Correspondence SectionAdministrative Section
January 13, 1998
Dear Angler:
On behalf of the Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce, I would like to personally invite you to tile
fifth annual February Festival Ice Fishing Contest, on February 14, at our new location Lake
Ann Park.
Tickets arc 55.00 each for adults and 52.00 each for children. Tickets may be purchased in
Chanhassen at Byerly's, tile Chamber of Commerce office, Chanhassen City Hall, Chanhassen
Recreation Center, Festival Foods, Mike Ramscy's Gold Medal Sports and Target, or in Victoria
at Cabin Fever Sports.
To order by mail, please use tile registration form included with the schedule of events. Checks
should be made out to the Chanhassen Chamber o. fCommerce.
If you have any questions, please call Jerry Ruegemer at 937-1900, extension 126.
See you on the lake!
Nancy ManlSino
?pat k f'cbfc~,t FishContesthnx
Dace Rec~"d:
~.. Name:
Phone.: (H) /~'/~'" Phone#: (W) ~:~/t~./~....~7~t/~:~~ Pager #:
S/M/T: ~,,//,~'
CODE: ]Name: / ILa~G
DOB: Age: / Sex~ : : M/F H~: W~: Hair:
Street: / Apt: City:
Phone# (H) Phone#: (W)
S/M/T: DL~:
rate: Zip:
Pa~er #:
s #
CODE Veh Yr: Make: Model: Color: Lic# Lic Srate:
Vin#: Value: Disdn~ishin~ Characteristics:
Impounded: Y/N Where: Key Disposition:
Personal Property Left in Vehicle: Placed In Propep3/ Room: Y/N
Date Entered: By: Owner Notified By: Date:
Date Cancelled: By: Date/Time:
jDate/Place Located/Recovered: By:
~,ecovered Cor~didon/hnpound Location:
SiD~ature of Complainant is required on Missing/Runaway and Vehicle Thef~ ~eports
Re~iewi.g Supe~,,isor:
Officer Assi~ned for Follow-up:
1D# Report OK: Y/N Page 1 of
(Offense/Incident Report 98-1139)
Burglary/Damage to Property
City of Chanhassen
690 Coulter Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Lake Ann Concession Stand
1456 Arboretum Blvd
Chanhassen, MN 55317
On 01/17/98 at 0431 hours, I had been dispatched to an
alarm at the City of Chanhassen's Lake Ann Concession
stand which is located at 1456 Arboretum Blvd with the
City of Chanhassen.
I had arrived on location at 0440 hours, and had
noticed as I pulled up that a door on the lower level had
been forced open. With my K-9 partner, I approached the
building and observed that the door forced open led to the
Life Guard locker room. I walked inside and noted that
the glass sliding window leading into the concession stand
area was busted out. I made an announcement that I would
release my partner if anyone was still within the building
refusing to come out.
I then waited until the arrival of the keyholder to
gain access into the other areas of the building. The key
holder was Park Superintendent Dale Joseph Gregory Dob
03/14/48. Once Mr Gregory arrived, I had made yet another
announcement before releasing my partner into the building
for a search for suspects. It should be noted that the
alarm which was silent had tripped as I had entered and
set off the single motion detector. During my search, I
did not locate any perpetrator(s).
I then advised Mr Gregory that I would look the seen
over further, and that I would then submit my report to
the City of Chanhassen.
Upon my inspection, I noted that the perpetrator(s)
had used some large square 50 some pound bricks to vand-
alize items such as the electrical meter, the water meter,
a display sign, and the outer entrance door to the locker
room. once inside, it appeared as if they damaged a tele-
phone, a weather alert monitor, and two sliding pieces of
glass. I also noted that they had pushed over several
heavy rock type garbage cans, and picnic tables. I had
photographed the damaged areas, to include some boot type
footprints. It appeared as if there had been at least two
suspects. It was somewhat difficult to try and track the
subjects as there were numerous other track from snow
skiers etc. I couldn't tell if the suspects had arrived
and left on a snowmobile or a vehicle. I also didn't feel
that my partner had indicated to me that he had any fresh
tracks to track. I noted that some of the tracks that
seemed to have come from the perpetrators seemed to be
frozen over. I felt that it was possible that the damage
had occurred some time earlier. This however doesn't
explain why the alarm company had received a trip now, and
not one prior to this alarm.
In Conclusion, I don't feel that there is any evidence
at this time pointing to a possible suspect(s).
End of Report.
Deputy Keith J. Walgrave 841
CCHA News Letter
Just a reminder: 2nd Assessments for Squirts to Bantams are
due. If you have not paid, please make out your check and mail
it to the CCHA as soon as possible.
P.O. Box 184
Chaska, Mn. 5531 $
Need a Room for a Team Meeting
If your team is looking for a room to have a team meeting, give
Bryan McGovern a call. The CCHA has access to rooms at the
CCC and the Chanhassen Rec Center. To schedule a room call
474-8516 and Bryan will make arrangements.
Spring S.T.P.
A S.T.P. program will be held for Bantams aged players. This
program focuses on strength and conditioning from April -June
with ice time scheduled in July and August.
Consideration is also being given to expansion to Pee Wees.
Watch for more information to follow.
