh I actually have one more question then because you brought up some points He said the traffic a slide earlier saying the traffic s actually going down I think traffic is going to go down because of the expansion of the 212 so you re saying that traffic is going up I don t really believe that it is going up I believe that s going down because there are alternative routes now And I think the numbers that he provided prove that Speculation I mean Paul Oehme And again you know to his point you know it could be based on the economy It could be based on several factors 212 for example I mean it s within a couple percentage points of what it has been over the last you know 10 years but you know we still have the senior class to arrive at the high school That s coming We still have about 30 of land south in the city of Chanhassen to develop south of here so we do feel that and the economy will eventually turn around sometime so there we feel that you know this corridor will definitely see additional trips in the future Pat Walsh But I don t think we want the corridor to see additional trips That s what we re all here complaining about We want them to go on the wider Powers or you know other roads that are more suited for that level of traffic I don t think Audubon needs to be suited for that level of traffic I don t think it warrants it I think the numbers prove that you know traffic s going down there because there are better routes to go on By widening it making it more attractive to people yeah They will go down there but I don t think it s necessary I think there are better routes to go directly to 212 Powers for example Mayor Furlong Okay 24 64 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Pat Walsh Thanks Mayor Furlong Okay thank you Tana Erickson Hi I m Tana Erickson from 8941 which is right here Right at the end I have to say that I don t want the trail either on my side I m part of that wetland Mayor Furlong Seems to be a common theme Tana Erickson Yeah Mayor Furlong I m sorry could you point on the map again Tana Erickson The old farm down on the corner Mayor Furlong Okay On the east side Tana Erickson On the east side Mayor Furlong Okay thank you Tana Erickson I just want to reiterate my husband and I are concerned about the traffic going faster and making it easier for everyone to go faster I appreciated Councilwoman Ernst s comments to try to think of a way like the road restriction on weight or the round about That s how we re all trying to think as well I really appreciate you answering all our questions Pat He s been really good about that but I don t know if we can just trust that making it look more residential will slow people down I would think it just the opposite If it s easier and smoother and straighter that they would go faster Like I think it s good that it looks like an old country road I don t know Audience It feels like one Tana Erickson It feels like an old country road and so you know I don t think we have any proof that that would slow people down What else So it s two fold We re worried about the speed because it doesn t feel like a neighborhood at all It doesn t feel safe and it s getting worst The other thing is what s the other thing I was going to ask about The trail seems excessive to spend in a tight economy I don t understand where the money comes from for that Where does it come from Paul Oehme Well for that improvement we re looking at bonding dollars for that It s been programmed in our debt levy for I don t know 5 years or so for this project to take place in 2010 Tana Erickson And so I guess if I ran the City I wouldn t spend my money that way and I also don t quite understand the assessment process because if it s not really going to be a residential 25 65 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 road anymore Were the people assessed on Powers for example when their improvements were done Mayor Furlong Mr Gerhardt Todd Gerhardt Some people were assessed on Powers Instant Web Companies United Mailing Victory Envelope Tana Erickson Businesses Todd Gerhardt Yeah Those people that directly access out onto the road so Powers probably isn t a good example Lake Lucy is a good example of one that we Tana Erickson And is that a truck route Todd Gerhardt It s a collector road Similar standard Similar traffic counts that Audubon has but there s not industrial in that area You ll have delivery trucks mail trucks garbage trucks things like that but the individuals that directly access onto Lake Lucy were assessed for a residential equivalent so we are treating those individuals that directly access out onto a collector road the same way Tana Erickson Well when you looked at the traffic you know the high numbers the 9 8 or 9 of us that s pretty small in that number using the road Todd Gerhardt Yeah we re Tana Erickson And so that doesn t feel quite right And then also just building it for such heavy weight I would rather keep it at least at the 7 ton that you were talking about You don t have to make it a 10 ton road Am I correct Paul Oehme Well typically MnDOT wants you to upgrade them to a standard collector roadway which is typically 10 tons and 7 tons was the old kind of limit that they like to see Now with the more truck traffic or you know bigger and heavier garbage trucks and delivery trucks and everything else going down these roads they typically want you to upgrade to 10 ton now And that s a question we can talk to MnDOT Tana Erickson Yeah and can you explain to me why we are so concerned about what MnDOT wants Is it because they re help funding the road or we owe them in some way Paul Oehme Well and that s the it goes back to the It goes back to you know State Statute and MnDOT is kind of the jurisdictional entity in the State of Minnesota for designs and criteria for roadways I mean we always have to look to them for these types of improvements because basically we get dollars back from the state gas tax for improvements and maintenance of our roadway system specifically collector roadway systems and you know typically you have to follow their design criteria s and standards before you know if you want to get the you know have the gas tax be dedicated to your community so 26 66 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Tana Erickson But it seems like you can t really have it both ways Either it s that commuter route you know by MnDOT or it s a residential road Paul Oehme Right I mean and again residential roads you know we re designing our local roadway system our cul de sacs and everything else to a 7 8 ton design right now so they are at a local roads are at a higher standard than they were say you know 10 15 20 years ago So all of the standards are kind of are bigger and more beefy than they have been in the past Mayor Furlong Excuse me let me clarify something You said you can t have it both ways It s either a collector or a residential Tana Erickson Well it just seems like if you re getting all the money from MnDOT and we re going with the gas tax and the weight that I m still confused why we would be assessed for that Mayor Furlong Okay And again we Mr Oehme Paul Oehme Yeah again that s we re looking at the practice for assessing on collector roadways is to look at this roadway as being that local roadway component so if you re access if you access your house driveway onto a local roadway that s what the assessment would be for that 7 8 ton design basically what we re looking at You know the City again pays for the turn lanes We pay for the upgrade to the 10 ton road We pay for the over sizing The wider width roadway than you would see for a 31 foot wide residential street so those you know we break it down to that level where you re only paying for or propose to be paying for the benefit for a local roadway in front of your house Mayor Furlong Mr Oehme do we have the graphic that was in our packet that showed that calculation and the hierarchy of the calculation Because some other people have asked about this issue of residential when it s a collector road Tana Erickson Well and you know I know you don t like that Powers as an example but there are some residences on Powers Did they pay or was it just businesses There are some driveways that go right onto Powers Right around the corner from Lyman There s a couple of them Mayor Furlong When was Powers upgraded Todd Gerhardt Powers was upgraded probably 1998 Tana Erickson I thought you just used some federal stimulus money for that Paul Oehme That s a county road I think you re referring to the stimulus project that took place this summer Todd Gerhardt I wasn t 27 67 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Paul Oehme Oh I m sorry Mayor Furlong It is a county road right Tana Erickson So it s different than our road Mayor Furlong This is not a county road Audubon s not a county road so yeah Tana Erickson So I guess in a nutshell you know obviously we re really anxious about this and it does seem like it s moving too fast That things aren t ironed out There aren t enough different options like on how we re going to slow down this traffic And I m with my neighbors that I think we need a little bit more time to resolve some open issues instead of pushing this through for spring I know we had a couple neighborhood meetings and I m unclear about from the original plan based on all the feedback we gave you at the meeting what changes were made The 4 feet Paul Oehme Yep the 4 feet Tana Erickson Anything else Paul Oehme We looked at tweaking the trail design We looked at that Tana Erickson Did you tweak it or did you just look at tweaking it Paul Oehme We looked at we moved it to accommodate some of your neighbor s issues in terms of impacts to their property in front of their house We looked at you know cost savings in terms of the pavement section that we re using We decreased that based upon some engineered analysis to save on some money So those type of things I mean the overlying design that has been put forth by staff you know we looked at all the changes that have been requested Moving the access point of the or the crossing of the trail to a different intersection You know we looked at we looked at different brought some information back to the property owners in terms of why we can and cannot do different things in terms of you know what MnDOT will allow us to do and what the design standards are I mean there s so many things that we can do to accommodate this corridor and to fit both our the collector roadway needs and the desire of the property owners in this corridor It is a collector roadway and it s been on the comp plan for I don t know for a long long time so I mean we re basing our analysis and our design on what the overall corridor had been envisioned for when the when this whole area developed so Tana Erickson So what s hard as a resident is you know you try to get involved in the process and we go to these meetings and you know you show up at a City Council meeting because for the first time something directly impacts you and it s just hard because you pour out your heart and then when the plan comes back it looks almost the same and then we wonder if you all have even heard our concerns You know like if you re kept up to date before this meeting if you know that it s a big deal to us or if you know we should have just not even bothered because the plan was going to be the same as it was presented originally If our voice mattered Or if it really mattered to be involved in the process 28 68 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Mayor Furlong I ll take a quick stab because I want to keep the public hearing going but it absolutely matters and we ve been absolutely kept up to date on what some of the issues are that have been brought up at the neighborhood meetings What I m hearing a little bit is that while there s a there s some questions that have been answered the answers are coming back but sometimes the answer is we can t make the change that s requested because of other limitations so But in terms of are your questions important Absolutely I mean I go back to some of the things I said at the opening of the public hearing Is this a project that needs to be done My general sense is most the people that have come up believe that this road needs to be improved So now we re dealing with the questions in large part and if people come up and disagree with that please be clear on that But we re also dealing with the question is the proposed improvements meet the needs and I m hearing some conflict there between the comprehensive plan and what some of the residents that access this street with their driveways want and so there are some conflicts there Public hearing s still open we ll hear some more and then we ll be able to discuss it but yes it absolutely does matter and we have been listening Tana Erickson Thank you Mayor Furlong Thank you Anyone else on Audubon Ruth Chadderdon Good evening I m Ruth Chadderdon 8900 Audubon Road and this is Dennis We are right here Basically just agreeing with what everyone else is saying here I was going to read a couple of questions that I have Excuse me I m losing my voice We all agree that the road needs to be updated but we re questioning again why 8 homes are being assessed Out of a 3 million dollar project there is 52 000 that are coming to 8 homes In making the road wider and adding a larger base you re creating a road that is desirable for the trucks I think all of us are agreeing to that You re going to have to read because my voice is going It sounds like we can t do the 30 mile zone From what MnDOT is saying however again MnDOT is not the one that lives out on that road All of us live out there We see the trucks They re going 45 would be great but they re usually going about 50 55 We have children that are accessing buses Trying to pull out of the driveway All of us are trying to you know get out onto that road The trucks The semi s They re barreling down the road 3 for the trucks I find that hard to believe I don t know if you can do a proper assessment going out one day and make that assessment Again with the high school going in there s going to be a ton more traffic coming down that road The seniors aren t there yet Again you ve got 16 17 year olds that will be accessing that road If they re going 45 miles an hour they re probably going to be doing 55 I think putting the round about in sounds like a great idea to slow some of that down and to discourage some of the trucks as well I have to agree with Mrs Erickson She indicated that we ve been here on 4 separate occasions and have voiced our opinions I don t see very many of the suggestions being implemented It appears that the plans have been drawn up and that they are that they ll stand as is We ve had many engineers and park planners that have completed their assessment but not one of them live in our neighborhood We invite you to come and sit at the end of our driveways for a couple of hours and see what we see The bike path obviously none of us want that on either side of the road Again you know when you look at the park system that s behind all of those homes it s very vast There s ton of paths down there I understand that you know for the new high school maybe that would be a nice running track for 29 69 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 them I think we spent a ton of money putting in a running track at the new high school I guess the only other thing for that bike path again is we ve heard that it s a quality of life and for those of us that live there it s our quality of life too Dennis Chadderdon I mean if we re talking about that bike path being I mean I heard a lot of you know from the exercise standpoint You don t need that stretch of road to be an exercise standpoint There s plenty of other places to go and as far as a loop it goes down into the back You can see here where it actually Is it right here that it comes down By Valley Ridge Yeah it comes down in the back Loops this way It just it does not have to come up and loop that other way And from one of the comments that was made about well maybe if kids are seen there or if there s curb and gutter there things will slow down You re smoothing that road out It s not going to slow down by any means At all Smoothing that road up is just going to make things in my mind a little bit more dangerous Little bit faster and by putting people on the side of that road I don t think it s going to slow it down Ruth Chadderdon And again with that with the path going in as Mr Monson had pointed out we ve met several times Have asked what the assessment is What the appraisals are coming back at If you can look at our property you can see again that while it takes out most of Mr Monson s property it has quite a bit of impact on our driveway as well We have some trees in there as well We have sumac We have you know grass that we ve been trying to grow for about 3 years So in meeting with them we ve asked what the appraisal is and we have not been able to get any number on that When we ve asked about you know looking at other options it seems like there s just a lot of questions up in the air about that Tonight honestly this is the first time I ve ever heard any dollar amount of moving it from one side of the road to the other of 335 000 I find that very just mind boggling to me and that s the first time we ve heard that dollar amounts I guess the other question that we have too is we ve all talked about this feeder road Audubon feeder road and again we ve all seen the county road 15 I believe it was for many many years In fact when they were building the new Chanhassen high school there was a road that was put out and it said detour County Road 15 Right down our road We re not sure when that all changed Audubon going towards Chaska is a county road Powers is a county road Galpin is a county road is that correct Mayor Furlong Yes Ruth Chadderdon Lyman is a county road Highway 5 is a state road 101 is a state road and Highway 41 is a state road Seems to me that the only road that we can now get assessments on is Audubon 8 homes Dennis Chadderdon And one final thing about the assessments We re talking about 8 driveways that have direct access to this road Valley Ridge South whole development You couldn t get in or out of there without Audubon I realize the developer probably was assessed on residential roads in there but without Audubon Road there is no other access to that neighborhood so I don t think it s fair that the 8 and I m not saying that those people should pay either I m not trying to make anybody mad at me but the doing it to the 8 people when you ve got 150 homes in that development seems a little bit wrong to me 30 70 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Ruth Chadderdon And not to mention again you know General Mills the trucks 3 of their trucks it s more than honestly again we invite anyone to some out and sit out there for a day and look at the trucks that are coming down It s General Mills and it s a huge industrial park If you look at Lake Lucy that you re referring to before there s no industrial there so it s really not comparable so again we re just we re against the bike path completely I think that s been loud and clear for everyone on both sides of the road and it would be great if we could do something to discourage the trucks that are barreling down that road Mayor Furlong Councilwoman Tjornhom you had a question If you don t mind Councilwoman Tjornhom I do have a question and of the 5 people that have come up tonight you re right Everyone has been pretty inflammatory about the bike path That no one wants the bike path in their yard and I honestly I just want to know what your fear is If you take out if no trees are going to be destroyed and no property damaged was going to happen what is your fear about having the bike path Ruth Chadderdon Well I can tell you from our standpoint you know again we purchased that property We purchased 3 acres so that we lived in you know kind of a nice setting that was more rural Obviously things change We now have the high school right in our back yard That is a huge eye sore and then now where we had a buffer you know that kind of goes up to the road there s trees in there and so now what we re having proposed is that it s going to come closer to our property To our home It s going to be flattened out and there ll be trees replaced but again we ve asked the question what type of tree will be replaced and we haven t been told what type We ve asked you know with our driveway being torn up will you put that back you know so that it obviously looks nice and all the way up to the house We ve heard that they ll patch it in So those are just things that we re concerned about Again you know there s an easement that will be coming in You can see it It impacts our two homes greatly There s huge disruption and the cost again in times like this honestly it d be great if none of us had to be assessed 6 000 in this economic times and what s going in for a path that s going to have access to 3 homes when you have a huge trail system behind all the other homes Maybe take that money and put it towards the assessment and I think that would make a lot of people very happy in these times Mayor Furlong Mr Oehme can you respond to some of their questions Paul Oehme Sure And you know Ruth Mrs Chadderdon and her husband did come in last week and I know Alyson Fauske my assistant did meet with them several times and I know that they were at the neighborhood meetings so we ve been talking several times about the about this project You know the trail I know it s I don t know you know I can t address I guess the trail issue Maybe Mr Hoffman can do that but in terms of the assessment methodology I think that was their first question You know we ve tried to explain as best as we can that you know this has been a city practice and the council has talked about the assessment practice actually tonight at the work session about this specific type of issue so it s something that has been worked on th The assessment We ve assessed on Lake Lucy Road We ve assessed on 78 Street Similar methodology in terms of going back and looking at local road improvement design and assessing that back into the benefitting properties adjacent to the road You know again we re not 31 71 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 requesting or asking that the property owners pay for that oversizing of the road It s just the just trying to be consistent with how we assess with the rest of the community and local roadways In terms of the tree impacts There are some trees and some sumac that would potentially have to be removed and you know we re looking at coming up with a landscape plan to address those needs You know we re not typically we don t talk about landscaping or land acquisition until we move on to the final design portion of the project so that s the reason why we haven t really talked about what the appraised value would be for that temporary easement We typically like to move the process along Get to the final or get to the design before we make that next step so that s the reason for that Not moving forward with the appraisal amount in terms of Mayor Furlong And just for clarification Paul Oehme Yep Mayor Furlong The appraisal there is to establish a basis for value for the easements that need to be acquired Paul Oehme Exactly and again it s just for temporary easements All we need is to accommodate the trail is for additional land to grade onto the private property Re establish the vegetation in that area and we always work with the property owners on what they would like to see out there in terms of revegetation And then see either a hydro seed I think they mentioned requested it to be hydro seeded So those type of things are more conducive in terms of when we get to the plans and specs and the final design because it s something that has always been worked out farther along in the process Mayor Furlong Okay And what about matching the grades of the driveways because there is some elevation differences Paul Oehme Right and that was one of the things that the Chadderdon s we talked about with them last week We re looking at trying to reduce the impacts to their driveway as much as we can The drawing that s shown here shows the driveway impacts going farther up back into their property And based upon what we re looking at we can we think we can reduce those impacts about 15 feet from where they are today We can t eliminate all of them because we want to try to tie back the driveway grades into as close as they are today We don t want to steepen it out any more than it already is That s the reason why we need to take it farther back into their property Mayor Furlong Alright Just with a question as far as the assessment again I mean we understand that you re trying to be consistent with again like the Lake Lucy Road but I still come back to that Lake Lucy does not have the industrial use By adding the auto park on that road on a Saturday again come out and sit with any of us The auto park is now a raceway for these cars There s Porsche s There s Lamborghini s They re beautiful cars They re absolutely gorgeous but on a beautiful Saturday afternoon you re not going to put your kid out there because they use that road and if you re improving it and you re making it wider and putting in you know a beautiful street it s going to become a raceway 32 72 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Mayor Furlong And just to clarify Mrs Chadderdon when you say put your kids out there In terms of driving on the street or riding their bikes or Ruth Chadderdon I mean honestly to Audience They would never ride a bike Ruth Chadderdon I mean you wouldn t yeah You wouldn t ride a bike You wouldn t walk down that road so I understand you know that s great for the pathway but at that point I mean there s a lot of people that they re not going to even use that path but aside from that to pull out onto that road it s very dangerous I have a 16 year old right now It makes me very nervous to watch her try to pull out onto that road If the assessments are made and it s upgraded with the trucks and the auto park it s dangerous I have a son that gets on the school bus He has to cross the road We have called we ve had to call the school bus company every single year because the way that the trucks come down the road they re not seeing the school bus stopped What they re seeing ahead is a stop light Or stop sign and they know that they need to get to that and they need to get to it fast so they can access the 212 or wherever they need to go The school bus driver I can t tell you how many times has taken down license plate numbers Flashing their lights They ve done so many things trying to discourage and trying to slow down the trucks and some of the speeds that have become just so excessive on that road so that s just our take on it I can only image anyone else that have children that are trying to you know come and again just myself trying to pull out in the morning to you know and our s I mean we have such a short distance to go that being assessed for the entire road is also killing us too for that but whatever Mayor Furlong Okay Anything else Ruth Chadderdon That s it Thank you Mayor Furlong Thank you Any others on Audubon or even open it up to other interested parties that would like to address the council Tana Erickson I ve just got one quick thing on the trail I m not opposed to trails in general We re going to have one on the other side of our property right here So we ll be getting it both places This is what year 2000 But this is part of our property here that will become a trail eventually I just didn t want one here as well because it takes out all the trees which is a buffer to all the semi s coming down and the noise Steve Monson I guess Bethany I can t read your last name How s it go Councilwoman Tjornhom Tjornhom Steve Monson Tjornhom Councilwoman Tjornhom Tjornhom 33 73 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Steve Monson Tjornhom You know about the path you know why you said why we don t want the path there Well we all live in big lots You know we don t want people around You know we don t like kids coming for Halloween If you re going to put that path in we ll just get you know how many more people vandalism You know just kids ride their bike down there crashing and I mean it s just you know brings in a whole other can of worms for that kind of thing there Councilwoman Tjornhom And that s good to know Mayor Furlong Good evening Krista Strang Good evening My name s Krista Strang I live at 1701 Valley Ridge Trail South Todd Hoffman Want to zoom Paul Krista Strang So I m right at the corner As you come into Valley Ridge Trail South Our property backs up to Audubon One of my questions I have concerning the trail is if you can see on the picture right on the edge of the trail there s a white line That s my fence and my concern is the distance from my fence to the trail A couple years ago we put in a bunch of arborvitaes to kind of try and buffer some of the noise and some of the sights of the traffic back there and what it looks like from the edge of where those trees are to where the edge or where that trail starts is going to be like 1 2 feet Mayor Furlong Do we know Paul Oehme Yeah it s about 2 feet from the fence there That fence is in the right of way so but we think we can accommodate the trail around the fence Mayor Furlong How far into the right of way Paul Oehme It looks about 3 feet Mayor Furlong So you re saying it s going to right now the trail would be about how far away from the fence Paul Oehme About 2 feet Krista Strang So the distance is just one of my concerns having you know the trail granted we have a fence there which is great but I have 2 small children and the idea of having the bike path right there right where my play set is and my 2 little kids are and just the extra people going by that just makes me a little nervous having it that 2 feet away so that makes me a little nervous And kind of the same thing that other people have said The trucks and the speed Somebody said I think you Mayor mentioned taking your kids out riding bike or what would they be doing Our side yard comes over here and playing football over there or doing anything along that part of our yard is I just try and discourage it from the kids because those cars they re not going 45 34 74 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 The trucks are not going 45 They re going much faster and there are a lot of trucks that come by there and they are not they re not looking for a 4 year old little boy chasing a football so those are some of my concerns Thank you Mayor Furlong Okay Thank you Steve Monson Steve Monson again Say you know and that brings up another back to the issue of the snow again I mean you re going to put the snow over in her yard over her fence That s where you going to put it back on the street or are you going to put it on her fence you know Todd Hoffman Push it down the trail until it can go off the trail Steve Monson Yeah so I mean there s still a lot of issues with the snow removal I remove snow that s my job So I just wonder about how you re going to get rid of all this snow Mayor Furlong Okay thank you Others Wendy O Connor Hi there My name s Wendy O Connor and I live at 1702 Valley Ridge Trail North Right here Okay well I have a couple of things that I ve noticed and I ve spoken to Paul extensively and he s been very helpful and I talked to Pat at the city meeting or the neighborhood meeting and he was helpful as well Couple things We talked about the speed measurement study and we also talked about the volume One of the things about the speed thth measurement study it was done on Monday August 10 through Wednesday August 12 Couple of things about those dates before the school started so the traffic we expected would go up once school started when Paul and I talked about that he said that generally you could expect it to go up 10 15 percent So 3 200 trips would increase by 10 15 percent Beyond that they only monitored from Valley Ridge Trail well they only monitored north of Valley Ridge Trail North and I can show you on this map Right here right here I m sorry This is where the pneumatic tube was put Right at this spot Now the pneumatic tube and I ve read a lot The internet is my friend but one of the things I noticed about it is there s no visual and also it also measures by axle so when they say it s less than 3 of truck traffic is what we re seeing it s 3 axle traffic We have UPS trucks We have postal trucks We have every delivery truck that goes into that business park that we see all the time and I think that s what we all see besides the truck traffic so I think that that 3 is a bit of a misnomer I think it s very convenient but I don t think it s accurate The other thing is is we talked about an all way stop at Valley Ridge Trail North Now it s 45 miles per hour and the road is also proposed to be 52 feet wide We have no park at our neighborhood so our children are forced to cross the street Audubon 45 miles per hour 52 feet wide To go to the two parks over in the bird neighborhood We have I wouldn t send my children across that road so one thing I d ask for was an all way stop Well based upon some of the rules by I think it s MMUMTD or whatever it is some of they needed another traffic study and based upon that based upon the traffic study we have it s just not there There s just so much gray area If there was a possibility of getting an all way stop I think that would slow down the traffic I also think that when you look at the 45 miles per hour you can also look at Powers Boulevard which we ve talked about Four lanes Divided highway Also 45 miles per hour We are in a two lane road local that is 45 miles per hour It s crazy and if we can t regulate that then how about we spend 10 000 to put in a stop sign Four way stop 35 75 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Relatively simple I realize that it does violate some of the code because maybe we may not have as much traffic right now but there s also a couple benefits I spoke to a gentleman from the school district and his name is John Rogers and he manages the transportation Well this year with the high school they had to actually put buses into the bird neighborhood because there s no safe crosswalk If we had a safe crosswalk there he said it would save 42 000 a year for the school district to put in an all way stop And you know what and that s in none of this information and when I talked to Paul about it they hadn t even included the school district in any of the conversations so again a lot of gray area Very confusing I can sit there and do all this research which does anybody have the time Absolutely not yet at the same time it s like we just need that little extra step and I think you know I commend Paul for trying to help us with a lot of things and I think Pat has great insight but one of the things Pat said was he didn t view it as a residential area It is absolutely residential area We have no other way to get out of our neighborhood and this is where our children cross to go to the park This is where we cross to walk I think that it s nice to have an improved road but I think at 45 miles per hour and no stop sign no way to slow down the traffic I don t think it really benefits anybody except for delivery vehicles Mayor Furlong Okay thank you Mr Oehme other thoughts or comments Paul Oehme Yeah just a couple that I jotted down here The trip generation we did do it beginning of August We felt that that time period seemed to fit with the average trip traffic in the neighborhood there and again the numbers we brought back to the council in terms of historical numbers along Audubon do somewhat relate back to the numbers that we have th historically gathered in the August 10 trips so I mean I think you know that was one of our th questions too Are the numbers that we took on August 10 similar or are they out of bounds from what we have seen historically and based upon the numbers that we dug up over the last say 10 years I think they fit right in line with what we see today so that was one point The stop sign issue maybe Pat can address the issue of putting a stop sign in an intersection that potentially is not warranted for a stop sign I mean there s some issues surrounding that that we need to really think about before we start putting up stop signs Mayor Furlong Certainly please If you d like to address that Pat Corkle Mayor members of the City Council I know that I understand we get this a lot where people say hey put in an all way stop It s not that expensive That s true From just installing it The cost of installing it The bad thing is I think while this is very good intentions a lot of research shows that that doesn t always get what we want In fact one of the quotes out of the research that I ve looked up so it s not me saying it It s looking up some of the things other studies I m just going to read it here kind of directly Safety at pedestrians can actually decrease because pedestrians expect people to stop while vehicles become accustomed to running the unnecessary unwanted stop sign because they never stop for cross street traffic And so they ve actually seen where people again it just became something that they if it s not warranted a lot of times people just end up assuming that it s not needed They just go through it and then when there is actually a pedestrian there they don t see it One of the things I think to keep in mind just in general about pedestrian crossings and I could spend time explaining why we maybe mark this location One thing that we should probably understand is that it s legal for 36 76 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 pedestrians to cross at intersection with marked or unmarked crosswalks and again research would probably show to be honest with you they ve actually had more safety problems at marked crosswalks than unmarked crosswalks because as a pedestrian you think you re safe but you know that much of paint ain t going to save you I mean you just become accustomed saying well I m at a crosswalk you should stop for me and that you know that doesn t always happen so again anywhere along here people could cross legally In fact a vehicle should stop for them I think we were trying to find a location while I ll agree I m not as pleased maybe by the number of lanes to cross It seemed like from a connection to the other trail system this was the right location to maybe stripe it and sign it Down at Valley Ridge Trail South that s about the spot where the grade starts to change That s where the hill is We re a little concerned about the sight distance That s why we didn t keep that trail on the east side West side Down to there and then saying hey this is a safe place to cross even though I would say one of the things I did like about that location is and maybe you ll see it in the council or the letter is that what we called that shadowed area you can see and I m going to just kind of point to this real quick This location right here This is an area I call shadowed so the benefit of that would be the fact that you could walk across into the median and you only got to look at one side of the roadway each direction so you re just looking one way You re looking at one direction Going out to the median and then going across the other section In fact there was some discussion about well maybe we could do something else at that location or you could cross there I think the location at Heron might be a better spot if there were pedestrians that were there and it s hard to get an idea of to be honest with the pedestrian traffic at this time of year obviously because it s winter so that was some of the issues I think the other thing as long as I m up here if you don t mind there was some discussion about you know we re adding a bigger roadway I think the one thing just to make sure we re all clear is that if we were to design this roadway as it is today it s a 12 foot two 12 foot lanes so 24 feet of pavement 8 foot shoulders on each side so that s 40 feet If we went back out there today we d still put that 40 feet but we d just pave the shoulders We re still saying we re going to use the 40 feet Instead of having two lanes and shoulders my perspective is that it s safer to put that left turn lane in there for a safe haven for the vehicles that are turning left so If we re going to use that space and I know it looks like there s more lanes and I think that makes people uneasy but from my perspective my recommendation back to everybody would be is we re going to use 40 feet Let s use it the safest that we can so that s something else I just wanted to put up Mayor Furlong Is that intersection there with Osprey and Valley Ridge Trail North the way it s designed could stop signs be added to it in the future when it s warranted Pat Corkle If it did meet warrants you could go back and put a stop sign Mayor Furlong With this design Pat Corkle Yeah Mayor Furlong So when the warrants come about because you re concern is you put it in without it warranted it might create an even more unsafe situation Pat Corkle Yeah 37 77 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Mayor Furlong At some point if the traffic volumes get to the point that I ve heard tonight it may be warranted and then so my question is are we designing it so that can be added in when it s warranted Paul Oehme Yes Mayor Furlong We ve also heard after construction if you know traffic behavior might change we can take other tests after after it s completed I assume and double check and see if those warrants are met Would that be Pat Corkle That would be fair I don t think we re doing anything that would prevent installing a stop signs at a later date Mayor Furlong Making additional safety improvements Pat Corkle Sure Mayor Furlong Okay Alright thank you Please Elizabeth Kressler Hi good evening My name is Elizabeth Kressler and I live at 1750 Valley Ridge Trail North Here Okay I m a good friend of Wendy s and neighbor and so we ve kind of been collecting our thoughts but I just wanted to express some concerns and there was a few questions I was really surprised that the City didn t contact the school with regards to the Audubon Road reconstruction project It has a direct result to safe passage for the bird neighborhood Osprey and all Heron And the amount of money to be saved is just about a teacher s salary so I was really surprised as was Mr Jennings when I met him in Caribou Coffee strictly by accident But he was talking about working on the budget that day and I said well how would you like to save 42 000 if you can have safe passage for those kids to walk to high school What a great idea Not sure why they re not contacted in the beginning I thought we were all a community working together So that I was a little concerned and you can address that later but I was wondering if you can over with me the four lanes and the measurements that you re using You had up like the old measurement versus the new measurement and what you re including in those measurements Is it you had in some instances you had 40 feet old or 44 feet old 40 feet new But yet the road is getting wider so I don t really know Paul Oehme Yep Let me just pull up an example here Elizabeth Kressler Okay there No that s Let s see I had it Paul Oehme You want that one This is just an example of Elizabeth Kressler That s one of them Paul Oehme Heron yeah Which intersection would you like to take a look at 38 78 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Elizabeth Kressler I don t think I wrote down oh It was Lake Drive West Now 44 feet wide going to 40 feet wide Paul Oehme Right Okay so Lake Drive West here Right now from it s curb and gutter out here Elizabeth Kressler Okay Paul Oehme 40 to 40 here We re we need to reconstruct that intersection There s some drainage issues here we want to address And then based upon the analysis we have we d like to shrink that down by 4 feet so removing the curb Shrinking down the roadway to 40 feet to accommodate the new design Elizabeth Kressler So each time you re going from curb to curb Paul Oehme Curb to curb Elizabeth Kressler On every measurement Paul Oehme Yeah it s not curb to curb I mean for example Heron it s from edge of gravel shoulder to edge of gravel should basically so Elizabeth Kressler Okay Paul Oehme So that s the measurement that we re using Elizabeth Kressler That s inclusive Paul Oehme Exactly Yep Elizabeth Kressler Okay I got a little confused I thought there was some apples and oranges being added Paul Oehme Okay Elizabeth Kressler I was wondering if any of the businesses north of us are also contributing to this reconstruction project I know you mentioned that you were breaking it down that the City s paying for the trail and the extra widening and all this other stuff but those businesses yes Their only way to get to Audubon is on their driveway so are any of those businesses i e General Mills or a couple of the new ones that IBI and Jehovah s Witness I mean all There s nowhere else for them to go Paul Oehme Right and again the if and when Audubon north of this project area were ever to be considered for reconstruction and if we use the same methodology they at that time would be proposed for assessments Just like in your neighborhood we re not proposing your neighborhood to be assessed for any of the improvements we re talking about tonight Likewise 39 79 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 we re not asking the property owners north of here to contribute directly to the improvements at this time Elizabeth Kressler Okay So everything is funded through the city and bonds and all that Okay I was wondering I m trying to understand what the roadway system how it s like and it s a county road and that I thought our road used to be a county road and then they crossed us off the list sometime When did that happen Paul Oehme Yeah Elizabeth Kressler They said no more You re not a county road th Paul Oehme Right I did pull that up in it looks like December 7 of 81 Elizabeth Kressler So the signs were up for quite some time Paul Oehme Right and again I don t Elizabeth Kressler To 97 99 We re talking 10 11 years they were in there Paul Oehme I don t understand where those signs came from Obviously and how long they stood up there or why they were still up so that s the date that we found in our files that the road was turned back to the city and Powers was designated a county road Elizabeth Kressler Okay You know there s a couple of roads that come to mind which is you know you ll see my lack of understanding When you re going and this is way out of our neighborhood but when you re going north on north of 5 on Galpin just past Kwik Trip There s a little neighborhood right off to the right hand side that has a stop sign There it is Right in the middle of the road Stop sign How did they get one and why can t we have one I mean their neighborhood s the only way they can get out to and frolic in the rest of the city Well I want one just like they have I m like what dictates them getting one and not us Todd Gerhardt That one didn t meet warrants either and Elizabeth Kressler But yet they have one Todd Gerhardt They have Elizabeth Kressler So the precedent s been set Just wondering Paul Oehme Yeah and just to address your point too though If you talk to our law enforcement officials I mean they can sit at that intersection all day long and write tickets for vehicles running that red light or that stop sign so I mean it is a safety concern from our perspective because there is that park on the other side that pedestrians are crossing Mayor Furlong And just to clarify Galpin is a county road correct 40 80 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Paul Oehme Correct Mayor Furlong Did the City put the stop signs in Paul Oehme No Mayor Furlong Okay Elizabeth Kressler The County did Okay So in the very very beginning of your presentation Paul you actually said and you probably misspoke but I m going to catch you on it because I write quotes all over I have 6 pages of notes over here Your proposed improvements you quote were not making it a collector roadway You must have misspoke because and if somebody recorded that you ll hear it It is in fact a collector roadway Mayor Furlong Yes Paul Oehme Right Elizabeth Kressler How do we get it to not be a collector roadway when there s all these other collector roadways all over the place why does that one little old Audubon that has a majority residential with a high school Well we want safety How do we get it not to be a collector roadway How does it get to not be we re not a county road anymore We crossed that off the list Can we cross off that we re a collector not a collector road Paul Oehme Sure Elizabeth Kressler I mean is that easy Can t we just you know Paul Oehme It comes back to the traffic and access and where these trips are going virtually You know as Pat had indicated earlier that you know from a local roadway you need a collector roadway to bring vehicles to principal arterials or arterial trunk highway system so it s a network of roadways and different classifications that the city and all communities basically in Minnesota follow that you know every street is not cannot be just a local roadway Some roadways have to carry more trips than others and that s how that classification has come about I mean the functional classification has been on the city books for this roadway since 1981 when this roadway was turned back to the city It s always been planned for this roadway to have larger trip generation because of the access points that are out here Where the destination potentially are heading and