6 Chan Rec Ctr Monthly ReportMemorandum
To: Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisor
From: Jason Heath, Facility Supervisor
Date: January 15. 1998
Subject: CRC Monthly Report
Registration for all winter youth programs with a starting date no later than February 28.
1998 is currently at 70% of capacity, with the expectation that these programs will reach
maxHnums by their starting dates.
Daddy/Daughter Date Night- Due to the success and demand of this father/daughter
Valentines program in 1997. a second night was added for 1998. Cun'ently, both dates are
near enrollment limits.
3 on 3 Basketball League - The league is at capacity this year doubling in size to 16
teams fi'om eight in 1997. In only it's Second year of existence, it is suggested based on
this ~ear's numbers, that increased interestl although not a guarantee, is' likely again in
Under existing time and space restraints; namely one gymnasium, one night a week, for
four hours, any further expansion beyond, sixteen teams is impossible. Any expansion in
1999 and beyond would require one of two scenarios, either the Bluff Creek Eleinentary
School Gymnasium would need to be Se6ured on the same evening, thus doubling the
available space, dr a second night of play would need to be added. The fon'her was
already attempted unsuccessfully in 1998 and the latter xvould strain an already saturated
recreation center gym schedule.
Chanhassen Recreation Center ~ 2310 Coulter Boulevard. ChanhasSen, Minnesota 55317. Phone: 612-474-064 · Fax.: 612-474-0651
In anticipation of this continued interest in 3 on 3 basketball, and the accompanying
logistical dilemmas of expansion, a registration priority policy will be established and
~mplemented for the 1999 season. Specifics are not available at this time~ however this
policy' will remain consistent With the mission statement of the recreation center granting
all Chanhassen taxpayers registration preference.
Future Programs
The staff is exploring ways of utilizing the batting cage in the gymnasium with~ui the
use of a pitching machine. Beginning in February, the batting cage will be available
during certain open gym times for catching and throwing only.
Look for the possibility of the CRC holding adult volleyball clinics. Usually, these
clinics require minimal planning .arid yield maximum results. Facility Supervisor Tom
Knowles will pursue this program through contacts he made while working.for
Northwest Athlefic Clubs.
Group I/Government Rentals
A final report will be submitted to Patty Dexter by January 31. 1998 detailing Group I and
'Government community room and gymnasium use for the 1997 calendar year. This
summary will include the total number of hours reserved by thcsc groups as defined by
our current rental policy and a dollar 3alue assigned to each based on rental fees for
Group II users.
Preliminary figures indicate. Group I and Government users accounted for over 700 hours
of reservations and somewhere in the neighborhood of $15.500 in waived rental fees.
Chanhassen Recreation Center' 2310 Coulter Boulevard. Chanhassen. Minnesota 55317. Phone: 612-474-0641 · Fax: 612-474-0651