Mini-Mites and Mites
Meetings are currently being held to discuss hour atlotments for
next years Mini-Mite and Mite programs. If you would like to
participate please contact Mark Giordano (949-8607), Bev
Erickson(496-0678), or Cindy Berens(448-7948)
Outdoor Ice
The cities of Chaska, Chanhassen,
and Victoria are committed to
establishing outdoor ice, weather
permitting. Practice schedules for
outdoor ice have been distributed to
CCHA commissioners and team
Hockey Apparel Committee
The CCHA is organizing a committee to select CCHA hockey
apparel for next season. Initially this committee will establish
the purpose for the hockey apparel, then select the style to be
offered next year at registration. The committee will meet in
March to discuss the options. If you would like to participate on
this committee or to join the group, please contact Jim Liddetl at
474-8746. If you are unable to participate but would still like to
express your opinion or preference, feel free to write down your
comments and send them to the CCHA P.O. Box.
CCHA -- Attention Apparel Committee
P.O. Box 184
Chaska Mn. 55318
Chaska Fire on Ice Tournament
Just a reminder, The CCHA is hosting a tournament at the CCC
on Saturday, January 18th and Sunday, January 19th. Our
Squirt and Pee Wee C teams will participate in the tournament.
Come Cheer them on!
Squirt game times: Saturday 7:00am & 7:00pm,
Sunday 10:45am
Pee Wee game times: Saturday 9:30am & 9:30pm
Sunday Noon
Players with a Chaska Jersey and get in Free!!!!
Looking for Volunteers
The Chaska/Chanhassen/Victoria Arena Campaign is looking
for volunteers to help with phone calling and collection of
pledges. If you are interested please call Randy Mue]ler at 443-
We need your support~l~
End of the Season Hockey Banquet?
The CCHA is looking for volunteers interested in discussing the
possibility of holding a CCHA Banquet to celebrate the 97/98
season. If you are interested in helping please contact Bryan
McGovern @ 474-8516. If you are unable to participate but
would still like to express your opinion or preference, feel free to
write down your comments and send them to the CCHA P.O.
This is your chance to help~~~
Jan 24
Jan 27
Jan 29
Feb 7
Feb 10
Attitude Is Everything,
Boys Varsity Hockey Home Game Schedule
Time Team Event
7:00 pm Eastview Poster Night - Make a Creative Poster for the Game
7:30 pm Rosemount Guaranteed Win Night
7:30 pm LeSueur Good Grades Night
7:30 pm Eden Prairie Parents Night
7:30 pm Jefferson Fan Appreciation Night
Decide to be Good
Gold Medal Sports Shootout:
During the intermission of every
home game, five kids (12 and
under) will have a chance to
win a hockey stick by shooting
into an open net.
Ice Arena Update
On behalf of the Chaska/ChanhassenNictoria Arena Committee, a special thank you to all CCHA Members who have graciously
contributed to the second sheet of ice project. I am pleased to report that the CCHA members who have turned in their individual pledge
cards have met campaign expectations. For those of you who have not turned in your pledge cards, there is still time to contribute. Please
contact me at 443-4004, your Team Manager, Coach, or Commissioner if you are interested. We appreciate your support!
We are currently in the middle of the corporate and service club phase of the campaign. The results to date are encouraging and we believe
we will meet or exceed our campaign expectations from these organizations. A special thanks to all the volunteers from the CCHA who are
leading this phase of the campaign. If you believe your employer may be in a position to contribute to our campaign, please contact me
If you are a member of a local service club, I would appreciate hearing from you. We have already received donations from the Victoria Lions
Club and Chaska Kiwanis Club. We are now trying to make contact with the following organizations:
Carver Lions
Chaska American Legion
Chanhassen Jaycees
Carver Lioness
Chaska Lions
Chaska VFW
Chaska Jonathan Jaycees
Chaska Rotary
Chanhassen Rotary
Chanhassen American Legion
If there is a service club that is not included in the above list and may be in a position to contribute, please contact me directly.
Finally, we are now in a position to ask for your help in identifying "gifts in kind" contributions to the campaign. These contributions also
qualify as a tax-deductible contribution (must be donated to the CCHA Arena Campaign). If you or your employer are interested in
contributing to the campaign through a "gift in kind", please contact me directly. We will need to coordinate this activity with the City of
Chaska. The following is a list of potential items that would fall into this category:
Item Estimated Value Item Estimated Value
Scoreboard $5,000 Team Room Furnishings $5,000
Team Boxes $25,000 Boards $85,000
Plexiglass $6,000 Rubberized Flooring $18,000
Zamboni $50,000 Goals and Nets $1,200
Sound System $6,000 Arena Lighting $25,000
Thanks again for your support. If you have an extra minute, look at the construction site behind the existing arena. The City of Chaska
continues to move forward on this project and we appreciate their efforts to support our youth.
Drive safely to those hockey games and tournaments. Go Hawks!