going and there has to be a roadway system that can handle those trips We ve got Galpin just referring to the Galpin is a collector roadway or arterial roadway by the county out here There s another Powers Boulevard is another arterial roadway out here And then there has to be collectors to handle that traffic coming in and out of those county roadway systems so that s basically how the functional classification designation is determined There s you know we have several collector roadways in the city that handle about the same amount of traffic that Audubon Road does so 41 81 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Councilman Litsey A lot of that if I could ask is a way of moving traffic through the city I mean otherwise you re going to have gridlock because if everybody wanted got their way on every street you wouldn t be able to get anywhere Everyone wants speed bumps Everyone wants stop signs and you couldn t get from point A to B very quickly so you try to make it as reasonable as possible where you have the real residential but you also need the feeder streets and the main streets to kind of a full traffic grid and that s the struggle is where do you put that traffic I understand if you live on that street Elizabeth Kressler Yeah and I can appreciate which is why this is all a big learning you know The internet is Wendy s friend when she s speaking about pneumatic tubes I didn t even know she knew how to spell pneumatic Todd Gerhardt She can say it Elizabeth Kressler So which brings me to I travel a lot in and around you know the county or whatever and I go into Minnetonka every day to work Almost every day and what type of road is Williston Do you know I mean I know it s not in your county and it s not in your city but it s 30 miles per hour from Excelsior to Highway 7 Excelsior Boulevard to Highway 7 The whole darn thing is painfully 30 miles per hour But for good reason because it goes through a residential stretch and so I m just wondering that seems like it s a collector road or a feeder road of some sort I m just and then there s speed limits going into Chaska on Highway 41 Slows right down to 30 What up with that I mean that s a big giant road I m just I guess everybody else might have the same question Wait a minute how come it s slower there and we can t get it lower and I understand we can t but Mayor Furlong No and that s a fair question Pat Corkle Yeah I think well okay Answer your question Williston we worked on that in Minnetonka It is a collector roadway I don t know why it s 30 miles an hour I m going to guess they must have done a speed study or it was that speed limit I m not sure why that is to be honest with you All I can really from my perspective and we spent a lot of effort because we hear you We do hear you guys talk about trying to do something and I d love to give the council some good advice on maybe how to do some things differently but from my perspective in reading the statute I just don t see how I could recommend anything besides what we have there than to try to do some other things to improve the situation And why is it in Chaska go down to 30 I m going to guess there might be some statutory type limits that they can put on that because of because it s a business district I m not sure I mean I d have to go look I m not sure I m just guessing I m speculating so Elizabeth Kressler Okay If you can bring up this roadway again I just wanted to talk about the gray area That you d like me to stand in when I want to cross the road Does anybody want to stand with me on that road when you re trying to get across or kind of over here Maybe the dog gets away and I ve got to cross I don t know 45 miles per hour standing in the gray area I don t want to do that And are crosswalks not as safe as stop signs or they equally unsafe I guess you have some studies and I m just wondering if maybe you could share some areas that I can go and read up on those I know crosswalks aren t safe because unfortunately some police 42 82 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 officers don t stop at them when you re in them on Powers but stop signs I always thought were safer than crosswalks which is why I think we were all asking for a stop sign Maybe to make it a safe path and to slow the traffic down so those are just these are more food for thought maybe to keep your brain pumping with the questions And the last thing I have to mention and Wendy might have but I didn t hear her When the traffic study was done the PGA was in town so there was a lot of traffic that was directed around us so they wouldn t get on Lyman and go into Chaska So a lot of traffic didn t ever come down our road so I don t think I think to get a fair assessment of what the traffic is like you need to do it when school is in You know I don t know April You know everybody s happy and out and driving around and high school s in or maybe sometime when the PGA s not in town and I don t know something so that s all I got Mayor Furlong Okay thank you Any follow up Mr Oehme Just the school district comment We do check with the school district during the design process I mean we don t typically talk to them upfront and I m not clear exactly how they re saving 42 000 by putting in a stop sign there but you know we always we talk to them about the design The standards that we re using are standards that will accommodate you know bus traffic or pedestrian movements better than they do right now Wendy O Connor Can I Bruce Feik No it s my turn You had your turn Wendy O Connor Sorry No I just wanted to answer the 42 000 question Paul Oehme Yes please Wendy O Connor When John and I spoke he said that right now they have two bus routes that go through our neighborhood and 42 000 would be saved every year because they would be able to eliminate at least one of those routes and that was his assessment It was 42 000 Not my number His number so and I did put him in contact with you Todd Gerhardt What was his last name Wendy O Connor Rogers Todd Gerhardt John Rogers Audience Thomas Wendy O Connor Thomas Sorry sorry sorry Paul Oehme John Thomas Todd Gerhardt John Thomas And what s his title 43 83 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Wendy O Connor And I d be happy to forward his email Transportation Guy I don t know But Nancy Krake put me in touch with him and he was extremely helpful Paul Oehme We ll contact him Thank you Mayor Furlong Sir Bruce Feik Good evening I m Bruce Feik I m at 1773 Valley Ridge Trail South I m about 8 houses in on Valley Ridge Trail I ve got a couple things for you tonight on a little bit different tone than some of your previous speakers First I d like to thank city staff for all their work on this Quite frankly I think it s a pretty good plan I really would like to see I think the round about s are a creative idea if we could do something like that That would help Second of all on the turn lanes I think they re absolutely necessary I come up the hill and make a left onto Valley Ridge Trail South I have to own that lane for the cars coming up behind me and there s no drive around so if I don t take the middle of that lane drivers behind me either want to hit the ditch or want to hit me and I also drive a small motorcycle and in that case I actually have to stop on the right side of the road to make sure they don t try to scoot around me so we really do need the turn lanes I d like to see that I m not so big on a stop sign at Valley Ridge Trail North I think a marked crosswalk with maybe some flashing lights might do the same thing We do need to get access for the kids over to the park and over to the sliding hill and what not so I would like to see a safe safe way to get across there It s 45 Heck Lake is only 30 but people drive 45 You know it s a fast road It s going to be 45 I don t think you re going to be able to do a whole lot to really get it slower in the grand scheme of things It would be nice but I really think that s kind of unrealistic I would like to ask a question regarding where Audubon meets Lyman I spoke with one of the city engineers a couple weeks ago and my concern here is where the stop sign is marked If you stop your car where the stop sign is marked during the summer there s some trees on this I guess would be the north east corner Northeast corner and those trees it s kind of some scrub trees Mostly some box elders or whatever But anyways if you stop at a stop sign you cannot see any of the traffic coming down Lyman We have to creep way forward into the intersection Past the stop sign to see past this group of trees here When you creep forward because of the way that s oriented with Lyman you creep forward and you go a little bit left staying in your own lane Traffic coming from west from the west so it s eastbound Lyman coming this way basically wants to take your front fender off And so my concern is this intersection and I d like to see a median If that s not possible I d like to see I know you ve got the alignment here has to line up with the street across so I know the alignment can t really move I did talk with the city engineer They did mention something about we re already bumped up against some of the easements I guess my point would be is if we can t adjust the stop signs or do something I would like to see the trees come down As much as I like to see trees it s really not safe Particularly if you re in a smaller vehicle The traffic is coming eastbound on Lyman that wants to go north onto Audubon really don t want to slow down for cars that are stopped there and you pull up and you kind of look out your window Make sure you re still in your lane but it s tight And I think that s it Otherwise I think it s a good plan Oh Sidewalks The sidewalks are necessary We ve been trying to hook up sidewalks in this community for many many years All the way over to Bandimere The goal is to put the sidewalk on Lyman in a few more years and to hook up the whole park system We have been landlocked over on this side for years Can t bicycle to the east side very well This is an 44 84 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 incremental step on the sidewalks I think to come back and try to put sidewalks in 2 3 or 4 years from now after this road is in after we decide that Lyman goes in and we get sidewalks then and now we want to put this sidewalk in it s going to be much much more expensive So I d like to see the sidewalk go in now I d like to see this project get done right and I d like to see it get done this year It s a bumpy bumpy road that needs to be repaired Thanks Mayor Furlong Thank you Others Mike Choiniere I ll try to be quick My name is Mike Choiniere I live at 8481 Bittern Court which is right there Just off of here The only point that I really want to make at the moment is that I know that Audubon is used to head south You go through the jog and head south that way The area in front of the high school over there was closed for a long time and I believe at the time it opened up like the day or two before school did which means at the time that they did the study for how much traffic goes through there that section of Audubon when you get down to Lyman and turn right to catch the next part of Audubon was closed The only way to get to that section you had to go down Powers or you had to go to 41 So from that perspective anyone who is going that direction didn t take Audubon So I think Mayor Furlong So are you thinking that the traffic counts are too low Mike Choiniere Yeah definitely Definitely So especially with looking at the seniors of the high school The traffic that normally goes that direction that would have to go across Powers to get across the freeway or to go to 41 to get to the other side So I think you re missing a large chunk of traffic that normally takes that route Councilman Litsey So could I speak to that Mayor Furlong Mr Litsey please Councilman Litsey So if they are low then how does that play into the design You re saying it s under designed then and should get a higher design standard Mike Choiniere What we re saying is when we re talking about the safety of the kids crossing because we are on the east side Mrs Choiniere We re in that bird neighborhood Mike Choiniere We re in the bird neighborhood Bittern is a bird On the internet I found out th bittern is a bird So and we have a 10 grader this year who is being bused because you know I don t want him going across the marked 45 that s going 50 55 mile an hour zone and so we are north of where they want to put the crossbar There are walk paths that go down toward where the high school is but then you have to go either up the lake one connects in that direction Otherwise it s all the way down to the other that connects to the high school The ones in the middle eventually move their way around There s one that goes right down here down Valley Creek and the other one comes down in over here They re the ones and they have to connect over on I m sorry I m off your chart They have to connect over here somewhere in order to 45 85 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 get back to the high school Actually that path has to go all the way up to the viaduct under the railroad tracks in order to get back over to where the high school is So the two ways you can get to the high school in the walk paths is one that goes right next to the train viaduct and the other one that goes along Lyman Paul Oehme This is the drawing you re referring to Mike Choiniere Yes Paul Oehme This is the trail that comes in the back Mike Choiniere Yes Paul Oehme And then accesses Mike Choiniere So the one that s up on top on Lake Drive there s Not Lake Drive Where the mail station is Kate Aanenson That s it Paul Oehme This one right here Kate Aanenson That s it Paul Oehme At the end of the cul de sac Kate Aanenson And there s one right behind it too 1995 Mike Choiniere Yeah So the 1995 is the one that s right next to the Heron and that goes down right along Valley Creek No sorry Valley Ridge Sorry guys But even if you go down the one to Valley Ridge you have to go over to the other side and up around by the viaduct in order to get over to the high school So if you re looking for it as a method of crossing going to the high school the further you put it south the more you still have to go back up into the other neighborhood in order to go over So technically I wouldn t mind having crosswalks at the major intersections that go through there For sure the road needs to be fixed It d be nice to have some other things with it If we re looking at it connecting to the high school Heron is the one that we re on It goes all the way through to Powers There s a lot of roads that feed into that one coming in I would see that a lot of walking type traffic would come through at Heron Mayor Furlong And now I m going to ask you if we can look on that map or Paul if you can bring something up Show us where Heron is relative to Mike Choiniere Heron is right here Mrs Choiniere There it is It s right down at the bottom 46 86 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Mayor Furlong Can you zoom out please Mike Choiniere Heron is right here Mayor Furlong Okay Mike Choiniere We re right across from the weather station is right over here Mayor Furlong Okay Mike Choiniere And Heron goes through and meets up with Lake Susan Drive that both north and south meet up with Powers and you ve got 1 2 3 4 Four cul de sacs and you also have what s the long one that goes back Mrs Choiniere The Osprey Mike Choiniere No no On the other side Mrs Choiniere Flamingo Mike Choiniere Flamingo All of Flamingo Drive all feeds into Heron All of those residences have kids in our school district who if we re going to open up that as a walk zone going to the high school they re all going to be coming out on Heron Mayor Furlong And let me just clarify Mr Oehme Right now as we re looking at those Heron is a little part of the picture and Osprey Mike Choiniere Yeah there is a walk path that comes on the back of Osprey that some of the Flamingo Drive kids could come down that direction Mayor Furlong And just to clarify Under the current preliminary plans there s a crosswalk proposed at the Osprey and Valley Ridge intersection Paul Oehme That s correct Mayor Furlong Okay and that would be a marked crosswalk Paul Oehme A marked crosswalk Mayor Furlong Okay And what are the red lines there along the Paul Oehme Along the drawing that you see there Mayor Furlong Yeah Paul Oehme That s the trail There s a trail on the east side that s existing 47 87 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Mayor Furlong Okay So that s existing trail Paul Oehme That s an existing trail Mayor Furlong Now is there anything on the north side then too A trail on the north side that runs along there It s just not marked red right now I m sorry on the west Paul Oehme On the west side yes Yes Mayor Furlong You re looking for the north side of Audubon and you can t tell what I m talking about On the west side Mike Choiniere There s a walk path on both sides Mayor Furlong I mean where did while it may not be marked at Heron to the extent that there s a trail there to move people down to the marked intersection is that reasonable or Mrs Choiniere I would say that it is My concern is that it moves us closer to that hill and I m concerned about the visibility Right now there s not very much lighting along there and when you have vehicles that are coming north on Audubon going 50 miles an hour trucks I do not I th don t even want my 10 grader standing out there and that middle of the road thing that Elizabeth talked about no way Mayor Furlong And those of us who have driven it know but can you point on the map where the hill is for those watching at home Mike Choiniere The road goes up right at Heron Sorry The road goes up right at Heron and for those who live south where does it go back down On the south side here Right here So the road is elevated between here Mrs Choiniere And then it goes even steeper down as you get closer to Lyman Mike Choiniere Yeah Mrs Choiniere And that s the stretch I m concerned about Those trucks cresting that hill even with a marked crosswalk even with a 4 way stop you guys I really am concerned that somebody s going to get hit and I realize 42 000 a year is a lot of money for our school district but that s not going to one kid s gone and that s going to make up for that I truly would rather see we did something really safe I mean we ve done tunnels for Bluff Creek on the north side by 5 You guys did tunnels under Lyman into Chaska You know I know that the people further south aren t happy about the trail I m kind in the middle on that I don t use that part of the trail system myself so whether it s there or not for me is a non issue at this point but if you re talking about connecting kids to the high school where are we going to put the best trails And I am also concerned about your neighborhood If you have I mean I think we have 80 kids in our neighborhood who are bussing right now Do you guys want 80 kids going through your 48 88 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 neighborhood because that s what s going to happen and so I think we have to be realistic You don t have sidewalks So where are these kids going to cut through I don t know too many teenager kids that are going to go way north to go way around to come way back down or are going to go way down here on a trail and to go here and to go there and to navigate through They re not going to do that They re going to cross and they re going to filter through the neighborhood through people s yards So I think we need to talk about what s the best way to do this and what s the safest I like the idea of a stop sign or a round about or some way of slowing traffic down but it s to slow traffic down It s not to make it safer for my kids to go to school Mayor Furlong Okay One of the questions raised was a crossing underneath or great separation for pedestrian crossing Was that something that we looked at Is that something that is possible here Paul Oehme Yeah we looked at it preliminarily and it s very difficult due to the topography of the area There s a typically you need a wide right of way to make that those connections work because you ve got to dive the trail down underneath the road and then come back up again on the other side For example 101 over by Presbyterian Homes I think that roadway right of way is about 150 feet wide Likewise over on Lyman close to this project It s very wide so in this area it d be very difficult due to the density the residential density in this area to make an underpass work I m not saying it s impossible but it s it s very difficult I know there s sewer that s out here that would have to be relocated And then there s a watermain There s a forcemain too so all those utilities have to be in our consideration so Mayor Furlong It s not there may be things in the way underneath the road Paul Oehme Yeah there s a lot of utilities and fiber optics and stuff that have to be moved too It s a very expensive project Mayor Furlong Okay Thank you Other comments Sir Gary Theis My name s Gary Theis 1696 Valley Ridge Trail North Right there Few questions How long has Audubon upgrade been in the works Paul Oehme At least 3 or 4 years Maybe 5 I know we had looked at upgrading Audubon before the Lyman improvements were made In front of the school or before the school came in so we were looking at actually doing that several years ago Based upon the funding and timing of the those improvements we felt it wise for us to delay this project until those improvements are made Gary Theis So is that why since 95 nothing s been done to Audubon Road but throw a little tar down and pack it down and let s move on Paul Oehme Well again we don t there s only a couple things that you really can do to alleviate the problems that you have here It s a structural problem There s really nothing you can do to this road except for putting overlay over the top of it and having a smoother road surface I mean sealcoats are not going to work For the last several years we ve been patching the roadway but 49 89 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 based upon the poor pavement condition that s out here it s not you know cost effective for us to put an overlay put a band aid over a problem that s going to persist Gary Theis And what year was the last time you oiled and rocked it Was that in 95 To me that s when you quit Paul Oehme Yeah Gary Theis You gave up on the road Paul Oehme Well in 92 there was an overlay and then they came back in 95 and sealcoated it Gary Theis Right Paul Oehme So in what that tells me is that overlay didn t work very well because in 3 years time they came back and sealcoated it and probably crack sealed and it was already starting to fall apart in 3 years so they put a sealcoat over the top of it Gary Theis Hopefully we don t use the same contractor this time then Paul Oehme Well again it s a thin overlay is nothing structural so when you get that many trucks that many trips over that road it s not going to hold up over the long term Gary Theis There s some collector roads in Chanhassen that are divided Without a residential driveway 40 miles an hour There s another one that s divided No residential driveways 45 Mayor Furlong Which roads are those sir Paul Oehme Which ones are we talking about Gary Theis Highway 101 Mayor Furlong Would you just identify the roads Gary Theis Highway 101 is 40 miles an hour between 212 and 5 Mayor Furlong Okay Gary Theis Correct Mayor Furlong I don t Gary Theis If you haven t driven it in a while Mayor Furlong I ve driven it but I don t memorize the speed limits 50 90 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Gary Theis What s that Paul Oehme It s 45 Gary Theis It s 45 Paul Oehme It s 45 Gary Theis I don t think so Paul Oehme Well I drive it constantly It s 45 north of the bend over by Kurvers Point South into Chanhassen it s 30 miles an hour and then it turns into 40 and then it s up from there it s 45 Todd Gerhardt He s talking south of 5 Paul Oehme Oh south of 5 I m sorry Gary Theis Between 212 and 5 Paul Oehme Okay 212 and 5 Gary Theis It s 40 Paul Oehme Okay Gary Theis And Powers Paul Oehme I m sorry I was thinking north of 5 I apologize Gary Theis Okay Now who determined in stone those speed limits Paul Oehme MnDOT Gary Theis And they mark it in stone and that s it Nothing can be done Pat Corkle usually when we do the design plan and we do the sign plan we actually Gary Theis I d be willing to bet the City can change the speed limit lower than what MnDOT recommends Roger Knutson Mayor Mayor Furlong Mr Knutson City Attorney Roger Knutson We can t 51 91 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Gary Theis You can t Roger Knutson No Gary Theis Because you don t want to try or Roger Knutson No because it would be unlawful Minnesota Department of Transportation MnDOT sets the speed limit They do a speed study They set it We have no authority to do that Gary Theis So going back to the other lady that talked about Williston Road in Minnetonka being 30 MnDOT regulated that down Roger Knutson Yes except if it s considered if it meets certain criteria such as you have so many homes in a certain segment of roadway then it s set at 30 It s an urban design Mayor Furlong Different densities and has driveways on Roger Knutson Yes The City has no discretion None We can request MnDOT to do a speed study Gary Theis Okay Roger Knutson You re rolling the dice if you do because Gary Theis That s true They could raise it Roger Knutson They could raise it and believe me I ve sat in enough meetings where council s have rolled the dice and said let s do the speed study and the speed went up Gary Theis Okay Now considering Audubon from Lake Drive West south is basically a residential neighborhood Why couldn t we get that section of roadway speed limit dropped down than the commercial end where you don t have driveways or houses then it could be your 45 Roger Knutson Again same answer You d have to ask MnDOT to do a speed study and they would set it and we don t have that authority That s just what the law is Gary Theis Okay As far as a stop sign or crosswalk is the City proactive or reactive Mayor Furlong Help clarify your question Gary Theis Well in your materials here you listed just a couple incidents where there s been an accident or something like that so will we get a crosswalk when somebody gets killed or are we going to have a stop sign or something as proactive rather than reactive 52 92 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Mayor Furlong Mr Oehme Paul Oehme And again we re if the project goes forward we would put in a crosswalk for pedestrians at a designated intersection and then you know we look at we have We do speed studies all the time Residents frequently ask the City to do a speed study and traffic study for intersections and see if the intersection would be You know I probably could name off 6 intersections I think we ve done in the last year that property owners or residents or commuters have requested that the City look at those intersections for improvements so we are proactive in terms of you know making the travel the network the roadway system as safe as we can get it I feel Gary Theis Why does this road change widths all the way down and about Paul Oehme I would say it s standard 40 foot wide road I mean we re not again we re not changing the road width all that dramatically from gravel edge to gravel edge The only area that we re really changing the width is at Valley Ridge North where we re widening it out potentially to 4 more feet That s really the only intersection that s increasing in width The intersection at Lake Drive West we re actually decreasing that intersection Proposing to decrease that intersection by 4 feet from curb to curb Gary Theis Why does the width between the curb and the bike path change Paul Oehme To accommodate right of way Grades There s a lot of things that take into consideration where that trail s going to be Obviously we d like to push the trail back as far as we can to accommodate a bigger buffer zone It helps the grass grow better You can better maintain those areas Better storage areas Those type of things so the narrower you get it s safety Reactionary too It helps you more area to react to changing condition as well so there s several reasons why we like to push these trails out and back of the curb as much as we can Gary Theis Okay Well thank you Mayor Furlong Thank you Anyone else No one Everybody s had an opportunity that wants it Okay Well good We appreciate that very sincerely It s worth the time and effort to sit through If no one else would like to come forward at this time I ll make the last call and ask if there s a motion to close the public hearing Councilwoman Tjornhom So moved Councilwoman Ernst Second Mayor Furlong Motion s been made and seconded to close the public hearing Any discussion on that Councilwoman Tjornhom moved Councilwoman Ernst seconded to close the public hearing All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 The public hearing was closed 53 93 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Mayor Furlong As we get started here I m interested in comments and thoughts from members of the council The hour is late but I do want to keep this going if the council is with me and willing to keep moving forward But I do want to thank everybody for all their time and effort not only coming to the neighborhood meetings but there clearly have been a lot of one on one meetings and a lot of effort that s gone into some of the questions we ve heard tonight I appreciate staff for all their efforts as well in terms of trying to work through the questions Answer them as best they could and seek alternatives as well With that any follow up questions at this point from the council for staff Or any points of clarification before we get into comments or thoughts If not they may come up in discussion but at this point I d open it up for comments by members of the council Councilman Litsey Councilman Litsey Sure I ll go first No I don t mind going first Mayor Furlong Okay Councilman Litsey And I do appreciate everyone We ve gone through a number of these so far this year already and on road reconstruction projects and it is helpful to hear from residents that live along there and are affected by it so that we can make decisions based upon what staff gives us and the feedback we receive at these public hearings And I really do appreciate the time staff has spent looking at this project I know it s a difficult one I think you are looking towards the future I think that s important I think to get a good return on your investment we should look to the future You know we talked about incorporating left turn lanes in here I know there was one person that was supportive of that I can tell you from making a turn off of Powers Boulevard onto Kerber Boulevard that you re looking in your rear view mirror the whole time and that wasn t with the future in mind when they designed that road obviously Obviously traffic has increased and so forth so I think a lot of the design things that have been implemented in here are very important and towards safety because I heard a lot of concern about safety and I think the things that we re trying to do here within the limitations of a right of way I think we re maximizing safety in terms of the design I just think it s I think everyone s pretty much in agreement something needs to be done It makes no sense just to put new pavement over it That actually probably would increase the speeds of vehicles along there but it wouldn t solve the core issues I think we need to move ahead to the next phase There ll be multiple phases as we move ahead on this project where we have check in s so we can make sure that things are being answered best to our abilities I think some of the things staff s been asked to do quite frankly we just can t accommodate with the road the way it is With the right of way that we re working with So I m comfortable at this point moving to the next phase and working with staff working with residents trying to make it the best project we can In my other line of work I deal with a lot of these safety issues on a first hand basis and they re always difficult to address Everybody would like I shouldn t say everybody A lot of people like stop signs I d like a stop sign on Kerber Boulevard where I cross at Big Horn Drive so I can get over to Meadow Green Park with my child too but it just isn t it just wouldn t make sense there and so I am careful I have to be with him when he crosses and I prefer not to have to do that but it s the reality sometimes of what you have to be faced with so So I guess I ll listen to what other people on the council have to say Mayor Furlong Thank you Other comments or thoughts Mr McDonald 54 94 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Councilman McDonald I ll go Yeah I appreciate everybody showing up Do appreciate hearing the comments Yeah there are some tough problems I appreciate what staff has put together I know that they do listen but I think as the Mayor said we can t always say yes I mean sometimes it just physically isn t possible Especially about the trail and the snow and the driveways We try to do the best we can to accommodate We do need to look to the future I mean one of the things I hear from everybody is that that s probably not what this road is It is not a futuristic road It was built probably back in the 50 s the way it was put together At that time Chanhassen was different That was a farm road That was farm country and it s been left that I think the other thing we ve got to look at in looking at what we do for the City that is developmental area It s going to be developed Maybe not now Maybe not in 2 years Maybe in 3 years Depends on upon the economy but that was already a hot area before on the last go around It will be a hot area again and at that point everybody with large lots when they re offered money they do it time and time again They will sell their property and at that point a development comes in So I think we do need to design the road for the future We need to put something down there that is safe Right now the current road is not safe I do drive it I guess I don t see as much traffic as everybody else is talking about but then I m going middle of the morning Maybe early in the afternoon and stuff before school either starts or gets out but yeah the road s in bad shape and especially as you come up that hill I don t see how some of you can even get out on the road because of the way those driveways are So it s got to be upgraded We need to do you know something safe I do think that at this point we probably need some more detail and that s what staff is asking for to proceed to the next level I think that you know the road s got to be fixed and we do need to proceed so I would be in favor of it but again I ll listen to everyone else also Mayor Furlong Thank you Other thoughts or comments Councilwoman Tjornhom Councilwoman Tjornhom Yeah I think I m not going to repeat what other council members have said I agree with them I think when you listen to the comments and questions by the residents of this neighborhood it s been why was the road made this way or why was weren t there any turn lanes You know let s do it right this time We have another chance to go back now and redo it and make it safer for future neighbors that will be living in this neighborhood in 20 years hopefully One idea I have is I hear I think two fears The trail and that you know there are going to be a lot of people in your yards and intruding on your private lives That s what I heard some people at least say and I m hoping that if the trail does come in you ll learn that that probably isn t the case That you ll probably end up using that trail more than you would think And also I heard a lot of comments about truck traffic and of course that s something everyone s concerned about and while I don t think obviously we ve heard tonight we cannot limit trucks and we cannot tell trucks where they can and can t go I would like someone from your neighborhood or the City or something to at least contact General Mills or some of the other businesses and explain to them what s happening What you re seeing that is occurring more and more and working out a solution with them to see if maybe they can direct their clients or their delivery trucks or whoever it is to maybe go a different way or maybe slow down a little bit more You know take that approach instead of trying to come up with a way to just stop people from using the road all in general You know we re all going to be here a long time We all need to somehow learn to live together and so I think tonight we have agreed that 55 95 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 there are problems with this road and that it does need to be fixed and so I also would be in agreement of going ahead and ordering the plans and specifications Mayor Furlong Thank you Councilwoman Ernst Councilwoman Ernst Well there have been actually I the big issues of course from what I ve heard of it is speed and actually the road itself and so as I listened to all the questions first of all I want to thank you all for coming tonight I know you took a lot of time that it took so a lot of time and energy that you went on the internet and did all this checking and I applaud you for that And you did a lot of research and that s wonderful that you ve taken such an active role in this process so thank you But I think that everyone is in favor of this The road does need the construction and you know when I hear that we went in 1982 we did a sealcoat 1992 we did an overlay 1995 we did more sealcoating and I think even when we did our second sealcoating we were beyond the life of where we supposed to be so obviously the road does need the construction The trail sounds like a couple are in favor of it Some not but I m going to go back to what Councilor McDonald said We need to think for the future We need to build on the future and Chanhassen is notable for the trails that we have in this city and we have a lot of people using those trails and so it goes beyond your neighborhood and so I would hope that you would be a little bit more open and objective to a trail that would be going through there The safety issue we talked about It sounded like Pat or Paul are going to take a look at what we can do there Probably not stop signs Probably not lights but maybe there are some other options like the turn arounds and things like that that we talked about And then I don t I m not clear did you say that you re going to go back and do another study for the traffic study I wasn t real clear on that Paul Oehme Yeah I mean this time of year you can t do the pneumatic tube counts Those can only be done in the summertime Councilwoman Ernst Okay So we will Paul Oehme Yeah we definitely take traffic counts on these types of road every 2 years and you know if need be we can take them again more frequently so Councilwoman Ernst Okay Paul Oehme I m just confident the numbers that we ve received they seem to fit this historical traffic counts along this corridor so I m fairly comfortable with the numbers that we received Councilwoman Ernst And that may be absolutely true but I think that they brought up some things here tonight that may have interfered with those traffic counts so if we could just take a look at that Paul Oehme Sure Councilwoman Ernst And then in the notes I read that staff is probably going to be talking with the businesses as well about that truck traffic going through there 56 96 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Paul Oehme Yeah Councilwoman Ernst Or said that staff could Paul Oehme Yeah that s one idea We can talk to them and see if there s anything we can work out there I mean is it time of day or is it the volume or is there routes that we can reconsider too I mean that s not a problem I put that in the notes and you know that s one thing that if the council thinks it s important we can definitely follow up on it Councilwoman Ernst So I think I ve addressed some of the concerns that we talked about tonight and based on that criteria I would be in favor of moving Mayor Furlong Okay thank you As I thought about this project coming in tonight I knew there were a lot of concerns This is probably in terms of a public hearing and listening to residents more than more educational for me in terms of some light bulbs that went off as I was listening to people and the the issue isn t may or may not be end up I may or may not agree with what you were encouraging me to do but as I listened the issue of safety came up over and over again and that word wasn t used all the time but there was discussion about speed along the road and the traffic issues Not only from a from the volumes of traffic the number of traffic We heard some people suggest that maybe the count taken was too high because of some detours and others that suggested it might be too low because of some other factors But every one s concerned about the volumes Type of traffic It s not just cars Some of it is cars on the weekends coming from the Autoplex and others are cars from the neighborhoods and others are trucks and I think you know again there s a safety issue They re the intersections Crosswalks How do you make it safe for cars to enter and exit the road and to and for the through traffic so that it s safe along the road The trail You know I think somebody said you know you wouldn t walk or ride your bike along the road and again that gets to a safety issue I absolutely recognize and understand and hear people s concerns about adding a trail where one does not exist because that the change that that brings about and just the physical space and the widening of this area even if it s legally within the right of way that s always been there That s a change but clearly I think that s one issue that speaks to safety and we look at trails when I think of trails along Powers Boulevard between Highway 5 going up north to Shorewood and then you get to the Shorewood line and there s no trail Yet the road keeps going and the same number of cars that came up Powers continue on up Mill Street And Councilman Litsey that goes into your jurisdiction but now there s no trail and I notice that and I see that Galpin Boulevard is the same way The trail goes north and it stops at the city line but the same number of cars the same number of trucks Whatever the mix is continues on up the road I think allowing pedestrians or children adults whether they re for fitness or their animal s fitness Walking the dog To be able to walk safely and get to and from neighborhoods is a key component that makes Chanhassen a great place to live I think there may be some differences here I think it s clear to me that this this section of our road system needs to be improved and it needs to be upgraded not only to meet the current needs of traffic but what the future needs are going to be There will be development in the southern part of the city down along Lyman The farm areas that are there eventually will develop and I think taking a step here to make sure that this road can safely and adequately handle vehicle traffic and pedestrian traffic and bicycle traffic to the extent it will I 57 97 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 think it s important that we take a step and do that I m a little concerned when we start talking about engineering designs that are going to limit people using a public road Philosophically I struggle with that I certainly understand the desire to try to minimize people traveling on our roads but when we talk about engineering the road to discourage people from using a road I have a problem with that It s a public road and I think what we need to do is design it safely and then monitor it and make sure that it s used safely in terms of doing that so while there s been some ideas thrown out I get concerned when we start saying how can we and I think we some cities use speed bumps Some cities use you know elevated Not the speed bumps but the more elevated and elongated and such and the whole idea is to keep people from using a public road Philosophically I have a problem with that Taxpayer dollars are paying for these Whether that s coming out of our property tax or out of the gas tax that people are paying for whether it s individuals or businesses filling up their cars public roads are public roads So how do we make them safe How do we build a transportation system that allows people and goods to move safely I think where there is a difference here and again what I heard tonight and comparing it to our prior experiences as a city and earlier tonight at our work session the council and staff talked about our current assessment practice which is being used here and we talked about Lake Lucy Road which is a collector road and we ve heard some other roads as well One th of the projects that we ve worked on recently was Laredo Drive and north from West 78 up to Frontier Trail One of the issues that came back there that was very clear when we started listening to the residents was you know it s not just a residential street There are there s a school there There s a post office There s a bank It s mixed use There s mixed traffic on there and they were looking at fairness Rightfully so in terms of how we allocate the cost of the road Indirectly and what I would suggest staff think about here and the council too we have it from a mixed use a little bit here in that the northern part of this collector road does have an industrial mix to it Very similar to Powers Boulevard but that is a different designed road That includes concrete medians and four lanes urban section of what s being designed here When we talked about Lake Lucy Road as our example this evening that s mostly residential There isn t the industrial use at one end or the other that might be increasing traffic We re always going to have delivery trucks We re always going to have postal trucks We re always going to have other types of trucks but this road I think it sounds like carries some different mix than some we see on some other collector roads so maybe we need to take a look from at the assessment Not from a designing the road to restrict that road but from a fair allocation in terms of the assessment practice when we have that mix And I go back to how we looked at Laredo and we kind of modified it after the first public hearing then we kind of modified how we looked at it And so I think there may be some Clearly I think from a safety standpoint this road needs to be upgraded Clearly the condition justifies it I understand there s going to be some significant change when we re going from a two lane rural to an expanded two lane urban section with a trail on the side and such but I think for the current needs what I m hearing from existing residents in the area and businesses as well as for future residents I think it is something that we do need to move forward with I think there are some detailed questions and Mr Monson raised that tonight Excuse me for letting me reference you in my comments but you raise that there are some questions that aren t answered and you re absolutely right I think what by going forward tonight it provides staff the authority to answer some of those questions Dig into some more of the detail so that we can zero in on some of this and hopefully alleviate concerns Make accommodations where possible and but ultimately seek to do something that is going to do the most good for the most people So I think we do need to move forward tonight I think there s a 58 98 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 lot of work ahead of us but I think from a safety standpoint for the 8 people in the area as well as for those that use the road I think it makes sense to move forward at this time Any other thoughts or comments at this point If not is there a motion from the council Mr McDonald Councilman McDonald I ll do the motion I ll make a motion that the City Council authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for the Audubon Road reconstruction Project 10 02 Mayor Furlong Thank you Sufficient Is there a second Councilman Litsey Second Mayor Furlong Made and seconded Any discussion on the motion Resolution 2010 12 Councilman McDonald moved Councilman Litsey seconded that the Chanhassen City Council authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for the Audubon Road Reconstruction Project No 10 02 All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 Mayor Furlong That motion does prevail Again thank you everyone We appreciate it and we certainly encourage you to stay involved because this process will continue forward Let s just now seeing the hour we have one item left on our agenda Let s take a very short recess so 3 minutes 2 minutes 3 minutes if that s okay Subject to the call of the Chair Thank you The City Council took a short recess at this point in the meeting subject to the call of the Chair CONSIDER APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 20 OF CITY CODE REZONING CERTAIN DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES Kate Aanenson Thank you Mayor members of the City Council Earlier tonight you acted on a kind of a secondary part of the rezonings and that was the three PUD amendments and I m going to put some context to how those relate to the rest of the rezonings that we ll be visiting tonight As you recall as part of the comprehensive plan one of the steps that we took was doing the market analysis prepared by the McCombs Group We took that information and we looked at additional commercial retail opportunities in the city so as we updated