Chaska/Chanhassen/Victoria Arena Committee
/ce Arena Fund-Raising Campaiqn Score Sheet (pledges to date 12/29/97)
Fund Raiser Cateqory * Campaign Goal Pledges to Date
CCHA/Figure Skating $ 70,000 $ 68,435
Club Parents
Community Service $ 60,000 $ 8,000
Corporate/Business $120,000 $ 42,000
her" $ 55,000 $ 34,000
Totals $ 305,000 $152,435
Delta % of Goal Status
$ (1,565) 98%
$ (52,000) 13%
Pledges received from
45% of CCHA parent population
Service Ctub campaign underway
(78,OOO) 35%
f21,000) 62%
f152,565) 50%
Follow-up calls and personal
visits required
$30,000 from Victoria. $4000
from Engineering Repro Systems
Feasibility Study Goal: $250,000. Consulting firm fees: $50,000 (plus expenses estimated at approximately $5K). Total: $305,000 Goal.
Other includes High School Parents, Friends of the Hockey Association, Cities, Gifts in Kind (score board, ice resurfacer, lights, etc.) etc.)
Spotlight on Concessions
Gross Sales
Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
The November total includes $5400 gross sales from the
Thanksgiving Tournament. Thanks to all the parent volunteers
staffing the concessions that weekend. You did a GREAT job!!
Also special thanks to those individuals who helped staff the
concessions during the Christmas holiday. Your efforts were
definitely appreciated!
Interested In Reducing Your Cost of
Earn ice credits by working additional hours in the concessions.
Yes, it can make a difference. A summary of credits earned to
date are listed below. The schedule book is located under the
cash register in the concessions area. We still have 5-6 slots
open for January. and have just started filling for February.
March's schedule will be available February 1st.
Any dollars earned the remainder of this year can be a)
refunded to you or b) applied against next year's assessment,
it's your choice. For those that have worked through 12/31/97,
your most current statement of hours worked will be ready for
pickup at the concession area on Jan 15th.
Ice Credit Summary
Level # of Players Total Dollars
Bantam 8 $156
Girls 1 50
Pee Wee 20 760
Squid 21 1035
Mite 20 980
Minimite 6 105
These totals include 3 mite players whose parents have earned
their entire cost of hockey, 1 Pee Wee parent that has earned
$200 and 4 Squirt parents that have earned over $100 per
Let's keep it going! If you have any questions or comments
regarding the concession area, please contact Susie Blake at
p umni Game
The CCHA will host an Alumni Game March 21st
at the Chaska Community Center. Mark your
calendars to insure you save that date.
More information will be posted around the CCHA
Buy your tickets in advance and save $$$$.
Sponsored by:
Chaska Community Center and .........
The CCHA is also looking for sponsors for this event.
Call Earl Schaub for more information or to sign up as
a sponsor.
Hawkeye Productions
Volunteers will broadcast C.H.S hockey games live on cable
Channel 32 as follows:
Saturday Jan 24th
C.H.S girls vs Jefferson 2:30pm
C.H.S boys vs Eastview 4:30pm
Thursday Jan 29th
C.H.S boys vs LeSeuer 7:30pm
Saturday Jan 31st
C.H.S girls vs Kennedy 4:30pm
Skating Lessons
Do you have brothers, sisters, friends interested in skating
lessons? The spring session for skating lessons at the CCC is
February 23 - April 18.
More information can be found
at the CCC; front desk.
CCC Open Skate Schedule
The CCC is open for skating
the following hours: MWF 11:30am - 1:50pm
Wed 7:15 - 8:30 pm
Fri. 7:00 - 8:30pm
Sat. 11:00am - 1:15pm
Sun. 12:15 - 2:30pm
By: Jim Leone
Happy New Year! I trust that all of you took the time to enjoy this past holiday season.
It's hard to believe that it's 1998 and while our hockey year is approximately half over, we have already
begun making plans for our next season and are welcoming in another new calendar year. My father was
obviously right when he told me that the older you get the faster time flies. As fast as last year went must
make me a very old man. Where did 1997 go? While we are contemplating this perennial puzzle, I would
like to share with you some current events within the CCHA and plans for the upcoming year.
1). New Board Position/Member. As you may be aware, our current board made a change to it by
adding a new position; that of "Director of C6mmunications". After posting the position and several
discussions later, I am proud to announce that Randy Mueller will be taking on this role.
Randy's expertise and leadership will allow our board to move even faster toward reaching our
objectives, while keeping our 'finger of the pulse' of our association. Although the role will go
through some definition modification, Randy's main responsibilities will remain in a communication
and marketing function.
In addition, Randy will also be leading a task force to determine what factors keep kids out of
hockey to help us identify what issues we need to address and what 'markets' we need to focus on.
I am very pleased to make this announcement.
2). New Treasurer. Some of you may know that Dave Erickson had resigned his position in
December. We are very fortunate to have named Jim Roeder as our new treasurer at our last
board meeting. Jim is an experienced CPA working in Chanhassen and will be assisting us in many
new ways, as well. I am delighted to have Jim join our board.
3). Strategic Planning. I have previously addressed this topic with the association but we now
seem more 'stabilized' to take on the commitment that strategic planning takes. We will begin this
process in the spring, which will more precisely clarify our purpose, mission, and organizational
structure, roles, and goals to name a few things. Of course, our need to do this is only surpassed
by our desire to be as efficient and as effective of an association as we can be.
4). New Arena. The new arena is going to make a huge difference in our development and level of
play. We are making much progress but have not yet reached our fundraising goal. There is still
time to turn in your pledge card if you have not done so. Please contact any of the Tri-Chairs or Jim
Roeder at 906-3312 for more information.
Remember the Fram Oil commercial? You can pay me now, or pay me later? Are you aware that
the CCHA has committed to the $250,000 that we need to raise for the new ice sheet? In other
words, if we don't raise the money that we need, we will be making up the difference by paying an
increased amount for our ice time. This amount will be nearly $2/player/hour.
If you do the math, the yearly increased cost will be anywhere from $80 to $140 per player~ (.just for
the same ice time that we received this year). WE NEED YOUR PLEDGES! To date we have
received only about 50% of our members pledge cards. Please send them in as soon as possible,
and give as generously as you can or the Fram Oil slogan may become the CCHA's slogan.
Well, there is so much more to tell, but not enough time. Please contact me, or any other board member,
with your thoughts and suggestions on how we can make the CCHA an even better environment for all.
Mites and Mini Mites would, of course be less.
pancake Breakfast
Come eat Breakfast than
watch some great hockey!
Kids with hockey jerseys
get into the games
for free!
Sunday January 18th
7,'30 to 11:30 am
Adults $4.00
Children $3.00
January Game Schedule at CCC
(This information was found at www. stickstat, com)
Date Time Chaska Team
1/9/98 8:45 PM Chaska Purple Peewee
1/10/98 8:00 PM Chaska Peewee B1
1/11/98 5:15 PM Chaska Gold Squirt C
1/11/98 6:30 PM Chaska Squirt A
1/13/98 5:30 PM Chaska Purple Peewee C
1/13/98 6:45 PM Chaska Gold Squirt C
1/13/98 8:00 PM Chaska Bantam B2
1/15/98 6:45 PM Chaska Peewee B1
1/15/98 8:00 PM Chaska Bantam A
1/18/98 6:30 PM Chaska Purple Squirt C
1/20/98 6:00 PM Chaska Peewee A
1/22/98 6:45 PM Chaska Squirt A
1/22/98 8:00 PM Chaska Squirt B
1/23/98 8:45 PM Chaska Bantam A
1/24/98 11:00 AM Chaska Bantam B2
1/25/98 4:00 PM Chaska Bantam A
1/30/98 8:45 PM Chaska Peewee B1
1/31/98 2:45 PM Chaska Gold Squirt C
1/31/98 8:15 PM Chaska Bantam A
Visiting Team
CApple Valley Gold
Edina White
Eden Prairie Gray
Chaska Gold
Minnetonka Black
Eden Prairie Black
Eden Prairie
Eden Prairie Red
Eden Prairie White
Apple Valley
Apple Valley Gold
1997/1998 CCHA Board Members'
Position Name Position Name
"'""esident: Jim Leone VP of Business: Earl Schaub
· P of Competition: Steve Olinger Treasurer: Jim Roeder
Secretary: Bryan McGovem District 6 Representative: Rod Kern
Equipment Manager: Lynn Clements Ice Coordinator: Tom Redman
Concession Stand Coordinator: Susie Blake Tournament Director: Paul Berens
97/98 Bantam Commissioner:
97/98 Pee Wee Commissioner:
97/98 Squirt Commissioner:
97/98 Mite Commissioner:
97/98 Mini Mite Commissioner:
Layton Zellman
Jim Liddell
Tom Stumpf
Mark Giordano
Beverly Erickson & Cindy Berens
Other Numbers:
CCHA Merchandise:
Chaska Community Center:
Gold Medal Sports 934-3300
448-5633 (Main Desk)
Girls Coordinator
Claire Schnurr
Please take time to thank our team sponsors for their support.
They help make the Chaska Community Hockey Program possible.
1997-1998 Team Sponsors
Cooper's New Market
-St Francis Health & Physical Therapy
Emerson Motion Control
Chaska Lion's
Ankeny Kell Architects
Dairy Queen -- Chaska
Metro Athletic Supply
Chaska American Legion Post #57
The Chanhassen Bank
Lions Tap
Chaska Sanitation
Jonaco Mackine
Gold Medal Sports
Sovran, Inc.
Chaska Building Center
Rainbow Foods
Chaska V.F.W. Post #1791
Bergin Auto Body, Inc.
CP - Softsoap
Victoria Lion's
Chaska Community Hockey Association
': EO'i B0x 1
Chaska, Minnesota55318
City of Chanhassen
Todd Hoffman
690 Coulter Drive
Chanhassen, Mn. 55317
CCHA News Letter
CCHA Youth Day -- January 3rd
Mark your calendars, All Kids wearing a jersey will be
admitted free of charge to the Chaska High School
hockey game. Chaska will be hosting Wilmar @ 1:30
pm. Bring a friend in one of your spare jerseys and show
them how much fun hockey can be.
~ q~o- ~,~ ......
Just a reminder: 2nd'Assessments for Squirts to
Bantams are due. If you have not paid, please make out
your check and'mail it to the CCHA as soon as possible.