the comprehensive plan and we got feedback from those for the community meetings we recognized that we wanted to dual guide the area south of Lyman along the Powers Boulevard 212 interchange In addition to that we most recently changed and provided for another new zoning district the Community Commercial district so since the comprehensive plan we ve as required by the process we have created two new zoning districts The Community Commercial zoning district and the regional commercial zoning district As a part of that we also wanted to increase the commercial component downtown to make sure that that still becomes a vibrant area if we do the regional commercial zoning district So with that these are the commercial zoning districts we have downtown As I stated earlier the IOP which is the Industrial Office Park or the Community Commercial is shown in that light green And these are the this is kind of the current fabric that we have right now in the downtown The Central Business District red is the highest zoning 59 99 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 district that we have in the city and provides the most flexibility The PUD we ve applied where we wanted to limit some of the uses The PUD s that we adopted earlier tonight would be kind of in the mark I ll show you in a little more detail but kind of the Target and Market Square pieces have would just change that to be a Central Business District But the hierarchy that we have right now would be the BN district which is the lowest type of commercial The Business Highway which provides for auto related The Central Business District and then the BG and there s really only one active BG and that s the IRET property which is actually Byerly s Office Max all under one ownership and that s the only parcel that we had in BG The other piece that we have in BG is actually a storm water pond So the application for usability there is really non existent so what the goal there was is to take all of this core area so some of the PUD s that you looked at tonight what we did is made them the underlying zoning district consistent within those PUD s Now we left the PUD on there because in some circumstances we ve limited the types of uses that go in there but the flexibility that we provide is to allow for greater intensity For example if you were to look at the Target parking lot there is some space in that parking lot maybe on just in the drive that comes in opposite of where the Taco Bell and that there is an opportunity as there is on the front of the Byerly s property opportunities for some other free standing and both of those parcels would be interested in doing it when the market becomes available so providing that intensity creates that more opportunities in downtown Again that s whether we want to where we ve already made the investment for infrastructure to capitalize on that So the ones that you changed earlier today besides the Target area and Market Square would be also the West One property which you just recently changed the zoning so those all have the underlying zoning district Now again the West One that PUD does allow what s going on there is some light manufacturing but the PUD limits how that can be used so it s it fits very well in the rest of the neighborhood Mayor Furlong Ms Aanenson if I could interrupt On this picture that we re looking at right here The Central Business District is generally zoning that way There are no PUD s there That s just an ordinance level of zoning Kate Aanenson Correct Mayor Furlong Okay Kate Aanenson Yeah so the current Central Business District that s not the light that s the dark red That would be currently where the Dinner Theater and all that is so yeah th Mayor Furlong Right And the PUD areas at least south of West 78 or they re PUD s and have some specific rights associated with them for a PUD The underlying zoning there now has been changed also to the Central Business District Kate Aanenson That is stated very correctly Yep good way to put it And the thing that we did also change in there we have made some ordinance amendments so by doing this now we re going back and working with the City Attorney s office Kind of saying what do we do to make sure that they re consistent We have a number of these we re meeting throughout the community We share with the Planning Commission The ones that we have we have about 13 of them so for example we allow LED lights so these were locked in that they wouldn t allow the 60 100 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 PUD lights so by changing that we re saying anything that we change underneath that zoning district it s consistent with the Central Business District and that was where it made on parking standards For example we now let electronic messages message centers which these PUD s wouldn t allow We want them also to be able to enjoy those opportunities So you can see the one pond there that is also guided General Business That pond I can t point to it but it s right below the right coming off of Highway 5 and Market Boulevard That pond So by taking that out of General Business we re recommending an Agricultural District because that also takes it out of the opportunity and that kind of shows up when you have that BG It will take out of when we look at how much land area do we have in that zoning district It s not usable so we don t want to calculate it as potential developable Also I think sometimes when people are looking at available property they see that and interestingly enough we have had requests sometimes to try to fill those ponds because Unfortunately we can t always relocate our storm water ponds to handle that manage that capacity but the City Manager can attest that we have had requests to that fact So really what we re looking at the specific changes to the PUD then to be consistent I mean the General Business We re eliminating that as a zoning district so we ll just have the Business Highway again which is important That s more the auto related Central Business District and then we created the new Community Commercial so that will be going away so again just clarifying how those work out At the Planning Commission meeting when they met the significant property owners were at that meeting and did speak in favor of the rezoning That they had met with us We did have a year ago last fall Last summer excuse me Last summer we did meet with all the property owners Business community We had an open house at the library and then we contacted them again before this meeting and they came and testified that they were in support of this So again the intent of the General Business was for downtown It was kind of it really wasn t applied very well so I think taking that away and allowing for more intensity in the downtown development and more flexibility in types of uses is a great opportunity to capitalize on our downtown And than again as I said the Central Business District is the most robust It does allow for residential too We don t see that opportunity based on the values that are downtown If somebody wanted to do that on the second floor we do allow that That may be something in the kind of if you look over maybe on the Dinner Theater site as a potential for something like that That that does allow a residential in there but I think some of the other ones the Planning Commission had some of those questions would that happen I don t see that on a large scale I think there s enough value in there so with that this is just a quick comparison of the two just to see And included in your packet we did a more detail so what it really allows for is there s no green requirement You can maximize the hard cover and that really gives you the most opportunity to maximize that property In looking at some of the shared parking we talked to the Planning Commission about this too at the Target even at the Byerly s center they did put the Bachman s out this summer so they re kind of testing that market too and trying to again capitalize on the trade that s already going there and just kind of take it into the next and finding a use that would fit in there and do those shared parking and making that work because that was their concern Do we have enough parking Well obviously both those uses have peak times which typically are around the holidays but we certainly believe depending on the mix of uses that we would look at that that there s an opportunity to share parking So again and we re going to take those ponds and make them agricultural as I stated there s no sense in including them as available land when people are looking so we ll go back and make those agricultural because they re really unbuildable so 61 101 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 With that we re recommending It s a lengthy motion but there s actually three different Three different motions Mayor Furlong Oh absolutely We ll probably consider the recommended motion as our motion Kate Aanenson I just want to say our residents really had positive feedback The business community had really positive feedback from it too so we hope when we with the uptick in the economy that we ll see some activity in the downtown Mayor Furlong Very good Questions for staff Councilwoman Ernst Councilwoman Ernst Just a quick question Kate When we talk about the businesses that exist today and we re talking about rezoning are they can they did I hear you say that they could go back and make some modifications Kate Aanenson You brought up a point that I should have emphasized One of the concerns at the Planning Commission were we making anybody non conforming No Nobody s going to be non conforming That was one concern and that goes back to even to West One where they re doing some light manufacturing in that PUD There s specific language on how that was to be worked and so that still is consistent but it does allow them because they don t have to maintain a green space if that they can develop more intensely The area behind Target where there s trees the City owns those trees around that but I think other than that there s opportunities then to further intensify on development If that Councilwoman Ernst Yes Thank you Kate Aanenson Okay Mayor Furlong Other questions right now Mr McDonald Councilman McDonald As you ve gone through this plan and handed it out and you know kind of reviewed it you mentioned that the landowners have commented on it Has anything been done as far as I mean the Central Business District has been a big deal with the Chamber as to where it s going to be located and we ve gone back and forth Have you gotten a lot of input from them as to what the impact of this could be as far as economic development within Chanhassen Kate Aanenson You know the feedback that we got from the neighbors when we had the downtown meeting is and certainly the City Engineer is aware of this It s just some of the turning movements coming out of some of the businesses For example I think you re aware when you come out of Market Street Station some of those turn movements are difficult which is really important that we re bringing with the park and ride to bring that through And there s an opportunity to strengthen that That whole area there and continue that core I think we ve worked really hard to connect on the south side You can go between even the Market Square Getting off of going over to Target so we re working really hard to connect all those and we did 62 102 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 th the same thing on the north side with Byerly s That you don t have to get back on West 78 to connect all those and that s something we want to continue and that s I think what they see too is an opportunity to make it easy to move between the different uses I think when we look at the Community Commercial as you re aware when we talked about that if going across now kitty corner to Powers that we have to look at what those uses are and how the traffic can be managed at that intersection too because that was another concern coming out onto Powers there Depending what that use is When we talked about maybe a mini what it was a lumber kind of place or even a large sporting goods can the traffic meet that so we d have to that was one of the questions that you said if something comes in they need to demonstrate that that fits But the goal again is to get more trips downtown and kind of create more energy there Does that answer your question Councilman McDonald Well yeah and I guess I don t know kind of what I m looking for I mean I ve been to a couple meetings and this has all been discussed as to what we re going to do in the Central Business District and there s been a lot of talk about well we re kind of limited and right now the way it s set up you can t put a lot of new businesses in and one of the things that we ve been talking about is to be able to do you know the intensifying and as I understand that s what these ordinances do and I m just wondering are you getting any kind of positive feedback or support that yeah this is the kind of stuff we need to do Kate Aanenson Yes we are Yes we are IRET is very excited about the opportunity to do some additional development there Certainly we ve talked about with the Dinner Theater site there s additional redevelopment opportunities there and as we talked about earlier in the work session kind of looking at these ordinances certainly we ll be visiting the Central Business District and making sure that you know that anything in there the uses that we may want to encourage or just kind of revisit that so we ll be looking at those too But there is opportunities even in that Community Commercial piece that some of those buildings are vacant and we re talking to people right now and those buildings are looking for some opportunities there but again it s to get those trips downtown That s the goal that we can all benefit from those and spin off each other Certainly even at the Market Street station site where we ve got the Jimmy John s the Kraus Anderson building certainly they d like to see some more traffic down there too and I think that will come too with the redevelopment of the Dinner Theater Or the park and ride excuse me Mayor Furlong Ms Hokkanen if you wanted Laurie Hokkanen We talked about these changes at our last local business council meeting and Vernelle Clayton is the current chair of the Business Council and she talked to both Todd and Kate and between the two of us kind of gave an update and the Council is very positive that we re taking this step Councilman McDonald Okay Mayor Furlong Other questions We talk about intensification from impervious surface area Is the existing stormwater management system maybe this is a question for the engineer If the current 63 103 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Councilwoman Tjornhom He s exhausted Mayor Furlong You were off camera so nobody saw you Maybe now they know The current stormwater management system in the downtown area is going to be sufficient to handle this intensification If it does occur from a hard surface coverage and perhaps there may not be any intensification if you re converting a parking lot to a building Paul Oehme Right exactly For example the new parking ramp that s going in there that s very little new impervious is going in there because it s all already paved so Mayor Furlong Right Paul Oehme There is in some areas that we re going to be looking at for stormwater management and maybe a little intensification or some other improvements but overall I think it s an okay system that we have down there We need to look at you know other opportunities to at least slow down the water in this area but I think when developments come in we can look at it on a case by case basis Mayor Furlong Okay very good Kate Aanenson I think as to kind of go off I think a lot of some of those are already hard cover Existing parking lots that are not being over used and I think we re looking at that shared parking sort of situation which we ve done over on the PUD that s actually Villages on the Pond which seems to work pretty well for some of that peak on St Hubert s Sharing that parking off peak so Mayor Furlong Okay Alright any other questions Thoughts and comments Councilwoman Tjornhom Councilwoman Tjornhom You know this has been kind of in the works for quite a while I think we talked about it and thoroughly done our due diligence in making sure that we re doing the right thing and I feel confident that we are Mayor Furlong Very good Anything else I m sorry Councilman McDonald Well I was just going to say I guess the thing I m glad to hear is that you know there has been involvement One of the things that I would be very hesitant about supporting this if this were being driven solely by the city staff and that s why I was asking the questions because I want to make sure that you know business has an opportunity to say something about this because it s going to directly impact them and I think you know some of the things it takes to run a business you know the City doesn t always understand all these things so that s why I m glad to hear that you re getting good feedback because I feel much more confident that the things we re doing are going to work because you know we re all kind of behind this 64 104 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Mayor Furlong Yeah thank you I want to thank staff too for the time and effort that they ve done not only working with the chamber but with the other businesses and business owners as well I mean this is to Councilwoman Tjornhom s point This has been an evolving process and as another outgrowth of the work a lot of the good work that they did earlier with the comprehensive plan and looking at supporting the downtown and improving the local economy and so I think that this is just it is an evolution It s another step in the right direction but I think it s a positive one in terms of strengthening our local economy so thank you to everyone involved and for your good work and working with the local businesses Kate Aanenson Before you make a motion I just want to point out again so there s probably 13 You re seeing we did the commercial ones first because that s kind of where we ve emphasized with the comp plan and tied into the fact that we created those two new zoning districts but we will be working with the rest of the properties that have PUD s We do have a meeting set up with Eckankar and their attorneys and so they re kind of excited to hear what we re doing and work through that And then we ll be taking some of the other businesses or the other PUD s Some of them are industrial parks and again being so it s an opportunity for us to meet with them and see what issues they may have and then also we ll be bringing those back to you Mayor Furlong Great Very good We ll look forward to it Somebody like to read the motion or just recommend the proposed motion Councilwoman Tjornhom Councilwoman Tjornhom Yes I d like to make a motion the council approves the current recommendation Councilwoman Ernst Second Mayor Furlong Very well put And that second came in pretty quick too so Made and seconded Any discussion on the motion Councilwoman Tjornhom moved Councilwoman Ernst seconded that the City Council approves the rezoning of properties from General Business District BG to Central Business nd District CBD on property located on Lot 4 Block 1 West Village Heights 2 Addition and rd Lots 1 2 and 3 Block 1 West Village Heights 3 Addition rezoning from General Business District BG to Agricultural Estate District A2 on property located on Outlot A Crossroads Plaza Addition and rezoning from Highway and Business Services District BH to Agricultural Estate District A2 on property located on Outlot B Crossroads Plaza Addition and Lot 3 Block 2 Frontier Development Park and adopts the Planning Commission s Findings of Fact All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS Councilwoman Ernst I d just like to make Mayor Furlong Councilwoman Ernst 65 105 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Councilwoman Ernst Make a comment More to staff Probably should have waited Mayor Furlong No that s fine Councilwoman Ernst I guess I m in a hurry The fishing contest this weekend It was awesome It was warm Lots of people out there I actually talked to one lady who s been she was actually born in Chanhassen Raised in Chanhassen and she said every year they all their whole family gets together and this is the one family event that they do every year as a family so it s a pretty awesome event so thanks to Todd and his staff Todd Gerhardt Pass the work on Yeah we had about 400 people this year I mean the weather was just perfect and fun time I just keep hearing comments that it s very well organized and laid out and compared to maybe some other fishing contests and so that s always nice to hear And we got you know the tickets handed out because everybody s got to get their free coupon as they come in for the raffle and that was smooth You know the lines were very short so Councilwoman Ernst So I do have a question How many holes got drilled do you know Todd Gerhardt Well that was something new this year too The Rotary volunteered to drill the holes Councilwoman Ernst I know my husband was very sore and tired Todd Gerhardt Used muscles he s never had before We sold 500 fishing tickets and I would say there was at least 500 holes out on the lake And each fishing ticket allowed you a hole to fish out of so there was I d say probably another 100 holes that weren t used Mayor Furlong That s where the big ones were Todd Gerhardt I had the small hole Councilman Litsey Couldn t get the fish through it It was too big Todd Gerhardt No problem getting the fish out no Mayor Furlong Thank you Any other council presentations ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS Todd Gerhardt Pretty quiet week We re plowing snow and we will be all week it sounds like so that s all I have Mayor Furlong Okay very good Any questions for Mr Gerhardt or his staff Okay CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION None 66 106 Chanhassen City Council February 8 2010 Councilwoman Ernst moved Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded to adjourn the meeting All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 The City Council meeting was adjourned at 10 45 p m Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 67 107 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES FEBRUARY 2 2010 Chairwoman Larson called the meeting to order at 7 00 p m MEMBERS PRESENT Debbie Larson Mark Undestad Denny Laufenburger Dan Keefe and Tom Doll MEMBERS ABSENT Kevin Dillon and Kathleen Thomas STAFF PRESENT Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Bob Generous Senior Planner and Alyson Fauske Assistant City Engineer PUBLIC HEARING LOTUS RETAIL CENTER REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL WITH VARIANCES FOR A 7 992 SQUARE FOOT RETAIL BUILDING AND AMENDMENT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR LOTUS LAWN AND GARDEN ON PROPERTY ZONED HIGHWAY AND BUSINESS SERVICES DISTRICT BH THTH LOCATED AT 78 WEST 78 STREET AND 19900 WEST 78 STREET APPLICANT CENTER COMPANIES LLC AND LOTUS LAKE GARDEN CENTER INC PLANNING CASE 10 04 Public Present Name Address Ben Merriman Center Companies Jay Kronick Lotus Lawn and Garden Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item Commissioner Keefe asked about the hardship for the parking variance and the history behind the 50 parking requirement Commissioner Laufenburger asked about the size of delivery trucks and turnaround room on the site and where additional parking space would come from if a restaurant were to go in Ben Merriman with Center Companies commented on the truck traffic in the loading zone area Chairwoman Larson opened the public hearing No one spoke and the public hearing was closed Undestad moved Laufenburger seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approves an amendment to Conditional Use Permit 88 13 to eliminate the Hennepin County parcel for a garden center and to relocate the storage bins to the Carver County parcel All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 108 Planning Commission Summary February 2 2010 Undestad moved Laufenburger seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that theCity Council approves the Site Plan for an 8 000 square foot one story retail building plans prepared by SEH dated 12 30 2009 with an 8 parking variance to permit 58 of the parking between the front faade and the primary street for property th located at 19900 West 78 Street subject to the following conditions 1 Building Official a The buildings are required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system b The plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota c Accessible routes must be provided to commercial buildings d All parking areas must be provided with accessible parking spaces As submitted the retail building must have a minimum of 2 accessible parking spaces one of which must have an 8 foot access aisle e The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit 2 Forester a This parcel is within the Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine area All ash trees removed on site must be disposed of at an MDA approved ash tree disposal site b The Black Hills spruce proposed at the northwest corner of the building must be replaced with a deciduous selection in order to avoid future sight line conflicts c On the north property line the applicant shall change two of the understory trees to overstory selections d On the east property line the applicant is short over and understory trees Staff recommends that the applicant meet minimum requirements for bufferyard plantings on the east side e A line of shrubs must be planted along the parking lot on the south property line The shrubs must have a minimum height of three feet at maturity City approval of the shrubs species and planting spacing is required before installation 3 Water Resources a The following Standard City Plates shall be included in the submittal set 1 Plate No 5300 Silt Fence wooden posts are not to be used 2 Plate No 5301 Rock Construction Entrance 3 Plate No 5302A Catch Basin Sediment Trap b Sheet C1 of C5 calls out 8 PVC while sheet C5 of C5 indicates 8 PVC for the standpipes and 6 for the remaining perforated PVC This discrepancy must be clarified The Minnesota Stormwater Manual recommends an 8 draintile to reduce the potential for freezeup c No sock should be used around the under drain in the bio retention areas d This will primarily be a Filtration Facility with Partial Recharge as described in the 2005 Minnesota Stormwater Manual As such the filter fabric over the gravel bed 2 109 Planning Commission Summary February 2 2010 area but not extending to the side walls is adequate as shown If insufficient separation is discovered between the bottom of the facility and the ground water the fabric should be extended to the sidewalls as shown in Figure 12 BIO 4 of Chapter 12 in the 2005 Minnesota Stormwater Manual e Rock specifications are required for the draintile bedding in the bio retention area This rock must be clean washed and may not include crushed limestone f No soil mixture is specified for the bio retention area Sheet L200 calls out a soil mixture for all areas to be planted with groundcover perennials or annuals This mixture is not suitable for the bio retention area The mixture may include not less than 40 sand by volume and may not incorporate any in situ soil materials g Measures must be taken to address the drain tile and curb cut discharge points into the bio retention area to assure that they do not scour over time or fill up with debris h The invert elevations of the drain tiles where they enter the bio filtration area must be called out on the plans i The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval j The existing grades are not legible on the civil plans These must be clarified k The bio retention area must be protected from heavy equipment traffic this must be shown on the grading and utility plan sheets l The total disturbed area should be quantified and reported on the grading plan If this is equal to one acre or more an NPDES permit and SWPPP will be required m The developer shall comply with the requirements of the Carver Soil Water Conservation District as specified in the letter to Robert Generous dated January 20 2010 4 Engineering a A cross access and parking agreement must be executed and recorded b The developer must provide a trucking route to the Engineering Department for review and approval c The grading plan must be changed so that the bio retention basin will not be over the existing trunk watermain and sanitary sewer easement area d The developer shall replace the trunk watermain and will be reimbursed for the cost to replace the trunk watermain install two gate valves replace a fire hydrant and produce engineering as built drawings The reimbursement will be based on the actual cost to complete this work and shall not exceed 25 000 e The new watermain shall meet the minimum City requirements including stainless steel hardware on the valves and hydrant f A snake pit for the tracer wire shall be installed at each end g The sanitary sewer will be televised to determine its condition The City will work with the developer to include maintenance or repair work if needed h The developer s engineer must submit cross sections at the proposed utility crossings for review and approval i All civil sheets must be signed by an engineer registered in the State of Minnesota 5 General 3 110 Planning Commission Summary February 2 2010 a In locations where the sidewalk crosses the curb a pedestrian ramp shall be provided b The applicant shall revise the light plan to meet the requirement for foot candle illumination at the property line A revised photometric plan shall be submitted with the building permit to verify compliance with City Code c All signage shall comply with City Code and requires a separate sign permit application All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Laufenburger noted the verbatim and summary minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated January 19 2010 as presented COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS Commissioner Laufenburger asked about the Rotary Club Distinguished Service Award recommendation and paperless updates to the City Code Kate Aanenson provided updates on the upcoming meeting schedule and reminded commission members of the openings on the Planning Commission Commissioner Doll asked about the need for getting full blueprint sets and suggested smaller versions i e 11 by 17 Chairwoman Larson adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 7 30 p m Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 4 111 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 2 2010 Chairwoman Larson called the meeting to order at 7 00 p m MEMBERS PRESENT Debbie Larson Mark Undestad Denny Laufenburger Dan Keefe and Tom Doll MEMBERS ABSENT Kevin Dillon and Kathleen Thomas STAFF PRESENT Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Bob Generous Senior Planner and Alyson Fauske Assistant City Engineer PUBLIC HEARING LOTUS RETAIL CENTER REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL WITH VARIANCES FOR A 7 992 SQUARE FOOT RETAIL BUILDING AND AMENDMENT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR LOTUS LAWN AND GARDEN ON PROPERTY ZONED HIGHWAY AND BUSINESS SERVICES DISTRICT BH THTH LOCATED AT 78 WEST 78 STREET AND 19900 WEST 78 STREET APPLICANT CENTER COMPANIES LLC AND LOTUS LAKE GARDEN CENTER INC PLANNING CASE 10 04 Public Present Name Address Ben Merriman Center Companies Jay Kronick Lotus Lawn and Garden Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item Larson Tom you have any questions Doll I may have missed something but is the Hennepin County site in Chanhassen Generous Yes Doll Okay Generous We go all the way to Dell Road Doll Okay I thought so but Okay I have no other questions Larson Dan 112 Planning Commission Meeting February 2 2010 Keefe The hardship that s related to the variance is I mean if they can get they re going to have a cross access or cross parking agreement anyway right Is there not enough room going into the landscaping site to be able to accommodate the additional spaces so we don t have to do the variance It seems like maybe on the north side but maybe they ve maxed out up there Generous Yeah if they push it over on the north side then they re getting into our bio retention Keefe Well to the east yeah But there s no more room to the west that you know Generous Yeah they re at the property The property line is right just the end of the Keefe Yeah Yeah but they re taking 4 or 5 of those spaces it looks like are cross parking right Generous Yeah Well they re actually on the Lotus the garden site and there Keefe But those count towards this Generous Yes We calculated it all If this had come in as one big project it would have been a little easier to distribute them all because then we would be able to count the middle too Keefe Right So there s no way to accommodate without to get their minimum number of spaces because it isn t a consolidated Generous Right and then they could have corrected Keefe There s no way to defer that either is there Generous No Keefe Without putting a variance Generous They need to go forward with this one as a stand alone Yeah they re not sure yet Keefe You don t know what the use will be up there Generous And we need to get the bio retention in there and we of course we like the trash enclosure in the back because then it s not visible from the Keefe What s the history behind the 50 requirement on the front street Why what is why is that a limitation Why is that sort of set at that number Do you have a Generous Well it s to distribute so you don t have a sea of parking in front of them basically Keefe Yeah right Right 2 113 Planning Commission Meeting February 2 2010 Generous And those two we like to get parking surrounding a building Keefe Yeah Generous It really works well in your downtown area where you can force the building all the way to the front Keefe Right Aanenson One of the examples would be if you go over to West Village Heights where we have a lot of the downtown for example where Byerly s is People think that that s set back so far and that was a struggle too that we went because of the slope in the back of the property We wanted to cover that slope and that s where the loading docks are It seemed to make some sense But the fact that it s so deep walking from the street with the wind blowing across it s not as warm of a presence so it s just to make it feel more urban and you don t have that sea of parking lot in front of you Keefe Right Aanenson So just always a balance Is there a perfect ratio there So that s a number we put in there and work with the best we could What this picture isn t showing you too is the big wetland that s behind so it is the site is pinched In a perfect world they would both come in together and we could have balanced it more and it probably will ultimately but this is an opportunity to keep the garden center in place and to kind of figure out how that mix works Keefe What is located on the north side of the railroad track Is that an apartment Generous It s an apartment building Keefe It is Then is that a 4 story I m trying to remember what Aanenson It s at least 3 Generous I think it s 3 Aanenson Yeah with separate garages yeah Do you want to look at that overall picture again to kind of get a sense of Keefe Well what I was you know just the you know I mean I really like the articulation on the front of this building towards the street I think they ve done a really nice job with it One of the questions is just you know the back side You know it s fairly you know vanilla across the back and then you know I presume they re going to have roof you know cooling and potentially heating structures I mean do we typically have some sort of screening that we would require Generous Well they do and they comply at grade The third story I don t know that they won t be able to 3 114 Planning Commission Meeting February 2 2010 Keefe I m just thinking you know I mean is it going to negatively It may not negatively impact Aanenson I think with the changing grade and that and the industrial building that s just yeah The industrial building to the east Keefe I don t know if it s an issue or not I just am trying to you know think it Doll Parking behind this apartment building Keefe Yeah More than likely the whole thing will be an improvement I just want to make sure we re thinking about that Aanenson Yeah It s an interesting mix out there because you have some pure office and the majority of that to the east then is industrial Then the last piece that just went in on Dell Road now that s more office Right there on the corner The Dell Professional Office Yeah Otherwise you do have a lot of you ve got a heavy user with Lyman Lumber Keefe Right Aanenson And that is an active rail yard So there is some noise attenuation to consider too because they do use that spur to take lumber off at that location Then you ve got you go a little bit just behind the apartments then you ve got the residential that s in Eden Prairie there Laufenburger And that railroad goes up a little bit Generous Yeah that railroad is raised out there And they will get some landscaping in that back and eventually that will grow to fill in some of those spots Keefe They have overstory trees going back there or Aanenson Yeah and I think that was one of the things we looked at for the back of that articulation The best thing we think we can do for noise attenuation some of that is actually provide additional landscaping and we were just talking now I think what we want to do too is kind of field walk it as we get to that point to figure out the best placement for some of that to revise that visual barrier and then a noise barrier Keefe Right So I mean in terms of you know their proposed planning they re not proposing any overstory trees Generous But they Keefe But they need to right Generous They re required to 4 115 Planning Commission Meeting February 2 2010 Keefe They re required to do Okay Alright Cool Larson Denny Laufenburger Bob I do have a question Can you give us a close up of the loading zone area Just tell me how did you talk with the applicant at all about what kind of trucks would deliver there Are they semi rigs or are they smaller trucks Generous It was my understanding they re smaller but Laufenburger Address with the applicant maybe Okay It just seemed like there s not a lot of room for a turn around there That was my only concern Did you see that Yeah I mean it looks like there s an area for a truck to pull in or maybe back in I don t know because they would likely back in so that the rear of the truck is accessible to the door I just I need to have an understanding of the safety of that Okay Second question There was discussion about if the additional two tenants happen to be a restaurant or one of them a restaurant or both of them a restaurant additional parking would be needed So where do you anticipate Bob that that parking would come from Generous The only place that it could happen would be on the garden center site Laufenburger So it would be to the west of the area that is we re showing that is marked with 14 Where there s 14 spaces Generous Right Laufenburger So that would impede into what I would believe would be a display area for nursery stock and things like that Does that make sense Generous Right And we anticipate it would only happen with the redevelopment of that site because otherwise you re eating into yes Jay s display area Laufenburger So this there is no plans at this time for any changing upgrading remodeling of the garden center is that correct Generous Only to the extent of relocating Laufenburger Just relocating the storage area Okay Just a moment That was my questions Thank you Madam Chair Larson Anything Undestad Nothing Larson Nor do I so have we got an applicant 5 116 Planning Commission Meeting February 2 2010 Ben Merriman Good evening I m Ben Merriman with Center Companies and just go through a couple of comments With regard to the trucks It s called a hammerhead so when the truck pulls in it can pull behind the garden center or behind the building It backs up and then it th actually starts coming out and then so it s faced outward now towards 78 Street and then it backs in to that little alcove where the loading dock is and so that s how that works Laufenburger Okay Ben Merriman They re shorter trucks They re not semi trucks The garden center occasionally does get semi trucks but they re not very frequent And those would use the same th means for getting in and out Sometimes those semi trucks will actually back in off of 78 Street but it s rarity and the hammerhead isn t designed to allow for them Laufenburger So your thinking is that even if there are cars parked all along that load that that parking area which is identified as 14 seats or stations the truck would go all the way to the back Kind of make a turn around and then come back out and then back into where the loading zone is Ben Merriman That s correct Laufenburger Okay Thank you Larson Anybody else have questions Nor do I Thank you Okay at this time I will open the public meeting or the public hearing I don t see anybody stepping up so we will close the public hearing Well what do you think Undestad I think it s a good project Looks nice I don t have anything to add in there I think it s good Laufenburger I agree and Tom made a comment earlier I think or Dan They did a nice job on the design of the building I think it s going to be a nice addition to the area Keefe I m good with it Doll Same here Larson Yeah I am too I think architecturally it s beautiful It ll be a very nice asset to the city and I m for it So with that anyone want to make a motion Undestad I ll make a motion That the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve an amendment to the Conditional Use Permit 88 13 to eliminate the Hennepin County parcel for a garden Center and to relocate storage bins to the Carver County parcel And that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the Site Plan for an 8 000 square foot one story retail building plans prepared by SEH dated 12 30 2009 with an 8 parking variance to permit 58 of the parking between the front faade 6 117 Planning Commission Meeting February 2 2010 th and the primary street for property located at 19900 West 78 Street and subject to conditions 1 through 5 with the amended 4 d to read not to exceed 25 000 Larson Have I got a second Laufenburger Second Undestad moved Laufenburger seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approves an amendment to Conditional Use Permit 88 13 to eliminate the Hennepin County parcel for a garden center and to relocate the storage bins to the Carver County parcel All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 Undestad moved Laufenburger seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that theCity Council approves the Site Plan for an 8 000 square foot one story retail building plans prepared by SEH dated 12 30 2009 with an 8 parking variance to permit 58 of the parking between the front faade and the primary street for property th located at 19900 West 78 Street subject to the following conditions 1 Building Official a The buildings are required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system b The plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota c Accessible routes must be provided to commercial buildings d All parking areas must be provided with accessible parking spaces As submitted the retail building must have a minimum of 2 accessible parking spaces one of which must have an 8 foot access aisle e The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit 2 Forester a This parcel is within the Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine area All ash trees removed on site must be disposed of at an MDA approved ash tree disposal site b The Black Hills spruce proposed at the northwest corner of the building must be replaced with a deciduous selection in order to avoid future sight line conflicts c On the north property line the applicant shall change two of the understory trees to overstory selections d On the east property line the applicant is short over and understory trees Staff recommends that the applicant meet minimum requirements for bufferyard plantings on the east side e A line of shrubs must be planted along the parking lot on the south property line The shrubs must have a minimum height of three feet at maturity City approval of the shrubs species and planting spacing is required before installation 7 118 Planning Commission Meeting February 2 2010 3 Water Resources a The following Standard City Plates shall be included in the submittal set 1 Plate No 5300 Silt Fence wooden posts are not to be used 2 Plate No 5301 Rock Construction Entrance 3 Plate No 5302A Catch Basin Sediment Trap b Sheet C1 of C5 calls out 8 PVC while sheet C5 of C5 indicates 8 PVC for the standpipes and 6 for the remaining perforated PVC This discrepancy must be clarified The Minnesota Stormwater Manual recommends an 8 draintile to reduce the potential for freezeup c No sock should be used around the under drain in the bio retention areas d This will primarily be a Filtration Facility with Partial Recharge as described in the 2005 Minnesota Stormwater Manual As such the filter fabric over the gravel bed area but not extending to the side walls is adequate as shown If insufficient separation is discovered between the bottom of the facility and the ground water the fabric should be extended to the sidewalls as shown in Figure 12 BIO 4 of Chapter 12 in the 2005 Minnesota Stormwater Manual e Rock specifications are required for the draintile bedding in the bio retention area This rock must be clean washed and may not include crushed limestone f No soil mixture is specified for the bio retention area Sheet L200 calls out a soil mixture for all areas to be planted with groundcover perennials or annuals This mixture is not suitable for the bio retention area The mixture may include not less than 40 sand by volume and may not incorporate any in situ soil materials g Measures must be taken to address the drain tile and curb cut discharge points into the bio retention area to assure that they do not scour over time or fill up with debris h The invert elevations of the drain tiles where they enter the bio filtration area must be called out on the plans i The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval j The existing grades are not legible on the civil plans These must be clarified k The bio retention area must be protected from heavy equipment traffic this must be shown on the grading and utility plan sheets l The total disturbed area should be quantified and reported on the grading plan If this is equal to one acre or more an NPDES permit and SWPPP will be required m The developer shall comply with the requirements of the Carver Soil Water Conservation District as specified in the letter to Robert Generous dated January 20 2010 4 Engineering a A cross access and parking agreement must be executed and recorded b The developer must provide a trucking route to the Engineering Department for review and approval c The grading plan must be changed so that the bio retention basin will not be over the existing trunk watermain and sanitary sewer easement area 8 119 Planning Commission Meeting February 2 2010 d The developer shall replace the trunk watermain and will be reimbursed for the cost to replace the trunk watermain install two gate valves replace a fire hydrant and produce engineering as built drawings The reimbursement will be based on the actual cost to complete this work and shall not exceed 25 000 e The new watermain shall meet the minimum City requirements including stainless steel hardware on the valves and hydrant f A snake pit for the tracer wire shall be installed at each end g The sanitary sewer will be televised to determine its condition The City will work with the developer to include maintenance or repair work if needed h The developer s engineer must submit cross sections at the proposed utility crossings for review and approval i All civil sheets must be signed by an engineer registered in the State of Minnesota 5 General a In locations where the sidewalk crosses the curb a pedestrian ramp shall be provided b The applicant shall revise the light plan to meet the requirement for foot candle illumination at the property line A revised photometric plan shall be submitted with the building permit to verify compliance with City Code c All signage shall comply with City Code and requires a separate sign permit application All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Laufenburger noted the verbatim and summary minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated January 19 2010 as presented COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS Laufenburger Madam Chair regarding one of the items in the packet was the Rotary Club Larson Yes Laufenburger Is that Aanenson If you would like to do it amongst yourself Do a paper ballot and if you want to at the end of the meeting if you guys just want to take a minute and discuss that Laufenburger Is there a suggestion out of the city planning department at all Aanenson Just maybe the one that you submitted last time You could resubmit So you can talk among Larson Do we get one We only get one 9 120 Planning Commission Meeting February 2 2010 Aanenson You technically I think as a group you re supposed to suggest one name so if you wanted to do that I did have a couple other things if that s alright We did include in your packet this final PUD schedule that we re going to go on so we re going to try to put those depending on the schedule it looks right now if you want to mark your calendars We probably nd will not have anything in on the March 2 Planning Commission meeting date We do anticipate having a PUD amendment for a larger project that will be before you The one that s thnd shown on March 6 will probably slide down to excuse me March 2 will probably slide down thth to the 16 if you re looking at your future items Going back to February 16 we do have a variance and CUP request and then we ll put some of those PUD amendments We tried to put this schedule together and we are meeting with all those property owners It s a good opportunity for us to kind of touch base with those property owners too as we move through the PUD developments so we anticipate getting those through We do have openings on the Planning Commission so there s we haven t received any applicants yet so if any of you anybody know anybody that may be interested Laufenburger Alyson Fauske Conflict of interest Aanenson So that would be good and I do have that programmed also to for us to interview at our next meeting Keefe I m not extending Aanenson So we ll interview those at our next meeting also and then the City Council th interviews Then right now I m oh On March 16 also we ll have an amendment a TIF thth district approval for the 16 So then on April 6 we ll do our work session That s our typical work session so if we have new people on we ll kind of start getting them kind of a training We ll talk about some things that you had mentioned to us that you wanted to get up to speed on We ll talk about some goal setting Downtown redevelopment plans Things like that So we have some things in line for you for that meeting We ll probably start if we can we ll just touch base If everybody could start just a little bit earlier and that will just be a complete work session only Larson Bobby Jensen s Landscape Junction Bobby as KARE 11 Bobby Does he live in Chan Aanenson No he s doing work on there He doesn t Generous He s doing the project Aanenson He s doing the project there Larson Oh okay Generous We thought so too 10 121 Planning Commission Meeting February 2 2010 Larson Well no because I used to see him at some of my kid s sporting events so I didn t know if he lived here or not Alright anything else Laufenburger I just had one other question or clarification Kate I think you mentioned this earlier but is it true that we are no longer getting paper updates to ordinances Those are all online is that correct Aanenson Correct Correct And if you have any issues When you go online to the City thank you for bringing that up We just put in for a Municipal Code Corporation who codifies our city code so the next iteration you re going to see it will have illustrative pictures so you can click on some words and it will actually have a picture or a definition with it so it ll kind of be hyperlinked So it really takes it to the next level so I think it s helpful for our residents if they re trying to understand what s a setback There ll actually be a drawing and some of those things with it so Laufenburger And there s no restriction That s available to anybody who goes to the site Aanenson Anybody that goes to the site yep Laufenburger So citizens Aanenson Yep and I think it s there for us trying to get them in the right spot in your book and that sort of thing Certainly anybody that wants a hard copy I d be happy to give you one but as we pass each amendment those are listed on there The current city code is we usually do it every 6 months The codification and then the list of any ordinances are ahead of that so you can click on it says see here for any new ordinance and there s a little brief description of that too Larson Will we get little notes saying there s an update or do we have to just check every now and then Aanenson You ll have to check and I can you know we usually if it s something that s planning or zoning you will see it but often the council does things that are out of your jurisdiction so But if that s something you re interested in I can certainly make that as a part of the council update Any code amendments I can just add that onto your list Be happy to do that so you might just want to know Larson Well it might not be a bad idea Aanenson Yep Be happy to do that Doll Is there a reason why we get these a full set and size Aanenson Yeah the council gets all of their s electronically But they also have laptops so So that s historically how it s always been done Depending on the different interest that people 11 122 Planning Commission Meeting February 2 2010 some people are more interested in landscaping plans Some people interested in the architecture Some people interested in the engineering part of it Doll I was just thinking you could get it down to a 11 by 17 or something like that Aanenson Yep and if you re interested in that we d be happy to accommodate that with our applicants They d be happy too because we always have to ask for electronic too because the council gets them and we don t want to We do sometimes ask for that size because we do have to send it out for jurisdiction review so if it goes to the DNR the watershed district often they ll want to see a full set but we can minimize that Doll I can understand why the professionals need it Aanenson Yes but not for the so we maybe only need 5 or 6 and the rest of them could be 11 by 17 That d be fine If that s something you want to recommend that would be great and then even if it s electronically you can go to the as our residents to they can go to the site and then you can zoom in on anything you want because we scan every plan that comes in so they re already electronically on the City s home page under proposed developments so if you wanted to see something more on that Larson So does this save the applicant some money then Aanenson Absolutely Larson I think that s a Aanenson Okay that s a great idea That s super Thank you That s all I had Larson Okay So who do we want for distinguished service award Aanenson Yeah if you wanted to adjourn then you can maybe talk about it We can go off line Larson Okay Didn t I adjourn Okay We re adjourned Chairwoman Larson adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 7 30 p m Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 12 123 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES JANUARY 26 2010 Acting Chair Kelly called the meeting to order at 7 30 p m MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Kelly Glenn Stolar Steve Scharfenberg and Elise Ryan MEMBERS ABSENT Jeff Daniel Thor Smith and Scott Wendt ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT J R Relich Beverly Foster and Rose Kircher STAFF PRESENT Todd Hoffman Park and Rec Director Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Superintendent and John Stutzman Recreation Supervisor APPROVAL OF AGENDA Stolar moved Scharfenberg seconded to approve the agenda as presented All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0 VISITOR PRESENTATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INVITATION TO JOIN IN ARBOR DAY CELEBRATION PLANNING Beverly Foster Rose Kircher and J R Relich from the Environmental Commission invited Park and Recreation Commission members to join with them in planning the City s upcoming Arbor Day Celebration Commissioner Stolar noted that the park and rec budget includes money for tree planting in parks Commissioner Ryan suggested associating some sort of contest with the tree planting APPROVAL OF MINUTES Scharfenberg moved Stolar seconded to approve the verbatim and summary minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated December 8 2009 as presented All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0 2010 PARK AND TRAIL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CIP Todd Hoffman reviewed the projects outlined in the 2010 park and trail acquisition and capital improvement program 2010 REACH FOR RESOURCES ADAPTIVE RECREATION CONTRACT Jerry Ruegemer presented the staff report on this item Scharfenberg moved Stolar seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council approve the 2010 contract for adaptive recreation services with Reach for Resources All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0 124 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 RECREATION PROGRAM REPORTS 2010 FEBRUARY FESTIVAL John Stutzman reviewed the changes that will be occurring th this year at the 17 annual February Festival Chair Kelly asked how staff is logistically going to handle the prize boards Commissioner Stolar volunteered as emcee Commissioner Ryan asked about volunteer opportunities for other commission members Commissioner Stolar suggested having Learn How to Ice Fish available 2009 TREE LIGHTING EVALUATION John Stutzman presented the report on the 2009 th Tree Lighting ceremony which was held on Saturday December 5 SELF SUPPORTING PROGRAMS 3 ON 3 ADULT BASKETBALL LEAGUE Jerry th Ruegemer discussed the adult 3 on 3 basketball league which began January 11 ADMINISTRATIVE 2010 MONTHLY HANDS ON COMMISSION ACTIVITIES Todd Hoffman passed out a sign up sheet and explained how commission members can get involved in various activities throughout the year He discussed commission member terms re application election of officers in April and asked commission members to nominate somebody for the Chanhassen Rotary s Distinguished Service Award Scharfenberg moved Ryan seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission nominate Terry Kimball for the Chanhassen Rotary Club s 2010 Distinguished Service Award All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0 COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS Commissioner Ryan provided an update on the Red Birds Baseball Team noting their biggest struggle right now is finding a team manager Commissioner members offered suggestions on organizations and people to contact Scharfenberg moved Ryan seconded to adjourn the meeting All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0 The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 8 45 p m Submitted by Todd Hoffman Park and Rec Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 2 125 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 26 2010 Acting Chair Kelly called the meeting to order at 7 30 p m MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Kelly Glenn Stolar Steve Scharfenberg and Elise Ryan MEMBERS ABSENT Jeff Daniel Thor Smith and Scott Wendt ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT J R Relich Beverly Foster and Rose Kircher STAFF PRESENT Todd Hoffman Park and Rec Director Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Superintendent and John Stutzman Recreation Supervisor APPROVAL OF AGENDA Stolar moved Scharfenberg seconded to approve the agenda as presented All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0 VISITOR PRESENTATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INVITATION TO JOIN IN ARBOR DAY CELEBRATION PLANNING Beverly Foster Well that s us I m Beverly Foster This is Rose Kircher and J R Relich and we re very very excited to be here to talk about co worker opportunities with the parks and rec commission as far as Arbor Day is concerned particularly but other planting opportunities because we ve taken on as one of our primary mission is the furthering of planting and more trees in Chanhassen and to continue our status as a Tree City so Arbor Day s really important to that status so we ve very excited to be here and to look for opportunities to work together Kelly Any comments from the commission Start with Steve Scharfenberg No I think this is a great opportunity to work together as a commission As commissions to support our areas and support our city and make our city more beautiful so good ideas Hoffman Do you want to explain the change for this year Do you all understand did you read the packet talk about what s changing so they understand where we re headed Beverly Foster Well I ll talk about what we re doing and then you can see because I know that you talk to Jill a lot so you know you can fill in Hoffman Well just that the festival out here is really stopping Beverly Foster Right We ve done it for years and it s been real successful It has I think though gotten smaller each year and there s no reason to put our energies into something that has 126 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 worked before but doesn t work so well now when we could be doing something new and a little more exciting and also again work with other areas So we were looking at an Arbor Day focusing on planting and education because that s basically our commission is basically an education committee So we thought if we do some kind of event where we re planting trees we would also look at all the ways we can let people know about the benefits of planting trees themselves so tree selection Work with the schools Get things in the newspaper so whatever we do I mean we tend to really talk about it a lot so so what else Rose Kircher Well and as you are probably all aware the Arbor Day poster is still a big part of what goes on here We have solicited the schools for their usual posters and hopefully we re going to get some really good feedback with that part of it From what I understand from what Jill just said this year she did speak to I believe one of the schools and they have a group of children that are very very interested in helping to plant trees So our primary focus is going to be trying to find a suitable location and realizing that I know that there are some people who don t want a tree planted in their view of the park I mean you know understanding that We re still hoping that you know within the park system we can find a location that will be suitable to plant some trees so that these children can be engaged in what we re trying to do It will be an educational event as well as you know kind of a neighborly you know come in and help kind of thing so we re primarily focused on trying to get that going We also are hoping that you guys can help us pointing us in the right direction of a specific park that you think or that your group things could be benefitted by this Sounds like Jill s already got a group of kids lined up so it will be very interesting to see how it works out this year Beverly Foster And to add to that we re looking for parks but we re also looking for groups to work with and I know Jill suggested the Boy Scouts and there may be other groups too that have environmental focus and would like to help out and benefit from what we have learned so if you guys have suggestions for that in the community we would love to hear from you Scharfenberg Well I would interject along those lines that I ll mention it to my wife who works with girl scouts and to pass that onto her leaders They have a leaders meeting coming up so I will you know let her know that this is a new focus and if those girl scout groups different troops and that want to get involved that I ll let her know about that and she ll promote it for you guys Beverly Foster That d be great Scharfenberg The other thing I m thinking is at least the church that I belong to Family of Christ has you know a lot of them have as part of going to confirmation and that some sort of service part of being in confirmation and we always do in the spring we ll have some sort of Make a Difference Day and so different groups of kids will go out and do something and so I will let at least our confirmation person know about this and if people are interested in doing It may be worthwhile you know contacting other churches and stuff to see if they have anything similar Rose Kircher That will be wonderful Just if anybody gets a group or if you talk to you know your kids at school your teachers your congregations whatever the case may be if you hear of 2 127 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 a group that s interested on this please have them contact Jill here at City Hall and she can help get them set up and get them lined up to participate That will be wonderful Beverly Foster Yeah she ll coordinate and then we re still coming up with ideas for projects but we welcome any J R Relich Yeah I think another issue is always money How do you pay for the trees Well we made the decision that the amount of money that we normally spend on the Arbor Day thing we get trees We get kits We have outside guys coming in and talk about bugs We would like very much to take all that pot what I think is about 7 000 bucks in there Between 7 and 8 Use that for the trees so you know it s not going to be any strain on anybody s budget We ve got that We re not going to give out one free sandwich this year we ve got the money to do it We can get the trees at a reasonable price and I think a big our driving force is you know we understand the kids are all I mean they ve got to go to soccer baseball I mean but if we drive it towards a school thing and get the school to cooperate rather than try to do it maybe on a Saturday or whatever it ll be more effective and the teachers can use it if you will as a teaching program too so that s why our interest is pretty high here And I think the other issue would be that I think about I mean you folks really need to tell us if there s an area that maybe needs trees Maybe there isn t I don t know but it seems to me even if we did a boulevard you know up along whatever and we haven t decided how many trees we can put together We ll do that after we get the idea further down the road but even planting along the boulevard s a great idea You know if people don t want them in the park I don t care I just like to plant trees I like to be Johnny Appleseed of Chanhassen Beverly Foster So we just wondered if you had any questions or ideas too and thanks Steve for sharing that idea Scharfenberg Do you have a day picked yet Beverly Foster Arbor Day Scharfenberg Which is Rose Kircher I think it s like the first weekend in April I believe They re sometime in early April timeframe Beverly Foster I thought it was the second but I would say no We haven t got that one down yet Good question Rose Kircher I believe Jill has it on her calendar but I m quite honestly I didn t bring my notes so I m not a lot of help with that part of it But I do know that it s going to be in the April timeframe because I know it s after I come back from vacation That much I do know Early part J R Relich I guess the question is do you think it s a good idea or a bad idea Are you interested or 3 128 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Rose Kircher You guys are I mean we re looking for feedback from you guys as a commission as to whether you feel it s a worthwhile project to become engaged with us on Beverly Foster Before you speak let me just say one of the three things we talked about We talked about a specific Arbor Day planting We ve talked about group projects and we also wonder if there s room in the parks so Stolar Well I think we ve done things before in the park We did the rain gardens at Lake Ann and we participated in that I was out there digging and a couple others were involved and the discussion similar so I think we ve had precedent to do this I think it s a good idea You know I think our gardens look pretty good Having been by there and they seem to be thriving there so those type of things I think work well I do think if we do something we should probably do it as a joint planning activity and maybe get one or two commissioners to join in on the planning I know I ll volunteer to help out because I like the idea I think it s a good idea We might want to look at multiple parks though not just one per se Not a lot but you know Rose Kircher And that s great too Stolar Yeah I mean but I ll leave it to you guys You know we have a tree planting program already where we identify where there needs to be replaced We also for the Emerald Ash Borer we ve identified where we think there s less diversity of species so I assume that we re going to I think you said we were going to try and do that so I think you have some parks that we identified The one we went to visit where we said we ve got Hoffman Lake Ann and Bandimere for sure Beverly Foster Just add some more diverse species Hoffman Yeah Bandimere is almost exclusively ash in the newly developed area and Lake Ann has a lot of ash so we need to go off to the side of those plantings and plant some other species so we don t lose them all at once Rose Kircher Especially with what s going on with the Emerald Ash Borer That s definitely a good idea to diversify that park Stolar And so that s what I guess I would look at this as that being the objective of our participation is that it would help further that intent we have already Hoffman Absolutely Beverly Foster So we could amplify our efforts then if we worked together That s great Stolar Yeah I don t know if at all we have any portion of the increased funding we put for putting diversification of trees in there Right We upped the 4 129 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Hoffman Absolutely Stolar So some of that I would hope maybe could go to this if there are enough groups who sign up we can help out there Hoffman Yep and so we have up to 25 000 for trees in 2011 We re not going to spend quite all of it but these programs always get if you can get 100 people in a park and invest in that park you have 100 supporter of parks and trees in your community that go back and talk about the value of what their parks and open spaces bring to them and their community and so we would rather have residents plant the trees than to hire a contractor to plant the trees because you re accomplishing the same thing but you get more participation and much more pride in your community if you have residents so as big as your group gets we can increase the budget and plant trees appropriately Easily in Lake Ann or Bandimere you could plant as many trees you could plant 100 trees so You re not going to run out of room at one of those two parks starting if you start there Rose Kircher I agree with you 100 on both parks My granddaughters play soccer at Bandimere a lot so Hoffman There s plenty of room Rose Kircher Oh yeah There s plenty of room out there Stolar I d be in favor of working together to figure out and you know maybe focusing on those two parks in the first year I think if you get more than 2 it d be hard logistically in the first year Kelly And those are two showcase parks in the city Stolar Yep Exactly Hoffman And as the program builds and if it and people find out about it they can volunteer their park the following year Dorothy Foster Oh that s a good idea And I like the idea to focus and keep it you know keep it focused in the beginning Be more successful I think Rose Kircher And we think even if it turns out that we have groups approach you know later on in the spring that say well listen you guys did such and such if they want to expand it to a different park I m sure we can talk to you guys and find out you know if the park they re looking at is an appropriate resource for that additional funding We can certainly move forward with that as well Doesn t mean we have to stop with just one day Dorothy Foster Is that something that you put out there to people to solicit help for their local park or do you get that kind of feedback from the community at all Hoffman Sure They come right up to this podium and ask for things in their parks 5 130 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Dorothy Foster Oh that s nice Hoffman Sometimes doing a joint effort and sometimes that s just something that the commission budgets for and completes in the following year Rose Kircher Wonderful Ryan And to add to that if to get people more interested and just saying we re going to plant certain trees you know possibly doing some sort of a contest Like if you initiate 5 species of trees that you d prefer to have in the park or you know fit well with the park you know leave it up to some of the residents to pick or rank their s and then when you know their favorites and then when they get involved then they feel like they had part of this election process which would you know add to having a little vested interest in participating Dorothy Foster And so this is a new project for us We ve been very very focused on water Resources in the community and so we re shifting into this that s why we re a little bit uncertain about some of the things but we certainly are excited about it already Hoffman All the trees in our park system have a story They were either planted as a part of the original development or planted through one of these efforts There s been a variety of groups that have planted trees in the community throughout the years Staff has planted a good number of trees So they all have a story and what I would encourage you to do is search other people s Arbor Day festivals and find out what s successful there and pick up some successful ideas Things that seem to work It s coordination You know keep it simple Easy to understand for people We ve got a lot of groups that are identified Anytime you get groups involved you get instant numbers and as long as there s labor for them to do what groups really don t appreciate is when they show up and not everyone can get involved and so if you can get them involved and get them working and moving around and it s not just planting but it s mulching and watering and clean up and those type of things As long as that s orchestrated well I think and then there could be some you know some record keeping of what groups and we could give a plaque What groups participated what year and those type of things One of my favorite bumper sticks the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago Second best time to plant a tree is today so just love that bumper sticker and so anytime you plant a tree you re really doing your community a favor If you look back at aerial photos of Chanhassen it was virtually barren back in the 30 s and 40 s and the 50 s Dorothy Foster Not too long ago Hoffman In the 60 s it just kept getting worst as they plowed more fields so there are more trees here now than pre residential development but you always need more It s one of the most proven methods of you know you adjust carbon in a tree and you lock it in and until it s taken out again so it s a great thing to do for a community and people it s physical labor People really like to get their hands dirty out on Arbor Day and as long as you get some reasonable weather people will really have a lot of fun 6 131 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Dorothy Foster So for next steps we ll be working Jill and we ll be meeting again next month and we probably would like to have a contact point with your commission so if you d like to let us know who it would be J R Relich Well we would put together a plan very much you know 1 2 3 4 5 6 What we expect to do You guys look at it Does it make sense Remember we re not foresters but we know a little bit about trees What kind do we want to plant Where do you want to go We ll do the coordination of getting the kit I mean you know we re going to lead the project but we need you guys to help us Hoffman Yeah if you pick up a couple commissioners they ll jump right down and the rest will trust those 2 or 3 to work with you and just keep it moving along so J R Relich Yeah right Hoffman Glenn says he s interested Stolar So if you ll send my name to Jill Hoffman You bet Dorothy Foster Oh great Okay great Rose Kircher Yes our next meeting is the second Wednesday of next month so if 1 or 2 of you would like to attend I m sure that would be wonderful We start at 6 00 or 6 30 It usually runs at 6 00 6 30 but you know we can certainly look forward to having 1 or 2 or all of you join us if you d like Stolar Is that the Environmental Commission meeting So you don t have a separate planting this is your commission s activity Okay if you could have Jill send me an email Hoffman Yep We ll ship it right out to you and then I ll secure the other volunteers out of the remaining 4 members 3 Dorothy Foster And basically we ll check the we d better check the agenda and make sure what we re going to do and then figure out where we ll put you and let you know exactly what time thth Kelly Just for the record that would be the 10 February 10 Dorothy Foster Anything else from us We really thank you for your time Hoffman Planting trees makes for a great photo opportunity too Look on our web page Rose Kircher I know some great people with cameras 7 132 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Hoffman Look on the City s web page on our whatever you call it the thing on the top Rose Kircher The banner Hoffman The banner There s a picture of a boy scout planting a tree and that was in Bandimere Park quite some time ago Thank you all for coming Dorothy Foster We appreciate you letting us have some of your time Hoffman Absolutely Looking forward to Arbor Day APPROVAL OF MINUTES Scharfenberg moved Stolar seconded to approve the verbatim and summary minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated December 8 2009 as presented All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0 2010 PARK AND TRAIL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CIP Hoffman Thank you Chair Kelly members of the commission Each January we run through the year s CIP to put in front of you what you can expect to see happen in the area of park and trail capital improvements 2010 it s very straight forward Recreation center fitness equipment Three new pieces of equipment are expected to arrive within the next week or two at the recreation center This is the third installment and people are very happy with the capital investment that is being made at the recreation center When this started 3 years ago most of the equipment was original to the building s start in 1995 so Jodi and her staff are excited as are the patrons of the recreation center So if you ever have any comments or hear patrons that are using the facility and have some input just let Jodi or myself know Then we move forward into picnic tables and benches We have 10 000 again It s a placeholder A variety of things are purchased from this The memorial bench program so if we do 3 or 2 or 1 memorial bench a year those are purchased out of here and then this fund is reimbursed through the donations that we receive for those benches The 1 000 We also last year we purchased two more of the black wrought iron tables in front of City Hall The year before that we purchased the tables for the new park shelter out at Lake Ann so when things come up we use those funds to make those purchases Trees as we ve talked about that s been increased to 25 000 from 10 to allow for increased plantings to mitigate the future loss of our ash tree inventory If you look around the ballfields at Lake Ann the ballfields the soccer fields at Bandimere Park there are many ash trees and if you visualize those being gone it s those parks don t look like they ve been around for 30 or 40 years and so we need to get a start on planting some new trees And when we go in we ll be planting like Elise said 3 or 4 or 5 different kinds of species because there is going to be some other problem that arises Arrives back on down the line In the event you hear of anything any places or neighborhoods or parks that want trees let us know We re scheduling both a spring and a fall planting this year Highway 41 is moving ahead The pedestrian underpass and trail grant match You ve seen the press in the Villager It s also coming out in the Chanhassen Connection People are starting to call and email They re interested They re looking forward to it Planning is initiated in engineering in 2010 and then construction in 2011 8 133 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Stolar I just spoke to someone in that neighborhood and she is very interested Was wondering if it could be in 2010 Sorry they can t I mean the idea of being able to get under the she has younger kids and you know putting on the back of her bike Being able to go under the park Hoffman Very attractive yeah Kelly Is that grant guaranteed or can something happen to that grant over the course of Hoffman Guaranteed million dollars So that s a great partnership with the County The County is leading the project We are the partner We will be scheduling and holding the public meetings here The neighborhood meetings at City Hall allowing the County to lead those but you know inviting residents to City Hall for the meetings Or the rec center Stolar Would we also be able to hold them let s say over at the Hoffman Middle school Stolar Middle School West so that people in the neighborhood could jump over there Hoffman Absolutely Also included is the stairway project so Highway 41 pedestrian stairway and that will take you from the really the west entrance to the underpass and then straight up the hill into the Highover neighborhood There s an outlot between two still vacant lots and that trail then will come from the top of the hill to the front of the lots Kelly Just I m not too familiar is there a reason why it s a stairway and not just a steep climb Hoffman It could be a steep climb We ll take a look at the grades at that location Often times in that type of situation you want to prevent bikes from taking that direct it s that steep And then what they re going to run into is an underpass so there s not a real run out We have some steep trails but if somebody gets in trouble they either go off the bottom or they go off the side and this might not have those kind of safety buffers But we ll take a look And then a single project held over our Lake Ann stairway project We got late in the season with the contractor They wanted to open up the project in November but we did not want that to happen so we said we re going to hold it over til this spring and that s the stairway from the new pavilion new shelter down to the beach to allow for that transportation So that s what s going on in 2010 Some very exciting projects and you ll be looking at the 5 year CIP starting in probably May or June Scharfenberg Todd I take it the that sewer lime out at Lake Ann for the new food area that doesn t have to come out of our CIP Hoffman Planning on doing the construction I m not sure what the funding source will be as of yet It may come out of sewer and water Scharfenberg Okay 9 134 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Hoffman It s about a 20 000 They re holding off for some better weather to start the underground You know over at Lake Susan they re going to take a water line from Lake Susan out to the water treatment plant and that s the contractor will go over to Lake Ann and so once we get the contract then Paul and I will start the barter process then Who s going to finance the 20 000 And then Mr Gerhardt will decide Scharfenberg So it s still a possibility it could come out of our s but we don t Hoffman Yeah It could It could And that s the sewer line from the shelter down to the lift station at Lake Ann turnaround and then that takes the sewage from there over to Greenwood Shores to another lift station And that would allow for concessions Stolar And eventually if we decide to put a bathroom there that s the same pipes you would put in Hoffman Yeah Thank you 2010 REACH FOR RESOURCES ADAPTIVE RECREATION CONTRACT Ruegemer Thanks again Chair Kelly Annually the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission takes a look at the Reach for Resources contract They have provided adaptive recreation services to the city since 1999 so they ve done a great job for us They provide an excellent service to our community and our clients The Reach for Resources does schedule a training session with the park and recreation summer staff The playground leaders Playground director and that sort of thing to go through just certain characteristics on kind of what to look for Techniques and tips that we can educate our summer staff to help out kids with disabilities Situations that we can have a quality experience for everybody in our programs especially with the Summer Discovery Playground and field trips and other types of situations that we may pop up during the course of the summer Looking at the 2010 contract the contract is exactly the same as last year s contract The contract is based on participation This year s contract is reflective on 43 participants Last year we had 48 so we seem to be kind of staying consistent with our numbers on an annual basis with that There are 5 cities in the consortium that the contracts are based on St Louis Park Hopkins Chanhassen Chaska and Minnetonka with that so with that being in the consortium all the cities are charged a base price of 2 500 and then a percentage that the cities are charged is based on participation So with our participation numbers our percentage is 9 of that and our share of the 9 plus the base totals out to be 6 882 27 for our contract That amount has been budgeted in the 2010 budget It s staff s recommendation that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council approve the 2010 contract for adaptive recreation services with Reach for Resources Kelly Any questions for Jerry from the commission Is there a motion to approve Scharfenberg Move to approve the contract with Reach Resources Reach for Resources Stolar Second 10 135 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Scharfenberg moved Stolar seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council approve the 2010 contract for adaptive recreation services with Reach for Resources All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0 RECREATION PROGRAM REPORTS 2010 FEBRUARY FESTIVAL th Stutzman Thank you Chair Kelly First up we have February Festival This will be the 17 annual February Festival coming up this year It s getting a few changes this year and I d like to answer any questions that the commission may have as well as talk to you guys about some of these changes For a long time the way it has been set up it s been run as a fishing contest with a raffle associated in partnership with the Chanhassen and Southwest Metro Chambers of Commerce Depending on which years it were This year the way we re looking at doing is due to the growth of the Chamber as well as kind of the desire to look at more family activities for the celebration as well as the desire to kind of separate the ties from the gambling licenses that have been associated with some of our events we ve proposed a couple or we ve made some changes this year The first of which would be to continue to make this attraction with prizes for people The fishing contest has been beefed up this year Instead of the 20 prizes that we ve done for the largest 20 fish we will actually be going to 50 largest fish this year and we will have prizes valued over at 20 per prize in that area The 20 was derived from the fact that tickets this year will be 10 instead of 5 and it is assumed that the majority of people will probably buy 2 tickets because by DNR regulations you re allowed to buy or fish 2 lines One line per ticket so if they are buying 2 tickets we want to make sure that they were getting their money worth if they get a fish prize so we do have over 6 000 worth of fish prizes this year in that top 50 so I m very pleased with what we got and almost all of the 50 were donated this year as well so From our local business community In the past with this the fishing ticket was also considered a door prize ticket That s when it became a raffle This year that will not be the case The ticket will only be a fishing ticket but what we will do to continue to offer this service and this event or this activity at the event participants whether they re fishing or not will be allowed to pick up one door prize ticket the day of the event We will have that on the ice located near the ticket sales that each person can come pick one up It will be entered into a drawing the way we ve done or the way we ve done the drawings in the past It will be sporadic throughout the contest Displayed not like last year We ll be able to spread it out a little bit more too so it s not grabbing you know 20 prizes 25 at a time and having them all come up at the end It will be more 10 to 15 throughout the contest starting at about 12 30 1 00 Somewhere in that area Probably the 1 00 when the bulk of the people get there But pushing that through the contest We will have 90 prizes for that this year Again those were donated again by generous businesses throughout the city so but this will be free to everybody Whether they re fishing or not It s not associated with the contest It s more of another activity for the overall event and going through that The other piece is that they do need to be present to win It s not a raffle so it is it is just a door prize but they need to be in attendance to pick up the ticket and be in attendance to pick up the prize If the prize is left over we will just continue to raffle off at the end or draw again until all the prizes are claimed at the end Those are the two majority changes of this year Other pieces once again we will have the larger separated tent to 11 136 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 include the Friends of the Library and the bingo inside the tent It was considered not to do this again this year but through a financial contribution from the Friends of the Library they have made this possible again because they did enjoy having that shelter so they have pitched in to help us cover the differences of the cost from the larger tent to the smaller tent It is quite a nice tent for those of you who were here last year I know the library and the Friends really appreciated it so it was nice to give them the option to continue to do that this year Scheduled events was created again in house by our Office Manager Karen She and her staff did a wonderful wonderful job helping put things together We ve gotten a brochure or two fliers in the Villager out to everybody and we have ads in the Herald and the Villager here coming up as well so as well as signs around the city so we re getting things out there Tickets are currently on sale as well At this time if anybody does have any questions I d be happy to entertain any questions for the changes or any activities for the event Kelly So just I m just hung up on the board So I see the board Scharfenberg Be the board Kelly Be the board and the board has two sides 20 slots I m just wondering so you re going to have 20 slots for the fishing The next 30 are going to somewhere but you also have to put the names of the prizes up so how logistically are you going to fit 30 more names on that board Stutzman The way I envision it at this time is obviously the door prizes will remain on that one side because it is a double sided board for anybody who hasn t seen it so the door prizes will remain on that side The fish side the way I envision it is we ve always had a little bit of room to go further down the board so the 20 we would probably condense width wise and use the entire board for that to get both the prizes and the names and then have more kind of on that outer half use or however quarter use a long sheet Probably condense it a little bit but just listing the prizes At this point I don t plan on putting 21 through or posting 21 through 30 throughout the contest The plan at the end of that is to get 3 separate papers that we can take up there Grab 3 volunteers One and just scribble them down and post them as the mayor is up there announcing 1 through 20 and have them just say okay 21 through 50 take a look See if your name s up there Go report Your prizes are over there otherwise people or the staff will contact you after the event So it won t be up there the entire contest so we re not shuffling all of those through It will still be the top 20 because those will be the most fluid and the ones that people are going to be the most excited about but we will post them at the end on that part of the board but we ll have what the prizes are for those positions posted throughout the entire contest Kelly Do you need to be present to claim your fishing prize Stutzman No Fish prizes you do not need to be present for Just the door prizes Kelly So we re going to be giving out more information than we have in the past On the probably of a phone number Stutzman We ll still have the ticket stubs 12 137 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Hoffman Yeah They ll have a record of who they are As long as we have a name Stutzman We will still have the ticket stubs for us to get in touch with them so Ruegemer And if there s not enough room on the board for say traditionally kind of what we ve done we can also get some more event signs with the tubular frames that we had that we post the th 4 of July signs There s other types of things We can have an auxiliary board as well if we need additional space or room from that You know kind of big board on the trailer so we ll figure out the logistics of that just to make sure it s kind of a good flowing piece of the event so Hoffman Be more fish prizes to keep track of and we ll have a weigher and a recorder and then somebody s going to need to be assembling the sheets because that s going to be a lot of fish to weigh in Kelly Keep track because you re going to have yep Hoffman Lot of movement Stolar Depending on the weather is it possible to bring a computer Hoffman Yeah absolutely I m wondering we still need a good idea from commissioners and maybe we could use a computer on how we re going to make sure that people get one door prize ticket Stutzman Currently at this point the thought is the honor system and we ll have the same people distributing them so they can at least recognize Hoffman But that s a lot of people to keep track of Stutzman There will be a lot of people coming through It has been discussed possibly giving out wrist bands but again that s an awful lot of wrist bands and that gets Hoffman Well they could take it off Ruegemer Could we just do it you know as simple as going into a bar Here s a black X on your hand Stolar Yeah I was thinking that too Just a little stamp on the hand Hoffman Could do that Stolar I mean if they want to go scrub it off let them get another door prize Stutzman With it being a winter event though you re going to see a lot of gloves Hoffman Yeah they can just pull it off 13 138 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Ruegemer Yeah That was my thought Kelly You don t need a fishing you don t need to purchase a fishing pass so you can t just stamp their fishing pass Hoffman Good thing you re still hitting the bar scene Ruegemer I m glad to share my experiences Yeah I m a clubber Hoffman That might work Simple Kelly In the past did we get a lot of people that bought more than 2 tickets at 5 Hoffman Yes Kelly So do you think we re going to be generating more money or less money by raising it to 10 but only limiting it to 2 Stutzman Our goal is to break even at this point Keep it about the same which was the purpose for doubling the amount or doubling the price and beefing up the prizes was to try and so we don t have a downfall in revenue Ultimately once we re generate and get people used to this theme I believe yes Our revenues will go up I think this year my goal is to keep it right around that 6 000 mark that we ve had in the past so but yeah we will I think it will like I said limit it a little bit this year but again if we have with 50 prizes We have 300 fishermen buying 2 tickets each I mean we hit our goal right there so and with 6 000 in prizes I would say that s a pretty fair chance Hoffman More importantly Tom it s clean money You know the other way was kind of not by the rules Kelly Yep th Hoffman Tom doesn t like that The 4 of July those darn rules Kelly Don t feel bad I don t let my wife change the furniture in the house either so it s I like things I not open to change unfortunately That s an opportunity I have I guess Stolar Did you get your emcee Stutzman I have not Commissioner Stolar If you would like to that would be great Stolar I didn t say I would like to Stutzman Fred Berg has said this is a one year hiatus so it is not a permanent gig 14 139 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Stolar That s what he said last time what was it 3 years ago 4 years ago I did it Something like that Hoffman I remember You did a great job Stutzman It wasn t with my tenure I know that so but he accidentally scheduled a vacation Stolar out of town or something that he wasn t able to make it Kelly Do we need a motion For Glenn to be the emcee Hoffman He s still hoping Stolar I m going to filibuster Stutzman just bring a fact sheet just so you have it ahead of time if you were willing and able As I said a lot of generous contributions this year A lot of very generous contributions from a lot of people making this event very smooth so far Kelly Is the grand prize which in the past has been the trip to Las Vegas is that a fishing prize or is that a door prize Stutzman We have transferred that over to the top fishing prize Kelly Okay Stutzman Yeah we felt that was necessary to keep that size of a prize as the grand prize of the event so Kelly And that s a travel voucher Stutzman Yeah Due to the travel industry it has switched to a 500 travel voucher from Kelly It had been a Vegas trip right Stutzman It had yeah That switched last year for the first time just based on kind of the industry and their it was something that he wasn t sure if he could continue to do it but we kind of worked with him and this is what we worked out rather than a full trip so Kelly Great Stolar Are we going to separate out the largest fish prize to different species or are