P.O. Box 184
Chaska, Mn. 55318
Mini-Mites Players
All Mini-Mites playem shouldbe receiving a schedule and
roster no later than December 26th. '~lf you do not receive
this information by then, please contact Bev Erickson @
496-0678 or Cindy Berens @448-7948.
Looking for Mini-Mites Coaches
There will be a Mini-Mite coaches meeting held on
Wednesday, December 17th at 7:00 at the Chaska
Community Center. Anyone interested in coaching,
assistant coaching, or just helping out should plan on
attending. If you are unable to attend or would like more
information, please contact Bev Erickson @ 496-0678 or
Cindy Berens @448-7948.
Clinic for Defense Player
This year Reed Larson will hold a clinic for defense
players. This clinic will focus on skills and techniques
required when playing defense.
The clinic will be held Monday, January 19~ from 9:15 to
11:15 am (no school that day).
Mark your calendar and watch ]~]
for more information.
Thank You City of Chaska!
The City of Chaska donated $747 to the CCHA. This
donation was 50% of the profits generated for the
summer rink rat program.
Thanksgiving Tournament
I would like to thank ali the parents ant volunteers for
helping at the ThanksgivingToumament and a special
thanks to Randy Maluchnik for his wonderful announcing
and Bob Stark for video recording and play-by-play of
each of Chaska's games.
_~a,,_/'_~***~z,. CCHA Tournament Director
Internet Web Page Update
District 6 has a web page full of hockey information. This
page can be found at:
Attitude Is
Boys Varsity Hockey Home Game Schedule
Bate Time Team
Dec 9 7:30 pm Kennedy
Dec 20 7:30 pm Cooper
Jan 3 3:30 pm Wilmar
Jan 6 7:30 pm Burnsville
Jan 24 7:00 pm Eastview
Jan 27 7:30 pm Rosemount
Jan 29 7:30 pm LeSueur
Feb 7 7:30 pm
Feb 10 7:30 pm
Everything; Decide to be Good
Horn e Opener
Youth Night - Free DO Dilly Bars
Youth Day - Admission Free with Chaska Jersey
Gopher Hockey Night
Poster Night - Make a Creative Poster for the Game
Guaranteed Win Night
Good Grades Night
Eden Prairie Parents Night
Jefferson Fan Appreciation Night
Gold Metal Sports Shootout:
During the intermission of every
home game, five kids (12 and
under) will have a chance to
win a hockey stick by shooting
into an open net.
1997/1998 CCHA Board Members:
Position Name
esident: Jim Leone
,/P of Competition: Steve Olinger
Secretary: Bryan McGovem
Equipment Manager: Lynn Clements
Concession Stand Coordinator: Susie Blake
97/98 Bantam Commissioner:
97/98 Pee Wee Commissioner:
97/98 Squirt Commissioner:
97/98 Mite Commissioner:
97/98 Mini Mite Commissioner:
Layton Zellman
Jim Liddell
Tom Stumpf
Mark Giordano
Beverly Erickson & Cindy Berens
Other Numbers:
CCHA Merchandise:
Chaska Community Center:
Gold Medal Sports,SL'~4:3¢00
448-5633 (Main Desk)
Position Name
VP of Business: Earl Schaub
District 6 Representative: Rod Kern
Ice Coordinator: Tom Redman
Tournament Director: Paul Berens
Girls Coordinator
Claire Schnurr
Cooper's New Market
St Francis Health & Physical Therapy
Emerson Motion Control
Chaska Lion's
Ankeny Keli ArcI'fitects
Dairy Queen -- Chaska
Metro Athletic Supply
Chaska American Legion Post #57
Please take time to thank our team sponsors for their support.
They help make the Chaska Community Hockey Program possible.
1997-1998 Team Sponsors
The Chanhassen Bank Chaska V.F.W. Post #1791
Lions Tap
Chaska Sanitation
Jonaco Machine
Gold Medal Sports
Sovran, Inc.
Chaska Building Center
Rainbow Foods
Bergin Auto Body, Inc.
CP - Softsoap
Victoria Lion's
Chaska Community: HOckeY Association
ROi' B ox ~'~:.:.?."
Chaska, MinnesOta 55318
City of Chanhassen
Todd Hoffman
690 Cocqter Drive
Chanhassen, Mn. 55317
This is Ted Coltess, I'm a neighbor of yours on Utica Lane. I'm calling in response to the letter,
and incidentally I appreciate you keeping us as homeowners in the area updated to the
proceedings, and I wanted to offer some feedback regarding the extension of the parking for the
Greenwood Shores Park. My opinion is that I am against, opposed to any type of expansion of
parking along that street. This is a residential area that we as homeowners paid to live in. We
bought into this neighborhood. The park was certainly an accouterment important to my wife,
myself, and my young family and I would be opposed to the additional exposure of that park
beyond the neighborhood and certainly to parking. I think in the past, in talking with other
neighbors, the amount of criminal activity has increased when the traffic counts or amount of
parked cars on that road has been prevalent, that has been a concern of mine. I guess basically,
this is our park and we bought into the neighborhood for it to be here. We live in Greenwood
Shores and that's Greenwood Shores Park. Others can look to buy in the neighborhood, but I
certainly don't want people .... (message ends).