we still going to just do straight Hoffman Weight 15 140 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Stutzman Yeah based on solely on weight Hoffman And I know we re talking about changes There may be a future change as well We re in conversation with the DNR now Not for this year but next year and they may allow permit that you can keep and weight all the fish even the protected bass and the slot northerns for up to 3 minutes and so if you brought them up weighed them and released them and if they ll allow that and if we get a certain guarantee that that won t just stop we would want to start that and so into the future years because it s really a bummer when the 25 6 inch northerns come up and Kelly Yeah The whole ice goes crazy when someone comes up with that fish Hoffman So and that would be more exciting and obviously would not disappoint the it s a well some years it s 2 or 3 or 4 and some years it s none but it s kind of a disappointment Stutzman I think the last 2 years we ve had at least one Hoffman Yeah And that s come up to the weigh station We don t know how many people actually have caught a bass and just tossed it down Ryan So outside of Glenn doing the announcing what other volunteers do you need and for what time are you Stutzman Thank you for bringing that up What we are looking for the Chanhassen Rotary has generously agreed to help out significantly again but where traditionally we ve had the commission help and it s been a wonderful help Is kind of help with the prize distribution Drawing of the door prizes If somebody would like to help with help assist Todd with keeping track of the fish leaders the commission s always helped with that so those sort of things Under the warmth of the tent have always been appreciated so Hoffman On the carpet Stutzman I know I ve heard I believe I ve actually talked with most people here this evening as well as some of the others and I think the more we can have the better but I understand that it does fill up and schedules do get filled so any and all help is welcome so Ryan Is there a particular time you want us Stutzman Yeah about oh let s see I m trying to think I think it was 12 30 12 00 12 30 til about 3 00 would be fantastic Kelly It s a fun event and the time seriously the time just flies by It really does Ryan And I m hardcore outdoors so you don t have to worry about me Stutzman Once that first line hits the water that fish comes up it seems like it s 3 00 already 16 141 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Scharfenberg Maybe Elise wants to drill holes Stutzman The Rotary has generously agreed to come out again this year and volunteered to drill homes again That s just what some Kelly It s easily the second best event in my opinion that the City puts on warmer but it s a lot of fun Scharfenberg I was going to say the Easter Egg Hunt Hoffman Yeah there s just a lot of excitement People are excited to see the activity Sleigh rides are great Stolar Are you going to try to do the skating rink again Stutzman Yep We ll have the skating rink and the loop again We will also have the sleigh rides back again this year That will be offered for free again so the City s picking up the tab on that which was a great addition last year and I think it will continue to be a fun event this year as well Kelly Will there be alcohol this year Stutzman Yep The Rotary will be doing beverages and actually one other change this year is Culver s will be working with the Rotary to do the food this year There ll be Culver s working with the Rotary and the Rotary will be handling the beverages and Culver s will be handling the food It won t be cold food It will all be warm food Hoffman My sister and her husband are bringing friends from Texas who have never ice fished and never ice skated and they couldn t be more excited Kelly Any other questions for John Stolar Yeah something we talked about before I don t know if the Rotary might want to do this but having like one whole set up for people who want to learn how to ice fish Maybe get a couple holes and just put up a sign learn how to ice fish Hoffman Absolutely Stolar I know a lot of people transplanted here that have never done it Kelly Someone showing how to put the bait on Yeah that would be Stolar Are the boy scouts selling the bait again 17 142 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Stutzman Yep Bait and s mores Pretty much all the traditional activities that have been going on will be continued Ruegemer Do all the commissioners have a copy of the schedule of events and that sort of thing Anybody have that Stolar You could email it Ruegemer We could pdf it We could email it to you guys tomorrow so you have a copy of that and you can distribute it however you d like to To your friends Stolar That d be great My boss s wife wants to do ice fishing She s never done it so I was thinking about her Hoffman People love it Stutzman Well this year all the fish are going to count Hoffman A lot more of them are Stutzman We ve been talking those little ones people have been afraid to bring up those are going to be on the board at some point Kelly And there s no special smallest or lightest fish It s just straight 1 to Hoffman 1 to 50 Stutzman No We explored that possibility of doing smallest or doing something different and we kind of discussed and said 1 to 50 s probably the best way to go th Hoffman With 50 fish that d get confusing Is it 49 or Stutzman Well realistically too this is going to be 50 people winning prizes because the rules have always stated that it s one person per or once on the board it will just be whatever your highest is so that s 50 out of potentially 300 or that s pretty good odds Kelly Great Thank you very much 2009 TREE LIGHTING EVALUATION REPORT Stutzman Thank you Chair Kelly This seems like forever ago but since we didn t want to be pre emptive this year with our evaluation it s been postponed a little bit but it was we talked about it a little bit at the last meeting It was another good celebration this year In my tenure it was by far the biggest that I ve seen It was actually quite enormous this year which was really cool Ton of families and younger children out there this year with about 200 people I would say at least out there Once again we had help from the Chanhassen Business Council and their 18 143 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 involvement with the Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce led up by Nancy Lipinski from her accounting service Nancy does a wonderful wonderful job It can t be said enough how much she helps with this event Once again we had donations from many local businesses but most particularly I d like to acknowledge the coordination that the Mustard Seed provided with getting Santa and one his elves and reindeer to the event as well so The bonfire once again was a wonderful hit as it was another chilly night and we got our snow we got again just in time for the event so the park looked great Park maintenance guys helped set up the bonfire as well as the park and hope you guys all got a chance to take a look at the park because it really did look good this winter once again so As I mentioned Santa Claus was coordinated through the Mustard Seed and Mark Halla Once again we had carolers this year and they continue to be volunteers from Living Christ Lutheran Church They ve done this for 2 years now and really have fun with it Do a great job and each year they look forward to coming back so I think look forward to continuing to work with them in the future And the new piece as we discussed a little bit at the last meeting was the gingerbread house display Seemed to be a big success again and look forward to building on that in the future with 5 entries this year and hoping to continue to get that to grow with winners being awarded in both most creative and most difficult so If you guys have any questions I d be happy to talk about that but I know we did talk about that a little bit in the December meeting Kelly Thanks Thanks John SELF SUPPORTING PROGRAMS 3 ON 3 ADULT BASKETBALL LEAGUE Ruegemer Just an informational piece for the commission tonight We just finished our third week of the winter basketball league here last night I guess it s only Tuesday Playing out at the Chan Rec Center We have one division with 7 teams out there They will play a 8 week season With that we ll start the league playoffs here the first couple weeks in March and then the tournament champion and consolation champion will receive a trophy and a league division league winners that will get t shirts for that so Just a fun way to get some exercise and have some fun out at the rec center Haven t had any major injuries up to this point that I ve heard of so everything must be going well We have a recreation center staff member that you know turns the clock on and off for 20 minute halves out there and Steve enjoys continues to enjoy that work We re extremely lucky to have him out there and he does a great job for us out there so we appreciate all his efforts as well so the season is going fast so I d better get the playoff schedule here I think I already have that done in fact so we should be all set to go here Kelly Thank you Any questions for Jerry on the league ADMINISTRATIVE 2010 MONTHLY HANDS ON COMMISSION ACTIVITIES Hoffman Optional is right and this sign up sheet is not a contract so What we would like to see though is I like to use the word behind the scenes but in government behind the scenes is not a good term but that s kind of what this is Hands on or behind the scenes so I ll pass it out tonight if you have a chance to take a look at it Also send it out and if we get one commissioner on each one of the items as a start that would be great There s also opportunities for multiple commissioners to be involved in these different activities Throughout all four seasons and there 19 144 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 are a variety of things The way I would portray this is you might know something about a lot of these but it s just like anything else Once you get involved there s much more to the particular activity than you might have expected and I think you ll learn a great deal so we ll start handing that out and then you can take a look We ll do it again by email and how this is going to work is once you sign up again it s there ll be a staff member assigned and they ll contact you when it gets closer to the time If you re available great If it works fine If it doesn t work that s fine as well so We just want to give you the opportunity to get involved in some of these activities And so you can look at that while we move into the admin section Scharfenberg Todd in that sign up sheet does it say in October what that National Park and Recreation Association Congress in Minneapolis do you know what the time period is on that rdthth Hoffman Dates are 23 4 and 5 Stolar That sounds right Hoffman That s a National Congress So as commissioners we can register you You can attend a day or an evening event or a day and evening event Whatever you choose Ryan And can many people do this or is it only 3 Like if a bunch of us want to do one of them Hoffman That s fine Ryan Is that okay Kelly So the trail system snowplowing We just sit in the passenger sit Hoffman Oh it s a blast yep It s really cool Stolar We ll have to get multiple plows out Hoffman Sign up Kelly Have we talked to I see the Huffman Race Committee is on here Have you talked to about a potential half marathon in Chan Is that still going to be something that s going to be Hoffman Still talking about it but it wouldn t happen this year Kelly Wouldn t happen this year okay Hoffman What year is it for the Minneapolis Marathon First or second Kelly This coming year I believe will be the second year in the Minneapolis Marathon th Hoffman June 6 Did you run it 20 145 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Ryan No th Kelly And Twin Cities Marathon is having their first annual half marathon on the 4 of July this year I m guessing that will I know you were thinking July for half marathon date but if this half marathon by the Twin Cities Marathon takes off that could be a competing run Hoffman It would be absolutely Kelly So something to keep in mind if you re thinking of maybe different times Hoffman Admin section we have your attendance record for 2009 We have a couple of commissioners that need to make a decision for re appointments Re application or re appointment potential by April and then we ll elect Chair and Vice Chair in April In April we re also going to take a commission photo so I ll remind you of that Once we get our new commissioners appointed we ll have a commission photo in April Then also in this packet is a letter to Victoria about a trail project they re working on and then tonight if we could it d be great if the commission could nominate a distinguished service award nominee for the Chan Rotary Distinguished Service Award program That s awarded at the Annual Tulip Gala on May st 1 at Oak Ridge Conference Center Kelly Who have we nominated in the past First year we nominated Dale for last year Scharfenberg No Last year you nominated my wife Stolar Two years ago it was Dale Scharfenberg Two years ago was Dale Kelly Sorry about that Scharfenberg That s alright And she actually was chosen as one of the three finalist Hoffman Absolutely Scharfenberg You know along those lines with respect to the Chanhassen Rotary Club I was just kind of thinking about that Given what s happened in this past year the city with kind of to park and rec but somebody to consider would be Terry Kimball who has done a lot of work with respect to the Booster Club and now in organizing the town ball activities and stuff like that so she would be one to potentially consider for that given all the work that she s done with the school and getting that you know up and running Hoffman Half of my list Top of the list right there Scharfenberg Is it 21 146 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Hoffman Yeah Scharfenberg It s just I had been thinking about that so Stolar What else what other Hoffman Steve and Becky Chepokas The Miracles for Mitch folks Kelly Any thoughts from the commission on those two or any other potential candidates My personal view is I think town ball is Terry does a lot you see her around I mean she does a lot with all the CAA sports but being instrumental in town ball I think is a pretty remarkable accomplishment Bringing a team back here and there was a timing I think this would be the right time to nominate her for it Not to say nothing Miracles Hoffman They ll be around Kelly They will be around but this could be the Ryan I would I mean beyond instrumental I mean she is the reason why town ball will be coming to Chanhassen The amount of work that she does daily on top of the other things that she has going on is like I ve never seen She s amazing so I would wholeheartedly support that nomination for sure Kelly Any discussion or I will call for a motion then from the commission to nominate Terry Kimball for this award The 2010 Distinguished Service Award Scharfenberg So moved Ryan Second Scharfenberg moved Ryan seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission nominate Terry Kimball for the Chanhassen Rotary Club s 2010 Distinguished Service Award All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0 Scharfenberg I ll even draft the nomination Stolar Thank you Would you then email it to the rest of us Scharfenberg Yeah Stolar Thank you Scharfenberg Yeah I ll talk to is Bill is her husband right Yeah I ll talk to him a little bit and get some information Hoffman And Dick Unger 22 147 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Scharfenberg And Dick Okay Yeah I ll email Dick Hoffman It s not going to be a short list Scharfenberg No No I know Stolar What other things does she do Hoffman Booster Club Chan Boosters Scharfenberg CAA She does all the CAA stuff Stolar A lot of really a lot of recreation volunteer Scharfenberg On top of her full time job which is at the Arboretum Hoffman And she s not just an expert volunteer but she s an expert at recruiting She has her boss doing volunteer work COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS Ryan Yeah I ll give a quick update on town ball First I d like to thank Todd for all of your help with everything to do with town ball Hoffman You re welcome Ryan You ve been a huge help and I know Terry s leaned on you with a lot of things So have I so I appreciate your quick response to all the questions that we have so thank you very much Three things kind of going on right now We finalized what the uniform s going to be Without going into too much detail because we were going back and forth on what we wanted you know Red Birds versus Chanhassen and we all agreed that we have to have Chanhassen on the uniforms to identify who we are because people won t really know who just the Red Birds are They re all white uniforms Red piping Chanhassen across the chest and then blue caps with the letter C either in red or blue with either white or red piping on the outside So went with sleeveless jerseys and then they ll do like a t shirt underneath so depending on home away games you would do either a blue shirt underneath or a red shirt underneath so that s what we finally got the logo It s just a little red bird It looks like a little cardinal Got that finalized and so that s the uniform That was a big hurdle to jump over but we re really happy that we got that done Second thing we re struggling to find a manager so if you know anybody that is interested We aren t looking for a specific age Somebody that wants to volunteer Loves baseball We re just we re really struggling getting you know people think that they want to get involved and then and then some conflicts come up either family or timing is not just working for them so you know please all they have to do is get in touch with Terry We re setting up interviews Now we really need to get somebody on board because we re going to start you know we need to get the team going We need obviously to have try outs and that s what we 23 148 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 want to start doing in March so really looking and working hard on trying to find some managers so if you know of anyone please pass their name along to myself or of course Terry We did we re getting an article in the Connection again Thank you Todd for moving that along for us and then I ve been in touch with two people from the Star Tribune and hopefully we re going to get something in the West Metro section this Thursday in sports and then there s another gentleman who s looking to do an article just in the West Metro section just about town ball coming back to Chanhassen so I ve been in communication with them trying to get that to be you know to move forward Hopefully that will actually draw a little attention and possibly get some manager s names past our way as well so that s kind of the next thing And then the final thing is we ve developed a sponsorship package We re you know finalizing the print but it s going to just be you know like a fold over brochure that has different levels of sponsorship Something as basic as you know having a banner hanging in the outfield just a 4 by 8 banner hanging in the outfield with the company s name on it All the way up to sponsoring a game so where their name is going to be announced over the loud speaker They would be able to hand out literature or you know little baseballs with their you know little cache stuff that they can hand out at the game so we have a variety of sponsorship opportunities and as soon as we get that printed up I ll bring it to our meeting and give you guys some that you can hand out to friends and business partners that you know and let them know that there s opportunities to sponsor So moving full speed ahead We meet once a week and if you guys have any questions let me know but made some big progress in the last couple weeks and I m looking forward to it so any questions Hoffman Web site s out there Ryan Web site Scharfenberg What s the Ryan I knew you were going to ask me that Ballcharts com Chanhassen so but you can just go to ballcharts com and then do Chanhassen th Hoffman Press conference on Friday February 19 at 3 30 and please bring family and friends Let s fill the high school conference area What do they call that area Commons yeah Fill the commons for the press conference They ll be doing some jersey giving to the mayor and the school board chair and there ll be some old players there that will have their jerseys from the original Red Birds so that will be exciting And then working on club liquor for a club liquor license which will be 3 2 for the club and right now with the I know Terry and Dick Unger and others are talking about is trying to get that building constructed so you d have a location on the property for the alcohol storage and then you could serve beer during the town ball games Scharfenberg What time again on the press conference thth Hoffman Friday February 19 at 3 30 It s a Friday Friday Feb 19 at 3 30 At the Chanhassen High School commons 24 149 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Kelly When is the proposed first pitch For the first game Are there dates yet for the first game Hoffman Yeah first game is in April Ryan Well that s a practice The real game is May but they just are they switched it around again so they haven t finalized when our first game is I was working on it Stolar What are they going to do if they don t have a manager by then Ryan We aren t thinking about that Stolar Well what I m saying do you have a bunch of assistant coaches There ll be people who want to coach but don t want to be manager that can still lead through the stuff You get that sometimes being in Little League right No one s the head coach so you just have a bunch of assistants Ryan We re just trying to get anybody to get involved somehow Scharfenberg Elise have you approached some other communities that have town ball teams and talked to some of their people about do you know of people who might have some interest in doing this Ryan Yeah Another gentleman on the board has been contacting other town ball leagues and has connections I emailed all of the local college coaches so the St Thomas s and St Cloud State all those universities I sent out a personal email as well as a press release to let them know that we re looking so we ve been you know getting the word out as much as possible Stolar What about like the various baseball clinic leaders around here Ryan Haven t thought about that That s a good idea Stolar Yeah because like Jay Mikenas does Pine Tar Academy and actually he just retired from the Millers But he s a Hopkins coach so I think timing would be he couldn t do that but he might know other people and the Mike Berset he has some clinic but he also he still plays for the Millers after I don t know 60 years he s been on the team He s been on it forever but he you know those are guys that and then who s the other Kelly There s some guy his first name would probably be Tom and he was a minor league Stutzman Tommy Nevers Kelly Yes Stolar Yes Tommy Nevers that s the other one Isn t his clinic over in 25 150 Park and Recreation Commission January 26 2010 Scharfenberg Edina Stolar Edina yeah Stutzman He does a lot of Stolar Those are guys that know the baseball scene They might have trained someone 10 years ago and say oh yeah the guy s back working in town Why don t I give them a call Ryan Good idea thank you Stolar The other thing I was thinking is even sending to the leagues the various Little Leagues like East Tonka Little League South Tonka Little League which have heavy Chanhassen participation Send the directors there a note saying hey if you know of any of your coaches I was thinking Kevin Tapani was a coach for one of those Little League teams last year Stutzman He s coaching one of the Stolar Doesn t Paul Molitor live in Chan Thought he did Ruegemer Yeah I think he did Stolar He does He lives over I think off of Pleasant View So those are major leaguers I mean if you contact the leagues they they could say yeah here are some people Stutzman You could talk to the Diamond Club in Minnetonka too Hoffman It s an important first step Spread the word Kelly Any other committee member reports or comments on the administrative packet Scharfenberg Move to adjourn Kelly Is there a second Ryan Second Stolar Second Scharfenberg moved Ryan seconded to adjourn the meeting All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0 The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 8 45 p m Submitted by Todd Hoffman Park and Rec Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 26 151 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us ib MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manager D Paul Oehme Director Public Works City Engineer FROM SUBJECT Well 4 Rehabilitation Approve Quote for PW266A DATE February 22 2010 PROPOSED MOTION The City Council is recommended to accept the quotes for Well 4 Rehabilitation PW266A and award the base bid quote in the amount of 24 313 00 to E B Renner Sons Inc City Council approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council present BACKGROUND Annually the City inspects and performs routine maintenance on City wells Well equipment is recommended to be serviced approximately every eight years to extend the life of the pumps and motors Also these projects are necessary to decrease the likelihood of costly emergency repairs and supply interruptions The Well Rehabilitation Program identifies the rehabilitation of Well 4 this year Well 4 is located in Lake Susan Park This well has not had major service completed on it for nine years The project includes lowering the pump set in the aquifer an additional 20 feet refurbishing the motor reconditioning the pump and replacement of miscellaneous wearing parts The lowering of the pump compensates for the lower aquifer levels QUOTES Staff solicited quotes from three qualified well drilling companies Quotes received for the work on Well 4 were tabulated no errors were found in the bid tabulation Two alternates were included in the solicitation Alternate 1 is to replace and furnish a new pump bowl assembly in case the bowl assembly exhibits a significant amount of wear after inspection Alternate 2 is to bail and remove sand from the open well hole Staff does not think the City will need either Alternate I or 2 at this time however this work was included in the solicitation in case the scope of work needs to be changed after inspection of the open hole and pump g eng pubIic pw266a well 4 rehabilitation 20 1 O accept well rehab quote 022210 doc Chanhassen is a Community for life Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow 152 Todd Gerhardt Well 4 Rehabilitation Approve Quote February 22 2010 Page 2 of2 The quotes received are summarized as follows Ber erson Caswell Inc 27 235 00 E H Renner Sons 24 313 00 Traut Wells Inc 29 825 00 4 600 00 10 800 00 Note Alternates are not recommended to be awarded at this time 39 385 00 39 583 00 45 225 00 E H Renner Sons has completed previous well work projects for the City of Chanhassen E H Renner Sons past work has been acceptable Work is scheduled to be completed this winter before high summer water demands Funding for the rehabilitation of Well 4 was budgeted for in the 2010 CIP W 032 Attachment CIP Page c Kevin Crooks Utility Superintendent g eng public pw266a well 4 rehabilitation 2010 accept well rehab quote 022210 doc 153 Description Total Project Cost 275 000 This program annually inspects and performs regular maintenance of the City s wells Well pumps are recommended to be serviced every 8 years It is recommended that the following pumps and motors be pulled and inspected for wear 2010 Well 4 2011 Well 5 2012 Well 9 2013 Well 10 2014 Well 1I Justification 1 To extend the life and ensure reliability of the City s well fields Perfonning regular maintenance will extend the life of well components reduce emergency calls and have a more reliable water supply system Capital Improvement Program City of Chanhassen MN 2010 thru 2014 Project W 032 Project Name Well Rehabilitation Program Account 1 700 7025 4530 Account 3 Account 2 Account 4 Department Water System Improvements Contact Paul Oehme Type Improvement Useful Life Unassigned Category Utilities Priority nla Expenditures Maintenance Prior 45 000 I Total 2010 45 000 45 000 2011 45 000 45 000 2012 45 000 45 000 2013 45 000 45 000 Total Prior 45 000 I Total Funding Sources Water Utility Fund 2010 45 000 45 000 2011 45 000 45 000 2012 45 000 45 000 2013 45 000 45 000 Total Budget Impact Other 1 2014 50 000 50 000 Total 230 000 230 000 2014 50 000 50 000 Total 230 000 230 000 129 154 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Genter 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us ic MEMORANDUM q 0 TO Paul Oehme Public Works Director City Engineer FROM Alyson Fauske Assistant City Engineer II 7r February 22 2010 DATE SUBJECT Approve Mileage Designation to the Municipal State Aid System PW004 PROPOSED MOTION The City Council is recommended to designate 0 72 miles of Park Road from Audubon Road to Powers Boulevard to the Municipal State Aid System City Council approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council present BACKGROUND The Minnesota Department of Transportation MnDOT State Aid program exists to provide counties and municipalities with financial and technical resources for the local roadway network State Aid funds are provided by the Highway Users Tax Distribution Fund State Aid fund allocations are based on the total number of miles of streets within the City Each year the City submits a Certification of Mileage to MnDOT The certification summarizes the mileage of Trunk Highways County State Aid Highways Municipal State Aid Streets County Roads and Local Roads within the City The annual certification allows cities the opportunity to generate additional needs based on the streets constructed during the previous year Park Road between Audubon Road and Powers Boulevard is 0 72 miles long and was State Aid Route No 122 010 In 2005 Park Road and 3 17 miles of other State Aid routes were revoked from the State Aid system in order to designate Lake Lucy Road and Bluff Creek Boulevard as State Aid routes Since then additional miles have been added to the street network that has generated more available State Aid miles The approved 2008 Certification of Mileage has 0 75 miles available meaning up to 0 75 miles could be added to Chanhassen s State Aid system The 2009 Certification of Mileage has been submitted to MnDOT State Aid for review and approval the available mileage listed is 0 77 miles Based on the Certification of Mileage there is a sufficient balance to redesignate Park Road from Audubon Road to Powers Boulevard as a Municipal State Aid Route By designating Park Road as a State Aid route gas tax funds can be used on the corridor to fund future improvements Requests to make changes to the State Aid system must be submitted to the District State Aid Engineer by March 1 2010 and must include a City Council Resolution Attachment Resolution G ENG 02 U IQ redesignaw park rd dpq Ghanhassen IS a ommumty ror Life PrOViding for Today and Planning for Tomorrow 155 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA DATE February 22 2010 RESOLUTION NO 2010 MOTION BY SECONDED BY A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING 0 72 MILES OF PARK ROAD FROM AUDUBON ROAD TO POWERS BOULEVARD TO THE MUNICIPAL STATE AID SYSTEM WHEREAS it appears to the City Council of the City of Chanhassen that the street hereinafter described should be designated a Municipal State Aid Street under the provisions of Minnesota Law NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Chanhassen City Council that the road described below 1 0 72 miles of Park Road from Audubon Road to Powers Boulevard be and hereby is established located and designated as a Municipal State Aid street of said city subject to the approval ofthe Commissioner of Transportation ofthe State of Minnesota BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Transportation for consideration and that upon approval of the designation of said road or portion thereof that future improvement of the same be constructed and maintained as a Municipal State Aid street of the City of Chanhassen Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 22nd day of February 2010 ATTEST Todd Gerhardt City Manager Thomas A Furlong Mayor YES NO ABSENT 156 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us 1 et MEMORANDUM I Paul Oehme Director of Public Works City Engineer t TO FROM Gordy Stauff Engineering Tech IV Construction Manager Jt DATE February 22 2010 iJ SUBJ Accept Street and Utility Improvements in Crossroads of Chanhassen Project No 08 10 PROPOSED MOTION The City Council accepts the street and utility improvements in Crossroads of Chanhassen Project No 08 10 for perpetual maintenance and ownership City Council approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council present Staff has received a letter from Mr Daniel Parks of Westwood Professional Services Inc requesting the City consider acceptance of the public street and utility improvements in Crossroads ofChanhassen Staff has performed a walk through inspection and finds the improvements acceptable for perpetual maintenance and ownership Attachments 1 2 Letter from Daniel Parks dated October 16 2009 Location map c Daniel Parks Westwood Professional Services Inc g eng projects a e crossroads of chanhassen accept streets utilities doc Chanhassen is a Community for Life Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow 157 Westwood October 16 2009 Alyson Fauske City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen MN 55317 Subject Crossroads of Chanhassen Ref 20061214 Dear Ms Fauske Professional engineering services including the design of public and private improvements for the Crossroads of Chanhassen have been provided by Westwood Professional Services Inc Observation of the improvements was completed by the city s consultant and our understanding is that the work was done in general accordance with the project plans and specifications A final walk thru was completed on October 5 2009 with the city s consultant present as well as Joseph Shamla from the city Record plans have been submitted to the city and approved Westwood Professional Services Inc requests that the City of Chanhassen accept these public improvements for City ownership and that all bonds or letters of credit be eliminated for this project Please contact me at 952 937 5150 if you have any questions Sincerely V ROFESSIONAL SERVICES INC Daniel Parks PE Director of Commercial Development Copy Jack Appert KA Realty F CHP NI V SSEN ern 0 n 0 @ OC 1 9 009 u cR iG oEPT ENG Land and Energy DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS 11111111111111 111111 158 CROSSROADS OF CHANHASSEN LOCATION MAP N A 159 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us Le MEMORANDUM TO Paul Oehme Director of Public Works City Engineer FROM Alyson Fauske Assistant City Engineer DATE February22 201O t SUBJECT Audubon Road Reconstruction Project No 10 02 Authorize Temporary Easement Acquisition PROPOSED MOTION The City Council is recommended to authorize the following for City Project 10 02 Audubon Road reconstruction and widening from Lake Drive to Lyman Boulevard a Staff to proceed with the temporary easement acquisitions and b The City Attorney to commence eminent domain proceedings pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 117 to acquire the necessary easements and c The City Attorney to acquire the necessary property interests pursuant to the quick take provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 117 042 and d The Mayor and the City Manage are authorized to execute all documents necessary in the opinion of the City Attorney to effect the acquisition of the necessary property interests City Council approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council present BACKGROUND A neighborhood open house was held December 2 2009 to discuss the project with the property owners that are proposed to be assessed An open house for the neighborhood was held on January 13 2010 The public hearing was held on February 8 2010 Audubon Road from Lake Drive West to Lyman Boulevard CSAH 18 is a municipal collector roadway and is proposed to be reconstructed this year A 10 foot wide trail is proposed to be extended on the west side of Audubon Road from Valley Ridge Trail North to Lyman Boulevard The road and trail will be within Chanhassen is a Community for Life Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow 160 Paul Oehme Audubon Road Reconstruction Project February 22 2010 Page 2 right of way or trail easement however temporary easements are necessary for construction purposes on four parcels Driveways impacted within the temporary easement area will be replaced in kind Some small trees and bushes within the temporary easement areas will be removed Staff proposes to re Iandscape these areas that are impacted Appraisals have been obtained to determine the impact of the temporary easements The impact of the temporary easements to the affected properties has been minimized to the maximum extent practicable Copies of the appraisals are available in the Engineering Department Staff intends to work with the property owners to come to terms on acquiring the temporary easements If a mutually agreed to easement reimbursement cannot be worked out staff would like to reserve the use of condemnation as a last resort so the project can move forward Purchase of the temporary easements would not take place until after the City Council awards a construction contract This authorization is only to allow the staff to start negotiations with the property owners and start the State Statute Chapter 117 process if a reasonable term for temporary easement acquisition cannot be worked out SCHEDULE The anticipated project schedule is as follows Approve Plans Specifications Authorize Advertising for Bids Bid Opening Neighborhood Meeting Assessment Hearings Award Contract Start Construction Substantial Construction Complete Final Wear Course Complete March 8 2010 April 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Early June 2010 August 27 2010 June 2011 Attachments Resolution Easement Area Location Map g eng public 201O projects 1O 02 audubon road imp 02 22 10 auth temp esmt acquisition docx 161 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA DATE MOTION BY RESOLUTION NO SECONDED BY RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION OF LAND FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Chanhassen does hereby determine that it is necessary and for a public use and purpose to acquire the property legally described on the attached Exhibit A subject to engineering modifications ifany for purposes in connection with the Audubon Road Reconstruction Project Project No 10 02 WHEREAS City staff and consultants have and will continue to work with the property owners to acquire the necessary easements and or fee title and WHEREAS the City Council finds that development and construction conditions related to the area make it necessary to acquire title to and possession of the property as soon as possible in order for the project to proceed in an efficient cost effective and expeditious manner NOW THEREFORE be it resolved by the Chanhassen City Council 1 That the City Attorney is authorized to commence eminent domain proceedings pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 117 to acquire the necessary easements and or fee title identified on the attached Exhibit A subject to engineering modifications if needed 2 That the City Attorney is authorized to acquire the necessary property interests pursuant to the quick take provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 117 042 3 That the Mayor and the City Manager are authorized to execute all documents 149029vl 1 162 necessary in the opinion of the City Attorney to effect the acquisition of the necessary property interests 4 The City is in the process of obtaining appraisals of the property being acquired The Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to approve the appraisals and make formal offers to the property owners subject to City Council s fmal approval Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 2010 day of ATTEST Todd Gerhard City Manager Thomas A Furlong Mayor YES NO ABSENT 149029vl 2 163 EXHIBIT A 149029vl 3 164 8850 AUDUBON ROAD 1751 SUNRIDGE COURT L J c r J B94 Qj 0 0 8831 AUDUBON ROAD I I I I Ii li It I LEGEND ll I KTOFWAY I TEMPOAARYEASEMENT PERMANENT EASEMENT I I I II v I I t II I 8831 AUDUBON ROAD II l 165 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us 14 To Todd Gerhardt City Manager Laurie Hokkanen Assistant City Manager b K From Date February 16 2010 Subject Key Financial Strategies RECCOMENDATION The City Council adopts the 2010 Key Financial Stategies Strategic Plan A majority vote is required to approve this item BACKGROUND Attached please the 2010 Key Financial Stragies Strategic Plan The City Council met on January 9 2010 to brainstorm ideas for 2010 Goals indivually ranked those goals and then discussed a final Strategic Plan The results of that process are attached Following adoption staff will proceed with the research and planning necessary to consider or implement each item Chanhassen is a Community for Life Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow 166 2010 Key Financial Strategies Strategic Plan CITY OF ClUNlBSSEI Competiveness Create an environment for innovation and change building on our strengths creativity and skills Review City ordinances for efficiency and effectiveness Implement a Community Survey that will determine the City s strengths weaknesses and community needs Work with Carver County to expand utilization of Carver County License Center Update Police Work Plan Review City s Technology Policy Strengthen the City s Financial Position Provide financial stability and resources necessary to achieve the city s vision by exercising financial stewardship implementing best practices and utilizing long term financial planning tools Select a few unfunded unproductive mandates for legislative review with assistance of Metro Cities and other partners Monitor Revenue Performance in 2010 take a proactive approach to budget challenges keeping Council informed about the Revenue Expenditure relationship throughout the year quarterly reports and special updates when needed Being proactive that all City staff and members of Boards Committees and Commissions contribute to economic development Review the City s Long Range Financial Plan including Pavement Management System 5 yr budget Debt Analysis and Capital Improvement Plan Examine re timing of MUSA Expansion area including Fire Station 3 Planning for the City s Infrastructure Create solutions for managing existing infrastructure and future growth in our community while preserving a sustainable quality of life and protecting the environment Review Pavement Management Assessment Policy Review Effect of Delays on Pavement Management System Develop a Comprehensive Inter Connecting Trail System with surrounding communitie Explore Opportunities for Further Partnerships i e Sealcoating Develop alternative approaches to reduce impervious areas Review Future Well Needs based on water usage and availability develop educational work plan for Environmental Commission 167 Enhance Local Tax Base Evaluate the Comprehensive Plan with current goals and policies assess the impact Take an active role in the Public Private Redevelopment of the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre and Chanhassen Transit Station area Capture opportunities for Economic Development and position the City to be attractive for private investment and reinvestment in the following areas Infrastructure transportation mobility utility capacity Reviewing City Policies and Processes to reduce costs and processing time for business development Hold Forums to identify opportunities and barriers to attracting new housing commercial industrial and jobs to Chanhassen 168 c Cll a 6 0 @ Ci5 CI 0 6 0 @ Ci5 ii C3 c Cll C u 0 I LL a o o o C J Cll Q I 0 o 0 en 9 E W I 0 ii c l L 0 o I E o LU E 2 I liD 02 Ig o g J LL co m CI B c it iP co C l C i M t t t t t t CV C CX o 0 o 0 C J C J I 2 lJ lJ Q c Q a E o E Cll 0 e a Ol c w c g i 0 C Cll Ol o 0 CI o 0 5 0 j I C ii 1l C3 0 5 CI Q CI 0 J w c i5 8 C J t ui 0 CI CI 0 C Cll 0 ui c 5 C en CI 3 0 5 0 C E Q 1D 0 I 2 0 C Cll C c 5 i 5 0 c J CJ I Z c en J O E 0 E 0 0 Cll 5 c E 0 0 0 E a C J C J C J C J o o C J Lt C J C J C J C J o o C J 3 c Q c 0 o 0 CI C 0 C J o o Q 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952 227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manager FROM Karen J Engelhardt Office Manager DATE February 22 2010 SUBJ Approve Resolution of Support to Apply for EAID Grant Money to Install Handicapped Accessible Automatic Door Openers on Two Polling Places PROPOSED MOTION The City Council approves the attached Resolution in Support of Applying for Federal Election Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities EAID Grant Money to install automatic door openers on two polling places located in at the Main Fire Station and Living Christ Lutheran Church Approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council BACKGROUND The Minnesota Secretary of State s Office is soliciting grant applications to install automatic door openers on polling places to make them more accessible Currently the city has two polling locations that do not have the automatic doors the Main Fire Station and Living Christ Lutheran Church The Secretary of State s Office anticipates that grant funds will be awarded for 100 of the costs associated with installation After contacting the church to determine their interest staff received bids for the work at the two locations The installation at the Fire Station will cost 4 235 86 and the installation at the church will be 5 842 25 The church s installation is slightly higher because of minimal carpentry work that will be required to mount the door opener Chanhassen is a Community for life Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow 172 The grant application requires a resolution of support from the City Council If the city is not awarded 100 of the costs associated with installation city funds would have to offset the installation costs at the fire station and staff would request a contribution from the church for their installation At that point staff would determine whether or not to accept grant funds based on the amount awarded The application is due in the Secretary of State s Office by March 19 and awards will be made in late April If we receive grant monies the work must be completed by August 6 RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution in Support of Applying for Federal Election Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities BAlD Grant Money to install automatic door openers on two polling places the Main Fire Station and Living Christ Lutheran Church ATTACHMENTS 1 Resolution of Support 2 Grant Application for the Main Fire Station 3 Bid for Installation at the Main Fire Station 4 Grant Application for Living Christ Lutheran Church 5 Bid for Installation at Living Christ Lutheran Church g elections 2010 elections eaid grant program cc memo 2 22 1 O doc 173 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA DATE February 22 2010 RESOLUTION NO 2010 MOTION BY SECONDED BY RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT TO APPLY FOR FEDERAL ELECTION ASSISTANCE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES EAID GRANT MONEY TO INSTALL HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE AUTOMATIC DOOR OPENERS ON TWO POLLING PLACES IN CHANHASSEN MAIN FIRE STATION AND LIVING CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL AS FOLLOWS The city council is hereby authorized to a Apply for a grant from the Office of the Secretary of State of Minnesota for Federal funds pursuant to Title II Section 261 of the Help America Vote Act for the sole purpose of improving access to polling places in this city for persons with disabilities b Enter into an agreement with the Office of the Secretary of State governing the receipt expenditure reimbursement and reporting of such a grant c Receive and account separately in a manner sufficient to meet generally accepted government accounting principles sufficient to pass federal audit and d Expend any sums received in the manner indicated in the grant application and agreement with the Office of the Secretary of State No further action by a city council meeting is required for actions related to this grant Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 22nd day of February 2010 ATTEST Todd Gerhardt City Manager Thomas A Furlong Mayor YES NO ABSENT 174 City Township and County Application for Election Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities EAID Grant Program DEADLINE ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 4 00 P M March 19 2010 In accordance with the requirements of Title II Subtitle D Section 261 of Help America Vote Act 42 USC 15461 Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie Contents A General Instructions Page 1 B Administrative Questions Page 2 C Application Questions Page 3 D Improvements Worksheet Page 4 E Certification Page 5 A General Instructions The State of Minnesota Office of the Secretary of State aSS is currently soliciting grant proposals from cities townships and counties for specifically for automatic door openers to make polling places in Minnesota more accessible The work to be done and the payment amount must be specifically agreed upon in a grant contract entered into by the political subdivision and the ass prior to commencement of work The Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Developmental Disabilities ADD Administration for Children and Families ACF Election Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities EAID has allocated to the ass monies to be given in grants to local governments These funds are available to pay for automatic door openers to make polling places more accessible to individuals with disabilities Unlike past years we expect that the grants will be large enough to cover the vast maiority of the costs associated with purchasing and installing a typical automatic door Automatic door control switches must be installed in accordance with Minnesota Rules Chapter 1341 Section 308 in addition to state electrical code requirements Please note that the local jurisdiction will have to provide funds to cover any remaining balance Political subdivisions will be responsible for selecting a contractor or staff to produce the awarded accessibility improvement and to pay the contractor including any cost overruns The political subdivision will report the expenditures for the specific accessibility improvement to ass in order to receive reimbursements up to the amount awarded Political subdivisions will also be required to fully cooperate in any and all federal audits of the grant funds We expect to notify grantees of the awards in late April If a grant contract has not been signed by all parties by May 31 2010 the award will be withdrawn In order to apply for these EAID funds political subdivisions must answer all questions fully and completely and provide a resolution of support from the governing body An unanswered question or lack of a resolution could result in the disqualification of the application If there is a question s that is not applicable please indicate See last page of this document for contact information 1 175 B Administrative Questions No Questions Response 1 Application date February 26 2010 2 Name of political subdivision City of Chanhassen 3 Federal Tax ID 41 0885331 4 Name of the County s in which the political Carver County subdivision in located 5 Name of individual completing this application Karen Engelhardt 6 Title of individual completing this application and Office Manager their telephone number 7 In the spaces below list names and contact information for the individuals and offices of your political subdivision responsible for Administering implementing the Authorizing the procurement or purchase grant of accessibility improvements Name Karen Engelhardt Karen Engelhardt Title Office Manager Office Manager Address 7700 Market Boulevard 7700 Market Boulevard P O Box 147 P O Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Chanhassen MN 55317 Phone 952 227 1104 952 227 1104 E Mail kengelhardt@ci chanhassen mn us kengelhardt@ci chanhassen mn us Fax 952 227 1904 952 227 1904 2 176 c Application Questions Federal law requires that all grantees receiving Federal funds including State and local governments shall clearly state the dollar amount of the total costs of the project or program and the percentage of the total cost that will be financed by nongovernmental sources No Question Response 8 Total cost of improvement project 4 235 86 9 Total amount of funds requested Total all EAID 4 235 86 Grant Program Application Worksheets 10 If any total amount of additional non grant funds 0 to be used for the project grant Local funds are not required 11 If any name the source s of non grant funds N A 12 Has your political subdivision previously applied No for this grant If yes date of previous application 13 Attach a proposed timeline for procuring or purchasing and implementing this accessibility improvement 14 Attach a resolution of support from the governing body and if applicable list any amount appropriated by the governing board of the political subdivision submitting this application 15 If applicable attach commitment letter or resolution from other sources N A 3 177 D Improvements Worksheet Complete this worksheet one worksheet for each polling place explaining the proposed improvements to be made to the polling place 1 Street address of polling place for which application is being submitted Address Chanhassen Main Fire Station 7610 Laredo Drive City Chanhassen MN Zip 55317 Township if applicable N A County Carver 2 Number of registered voters in the polling place 3 Estimated number of registered voters who may benefit from the automatic doors Seven percent 7 of the registered voter population is over age 65 Polling Places may have multiple improvements List each proposed improvement in a box below Describe the job requirements specifically for each proposed improvement for example install adequate electrical and an automatic door opener on the front door of the public library If complete description does not fit in one box continue in next box or attach additional sheets Proposed Improvements Cost 1 The project includes installation of one heavy duty automatic door opener 4 235 86 wireless package with 2 remote buttons and 1 receiver and miscellaneous wire connectors and attachments It also includes the cost of an electrical contractor to connect line voltage 2 3 4 5 6 Total 4 235 86 4 178 E Certification I certify that Election Assistance to Individuals with Disabilities EAID Grant funds will be used only for the polling places listed on the attached worksheet s and only to purchase and install automatic doors for polling places in Minnesota Name of Jurisdiction City of Chanhassen Printed Name of Applicant Karen Engelhardt Title of Applicant Office Manager Signature Date All questions must be completely answered and a resolution of support from the governing body must be provided An unanswered question or lack of a resolution could result in the disqualification of the application All information must be submitted in writing as part of this application If a question is not applicable please indicate Forward completed applications via email toelections dept@state mn us Attention Adam Aanerud If necessary fax or mail completed application and all accompanying worksheets and documents to MN Secretary of State Attention Adam Aanerud 180 State Office Building 100 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Ir Blvd S1 Paul MN 55155 1299 Fax 651 296 9073 All submissions must be received by 4 00 p m on Friday March 19 2010 All work must be completed no later than August 6 2010 5 179 TIMELINE FOR PURCHASING AND IMPLEMENTING ACCESSIBILITY IMPROVEMENTS INSTALLATION OF AUTOMATIC DOOR OPENERS AT CHANHASSEN FIRE STATION 7610 LAREDO DRIVE City Council Approves Resolution of Support February 22 2010 Grant Application Submitted February 19 2010 Grant Award Late April 2010 Execute Grant Agreement No Later than May 31 2010 Authorize Contractor to Complete Work June 1 2010 Completion June 30 2010 180 Proposal DOOR ASSIST OPERATOR Friday February 05 2010 Prepared For Karen Engelhardt City of Chanhassen City Hall 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen MN 55317 Location City of Chanhassen Fire Station 7610 Laredo Drive Chanhassen MN 55317 Prepared By Phil Williams Jjj Ii Ii1c 1 x Ii Ii Ii V 1 181 Friday February 05 2010 Karen Engelhardt City of Chanhassen City Hall 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen MN 55317 Dear Karen Thank you for considering Armor Security Inc to assist with your security needs AII systems are installed by our professionally trained and licensed technicians and are backed by our 35 year commitment to quality customer service Please find the enclosed proposal for your review and consideration Should you have any questions regarding this proposal please feel free to call me at 612 870 4142 Sincerely Phil Williams Security Consultant Enclosure 182 PROPOSAL Karen Engelhardt City of Chanhassen Fire Station Proposal Parts List Quantity Description DOOR ASSIST OPERA TOR 1 Detex 1 04700M 5 39 5 Bronze push left heavy duty automatic door opener Location 1 0ne of the double doors at the outside pair Left door as exiting All interior and exterior applications of low energy ADA requirements All full energy automatic door situations with all safety products All traffic conditions and door sizes weights up to 250 Ibs Adjustable hold open time Reliable operation 3 year warranty Power assist close guarantee Controlled access situations as our control will interface with all key and card security systems 1 Detex Door Assist Wireless Package 2 Remote Buttons 1 Receiver Location Receiver at the door operator 1 Transmitter at exterior awning column 1 Transmitter at interior hallway wall Miscellaneous wire connectors and attachments NOTE 1 Total installation price includes the cost of a subcontracted electrical contractor Herb Kohn Electric to connect line voltage to the one door operator If a second door operator is installed on the interior door the line voltage connection is included in that price as well Stae sales tax of 158 96 included in total installation price NOTE 2 Presently the interior doors can be propped open via hardware attached to the existing door closer If done so during public events the Fire Chief Roger Small beck thought that the one door assist operator would be enough The cost of installing the second door assist operator on one of the interior doorways would be a additional 2445 00 NOTE 3 Armor Security Inc provides a complete 1 year parts and labor warranty on the entire system installation 183 PROPOSAL Karen Engelhardt City of Chanhassen Fire Station Pricing Information Proposal 31536 f Z c J i Xn I ItJi ir i c W W Total System Installation Price 4 235 86 184 City Township and County Application for Election Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities EAID Grant Program DEADLINE ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 4 00 P M March 19 2010 In accordance with the requirements of Title II Subtitle D Section 261 of Help America Vote Act 42 use 15461 Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie Contents A General Instructions Page 1 B Administrative Questions Page 2 e Application Questions Page 3 D Improvements Worksheet Page 4 E Certification Page 5 A General Instructions The State of Minnesota Office of the Secretary of State aSS is currently soliciting grant proposals from cities townships and counties for specifically for automatic door openers to make polling places in Minnesota more accessible The work to be done and the payment amount must be specifically agreed upon in a grant contract entered into by the political subdivision and the ass prior to commencement of work The Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Developmental Disabilities ADD Administration for Children and Families ACF Election Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities EAID has allocated to the ass monies to be given in grants to local governments These funds are available to pay for automatic door openers to make polling places more accessible to individuals with disabilities Unlike past vears we expect that the grants will be large enough to cover the vast maiority of the costs associated with purchasing and installing a typical automatic door Automatic door control switches must be installed in accordance with Minnesota Rules Chapter 1341 Section 308 in addition to state electrical code requirements Please note that the local jurisdiction will have to provide funds to cover any remaining balance Political subdivisions will be responsible for selecting a contractor or staff to produce the awarded accessibility improvement and to pay the contractor including any cost overruns The political subdivision will report the expenditures for the specific accessibility improvement to ass in order to receive reimbursements up to the amount awarded Political subdivisions will also be required to fully cooperate in any and all federal audits of the grant funds We expect to notify grantees of the awards in late April If a grant contract has not been signed by all parties by May 31 2010 the award will be withdrawn In order to apply for these EAlD funds political subdivisions must answer all questions fully and completely and provide a resolution of suPport from the governin body An unanswered question or lack of a resolution could result in the disqualification of the application If there is a question s that is not applicable please indicate See last page of this document for contact information 1 185 B Administrative Questions No Questions Response 1 Application date February 26 2010 2 Name of political subdivision City of Chanhassen 3 Federal Tax ID 41 0885331 4 Name of the County s in which the political Carver County subdivision in located 5 Name of individual completing this application Karen Engelhardt 6 Title of individual completing this application and Office Manager their telephone number 7 In the spaces below list names and contact information for the individuals and offices of your political subdivision responsible for Administering implementing the Authorizing the procurement or purchase grant of accessibility improvements Name Karen Engelhardt Karen Engelhardt Title Office Manager Office Manager Address 7700 Market Boulevard 7700 Market Boulevard P O Box 147 P O Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Chanhassen MN 55317 Phone 952 227 1104 952 227 1104 E Mail kengelhardt@ci chanhassen mn us kengelhardt@ci chanhassen mn us Fax 952 227 1904 952 227 1904 2 186 c Application Questions Federal law requires that all grantees receiving Federal funds including State and local governments shall clearly state the dollar amount of the total costs of the project or program and the percentage of the total cost that will be financed by nongovernmental sources No Question Response 8 Total cost of improvement project 5 842 25 9 Total amount of funds requested Total all EAID 5 842 25 Grant Program Application Worksheets 10 If any total amount of additional non grant funds 0 to be used for the project grant Local funds are not required II If any name the source s of non grant funds N A 12 Has your political subdivision previously applied No for this grant If yes date of previous application 13 Attach a proposed timeline for procuring or purchasing and implementing this accessibility improvement 14 Attach a resolution of support from the governing body and if applicable list any amount appropriated by the governing board of the political subdivision submitting this application 15 If applicable attach commitment letter or resolution from other sources N A 3 187 D Improvements Worksheet Complete this worksheet one worksheet for each polling place explaining the proposed improvements to be made to the polling place 1 Street address of polling place for which application is being submitted Address Living Christ Lutheran Church 820 Lake Drive City Chanhassen MN Zip 55317 Township if applicable N A County Carver 2 Number of registered voters in the polling place 3 Estimated number of registered voters who may benefit from the automatic doors Seventeen percent 17 of the registered voters are over age 65 Polling Places may have multiple improvements List each proposed improvement in a box below Describe the job requirements specifically for each proposed improvement for example install adequate electrical and an automatic door opener on the front door of the public library If complete description does not fit in one box continue in next box or attach additional sheets Proposed Improvements Cost 1 The project includes installation of one heavy duty automatic door opener 5 842 25 wireless package with 2 remote buttons and 1 receiver and miscellaneous wire connectors and attachments It also includes the cost of an electrical contractor to connect line voltage and a carpenter to build a recessed box in the ceiling above the doorway to allow the door assist operator to be mounted 2 3 4 5 Total 5 842 25 4 188 E Certification I certify that Election Assistance to Individuals with Disabilities EAID Grant funds will be used only for the polling places listed on the attached worksheet s and only to purchase and install automatic doors for polling places in Minnesota Name of Jurisdiction City of Chanhassen Printed Name of Applicant Karen Engelhardt Title of Applicant Office Manager Signature Date All questions must be completely answered and a resolution of support from the governing body must be provided An unanswered question or lack of a resolution could result in the disqualification of the application All information must be submitted in writing as part of this application If a question is not applicable please indicate Forward completed applications via email toelections dept@state mn us Attention Adam Aanerud If necessary fax or mail completed application and all accompanying worksheets and documents to MN Secretary of State Attention Adam Aanerud 180 State Office Building 100 Rev Dr Martin Luther King II Blvd S1 Paul MN 55155 1299 Fax 651 296 9073 All submissions must be received bv 4 00 p m on Fridav March 19 2010 All work must be completed no later than August 6 2010 5 189 TIME LINE FOR PURCHASING AND IMPLEMENTING ACCESSIBILITY IMPROVEMENTS INSTALLATION OF AUTOMATIC DOOR OPENERS AT LIVING CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH 820 LAKE DRIVE City Council Approves Resolution of Support February 22 2010 Grant Application Submitted February 19 2010 Grant Award Late April 2010 Execute Grant Agreement No Later than May 31 2010 Authorize Contractor to Complete Work June 1 2010 Completion July 9 2010 190 Proposal DOOR ASSIST OPERATOR SYSTEM Friday February 05 2010 Prepared For Karen Engelhardt City of Chanhassen City Hall 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen MN 55317 952 227 1104 Location Living Christ Lutheran Church 820 Lake Drive Chanhassen MN 55317 Prepared By Phil Williams W O CC H W WI 191 Friday February 05 2010 Karen Engelhardt City of Chanhassen City Hall 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen MN 55317 Dear Karen Thank you for considering Armor Security Inc to assist with your security needs AII systems are installed by our professionally trained and licensed technicians and are backed by our 35 year commitment to quality customer service Please find the enclosed proposal for your review and consideration Should you have any questions regarding this proposal please feel free to call me at 612 870 4142 Sincerely Phil Williams Security Consultant Enclosure 192 PROPOSAL Karen Engelhardt Living Christ Lutheran Church Proposal Parts List Quantity Description DOOR ASSIST OPERA TOR SYSTEM 1 Detex 104700M 5 39 5 Bronze push left heavy duty automatic door opener Location 1 North Community Service Entry Door Handing required when placing order Features Manufactured by Lockman Peck LLC Interior and exterior applications of low energy ADA requirements Full energy automatic door interfaces with most safety products All traffic conditions and door sizes weights up to 250 Ibs Adjustable hold open time to 60 seconds Door obstruction function Optional Power assist close Compatible with most controlled access situations control will interface with electric strikes magnetic locks and all key and card security systems 3 Year Parts Warranty Detex Door Assist Wireless Package 2 Remote Buttons 1 Receiver Located 1 Wireless Receiver at operator 1 Transmitter Exterior wal 1 Transmitter Interior wall 1 Miscellaneous wire connectors and attachments NOTE 1 Price includes having a licensed subcontracted carpenter create a recessed box in the ceiling above the doorway so as to allow the door assist operator to be mounted Total Price includes subcontracting Herb Kohn Electric to connect line voltage from the exit sign light to the door assist operator NOTE 2 Armor Security Inc provides a complete 1 year parts and labor warranty on the entire system installation 193 PROPOSAL Karen Engelhardt Living Christ Lutheran Church Pricing Information Proposal 31538 Total System Installation Price 5 842 25 194 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us 1 MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manager FROM Greg Sticha Finance Director DATE February 22 2010 SUBJ Resolution Approving an Inter Fund loan for Bloomberg Assessment Repayment BACKGROUND Resolution Authorizing Interfund Loan for Advance of Certain Costs in Connection with Transit Station Public Improvement Projects Earlier this evening it is anticipated that the EDA will adopt a resolution authorizing an interfund loan for reimbursement of legal and engineering costs associated with the Chanhassen Transit Station project In addition to the EDA s action the City Council must adopt a similar resolution since the loans are from city funds Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing an interfund loan in an amount not to exceed 418 000 from the following funds 168 000 Capital Replacement Equipment Fund 400 for the purchase of the Railroad Depot land 77 500 Water Utility Fund 700 52 800 Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund 701 88 100 Storm Sewer Utility Fund 720 If expenses exceed 368 400 the additional expenses up to another 49 600 will be transferred from the Capital Replacement Equipment Fund Staff will inform the City Council if this becomes necessary The city will use future increment to the extent available to repay these loans Resolution Authorizing Interfund Loans for Advance of Public Redevelopment Costs Chanhassen Transit Station On January 4 2010 the City expended 729 921 to Bloomberg Companies for land acquisition required for the development of the Chanhassen Transit Station These costs will be repaid through special assessments levied on the surrounding properties which are also presently owned by Bloomberg Companies These assessment amounts total 729 253 The interfund loan will be from the City s water fund and will be repaid in full after the last assessment payment is made by the property owner in 2020 The assessments are being paid back with 6 interest Chanhassen is a Community for Life Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow 195 Mayor and City Council February 22 2010 Page 2 RECCOMENDA TION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the following resolutions 1 Resolution Authorizing Interfund Loan in an amount not to exceed 418 000 for Advance of Certain Costs in Connection with Transit Station Public Improvement Project and 2 Resolution Authorizing Interfund Loans in the amount of 729 253 for Advance of Public Redevelopment Costs in Connection with Chanhassen Transit Station Tax Increment Financing District Approval requires a simple majority of the City Council ATTACHMENT 1 Resolution Authorizing Interfund Loan in an amount not to exceed 418 000 for Advance of Certain Costs in Connection with Transit Station Public Improvement Project and 2 Resolution Authorizing Interfund Loans in the amount of 729 253 for Advance of Public Redevelopment Costs in Connection with Chanhassen Transit Station Tax Increment Financing District 3 Assessment Repayment Schedule 196 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA DATE Februarv 22 2010 RESOLUTION NO MOTION BY SECONDED BY A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INTERFUND LOANS FOR ADVANCE OF PUBLIC REDEVELOPMENT COSTS IN CONNECTION WITH CHANHASSEN TRANSIT STATION TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Chanhassen Minnesota the City as follows Section 1 Background 1 01 Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 469 174 to 469 179 the TIP Act and Sections 469 090 to 460 1082 the EDA Act the Chanhassen Economic Development Authority the Authority intends to establish the Chanhassen Transit Station Tax Increment Financing District TIP District No 10 the TIP District within the Downtown Chanhassen Redevelopment Project Area the Project 1 02 The Authority may incur certain costs related to the TIP District and the Project which costs may be financed on a temporary basis from Authority or City funds available for such purposes 1 03 Under Section 469 178 Subdivision 7 of the TIP Act the Authority and City are authorized to advance or loan money from any fund from which such advances may be legally made in order to finance expenditures that are eligible to be paid with tax increments under the TIP Act 1 04 On February 22 2010 the Authority approved or will approve a resolution the Loan Resolution authorizing intemalloans and setting the terms for reimbursement of public redevelopment costs ofthe Project to be repaid with tax increments from the TIP District Section 2 Interfund Loans Authorized 2 01 The City approves the interfund loans described in the Loan Resolution The City authorizes the advancement of up to 200 000 from the City s Capital Replacement Equipment Fund Fund No 400 and up to 218 000 from the City s Utility Funds 77 500 from the Water Utility Fund No 700 52 800 from the Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund No 701 and 88 100 from the Storm Sewer Utility Fund No 720 or any other unencumbered City or Authority funds available for such purposes under law as the source of the funds for the loan in total amount not to exceed 418 000 197 2 02 The City s Chief Financial Officer is authorized and directed to determine the specific funds from which monies are drawn for the interfund loans in a total amount not to exceed 418 000 and to credit repayments under the Loan Resolution to the relevant funds 2 03 City staff and officials are authorized and directed to execute any collateral documents and take any other actions necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution Section 3 Effective Date This resolution is effective upon approval Approved by the City Council ofthe city ofChanhassen this 22nd day of February 2010 ATTEST Todd Gerhardt City Clerk Manager Thomas A Furlong Mayor YES NO ABSENT Furlong Ernst Litsey McDonald Tjornhom None None 2 198 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA DATE Februarv 22 2010 RESOLUTION NO MOTION BY SECONDED BY A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INTERFUND LOAN FOR ADVANCE OF CERTAIN COSTS IN CONNECTION WITH TRANSIT STATION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Chanhassen Minnesota the City as follows Section 1 Background 1 01 The City plans to incur costs related to the Chanhassen Transit Station public improvement project 1 02 The City intends to advance funds to pay the costs described above and proposes to designate such advances as an interfund loan in accordance with the terms of this resolution Section 2 Repavment of Interfund Loan 2 01 The City s Transit Station Capital Project Fund Fund No 413 shall borrow from the City s Water Fund Fund No 700 to pay costs related to the Chanhassen Transit Station public improvement project described above in a principal amount of up to 729 253 The City s Transit Station Capital Project Fund will reimburse the City s Water Fund for such loan the Interfund Loan Interest shall accrue on the principal amount from the date of disbursement of the Interfund Loan at the maximum rate per annum allowed by law but the interest rate will without further action by the City be adjusted on January 1 of each year to reflect the maximum rate allowed that calendar year 2 02 The Interfund Loan is payable from i special assessments levied against benefited properties ii the proceeds of obligations the City may issue in the future to repay the Interfund Loan and iii from any other revenues available to the City 2 03 Principal and interest payments the Payments on the Interfund Loan shall be made at the times any revenue sources are available to make payments Payments will be credited to the City Water Fund from which the Interfund Loan was drawn All Payments shall be applied first to accrued interest and then to unpaid principal of the Interfund Loan 2 04 The principal sum and all accrued interest payable under the Interfund Loan is pre payable in whole or in part at any time by the City without premium or penalty 199 2 05 The City may at any time make a determination to forgive the outstanding principal amount and accrued interest on the Interfund Loan to the extent permissible under law 2 06 The City may from time to time amend the terms of this Resolution to the extent permitted by law including without limitation amendment to the payment schedule and the interest rate Section 3 Effective Date This resolution is effective upon approval Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 22nd day of February 2010 ATTEST Todd Gerhardt City Clerk Manager Thomas A Furlong Mayor YES NO ABSENT Furlong Ernst Litsey McDonald Tjomhom None None 2 200 en e a E ca Q X 19 c u ca E 9 0 2 ca 0 Q a 0 U e ai wCij co Q Q C e Cii Q O I ca a a 1ii e a a E ca a ca e Q a 0 E E 0 0 0 a en 2 u2 U e a U Ole a ca COca co C vv C I OO C I O O O I COI I r c ico c i COC lC lCOOCOv O I C OO o l iril iril i O l CO I vI LOLOvC l co CO LOv I C I OOC lC lC lC lC lC lC C I oococococococococo oocOcOcOcOcOcOcOcO C C lC lC lC lC C C I T t T T C T T MMM M T C T C T C C OOC l O C I LOCO 0 OC Ll C lOLOCOCO oo r c ioo ic iCOM MCOvO OCOv l O O Ovv oorioorir oo i r vv l C lC I OOO OO v O C C C lOLO LOOC oor cOoo 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LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO 25 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 i O LO LO LO LO LO 0 cO C I co o I o 0 C I n o l i C I I co M C I I l i co en cii o I 201 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manager FROM Paul Oehme Director of Public Works City Engineer DATE February 22 2010 i t oW SUBJ Public Works Facility Project 08 03 Approve Change Order No 5 PROPOSED MOTION The City Council approves Change Order No 5 in the amount of 23 462 00 for the Public Works Facility City Council approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council present BACKGROUND On February 23 2009 the City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized the ad for bids On March 23 2009 the City Council approved bids for steel and concrete for the facility and reviewed other bids and quotes On April 13 2009 the City Council approved bids and quotes for the remaining items of the facility DISCUSSION Staff is requesting Council consider approving changes to contracts for revisions for the Public Works facility Included in this request are minor miscellaneous changes to the project caused by unforeseen site conditions and requested changes by the Building Department based upon interpretation of the building code Contract changes like these are normal for large scale projects and contingency funds were set aside in the budget The City s construction manager RJM Com truction has reviewed the costs and finds them consistent with current market pricing The project remains on schedule and on budget Below is a brief description of the changes requested Roof Ladder Vehicle Storage Roof to Vehicle Maintenance Area 3 170 00 This item is requested by the building officials based upon interpretation of the building code for access to separate roof elevations Chanhassen is a Community for Life Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow 202 Todd Gerhardt Public Works Facility Approve Change Order February 22 2010 Page 2 Bench in Men s Locker Room 395 00 This item was requested by the building officials based upon interpretation of the building code for handicap requirements Casework Modifications in Multi Purpose Room 1 553 00 This item is requested to construct a cabinet around the dishwasher Originally the dishwasher was planned to go directly next to the sink However based on the building official s interpretation of the building code and handicap accessibility the countertop in this area needed to be lower A smaller handicap countertop height dishwasher was considered butthis unit is very expensive and was found not to work as well as the standard size unit The plan is to add a cabinet unit for the dishwasher on the end of the south wall Upsize an Expansion for the in Floor Heating Unit 1 278 00 The expansion tank that was originally specified in the contracts was found to be too small for design This cost is to exchange the smaller tank for a larger tank which includes the installation cost The smaller tank would have caused the system to not run as efficiently and cause premature wear on the heat pumps Add Drop Receptacle in Utility Shop Room 111 640 00 This item is to add a drop electrical outlet in the utility shop over a work bench The work bench area is used to work on hydrants pumps and other mechanical utility equipment Add Manual Switches for Vehicle Exhaust Fan 640 00 The vehicle exhaust fans were equipment with an on off switch in the hose reel system The system is currently wired so when the hose reel is extended the fans would always be on This change would add a switch to the three exhaust fans so they can be turned off and on no matter if the hose reel is extended or not Soil Crrection Dewatering and Delay Claim for Fuel Tank Installation 15 086 00 This item is for extra work incurred during the construction of the underground fuel tanks A change in conditions at the fuel tank construction area was experienced by the Griggs Contracting Inc The water table was higher than expected based on the soil borings More soil correction or foundation bedding was needed for the tanks then what was estimated in the contract documents Additionally a delay in construction was needed to figure out what the right course of action should be based on the tank manufacturer s recommendations Originally Griggs Contracting Inc requested over 27 000 in extras for this work The City and RJM Construction reviewed the request and reduced the request by what was documented and reasonable Total Requested Changes 23 462 00 The change order amount is proposed to come out of the contingency amount budgeted for the project The project is estimated be under budget by 471 800 00 The work left to be completed is paving the parking lot wear course in the spring and some landscape work Since the project is 99 completed staff does not anticipate any more changes to the contracts g eng public 2008 projects 08 03 chanhassen maintenance pw facility 022210 bkgd coS doc 203 Todd Gerhardt Public Works Facility Approve Change Order February 22 2010 Page 3 The total amount of changes to the project was less than 3 of the construction contracts A typical project of this size would see about 5 of the construction contract in change orders Attachments RJM Construction Letter of Recommendations RJM Construction Letter to Griggs Contracting Inc g eng pubJic 2008 projects 08 03 chanhassen maintenance pw facility 022210 bkgd co5 doc 204 CONSTRUCTION e t m CORPORATE OFFICE HWY 7 CORPORATE CENTER 7003 W LAKE ST l SUITE 400 I f ST LOUIS PARK MN 55426 P PHONE 9S2 837 8600 FAX 9S2 832 9600 SA TELUTE OFFICES PLAZA VII MINNEAPOLIS MN NORTHLAND EXECUTIVE OFFICE CENTER BLOOMINGTON MN NORMANDALE LAKE OFFICE PARK BLOOMINGTON MN February 4 2010 Mr Todd Gerhardt City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen MN 55317 Re City ofChanhassen Public Works Facility Recommendation for Project Change Order 5 Chanhassen City Council Meeting Dear Mr Gerhardt At the next City Council meeting RJM Construction recommends that the City Council approve Project Change Order 05 The total amount of this Change Order will be for 23 482 This Change Order will be deducted from the project contingency which will leave 192 382 39 in project contingency Change Orders are a normal process in construction A project contingency of 346 872 was budgeted for changes such as the individual Change Requests listed on the attached Chanhassen Public Works Change Order 5 In addition to the project contingency the overall Chanhassen Public Works project is under budget by 471 800 Attached is a list of individual Change Requests that comprise this proposed Change Order Each of these proposed Change Requests have been reviewed for approval by RJM Construction and Oertel Architects for accuracy in quantities and market pricing for the requested work Each of these proposed Change Requests have since been reviewed by project team representatives from the City of Chanhassen If you should have any questions please feel free to contact me Thank you for your assistance with this approval Sincerely cc Jeff Oertel Oertel Architects 205 1 I I I 1 Chanhassen Public Works ProJect Change Order 5 CONSTRUCTION Description Griggs Contracting Claim PR 23B Roof Ladder Vehicle Storage Roof to Vehicle Maintenance Roof PR 24 Bench in Men s locker Room PR 25 Casework Modifications in Multi Purpose PR 26 Add an Expansion Tank in Room 204 PR 27 Add Drop Receptacle in Utility Shop Room 111 Add Manual Switching for Vehicle Exhaust Fans Amount 15 806 00 3 170 00 395 00 1 553 00 1 278 00 640 00 640 00 Total Change Order 5 23 482 00 m n 206 it CONSTRUCTION f J v Z QC CJ f I SiI f 0 C I C 0 January 25 2010 Mr Chauncey Griggs Griggs Contracting Inc 530 Shoreview Park Road Shoreview MN 55126 RE ChanhassenPublic Works Griggs Contracting Change Order Request dated 10 13 09 Dear Chauncey RJM has reviewed Griggs Contracting claim based on our meeting December 21 2009 The following is a revision to the true costs based on our meeting and RJM s continuing research and investigation The Costs Associated With The Delay Between July 6 2009 to July 10 2009 the claim was that Griggs was on hold The only activity that would be occurring is the dewatering At the meeting on December 21 2009 Griggs stated that two men came to the site in anticipation of continuing work eachday RJM Construction s superintendent noted Griggs on site for less than four hours a day during this e period for a total of 40 hours x SOlhour 3 200 plus equipment costs as listed for 655 At the meeting on December 21 2009 Griggs noted that a dump truck and skid loader were on site as well determined a one week s rental on a 5 yard dump truck to be 550 wkand one week s rental on a Bobcat 8185 skidsteer to be 423 wk based on rental rates at a local rental company This adds 973 to Griggs Contracting s claim The total true value of this claim is 4 828 CORPORATE OFFICE The Costs Associated With The Dewatering HWY 7 CORPORATE CENTER 7003 W LAKE ST Between June 30 2009 and July 2 2009 and between July 13 2009 and July 17 2009 SUITE 400 ST LOUIS PARK MN554Z6 the claim was for dewatering RJM Construction s superintendent observed that one PHONE 952 837 8600 person was spending less than two hours a day on dewatering for a total of 16 hours x FAX 952 832 9600 801hour 1 280 plus equipment costs as listed for 1 758 SATELLITE OFFICES PLAZA VII MINNEAPOLIS MN NORTHLAND EXECUTIVE OFFICE CENTER BLOOMINGTON MN NORMANDALE LAKE OFFICE PARK BLOOMINGTON MN 207 At the meeting on December 21 2009 Grigg s noted that the crew worked overtime to set up and take down pumps and hoses Add overtime premium to 16 hours of work is 40 x 16 hours 640 The total tnie value of this claim is 3 678 Soil Correction Costs No change was made to the claim value for the soil correction costs The total true value of this claim is 6 580 The grand total true value of all the claims is 15 086 RIM Construction will submit these three claims to the Owner and Architect for their review The Owner has not yet agreed to any of these claims and they have indicated in initial conversations that dewatering would have been required Sincerely RJM CO DStFUCti D LLC d Gerhardt G1ie Project Manager 208 209 PATROL DIVISION CHANHASSEN STATION Memo To Mayor City Council From Lieutenant Jim Olson O Date 02 16 10 Re Items for February Council Meeting 1 Sheriff s Office Area Report January Attached 2 Sheriff s Office Area Citation List January Attached 3 Community Service Officer Report for January 4 Miscellaneous Items I will have brief information for Council on recent activities or items of interest 210 City of Chanhassen Monthly Report For January 2010 211 List e d below is a description of each of the different classifications of calls for service which the Carver County Sheriffs Office received and processed for your area ICRIMINAL Part I Crimes Arson Intentionally destroy property by fire Assault Aggravated Assault where substantial injury is caused or deadly weapon used Burglary Unlawful entry into a structure to commit a crime Homicide Intentional taking of a persons life Robbery Taking of property in the presence of another with use of force Sex Crime felony Forcible sexual assault All felony sex crimes Theft Taking of property stealing Theft Vehicle Theft of a motorized vehicle Part II Crimes Abuse Neglect Chargeable abuse or neglect of children or adults Assault Altercation between parties where actual physical harm occurred Court Order Violations Violation of court orders Disturb Peace Chargeable disturbance of peace Harassment disorderly conduct Drug Violation All drug violations possession of sale of manufacture of Gambling Unlawful operate promote or assist in the operation of gaming Liquor Laws Illegal Consumption sale or possession of liquor Misc Criminal Minor offenses that do not fall under any other classification Property Damage All damage to property including vandalism littering and trespassing on property Runaway Juvenile runaway Sex Crimes Misc sex crimes criminal sexual conduct sexual abuse pornography indecent exposure non felony sex crimes Suspicious Activity Suspicious activity where charges result Theft Related Fraud credit card theft ID theft issuance on bad check counterfeiting swindle Traffic Alcohol Traffic stopor accident involving a driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs Traffic Other Traffic stop that results in a traffic criminal charge DAC IPS Hit and Run Weapons Violation of manufacture sale purchase transport use of firearm 212 NON CRIMINAL AbuseLNeglect NC Investigation of abuse or neglect of a child or adult where no charges are filed Alarm Checking on an alarm at a private residence or business Animal Animal bites stray animals All calls involving animals Assist other Agency Assist other law enforcement office state patrol or government departments Auto Accd Fatality Auto accident in which a fatality occurred Auto Accd Injury Auto accident in which injury and property damage occurred Auto Accd Prop Damage Auto accident in which property damage occurred Auto Accd MV vs Deer Auto accident involving a motor vehicle and deer Background Record Check Records check for persons adopting a child military govt employment individual Boat Water All incidents involving boats watercraft and or lakes Child Care Assistance All background checks for Social Service unlicensed child care assistance Child Custody Dispute Incidents involving dispute over child custody Civil Process Service of civil papers court orders Assist with civil stand by situations Disturb Peace NC Noise harassments disturbance of peace where charges are not filed Domestic Verbal argument between parties with relationship where no charges are filed Driving Complaint Complaints of bad driving behavior Drug Information Information regard drug activity No charges filed Fire Call Fires and assist to fire departments Gun Permit Acquire Application for a permit to purchase a handgun Gun Permit Carry Application for a permit to carry a handgun Gun Permit Transfer Applicaton for the transfer of one registered gun to another Explosive Firearms Dlr Application for a permit for explosives or firearms dealer license House Business Check Check on residences or business when owners are away from property License Day Care B Ickground check for licensing day care License Foster Care Background check for licensing foster care License Liquor Background check for liquor licensing License Peddler Background check for peddler licensing Medical Assist persons with medical issues natural cause deaths Mental Health Suicides 72 hr holds for mental health issues Misc Non Criminal General law enforcement questions citizen assists lost and found prop civi matters council packets and meetings juv disciplinary issues etc Missing Person Missing Lost person Open Door Located an open door to a business or residence Prowler NC Person on property who does not belong window peeper No charges filed Sex Offender Tracking Request from State to check location of registered sex offender Snowmobile All incidents involving snowmobiles Suspicious Act NC Suspicious persons acts or vehicles no charges Traffic Mise Misc traffic issues stalled vehicle debris on roadway traffic control parking violations vehicle in the ditch and motorist assists Traffic Radar Display Traffic Speed Radar wagon Traffic Stops All traffic stops initiated by officers Transport Transport persons for various reasons Unlock Veh Bldg Unlock doors of automobile residence or business for owners Warrant Issued Warrant issued by Carver County Court Administration Warrant Service Service of warrant for Carver County and other counties 213 CARVER COUNTY SHERIFF S OFFICE City of Chanhassen Month of January 2010 2010 IM1rl I I U I Pan I Grimes Arson 0 0 Assault Aqqravated 0 0 Burqlarv 3 3 Homicide 0 0 Robbery 0 0 Sex Crime Felonv 0 0 Theft 17 17 Theft Vehicle 0 0 I otal art I Grimes LU 20 I art II Grimes Abuse Neglect 0 0 Assault 4 4 Court Order Violation 2 2 Disturb Peace 1 1 Druq Violations 5 5 Gambling 0 0 liQuor Law Viol 1 1 Misc Criminal 0 0 Property Damaqe 9 9 Runaway 1 1 Sex Crimes 0 0 Suspicious Activity 0 0 Theft Related 8 8 Traffic Alcohol 5 5 Traffic Other 0 0 Weapons 0 0 Totalc art II Grimes jt 36 TOTAL CRIMINAL 56 56 2009 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 18 0 0 L1 21 0 0 6 6 0 0 4 4 3 3 0 0 1 1 6 6 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 3 3 1 1 0 0 39 39 60 60 214 2010 2010 MUNIH I YTD I NUf f 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0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 1 v NNNNNNNNNN ooooooooooo v r o o Ql 2 o 1 0 v Q f I l l l r 1 r 1 r 1 Z o f t f t U l E o f t M 0 o o o o o o o v N o 225 Q j Q M C U O rJ1C U Q o 0 j U bIJ Q rI l j Q U e blJO 0000 S S U l l l l E E oo E zz oooo S S E Ec c ee II z z z z l l l l c c I 0 0 zZ U c l l c c l l c c tEr ilUU U 0 o U J O 2OC 20 ii5 v J 1 Q 5 5 o r i Q e 9 V Zl r r 0 0 g r 8a a J 0 0 U oooo Qoooo O 7 U 0 0 0 0 S2S2 Q VJ l oooo Zl Zl rJ1 Z C Z 00 0 00 0 V 00 0 C Z NO O N NM J 0 0 0 0 2 e lV V V V r lJNNNN Q loooo 226 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us Community Service Officer Call Summary January 2010 82 Calls Animal Calls 8 Animal At Large 2 Wild Animal Control 0 Impounds 3 Live Trap Requests 1 Ba rki ng Dogs 1 Animal Welfare Checks 0 Animal Bites 0 Unlicensed Animals 0 Miscellaneous Animals 1 Injured Sick Animal 0 Traffic Calls 38 Personal Injury Crash 3 Stall Motorist Assist 24 Property Damage Crash 6 Other Traffic 5 Code Enforcement 13 Weeds Grass 0 Odd Even Watering 0 Outdoor Storage 0 Junk Vehicle 5 Illegal Dumping 0 Parking 3 Sidewalk Snow Removal 1 Trailer Parking 0 Miscellaneous Code 4 Other 23 Vehicle Lock Outs 5 Medicals 11 Fires 3 Vacation Checks 0 Park Enforcement 3 Found Property 1 Other 0 January Comparison 2009 2010 54 Animal Calls 8 31 Traffic Calls 38 13 Code Enforcement 13 13 Other 23 111 TOTAL 82 Year to Date Comparison 2009 2010 54 Animal Calls 8 31 Traffic Calls 38 13 Code Enforcement 13 13 Other 23 111 TOTAL 82 fro Uf Providin for Today and Planning fo Tomorrow u I Wi 227 b J CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT PO Box 97 7610 Laredo Drive Chanhassen MN 55317 Bus Phone 952 227 1200 Minnewashta Station NO 2 Phone 952 474 7094 MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manager FROM Roger Smallbeck Fire Chief Ed Coppersmith 1 st Assistant Chief Rick Rice 2nd Assistant Chiefit 1 A Mark Littfin Fire Marshal 66 February 9 2010 DATE SUBJ Monthly City Council Update Fire Department Overview Staffing is at 38 active firefighters and five probationary firefighters as of February 11 2010 Current allocation is 45 PTE s Year to date there have been 79 calls for service There were 57 calls in January and as of February 9th we have responded to 22 calls There was a residential structure fire on February 7th The fire caused substantial damage to the attached garage Two vehicles were totally destroyed along with other items that were stored in the garage There was a very small amount of water damage and limited smoke damage to the living space ofthe home Training Training for February is scheduled to be a CPR refresher on February 8t and OSHA s required annual Right to Know training on February 15th Fire Marshal Fire Prevention Nothing new to report at this time Fire Investigations No major fires to report on The Fire Department however did respond to a small chimney fire on Friday January 15th at 7 56 p m to the 200 block of Chan View The homeowner had been using a wood burning fire place at the time The fire burned a small portion 228 of the roof around the flue Firefighters on the scene quickly extinguished the fire and checked for fire extension Fire Inspections New construction Current projects include Westwood Church addition and numerous tenant finishes at Autobahn Motorplex Plans are being reviewed for the downtown parking ramp and Haskell s liquor store Existing building inspections Both Ed and I are continuing inspections of existing buildings in the city We have started on the western half and are gradually heading east Most of the larger industrial and commercial buildings in the city were inspected in December 2009 Weare finding most if not all businesses welcome our visits and are very cooperative There are a number of businesses that automatically get fire inspections every year They include day care centers schools restaurants apartments hotels service stations and high hazard businesses The goal for 2010 is to inspect all businesses in the city One of the key issues while conducting inspections is to insure all