Message received at 8:06 a.m., Monday, December 8, 1997
g: park'th,coltcss doc
December 4, 1997
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Mr. Tim Erhart
9611 Meadowlark Lane
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Tim:
We would like to take a moment on bchal£ of the City of Chanhassen to thank you for your
generous donation of trees. With your invitation, tiao City was able to transplant one hundred, 6' to
10' evergreen trees, xvhich have an estimated value of S20,000 fi'om your farm to public parks
across Chanhasscn. Nmnerous comments of appreciation fi'om residents residing in these areas
have been received, we are especially pleased to have access to trees grown locally. These trees
experience a vetT' high rate of transplant success.
Again, thank you for your generous contribution.
Todd Hoffinan
Director of Park and Recreation
Environmental Resource Specialist
Mayor and City Cotmcil
Park and Recreation Commission
Planning Commission
Environmental Commission
Dale Grcgot% Park Superintendent
g: pa;k fl~ I{lha~t [ hanks
612 932 I900
33~x 612. 937.5L39
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor
January 8, 1998
Blockbuster Bowling Party Evaluation
The Blockbuster Bowling Party was held on Tuesday, December 23 at the
Chanhassen Bowl. A total of 40 children participated this year and they xvere one
of the best behaved groups yet.
The children enjoyed bowling, food, beverages, and some laughs xvith their
fi'iends. A chaperone was present at each alley to help keep score and to supervise
the kids.
The Bowling Alley is very cooperative in coordinating the event. The event is
very minilnal to coordinate and should continue. The kids enjoy a low key, fun
event like the bowling patty.
g:' park':jcrryk97bowlingcx al.doc
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
January 5, 1998
Ms. Martha Reger
Area Trails and Waterways Supervisor
Milmesota Department of Natural Resources
Region 6A Trails and Waterways
9925 Valley View Road
EdcnPrairie, MN 55344
Dear Martha:
Thank you for your letter of December 31, 1997. Tile City of Chanhassen is pleased that
funds were appropriated fi'om tile 1998 LCMR budget for tile fishing pier at Roundhouse
Park on Lake Minnewashta. The Roundhouse Park project is an exciting project and we
welcome your support! Enclosed please find the legal description of the park property. If
you require additional documentation or information, simply contact me here at city hall.
Re?xn',Jin~ the coordination of installation, please have Mr. Schmidt contact Dale
Grcs:,>:v, Park Superintendent at 474-1987. We are more than willing to accommodate
the needs ~Mdrcsscd in your letter. Thank you amfin 2)r the good news.
'I'odd H o ffina n
Park and Recreation Director
Mayor and City Council
Park and Recreation Commission
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Dale Gregory, Park Superintender~t
Chanhassen Villager
,,' park tl~ R e ge r DNR
TItlS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") made and entered into this ;~ F'A day
of ~_X[5(~. ~:.m_.5~, 1995, by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a
Minnesota municipal corporation, with offices at 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen,
Minnesota 55317 (referred to herein as the "Buyer"), and KEITH T. ItARSTAD and
DIANE N. IIARSTAD, d/b/a ItARSTAD COMPANIES, of 2191 Silver Lake
Road, New Brighton, Minnesota 55112 (collectively referred to as the "Seller").
IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and agreements herein, it is
hereby mutually agreed by Seller and Buyer as follows:
I. 1) Seller shall sell to Buyer and Buyer shall purchase from Seller, upon the
terms and conditions hereof, the folloxving property (all collectively referred to as the
"Subject Property"): ............................
1 1.1) The land in Carver County, Chanhassen, Minnesota, legally
~deSCribed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, together with
? all right, title, and interest in and to any roads, rights of access, or alleys "
adjoining or servicing such land, rights-of-way, or easements appurtenant
· thereto.
Legal Description of the Subject Property
Outlot C and Outlot D, OAKS OF MINNEWASHTA, Carver County, Minnesota.
07/18/95 13
? z~'z~
i Burn off those holiday pounds
Chan Recreation Center's personal trainer can help you
By Cameron Ports
Sitting at home, watching anoth-
er re-run of %einfeld," eating
Doritos, you've thought about it,
even yearned about it, when THE
commercial comes on. You know
which one. The one with the mod-
els working out, both male and fe-
male, everyone with ripped abdom-
inal muscles.
So you pull out the rowing ma-
chine you got in the 10th grade from
storage in the garage, hook up the
wires, the loose ends, and begin
)'our road back to the world of the
Only there is a strange squeak-
ing sound coming from the rusted
out apparatus that worked so won-
derfully those first three weeks you
used it. After a feb, reps, the perspi-
ration dripping down your choles-
terol filledhead, you stop, rubbing
one bleep. ~This hurts," you ex-
claim, much to )'our own surprise.
It may be time for some profession-
al help.
And yes, even in Chanhassen,
professional help is only a phone call
away. The Chanhassen Recreation
Center, with its basketball and vol-
leyball courts, its conference rooms
and aerobics classes, its weight and
exercise room have another feature
that can help you achieve the type
of physical shape you thought you
were in when you were 19.
Meg Zegil is a certified personal
trainer who takes appointments for
clients at the Chan Recreation Cen-
ter. From clients 15 years of age to
87, she can help anyone achieve the
physical fitness they crave.