fire alarm systems and fire sprinkler monitoring equipment is working properly in order to reduce the number of false alarms I am continuing to follow up on all fire alarm calls both commercial and residential alarms in order to reduce our number of false alarms The reduction of calls leads to reduced payroll expenses and cutting down of the cry wolf syndrome The main component in reducing false alarms is proper installation and more importantly proper maintenance of equipment In follow up phone conversations with homeowners they fully understand the problems and are very willing to cooperate in properly maintaining their alarm systems 229 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Administration Phone 952 227 1100 Fax 952 227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 952 227 1180 Fax 952 227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax 952 227 1170 Finance Phone 952 227 1140 Fax 952 227 1110 Park Recreation Phone 952 227 1120 Fax 952 227 1110 Recreation Genter 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952 227 1400 Fax 952 227 1404 Planning Natural Resources Phone 952 227 1130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952 227 1300 Fax 952 227 1310 Senior Center Phone 952 227 1125 Fax 952 227 1110 Web Site www ci chanhassen mn us MEMORANDUM TO Todd Gerhardt City Manager FROM Bob Generous Senior Planner Angie Kairies Planner I oW DATE February 22 2010 SUBJ Lotus Retail CUP Amendment Site Plan Approval with Variance 78 West 78th Street 19900 West 78th Street Planning Case 10 04 PROPOSED MOTION The Chanhassen City Council approves an amendment to Conditional Use Permit 88 13 to eliminate the Hennepin County parcel for a garden center and to relocate the storage bins to the Carver County parcel and The Chanhassen City Council approves the Site Plan for an 8 000 square foot one story retail building plans prepared by SEH dated 12 30 2009 with an 8 parking Variance to permit 58 of the parking between the front fa ade and the primary street for property located at 19900 West 78th Street subject to conditions 1 5 and The Chanhassen City Council adopts the Planning Commission Findings of Fact City Council approval requires a majority of City Council present EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The developer is requesting an Amendment to Conditional Use Permit 88 13 for Lotus Lawn and Garden Center for property located at 78 West 78th Street Site Plan Approval for an 8 000 square foot retail building with n 8 parking Variance to permit 58 of the parking between the front fa ade and the primary street for property located at 19900 West 78th Street Chanhassen is a Community for Life Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow 4 230 Todd Gerhardt February 22 2010 Page 2 of 2 Planning Commission Update As part of the public hearing the Planning Commission discussed the visibility of the building from the apartments located to the north of the site There is a Manage 3 wetland directly adjacent to the site followed by an eight foot tall berm for the railroad bed detached parking garages parking lot and then the apartment buildings located south of Highway 101 The nearest apartment building is nearly 600 feet or one eighth of a mile away from the retail building The Planning Commission also discussed the circulation of the trucks accessing the loading area The developer explained that the trucks which are typically shorter than a semi truck will drive into the site and make a hammerhead turn in the north parking lot to turn around They will then back into the loading zone The Planning Commission minutes are item 1a of the February 22 2010 City Council packet RECOMMENDA TION Staff and the Planning Commission recommend the following motions The Chanhassen City Council approves an amendment to Conditional Use Permit 88 13 to eliminate the Hennepin County parcel for a garden center and to relocate the storage bins to the Carver County parcel and The Chanhassen City Council approves the Site Plan for an 8 000 square foot one story retail building plans prepared by SEH dated 12 3012009 with an 8 parking variance to permit 58 of the parking between the front fa ade and the primary street for property located at 19900 West 78th Street subject to conditions 1 5 and The Chanhassen City Council adopts the Planning Commission Findings of Fact ATTACHMENTS 1 Planning Commission Staff Report Dated February 2 2010 2 Site Plan Agreement g plan 201O planning cases l 0 04 lotus retail 2 22 1 0 executive summary doc 231 PC DATE 2 2 10 IT CC DATE 2 22 10 CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE 3 1 10 CASE 10 04 BY BG AK TJ JM ML PROPOSED MOTION The Chanhassen Plar ning Commission reeommends that City Council approves an amendment to Conditional Use Permit 88 13 to eliminate the Hennepin County parcel for a garden center and to relocate the storage bins to the Carver County parcel and The Chanhassen Planning Commission reeommends that City Council approves the Site Plan for an 8 000 square foot one story retail building plans prepared by SEH dated 12 30 2009 with an 8 parking variance to permit 58 of the parking between the front fayade and the primary street for property located at 19900 West 78th Street subject to conditions 1 5 SUMMARY OF REQUEST The developer is requesting site plan approval for a 8 000 square foot retail building a 8 parking variance to permit 58 of the parking between the front fayade and the primary street for property located at 19900 West 78th Street and an amendment to Conditional Use Permit 88 13 for Lotus Lawn and Garden Center for property located at 78 West 78th Street LOCATION CARVER COUNTY PROPERTY 78 West 78th Street That part of Tract C Registered Land Survey No 59 files of Registrar of Titles which lies South of a line drawn East perpendicular to the West line of said Tract C from a point thereon distance 103 00 feet South as measured along said West line from the Northwest comer of said Tract C And that part of Tract D lying Easterly of the Southerly extension ofthe West line of said Tract C Registered Land Survey No 59 flies of Registrar of Titles all in Carver County Minnesota HENNEPIN COUNTY PROPERTY 19900 West 78th Street That part of the West 149 feet of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7 township 116 North Range 22 West of the 5th Principal Meridian lying North of State Highway No 5 and which lies South of a line drawn East perpendicular to the West line of Tract C Registered Land Survey No 59 files of the Registrar of Titles Carver County from a point thereon distant 103 00 feet South as measured along said West line from the Northwest comer of said Tract C Hennepin County Minnesota 232 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 2 of 19 APPLICANT Ben Merriman Center Companies LLC 2025 Coulter Blvd Suite 215 Chanhassen MN 55317 952 474 4828 bmerriman@centercompanies com Jay and Peggy Kronick Lotus Lake Garden Center Inc 8575 Tellers Rd Chaska MN 55318 PRESENT ZONING Highway and Business Services District BH 2030 LAND USE PLAN Commercial ACREAGE Total 2 32 acres Carver County 1 41 acres Hennepin County 0 906 acres DENSITY F A R 0 2 LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION MAKING The City s discretion in approving or denying a site plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements If it meets those standards the City must then approve the site plan This is a quasi judicial decision The City s discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for variance The City has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because of the burden of proof is on the applicant to show that they meet the standards in the ordinance The City has limited discretion in approving or denying conditional use permits based on whether or not the proposal meets the conditional use permit standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance If the City finds that all the applicable conditional use permit standards are met the permit must be approved This is a quasi judicial decision PROPOSAL SUMMARY The applicant is requesting site plan approval for an 8 000 square foot one story multi tenant retail building which shall include a liquor store an 8 variance to permit 58 of the parking to be located between the front fayade and the public street Sec 20 1073 b and an amendment to Conditional Use Permit 88 13 for a retail garden center to revise the legal description to include the Carver County site only and relocate the storage bins from the Hennepin County property to the Carver County property 233 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 3 of 19 To the north of the subject site is the Twin Cities and Western Railroad and a Manage 3 wetland To the south ofthe site is West 78th Street and Highway 5 To the east of the site is the Berquist building Office Industrial and located to the west of the site is the Chanhassen Office Complex Commercial Water and sewer services are available to the site Access to the parcels is gained via a shared driveway off of West 78th Street Staffis recommending approval of the site plan variance and CUP amendment APPLICABLE REGUATIONS Chapter 20 Article II Division 2 Conditional Use Permits Chapter 20 Article II Division 3 Variance Chapter 20 Article II Division 6 Site Plan Review Chapter 20 Article XVII Highway and Business Services District Chapter 20 Article XXIII Division 7 Design Standards for Commercial Industrial and Office Institutional Development 234 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 4 of 19 BACKGROUND On October 5 1973 Registered Land Survey 59 for the Carver County site was recorded The Hennepin County site is currently unplatted On September 12 1988 the Chanhassen City Council approved a land use map amendment for the easterly 150 feet of the property from office industrial to commercial LUP 88 3 a rezoning of the easterly 150 feet from Industrial Office Park lOP to Highway and Business Services BH REZ 88 3 a wetland alteration permit W AP 88 8 and a Conditional Use Permit CUP 88 13 to permit a garden center On January 13 1997 the Chanhassen City Council approved an amendment to Conditional Use Permit 88 13 for a site plan review for a 2 480 square foot expansion to the sales area and a 400 square foot expansion to the greenhouse area The existing Lotus Lawn and Garden Center CUP 88 13 is located primarily on the westerly Carver County site As part of the garden center there is a 2 549 square foot retail building two 920 square foot greenhouse buildings a 140 square foot shed display and parking areas CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Conditional Use Permit 88 13 for a garden center currently encompasses both the Carver County westerly parcel and Hennepin County easterly parcel sites The applicant is requesting an amendment to CUP 88 13 to exclude the Hennepin County site from the CUP and to relocate the storage bins to the Carver County site The CUP for the nursery will then solely be for the Carver County site i 0 S T 0 0 I It t I 0 O j 0 ut r j The eastern Hennepin County portion of the site is primarily vacant there are some aspects of the garden center located on the site which include storage bins and parking As part of this application the storage bins are proposed to be relocated to the Carver County site There is a Manage 3 wetland located to the north of both parcels City Code requires a 16 5 foot wetland buffer from the edge of the wetland a 30 foot building setback and a IS foot parking accessory structure setback from the edge of the buffer The applicant is proposing shared parking spaces which will be located on both sites A cross access and shared parking easement and agreement will be recorded against the properties The conditions of CUP 88 13 will continue to be in effect The proposed amendment is consistent with the conditions of approval for the garden center 235 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 5 of 19 GENERAL SITE PLAN ARCHITECTURE The applicant is requesting site plan approval for an 8 000 square foot one story multi tenant retail building and parking to be located on the eastern portion Hennepin County or the site One of the proposed tenants of the building will be a liquor store Liquor stores are permitted in the BH district 1 All components of the nursery that are currently located on the easterly parcel will be relocated to the westerly parcel The driveway into both sites will remain and some of the parking will be shared between the two parcels via a cross access and parking agreement The applicant is requesting an 8 variance from the 50 maximum parking spaces permitted between the front south fa ade and the adjacent public street The applicant is proposing 43 parking stalls for the Hennepin County retail site Of the 43 stalls ordinance permits 21 stalls to be located between the front fa ade and public street The applicant is proposing 25 stalls within the south parking lot and 18 stalls in the north parking lot Granting of the variance would permit an additional 4 parking stalls adjacent to the store entrances Requiring the additional parking in the north parking lot would impact the bio retention pond the location of the trash enclosure and the site may exceed the 65 site coverage in the BH district The south elevation is the main entrance into the retail building while the north elevation is primarily employee parking and service entrances Therefore it is reasonable to have the majority of the parking located adjacent to the store entrances 9 Both parcels will continue to be accessed via a shared driveway off West 78th Street A cross access and parking agreement must be recorded against the properties ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE Size Portion Placement The City Code promotes the location of the building nearest to the setback lines as outlined in the district regulations This site is unique in the fact that the front property line extends over the existing sidewalk and onto West 78th Street Therefore the front setback is measured from the northern edge of the existing sidewalk which is the edge ofthe prescriptive right of way The 236 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 6 of 19 minimum setback in the BH district is 25 feet from the front property line The building is proposed to be set back 89 feet from the northern edge of the sidewalk with parking distributed around the building SOUTH E L EV TION The proposed building is a multi tenant building with the liquor store occupying approximately 5 160 square feet of the building and future tenant spaces occupying approximately 3 044 square feet There are three entrances into the south elevation of the building The liquor store entrance serves as the prominent main entrance and is surrounded by windows and a black standing seam metal awning The entrance is further accentuated by a seven foot tall parapet wall and cornice above the roofline with three square windows on both the south and west elevations The remaining two entrances are located to the east of the liquor store entrance and are surrounded by windows with a black standing metal awning overhead and a five foot block parapet wall and cornIce W 71 E l gVAiIO N e A T el 5VATION The loading dock overhead door is located on the west elevation This loading dock will access the liquor store There are no entrances on the east elevation of the building which is adjacent to the drive aisle accessing the adjacent industrial building to the east The north elevation of the proposed building is adjacent to the Twin Cities and Western Railroad and the wetland There are four service doors located on the north elevation which will not serve as customer entrances 237 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 7 of 19 NO iH E L EVA rION Building Articulation The articulation of the building steps back twice along the south elevation The building steps back almost two feet from the entrance of the liquor store to the main plain of the liquor store and back five feet to the future tenant spaces Along the west and east elevations the building steps back over one foot from the front elevation In addition the building articulation incorporates projecting columns Articulation is further enhanced through the use of storefront windows and awnings as well as parapet walls of varying heights and cornices Color and Material There is a combination of materials including brick block and EFIS incorporated into the design to provide visual interest to the building The majority of the building is constructed of toffee colored Anchor Block primarily located on the top and base of the building A paprika colored Anchor Block band is located a quarter of the way up from the base of the building and extending halfway up the north west and east elevations The paprika Anchor Block also surrounds the entrances on the south elevation and is replicated on the west and east elevations There are columns on the building which are constructed of maroon velour utility brick IL d li L The parapet wall above the main entrance is accented with sandalwood beige EFIS and a grey and black metal cornice The shorter parapet walls are constructed of toffee colored rockface Anchor Block The storefront windows are bordered with black aluminum frames 238 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 8 of 19 Height and Roof Design The single story building is 17 feet in height to the roof The roof articulation is provided through three parapet walls of varying height The height of the parapet walls step down and back up along the south elevation The parapet wall over the main entrance is 9 feet in height the center parapet wall is 2 feet in height and the parapet wall above the entrances on the east side of the building is 5 feet in height lf fI T t l SOUTl i EllV 1I0N The City Code requires that each building contain one or more pitched elements such as a pitched roof awnings or entrances There are black standing seam metal awnings located above the storefront windows and doors of the south west and east elevations Additionally the varied parapet height provides vertical detail to the elevation The mechanical equipment is located in the center of the roof and is screened through the use of the parapet walls surrounding the building The lowest parapet wall is 2 feet above the roof and will adequately screen the equipment from view Facade Transparency W C T et eY Tlo N T eL 5VATION City Code requires that 50 percent of the first floor elevation that is viewed by the public shall include transparent windows and or doors The south street front elevation of the building exceeds this requirement The west elevation while not located along the primary public street has been modified to incorporate approximately 45 windows and doors in addition to landscaping The primary function of the interior space in this area is restrooms and storage therefore increased windows may not be appropriate The applicant has provided spandrel glass to enhance this fa9ade 239 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 9 of 19 The east elevation faces the drive aisle into the adjacent office industrial building and is predominately screened by landscaping However the applicant has modified this elevation to incorporate approximately 14 windows Depending on the future tenant additional windows may be incorporated into this fayade At a minimum staff is recommending the applicant incorporate knockout panels to facilitate the installation of future windows As stated previously the north elevation provides employee and service access to the building No windows are provided however the applicant has included architectural detailing including columns and changing of materials LIGHTING SIGNAGE Lighting City code requires that the applicant provide site lighting for the parking lot area to provide adequate levels of safety Site lighting may be provided via 30 foot tall light poles fixtures All fixtures must be shielded high pressure sodium or Light Emitting Diode LED with a total cutoff angle equal to or less than 90 degrees Wall mounted light fixtures shall be shielded with a total cutoff angle equal to or less than 90 degrees and shall not be directed skyward To minimize off site impact light levels shall not exceed one half foot candle at the property line It appears that the proposed lighting complies with city code The proposed lighting on the building is Challenger wall sconces and the lighting throughout the parking lot is Challenger II medium flat lens lights The applicant submitted photometric calculations for the site and the lighting for the common vehicular access is sufficient however the lighting along the eastern property line adjacent to the front parking lot exceeds the one half foot candle requirement Staff is recommending the applicant revise the light plan to meet this requirement A revised photometric plan shall be submitted with the building permit to verify compliance with city code Signage BALLENGER B PLAT LENS IESNAFULL CUTOFF CHALLENGER WALL SCONCE lBSNA I IJLL CUTOllli The applicant is proposing wall signage on the south elevation of the building There is a sign band above the awnings in the center of the building to accommodate the liquor store sign and a sign band on the parapet wall on the east side of the front elevation to accommodate the future tenants 240 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 10 of 19 SOlm l ElEVATION A monument sign is proposed to be located east of the driveway into the site The proposed monument sign is eight feet in height with 61 square feet of display area Of the display area 25 of the sign will incorporate an electronic message center The monument sign will be constructed of masonry materials consistent with the building and incorporates an electronic message center sign This sign appears to comply with the city s sign ordinance All signage shall comply with city code and requires a separate sign permit application Site Furnishing The applicant is proposing multiple planters located near the building on the south elevation as well as landscaping continuing around the building The applicant is proposing benches located on the sidewalk adjacent to the front elevation Future tables and seating may be incorporated when the eastern tenant spaces are occupied Loading Areas Refuse Area etc The loading zone for the liquor store is located on the west elevation of the building The loading zone will be screened by landscaping The Carver County site has redevelopment potential The location of a building on the Carver County site will further screen the loading area of the retail building The proposed location of the free standing trash enclosure is on the north side of the building at the east end of the parking lot The trash enclosure is 71f2 feet tall 21 feet wide by 8 feet deep and contains two dumpsters The enclosure will be constructed of paprika colored Anchor Block with painted cedar slat doors consistent in color with the building 241 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 11 of 19 Lot Frontage and Parking Location Frontage The subject site fronts on West 78th Street which acts as a frontage road to Highway 5 The site is unique due to the fact that it is an unplatted lot and the front property line extends onto West 78th Street On platted lots the property line excludes areas of public right of way Therefore the north edge of the sidewalk is the prescriptive right of way The minimum building setback in the BH district is 25 feet from the front property line The proposed building is setback 89 feet from the edge of the sidewalk The minimum parking setback is 25 feet which may be reduced to 10 feet with the use of landscape screening The edge of the proposed parking lot is set back 12 feet from the edge of the sidewalk and shall incorporate a landscape buffer consisting of a line of shrubs planted along the parking lot on the south property line The shrubs must have a minimum height of three feet at maturity City approval of the shrub species and planting spacing is required before installation Parking There are a total of 62 parking stalls proposed on the two properties The garden center requires 22 stalls and the retail center requires 40 stalls The applicant is proposing 43 stalls for the retail center and 19 stalls for the garden center 25 parking stalls located in the south parking lot of the retail center 18 stalls dedicated to the retail center and 5 stalls dedicated to the garden center in the north parking lot 14 parking stalls located on the garden center site In total the applicant is providing sufficient parking for both centers and will be shared via a cross parking agreement The parking requirements are predicated on retail use There is approximately 3 044 square feet of future tenant space available should half of that space be converted to a restaurant an additional 17 parking stalls would be required Should the entire future space be converted to a restaurant 34 parking stalls would be required Being that the applicant is proposing the required 62 parking stalls for the current retail buildings and the Hennepin County site is at the maximum 65 site coverage the additional spaces would have to be located on the Carver County site This may have an impact on the future development of the Carver County site The applicant is aware of the parking requirements and depending on the future use any change in the parking requirements will be addressed at such time City code requires that not more than 50 of the overall parking to be located between the front fayade and the primary abutting street There are 43 proposed parking stalls for the Lotus Retail building therefore 21 stalls are permitted in the south parking lot The applicant is requesting a variance to permit 58 of the proposed parking to be located between the front fayade and the 242 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 12 of 19 primary abutting street this equates to 4 additional stalls The intent of the request is due to the location of the public entrances which are on the south elevation while the north elevation is primarily employee parking and service entrances The additional parking in the south lot will provide better customer access to the main entrances of the building Therefore it is reasonable to have the majority of the parking located adjacent to the store entrances The service entrances and employee parking are located on the north side of the building Staff explored the potential of adding additional stalls on the north side of the site to comply with the 50 parking requirement The addition of parking stalls would have a negative impact on the location of the trash enclosure by pushing it east into the side yard bio retention pond and landscape buffer Additionally the proposed hard surface coverage for the site is at the 65 maximum for the BH district Any additional parking stalls would increase the site coverage within the district Based on the current uses garden center and retail center it is staff s opinion that the hours of operation are complimentary for shared parking ACCESS The site currently has access from West 78th Street No public street improvements are proposed or required with the development of this site The proposed Lotus Retail Development will share the existing access with the Lotus Lawn and Garden Center site The developer proposes to construct two parking areas one south of the proposed building and one north of the proposed building Access to the parking areas will be from a common driveway with Lotus Lawn and Garden Center A cross access agreement must be executed and recorded In locations where the sidewalk crosses the curb for pedestrian access a pedestrian ramp shall be provided LANDSCAPING There is a wetland located north of the subject site which shall maintain a 16 5 foot buffer and required building and parking setbacks from said buffer The applicant is proposing to install a rain garden within the buffer area to treat runoff prior to entering the wetland The minimum requirements for landscaping include 1 196 square feet of landscaped area around the parking lot one landscape island or peninsula four trees for the parking lot and bufferyard plantings along the property lines The applicant s proposed as compared to the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table Required Proposed Vehicular use landscape area 1 196 sq ft 1 196 sq ft Trees parking lot 4 trees 7 trees Islands or peninsulas parking lot 1 islands peninsulas 1 peninsulas 243 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 13 of 19 The applicant meets minimum requirements for trees and landscaping in the parking lot area Buffer yard requirements Required plantings Proposed plantings Bufferyard C north prop Line 145 2 Overstory trees o Overstory trees 5 Understory trees 7 Understory trees 5 Shrubs 15 Shrubs Bufferyard B south prop Line 130 1 Overstory trees 5 Overstory trees 2 Understory trees o Understory trees 4 Shrubs o Shrubs Bufferyard B east prop Line 240 3 Over story trees 2 Overstory trees 7 Understory trees 4 Understory trees 10 Shrubs 10 Shrubs The applicant does not meet the minimum requirements for buffer plantings On the north property line the applicant should change two of the understory trees to overstory selections Along the south property line the applicant has proposed an increased number of overstory trees and meets the requirements for total number of trees within the bufferyard The overstory trees will provide more long term benefits to the site and satisfies the south bufferyard requirement for trees City code permits a reduced parking setback when landscape screening is provided The applicant is proposing to reduce the parking setback to 12 feet along the south property line The proposed shrub landscaping is not sufficient to meet the requirements associated with a setback reduction A line of shrubs must be planted along the parking lot on the south property line The shrubs must have a minimum height of three feet at maturity City approval of the shrubs species and planting spacing is required before installation On the east property line the applicant is short trees in both categories of tree and shrubs Staff recommends that the applicant meet minimum requirements for bufferyard plantings on the east side GRADING DRAINAGE The soils investigation for this site reveals that extensive soils correction is required to develop the site The poor soils will be removed from the site and engineered fill will be placed The developer must provide a trucking route to the Engineering Department for review and approval The developer proposes to construct a bio retention area on the north side of the site to treat runoff from both parcels under fully developed conditions The grading plan must be changed to create a two cell system so that the bio retention basin will not be over the trunk watermain and sanitary sewer easement area Wetlands One wetland exists on or adjacent to the property This wetland was delineated in 2005 as part of the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District stormwater improvement project The delineated boundary is still accurate today This wetland will not be impacted as a result of this 244 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 14 of 19 project However grading will occur adjacent to the wetland and steps shall be taken to assure that the wetland is not impacted during development of this site Lakes The proposed project does not lie within 1 000 feet of the ordinary high water level OHW of any public waters therefore it is not within a shoreland district Erosion and Sediment Control It does not appear that the total land disturbance associated with the proposed project will meet the minimum threshold for small construction activity In this case no NPDES Phase II permit to discharge stormwater associated with construction activities is required The total disturbed area should be indicated quantified and reported to the City The site requires an erosion control plan which has been submitted An on site inspection of the site shall be required during development of the site City details shall be included in the plan set to verify erosion and sediment best management practices Drainage and Treatment Water quality treatment and runoff control will be provided through a bio retention feature located on the north end of the site This feature has been designed such that it may accommodate future development of the western property This basin will treat the first inch of runoff generated on the site The wetland will provide additional storage water will be treated prior to discharge into the basin The plan calls for an excavation of in situ materials and replacement with other soils The only reference to the soil composition is in the landscape plans The replacement soils indicate a mixture of topsoil sand and compost This mixture is not appropriate for a bio retention feature and must be revised to indicate an appropriate mixture of materials Additionally the under drain is referred to as 8 in some parts of the plan and 6 in other parts This must be clarified and specifications shall be provided There is no need to wrap the under drain in a sock if it is embedded in gravel It has been the experience of the City and others that this fabric clogs and prolongs the residence time of the water in the feature Further the plan simply calls for a gravel bed to place the under drain This rock must be specified and may not include crushed limestone Utilities A 10 inch trunk watermain and an 18 inch trunk sanitary sewer are west of the proposed building These utilities lie within easements granted in Document Numbers 20942 and 59447 The trunk watermain is almost 40 years old and made from ductile iron Due to the corrosive nature of the soils the trunk watermain within the project area is proposed to be replaced The developer will be reimbursed for the cost to replace the trunk watermain install two gate valves replace a fire hydrant and produce engineering as built drawings The reimbursement will be 245 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 15 of 19 based on the actual cost to complete this work and shall not exceed 25 000 The new watermain shall meet the minimum City requirements including stainless steel hardware on the valves and hydrant A snake pit for the tracer wire shall be installed at each end The sanitary sewer will be televised to determine its condition The City will work with the developer to include maintenance or repair work if needed The developer will extend private sewer and water services from the trunk utilities within the easement area Private draintile is proposed within the site The draintile will cross the public utilities at two locations The developer s engineer must submit cross sections at the proposed utility crossings for review and approval All civil sheets must be signed by an engineer registered in the State of Minnesota Other Agencies The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval MISCELLENOUS The building is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system Accessible routes must be provided to commercial buildings All parking areas must be provided with accessible parking spaces As submitted the retail building must have a minimum of two accessible parking spaces one of which must have an 8 foot access aisle COMPLIANCE TABLE Area 20 000 sq ft 61 561 sq ft 39 474 sq ft Frontage 100 209 149 Depth 150 295 267 lot Coverage 65 33 65 Principal Accessory two story one story one story NA one story NA 246 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 16 of 19 Carver County Hennepin County Ordinance Requirements Site Site Building Setbacks Front yard 25 136 89 Rear yard 30 from wetland buffer 55 57 W 19 5 E Side yard 10 W 45 E 34 16 7 Parking Requirements 1 200 Retail Office Stalls Carver 4 390 sq ft 200 22 stalls 19 43 Hennepin 7 992 sq ft 200 40 stalls Front yard 10 w screening 25 without 37 12 WI screening Rear yard 15 from wetland buffer 15 15 Side yard 10 28 10 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motions and adoption of the attached findings of fact and recommendation A The Chanhassen Plar mflg Commission recommends that City Council Approves an amendment to Conditional Use Permit 88 13 to eliminate the Hennepin County parcel for a garden center and to relocate the storage bins to the Carver County parcel and B The Chanhassen Plar ning Commission recommends that City Council approves the Site Plan for an 8 000 square foot one story retail building plans prepared by SEH dated 12 30 2009 with an 8 parking variance to permit 58 ofthe parking between the front fayade and the primary street for property located at 19900 West 78th Street subject to the following conditions 1 Building Official a The buildings are required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system b The plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota c Accessible routes must be provided to commercial buildings d All parking areas must be provided with accessible parking spaces As submitted the retail building must have a minimum of 2 accessible parking spaces one of which must have an 8 foot access aisle 247 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 17 of 19 e The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit 2 Forester a This parcel is within the Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine area All ash trees removed on site must be disposed of at an MDA approved ash tree disposal site b The Black Hills spruce proposed at the northwest comer of the building must be replaced with a deciduous selection in order to avoid future sight line conflicts c On the north property line the applicant shall change two of the understory trees to overstory selections d On the east property line the applicant is short over and understory trees Staff recommends that the applicant meet minimum requirements for bufferyard plantings on the east side e A line of shrubs must be planted along the parking lot on the south property line The shrubs must have a minimwy height of three feet at maturity City approval of the shrubs species and planting spacing is required before installation 3 Water Resources a The following Standard City Plates shall be included in the submittal set 1 Plate No 5300 Silt Fence wooden posts are not to be used 2 Plate No 5301 Rock Construction Entrance 3 Plate No 5302A Catch Basin Sediment Trap b Sheet Cl ofC5 calls out 8 PVC while sheet C5 ofC5 indicates 8 PVC for the standpipes and 6 for the remaining perforated PVC This discrepancy must be clarified The Minnesota Stormwater Manual recommends an 8 draintile to reduce the potential for freezeup c No sock should be used around the under drain in the bio retention areas d This will primarily be a Filtration Facility with Partial Recharge as described in the 2005 Minnesota Stormwater Manual As such the filter fabric over the gravel bed area but not extending to the side walls is adequate as shown If insufficient separation is discovered between the bottom of the facility and the ground water the fabric should be extended to the sidewalls as shown in Figure 12 BIOA of Chapter 12 in the 2005 Minnesota Stormwater Manual e Rock specifications are required for the draintile bedding in the bio retention area This rock must be clean washed and may not include crushed limestone f No soil mixture is specified for the bio retention area Sheet L200 calls out a soil mixture for all areas to be planted with groundcover perennials or annuals This mixture is not suitable for the bio retention area The mixture may include not less than 40 sand by volume and may not incorporate any in situ soil materials g Measures must be taken to address the drain tile and curb cut discharge points into the bio retention area to assure that they do not scour over time or fill up with debris h The invert elevations of the drain tiles where they enter the bio filtration area must be called out on the plans 248 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 18 of 19 1 The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval J The existing grades are not legible on the civil plans These must be clarified k The bio retention area must be protected from heavy equipment traffic this must be shown on the grading and utility plan sheets 1 The total disturbed area should be quantified and reported on the grading plan If this is equal to one acre or more an NPDES permit and SWPPP will be required m The developer shall comply with the requirements of the Carver Soil Water Conservation District as specified in the letter to Robert Generous dated January 20 2010 4 Engineering a A cross access and parking agreement must be executed and recorded b The developer must provide a trucking route to the Engineering Department for review and approval c The grading plan must be changed so that the bio retention basin will not be over the existing trunk watermain and sanitary sewer easement area d The developer shall replace the trunk watermain and will be reimbursed for the cost to replace the trunk watermain install two gate valves replace a fire hydrant and produce engineering as built drawings The reimbursement will be based on the actual cost to complete this work and shall not exceed 20 600 25 000 e The new watermain shall meet the minimum City requirements including stainless steel hardware on the valves and hydrant f A snake pit for the tracer wire shall be installed at each end g The sanitary sewer will be televised to determine its condition The City will work with the developer to include maintenance or repair work if needed h The developer s engineer must submit cross sections at the proposed utility crossings for review and approval 1 All civil sheets must be signed by an engineer registered in the State of Minnesota 5 General a In locations where the sidewalk crosses the curb a pedestrian ramp shall be provided b The applicant shall revise the light plan to meet the requirement for lS foot candle illumination at the property line A revised photometric plan shall be submitted with the building permit to verify compliance with City Code c All signage shall comply with City Code and requires a separate sign permit application 249 Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 February 2 2010 Page 19 of 19 ATTACHMENTS 1 Findings of Fact and Recommendation 2 Development Review Application 3 Reduced Copy Existing Conditions Dated 12 30 2009 4 Reduced Copy Plat 5 Reduced Copy Grading Plan 6 Reduced Copy Utility Plan 7 Reduced Copy Landscape Plan Details 8 Reduced Copy Site Plan 9 Reduced Copy Floor Plan 10 Reduced Copy Roof Plan 11 Reduced Copy Site Lighting Plan 12 Reduced Copy South Elevation colored 13 Reduced Copies Building Elevations colored 14 Color Photo Building Materials 15 Amended and Restated CUP 88 13 16 CUP 88 13 Conditions of Approval 17 Approval letter dated January 28 1996 for an amendment to CUP 88 13 18 Letter from Chip Hentges CSWCD to Robert Generous dated January 20 2010 19 Letter from Jon P Solberg MnDOT to Robert Generous Dated January 22 2010 20 Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List g plan 20 I 0 planning cases 10 04 lotus retail staff report doc 250 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION INRE Application of Center Companies LLC and Jay and Peggy Kronick for an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan Review for an 8 000 square foot one story multi tenant building with a Variance for parking placement in the Highway and Business Services District BH On February 2 2010 the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Center Companies LLC and Jay and Peggy Kronick for an amendment to Conditional Use Permit 88 13 to eliminate the Hennepin County parcel for a garden center and to relocate the storage bins to the Carver County parcel located at 78 West 78th Street and Site plan review for an 8 000 square foot one story retail building with an 8 parking variance to permit 58 of the parking to be located between the front fa ade and the primary street for property located at 19900 West 78th Street The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the conditional use permit and site plan which was preceded by published and mailed notice The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following FINDINGS OF FACT 1 The property is currently zoned Highway and Business Services District BH 2 The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Commercial use 3 The legal description ofthe property is CARVER COUNTY PROPERTY 78 West 78th Street That part of Tract C Registered Land Survey No 59 files of Registrar of Titles which lies South of a line drawn East perpendicular to the West line of said Tract C from a point thereon distance 103 00 feet South as measured along said West line from the Northwest corner of said Tract C And that part of Tract D lying Easterly of the Southerly extension ofthe West line of said Tract C Registered Land Survey No 59 flies of Registrar of Titles all in Carver County Minnesota HENNEPIN COUNTY PROPERTY 19900 West 78th Street That part of the West 149 feet of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7 township 116 North Range 22 West of the 5th Principal Meridian lying North of State Highway I 251 No 5 and which lies South of a line drawn East perpendicular to the West line of Tract C Registered Land Survey No 59 files of the Registrar of Titles Carver County from a point thereon distant 103 00 feet South as measured along said West line from the Northwest comer of said Tract C Hennepin County Minnesota 4 Conditional Use Findings a Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health safety comfort convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or city Finding Conditional Use Permit 88 13 for a garden center currently encompasses both the Carver and Hennepin County sites The applicant is requesting an amendment to CUP 88 13 to exclude the Hennepin County site from the CUP and to relocate the storage bins to the Carver County site The CUP for the nursery will then solely be for the Carver County site The conditions of approval for CUP 88 13 will continue to be in effect The use of the site for a garden center will not be detrimental to the public health safety comfort convenience or general welfare ofthe neighborhood b Will be consistent with the objectives of the City s Comprehensive Plan and this chapter Finding The proposed use is consistent with the City s Comprehensive Plan and complies with the conditions of approval for CUP 88 13 c Will be designed constructed operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area Finding The character of the general vicinity will not change Other than the relocation of storage bins and materials from the Hennepin County site to the Carver County site the appearance and function of the site will not be affected The garden center will continue to operate in its current condition d Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses Finding The surrounding uses are zoned for commercial and industrial use The garden center will continue to operate in its current condition The approval of the amendment eliminates the Hennepin County site from the legal description for the CUP and relocates the garden center related structures and materials to the Carver County site e Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services including streets police and fire protection drainage structures refuse disposal water and sewer systems and schools or will be served adequately by such facilities and 2 252 services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use Finding The site is currently serviced by municipal services which are adequate for the development f Will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community Finding The site is currently serviced by adequate municipal services The function of the garden center on the Carver County site will not change and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community g Will not involve uses activities processes materials equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic noise smoke fumes glare odors rodents or trash Finding The garden center has been in operation since 1988 and is consistent with the standards of the Highway and Business Services District The amendment to relocate the storage bins and eliminate the Hennepin County site from the CUP will not be detrimental to the surrounding area h Will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares Finding Access to the site and all parking currently exists on the site and will not interfere with traffic in the surrounding public thoroughfares or create traffic congestion 1 Will not result in the destruction loss or damage of solar access natural scenic or historic features of major significance Finding The site is consistent with the conditions of approval for CUP 88 13 and will not result in the destruction loss or damage of solar access natural scenic or historic features of major significance J Will be aesthetically compatible with the area Finding The garden center is consistent with the plans and conditions outlined in CUP 88 13 and are compatible with the surrounding area k Will not depreciate surrounding property values Finding The use will not depreciate surrounding property values 3 253 1 Will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in this article Finding The use is consistent with the Highway and Business Services District and other zoning requirements 5 Site Plan Findings a The proposed development is consistent with the elements and objectives of the City s development guides including the comprehensive plan official road mapping and other plans that may be adopted Finding The development of the Hennepin County site is consistent with the City s development guides and comprehensive plan b The proposed development is consistent with the site plan review requirements Finding The site is consistent with the site plan review requirements c The proposed development preserves the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing or developing areas Finding One wetland exists adjacent to the property This wetland will not be impacted as a result of this project However grading will occur adjacent to the wetland and steps will be taken to assure that the wetland is not impacted during development of the site The development of the site maintains required setbacks from the wetland The applicant will also incorporate a bio retention pond to filter water runoff prior to entering the wetland d The proposed development creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development Finding The development will be harmonious with the existing buildings and features The development also lends an architectural design standard for future development of the Carver County site e The proposed development creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features with special attention to the following 1 An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants visitors and general community Finding The main entrances into the building are located on the south elevation with employee and services entrances on the north elevation The parking is 4 254 located on the north south and west side of the building and will be shared between the Carver and Hennepin County sites 2 The amount and location of open space and landscaping Finding The site will be landscaped including the landscaping islands in the parking lot The applicant will also incorporate a bio retention pond on the north end of the site to filter runoff prior to entering the wetland 3 Materials textures colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses and Finding This is the first parcel to redevelop in this area The architecture of the building will serve as the design standards for future redevelopment of the Carver County site 4 Vehicular and pedestrian circulation including walkways interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets width of interior drives and access points general interior circulation separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking Finding The site includes sidewalks which connect with the existing public sidewalk along West 78th Street Both the Carver and Hennepin County sites will share the existing access off West 78th Street The parking is distributed around the building and will be shared between the sites 5 Protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage sound and sight buffers preservation of views light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses Finding Sanitary sewer and water service are installed on the site and are consistent with all design standards 6 The Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall not recommend and the City Council shall not grant a variance unless they find the following facts a That the literal enforcement of this chapter would cause an undue hardship Undue hardship means that the property cannot be put to reasonable use because of its size physical surroundings shape or topography Reasonable use includes a use made by a majority of comparable property within 500 feet of it The intent of this provision is not to allow a proliferation of variances but to recognize that there are pre existing standards in this neighborhood Variances that blend with these pre existing standards without departing downward from them meet this criteria 5 255 Finding The main entrances to the building are located on the south side of the building with the employee and service entrances on the north side of the building The additional parking in the south lot will provide better customer access to the main entrances of the building Therefore it is reasonable to have the majority of the parking located adjacent to the store entrances The buildings on either side ofthe project have the majority oftheir parking located between the building and West 78th Street b The conditions upon which a petition for a variance is based are not applicable generally to other property within the same zoning classification Finding The location of the parking on site is limited by the City s desire to have a bio retention water system adjacent to the wetland Additionally the City prefers that the trash enclosure be located to the rear of the structure To accommodate these directives more than 50 percent of the parking must be located to the south of the building c The purpose of the variation is not based upon a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land Finding The variance request is not based on the desire to increase the income potential of the site The request is to provide the majority ofthe parking adjacent to the store entrances where the customers want to park d The alleged difficulty or hardship is not a self created hardship Finding The hardship is not self created since the City directs the developer to have a bio retention water system adjacent to the wetland Additionally the City prefers that the trash enclosure be located to the rear of the structure To accommodate these directives more than 50 percent of the parking must be located to the south of the building e The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in the neighborhood in which the parcel is located Finding The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or other land improvements in the neighborhood The customer entrances are adjacent to the south parking lot while the employee and service entrances are located on the north side of the building It is reasonable to provide the majority of the parking stalls adjacent to the customer entrances f The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply oflight and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion ofthe public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood 6 256 Finding The variance will not impair the supply of light and air to the adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion of the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood 7 The planning report Planning Case 10 04 dated February 2 2010 prepared by Bob Generous and Angie Kairies et aI is incorporated herein RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve Planning Case 10 04 for an amendment to Conditional Use Permit 88 13 to eliminate the Hennepin County parcel for a garden center and to relocate the storage bins to the Carver County parcel located at 78 West 78th Street and Site Plan approval for an 8 000 square foot one story retail building with an 8 parking Variance to permit 58 of the parking to be located between the front fayade and the primary street for property located at 19900 West 78th Street ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 2nd day of February 2010 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY Its Chairman 7 257 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard P O Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 952 227 1100 Planning Case No JO Oi CiTY OF CHf NHASSEi 1 RECEiVED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION DEe 3 1 2009 PLEASE PRINT Applicant Name and Address UlifN ef fr1J L F iC5 L t U7Z a ut 1 6fJ 2JL VO l 0 ITS CAAtJIH6 taV f MN 0 7 Contact 8eN M et2f4 AI A J Phone qS2 14 49 tJ Fax 2 74 U Email tVu JtlriMIJ t @dI A L 4 fI t et li W1 n r Property Owner Name and a ress J l A F3fJ TEA lp lv rA L p tV k F2 aHl 9h 7S I 4 r NJJ t c A Contact J A4 tJt Phone 14A1 77 f Fax Email lOfb lo S o WO c cM NOTE Consultation with City staff is reauired prior to submittal including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit X Conditional Use Permit CUP 41 Vacation of Right of Way Easements V AC Additional recording fees may apply Interim Use Permit IUP Variance V AR Non conforming Use Permit Wetland Alteration Permit WAP Planned Unit Development Zoning Appeal Rezoning Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits Sign Plan Review x X Site Plan Review SPR f5f O C1 aoOF Subdivision Notification Sign 200 City to install and remove X Escrow for Filing Fees Attorney Cost z 1 C lf ACNAR WAP Metes Bounds 450 Minor SUB TOTAL FEE 1 1 Ot C tA An additional fee of 3 00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing Sixteen 16 full size folded copies of the plans must be submitted including an 8 X 11 reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a diaital copy in TIFF Group 4 tif format Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews NOTE When multiple applications are processed the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application SCANNED 258 r FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW Include number of existing employees 8 and new employees 7 01US b L This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions Before filing this application you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application I have attached a copy of proof of ownership either copy of Owner s Duplicate Certificate of Title Abstract of Title or purchase agreement or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees feasibility studies etc with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study The documents and information I haVe submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge c l 30 0lCCR Date te SCANNED g plan forms development review application doc 259 li 9 l J X3 8CLf6 JJ 8 J WJ S 2 i 8 lo tj 0 UJ z en 2 lZ 0 zO S j It t j g liZ ffiml O Z alt5 8 a en a J 8 LOO iz w en O 5 ga c D J X3 d a i i J g gg il1 ff J g I r 1 c it e if f ell I I a g o 0 Zz 0 LUx 5 g I 8 ID8 o Q 0 l 5 2 15 t d o w i Ii U 9 i w ffi G W 51 0 a liwo o 0 l if3 2w t et i n 13ict 5 C l f l ffie I o I r B z S t S u gw litww ll fi I bt z ouucd 2 Ct a a I ffwglS 5w S Q Q iS2 idclal5 fIl Cl t W I J wa 1 0 I I tj u iai en O J c Bh Hl i li II 2 f 6 III E f0 e 1 1 i u wow Io s l Hill uX 1 o E t ii rD i i G u lp SNO llGHO lSlX 6l9on Zd S 8a1 SuDfd Q N lDU Jo 6l 9ou etlla N 3oA d rN 6r ll 600 or l 260 t g i ii ol ool Q 3i il I i l2 i l h t ii 2 1 l v i II d lllil i i l o l s Cl i l e i j TS o t J E 8 N 3 o s QS r 1 3ffi l 0 Hui m ii l i 5 g i 0 lh u C Ii a 1igi 1 0 1 LLi I ol il ull 1 5 b i j n i i l 2 ilt II O g H i m E f g i If i il I H a N t imm 8 if i t if 5 l S T o dl n 1 H f d i i 18 iM i h S i H Io Sm t t t i tt i ii 5 l s J i f i rg8i i IOEr CCK W 80 00S n J f J 3 LL LL 00 I t Z I o W C i Z ro i 0 0 t Wt f I fQ 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If I I I 4 r r 6 t i U I 1 1 0 uJ Z Z U u cr 0 c z z 1 Q z u U f f LLJ d 0 Z 4 ro t Jo 1 I i 1 LJ 273 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA AMENDED AND RESTATED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 88 13 PLANNING CASE 10 04 1 Permit Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein the City of Chanhassen hereby grants a conditional use permit for the following use Garden Center 2 Property The permit is for property situated in the City of Chanhassen Carver County Minnesota and legally described as follows That part of Tract C Registered Land Survey No 59 files of Registrar of Titles which lies South of a line drawn East perpendicular to the West line of said Tract C from a point thereon distance 103 00 feet South as measured along said West line from the Northwest comer of said Tract C And that part of Tract D lying Easterly ofthe Southerly extension of the West line of said Tract C Registered Land Survey No 59 flies of Registrar of Titles all in Carver County Minnesota 3 Conditions The permit is issued with the following conditions a Installation of a six foot evergreen screen along the south west and north walls of the greenhouse and installation of a two foot hedge along the east side of the display area in front of the sales building b Approval and compliance with Wetland Alteration Permit 88 8 c The applicant shall file a plat application in conjunction with the City of Chanhassen to reserve the necessary utility easements and to properly convey the northerly portion of the site to the City 1 274 d There shall be no outside sales of merchandise as opposed to outside display of merchandise e The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the city and provide the City with the necessary financial sureties to guarantee the installation of the public improvements f The sanitary sewer service shall have a sand trap prior to discharging into the public sanitary sewer system g Details for the installation and connection of the sanitary sewer and water services shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval prior to final approval h A check valve shall be installed on the sanitary sewer service prior to discharge into the pubic sanitary sewer system 1 The proposed utility easements shall be revised to include a 40 foot wide utility easement which shall cover all of the existing and proposed utilities j A revised grading drainage and erosion control plan shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval as part of the final review process k The proposed water service connection shall be wet tapped in accordance with the latest published version for the Standard Specifications for Utility Installation from the American Water Works Associations A WW A 1 Details for the service connection to the 10 inch diameter watermain should be submitted to the City Engineer for approval prior to final approval m An enclosure screening the bags of mulch and fertilizer shall be constricted by October 1 1989 n The applicant shall arrange to pave the parking area within four weeds of completion of the city s work Upon approval from city staff the applicant may receive an occupancy permit prior to completion of the paving work o Construction vehicles be screened typical passenger vehicles and small pickup trucks excluded p The site shall not be used as a site for a landscaping contractor s yard business q The applicant may either install the greenhouse in the north south orientation or install a six foot arborvitae screen as recommended in condition 1 4 Termination of Permit The City may revoke the permit following a public hearing for violation of the terms of this permit 5 Lapse Ifwithin one year of the issuance ofthis permit the authorized construction has not been substantially completed or the use commenced this permit shall lapse unless an extension is granted in accordance with the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance 6 Criminal Penalty Violation of the terms of this conditional use permit is a criminal misdemeanor Dated F ebruarv 22 2010 2 275 CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY Tom Furlong Mayor SEAL AND Todd Gerhardt City Manager STATEOFMINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF CARVER The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2010 by Thomas A Furlong Mayor and by Todd Gerhardt City Manager of the City of Chanhassen a Minnesota municipal corporation on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY City of Chanhassen P O Box 147 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen MN 55317 952 227 1100 3 276 ee CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 13 p J 1 Permit Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein the City of Chanhassen hereby grants a conditional use permit for Garden Center 2 Property The permit is for the following described property in the City of Chanhassen Carver County Minnesota See attached Exhibit B 3 Conditions The permit is issued subject to the following conditions See attached Exhibit A 4 Termination of Permit The City may revoke the permit following a public hearing under any of the following circumstances material change of condition of the neighborhood where the use is located violation of the terms of the permit 5 Criminal Penalty Violation of the terms of this conditional use permit is a criminal misdemeanor Dated September 12 1988 CI STATE OF MINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF CARVER A The f fegoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 19 by Thomas L Hamilton Mayor and Don Ashworth City Manager of the City of Chanhassen a Minnesota municipal corporation KA EN J ENCEt OT NOTP W f V 3t lC L OTA CAR l n CO NTY My commission ex es 10 16 91 277 ee ee EXHIBIT A 1 Installation of a 6 foot evergreen screen along the south west and north walls of the greenhouse and installation of a 2 foot hedge along the east side of the display area in front of the sales building 2 Approval and compliance with Wetland Alteration Permit 88 8 3 The applicant shall file a plat application in conjunction with the city of Chanhassen to reserve the necessary utility easements and to properly convey the northerly portion of the site to the City 4 There shall be no outside sales of merchandise as opposed to outside display of merchandise 5 The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City and provide the City with the necessary financial sureties to guarantee the installation of these public improvements 6 The sanitary sewer service shall have a sand trap prior to discharging into the public sanitary sewer system 7 Details for the installation and connection of the sanitary sewer and water services shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval prior to final approval 8 A check valve shall be installed on the sanitary Sewer service prior to discharge into the public sanitary sewer system 9 The proposed utility easements shall be revised to include a 40 foot wide utility easement which shall cover all of the existing and proposed utilities 10 A revised grading drainage and erosion control plan shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval as part of the final review process 11 The proposed water service connection shall be wet tapped in accordance with the latest published version for the Standard Specifications for Utility Installation from the American Water Works Association AWWA 12 Details for the service connection to the lO inch diameter watermain should be submitted to the City Engineer for approval prior to final approval 13 An enclosure screening the bags of mulch and fertilizer shall be constructed by October 1 1989 14 The applicant shall arrange to pave the parking area within four weeks of completion of the city s work Upon approval from city staff the applicant may receive an occupancy permit prior to completion of the paving work 1 278 ee ee 15 Construction vehicles be screened typical passenger vehicles and small pick up trucks excluded 16 The site shall not be used as a site for a landscaping contrac tor s yard business 17 The applicant may either install the greenhouse in a north south orientation or install a six foot arborvitae screen as recom mended in condition 1 2 279 ee e EXHIBIT B Tract C and that part of Tract D lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the west line of said Tract C Registered Land Survey No 59 files of Registrar of Titles County of Carver1 Also the West 149 feet of that part of the Southwest quarter of Section 7 Township 116 North Range 22 West of the 5th Principal Meridian lyinS Southerly of the risht of way of the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railway 280 CIT OF CIAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE P O BOX 147 CHANHASSEN MINNESOTA 55317 612 937 1900 FAX 612 937 5739 January 28 1996 Mr Jay Kronick Lotus Lawn Garden 78 W 78th Street Chanhassen MN 55317 Dear Mr Kronick The City Council approved an amendment to l i t f A or a site plan review for a 2 480 square foot expansion to the sales area and a 409square foot expansion to the greenhouse area subject to the following conditions 1 The building must be in compliance with the Building Official and Fire Marshal in regards to installing a sprinkling system 2 The water service must be located so as not topass under any buildings 3 The additions and accessible route must meet building code requirements 4 The applicant shall provide the City with a 2 000 cash escrow or letter of credit to guarantee boulevard restoration prior to commencing construction of the drive aisle and or apron curb cut on West 78th Street 5 The proposed drive shall be paved with bituminous and concrete curb and gutter pursuant to City Code 6 The applicant shall incorporate foundation plantings south of the proposed sales and office building Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me Sincerely Robert Generous AICP Senior Planner BG v c Dave Hempel Asst City Engineer Steve Kirchman Building Official 281 l g c to 1946 a O ty S CI 219 East Frontage Road Waconia MN 55387 Phone 952 442 5101 Fax 952 442 5497 O SEIVAT S7 eT httD Iwww co carver mn uslSWCD SWCD main html Mission Statement To provide leadership in conservation and teach stewardship of the soil water and related resources through a balanced cooperative program that protects restores and improves those resources January 20 2010 Robert Generous Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P O Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Re Lotus Retail Development The SWCD has reviewed the above mentioned development plan for erosion and sediment control and bio retention placement Following you will find our comments The Carver SWCD will be completing inspections of the City of Chanhassen rules regarding erosion and sediment control Though the project is below the threshold of the NPDES permit the city will require that a person or persons knowledgeable to handle weekly inspections and installation and maintenance of sediment and erosion control measures be on site This person should be the General Contractor as they have day to day responsibility and control of payment for cost associated with erosion and sediment control measures Erosion and Sediment and General Comments 1 Concrete washout area must be established and maintained on site City of Chanhassen rules forbid any washout water from entering any part ofthe storm water Plans must be available to handle the wash water from the Spec Mixes concrete trucks and tools and equipment on site Area must be a self contained and watertight Concrete trucks with self contained washout systems can be used but containment is needed on site for block layers etc 2 Review of the final topsoil placement will need to be monitored by the owners representative to assure that placement of at least 4 6 inches of topsoil is placed on all landscape areas 3 All seeded areas that will not be sodded should have mulch placement to help enhance establishment of grasses 4 De watering plans should be addressed prior to construction in case it is required during initial phase of construction AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 282 Bioretention Area Raingarden 1 Curb cuts should be a minimum of at least 8 12 feet wide to eliminate concentrated flows into raingardens Also a plan detail should show how the water flow will enter into the basin without causing scouring and deposition of foreign material from depositing into the basin 2 Sock should be removed on perforated drain tile if imbedded in rock 3 Rock shown for use to bed perforated drain tile in bio retention area needs to be specified Recommend 1 Yz washed River Rock 4 Detail plans are needed with proper grades for installation to be successful in the field 5 Construction Notes and Raingarden Details do not match clarify size of drain tile required 6 Perforations of Drain tile should be noted PVC Drain tile with perforations comes in many hole configurations please specify in detail for the contractor on what will be required 7 Any tile outlet into the basin will need to have rodent guards installed and outlet stub protected Suggestion would be a MnDot spec outlet Also include me with any correspondences of changes to this original concept plan and also of any pre construction meetings prior to start of construction Sincerely Chip Hentges CPESC Conservation Technician 283 il NEISO 1o Minnesota Departn ent of Transportation Metropolitan District I Waters Edge OF 1 1500 West County Road B 2 Roseville MN 55113 3174 Januaty 22 2010 Robert Generous Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 SUBJECT Hasl elIs MnlDOT Review Pl0 002 NOltheast Quadrant ofTH 5 and TH 101 City of Chanhassen Carver County Control Section 2701 Dear Mr Generous The Minnesota Department of Trans pOl tat ion Mn DOT has reviewed the above referenced revised plat in compliance with Minnesota Statute 505 03 subdivision 2 Plats Before any further development please address the following comments Upcoming Roadway Improvements Mn DOT would like to make the developer aware that three different projects will be taking place in the immediate vicinity during the Spring and Sumnier of 20 I 0 which may affect access to the site The projects are as follows 1 The TCWR Railroad will be making repairs to the rail crossings at TH 101 and 78th St which will require road closures They are aiming to begin the project in late Mayor early June 2 MnlDOT will have a Metro wide Americans with Disabilities Act ADA improvement project for the intersec ions at TH 51TH 101 and TH 10 1 78th St likely in May June 3 Mn DOT will have a pavement project on TH 101 from TH 5 to CR 62 621ld St later in the summer For questions conceming these projects please contact Nicole Peterson MnlDOT Metro District South Area Engineer at 651 234 7723 Sllrvey The following conections will need to be made on the plat 1 The plat boundary needs to be defined using a heavier line weight 2 All jurisdictions of right of way are lumped together these need to be labeled appropriately and when separated M1i DOT s right of way will need to be clearly labeled 3 The northwest corner of Tract C needs to be labeled An equal opportunity employer 284 4 A centerline and its 100 foot offset line are shown on the map but are not labeled 5 MnlDOT s access control and access opening rights need to be indicated on the plat Please direct any questions regarding penn it requirements to Bruce Wetherbee MnDOT s Survey Section at 651 366 5176 Permits Any work impacting MnDOT right of way requires a permit Permit forms are available from MnDOT s utility website at http www dot state mn us utility tol ms index htmlPlease include one full size plan set and an 11 x 17 inch plan set for each permit application Please direct any questions regarding permit requirements to Buck Craig MnDOT s Metro Permits Section at 651 234 7911 As a reminder please address all initial future correspondence for development activity such as plats and site plans to Development Reviews Mn DOT Metro Division Waters Edge 1500 West County Road B 2 Roseville Minnesota 55113 MnlDOT document submittal guidelines require either 1 One 1 electronic pdf version of the plans the electronic version of the plan needs to be developed for 11 x 17 printable format with sufficient detail so that all features are legible 2 Seven 7 sets of full size plans If submitting the plans electronically please use the pdf format MnlDOT can accept the plans via e mail at metrodevreviews@state ml1 us provided that each separate e mail is less than 20 megabytes Otherwise the plans can be submitted on a compact disk If you have any questions concerning this review please feel fi ee to contact me at 651 234 7792 Sincerely JOll P Solberg Senior Planner Copy Lyndon Robjent Carver County Engineer Cologne MN 285 Blind Copy sent via Microsoft Outlool Nicole Peterson Tod Sherman E Buck Craig Dale Matti Bruce Wetherbee Derek Beauduy Jeff Rones David Sheen Ann Braden Metropolitan Council File Copy MnJDOT Division File CS 2701 Mn DOT LGL File City of Chanhassen MN Lyndon Robjent Carver County Engineer 11360 Highway 212 West Suite 1 Cologne MN 55322 286 CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDA VIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF CARVER I Karen J Engelhardt being first duly sworn on oath deposes that she is and was on January 21 2010 the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen Minnesota that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Lotus Retail Planning Case 10 04 to the persons named on attached Exhibit A by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer Carver County Minnesota and by other appropriate records Subscribed and sworn to before me thi ay of 1iYH l U L 2010 VW T n 4 r Notary blic KlM T MEUWlSSEN Notary Public Minnesota My CommissIOn Expires Jan 31 2016 287 C t i C s S Ci iu E J E 2 0 aU sc O t t o t as u 0 o t Z II II as J t as J U C t i t C o c II iu E J E 2 0 aU sc 0 S t o t as u 0 o t zm II as J t as J U S 00 W O O C o ctl g 0 C C 7 UJ 0 C 0 0 JOctl C iO S5 0 a5 o o u E 0 05 c o 0 C C ctl 0 0 g cti I 0 N 0 J 0 s 0 g ctl 0 e 0 0 0 C 0 C 0 0 0 1 55 0 ctl c tl 0 Q I 0 Q5 E J C 9 0 Q 0 Cl E CO 0 8 Q I ctl t 2 E 0 0 0 E Q5gEcco000i e oE E o ctlo o O s r o O c o Iii E X 0 Cl 0 ci O ctl Ci i 55 2 ctl I J C t 0 0 2 0 0 I Cl 0 C 0 o 0 55 Ci i C 0 O 0 C C 0 Ef 02 Q ccO i E O I cl C o O EOOCl ec Ol OO Io O ctl O s c ctl ctl OC0 Oo oO O 0 05ctl co 0 0 0 O 0 uc ctlO 00 0 C 0 cO Cl 0 Q O C o Cl 0 s U c5 o 0 Cl 0 Q E jC I JC J 0 0 C J 0 c g C I ctl Cl ctl 0 0 C C 0 ctl J J C g ctl s 0 c o O r O ECi ic 0 S3 O J00 ctl C 0 ctl c lIl w o c Q5 ctloo orr Oo o gE 0 g 2 s g Ci a 0 OOO ctlEooEo Ci is Cl E0e c 0 EOI Cl C 0 ctl 0 r c c 0 E a ctl ctl O ctl ctl S o O I JCi i S Cl g goo o Q rr JQ O D o 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e8 mo Q m g uIDg5 ie gIDID IDe 5ID Q oE c Cl E IJo 5 E C E 0 5 g Q 0 c 0 O OEID OO IJi IDE E Q S eO 5 IDEcS E c 5 c IDmoec orn iom O J q OElE c 22oo QwQ 1i i0 6 u IJ t E E OO IDIDO 8 E E 8 g n UJ ID 0 g 0 5 oo 9 5 c e S 8 E jm mgg W2c Q o 0 uf8 g S g c t3 g 0 g ufO e ij rn g Q g co C 0 S g ggg 53 8 c a ID ID E EO ID I e o C t5 0 E2 coE 2 ffiID g 5 86 K g 0 288 ABRA CHANHASSEN REAL ESTATE CO 6322 TIMBER TRL EDINA MN 55439 1049 CRB FAMILY LP 18930 78TH ST W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 9347 KAHNKE BROS INC 1400 STEIGER LAKE LN PO BOX 7 VICTORIA MN 55386 0007 CRB FAMILY LP 18930 78TH ST W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LYMAN LUMBER CO POBOX 40 EXCELSIOR MN 55331 CLIFFORD L WHITEHILL 5320 W HARBOR VILLAGE DR APT 201 VERO BEACH FL 32967 7416 DORN BUILDERS INC C O MARATHON MANAGEMENT INC 2303 WATERS DR MENDOTA HEIGHTS MN 55120 1163 MCDONALD S CORP 22 157 C O EUGENE A BORG 15455 11 OTH ST NY A MN 55397 9453 CSM CORP 500 WASHINGTON AVE S 3000 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55415 TWIN CITIES WESTERN RR CO 723 11TH ST E GLENCOE MN 55336 CLS PROPERTIES II LLC 4711 SHADY OAK RD HOPKINS MN 55343 8840 JAY L PEGGY M KRONICK 8575 TELLERS RD CHASKA MN 55318 9265 STEVEN R SCHULZ 19143 TWILIGHT TR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55346 ROSIE SHMYEL 19157 TWILIGHT TR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55346 V GALEYEV L GALEYEV 19153 TWILIGHT TR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55346 289 CITY OF CHANHASSEN SITE PLAN PERMIT 10 04 SPECIAL PROVISIONS AGREEMENT dated February 22 2010 by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN a Minnesota municipal corporation the City and Center Companies LLC the Developer 1 Request for Site Plan Approval The Developer has asked the City to approve a Site Plan for an 8 000 square foot retail building an 8 parking Variance to permit 58 of the parking between the front fas ade and the primary street and an Amendment to Conditional Use Permit 88 13 to eliminate the site from the legal description for a garden center referred to in this Permit as the project The land is legally described as That part of the West 149 feet of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7 township 116 North Range 22 West of the 5th Principal Meridian lying North of State Highway No 5 and which lies South of a line drawn East perpendicular to the West line of Tract C Registered Land Survey No 59 files of the Registrar of Titles Carver County from a point thereon distant 103 00 feet South as measured along said West line from the Northwest comer of said Tract C Hennepin County Minnesota 2 Conditions of Site Plan Approval The City hereby approves the site plan on condition that the Developer enter into this Permit and furnish the security required by it 3 Development Plans The project shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following plans The plans shall not be attached to this Contract If the plans vary from the written terms of this Permit the written terms shall control The plans are Plan A Site Plan prepared by SEH dated 12 30 2009 Plan B Grading Drainage and Erosion Control Plan prepared by SEH dated 12 30 2009 Plan C Landscaping Plan prepared by SEH dated 12 30 2009 Plan D Utility Plans prepared by SEH dated 12 30 2009 1 290 4 Time of Performance The Developer shall install all required screening and landscaping by October 1 2010 The Developer may however request an extension of time from the City If an extension is granted it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date 5 Security To guarantee compliance with the terms of this Permit the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit from a bank cash escrow or equivalent security for 3 750 boulevard restoration erosion control and landscaping If the Developer requests a Certificate of Occupancy prior to the installation of site landscaping then the developer shall provide to the city a letter of credit or cash escrow in an amount sufficient to insure the installation of said landscaping PROCEDURES FOR LETTER OF CREDIT REDUCTION a Requests for reductions of Letters of Credit must be submitted to the City in writing by the Developer or his Engineer b Partial lien waivers totaling the amount of the requested reduction shall accompany each such request c Any reduction shall be subject to City approval 6 Notices Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer its employees or agents or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address Mr Ben Merriman Center Companies LLC 2025 Coulter Boulevard Suite 215 Chanhassen MN 55317 Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Manager or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Manager at the following address Chanhassen City Hall 7700 Market Boulevard P O Box 147 Chanhassen Minnesota 55317 Telephone 952 227 1100 7 Other Special Conditions City Council approves a Site Plan for an 8 000 square foot retail building and an 8 parking Variance to permit 58 ofthe parking between the front fa ade and the primary street subject to the following conditions A Building Official 1 The buildings are required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system 2 The plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota 3 Accessible routes must be provided to commercial buildings 2 291 4 All parking areas must be provided with accessible parking spaces As submitted the retail building must have a minimum of two 2 accessible parking spaces one of which must have an 8 foot access aisle 5 The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit B Forester 1 This parcel is within the Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine area All ash trees removed on site must be disposed of at an MDA approved ash tree disposal site 2 The Black Hills spruce proposed at the northwest comer of the building must be replaced with a deciduous selection in order to avoid future sight line conflicts 3 On the north property line the applicant shall change two of the understory trees to overstory selections 4 On the east property line the applicant is short over and understory trees Staff recommends that the applicant meet minimum requirements for bufferyard plantings on the east side 5 A line of shrubs must be planted along the parking lot on the south property line The shrubs must have a minimum height of three feet at maturity City approval of the shrubs species and planting spacing is required before installation c Water Resources 1 The following Standard City Plates shall be included in the submittal set a Plate No 5300 Silt Fence wooden posts are not to be used b Plate No 5301 Rock Construction Entrance c Plate No 5302A Catch Basin Sediment Trap 2 Sheet C1 of C5 calls out 8 PVC while sheet C5 of C5 indicates 8 PVC for the standpipes and 6 for the remaining perforated PVe This discrepancy must be clarified The Minnesota Stormwater Manual recommends an 8 draintile to reduce the potential for freezeup 3 No sock should be used around the under drain in the bio retention areas 4 This will primarily be a Filtration Facility with Partial Recharge as described in the 2005 Minnesota Stormwater Manual As such the filter fabric over the gravel bed area but not extending to the side walls is adequate as shown If insufficient separation is discovered between the bottom of the facility and the ground water the fabric should be extended to the sidewalls as shown in Figure 12 BIOA of Chapter 12 in the 2005 Minnesota Stormwater Manual 5 Rock specifications are required for the draintile bedding in the bio retention area This rock must be clean washed and may not include crushed limestone 6 No soil mixture is specified for the bio retention area Sheet L200 calls out a soil mixture for all areas to be planted with groundcover perennials or annuals This mixture is not suitable for the bio retention area The mixture may include not less than 40 sand by volume and may not incorporate any in situ soil materials 7 Measures must be taken to address the drain tile and curb cut discharge points into the bio retention area to assure that they do not scour over time or fill up with debris 8 The invert elevations of the drain tiles where they enter the bio filtration area must be called out on the plans 3 292 9 The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval 10 The existing grades are not legible on the civil plans These must be clarified 11 The bio retention area must be protected from heavy equipment traffic this must be shown on the grading and utility plan sheets 12 The total disturbed area should be quantified and reported on the grading plan If this is equal to one acre or more an NPDES permit and SWPPP will be required 13 The developer shall comply with the requirements of the Carver Soil Water Conservation District as specified in the letter to Robert Generous dated January 20 2010 D Engineering 1 A cross access and parking agreement must be executed and recorded 2 The developer must provide a trucking route to the Engineering Department for review and approval 3 The grading plan must be changed so that the bio retention basin will not be over the existing trunk watermain and sanitary sewer easement area 4 The developer shall replace the trunk watermain and will be reimbursed for the cost to replace the trunk watermain install two gate valves replace a fire hydrant and produce engineering as built drawings The reimbursement will be based on the actual cost to complete this work and shall not exceed 25 000 5 The new watermain shall meet the minimum City requirements including stainless steel hardware on the valves and hydrant 6 A snake pit for the tracer wire shall be installed at each end 7 The sanitary sewer will be televised to determine its condition The City will work with the developer to include maintenance or repair work if needed 8 The developer s engineer must submit cross sections at the proposed utility crossings for review and approval 9 All civil sheets must be signed by an engineer registered in the State of Minnesota E General 1 In locations where the sidewalk crosses the curb a pedestrian ramp shall be provided 2 The applicant shall revise the light plan to meet the requirement for Yz foot candle illumination at the property line A revised photometric plan shall be submitted with the building permit to verify compliance with City Code 3 All signage shall comply with City Code and requires a separate sign permit application 8 General Conditions The general conditions ofthis Permit are attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein 4 293 CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY Thomas A Furlong Mayor AND Todd Gerhardt City Manager DEVELOPER BY Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF CARVER The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2010 by Thomas A Furlong Mayor and by Todd Gerhardt City Manager of the City of Chanhassen a Minnesota municipal corporation on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council NOTARY PUBLIC STATEOFMINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2010 by NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P O Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 952 227 1100 5 294 CITY OF CHANHASSEN SITE PLAN PERMIT EXHIBIT A GENERAL CONDITIONS 1 Right to Proceed Within the site plan area the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth remove trees construct improvements or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied 1 this agreement has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk 2 the necessary security and fees have been received by the City and 3 the City has issued a building permit in reliance on the foregoing conditions having been satisfied 2 Maintenance of site The site shall be maintained in accordance with the approved site plan Plants and ground cover required as a condition of site plan approval which die shall be promptly replaced 3 License The Developer hereby grants the City its agents employees officers and contractors a license to enter the plat to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with site plan development 4 Erosion Control Before the site is rough graded and before any building permits are issued the erosion control plan Plan B shall be implemented inspected and approved by the City The City may impose additional erosion control requirements if they would be beneficial All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded forthwith after the completion of the work in that area Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan seed shall be certified seed to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible All seeded areas shall be fertilized mulched and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion If the Developer does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion at the Developer s expense The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer s and City s rights or obligations hereunder No development will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless there is full compliance with the erosion control requirements Erosion control shall be maintained until vegetative cover has been restored After the site has been stabilized to where in the opinion of the City there is no longer a need for erosion control the City will authorize removal of the erosion control measures 5 Clean up The Developer shall maintain a neat and orderly work site and shall daily clean on and off site dirt and debris including blowables from streets and the surrounding area that has resulted from construction work by the Developer its agents or assigns 6 Warranty All trees grass and sod required in the approved Landscaping Plan Plan C shall be warranted to be alive of good quality and disease free at the time of planting All trees shall be warranted for twelve 12 months from the time of planting The Developer or his contractor s shall post a letter of credit or cash escrow to the City to secure the warranties at the time of final acceptance 6 295 7 Responsibility for Costs A The Developer shall hold the City and its officers and employees harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from site plan approval and development The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers and employees for all costs damages or expenses which the City may payor incur in consequence of such claims including attorneys fees B The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Permit including engineering and attorneys fees C The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Permit within thirty 30 days after receipt If the bills are not paid on time the City may halt all development work and construction Bills not paid within thirty 30 days shall accrue interest at the rate of 8 per year 8 Developer s Default In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder the City may at its option perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City provided the Developer is first given notice of the work in default not less than four 4 days in advance This Contract is a license for the City to act and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land When the City does any such work the City may in addition to its other remedies assess the cost in whole or in part 9 Miscellaneous A Construction Trailers Placement of on site construction trailers and temporary job site offices shall be approved by the City Engineer Trailers shall be removed from the subject property within thirty 30 days following the issuance of a certificate of occupancy unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer B Postal Service The Developer shall provide for the maintenance of postal service in accordance with the local Postmaster s request C Third Parties Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Permit D Breach of Contract Breach of the terms of this Permit by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits E Severabilitv If any portion section subsection sentence clause paragraph or phrase of this Permit is for any reason held invalid such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract F Occupancy Unless approved in writing by the City Engineer no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities tested and approved by the city G Waivers Amendments The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract To be binding amendments or waivers shall be in writing signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council The City s failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release H Recording This Permit shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property 7 296 I Remedies Each right power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right power or remedy express or implied now or hereafter arising available to City at law or in equity or under any other agreement and each and every right power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right power or remedy J Construction Hours The normal construction hours under this contract shall be from 7 00 a m to 9 00 p m on weekdays from 9 00 a m to 5 00 p m on Saturdays with no such activity allowed on Sundays or any recognized legal holidays Operation of all internal combustion engines used for construction or dewatering purposes beyond the normal working hours will require City Council approval K Soil Treatment Systems If soil treatment systems are required the Developer shall clearly identify in the field and protect from alteration unless suitable alternative sites are first provided the two soil treatment sites identified during the site plan process for each lot This shall be done prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit Any violation disturbance of these sites shall render them as unacceptable and replacement sites will need to be located for each violated site in order to obtain a building permit L Compliance with Laws Ordinances and Regulations In the development of the site plan the Developer shall comply with all laws ordinances and regulations of the following authorities 1 City of Chanhassen 2 State of Minnesota its agencies departments and commissions 3 United States Army Corps of Engineers 4 Watershed District 5 Metropolitan Government its agencies departments and commissions M Proof of Title Upon request the Developer shall furnish the City with evidence satisfactory to the City that it has the authority of the fee owners and contract for deed purchasers too enter into this Development Contract N Soil Conditions The Developer acknowledges that the City makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the soils on the property or its fitness for construction of the improvements or any other purpose for which the Developer may make use of such property The Developer further agrees that it will indemnify defend and hold harmless the City its governing body members officers and employees from any claims or actions arising out of the presence if any of hazardous wastes or pollutants on the property unless hazardous wastes or pollutants were caused to be there by the City o Soil Correction The Developer shall be responsible for soil correction work on the property The City makes no representation to the Developer concerning the nature of suitability of soils nor the cost of correcting any unsuitable soil conditions which may exist 8 297 CONSENT Owners of all or part of the subject property the development of which is governed by the foregoing Site Plan Permit affirm and consent to the provisions thereof and agree to be bound by the provisions as the same may apply to that portion of the subject property owned by them Dated this day of 20 By STATEOFMINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 by NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFfED BY City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P O Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 952 227 1100 9 298 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO SITE PLAN AGREEMENT which holds a mortgage on the subject property the development of which is governed by the foregoing Site Plan Agreement agrees that the Site Plan Agreement shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage Dated this day of 20 STATE OF MlNNESOTA ss COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 by NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P O Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 952 227 1100 10 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349