~People come to me looking for
direction. I help them pin-point
what their goals are a-nd how they
can achieve them through physical
fimess," Zegil said.
\¥qaile the idea of a personal train-
er may seem unattainable, like
something only rich clients can af-
ford, that myth is quickly vanished.
Zegil's expertise and 10 years as a
personal trainer allow her to help
her clients realize which exercises
are best suited to help them reach
their goals. She listens, and then
makes recorrm~endations.
Each client receives a first, free
consultation. After that, each fitness
plan is tailored to suit their person-
al needs. If they need one or a doz-
en sessions, it is up to the client.
For many, working out at a place
like the Chan Recreation Center
comes easily. Many people enjoy
the entire physical fitness process or
riding a stationary bike, or running
on the treadmill or working out
their own weight lifting regimen.
Others hate to work out, but force
themselves, knowing the impor-
tance of good cardiovascular fitness.
There is a third group which plays
in teams, on leagues in hockey or
basketball. And finally, there are the
ones who want to be in shape, but
need a little help, a little extra moti-
Zegil said there are people who
she works with on an on-going ba-
sis, as they slowly wean themselves
from her tutelage, eventually work-
lng on their own. She said it is im-
p. ortant for any fitness instructor to
listen to each person, to tailor their
workouts after their own lifestyles.
For instance, she said, some peo-
ple like using heavy weights, omers
don't. Some like to run on a tread-
mill, others would prefer to not.
~The people I train with on an
on-going basis, they set limits, but
then they albrays find new limits.
They find out they will be fine
while they are working out, and
then attain neb' levels," Zegil said.
At this time of the year, many
Americans, consciously or uncon-
sciously, make resolutions to get
into shape. Many wait until after the
holidays, while others say "Right
after this big meal. Then I get into
The key to any fitness regimen,
Zegil said, is keeping the person in-
terested. After a program is estab-
lished, she inquires often how they
like it, how the variety of the exer-
cises works for them.
~I don't want them to get bored.
I try to nip that in the bud before it
happens,~ she explained.
Zegil dispels the notion that a
personal trainer is someone who
stands over their clients pushing
them like a drill sergeant in the
army. Instead, she says, she sets cer-
tain goals and won't let people get
by without attaining them. She
takes a person's health history into
what each person can do. There are
Personal trainer Meg Zegil helps Cindy Skack of Chanhassen lift
weights at the Chanhassen Recreation Center last week.
strength tests and other measures to
ensure that exercises that are set are
not too strenuous.
"I remind people that this is a lif-
estyle goal. The more enjoyable it
is, the easier it is for them to work
out," she said.
Zegil works at her own schedule,
making appointments in the morn-
ing andevening to work around her
regular full-time job at the Univer-
sit3' of Minnesota. She said the di-
verse clientele makes the job fun.
Often times, she can be found work-
lng with a client at 5:30 a.m., and
then still at the Recreation Center
at 10 p.m., finishing up another
ZegiI moved to Chanhasse'n t~x'o
)'ears ago, and recently moved to
Eden Prairie, She inquired about the
need for a personal trainer, setting
up a free-lance operation she has
today. Over the past two years, the
volume continues to increase as she
takes clients seven days a week.
"I am more of the educational
tool," Zegil said. ~It is better for
them to learn more about their own
health and wellness and hopefully I
can share that knowledge with
Each class by Meg Zegil or Greg
Bagley, another personal trainer, are
one-on-one experiences. For more
information about )'our own per-
sonalized fitness program, or to
make the New Year's resolution
come true, call the Recreation Cen-
ter at 474 064I today.
BEC 1 i 1997 Thank You~.
on a goal of .--/~c~-> at the Red Cross blood drive
another laugh,
another hug, ii~
another Ch~'n~e.
Red Cross
On behalf of all the patients served by North Central
Blood Services, we sincerely thank you.
Pamela Christopherson
Donor Recruitment Representative
Donur Recruitment Department
American Red Cross
North Central Blood Services
100 South Robert Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55107
(612) 290-8939
Toll Free: 1-800-426-2164 Ext. 8939
F~tx: (612) 291-6733
Page 14 -- Chanhassen Villager -- Thursday, December 4, 1997
These students concentrated as they dipped their pretzels into the melted almond bark. After
assembling their wreath, they had to let the bark harden before adding the top layer. Teacher
Kelly Van Riesen told them that if they licked their fingers, they would have to rewash their
hands, which some had to do.
Kids in the kitchen
Recipe for fun in the kitchen:
Take nine girls and four boys,
mix with one teacher and her as-
sistant, and blend.
Next, take 18 pretzels, melted
almond bark, and gummi bears
and make them into a wreath.
Aftqr letting them set on a paper
plate, tie a licorice rope at the top,
making it suitable for hanging.
. After school on' Tuesday, stu-
dents in grades one through four
gathered for the first day of the
Chanhassen Park and Recreation
Department's ~Kids in the Kitch-
en" holiday program at the Chan-
hassen Recreation Center. The
program, geared around the holi-
days, runs through December and
allows children a chance to make
edible creations in a supervised
'I h~s ~s the first year for the hol-
iday ver~ on of 'Kid~ in the Kitch.
ch' prc~ran~. Be,zau~e of itu popu-
.~,!?,:d ~,n 'l'hu:'~ta;. afternoons.
Now, it was time for gumml bears, the c~lodul par1 of the pretze
wreath. Some chose Just red and green while others made theirS
wreaths multi-colored. Students showed their wreaths to their
parents when they came to take them home.
Instructors name
Type of class ~i "~.-0
Please rate the followin_~:
(below average=l - above average=4)
Was the instructor easy to understand/follow?
Could you hear the instructor?
Was the instructor prepared for class, organized?
%"as the instructor friendly & enthusiastic?
Did the instructor seem knowledgeable?
Did you _~et a ~ood workout?
Did the instructor make encouraging comments
to the class2
List an,,- suggestions you have concerning how to improve the
teaching of the class.
List ~ y
=n. suggestions you have on how to improve the format or
class content.
A22v other comments?
Instructors name
Type of class
Please rate the follo~ving:
(beloxv average=l - above average=4)
Was the instructor easy to understand/follow?
Could you hear the instructor?
Was the instructor prepared for class, organized?
Was the instructor friendly & enthusiastic?
Did the instructor seem knowledgeable?
Did you get a good workout?
Did the instructor make encouraging comments
to the class?
List any suggestions you have concerning how to improve the
teaching of the class.
List any suggestions you have on how to improve the format or
class content.
Any other comments?
Instructors name
Type of class
Please rate the following:
(below average=l - above average=4)
Was the instructor easy to understand/follow?
Could you hear the instructor?
Was the instructor prepared for class, organized?
Was the instructor friendly &: enthusiastic?
Did the instructor seem knowledgeable?
Did you get a good workout?
Did the instructor make encouraging comments
to the class?
List any suggestions you have concerning how to improve the
teaching of the class.
List any suggestions you have on how to improve the format or
class content.
Any other comments?
! ~, / . ,~ .~--~ ,'
5 ' ~'~)~ q.~,... \
C ,J ,
Instructors name
Type of class
Please rate the following:
(below average=l - above average=4)
Was the instructor easy to understand/follow?
Could you hear the instructor?
Was the instructor prepared for class, organized?
Was the instructor friendly & enthusiastic?
Did the instructor seem knowledgeable?
Did you get a good workout?
Did the instructor make encouraging comments
to the class?
List any suggestions you have concerning how to improve the
teaching of the class.
List any sug'~:estions you have on how to improve the format or
class content.
Any other comments?
Instructors name
Type of class
Please rate the following:
(below average=l - above average=4)
Was the instructor easy to understand/follow?
Could you hear the instructor?
Was the instructor prepared for class, organized?
Was the instructor friendly & enthusiastic?
Did the instructor seem knowledgeable?
Did you get a good workout?
Did the instructor make encouraging comments
to the class?
List any suggestions you have concerning how to improve the
teaching of the class.
List any suggestions you have on how to improve the format or
class content.
Any other comments?
l ifeguards
cut from
By Dean Trippler
It's been pretty cold lately,
but that hasn't,kept some folks
from thinking about the up-
coming summer.
Yet, one of the casualties in
this fall's budget cuts for the
c. ky.of Chantmssen is lifeguards
at Lake Ann beach. And that
may have some people con-
The lifeguard program at
Lake Ann is mn through Min-
neronka Community Educa-
tion and Services (MCES).
Chanhassen has contracted
with MCES ever since the park
opened in the 1970s. The
Chanhassen Ciw Council late
in 1997 cut the 522,000 expense
to tn- to balance the ci~,'s bud-
"The)- wanted staff to find
ways of doing tkin~ different-
lv" Todd Hoffman, park and
recreation d/rector, said of the
On the national and state
level, Hoffman said, more and
more lifeguard programs are
being eliminar'ed for budget
reasons. Parents, he said, are
going ro have to start policing
r. he;x own children at area lakes
rather than rely on the life-
guards. Lake Ann was the only
lake in town that used th~
MCES life,~uard~, program.
Even though no one nas
called Nm about the lifeguard
program being cut, Hoffman
expects that there x¢21 be feed-
back when the weather starts
getting warmer and swimming
becomes possible.
"Any dine you take a long-
standing (summer) program
and ei/minate ir, especially in
the winter, the repercussions
are often delayed," he said.
Hoffman was quick to note
that the ciD, has not been d/s-
satisfied with the lifeguards
supplied by MCES. "We've
had nothing but good relations
,xdth the program -- it's a good
se~Sce at a re,qqcm~b, lo ,~.,~" ko
tm NP
FEBRU Y14,1998
TEs V~entine's Day 6dng your ~ t0
=!ebrare winter at Ch~n5 5~ ~u~
$O00 & &i~ including a ~ V~= V~
S~k~/~ Mag 8" 2~e Aug.,
A~vid~ include: i~ fisNn& i~ s~ring, s~ng
MU, &g sled ~d~, bon~, 52000 M door
pfi~, ~d more. Tic1~= may be pur&~d in
adv~ or at ~e Fmdvfl. For det~
Chmh~n Puk & ~: at 937-I900, ext. 126.